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Report: Code Matthew dissertation

Code Matthew dissertation

by ronit d

General metrics
8,968 1,403 90 5 min 36 sec 10 min 47 sec
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Score Writing Issues

84 63 13 50
Issues left Critical Advanced

This text scores better than 84%

of all texts checked by Grammarly

Writing Issues
13 Correctness
2 Confused words
3 Faulty subject-verb agreement
4 Determiner use (a/an/the/this, etc.)
2 Incorrect noun number
1 Misspelled words
1 Comma misuse within clauses

6 Clarity

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6 Wordy sentences

Unique Words 38%

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percentage of words used only once in your

Rare Words 33%

Measures depth of vocabulary by identifying words rare words
that are not among the 5,000 most common English

Word Length 5
Measures average word length characters per word

Sentence Length 15.6

Measures average sentence length words per sentence

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Report: Code Matthew dissertation

Code Matthew dissertation

Chapter 1: introduction
1.1 Background
One of the key elements thought to have the greatest impact on the UK's supply
chain is the Brexit outcome. The UK-China trade agreement defines how Brexit
would affect supply chains and logistics in the UK. With a focus on how these
limits affect firms, customers, and the supply chain, this study intends to
investigate how trade restrictions are affecting supply networks in the UK. In
order to evaluate the financial effects of trade restrictions, real-world case
studies will be examined, with an emphasis on trade volumes, import costs,
and general economic health (Angelidis and Varsakelis, 2023). The study will
offer practical solutions for businesses and governments to manage and lessen
the negative effects of trade barriers. This project is significant because of its
significance, economic significance, dynamics of international trade, and
political developments. China is a significant economic partner for the UK,
particularly when it comes to goods. Different items that China and the UK offer
to one another might serve as the foundation for a successful free trade
agreement (FTA) between the UK and China, as the potential advantages of a
standard FTA are greater if the parties have competitive advantages in several
sectors. China might obtain these advantages without an FTA if the UK's
proposed no-deal tariffs are left unchanged. The majority of China's exports to
the UK go under the WTO's Information Technology Agreement (ITA), where
tariffs are frequently nil and FTAs don't offer many advantages. The reduction
of tariffs on textiles, which are China's second-largest export to the UK, are
expected to be a high priority for China and may open doors to prospects for

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bilateral trade in commodities and services. A significant UK export to China is

automobiles. However, China's high vehicle tariffs (even after allowing a recent
25% decrease to 15%) may prevent the UK from reaching its potential in this
field, at least in part (Dhingra et al., 2023). China places a lot of restrictions on
the trade of services, particularly for foreign investors. Investors and suppliers
might profit if these obstacles are lowered, particularly in industries like
finance and business services where the UK is often quite competitive.
1.2 Problem Statement
China and the UK have a complicated economic relationship, which includes
commerce. Regarding bilateral trade, there are a number of unsolved
disagreements between China and the United States. The level of imports from
China has expanded substantially faster than the volume of UK exports to
China, which has resulted in a large growth in the trade deficit between the two
countries (Haraguchi et al., 2023). Both economists and decision-makers are
concerned about this substantial trade gap. Some believe this to be evidence of
unfair trade tactics by China, while others say the disparity is due to the
country's robust economy and impacted industrial system. To address the
trade deficit, the Trump administration has implemented a number of tariff
measures. Another contentious topic is China's monetary policy, which has
kept the value of its currency low on purpose for a long time. But even though
China now uses an exchange rate that is more directly tied to the market, its
monetary policy is still closely watched. China's industrial policies, which favor
state-owned businesses, conflicts over China's WTO commitments, and China's
failure to uphold property rights are further concerns that have an impact on
bilateral trade flows. British spy services. Selected materials are provided in
this study guide for anyone researching UK trade with China (Horák et al.,
2023). Target audiences include business professionals, scholars, analysts,

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trade policy practitioners, students, and members of the public with an interest
in the UK's trade with China
1.3 Research aim
The aim of the research is to assess the impact of Trade barriers on the UK
Supply chain.
1.4 Research Objectives
The research objectives are:
To assess the impact of Trade berries in UK
To evaluate the trade imbalance between the UK and China.
To evaluate the trade war with China affecting supply chain management
9 10
To recommend the best way to resolve this disputes between UK and China
1.5 Research Question
The research questions are
What is the trade relationship between the UK and China post Brexit?
What is the trade imbalance between the UK and China?
What commodities have been most adversely affected by UK trade barriers?
12 13
How does trade berries affect supply chain?
1.6 Significance of the Research
There are no significant trade or investment restrictions in the UK, nor are there
any limitations on remitting cash or profits. There are several challenges,
mainly because the UK is implementing EU rules and directives (Liu et al.,
2023). People will be concerned not only with the product's price and quality,
but also with how it was made in relation to human rights and environmental
protection. People are demanding items with greater technical standards,
which is creating external circumstances for the emergence of new business
models. The features of flexibility, concealment, etc. make many new types of
trade barriers, such as technical trade barriers, green trade barriers, etc., easy

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for some countries to utilize as trade barrier tools. In this setting, new trade
barriers gradually take shape. China became a major trading nation after
joining the WTO and strengthened its involvement in world commerce. New
trade barriers will undoubtedly pose dangers to China's export trade.
1.7 Structure of Dissertation
Chapter 1: Introduction- The thesis's opening chapter is this one. A thorough
overview of the entire project is given in this chapter. Here, it has also been
discussed why a certain study topic was chosen.
Chapter 2: Literature review- This section of the thesis focuses on prior
research on a related issue that has been published in literature. The
researcher can gather some useful data with the aid of this chapter.
Chapter 3: Research methodology- This is one of the most crucial sections of a
research project since it outlines the best way to conduct the project's entire
Chapter 4: Data analysis and findings- The examination of the data gathered is
the sole focus of this chapter. This chapter is crucial to the project since it may
aid the researcher in drawing a final conclusion on the subject matter.
Chapter 5: Conclusion and recommendation- The thesis's last chapter is this
one. Here, the author provides the broad conclusions drawn from the data
gathered (Maghsoudi et al., 2023). The objective relationship, scope, and
restrictions of future research are also included in addition to the conclusion.
1.8 Summary
Comparing new types of trade barriers to conventional trade barriers, this is
their most fundamental distinction. New trade barriers strive to protect human
health and safety as opposed to traditional trade barriers, which solely seek to
limit trade (Martens, 2023). On the one hand, they assist human civilization, but
on the other, because of trade limitations, they could be problematic in some

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nations. It is not helpful for the free growth of global trade to use it as an
implied trade barrier.

Angelidis, G. and Varsakelis, N.C., 2023. Economic Shock Transmission through
Global Value Chains: An Assessment using Network Analysis. International
Advances in Economic Research, pp.1-18.
Dhingra, S., Freeman, R. and Huang, H., 2023. The Impact of Non‐tariff Barriers
on Trade and Welfare. Economica, 90(357), pp.140-177.
Haraguchi, M., Neise, T., She, W. and Taniguchi, M., 2023. Conversion strategy
builds supply chain resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic: A typology and
research directions. Progress in Disaster Science, p.100276.
Horák, J., Machová, V., Vycheslavovna Mantulenko, V. and Krulický, T., 2023.
Development of the World Trade in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemics. In
Development of World Trade in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case
Study on the Czech Republic and the Russian Federation (pp. 29-49). Cham:
Springer Nature Switzerland.
Liu, Y., Zhu, J., Tuwor, C.P., Ling, C., Yu, L. and Yin, K., 2023. The impact of the
COVID-19 pandemic on global trade-embodied carbon emissions. Journal of
Cleaner Production, 408, p.137042.
Maghsoudi, M., Shokouhyar, S., Ataei, A., Ahmadi, S. and Shokoohyar, S., 2023.
Co-authorship network analysis of AI applications in sustainable supply chains:
Key players and themes. Journal of cleaner production, p.138472.
Martens, N., 2023. Do Integrated Circuits Make for an Integrated Supply Chain?
a Network Analysis of Trade Flows (Doctoral dissertation, Duquesne University).
Vertinsky, I., Kuang, Y., Zhou, D. and Cui, V., 2023. The political economy and
dynamics of bifurcated world governance and the decoupling of value chains:

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An alternative perspective. Journal of International Business Studies, pp.1-27.

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1. introduction → Introduction Confused words Correctness

2. In order to → To Wordy sentences Clarity

3. are → is Faulty subject-verb agreement Correctness

4. a number of → several, some, many Wordy sentences Clarity

5. a number of → several, some, many Wordy sentences Clarity

6. conflicts → conflict Faulty subject-verb agreement Correctness

7. The research aims Wordy sentences Clarity

8. the UK Determiner use (a/an/the/this, Correctness


9. disputes → dispute Incorrect noun number Correctness

10. the UK Determiner use (a/an/the/this, Correctness


11. post Brexit → post-Brexit Misspelled words Correctness

12. does → do Faulty subject-verb agreement Correctness

13. the supply Determiner use (a/an/the/this, Correctness


14. quality, Comma misuse within clauses Correctness

15. in relation to → Wordy sentences Clarity

about, to, with, concerning

16. the literature Determiner use (a/an/the/this, Correctness


17. final Wordy sentences Clarity

18. Pandemics → Pandemic Incorrect noun number Correctness

19. a Network → A Network Confused words Correctness

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