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Book 2

Unit 1 Do You Like Sports?

A 本課主要的句型:句子含有一般動詞的現在簡單式之直述句、否定句及疑問句,還有以
what 為首的 wh 疑問句。

(A) 直述句:主詞 + 原形動詞 + ...
例:1. I go to the library every Sunday. (我每個星期天去圖書館。)
2. My brothers love music. (我的哥哥們喜歡音樂。)
3. They take a shower at seven a.m. on Saturdays. (他們每個星期六早上七點淋浴。)

中文 英文 中文 英文
每天 every day 某個星期… on + 星期名稱

on the weekend
在週末 現在 now
on weekends
今天早上 / this morning /
every + 時間
每個… 下午 / afternoon /
(星期名稱 /月份 /年)
傍晚 evening

on + 時間名詞 + s = every + 時間
on Fridays = every Friday
on Friday mornings = every Friday morning
on weekends = every weekend

1. 我有一隻可愛的狗。
I __________
have a cute dog.
2. 那些男孩天天看電視。
Those __________
boys watch
__________ TV every day.
3. 我們每個週末讀故事書。
We __________
read story books on weekends.
(B) 否定句:主詞 + do not/don’t + 原形動詞 + ...

例:I don’t wash my dog every day. (我沒有每天幫狗洗澡。)

特別訊息:形成否定句時,常用的形式為 do not 或其縮寫形 don’t。

1. 我沒有一隻可愛的狗。
(1) I __________
do not
__________ have
__________ a cute dog.
(2) I __________
don’t have
__________ a cute dog.
2. 那些男孩沒有天天看電視。
(1) Those boys __________
do not
__________ watch
__________ TV every day.
(2) Those boys __________
don’t watch
__________ TV every day.
3. 我們不在每個週末讀故事書。
(1) We __________
do not
__________ read
__________ story books on weekends.
(2) We __________
don’t read
__________ story books on weekends.
(C) 疑問句:Do + 主詞 + 原形動詞…?
(D) 肯定簡答:Yes, 主詞 + do.
(E) 否定簡答:No, 主詞 + don’t.
(F) 肯定詳答:Yes, 主詞 + 原形動詞...
(G) 否定詳答:No, 主詞 + don’t/do not + 原形動詞...

例:Do you wash your dog every day? (你每天幫狗洗澡嗎?)

Yes, I do. (是的,我是。)
No, I don’t. (不,我不是。)
Yes, I wash my dog every day. (是的,我每天幫狗洗澡。)
No, I don’t wash my dog every day. (不,我沒有每天幫狗洗澡。)

1. 問句的形成:將主詞和 do 對調,do 的第一個字母要大寫,句子其他部份照寫,並且在
2. 問句的回答:若要完整回答,則請依據事實寫出直述句。
3. 肯定簡答時,回答到 do 即可。否定簡答時,僅可以用 don’t 回答。

1. A:你週末時洗車嗎? B:是的,我是。我週末時洗車。
A: __________
Do you __________
wash your car on the weekend?

B: Yes, I __________
do . I __________
wash my car on the weekend.
2. A:Mary 和 John 星期三打籃球嗎?
A: __________ Mary and John __________
play basketball on Wednesday?
B: Yes, they __________
do . They __________
play basketball on Wednesday.

1. A:他們星期五打棒球嗎?
A: __________
Do they __________
play baseball on Fridays?
B: No, they __________
don’t . They don’t __________
play baseball on Fridays.
2. A:Helen 的爺爺奶奶每天煮晚餐嗎?
A: __________
Do Helen’s grandparents __________
cook dinner every day?
B: No, they __________
don’t . They __________
don’t cook
__________ dinner every day.
(H) 含有疑問詞 what 之疑問句:
(1) wh- 問句:What + do + 主詞 + 原形動詞…?
(2) 答句:主詞 + 原形動詞…

例:A: What do they do on weekends? (他們每個週末都做什麼?)

B: They watch TV on weekends. (他們每個週末看電視。)

1. A:你的兒子和女兒每天都做什麼? B:他們每天讀故事書。
A: What __________
do your son and daughter __________
do every day?
B: They __________
read story books every day.
2. A:他的堂妹和堂弟每天晚上做什麼? B:他們聽英語歌。
A: What __________
do his cousins __________
do every night?
B: They __________
listen to English songs.

(A) 直述句:主詞 + 單數動詞 + ...
例:1. Jason has a cute dog. (Jason 有一隻可愛的狗。)
2. My brother loves music. (我的哥哥喜歡音樂。)
3. My father swims at seven a.m. on Sundays.


1. 主詞若是第三人稱單數(如 he, she, my brother, Mr. Smith, Tom’s father, Mary)時,
現在簡單式的動詞字尾要加-s 或-es。至於其變化,請看下表:
動詞字尾為 -sh, -ch, -s, -x, -o 時,
一般動詞直接加 s
直接加 es
拯救 save saves 觀賞 watch watches
唱歌 sing sings 洗 wash washes
跳 jump jumps 做 do does
吃 eat eats 去 go goes

動詞字尾為「子音 + y」時, 動詞字尾為「母音 + y」時,

去 y 加 ies 直接加 s
哭 cry cries 玩 play plays
研讀 study studies 說 say says
飛 fly flies 享受 enjoy enjoys

2. 不規則動詞:have (有;吃;舉辦),意思是「有」的時候,不能夠用在現在進行式,它的
三單是 has。

1. 那個男生有一臺新筆記本。 That boy _________
has a new notebook.
2. 我的女兒天天看電視。 My daughter _________
watches TV every day.
3. Mary 每個週末游泳。 Mary _________
swims on weekends (=every weekend).
(B) 否定句:主詞 + does not/doesn’t + 原形動詞 + ...
例:Larry doesn’t have dogs. (Larry 沒有狗。)

1. 形成否定句時,常用的形式為 does not 或其縮寫形 doesn’t。
2. doesn’t 後面的動詞,要記得改回原形動詞。

1. 那個女生沒有一臺筆記本。
That girl _________
doesn’t _________
have a new notebook.
2. 這個男孩沒有天天看電視。
The boy _________
doesn’t _________
watch TV every day.

3. 我的女兒沒有在每個週末游泳。
My daughter _________
doesn’t _________
swim on weekends.
(C) 疑問句:Does + 主詞 + 原形動詞…?
(D) 肯定簡答:Yes, 主詞 + does.
(E) 否定簡答:No, 主詞 + doesn’t.
(F) 肯定詳答:Yes, 主詞 + 單數動詞...
(G) 否定詳答:No, 主詞 + doesn’t/does not + 原形動詞...

例:Does Matt make trouble every day? (Matt 每天製造麻煩嗎?)

Yes, he does. (是的,他有。)
No, he doesn’t. (不,他沒有。)
Yes, he makes trouble every day. (是的,他每天製造麻煩。)
No, he doesn’t make trouble every day. (不,他沒有每天製造麻煩。)

1. 問句的形成:將主詞和 does 對調,does 的第一個字母要大寫,句子其他部份照寫,並且
2. 問句的回答:若要完整回答,則請依據事實寫出直述句,而且要記得動詞要用第三人稱
單數動詞(動詞字尾 + -s/-es)。
3. 肯定簡答時,回答到 does 即可。否定簡答時,僅可以用 doesn’t 回答。

1. A:你父親週末時看電視嗎? B:是的,他是。他週末時看電視。
A: _________
Does your father _________
watch TV on weekends?
B: Yes, he _________
does . He _________
watches TV on weekends.
2. A:王小姐每個週末彈吉他嗎? B:是的,她是。她每個週末彈吉他。
A: _________ Ms. Wang _________
play the guitar on weekends?
B: Yes, she _________
does . She _________
plays the guitar on weekends.
3. A:他的女兒每個星期五打棒球嗎? B:是的,她是。她每個星期五打棒球。
A: _________
Does his daughter _________
play baseball on Fridays?
B: Yes, she _________
does . She _________
plays baseball on Fridays.

1. A:他每個星期三打籃球嗎?

A: _________ he _________
play basketball on Wednesdays?
B: No, he _________
doesn’t . He _________
doesn’t _________
play basketball on Wednesdays.
2. A:Tom 每個星期三彈吉他嗎?
A: _________
Does Tom _________
play the guitar on Wednesdays?
B: No, he _________
doesn’t . He _________
doesn’t _________
play the guitar on Wednesdays.
3. A:Helen 的奶奶每天做蛋糕嗎?
A: _________ Helen’s grandmother _________
make a cake every day?
B: No, she _________
doesn’t . She _________
doesn’t _________
make a cake every day.
(H)含有疑問詞 what 之疑問句:
(1) wh- 問句:What + does + 主詞 + 原形動詞…?
(2) 答句:主詞 + 單數動詞…

例:A: What does his mother do on weekends? (他的母親每個週末都做什麼?)

B: She washes his husband’s car and jumps rope. (她清洗她先生的車及跳跳繩。)

1. A:你的兒子每天都做什麼? B:他每天讀故事書。
A: What _________
does your son _________
do every day?
B: He _________
reads story books.
2. A:那個學生每天都做什麼? B:他每天讀英文及寫功課。
A: What _________
does that student _________
do every day?
B: He _________
studies English and _________
does his homework.
3. A:他的堂妹每天晚上做什麼? B:她聽音樂。
A: What _________
does his cousin _________
do every night?
B: She _________
listens to music.
B 句型綜合練習

a. 句型選擇題
( )1. A: What animal you love? B: I love zebras.
(A) are (B) can (C) do (D) is
( )2. A: you play music every day? B: Yes, I .
(A) Do; do (B) Are; are (C) Can; don’t (D) Can; do

( )3. A: What your sisters do on weekends? B: They make cakes.
(A) do (B) is (C) are (D) can
( )4. A: What Mary love? B: She zebras.
(A) do; love (B) can; love (C) does; loves (D) does; love
( )5. A: Helen play music every day? B: Yes, she .
(A) Does; does (B) Are; are (C) Can; can (D) Does; do
( )6. A: What your sister usually do on weekends? B: She a kite.
(A) do; flies (B) does; flies (C) can; flies (D) can; fly
( )7. A: Does your father like Stephen Curry? B: No, .
(A) he doesn’t like it (B) he doesn’t (C) he isn’t (D) he can’t
( )8. A: Do the boys pictures on Sundays? B: Yes, they do.
(A) taking (B) take (C) not take (D) don’t take
( )9. A: Does the boy on Sundays? B: Yes, he does.
(A) swimming (B) swim (C) swims (D) is swimming
( )10. A: Do you like his songs? B: No, .
(A) I don’t like (B) I don’t
(C) I am not (D) I can’t

b. 句型翻譯題
1. A:那些狗每天做什麼? B:牠們吃東西和睡覺。
A: __________
What do
__________ those dogs __________
do every day?
B: They __________
eat and __________
sleep .
2. A:那個學生每天做什麼? B:他每天幫助他人。
A: __________
What does
_________ that student __________
do every day?
B: He _________
helps people every day.
3. A:你空閒時做什麼? B:我空閒時唱歌。
A: __________
What do
__________ you __________
do in your free time?
B: I __________
sing in my free time.
4. A:他有新的腳踏車嗎?
A: _________
Does he _________
have a new bicycle?
B: No, he _________
doesn’t . He _________
doesn’t _________
have a new bicycle.
He _________
has an old bicycle.

c. 課本重要句子
1. 我非常喜歡籃球。
I _________
like basketball very much.
2. 我每天放學都練球。
I _________
practice basketball after school _________
every day
_________ .
3. 他有棕色的眼睛,頭髮也很好看。
He _________
has brown _________
eyes and nice _________
hair .
4. 你認識他嗎?
_________ you _________
know him?
5. A:信在閒暇時會做什麼呢? B:他寫歌或玩音樂。
A: What _________
does Shin _________
do in his free time?
B: He _________
writes songs or _________
plays music.
6. 詹姆斯每天都會練習,並在每一場球賽中全力以赴。
James _________
practices every day and _________
puts his all into every game.
7. 另一方面,柯瑞並不是非常高,但是他透過大量的練習來彌補不足之處。
On the other hand, Curry isn’t very tall, but he _________
makes up for it with a lot of practice.
8. 他十分擅長投出三分球,並在每一場球賽表現出眾。
He is very good at three-pointers, and he _________
stands out in every game.
C 重要單字

喜歡;像 鼻子

運動 腿

多(的)(不可數) 大的

隊 耳朵

練習 嘴巴

每一 厚的

那麼 嘴唇

游泳 強壯的

參加 手臂

眼睛 身高;高度

頭髮 選手;球員

知道;認識 美國

百 身體

公分 足夠(的)

一點也沒錯! 盡全力

吉他 到…裡面

鋼琴 很多的

放風箏 不同的

畫圖;油漆 頂尖的


Book 2
Unit 2 How Often Do You Go to the Library?

A 本課主要的句型:頻率副詞及 How often 的用法。

頻率副詞:always (總是)、usually (通常)、often (時常)、sometimes (有時)、seldom (很少)、
never (從不)。

(1) 在 be 動詞之後:主詞 + be 動詞 + 頻率副詞 + ...

例:We are never late for school. (我們上學從沒遲到過。)
(2) 在一般動詞之前:主詞 + 頻率副詞 + 一般動詞 + ...
例:Jenny and her brother often wake up at six thirty. (Jenny 和她哥哥常在六點半醒來。)
(3) 在助動詞和原形動詞中間:主詞 + 助動詞 + 頻率副詞 + 原形動詞
例:I don’t usually exercise. (我不常運動。)

1. always, usually, often, sometimes 表達正面語氣,seldom, never 表達負面語氣,never (從不)
和 seldom (很少) 已經含有否定意思,所以不可以再和 not 連用。
2. 頻率副詞用來修飾動詞或形容詞,說明動作或狀況發生的頻率,以下就常見的頻率副詞依
always (100%) > usually > often > sometimes > seldom > never (0%)
3. 在簡答句中,頻率副詞一律放在 be 動詞或動詞之前,不可放在句子最後。
例:Is your English teacher always early for school? (你的英文老師總是很早到學校嗎?)
Yes, she always is. (是的,她一直都是。)
No, she never is. (不,她從來沒有。)
4. always (總是) 之前若有否定詞 not,為部份否定,所以 not always 表示「並非總是」
以等於 sometimes (有時候)。
例:1. She is not always happy. (她並非總是很快樂。)
2. My parents don’t always draw on weekends. (我父母並非總在每個週末畫畫。)
5. sometimes 也可放在句首或句尾,是位置最彈性的頻率副詞。
例:1. Sometimes my parents run in the morning. (我父母有時候早上跑步。)
2. My parents run in the morning sometimes. (我父母有時候早上跑步。)
6. 當頻率副詞出現在含有一般動詞的句中,若主詞為三單,要記得在頻率副詞後,還是必須

將動詞改成單數動詞 (也就是要加 -s 或 -es)。(搭配 U1 文法)

1. 我父親總是很幸運。
My father __________
is always
__________ lucky.
2. 他母親通常很快樂。
His mother __________
is usually
__________ happy.
3. 那些歌手很少有空閒。
Those singers __________
are seldom
__________ free.
4. 他的姊姊有時在晚上看電視。
His sister __________
sometimes __________
watches TV at night.
5. 那些女孩很少在公園玩。
Those girls __________
seldom play
__________ at the park.
6. 我父母親總是在每個星期天去圖書館借書。
My parents __________
always check
__________ out books from the library on Sundays.
7. 王先生從來沒有在每個星期三聽音樂。
Mr. Wang __________
never listens
__________ to music on Wednesdays.
二、疑問詞 How often 的用法

疑問句:How often + do/does + 主詞 + 原形動詞?

答句:主詞 + 動詞(根據主詞做變化) + … + 表頻率的時間副詞.

例:1. A: How often do you take a walk? (你多久散步一次?)

B: Twice a week. (一星期兩次。)
2. A: How often do you study English? (你多常讀英文?)
B: I study English every day. (我天天讀英文。)
I study English five times a week. (我一星期讀五次英文。)

特別訊息:用 How often 詢問頻率時,常用以下時間副詞回答:

every + 時間
如 every day (每天)
once/twice + 時間
時間副詞 如 once a month (一個月一次)
數字 + times + 時間 (如 a week/a year)
如 three times a week (一週三次)
always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never

1. A:那些婦人多久在公園跳舞一次? B:他們天天在公園跳舞。
A: __________
How often
__________ do those women dance in the park?
B: They dance in the park __________
every day
__________ .
2. A:你多久使用電腦一次? B:我一星期用電腦兩次。
A: __________
How often
__________ do you use the computer?
B: I use the computer __________
twice a
__________ week .
3. A:你們多久去看電影? B:我們一年去看三次電影。
A: __________
How often
__________ do you go to the movies?
B: We go to the movies __________
three times
__________ a
__________ year
__________ .
4. A:他多久唱歌一次? B:他一星期唱一次歌。
A: __________
How often
__________ does he sing?
B: He sings __________
once a
__________ week .
5. A:他們多久去看電影? B:他們從不去看電影。
A: __________
How often
__________ do they go to the movies?
B: They __________
never go to the movies.
6. A:你們多久閱讀一次? B:我們很少閱讀。
A: __________
How often
__________ do you read?
B: We __________
seldom read.
B 句型綜合練習

a. 句型選擇題
( )1. A: Are you often late? B: No, I .
(A) never do (B) never am (C) am never (D) do never
( )2. A: do those boys play basketball after dinner? B: Every day.
(A) How long (B) How often (C) How many (D) How old
( )3. A: How often do Mary and Tina study English? B:
(A) For two hours. (B) In the morning.
(C) Four times a week. (D) In two weeks.
( )4. Ted and his sister do not always get up after seven. They get up at six a.m.
(A) usually (B) seldom (C) sometimes (D) often
( )5. A: do they clean the kitchen? B: Twice a year.
(A) How long (B) How old (C) How often (D) How many

b. 句型翻譯題
1. 那些上班族很少在每週五有空。
Those office workers __________
are seldom
__________ free
__________ on Fridays.
2. 那些學生很少在每個週末看漫畫書。
Those students __________
seldom read
__________ comic books every weekend.
3. A:你多久去一次圖書館? B:我一個月去一次。
A: How __________
often do you go to the library?
B: I go to the library __________
once a
__________ month .

c. 課本重要句子
1. 他通常在六點前就把我叫醒。
He __________
usually wakes
__________ me __________
up before six.
2. 我通常七點起床。有時候,我七點二十分之後才起床。
I __________
usually get
__________ up
__________ at seven. Sometimes, I __________
get up
after seven twenty.
3. 然後我回到家,再做兩個小時的功課。我沒有太多的空閒時間。
Then I __________
go home and __________
do my __________
homework for two hours. I __________
__________ much free time.
4. 我早上總是很累。
I __________
am always
__________ tired in the morning.
5. 我經常在早上的時候沖澡。
I __________
often take
__________ a shower in the morning.
6. 我一個月到圖書館借三次書。
I __________
check out books from the library __________
three times
__________ a month.
7. 我有兩個人格,而壞的那一面即將取代我。
I __________
have sides, and the bad side is taking over.
8. 在白天,我去工作、幫助人們,並拯救生命。
During the day, I __________
go to work, __________
help people, and __________
save lives.
9. 我有時候會變成海德先生。我出門、製造麻煩,還傷害人們。
I __________
sometimes __________
change into Mr. Hyde. I go out, __________
make trouble, and __________
10. 人們並不喜歡這樣子的我。
People __________
don’t like
__________ this side of me.

C 重要單字

早的 刷牙

通常 臉

起床 早餐

有時候 午餐

晚的 運動

做功課 電腦

小時 很少

總是 分鐘

疲累的 在…期間

淋浴 工作

經常 拯救

從未 生命;生活

順帶一提 愛

圖書館 晚餐

借(書) 變成

一次 麻煩

兩次 傷害

Book 2
Unit 3 Which Painting Do You Like?

A 本課主要的句型:(1) 疑問詞 which 的用法、可數名詞與不可數名詞的用法。

(2) How much 問價錢的用法。
(3) 代名詞 one 與 ones 的用法

一、疑問詞 which 的用法

疑問句:Which + do/does + 主詞 + 原形動詞?

答句:主詞 + 動詞...

例:1. A: Which do you like, rice or beef noodles? (飯或牛肉麵,你喜歡哪一個?)

B: I like beef noodles. (我喜歡牛肉麵。)
2. A: Which do you like, bananas or apples? (香蕉或蘋果,你喜歡哪一個?)
B: I like apples. (我喜歡蘋果。)

1. which 的用法和所有疑問詞都一樣,當以 which 為首的疑問句出現時,就不能用 yes/no
2. which 的用法
(1) 表示要從已知道的東西中做一個選擇,而選擇的事物可以明白列出來。
例:A: Which do you like, English or math? (英文或數學,你喜歡哪一個?)
B: I like English. (我喜歡英文。)
(2) 彼此看得到或都知道所選擇的事物是什麼時,則選擇的事物可以省略不列出來。
例:A: Which do you want? (你想要哪一個?)
B: I want the blue ball. (我想要藍色的球。)
3. which 和 what 的分辨
what 表示範圍沒有限定,可以選擇自己喜歡的回答。但當使用 which 時,則有限定範圍,
例:1. A: What do you like? (你喜歡什麼?)
B: I like sports. (我喜歡運動。)
 沒有限定任何範圍。
2. A: What sports do you like? (你喜歡什麼運動?)
B: I like basketball. (我喜歡籃球。)
 在運動項目中沒有限定範圍,只要是運動均可回答。
3. A: Which do you like, basketball or baseball? (你喜歡哪一種運動,籃球或棒球?)
B: I like baseball. (我喜歡棒球。)
 限定範圍在 basketball 與 baseball 之間。

1. A:熱狗或蛋糕,你想要哪一種? B:我想要熱狗。
A: __________
Which do you want, hot dogs __________
or cakes?
B: I want __________
hot dogs
__________ .
2. A:電視或手機,John 需要哪一個? B:他需要一臺電視。
A: __________
Which does John need, a television __________
or a cellphone?
B: He needs a __________
television .
3. A:星期一或星期六,John 喜歡哪一天? B:他喜歡星期一。
A: __________
Which does John like, Monday __________
or Saturday?
B: He likes __________
Monday .


可數名詞 不可數名詞 可數不可數均可 只以複數形出現

中文 英文 中文 英文 中文 英文 中文 英文
蛋 egg 牛奶 milk 蛋糕 cake 麵 noodles
熱狗 hot dog 果汁 juice 披薩 pizza
蘋果 apple 茶 tea 派 pie
香蕉 banana 魚肉 fish
餅乾 cookie 沙拉 salad

三、疑問詞 How much 詢問價錢的用法

疑問句:How much + is/are + 主詞?

答句:主詞 + is/are + 價錢(數字 + dollars).

例:1. A: How much is the large bag? (這個大袋子多少錢?)

B: It is two hundred and fifty dollars. (250 元。)
2. A: How much are the pencils? (這些鉛筆多少錢?)
B: They are ninety dollars. (90 元。)

How much 詢問價錢時,動詞的單複數由後面主詞來決定。

四、代名詞 one/ones 的用法
避免一個句子中名詞太多重複的時候,使用不定代名詞。one 代替單數名詞,ones 代替複數

例:1. A: How much are the pencil boxes? (這些鉛筆盒多少錢?)

B: The yellow one is ninety and the blue one is one hundred.
(黃色的 90 元,藍色的 100 元。)  one 代替上一句中的 pencil box。
2. There are five blue markers and two red markers on the desk. The blue ones are from
John, and the red ones are from Mark. (書桌上有 5 隻藍色的彩色筆和兩隻紅色的彩色
筆。藍色的是 John 給的,紅色的是 Mark 給的。)  兩個 ones 都是代替上一句中的
markers。因為 ones 代替的是複數名詞,所以動詞用複數 are。

one 出現在主詞的位置時,後面的動詞用單數動詞。ones 出現在主詞的位置時,後面的動詞


milk cookie hamburger cake apple

1. There is some __________

milk in the glass.
2. I need two large __________
hamburgers .
3. On my birthday, my mom can make a __________
cake for me.
4. An __________
apple a day keeps the doctor away.
5. A: I’m hungry. B: You can eat __________
cookies on the table.

1. A:蘋果或香蕉,你想要哪一種? B:我想要香蕉。
A: __________
Which do you want, __________
apples or __________
bananas ?
B: I want __________
bananas .
2. A:茶或咖啡,John 想要哪一種? B:他想要咖啡。
A: __________
Which does John want, __________
tea or __________
coffee ?
B: He wants __________
coffee .
3. A:蛋糕或派,你想要哪一個? B:我想要蛋糕。
A: __________ do you want, __________
cake or pie?
B: I want __________
cake .

4. A:果汁或牛奶,John 想要哪一種? B:他想要牛奶。
A: __________ does John want, __________
juice or __________
milk ?
B: He wants __________
milk .
5. A:那個玩具多少錢? B:它要 60 元。
A: __________
How much
__________ is
__________ the toy?
B: It is __________
sixty dollars .
6. A:那些三明治多少錢? B:他們要 220 元。
A: __________
How much
__________ are
__________ the sandwiches?
B: They are two hundred and twenty __________
dollars .
7. 我有三隻狗。棕色的是我表哥給的,而黑色的是我爸爸給的。
I have three dogs. The brown __________
ones are from my cousin, and the black __________
is from my dad.

B 句型綜合練習

a. 句型選擇題
(B)1. A: does Mary love? B: She loves movies.
(A) Which (B) What (C) Who (D) Where
(A)2. A: movie does Mary love, Green Books(幸福綠皮書) or
The Fate of the Furious 8(玩命關頭 8)?
B: She likes Green Books.
(A) Which (B) What (C) Who (D) Where
(A)3. A: is your notebook, the white one or the pink one?
B: The white one.
(A) Which (B) What (C) Who (D) Where
(D)4. A: is your notebook? B: It’s on the desk.
(A) Which (B) What (C) Who (D) Where
(D)5. A: is your new guitar? B: It is 4000 dollars.
(A) Which (B) How many (C) What (D) How much
(C)6. A: Are those dolls for Mary?
B: The blue is for me, and the white are for Mary.
(A) one; one (B) ones; ones (C) one; ones (D) ones; one

b. 句型翻譯題
1. A:鉛筆或色筆,你想要哪一個? B:我想要色筆。
A: __________ do you want, a __________
pencil or a __________
marker ?
B: I want a __________
marker .
2. A:漫畫書或故事書,他喜歡哪一個? B:他喜歡漫畫書。
A: Which does he like, __________
comic books
__________ or __________
story books ?
B: He likes __________
comic books .
3. A:籃球或棒球,你弟喜歡哪一個? B:他喜歡棒球。
A: Which does your brother like, __________
basketball or __________
baseball ?
B: He likes __________
baseball .
4. A:鋼琴或吉他,John 有哪一個? B:他有鋼琴及吉他。
A: Which does John have, a __________
piano or a __________
guitar ?
B: He has a __________
piano and a __________
guitar .
5. A:母親節或聖誕節,你們喜愛哪一個? B:我們喜愛聖誕節。
A: Which do you like, __________
Mother’s __________
Day or __________
Christmas ?
B: We like __________
Christmas .
6. A:那些漢堡多少錢? B:他們要 140 元。
A: __________ much
__________ are
__________ the hamburgers?
B: They are one hundred and forty __________
dollars .

c. 課本重要句子
1. A:那麼你喜歡哪一幅畫? B:我喜歡《夜晚的露天咖啡座》。
A: Then __________
which painting do you like? B: I like Café Terrace at Night.
A: That’s a great __________
one , too.
2. A:您要哪一個,柳橙汁還是蘋果汁? B:柳橙汁,麻煩了。
A: __________
Which do you like, orange juice __________
or apple juice?
B: Orange juice, please.
3. A:這些飲料多少錢? B:臺幣三百元。
A: __________
How much
__________ are
__________ the drinks? B: Three hundred NT dollars.
4. 它的名字表現出這幅畫兩個重要的部分,咖啡廳和夜晚的天空。
The name shows __________
two important __________
parts of the __________
painting , the coffee shop
and the night __________
sky .

C 重要單字

畫作 元

花 鮮豔的;明亮的

哪一個 黑的;暗的

口渴的 美術;藝術

咖啡 牛奶

商店 漢堡

稍後;晚點 雞肉飯

當然 茶

請客;款待 冰淇淋

甜美的;甜的 湯

店員 三明治

可以;可能 表現;秀出

想要 部分

果汁 天空

先生(對男性的尊稱) 街道

熱的 一起


Book 2
Unit 4 How Much Flour Do You Need?

A 本課主要的句型:疑問詞 How many 及 How much 的用法。同時介紹名詞前面的數量詞,


一、疑問詞 How many 的用法

(1) 疑問句:How many + 複數可數名詞 + are there + 介詞片語?

答句:There is/are(根據後面名詞做變化) + 名詞(a/one + 單數名詞 / 數量詞 + 複數名詞).

例:1. A: How many apples are there on the table? (桌上有多少顆蘋果?)

B: There is only one apple on the table. (桌上只有一個。)
 後面名詞為 one apple,動詞用 is。
2. A: How many cookies are there in the box? (盒子裡面有多少餅乾?)
B: There are twenty cookies. (有二十片餅乾。)
 後面名詞為 twenty cookies,動詞用 are。

(2) 疑問句:How many + 複數可數名詞 + do/does + 主詞 + 原形動詞?

答句:主詞 + 動詞(根據主詞做變化) + 受詞.

例:1. A: How many notebooks do you have? (你有多少本筆記本?)

B: I have one notebook. (我有一本。)
 答句用單數名詞。
2. A: How many cookies does Tina need? (Tina 需要多少餅乾?)
B: She needs twenty cookies. (她需要二十個餅乾。)
 答句用複數名詞。

1. there is/are 的句子,動詞由後面的名詞來決定。單數名詞用 is,複數名詞用 are。
2. How many 之後只可以接複數名詞。答句的受詞,可以是單數名詞或複數名詞。

1. A:你的鉛筆盒裡面有多少枝鉛筆? B:裡面有 5 枝。
A: _________
How many
_________ pencils _________
are there
_________ in your pencil box?
B: There _________
are five pencils.
2. A:動物園裡面有多少隻熊? B:只有一隻。
A: _________
How many
_________ bears _________
are there
_________ in the zoo?
B: There _________
is only one.
3. A:你母親需要多少顆蘋果? B:她需要 12 顆。
A: _________
How many
_________ apples does your mother need?
B: She needs _________
twelve (apples).
4. A:她的女兒需要多少顆蛋? B:她需要 2 顆蛋。
A: _________
How many
_________ eggs
_________ does her daughter need?
B: She needs _________
two (eggs).
5. A:你父親需要多少個盒子? B:他需要 3 盒。
A: _________
How many
_________ boxes
_________ does your father need?
B: He needs _________
three (boxes).

二、疑問詞 How much 的用法

疑問句:How much + 不可數名詞 + do/does + 主詞 + 原形動詞?

答句:主詞 + 動詞(根據主詞做變化) + 受詞(數量詞 + 不可數名詞 /量詞 + 不可數名詞).

例:A: How much flour does Mom need? (媽媽需要多少?)

B: She needs a lot of flour. (她需要很多麵粉。)
She needs two bags of flour. (她需要兩袋的麵粉。)
She doesn’t need any flour. (她不需要麵粉。)

1. 常見置於名詞前面的數量詞,如下表所示:
可數名詞 不可數名詞 備註
a/an Is there an apple in the box? 名詞第一個字母為
一個 No, there are some. 母音者加 an
Is there any apple juice on
the desk? 1. 否定句及疑問句
any Is there any apple in the box?
Yes, there is one can. But 2. 可接複數名詞或
任何 Yes, there are some.
there isn’t any orange 不可數名詞
1. There are some apples in
1. 用在肯定句中
some the box. There is some apple juice
2. 可接複數名詞或
一些 2. I make some cookies. Do on the desk.
you want some?
a few There are a few apples in the
X 接複數名詞
一些 box.
few There are few apples in the
X 接複數名詞
少許 box.
a little There is a little apple juice
X 接不可數名詞
一點 in the glass.
little There is little apple juice in
X 接不可數名詞
少許 the glass.
a lot of/
There are a lot of/lots of There are a lot of/lots of 可接複數名詞或不
lots of
apples in the box. apple juice in the glass. 可數名詞
many There are many apples in the
X 接複數名詞
很多 box.
Much There is much apple juice
X 接不可數名詞
很多 in the glass.

2. 可放在名詞前的量詞,包含以下:
中文 英文 中文 英文 中文 英文

一桶的 a tub of 一瓶 a bottle of 一個玻璃杯 a glass of

一杯的 a cup of 一片的 a slice of 一袋的 a bag of

一碗的 a bowl of 一罐的 a can of 一盒的 a box of

1. A:她需要多少沙拉? B:她需要一碗沙拉。
A: _________
How much
_________ salad does she need?
B: She needs _________
a bowl
_________ of
_________ salad.
2. A:她每天喝多少水? B:她每天喝八杯水。
A: _________
How much
_________ water does she drink every day?
B: She drinks _________
eight glasses _________
_________ of water .
3. A:你母親想要多少巧克力? B:她想要五盒巧克力。
A: _________
How much
_________ chocolate does your mother want?
B: She wants _________
five boxes
_________ of
_________ chocolate .
4. A:你想要多少巧克力? B:我想要很多巧克力。
A: _________
How much
_________ chocolate do you want?
B: I want _________
much chocolate .

B 句型綜合練習

a. 句型選擇題
(A)1. A: How water do you drink every day?
B: Eight or nine glasses of water.
(A) much (B) many (C) a lot of (D) lots of
(B)2. A: How comic books does the boy have? B: He has about 100.
(A) much (B) many (C) a lot of (D) lots of
(D)3. A: How much does she have every morning? B: One bottle.
(A) hot dogs (B) eggs (C) salad (D) milk
(B)4. A: apples are there in the basket? B: There are fifty.
(A) How old (B) How many (C) How much (D) How often
(C)5. A: juice do you buy? B: I buy five bottles.
(A) How old (B) How many (C) How much (D) How often
(B)6. A: What does your dad need? B: He needs plates for our dinner party.
(A) any (B) some (C) much (D) a little
(A)7. A: Does Jack have American friends? B: Yes, he does. He has five or six.
(A) any (B) few (C) much (D) one

b. 句型翻譯題
1. A:你需要多少盤子? B:20 個。
A: How _________
many plates
_________ do you need?
B: Twenty.
2. A:她需要多少牛奶? B:她需要五瓶牛奶。
A: How _________
much milk does she need?
B: She needs _________
five bottles _________
_________ of milk.
3. A:你需要多少顆蘋果? B:我需要四十顆。
A: How _________
many apples do you need?
B: I need _________
forty .
4. A:她需要多少本漫畫書? B:她需要五本。
A: How _________
many comic _________
books does she need?
B: She needs _________
five .
5. A:那個小男生有多少可樂? B:他有十瓶可樂。
A: How _________
much cola
_________ does the little boy have?
B: He has _________
ten bottles _________
_________ of cola.

c. 課本重要句子
1. A:你需要多少個盤子呢? B:20 個。
A: How _________
many plates
_________ do you need?
B: Twenty.
2. 對了,我正在做鳳梨酥,但我沒有蛋。你有一些嗎?
By the way, I’m making pineapple cakes, but I don’t have _________
any eggs.
Do you have _________
some ?
3. A:你需要多少顆蛋呢? B:我只需要兩顆。
A: How _________
many eggs
_________ do you need?
B: I need only _________
two .
4. 我也需要一些麵粉。
I need _________
some flour , too.
5. A:你需要多少麵粉? B:我需要一袋麵粉。
A: _________
How much
_________ flour do you need?
B: I need a _________
bag of _________
flour .

6. A:你有任何糖和鹽巴嗎? B:我只需要一點點。
A: Do you have any _________
sugar and _________
salt ?
B: I only need _________
a little .
7. 你還需要什麼嗎?
What else do you _________
need ?
8. 你要怎麼做?
What do you _________
do ?
9. 你得到了一份美味的巧克力棉花糖夾心餅。
You get _________
a yummy s’more.

C 重要單字

親戚 relative 糖果 candy

餐 meal 爆米花 popcorn

今晚 tonight 杯 cup

盤子 plate 碗 bowl

借(入) borrow 水果沙拉 fruit salad

需要;需求 need 披薩 pizza

麵粉 flour 小孩 kid

糖 sugar 容易的 easy

鹽 salt 點心 snack

一點點 a little 火 fire

其他 else 最後(的) last

借(出) lend 另一(的) another

瓶子 bottle 好吃的 yummy

水 water 享受;喜愛 enjoy

玻璃杯;玻璃 glass

Book 2
Unit 5 There Was a Lot of Trash in the Sea

A 本課主要的句型:本課的基本句型為過去式時態,介紹的內容為含有 be 動詞的過去式


一、含有 be 動詞的過去式句子基本句型
(A) 直述句:
主詞 + was/were + … + (過去式時間副詞).
例:Jack was a cook five years ago. (Jack 五年前是廚師。)

1. is 及 am 的過去式為 was;are 的過去式為 were。
現在式 過去式

I am a teacher. I a teacher.

He/She/My mother/ He/She/My mother/ was

is free. free.
Nick Nick

We/You/They/ We/You/They/
are at the park. were at the park.
The girls The girls

2. 常見的過去式時間副詞:
中文 英文 中文 英文

昨天早上/ yesterday morning/

昨天 yesterday 下午/ afternoon/
傍晚 evening

昨夜 last night 上一次… last + 時間

今天早上/ this morning/

下午/ afternoon/ 某一年 in + 過去年代
傍晚 evening

以前 before …之前 一段時間 + ago

那時候 then/at that time

3. 注意:this morning/afternoon/evening 也有可能用未來式,要從上下文中判斷。

1. Ted 昨天在博物館。
Ted __________
was at the museum __________
yesterday .
2. 那些廚師上個星期在日本。
Those cooks __________
were in Japan __________
last week .

(B) 疑問句:Was/Were + 主詞 + … + (過去式時間副詞)?

(C) 肯定簡答句:Yes, 主詞 + was/were.
(D) 否定簡答句:No, 主詞 + wasn’t/weren’t.
(E) 肯定詳答:Yes, 主詞 + was/were + … + (過去式時間副詞).
(F) 否定詳答:No, 主詞 + was not/wasn’t/were not/weren’t + ...
(G) 否定句:主詞 + wasn’t/weren’t + … + (過去式時間副詞).

例:1. Was Jack at the park this afternoon? (Jack 今天下午在公園嗎?)

Yes, he was. (是的,他在。)
No, he wasn’t. (不,他不在。)
Yes, he was at the park this afternoon. (是的,他今天下午在公園。)
No, he wasn’t at the park this afternoon. (不,他今天下午不在公園。)
2. Were Helen and Mary busy yesterday? (Helen 和 Mary 昨天很忙嗎?)
Yes, they were. (是的,他們是。)
No, they weren’t. (不,他們不。)
Yes, they were busy yesterday. (是的,他們昨天很忙。)
No, they weren’t busy yesterday. (不,他們昨天不忙。)

1. was not = wasn’t;were not = weren’t
2. 問句將 was/were 和主詞對調放句首,was 和 were 在問句句首要用大寫。
簡答時,用 was/were 回答。

1. A:你父親上週末在家嗎? B:是的,他在。他上週末在家。
A: __________
Was your father at home __________
last weekend ?
B: Yes, he __________
was . He __________
was at home last weekend.

2. A:Tom 兩個小時前在家嗎? B:是的,他在。他兩個小時前在家。
A: __________ Tom at home __________
two hours
__________ ago
__________ ?
B: Yes, he __________
was . He __________
was at home __________
two hours
__________ ago
__________ .
3. A:那些學生那時在教室嗎? B:是的,他們在。他們那時在教室。
A: __________
Were those students in the classroom __________
then ?
B: Yes, they __________
were . They __________
were in the classroom __________
then .

1. A:May 的父親以前是 Tina 的老師嗎? B:不,他不是。他以前不是 Tina 的老師。
A: __________
Was May’s father Tina’s teacher __________
before ?
B: No, he __________
wasn’t . He __________
wasn’t Tina’s teacher __________
before .
2. A:你父親上週五在家嗎? B:不,他不在。他上週五不在家。
A: __________
Was your father at home __________
last Friday ?
B: No, he __________
wasn’t . He __________
wasn’t at home last Friday.
3. A:Judy 三個小時前在家嗎? B:不,她不在。她三個小時前不在家。
A: __________
Was Judy at home __________
three hours
__________ ago
__________ ?
B: No, she __________
wasn’t . She __________
wasn’t at home __________
three hours
__________ ago
__________ .
4. A:那些老師那時在教室嗎? B:不,他們不在。他們那時不在教室。
A: __________
Were those teachers in the classroom __________
then ?
B: No, they __________
weren’t . They __________
weren’t in the classroom __________
then .

(A) 肯定句:主詞 + 過去式動詞 + … + (過去時間副詞).
例:Gary cleaned his room yesterday. (Gary 昨天打掃房間。)

1. Mary 昨天看了這本書。
Mary __________
read the book __________
yesterday .
2. 我弟弟兩天前看了這部電影。
My brother __________
watched the movie two days ago.
3. 他妹妹五天前看了這部電影。
His sister __________
watched the movie five days __________
ago .
4. 那些老人家於 2011 年看了這部電影。
Those old men __________
watched the movie __________
in 2011.

(B) 否定句:
主詞 + did not/didn’t + 原形動詞 + … + (過去時間副詞).
例:Gary didn’t clean his room yesterday. (Gary 昨天沒有打掃房間。)

特別訊息:改否定句時,因為有助動詞 did,所以動詞要回復到原形動詞。

1. Tom 前天沒有去參觀博物館。
Tom __________
didn’t visit the museum the day before yesterday.
2. Tom 一星期前沒有去參觀博物館。
Tom __________
didn’t visit
__________ the museum one week __________
ago .
3. Tom 今天早上沒有去參觀博物館。
Tom __________
didn’t visit
__________ the museum __________
this morning.

(C) 疑問句:Did + 主詞 + 原形動詞 + … + (過去時間副詞)?

(D) 肯定簡答:Yes, 主詞 + did.
(E) 否定簡答:No, 主詞 + didn’t.
(F) 肯定詳答:Yes, 主詞 + 過去式動詞 + … + (過去時間副詞).
(G) 否定詳答:No, 主詞 + did not/didn’t + 原形動詞 + … + (過去時間副詞).

1. 改疑問句時,因為有助動詞 did,所以動詞要回復到原形動詞。
2. 肯定詳答時,沒有助動詞 did,因此要再次使用動詞過去式。
3. 肯定簡答與否定簡答,都只要回答到 did/didn’t 就好。
例:Did Gary clean his room yesterday? (Gary 昨天有打掃房間嗎?)
Yes, he did. (是的,他有打掃。)
No, he didn’t. (不,他沒打掃。)
Yes, he cleaned his room yesterday. (是的,他昨天打掃房間。)
No, he didn’t clean his room yesterday. (不,他昨天沒有打掃房間。)

1. A:Mary 以前喜歡動物嗎? B:是的,她很喜歡。
A: __________
Did Mary __________
like animals before?
B: Yes, she __________
did .
2. A:Mary 以前喜歡狗嗎? B:不,她不喜歡。
A: __________
Did Mary __________
like dogs before?
B: No, she __________
didn’t .
3. A:Mary 以前喜歡貓嗎? B:是的,她很喜歡。
A: __________
Did Mary __________
like cats before?
B: Yes, she __________
did .
4. A:Mary 以前喜歡籃球嗎? B:不,她不喜歡。
A: __________
Did Mary __________
like basketball before?
B: No, she __________
didn’t .

B 句型綜合練習

a. 句型選擇題
(D)1. A: your brother busy yesterday? B: Yes, he was.
(A) Were (B) Is (C) Are (D) Was
(C)2. Your books on the desk ten minutes ago.
(A) was (B) is (C) were (D) are
(A)3. A: How old he then? B: He was ten years old then.
(A) was (B) is (C) were (D) are
(A)4. Your dog small, but it is big now.
(A) was (B) is (C) were (D) are
(A)5. A: Did they English yesterday? B: Yes, they did.
(A) study (B) studies (C) studied (D) studying
(C)6. Tony walked to school, but Mary to school.
(A) isn’t walking (B) doesn’t walk (C) didn’t walk (D) don’t walk
(C)7. Larry with his friend last Monday.
(A) chats (B) chatting (C) chatted (D) chat
(D)8. Mary her grandmother last weekend.
(A) visits (B) visit (C) visiting (D) visited

b. 填充題
1. May __________
walked (walk) her dog at the park last night.
2. We explored for some time and then __________
stopped (stop).
3. Tina __________
liked (like) hamburgers before, but now she doesn’t.
4. Henry __________
closed (close) the door and then he went out.
5. Monica __________
studied (study) English yesterday.

c. 句型翻譯題
1. Bob 去年四十歲。
Bob __________
was forty years old __________
last year
__________ .
2. A:你母親兩年前在波蘭嗎? B:是的,她兩年前在波蘭。
A: __________
Was your mother in Poland __________
two years
__________ ago
__________ ?
B: Yes, she __________
was in Poland __________
two years
__________ ago
__________ .
3. 我弟弟那時候很不快樂。他很傷心。
My brother __________
wasn’t happy then. He __________
was very sad.
4. A:他爺爺那時候很年輕很強壯嗎? B:不,他那時不年輕但很強壯。
A: __________
Was his grandpa young and strong then?
B: No, he __________
wasn’t young but strong.
5. 我去年在台灣工作。
I __________
worked in Taiwan last year.
6. 他哥哥去年在台灣唸書。
His brother __________
studied in Taiwan __________
last year.
7. 那些學生前天在公園打籃球。
Those students __________
played basketball the day __________
before yesterday.
8. A:那些女孩昨天在家中看電影嗎? B:不,他們昨天沒有在家中看電影。
A: __________ those girls __________
watch a movie at home yesterday?
B: No, they __________
didn’t watch
__________ a movie at home __________
yesterday .

c. 課本重要句子
1. A:你昨天在哪裡? B:我在我祖父母海灘的家。
A: Where __________
were you __________
yesterday ?
B: I __________
was at my grandparents’ house by the beach.

2. A:海灘怎麼樣? B:海灘還可以,但是海水就不太好了。
A: How __________
was the beach?
B: The beach __________
was okay, but the water __________
wasn’t so nice.
3. 海水裡面有很多垃圾。
There __________
was a lot of trash in it.
4. 多年前,海水非常乾淨。那時候的海灘是完美的度假勝地。
__________ years
__________ ago
__________ , the water __________
was very clean. The beach
__________ perfect for holidays then.
5. A:你們在那裡做了什麼事? B:我們造訪了一座島嶼。
A: What __________
did you __________
do there?
B: We __________
visited an island.
6. A:你玩得盡興嗎? B:不,我沒有。
A: __________
Did you enjoy it? B: No, I __________
didn’t .
7. 金和我在海中探索了幾分鐘,然後我們就停下來了。
Kim and I explored for a few minutes under the sea, and then we __________
stopped .
8. A:發生了什麼事? B:海水溫度太高,白化了牠們。
A: What __________
happened ?
B: The sea water __________
was too warm, and it bleached them.
9. 這片雨林提供動物們如小鳥、猴子和大象一個良好的居所。
The forest __________
provided a nice home for many animals like birds, monkeys, and elephants.
10. 它也是莉瑪和她弟弟的遊樂場。
It __________
was also a playground for Rima and her little brother.
11. 他們在那片森林過得很快樂。
They __________
were happy in the forest.
12. 人們焚燒樹木,然後種植棕櫚樹。
People __________
burned trees and then __________
planted palm trees.
13. 一點一點地,雨林消失了。
Little by little, the rainforest ___________
disappeared .
14. 莉瑪和她的弟弟十分傷心。
Rima and her brother __________
were sad.
15. 以前,雨林生機勃勃,但是現在沒有動物了。
The rainforest __________
was full of life __________
before , but now there are no animals.

C 重要單字

昨天 湖泊

海灘 山丘

垃圾 山

前;以前 露營;紮營

拜訪 爬(山)

島嶼 划船

幾個;一些 種植;植物

海 健行

停止 野餐

發生 居住

死亡的 遊樂場;操場

溫暖的 每樣事物

雨林 燃燒

死亡 油

忙碌的 賣

河流 賺錢

Book 2
Unit 6 We Rode a Bike to the Temple

A 本課主要的句型為:(1) 過去式時態,介紹的內容為不規則動詞變化。
(2) 連接詞 because 與 so 的用法。

中文 原級 過去式

中文 原級 過去式







中文 原級 過去式






(A) 肯定句:主詞 + 不規則過去式動詞 + … + (過去時間副詞).
例:Gary slept all day yesterday. (Gary 昨天睡了一整天。)

1. Mary 昨天吃了很多熱狗。
Mary __________
ate a lot of hot dogs __________
yesterday .
2. Tom 昨天拍了很多相片。
Tom __________
took a lot of pictures __________
yesterday .
3. 我弟弟兩天前做了個蛋糕。
My brother __________
made a cake two days __________
ago .
4. 我父母 2018 年讀這本書。
My parents __________
read the book in 2018.

(B) 否定句:主詞 + did not/didn’t + 原形動詞 + … + (過去時間副詞).

例:Gary didn’t sleep all day yesterday. (Gary 昨天沒有睡一整天。)

特別訊息: 改否定句時,因為有助動詞 did,所以動詞要回復到原形動詞。

1. Tom 前天沒有去圖書館。
Tom __________
didn’t go
__________ to the library the __________
day before __________
yesterday .
2. Tom 一星期前沒有去圖書館。
Tom __________
didn’t go
__________ to the library one week __________
ago .

(C) 疑問句:Did + 主詞 + 原形動詞 + … + (過去時間副詞)?

(D) 肯定簡答:Yes, 主詞 + did.
(E) 否定簡答:No, 主詞 + didn’t.
(F) 肯定詳答:Yes, 主詞 + 過去式動詞 + … + (過去時間副詞).
(G) 否定詳答:No, 主詞 + did not/didn’t + 原形動詞 + … + (過去時間副詞).

1. 改疑問句時,因為有助動詞 did,所以動詞要使用原形動詞。
2. 肯定詳答時,沒有助動詞 did,因此要再次使用動詞過去式。
3. 肯定簡答與否定簡答,都只要回答到 did/didn’t 就好。

例:Did Gary sleep all day yesterday? (Gary 昨天有睡一整天嗎?)

Yes, he did. (是的,他有。)
No, he didn’t. (不,他沒有。)
Yes, he slept all day yesterday. (是的,他昨天睡一整天。)
No, he didn’t sleep all day yesterday. (不,他昨天沒有睡一整天。)
(H) 搭配疑問詞的過去式句型:
(1) 問句: Where did + 主詞 + 原形動詞 + … + (過去時間副詞)?
答句:主詞 + 過去式不規則變化之動詞 + … + (過去時間副詞)?
(2) 問句: What did + 主詞 + 原形動詞 + … + (過去時間副詞)?
答句:主詞 + 過去式不規則變化之動詞 + … + (過去時間副詞)?
1. Amy: Where did Julia meet her cousin last week? (Julia 上星期在哪裡和她表哥見面?)
Ted: She met him at her home last week. (她上星期和表哥在她家見面。)
2. Amy: What did Henry do last night? (Henry 昨晚做了什麼?)
Ted: He wrote two stories. (他寫了兩篇故事。)

1. A:Mary 以前喝過咖啡嗎? B:是的,她喝過。
A: __________
Did Mary __________
drink coffee before?
B: Yes, she __________
did .
2. A:Mary 以前讀過那本書嗎? B:是的,她讀過。
A: __________ Mary __________
read the book before?
B: Yes, she __________
did .
3. A:Mary 以前讀過那本繪本嗎? B:不,她沒讀過。
A: __________
Did Mary __________
read the picture book before?
B: No, she __________
didn’t .
4. A:Mary 以前喝過蘋果汁嗎? B:不,她以前沒喝過蘋果汁。
A: __________
Did Mary __________
drink apple juice before?
B: No, she __________
didn’t drink
__________ apple juice before.
5. A:那些學生兩天前去哪裡? B:他們去了那間廟宇。
A: Where __________
did those students __________
go two days ago? B: They __________
went to
the temple.
6. A: 你們上星期五做了什麼? B: 我們在公園唱歌。
A: What __________
did you __________
do last Friday? B: We __________
sang at the park.
三、 連接詞 because 與 so 的用法
基本句型:(A) Because + 主詞 + 動詞…, 主詞 + 動詞…
(B) 主詞 + 動詞… because + 主詞 + 動詞…
(C) 主詞 + 動詞…, so + 主詞 + 動詞…

例:Because Tina was sick, she didn’t go to school.

Tina didn’t go to school because she was sick.
Tina was sick, so she didn’t go to school.
(因為 Tina 生病,所以她沒有上學。)

1. because 連接的子句,可以放在句首,但與主要子句間,必須用逗點(,)隔開。
2. 若主要子句放在句首,與 because 連接的子句,不必用逗點(,)隔開。
3. so 連接的子句,只可以放在主要子句後面,且與主要子句間,必須用逗點(,)隔開。
4. 中文「因為…所以」常會出現在同一個句子中,但英文中 because 與 so 絕對不可以同時

1. 因為 Tom 很餓,所以他吃了很多飯。
Because Tom was hungry, he __________
__________ ate a lot of rice.

Tom __________
ate a lot of rice __________
because he __________
was hungry.
Tom __________
was hungry, __________
so he __________
ate a lot of rice.
2. 因為我很忙,所以我沒有和 Tom 出去。
Because I was very busy, I __________
__________ didn’t go out with Tom.
I __________
didn’t go out with Tom __________
because I __________
was very busy.
I __________
was very busy, __________
so I __________
didn’t go out with Tom.
3. 因為那個男生畫了一張漂亮的圖,林先生做了一個蛋糕給他。
Because the boy __________
__________ drew a beautiful picture, Mr. Lin __________
made a cake for him.
Mr. Lin __________
made a cake for the boy __________
because he __________
drew a beautiful picture.
The boy __________
drew a beautiful picture, __________
so Mr. Lin __________
made a cake for him.
B 句型綜合練習

a. 選擇題
( )1. A: Did they buy the comic books yesterday? B: Yes, they them.
(A) buy (B) bus (C) bought (D) buying
( )2. Tony liked the movie, but Mary .
(A) didn’t like (B) didn’t (C) doesn’t (D) doesn’t like
( )3. Larry with his mother this morning.
(A) swam (B) swimming (C) swim (D) to swim
( )4. A: Mary visit the island?
B: Yes, she visited there with her family.
(A) Did (B) Are (C) Were (D) Do
( )5. Which is true?
(A) Because Helen was hungry, so she ate five bowls of rice.
(B) Helen was hungry, so she ate five bowls of rice.
(C) Helen was hungry, she ate five bowls of rice.
(D) So Helen was hungry, she ate five bowls of rice.
( )6. A: What did Helen do two weeks ago? B: She a kite.
(A) is flying (B) flies (C) flew (D) fly

b. 句型翻譯題
1. 我去年在台灣教英文。
I __________
taught English in Taiwan last year.
2. 我母親兩年前在美國賣電腦。

My mother __________
sold computers in America two years __________
ago .
3. A:他哥哥前天有遇見 Peter 嗎? B:是的,他在博物館前遇見他。
A: __________ his brother __________
meet Peter the day before __________
yesterday ?
B: Yes, he __________
met him in front of the museum.
4. 因為 Tom 和 John 打架,所以他母親很生氣。
Because Tom __________
__________ fought with John, his mother was angry.
Tom’s mother was angry __________
because he __________
fought with John.
Tom __________
fought with John, __________
so his mother __________
was angry.
5. 因為我很餓,所以我吃了很多三明治。
Because I was hungry, I __________
__________ ate/had a lot of sandwiches.
I __________
ate/had a lot of sandwiches __________
because I was hungry.
I __________
was hungry , __________
__________ so I __________
ate/had a lot of sandwiches.

c. 課本重要句子
1. 你們兩個長途跋涉而來。
You two __________
traveled a long way.
2. 我們不累;我們在飛機上睡了很多了。
We’re not __________
tired ; we slept a lot on the __________
plane .
3. 我前幾天去了一間書店,買了一本關於美麗恆河的書。
I went to a __________
bookstore the other day and __________
bought a book about the beautiful Ganges
4. 我睡不著,因為這裡人太多了。
I can’t sleep __________
because there are too many people here.
5. 我很餓,所以我從那個男人那裡買了些東西。
I was very hungry, __________
so I __________
got something from the man over there.
6. A: 你買了些什麼? B: 我買了雞肉飯。
A: What __________
did you __________
get ?
B: I __________
got some __________
chicken __________
rice .
7. 他們在年輕時相愛,也一起去了很多地方。
They __________
fell in love at a young age, and they __________
went to many places together.
8. 令人傷心的是,慕塔芝•瑪哈在三十七歲去世。沙•迦罕哭了好幾天,且避不見人。
Sadly, Mumtaz Mahal __________
lost her life at the age of 37. Shah Jahan __________
cried for
days and __________
hid from everyone.

9. 後來,這位國王為他一生的摯愛建造了泰姬瑪哈陵。這項工程並不容易,所以它持續了二
Later, the king __________
built the Taj Mahal for the love of his life. The work __________
was not
easy, so it __________
lasted twenty years.

C 重要單字

機場 所以

旅行;行進 某物;某事

休息 叉子

開(車);駕駛 車站;局

旅館 百貨公司

飛機 餐廳

風景;名勝 電影院

書店 市場

購買 有名的

旅行;行程 除…之外

單車 故事

寺廟 墜入情網

幾乎 年紀

酷的 失去

為什麼 哭泣

火車 躲藏

因為 建造


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