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Tyler Leger

Mr. Strosnider


9 February 2024

SPEP Reflection Essay

If I had to pick a project from my entire high school career that I was most proud of, it

would have to be my freshman AFJROTC aircraft presentation. At the end of the year everyone

had to make a presentation on a military aircraft of their choice and present it to the class. We

had to include specifics like the history of it, the aircraft’s contributions, its role in the military,

the list goes on. I feel I was successful on this assignment not only because I was one of the only

people to receive a 100% on their presentation, but also because this was on a subject that I am

extremely passionate about and want to spend my life doing.

After looking through my high school transcript I realized that there hasn’t been much

change with my grades, they’ve been pretty consistent throughout my four years of high school. I

guess the biggest change in my grades would be when I took chemistry sophomore year, both of

which semesters I failed. It was a learning experience for sure, but I put the blame mostly on the

teacher, who will remain unnamed. They weren’t great at teaching the subject to begin with.

They would assign work to do without even notifying the class. The worst part is how they only

graded assignments 4 or 5 times a semester, so I could have only one grade in the book and it

would stay that way for a month and there was really no way to tell what I was missing and what

I had turned in. But let;s move on from this.

While looking at my high school transcripts, it was easy to see areas that I could improve

in. For the most part, I could improve in English, quite a bit too. My past 7 semesters of English
have averaged around a C+, marking a clear sign of needing to improve in the area, which I’m

sure will happen over the coming years. Science and Math are the only other subjects I would

need slight improvement in, not by much though considering I averaged a mid to high B in both

throughout high school. Now I’m not just saying that I need to improve in these areas just to say

it and move on with my life. With what I was to do as a career, it will require writing reports and

having to do math in my head on the spot. This can all be accomplished through college. There, I

will take more courses to improve my intelligence and human capital to get to where I want to be

in life.

Great Oak has prepared me for college quite a bit, mostly in JROTC. In there we aren’t

just marching around all class period, we’re taught to be the future leaders of America. We are

taught the Air Force’s core values: integrity first, service before self, and excellence in all we do.

And each and every one of those cadets embodies those values, for the most part at least. In

JROTC you are taught hundreds of different life lessons and how to be a leader, and once you're

a senior, you get to put what you’ve learned to the test, you become in charge of a class of 20-40

cadets and now it is your turn to teach. I’ll try to keep this part short so I’ll just leave it at this:

without AFJROTC and my instructors, I am prepared to face the world and I would be nowhere

near to the person I am today.

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