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Report: Code Dyson GSS BPP

Code Dyson GSS BPP

by jeet dutta

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21,969 3,060 219 12 min 14 sec 23 min 32 sec
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Score Writing Issues

81 147 49 98
Issues left Critical Advanced

This text scores better than 81%

of all texts checked by Grammarly

Writing Issues
49 Correctness
12 Confused words
3 Wrong or missing prepositions
7 Misspelled words
3 Determiner use (a/an/the/this, etc.)
1 Comma misuse within clauses
6 Incorrect verb forms
3 Faulty subject-verb agreement

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Report: Code Dyson GSS BPP

1 Pronoun use
3 Misuse of modifiers
3 Incorrect noun number
2 Improper formatting
1 Conjunction use
4 Mixed dialects of english

7 Clarity
7 Wordy sentences

Unique Words 34%

Measures vocabulary diversity by calculating the unique words
percentage of words used only once in your

Rare Words 40%

Measures depth of vocabulary by identifying words rare words
that are not among the 5,000 most common English

Word Length 5.4

Measures average word length characters per word

Sentence Length 14
Measures average sentence length words per sentence

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Report: Code Dyson GSS BPP

Code Dyson GSS BPP

Table of Contents
Introduction 3
Task 1 –External and Internal Environment 3
Task 2 – Strategy in the Global Environment 7
Recommendations 11
Conclusion 11
References 13

Leading the way in consumer electronics and sustainability, Dyson is a name in
the world of technology (, 2021). This report's objectives are to
evaluate Dyson's position in the market, prospective growth strategies, supply
chain efficiency, and ethical issues. The strategic landscape, opportunities,
threats, and weaknesses of Dyson are all revealed in the research through a
thorough analysis that takes into account Porter's Five Forces, PESTLE, VRIO,
and value chain. Furthermore, the Ansoff matrix is utilized to identify growth
choices and Dyson's YIPS model is employed to assess the reasons behind his
international expansion. The research also looks at Dyson's approach to supply
chain management and concludes with suggestions for enhancing ethics and
corporate social responsibility (CSR).
Task 1 –External and Internal Environment
PESTLE analysis

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Report: Code Dyson GSS BPP

Global technology business Dyson, which specializes in cutting-edge consumer

electronics goods, deals with a range of PESTEL-affected scenarios. Dyson's
market access and cost competitiveness in the region are challenged by the
implementation of an import tax that is the highest in Africa, at 18.86%
(, 2023). Nonetheless, Dyson may be able to take advantage
of the African Continental Free trading Area (AfCFTA) to expand its business, as
it provides enhanced trading prospects throughout the African continent. China
has the largest GDP in Asia, at $26.888 trillion, but Dyson should concentrate
on providing personalized goods and look for expansion chances in nations like
Nepal, which has a $213 billion GDP(Forbes India, 2024).
Given the ongoing advancements in artificial intelligence and renewable
battery systems, Europe's high rate of 74% urbanization implies a potential
market for Dyson's novel products (Dijkstra et al., 2021). Using developments in
robotics, AI, and renewable energy sources is in line with Dyson's dedication to
sustainability and innovation. Dyson also needs to take geopolitical aspects
like market stability into account. While markets in Asia are unstable when it
comes to classifying Afghanistan as a non-viable market, markets in Europe
are stable when it comes to classifying Sweden as a viable market(Samoilyk
and Svystun, 2020). With the implementation of global labor standards and the
EU-Singapore Free Trade Agreement, Dyson will be able to guarantee regulatory
compliance and expand its market reach. In order to lessen the effects of
climate change, Dyson must also give environmental sustainability top priority
in accordance with laws like the European Climate Change Act and the African
Union's Green Recovery Action Plan.
Porter's Five Forces Analysis

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(Dias et al., 2023) stressed the need of looking beyond power and the
applicability of Porter's five forces for forecasting favorable conditions in
expansion projects. The climatic richness of raw material supplies in Europe
limits the supplier's bargaining strength in this market, as Larsen (2023)
demonstrates. However, the inside experience of skilled engineers and
designers is what gives suppliers their bargaining power and increases their
influence in the supply chain. These individuals are crucial to product
development. The competitive pricing of the products and the plethora of
substitutes on the market give consumers from different continents significant
negotiating power, which forces Dyson to take a calculated risk. Although
Dyson's cutting-edge technology is patent-protected (Kim and Kim, 2021), the
consumer electronics industry still faces significant competition from new
players. The significant investment requirements that come with this make it
even worse. On the other hand, the spread of alternatives in the Asian home
appliance industry has made Dyson's market positioning more vulnerable to
competition and increased their danger (Industry Research Co, 2023). In this
industry, some of the well-known rivals include Bosch, Electrolux, Whirlpool,
Samsung Electronics, Kin Yat, and Venture Corporation.
Internal analysis
VRIO Analysis

Wurthmann (2020) explains that the VRIO study, which was employed to
examine Dyson, is a crucial instrument for evaluating the internal environment
of a business. According to Dyson (2023), the company prioritizes investing
capital and income in research and development (R&D) to generate patented
technologies and showcase its unique assets. With his three sizable R&D

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facilities located in Singapore, Malaysia, and the UK (Nebus, Chai, and

Subramanian, 2021), Dyson's strategic strategy facilitates effective product
design. Furthermore, Dyson employs more than 1,600 scientists and engineers
who work on ongoing research and advance the creation of sustainable
products. According to Dyson (, 2023), the persistent patenting
of developed innovations makes Dyson's resource scarcity even more severe
and makes it more difficult for peers to copy them. Furthermore, Dyson's
organizational culture fosters the addition and retention of quality resources,
especially through the development of young talent, as noted by Tidd and
Bessant (2020). Notwithstanding these advantages, rivals might copy certain
elements of Dyson's approach to product design, usability, and user interface,
which would undermine Dyson's long-term competitive edge.
Value chain analysis

Strategic strengths and prospects in Dyson's core and secondary activities

were identified by the company's value chain analysis (Jawaad and Zafar,
2020). By using sophisticated inventory management and smart procurement,
inbound logistics improves both cost effectiveness and quality control. The
Dyson Company prioritizes automated production and modular product design
to streamline processes and boost productivity (Bagnoli et al., 2022). In
response to shifting consumer demands, Dyson's omnichannel distribution and
customized delivery choices in outbound logistics use sustainable packaging to
reduce their environmental effect (Waldow, 2023). Sales and marketing
strategies stress emotional connections with clients through experience-
based, data-driven techniques (Rosário and Dias, 2023). Brand loyalty and
sustainability initiatives are strengthened by proactive customer service and

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circular service initiatives (Pecorari and Lima, 2021). Innovation and moral
business management are encouraged by Dyson's corporate infrastructure,
which places a high importance on talent development and sustainable
practices. The company emphasizes its dedication to technological
advancement and environmental responsibility by focusing on research and
development, digital transformation, and sustainable sourcing (,
Task 2 – Strategy in the Global Environment
Yips Framework for Motives
Aspects of Dyson's strategy for international expansion into new regions, like
Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, can be assessed using YIP's
Globalization Drivers Model (Finance Notes, 2022).In order for Dyson to
understand the necessity of market development in the target location, it is
crucial that it consider the first element of market drivers. For instance, it is
challenging to establish markets in Europe due to the saturation of already-
existing markets and the high cost of raw resources. Thus, new marketplaces in
areas like the Asian market where market expansion is feasible might assist
businesses in expanding their client(Paul, 2020). Moreover, cost considerations
are crucial for a company's internationalization. Enhancing operational
efficiency, for instance, lowers the cost of labor, raw materials, and existing
manufacturing units, lowering overall expenses in areas where basic fuel is
inexpensive (Kaydos, 2020).

Figure: YIPS Model Application for finding Dyson's Motives

Apart from the aforementioned drives, Dyson's global endeavors are also
significantly impacted by government drivers. Adegboyo, Keji, and Fasina

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(2021) assert that advantageous government policies facilitate market entry

and lower hurdles to growth for the company. For instance, Dyson might find it
challenging to get funding in the region—Africa, in this case—where import
taxes are the highest due to high trade tariffs and challenging economic
conditions (Zafar, 2023). The competitive element, which highlights the
necessity of fresh market development to maintain competitiveness in the
market, is the last driving force behind Dyson(Mahboobi Renani et al., 2020)
Ansoff for Strategic options
One useful tool for determining strategic alternatives for development into
Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East is Ansoff's Growth Matrix. Through a
market penetration strategy, Dyson may take advantage of its modernization
focus and technology in the Middle East. According to Sharma et al. (2021), this
can be accomplished by stepping up efforts in the current market for new
consumer electronics. Olson et al. (2021) said that Dyson can satisfy the
demand for technical efficiency in target regions—particularly in Asia—by
providing cutting-edge new items in addition to their current lineup, provided
they have a solid marketing plan. Due to their advanced lifestyles, consumer
electronics marketplaces in Europe and Asia are saturated, yet there is still a
significant demand for these products in these regions (Veleva, 2020).

Figure: Strategic Options Analysis using Ansoff Matrix

In arrange to meet the different client tastes of the Asian advertise and
construct its clientele, Dyson can in this way take advantage of its advertise
improvement strategies in these ranges. Dyson can utilize a enhancement
methodology in light of the region's tall level of innovative progression and the
challenging conditions confronted by the African advertise. By absolutely

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deciding the requests and patterns of these ranges, unused merchandise and
administrations can be presented (Cela et al., 2021). To encourage meet the
requests of these modern markets, differences isn't enough—cost-effective
and maintainable arrangements are moreover required. Item improvement that
14 15 16
requests to buyers in these areas is fundamental to realize this. The
advancement of innovative products is Dyson's center mastery, and this can be
17 18
the center of its technique. In spite of seriously competition from other buyer
gadgets firms, the company is dedicated to maintaining its status as a pioneer
in cutting-edge item creation. In arrange to achieve this, strategies such as
improving competency-based promoting strategies, joining client input into
item plan and advancement, and invigorating imperative key organizations
together in inquire about and development are utilized. All things considered,
Dyson's arrange for extending globally mixes advertise advancement in Asia,
advertise entrance within the Center East, and expansion in Africa. With these
choices, Dyson may take advantage of extraordinary openings and handle a run
of territorial troubles. Dyson is committed to progressing improvement and
21 22
showcase separation in its interest of being a worldwide pioneer in buyer
gadgets items. To this conclusion, the company employments feasible and
23 24 25
inventive items whereas too considering the one of a kind necessities of each
Market entry

In arrange to quickly assess the potential of its items in specific Asian

countries, Dyson ought to concentrate on export within the introductory stage
of its internationalization prepare. Dyson can take an interest in unpredictable
28 29 30
conveyances to specific countries by actualizing an send out arrange. As a

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result, the business can learn about the advantages for customers, legal
requirements, and preliminary market research (Di Fatta et al., 2018). The
positioning strategy of a business is centered on locating gaps in the market
that can be filled to cater to the unique needs of clients. Given this, Dyson is
attempting to appeal to middle-class consumers who are used to cutting-edge
household goods like cordless and bagless vacuums. This vision is founded on
the company's notable accomplishments and its track record of successfully
introducing innovative items to the market.
Dyson can deliberately employ licensing as a key entry strategy by distributing
their ground-breaking technology in conjunction with respectable businesses
in their target areas.By utilizing the production capability of local partners,
Dyson is able to swiftly join the market without having to make significant
upfront investments (Demsetz and Lehn, 2023). One of the best examples of a
profitable licensing approach is Nike (Thomas, 2022). With this well-thought-
out plan, Dyson may emulate Nike and grow into a major, globally recognized
sportswear brand.
After witnessing a favorable reaction and heightened demand during temporary
exports, Dyson can go to the next stage of market penetration by forming Joint
Ventures in developing markets (Bingol and Begec, 2020). Furthermore, Dyson
can acquire local market knowledge and distribute its products more
successfully with this strategy, according to Prat, Escriva-Beltran, and Gómez-
Calvet (2020), all the while maintaining some degree of brand control.
The Dyson Company intends to implement a few techniques to deal with
current issues and boost productivity. First and foremost, Dyson can lessen its
environmental impact and set an example for sustainability by utilizing eco-
friendly materials, cutting energy use, and encouraging product recycling

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throughout the product lifespan. Straightforwardness all through the supply

chain is an extra calculate that ought to be taken into consideration. The
probability of labor manhandle and human rights infringement can be
diminished by carrying out schedule reviews, collaborating with ethical
providers, and advertising labor rights instruction. Partner cooperation ought to
moreover be on the motivation. Through gathering criticism and locks in with
36 37
both customers and staff, Dyson is able to brace connections and cultivate
believe. Strict rules that impede the Dyson Company's execution and offer
39 40 41
rivals an out of line advantage through brand situating are the most issue
impacting the company's operations. For instance, there are as of now
legitimate debate between Dyson and a number of its rivals over EU enactment
overseeing the vitality proficiency of vacuum cleaners.
Finally, the company's devotion to CSR may well be characterized as a
philosophical headway of financial, legitimate, moral, and magnanimous
duties. Dyson is committed to successfully handling moral concerns and
improving its execution in terms of corporate social obligation and partner
believe by setting a tall need on natural maintainability and upgrading supply
chain straightforwardness, partner engagement, and administration.The
greatest anticipated modification to the overall marketing plan is a rise in
website traffic, which will be mostly caused by the use of digital marketing
techniques. As an alternative, focus might be on improving other elements of
the digital advertising strategy, like email and website marketing, as
supplementary methods to help the business achieve its total digital marketing
objectives. Due to its excellent brand recognition and superior quality and
inventive capabilities, the company is predicted to become more appealing to
consumers in its first year of business.

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1. trading → Trading Confused words Correctness

2. In order to → To Wordy sentences Clarity

3. in accordance with → Wordy sentences Clarity

by, following, per, under

4. of looking → to look Wrong or missing prepositions Correctness

5. cost-effectiveness Misspelled words Correctness

6. In order for → For Wordy sentences Clarity

7. it must consider Wordy sentences Clarity

8. finding → Finding Confused words Correctness

9. into → in Wrong or missing prepositions Correctness

10. a enhancement → an enhancement Determiner use (a/an/the/this, Correctness


11. , and Comma misuse within clauses Correctness

12. encourage Incorrect verb forms Correctness

13. isn't → aren't Faulty subject-verb agreement Correctness

14. that requests Pronoun use Correctness

15. is → are Faulty subject-verb agreement Correctness

16. realize → realizing Incorrect verb forms Correctness

17. In spite of → Despite Wordy sentences Clarity

18. seriously → serious Misuse of modifiers Correctness

19. inquire → inquiry Confused words Correctness

20. arrange → arrangement Confused words Correctness

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Report: Code Dyson GSS BPP

21. showcase → showcasing Incorrect verb forms Correctness

22. buyer → buying Confused words Correctness

23. whereas → while Wrong or missing prepositions Correctness

24. too → also Misuse of modifiers Correctness

25. one of a kind → one-of-a-kind Misspelled words Correctness

26. markets → market Incorrect noun number Correctness

27. prepare → preparation Confused words Correctness

28. an send → a send Determiner use (a/an/the/this, Correctness


29. send out → send-out Misspelled words Correctness

30. arrange → arrangement Confused words Correctness

31. . By Improper formatting Correctness

32. is able to → can Wordy sentences Clarity

33. calculate → calculation Confused words Correctness

34. manhandle → manhandling Incorrect verb forms Correctness

35. locks → locking Incorrect verb forms Correctness

36. is able to → can Wordy sentences Clarity

37. brace → build Incorrect verb forms Correctness

38. believe → belief Confused words Correctness

39. out of line → out-of-line Misspelled words Correctness

40. most → biggest Misuse of modifiers Correctness

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Report: Code Dyson GSS BPP

41. issue → issues Incorrect noun number Correctness

42. are → is Faulty subject-verb agreement Correctness

43. believe → belief Confused words Correctness

44. . The Improper formatting Correctness

45. the focus Determiner use (a/an/the/this, Correctness


46. and Conjunction use Correctness

47. Nigeria → Nigeria's Incorrect noun number Correctness

48. city → City Confused words Correctness

49. urbanisation → urbanization Mixed dialects of English Correctness

50. harmonised → harmonized Mixed dialects of English Correctness

51. urbanisation → urbanization Mixed dialects of English Correctness

52. Labour → Labor Mixed dialects of English Correctness

53. Edi-tion → Edition Misspelled words Correctness

54. Underst&ing → Understanding Misspelled words Correctness

55. design-or → design or Confused words Correctness

56. st&ards → standards Misspelled words Correctness

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