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The analysis the use of intelligent electric networks and Smart Grid
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Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1679 (2020) 052083 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1679/5/052083

The analysis the use of intelligent electric networks and Smart

Grid systems

A S Lukovenko1,3, V V Kukartsev1,2, E I Semenova1, A A Leonteva2, D K Gek1 and

O A Shagaeva2
Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology, 31 Krasnoyarsky
Rabochy Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russian Federation
Siberian Federal University, 79 Svobodny pr., Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russian
The branch of JSC «FGC UES» Krasnoyarsk enterprise MES Siberia, 105/5,
Pogranichnikov, Krasnoyarsk, 660111, Russian Federation


Abstract. Currently, much awareness is paid to the effects of smart grids on efficiency of power
systems and energy districts, and the selection of suitable operating modes for equipment for
transmitting electric energy. Modern intelligent networks have an impact on ensuring a stable
state of power system operation modes, increasing their reliability in operation, and increasing
the quality of electric energy. The article analyzes the use of intelligent electrical networks and
intelligent network systems in both Western countries and the Russian Federation. Statistical
data on electricity consumption and forecast values for this rate of consumption are given. In the
future, until 2020-2025, there will be a gradual transition to a new type of electric grid
organization - smart grids. The use of electric power systems in conjunction with innovative
digital information management systems will significantly change the technical and economic
characteristics of future power systems in a positive way. The comparison of technical
parameters of traditional and intelligent electric networks, as well as the classification of the
main groups of devices controlled (flexible) by AC power transmission systems is carried out.
Systems are divided according to the principle of power regulation. Implemented projects of
using flexible alternative current transmission system devices in the world are presented. As a
result of the analysis, it was found that China is actively developing managed (flexible) AC
power transmission systems, with a large amount of investment from the state, the volume of
investment is much larger and amounts to about $ 70 billion per year.

1. Introduction
Nowadays, Over the past decade, the vector of economic development in the world and in Russia has
shifted from the West to the East, and for Russia, to Eastern Siberia and the Far East. It is in the countries
of the Asia-Pacific region, which includes Russia, that industry, infrastructure, high-tech industries, and
the social sphere are currently actively developing. The Russian Federation is no exception to this trend
One of the key areas in which the implementation of large investment projects is required is energy
[4, 5].

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Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1679 (2020) 052083 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1679/5/052083

So, in 2013, the development strategy for the electric grid complex of the Russian Federation was
approved, developed for the period until 2030 in pursuance of Decree of the President of the Russian
Federation of November 22, 2012 N 1567 [2]. The strategy covers the main activity of electric grid
complexes - transmission and distribution of electric energy and directly related aspects of related
activities (generation and marketing of electric energy) in the Russian Federation.
The main goal (mission) of the electric grid complex is to provide long-term reliable, high-quality
and affordable energy supply to the consumers of the Russian Federation by organizing the most
efficient and in line with international standards network infrastructure at tariffs for the transmission of
electric energy, providing an acceptable level of costs for electric energy for the Russian economy and
the investment attractiveness of the industry through an adequate return on capital [2].
Statistical data on electricity consumption and forecast values are presented in figure 1 [6].

Figure 1. Statistics of electricity

consumption data and forecast
values at this rate of corruption.

The increase in demand for electricity is due to the implementation of a number of projects to increase
the production of metallurgical plants; oil and gas production and transportation; reconstruction of BAR
[7, 8].
A primary task is to connect isolated areas to the UES (Western and Central energy district of the
Republic of Sakha, Crimea and Sevastopol).

2. Global Trends in the Development of Intelligent Electric Networks

The global development of electric power systems (EES) is aimed at the use of so-called intelligent
electric networks (IEN) and Smart Grid systems.
The Smart Grid market has been forming since the mid 2000s, there is an intensive development of
these technologies. The leaders are the countries of Western and Northern Europe, USA, China [6]. In
the long term, until 2020-2025, a gradual transition to a new type of organization of the electric network
— smart grids (figure 2) [3, 9, 10] will take place throughout the world.

Figure 2. Unified automated smart Grid


Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1679 (2020) 052083 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1679/5/052083

According to GTM RESEARCH, the total capacity of the global Smart Grid market will reach $400
billion by 2020, with an average CAGR (Compound Annnual Growth Rate - average annual growth
rate) of 8.4%. At the same time, the largest market is China (24%). Further, the United States (23.9%),
countries of the Asia-Pacific region (21.2%) and Europe (20.6%). Latin American markets are projected
at a share of 10.2% (figure 3) [6]. When we talk about smart grids in Western countries, we mean that
this is a desire for regulated relationships between the operation and cooperation of closely stationed
generating facilities, electric networks and customers due to intellectual potential and fault tolerance.

Figure 3. Global Grid market forecast.

First of all, they are interested in the possibility of including small generating sources of electricity,
adapting to the dynamics of consumption and ensuring energy conservation. Their market depends on
the demand for local smart grids, and they are least concerned with managing the performance of power
systems at the interregional, national, and international levels [4].
For the Russian Federation, energy supply to customers occurs in complicated economic, technical
and climatic conditions, focused on large generating items. Currently, the Russian electric power
industry is experiencing a completely different level of implementation of volumetric systems with a
fairly high level of complexity of system interconnection. For this reason, it is necessary to rebuild the
entire global energy system on the principles of multifunctional automation.
On the long-term goal of gradually restoring coordination of the management of the energy systems
of the CIS countries on a bilateral and multilateral basis. In Russia, the approach to the problem of
connecting small and alternative energy facilities and associated local energy networks to existing grids
is different [4].
The smart grid is a significantly new state of the electric grid economy, which involves the
interconnection of electric grids, consumers and producers of electricity at the technological level in
unified automated system. He will independently control the operating modes of all participants in the
process of generation, transmission and consumption of electricity in real time. Receiving feedback
through a branched system of sensors in the On-Line mode, the smart grid should automatically respond
to all changes in the network, making optimal decisions to prevent accidents and power supply with
maximum reliability and economic efficiency [5, 11].
The use of IES in conjunction with modern digital information and control systems (IMS-digital
system for monitoring or controlling a real object) [7] is based on synchrophasors that register changes
in currents and voltages in their nodes with a frequency of 1-60 times per second (linear voltage regulator
of the SEL controller -2431, platform Axion SEL - 2240-modular PMU), which will change the
technical and economic characteristics of future power systems in a positive direction (table 1) and
ensure high social efficiency of their functioning (social efficiency of production shows how its
development corresponds to the achievement of its main goals - to serve the consumer, to satisfy the
personal needs of each person) [3].

Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1679 (2020) 052083 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1679/5/052083

The development of IN in Russia is largely determined by the Regulation of PJSC ROSSETI: “On a
Unified Technical Policy in the Electric Grid Complex”, approved by the Board of Directors of PJSC
ROSSETI on 02.22.2017, protocol No. 252 [12]. This document focuses on the most advanced technical
solutions, sets the list and application boundaries of certain technical solutions, equipment and
technologies aimed at improving the technical level of the processes of transmission, conversion and
distribution of electricity, processes of management, operation and development of the electric grid
complex Of Russia.

3. Classification of devices for controlled (flexible) AC transmission systems

The term controlled (flexible) AC power transmission systems - Flexible Alternative Current
Transmission System (FACTS) was coined by the Institute of Electrical Energy EPRI (USA) [9].
FACTS is one of the most promising electric grid technologies, the essence of which is that the electric
network is transformed from a passive device to transport electricity into a device that is actively
involved in controlling the operating modes of energy systems.
FACTS network devices are divided into groups (figure 4).
FACTS devices can also be divided by the degree of regulation (figure 5) [10]: inductive, capacitive,
universal, and phase control.
According to [9], FACTS devices are divided into 1st and 2nd generation devices.
Devices of the first generation (facts-1) include devices that provide voltage regulation (reactive
power) and the required degree of reactive power compensation in electrical networks (static reactive
power compensator (STC), thyristor-controlled reactor, stationary thyristor-controlled series capacitor,
phase-shifting transformer, etc.).
Table 1. Technical parameters of traditional and intelligent networks
Management and monitoring
Traditional network Intelligent Electric Network
Backbone backbone transport networks
Systems for assessing the Passive Active
current state (mode) of power
Automatic control system for Manual control Automatic control
power line loading with issuing
control actions for its unloading
The system of automatic Manual control Automatic control
voltage control at the control
points of power lines and
voltage mode control
General distribution networks
The system of automatic control Slightly Everywhere
of the sub-node balance of
active and reactive power
System for monitoring and No Yes
controlling the quality of
electric energy in network
Centralized automatic load No Yes
management system for
System for assessing the current No Yes
state (mode) of the network

Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1679 (2020) 052083 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1679/5/052083

Presence of managed network No Yes

elements that change network

Consumer Networks
Automated power metering Extremely insufficient In the required amount
Voltage regulation and reactive Extremely insufficient In the required amount
power compensation system
Local (reserve) sources of Practically absent Widespread use of small generation +
generation energy storage
The presence of a No Yes
communication interface with a
single control center
Intelligent energy-saving
technologies in power supply
No Yes
systems (“smart home”; “smart

Figure 4. The main groups of FACTS devices.

Figure 5. The main groups of FACTS devices according to the

principle of regulation.

Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1679 (2020) 052083 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1679/5/052083

The latest generation of second-generation FACTS (FACTS-2) include devices that provide control
of operating parameters based on fully controlled power electronic devices (GTO - gate disconnecting
thyristor, and then IGBT-isolated gate bipolar transistor, IGCT - integrated gate - switched thyristor).
The IGBT bipolar power transistor combines the properties of a bipolar and a field-effect transistor.
It is controlled by applying voltage to a gate isolated from the circuit. A characteristic feature of this
transistor is the low value of the control power, which is used for switching high-power power circuits.
FACTS-2 have a new quality of regulation - vector, when not only the value, but also the phase of
the voltage vector of the electric network is regulated (static reactive power compensator (STATCOM),
integrated power flow controller (ORPM), phase-shifting devices (FPU), asynchronous synchronous
compensator including flywheel (ask), etc.).
The main implemented projects for the use of controlled (flexible) AC power transmission systems
(AC) in foreign countries implementing the implementation of the Smart Grid platform are shown in
table 2 [13-16].

Table 2. Implemented projects for the application of controlled (flexible) AC power transmission
systems (FACTS) in foreign countries.

Project Country Description

Malmberget Sweden Static reactive power compensator (SVC) was commissioned in 2013
Iron Mine at an underground mining facility in the Malmberget field in northern
Project Sweden.
SVC SVC is designed to stabilize the supply voltage at the mine during
various load cycles, to correct the power factor, as well as to improve
the quality of electricity in conjunction with planned projects to expand
the mine’s capacity.
Electricity consumers that SVC will compensate for include six mine
elevators connected to a 21.5 kV bus, four elevator AC converters,
each rated at 3.99 MW, and two 6-pulse elevator DC converters, each
8.15 MW and a total of 32.3 MW. The load cycle lasts approximately
70 seconds. and consists of the phases of acceleration, full speed
operation and braking. During this time, the load changes to a large
extent, causing voltage fluctuations on the supply bus, as well as at the
point of common connection. Thanks to the SVC installation, it was
possible to stabilize and increase the voltage level on the mine bus.
Project Des Canada A longitudinal compensation capacitor to increase the volume of
Hêtres hydroelectric power transmission through a 230 kV power grid.
A longitudinal compensation capacitor with a nominal power of 108
MVAr is used in the Hydro-Québec 230 kV power transmission
network at the Des Hêtres 230/120/69 kV substation in Quebec,
Canada. Longitudinal compensation is designed to increase the
capacity of the existing interconnecting power transmission line, which
transports electricity from several hydroelectric power stations to
consumption areas.
Project Germany, In 2003 and 2011, phase-shifting transformers (FPT) were installed in
Chénier, Italy, USA Germany (230 kV Substation Amprion, FPT power 600 MVA), Italy
Terna, (400 kV Terna Substation, FPT power 1630 MVA), USA (230 kV
Shiprock Substation Shiprock, power 2x200 MVA, substation 230 kV Watterflot
2x300 MVA).

Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1679 (2020) 052083 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1679/5/052083

London United In order to receive electricity from the public network, the London
Undergroun Kingdom Underground closed its old 180 MW liquid fuel power plant on Lots
d Project Road.
In 2009, a static reactive power compensator (SVC) was
commissioned. The device was included in the 11 kV power supply
network to work with other similar compensators, which were
launched in mid-2000. As a result of the last installation, the number of
SVC devices increased to six units. In addition, several stand-alone
harmonic filters are used, which are currently operating at critical
points in the 22 kV and 11 kV networks of the London Underground.
Golden Alaska Static reactive power compensator (SVC) to maintain voltage across
Valley pipe fittings. Golden Valley Electric Association (GVEA), located in
Electric Fairbanks, Alaska, uses the Static Reactive Power Compensator (SVC)
Association built in 2005 in its 138 kV power grid. The SVC compensator is
Project installed at Jarvis Creek Substation in the Delta area. Junction in the
central part of Alaska, has a rated power of 8 MVAr (inductive) to 36
MVAr (capacitive) at a voltage of 138 kV. In addition, it is capable of
supporting a nominal increased capacitive power of 45 MVAr for two
Rourkela- India Longitudinal Compensation Devices (TCSC) to ensure stable
Raipur transmission of excess power from East to West India
Project Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd (PGCIL) acquired two thyristor-
controlled longitudinal compensation capacitors (TCSC). The batteries
were installed on a double-circuit 400 kV intersystem power line
Rurkela-Raipur, combining the eastern and western regions of the
network. The length of the connecting line is 412 km. The main
purpose of this large AC connecting line is to export surplus energy
from the eastern regions to the western part of India during normal
operation, as well as during emergencies. TCSC devices are installed at
the end of Raipur power lines. They carry out damping of intersystem
power swing between regions, which otherwise could constitute a
limitation on the transmission of electricity through this intersystem
Cerro Navia Chile The system is designed to stabilize the network voltage and increase
Project the capacity of power lines in Chile.
In 2011, the FACTS system, which includes STATCOM (static
synchronous compensator) and SVC (static reactive power
compensator), was delivered and put into operation by ABB in the
Transelec network in Chile.
DynaPeaQ United UK Power Networks, a British distribution company, in collaboration
Dynamic Kingdom with ABB and Durham University, has installed the DynaPeaQ
Energy dynamic energy Storage system at one of its facilities in Norfolk,
Storage England. The system is based on ABB SVC Light technology in
System, UK combination with lithium-ion battery energy storage.
Power The device is connected to an 11 kV network with significant
Networks penetration of wind energy.
The UK Power Networks dynamic energy storage system was designed
and built by ABB on a turnkey basis. It complements the
internationally recognized technology of ABB SVC Light, a high-
speed IGBT transistor based on a PWM-controlled Converter (pulse-

Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1679 (2020) 052083 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1679/5/052083

width modulation) used for tasks such as voltage regulation, flicker

suppression, and active filtering.

Over the past decade, Russia has seen increasing interest in the field of scientific and technological
innovation transformation of the electric power industry, which is rapidly developing worldwide and is
based on the new concept of Smart Grid [17, 18].
As an example, table 3 shows the main implemented projects for the use of controlled (flexible) AC
power transmission systems in the Russian Federation [6, 9].
Table 3. Implemented projects for the application of controlled (flexible) AC power transmission
systems (FACTS) in Russia.

Project Country Description

ASK-100-4 Russia 500 kV The asynchronized compensator ASK-100-4UHL4 with a
asynchronous Substation capacity of 100 MVAr is designed as a turbogenerator with a
reactive power Beskudnikovo horizontal axis of the rotor axis and a synchronous speed of
compensator 1500 rpm. It is used in electrical networks to eliminate
with a reactive power shortages and regulate voltage in the network.
capacity of They are capable of generating and consuming reactive
100 MVA power in a wide range, and also have high overload capacity,
which ensures the stability of the adjacent power system in
case of accidents. A pilot sample of the device is installed on
a substation of 500 kV Beskudnikovo
DC current Russia STATCOM at the 220 kV Mogocha substation allows you to
insert (CT) Substation 220 maintain the necessary level and quality of voltage, increase
based on kV Mogocha the capacity of power lines. A prototype device with a
STATCOM capacity of 50 MVAR, developed by JSC "NTK electric
power", is the basic element for creating a number of
innovative systems for reactive power compensation and
regulation of electricity consumption, including modern
power transmission and DC inserts.
The existing 220 kV connection between the power systems
of Siberia and the East is open due to the inability to ensure
its stable operation. Operation of a 200 MW non-
synchronous communication network at the 220 kV Mogocha
substation (Zabaikalsky Krai) will allow to normalize voltage
levels in the 220 kV network, carry out an emergency
exchange of power reserves between the two power systems,
and ensure uninterrupted power supply to the TRANS-
Siberian and Baikal-Amur highways. Currently, THE PT has
not yet been put INTO operation, and commissioning tests
are underway.
Static Russia In 2003, a trial commissioning of the STK equipment
Thyristor Substation 550 complex with a capacity of 100 MVA was carried out at the
Compensator kV Novo- 500 kV substation Novo-Angerskaya MES of Siberia.
(STK) Anzherskaya Smooth control of reactive power in the STK is carried out
by changing the opening angle of the reactor thyristors.
DC Insert Russia The world's largest HWP, introduced in 1980, which allows
Substation the connection of two non-synchronously operating energy
systems in Russia and Finland. At the same time,

Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1679 (2020) 052083 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1679/5/052083

330/400 kV independent regulation of frequency and voltage in AC

Vyborg networks is maintained in each of the power systems. VPT
contains four integrated high-voltage converters with a
capacity of 350 MW each (1,400 MW total capacity)
Managed Russia 500 kV OHL Zarya-Barabinsk-Taurida, combines the Omsk
Shunt Reactor Substation 550 and Novosibirsk power systems across Siberia with the
(CSR) kV Zarya Unified National (All-Russian) Electric Grid (UNEG) across
Russia. During the construction of OHL, for the first time in
Russia, at the 500 kV Tavricheskaya substation, a group of
500 kV busbar-controlled reactors (CSRs) with a capacity of
180 MVAr was commissioned
Transformer Russia A modern complex of reactive power compensation facilities
Type Shunt Substation 220 has been put into operation at the 220 kV svetlyaya
Reactor kV Svetlaya substation in the Altai territory. Thanks to the new equipment
(UShRT) has improved the quality and reliability of power supply of
Northern areas of area, including the town of Kamen-na-Obi,
as well as footage of TRANS-Siberian railway between
Omsk and Barnaul. Power supply to consumers in the North
of the Altai territory is carried out via intercity power lines,
which previously led to power surges. To solve this problem,
a 50 MVAR jacket with a voltage of 220 kV was installed.
Reactors of this class of voltage and power with thyristor
regulation are used in Russia for the first time.
The installation of two CSHRTs in combination with two 78
MVAr static capacitor batteries will allow smoothly adjusting
voltage levels in automatic mode, ensuring high reliability of
the power system, high quality of electric power, and also
reducing losses during electric power transmission.

According to the tables 2 and 3 we can judge the positive dynamics of the implementation of smart
grid projects together with FACTS devices both in foreign countries and in Russia. In some cases, such
devices are an alternative to the construction of additional power lines, which affects the economic
interest in using power plants.
Of course, the IES projects and Smart Grid systems implemented in the abroad countries are more
global, but the volume of investments is much larger (China - 70 billion dollars per year; USA - 19
billion dollars per year; India - 10 billion dollars per year; European Union - 7 billion dollars per year

4. Conclusion
The analysis of global trends in the development of intelligent electric networks has shown that the
leaders in the development and use of power plants are the countries of Western and Northern Europe,
the United States, and China with a large amount of investment from the state.
The main groups of devices of controlled (flexible) AC power transmission systems are classified
and divided according to the principle of power regulation. The effectiveness and expediency of using
these devices is proved by positive examples in world practice.
The interest and desire to switch to the use of smart grids in the Russian power grid is confirmed by
the successful use of FACTS devices in the main power grids.

Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1679 (2020) 052083 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1679/5/052083

This article was prepared as part of a research carried out with the financial support of the Russian
science Foundation according to the research project No. 19-71-00028 within the framework of the
Competition of 2019 "Conducting initiative research by young scientists".

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