Differences in Voice Quality Between Men and Women

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Journalof Voice

Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 59--66

© $996 Lippincott-RavenPublishers, Philadelphia

Differences in Voice Quality Between Men and Women:

Use of the Long-Term Average Spectrum (LTAS)

Elvira Mendoza, Nieves Valencia, Juana Mufioz, and *Humberto Trujillo

Department of Personality, Evaluation and Psychological Treatment, and *Area of Methodology of the Behavioral
Sciences, Departament of Social Psychology, University of Granada, Granada, Spain

Summary: The goal of this study was to determine if there are acoustical
differences between male and female voices, and if there are, where exactly do
these differences lie. Extended speech samples were used. The recorded read-
ings of a text by 31 women and by 24 men were analyzed by means of the
Long-Term Spectrum (LTAS), extracting the amplitude values (in decibels) at
intervals of 160 Hz over a range of 8 kHz. The results showed a significant
difference between genders, as well as an interaction of gender and frequency
level. The female voice showed greater levels of aspiration noise, located in the
spectral regions corresponding to the third formant, which causes the female
voice to have a more " b r e a t h y " quality than the male voice. The lower spec-
tral tilt in the women's voices is another consequence of this presence of
greater aspiration noise. Key Words: Long-Term Average Spectrum--Voice
q u a l i t y - - G e n d e r differences--Breathiness--Aspiration noise---Spectral tilt.

The ability of the human ear to identify an indi- ryngeal and supralaryngeal parameters. Regarding
vidual's gender on the basis of voice quality, re- the laryngeal variables, the importance given to the
gardless of linguistic content, has been discussed fundamental frequency (F0) as an indicator of the
previously by various investigators (1,2). Yet, the speaker's sex is noteworthy (4--7). The woman's
perceptual parameters or various strategies used to pitch has a higher frequency value than the man's
discriminate between male and female voices are pitch, although the absolute values of this differ-
not well understood. O'Kane (1) believes that this ence are in question. Depending on the study, wom-
discrimination appears to be performed routinely by an's pitch is higher by as much as 0.45 times (8) to
human listeners by extracting a limited number of 1.7 times (9) and even to an octave (I0). Given that
perceptual cues; these may include various socio- an inverse relation exists between the mean Fo and
logical factors such as cultural stereotyping. How- the membranous vocal fold's length, the physiolog-
ever, Murray and Singh (3) have suggested that lis- ical substratum appears to reside in the greater
teners are able to distinguish a speaker's gender on length of the male vocal folds (11). Daniloff et al.
the basis of such acoustic characteristics as stress (12) stated, "An individual's modal frequency is
and pitch levels, in addition to nasality versus governed in large part by the physical size, shape,
hoarseness in male and female voices, respectively. and mass of vocal folds and larynx. Also in part, our
In speech studies involving gender identification, vocal habits and training accustom us to select a
the acoustic correlates usually submitted to judg- frequency range that is comfortable, so that modal
ments of listeners have been related to a set of la- frequency is the result of a compromise between
personal habit and optimum mechanical buzz fre-
Accepted March 15, 1995. quency" (pp. 203--4). Nevertheless, some sociolin-
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Elvira
Mendoza at Facultad de Psicologfa, Campus Universitario de guistic studies have suggested that these differences
Cartuja, 18071 Granada, Spain. in voice quality across sexes may be due more to

60 E. M E N D O Z A E T AL.

sociocultural than to physiological factors, since lis- of objective acoustic measures, with the exception
teners are able to distinguish between male and fe- of the studies by Childers et al. (19,20), Childers
male voices even when the speakers are children and Wu (21), and Wu and Childers (2). Following
(i.e., when the speaker's laryngeal physiology may the line of these investigators, we tried to discover
be identical across sexes) (13). the acoustical differences between male and female
Regarding variables of the vocal tract's reso- voices by means of the mid-to-long averaging tech-
nance (VTR), research is even more scarce. Early niques, as the LTAS. This type of analysis has
research considered that the vocal tract's contribu- proven to be most valuable as an averaging measure
tion to the perception of the speaker's gender lay in because it looks at long speech segments and disre-
the formants frequencies (14). Bladon (15) detected gards linguistic contents.
that the vowels emitted by men presented narrower Besides, there are very few studies that base male
formant bandwidths with a less profound drop (a and female voice differentiations on long-term av-
flatter profile) in the spectrum than the vowels gen- eraging measures. Tarn6czy and Fant (22) com-
erated by women. Others have suggested that there pared the spectra of male and female Hungarian,
is a greater amplitude of the first harmonic com- Swedish, and German speakers with the objective
pared with the second in the female voice, as op- of studying the differences in the LTAS due to vari-
posed to that of the male voice (9,16). However, ations among these languages. Although the results ~
this difference may come from the interaction be- were confusing with respect to the main objective,
tween F 0 and harmonic structure. Klatt and Klatt Tarn6zky and Fant (22) were able to detect differ-
(9) have suggested that the voice differentiation be- ences across sexes in the different languages. The
tween the sexes comes from the generation of a above-mentioned differences centered in the 0.7-
noisier aspiration in women's larynxes compared 1.5 kHz range for male speakers, and in the I-2 kHz
with that in men. These greater levels of aspiration range for women. The differences between speak-
noise, centered in the high-frequency spectral re- ers' sex were greater than expected.
gions corresponding to the third formant, make the In another study, Schlorhaufer et al. (23) com-
female voice present a more "breathy" quality than pared the LTAS of different genders and age
the male voice (17). As a consequence of this aspi- groups. Five men, five women, and five children,
ration noise in high frequencies, it can be expected all German speakers, were studied. Although the
that the source spectrum has a lower spectral tilt, spectra of these subject groups demonstrated differ-
given that upon increasing the aspiration noise in ences, the researchers did not attempt to quantify
the third formant, the general spectral tilt is slower. these differences. Wu and Childers (2) conducted a
L6fqvist and Manderson (18), using the Long-Term study aimed at establishing different templates for
Average Spectrum (LTAS) as an analytic proce- both sexes, stating that gender information should
dure, determined this overall tilt of the source spec- be invariant, phoneme independent, and speaker in-
trum through the ratio of energy between 0-1 and dependent for a given gender. They added that
1-5 kHz. However, Klatt and Klatt (9) established a these conditions can be better ensured by employ-
greater spectral drop in "breathy" voice down to ing long-term averaging measures. Following their
~2 kHz ( - 1 8 dB/octave in breathy vowels com- suggestions, we believe that averaging measures,
pared with - 1 2 dB/octave in laryngealized and such as LTAS, emphasize the specific information
modal vowels), maintaining the aspiration noise of each subject's gender.
from that frequency onwards. The differences be- Improvement of the systems of synthesis of the
tween the establishment of the type of spectral drop female voice has been one of the major goals of
proposed by both authors and probably due to the previous studies using methodological procedures
fact that L6fqvist and Manderson (18) centered similar to ours. That is the reason for studying in
their investigation on pathological voices rather depth the objective acoustic differentiation between
than on normal voices as in the Klatt and Klatt male and female voices. Given that the majority of
study (9). current voice synthesizers function with male
Despite the great body of knowledge that has pro- voices, it is difficult to obtain voice synthesis of
gressively accumulated concerning the differences women's or children's voices with an acceptable
between the anatomy, physiology, and acoustics of level of naturalness. According to Titze (11), this
male and female voices, very few attempts have may be due to the fact that the main parameter uti-
been made to classify both types of voices by means lized in the generation of synthesized voices has

Journal of Voice. Vol. 10. No. I. 1996


been the F0. However, the differential synthesis of native Spanish speakers. None had a history of
male and female voices implies much more than a speech or auditory problems, and none suffered
mere scale of F 0' and some basic differences in the from colds or respiratory infections during the
phonatory and articulatory mechanisms need to be length of their involvement in the study. The voices
considered. Titze's suggestion leads one to believe of all subjects were determined to be normal (non-
that a great advance in the acoustic differentiation dysphonic) by two expert speech-language pathol-
of male and female voices is required in order to ogists.
improve the current systems of analysis and syn-
thesis of both genders' voices. Klatt and Klatt (9)
Experimental task
stated that the principal difficulty in achieving this
The experimental task involved the reading of a
objective stemmed from the diversity of acoustic
standard text, taken from the Spanish translation of
indexes employed in the majority of the studies.
Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland, which lasted
Acoustic phonetics has established the frequency
- 3 minutes and was composed of three paragraphs.
distribution of formants as the relevant variable in
The subjects were instructed to read the text in their
the identification of sounds, generally doing so by
natural voice and at a normal speed. All recording
specifying a formant's frequency for its central
samples took place in a soundproof room at the
value. The determination of these central values be-
University of Granada's Voice Laboratory. The re-
comes more difficult as the fundamental value is
cording microphone was held at a distance of 20 cm
increased. Due to the existence of the higher level
from the mouth, in order to avoid possible aerody-
in the F 0 voices of women and children, the systems
namic interferences (25).
of analysis lose resolution, which impedes the eval-
uation of the formant's frequency points in these
cases (24). Furthermore, the informal observations Apparatus
of Klatt (17) suggest that the vocal spectra obtained The recording was performed with an AKG D 222
from female voices do not completely conform to EB microphone with a flat response and a SONY 77
the all-pole model, possibly because of their tra- ES Digital Audio Tape (DAT) with a sampling fre-
cheal joint and source-filter interactions. Titze (11) quency of 48 kHz, keeping the volumen of the DAT
questions whether the source-filter theory of between - 30 and - 20 dB. The voice samples were
speech production would have followed the same introduced via a direct connection to a DSP Sona-
development if the earlier models had been based Graph, model 5500 (Kay Elemetric), and were an-
on female voices. alyzed with the LTAS portion of the Voice Analysis
In the present study, we first attempted to deter- Program. LTAS calculates a power magnitude
mine, by means of the LTAS, if a spectral profile spectrum across the frequency range of the input
characteristic of a speaker's gender exists and, if signals. LTAS is different from the power spectrum
so, to delineate the existing differences between in that it includes only voiced segments, and it con-
male and female voice profiles obtained by this tinuously averages the input signal for 30-90 s. The
method. Second, we sought to demonstrate that the advantage of screening out unvoiced signals is that
differences between both types o f voices can be these unvoiced signals may corrupt the average of
attributed to the existence of aspiration noise in the the voiced segments, and it can mask the informa-
spectral regions corresponding approximately to tion of the voice source (18). The LTAS program
the third formant. As described earlier (9), it is be- screens the input signal for voiced information
lieved that this causes female voices to be emitted based on a simple zero-crossing and energy criteria
with a more "breathy" quality than that of male (26). The program was adjusted to include spectra
voices. of voice signals, and its discrete power spectrum
was added to the accumulated average. The pro-
gram will not include spectral signals if voicing is in
Subjects The following elements were selected for the
Fifty-five subjects (24 men and 31 women), analysis: a frequency range of 8 kHz, an input shap-
whose ages ranged from 20 to 50 years (with an ing in FLAT, maintenance of the memory's channel
average of 28 and 30 years, respectively), partici- at 38 s, a transform size of 128 points, the channel
pated voluntarily in this study. All subjects were sensitivity at 45 dB, and the AC-coupled option.

Journal of Voice, Vol. 10, No. 1, 1996

62 E. M E N D O Z A E T AL.

Acoustic analysis and the frequency level factor (L) in kHz, along 50
The acoustic analysis was conducted with the frequency levels. The amplitude, measured in deci-
second paragraph of the text in order to avoid any bels, was analyzed as the dependent variable. Fig-
influence of possible vacillations at the beginning of ure 1 presents the means in each frequency level.
the reading and any fall in intensity or intonation at The results of the ANOVA are shown in Table 1. A
the end of the text. significance level of 0.05 in the sex factor and a
The analysis was performed on the amplitude val- level of 0.001 in the level frequency factor were
ues, in decibels, at intervals of 160 Hz, thus, ob- used. As Table 1 shows, there was a significant
taining a total of 50 measurements for each subject, main effect for the sex factor [F(1,53) = 6678; p <
corresponding to the values, which in turn corre- 0.013]. Likewise, the main effects for the level fre-
sponded to each of the frequency levels in the total q u e n c y factor were significant [F(49,257) =
range of 8 kHz (0.160, 0.320, 0.480, 0.600 . . . 8 1509.978; p < 0.001]. Significant differences were
kHz). also seen in the interaction between these two fac-
tors S x L [F(49,2597) = 9.336; p < 0.001].
RESULTS Given the first objective of the study, the signif-
icant interaction differences between speakers'
For evaluating the possible differences in the dis- voices according to sex were analyzed with a one-
tribution of energy between the male and female way ANOVA for each frequency level. The results
spectra and, as such, to assess at what frequencies indicated that the spectral amplitude of women's
they may exist, an analysis of variance (ANOVA) 2 voices is greater (p < 0.001) in the following fre-
x 50 was conducted. The analysis began with the quency levels: 0.8, 0.96, 2.88, 3.04, 4.16, 4.32, 4.48,
gender factor (G) at two levels, male and female, 4.64, 4.80, and 4.96 kHz.






0.16 0.96 1.76 2.56 3.36 4.16 4.96 5.76 6.56 7.36


FIG. 1. Graphic representation of the mean values of amplitude (in decibels) corresponding to female and male voices in each frequency
level analyzed (in kilohertz).

Journal of Voice, Vol. 10, No. 1, 1996


Results of analysis of variance for the mixed factorial design G x (L), being
T A B L E 1.
G the gender factor (men and women), manipulated between subject, and L the level
frequency factor (50 levels), manipulated within subjects. The dependent variable is the
amplitude in decibels
Degrees of
Source Sum of squares freedom Me a n square F

G e n d e r (G) 584.547 1 584.547 6.6784

Error 4,638.928 53 48.135
L e v e l (L) 381,473.979 49 7,785.183 1509.978 b
Level x Gender 2,358.630 49 48.135 9.336 b
Error 13,389.684 2,597 5.156

a p = 0.013. bp < 0.001.

Later a discriminant analysis using amplitude as as Klatt and Klatt (9) suggested, the energy concen-
the criterion factor and the frequency levels as the tration at the level of the third formant and the over-
prediction factor was conducted to assess if all the all tilt of the spectrum source were analyzed. The
frequency levels were equally important in the dif- amplitude of the frequency points had previously
ferentiation of voices across gender. The results of been examined, showing significantly higher values
this analysis are presented in Table 2. As seen, the for female voices. In analyzing the overall tilt of the
frequency levels included in the gender discrimina- spectral source, the ratio of energy between 0-I
tion equation for those acoustic factors are 0.96, kHz and I-5 kHz was calculated, as suggested by
1.44, 1.92, 3.04, 3.20, 3.36, and 8 kHz. The classi- L6fqvist and Manderson (18). The results indicated
fication of subjects in this study through the dis- that this ratio is greater among male speakers (mean
criminant function was found to be 100%. = 5.215; SD = 1.286) than among females (mean =
To evaluate the question of whether or not female 4.565; SD = 0.731). These differences are statisti-
voices presented greater levels of aspiration noise cally significant [F(1,53) = 5.600; p < 0.022].
in the spectral regions corresponding to the third
formant and a lower spectral tilt than male voices,

T A B L E 2. Discriminate analysis utilizing amplitude as The results of this study showed that (a) signifi-
the criterion factor and the frequency levels as the cant differences were present between genders in
predictable factor
the distribution of energy throughout the analyzed
F to enter U Approximate Degrees of frequency values, taken from voice samples. This is
Variable remove statistic F statistic freedom
reflected in the interaction effects of the gender and
F096 7.326 0.1468 56.958 5.49 the frequency level factors found in the ANOVA.
F144 7.156 0.1613 50.942 5.49
F192 4.031 0.1849 55.103 4.50 (b) Significant differences were not found in all of
F31M 44.916 0.5413 44.916 1.53 the spectrum's frequency levels, but rather were
F320 5.321 0.1105 54.024 7.47
F336 4.567 0.1214 48.610 7.47 concentrated in the frequencies between 0.80 and 5
FS00 4.949 0.1332 52.081 6.48 kHz, particularly in the frequencies 0.96, 1.44, 1.92,
Classification Matrix
3.04, 3.20, and 3.36 kHz. According to the results of
No. of cases classified the discriminant analysis, this is the spectral region
into group
that best differentiates the speaker's gender. (c) The
Group Percent correct Women Men spectra corresponding to women's voices showed a
Women 100.0 31 0 lower overall tilt; this was found on the ratio of
Men 100.0 0 24
Total 100.0 31 24
0-1/1-5 kHz. (d) The LTAS, as an average measure
of continuous voice signals, is a useful instrument
Jackknifed Classification
No. of cases classified
for detecting these sex-related differences and for
into group determining the spectral regions where such differ-
Group Percent correct Women Men ences are centered.
Women 100.0 31 0
From the results of the discriminant analysis, it is
Men 100.0 0 24 seen that the frequency points of 0.96, 1.44, 1.92,
Total 100.0 31 24
3.04, 3.20, 3.36, and 8.00 kHz are most important in

Journal of Voice, Vol. 10, No. 1, 1996

64 E. M E N D O Z A ET AL.

voice quality differentiation. Within the above- studied the energy present in frequencies >8.0 kHz
mentioned frequency points, those corresponding in vowel emission by normal subjects. These au-
to 3.04, 3.20, and 3.36 kHz are located in the spec- thors detected significant differences in the energy
tral regions near the third formant, and the higher distribution between vowels/a/and/u/. Following a
values correspond to the female voices. The impli- methodology similar to that of Shoji et al., we dis-
cations of these results agree with the proposal of covered differences in the configuration of the spec-
Klatt and Klatt (9) that the acoustic characteristics tral energy in the regions ranging from 6-10 kHz
of female voices lead to a "breathier" quality than and 10-16 kHz between vowels, and between dys-
in male voices. These authors, as indicated in the phonic and nondysphonic speakers (28). We believe
introduction, suggest that this quality can be ex- that the differentiation established by the discrimi-
plained by a longer opening and the presence of a nant analysis at the frequency point 8.0 kHz should
posterior opening between the vocal folds, which move in this direction. Nevertheless, as LTAS re-
would generate aspiration noise in the region of the quires a great amount of memory when dealing with
third formant. long speech segments, our currently available
Klatt and Klatt (9) locate another consequence of equipment does not allow the study of the spectral
these physioanatomical characteristics in the lower zone >8.0 kHz using LTAS.
spectral tilt, because of the greater concentration of Our results agree with those of Klatt and Klatt (9)
aspiration noise in higher frequencies. Lrfqvist and regarding the presence of greater aspiration noise in
Mandersson (18) indicate a way of quantifying the the region of the third formant in the female voice,
general spectral tilt via LTAS. They determined the noise that causes, according to these authors, the
energy drop in the spectra of hyperfunctional voices female voice to present a "breathier" quality than
by the ratio 0-1/I-5 kHz. The present study has the male voice. This quality may be possibly due to
confirmed the differences between male and female learning/imitation of models and perhaps restricted
voices to be in this ratio. As the lower values were to American women. The existence of similar ef-
registered in the female voices, a slower general tilt fects in the results of analysis of the speech of Span-
was seen in this group. However, as seen in Fig. I, ish women indicate that this characteristic may not
the spectral tilt in women's voices is greater by be restricted exclusively to one female nationality
> 1.60 kHz. This means that the general lowering of subject group. It would be necessary to study this
the spectral tilt (until 5.0 KHz) is due to a greater particular aspect in various other subject groups be-
concentration of energy in the higher frequencies fore generalizing this finding.
(1.60-5.0 KHz), according to Klatt and Klatt (9). The differences in the methodological procedures
These results suggest that the spectral tilt ratio in this study and in previous studies make it difficult
should locate the cut-off point between high and to compare results. The materials that have served
low frequencies at 1.60 kHz (0-1.60/1.60-5.0) in- as stimuli in the acoustical differentiation of the
stead of at 1 kHz, as proposed by LOfqvist and speaker's sex have consisted of syllables (29), sus-
Manderson (18). We believe that the different cutoff tained vowels (30), and vowels in syllabic contexts,
point put forth by the latter authors is due to their as well as prolonged voiced and unvoiced fricatives
having attempted to distinguish between hyper- and (2,20). The VTR parameters used most frequently
hypofunctional voices, whereas this study's sub- in these studies have been the frequency, ampli-
jects presented with no vocal pathology. tude, and bandwidth of the first four formants.
An ANOVA was conducted with this new cutoff However, using a long-term averaged spectrum,
point, 1.60 KHz, to see whether this value could such as LTAS, one cannot affirm that the points of
establish clearer differences between male and fe- greater amplitude that appear along this spectrum
male voices. As such, the statistical significance in- correspond to formant values as they are relative to
creased =[F(1,53) = 9.023; p < 0.004]. specific sounds. In addition, the procedures em-
According to the discriminant analysis, another ployed in the earlier studies differ from those of the
frequency point, 8.0 kHz, exists that indicates dif- present study: electroglottography, inverse filter-
ferences between the speaker groups. In all likeli- ing, spectral analysis, and linear predictive coding
hood, another procedure of acoustical analysis is (LPC) analysis prevail in the literature, whereas,
necessary to further investigate this question. this study used the LTAS. Nevertheless, despite
The existence of noisy energy in frequencies the procedural and analytical differences between
>8.0 kHz has already been studied. Shoji et al. (27) previous studies and the present research, the re-

Journal of Voice, Vol. 10, No. I, 1996


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Journal of Voice, Vol. 10, No. I, 1996

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