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Personal Health career plan of Christian as a future

Self-Assessment: As a future educator, Christian recognizes their strengths lie in strong problem-
solving skills, excellent communication abilities, and a genuine passion for helping others learn.
They are a quick learner and thrive in collaborative environments. However, Christian acknowledges
the need to improve time management skills and become more comfortable with public speaking.

Career Exploration: Christian is interested in exploring a career as a teacher. The job description of a
teacher includes designing lesson plans, delivering instruction, assessing student progress, and
collaborating with colleagues to create a positive learning environment.

Decision Making: After careful consideration, Christian has decided to pursue a career as a teacher.
The pros of this career choice include the opportunity to make a meaningful difference in students'
lives, the potential for career advancement, and the stability and growth in the education sector.

Plan of Action: To achieve my goal of becoming a teacher, I'll explore teacher education programs,
gain classroom experience through internships or volunteering, improve my time management and
public speaking skills, network with educators, obtain required certifications or credentials, search
for teaching positions, and engage in ongoing professional development.

Personal Health career plan of Andrei as a future

Self-Assessment: I'm pretty good at figuring out computer stuff and explaining things to others. I
love solving tech problems and helping people with their tech issues. Plus, I learn new computer
things super fast! But I need to work on managing my time better and getting more comfortable with
speaking in front of people.

Career Exploration: I'm thinking about getting into computer science. You know, like coding cool
programs, fixing tech stuff, and working with other techies to make awesome tech projects.

Decision Making: After thinking about it a lot, I've decided computer science is what I wanna do. It
seems cool 'cause I can create cool software, maybe climb up the tech ladder later, and there's always
demand for tech skills.

Plan of Action: To pursue computer science, I'll find a program, gain experience, improve time
management, network, get certifications, search for jobs, keep learning, and reflect and improve

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