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College of Education - URS Morong


Arabit, Rovi Gie P.
Balones, John Mark
Coballes, Aniluv, G.
Ferreras, Louise Anne, J.
Francisco, Kirstel Ivette, H.
Frianeza, Jayrald, N.
Millare, Miccah Reigne, A.
Pugoso, Nicole, S.

Investigation of Freezing Point Depression and Boiling Point Elevation in

Solutions in Terms of Molal Solution (MOLALITY)


Since we already know the definition of molality, which is the moles of solute per
kilogram of solvent, and its corresponding formula,
𝑚 = 𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑡𝑒/𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑖𝑛 𝑘𝑖𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑚𝑠; It is also important to apply these terms in
a practical demonstration during laboratory activities. This study explores the relationship
between molality and two colligative properties, freezing point depression and boiling point
elevation, in solutions. Colligative properties are physical properties of solutions that depend on
the concentration of solute particles, regardless of their identity. Two common colligative
properties are freezing point depression and boiling point elevation, which are directly related to
the molality of a solution. By investigating these properties, we can gain insights into the
behavior of solutions and the relationship between concentration and physical properties.


➢ Molality: Molality (often denoted as 𝑚) is a measure of concentration in a solution. It is

defined as the number of moles of solute dissolved in one kilogram of solvent. Molality is
expressed in units of moles of solute per kilogram of solvent (mol/kg).
➢ Colligative Properties: Colligative properties are physical properties of solutions that
depend on the concentration of solute particles in the solution, regardless of the identity
of the solute. These properties include freezing point depression, boiling point elevation,
College of Education - URS Morong
vapor pressure lowering, and osmotic pressure. Colligative properties are important in
determining the behavior of solutions in various applications.
➢ Boiling Point Elevation: Boiling point elevation is a colligative property of solutions. It
refers to the phenomenon where the boiling point of a solution is higher than that of the
pure solvent.
➢ Freezing Point Depression: is another colligative property of solutions. It refers to the
phenomenon where the freezing point of a solution is lower than that of the pure solvent.

Experiment 1: Freezing Point Depression

To Investigate how different concentrations of solute (such as NaCl) impact freezing
point depression in solvent solutions, elucidating the relationship between molality and freezing
point depression.

To Validate the principle of colligative properties by demonstrating that the extent of

freezing point depression is directly proportional to the molality of the solute in the solution, as
predicted by theory.

To Explore the practical significance of freezing point depression, providing insights into
applications such as antifreeze solutions and cryopreservation techniques, and how varying
solute concentrations affect these processes.

Materials needed:

● Distilled water ● Beakers ● Ice bath

● Sodium chloride ● Basin ● Stopwatch or timer
(NaCl) ● Stirring rod ● Erlenmeyer flask
● Weighing balance ● Thermometer ● Graphing paper


1) Preparation of Saltwater Solutions:

a) Utilize an analytical balance to weigh out different masses of NaCl, aiming for
concentrations ranging from 0.1 mol/kg to 1.0 mol/kg.
b) In separate beakers, dissolve each measured mass of NaCl in a known mass of
distilled water.
c) Stir each solution thoroughly until complete dissolution is achieved.
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2) Measurement of Freezing Points:

a) Create an ice bath by filling a beaker with crushed ice and water, or utilize a
freezer to chill the solutions.
b) Immerse the thermometer in the ice bath to ensure it reaches the freezing point
(0°C or 32°F).
c) Measure and record the initial temperature of pure water (the control) using the
d) Measure and record the initial temperature of each saltwater solution using the
3) Inducing Freezing:
a) Place each beaker containing the saltwater solutions in the ice bath or freezer.
b) Monitor the temperature of each solution using the thermometer until it reaches
c) Record the lowest temperature reached by each solution, indicating its freezing
4) Calculation of Freezing Point Depression:
a) Calculate the freezing point depression (ΔTf) for each saltwater solution by
subtracting the freezing point of the solution from the freezing point of pure water.
b) Determine the molality (m) of each saline solution.
5) Analysis:
a) Analyze the obtained results.
b) Plot a graph illustrating the relationship between freezing point depression and

Experiment 2: Boiling Point Elevation

To Investigate the relationship between molality and boiling point elevation by
measuring the boiling points of solutions with varying concentrations of sucrose, we aim to
determine the extent of boiling point elevation and explore the relationship between molality and
this colligative property.

To Validate the direct relationship between molality and boiling point elevation, as
predicted by colligative property principles.
College of Education - URS Morong

To Understand practical applications of boiling point elevation in real-world scenarios.

By studying how changes in solute concentration affect the boiling behavior of solutions, we aim
to gain insights into applications such as cooking, food science, and chemical engineering.
Understanding the relationship between molality and boiling point elevation can provide
valuable knowledge for designing processes and products in various industries.

Materials needed:

● Graphing paper ● Sucrose (table ● Beakers

● Erlenmeyer flask sugar) ● Stirring rod
● Distilled water ● Analytical balance ● Thermometer
● Electric Kettle


1) Preparation of Sugar Water Solutions:

a) Use an analytical balance to measure out different masses of sucrose, aiming for
concentrations ranging from 0.1 mol/kg to 1.0 mol/kg.
b) In separate beakers, dissolve each measured mass of sucrose in a known mass
of distilled water.
c) Thoroughly stir each solution until complete dissolution is achieved.
2) Measurement of Boiling Points:
a) Fill a beaker with distilled water and place it on the hot plate or Bunsen burner.
b) Insert a thermometer into the water and record the boiling point of pure water as
a control.
c) Measure and record the initial temperature of each sugar water solution using the
3) Boiling the Solutions:
a) Boil the sugar water solution using the electric kettle
b) Continuously monitor the temperature of each solution using the thermometer
until it reaches the boiling point.
c) Record the highest temperature reached by each solution, indicating its boiling
4) Calculation of Boiling Point Elevation:
a) Calculate the boiling point elevation (ΔTb) for each sugar water solution by
subtracting the boiling point of pure water from the boiling point of the solution.
b) Determine the molality (m) of each sugar water solution.
5) Analysis:
a) Analyze the obtained results.
College of Education - URS Morong



In the freezing point depression experiment, it was observed that as the molality of the
saltwater solutions increased, the freezing point depression also increased. This relationship
was linear, indicating a direct proportionality between molality and freezing point depression.

Similarly, in the boiling point elevation experiment, it was found that as the molality of the
sugar water solutions increased, the boiling point elevation also increased. Again, this
relationship was linear, demonstrating a direct proportionality between molality and boiling point

These results are consistent with the principles of colligative properties, which state that
the extent of freezing point depression and boiling point elevation is directly proportional to the
molality of the solute in the solution. The presence of solute particles disrupts the normal
freezing or boiling process of the solvent, leading to changes in these properties.

Graph Description: Boiling point elevation

● The x-axis represents the molality (m) of the sugar water solutions, measured in mol/kg.
● The y-axis represents the boiling point elevation (ΔTb) of the solutions, measured in
degrees Celsius (°C).
● Each data point on the graph represents the boiling point elevation of a sugar water
solution at a specific molality.
● The graph shows a linear relationship between molality and boiling point elevation. As
the molality of the sugar water solutions increases, the boiling point elevation also
● The slope of the line represents the change in boiling point elevation per unit change in
molality. A steeper slope indicates a greater increase in boiling point elevation with
increasing molality.
● The intercept of the line with the y-axis represents the boiling point elevation of pure
solvent (in this case, water).
● The data points are connected by a straight line to illustrate the trend, and the line
extends beyond the data points to indicate the expected boiling point elevation at higher
College of Education - URS Morong

● The graph confirms the relationship between molality and boiling point elevation as
predicted by colligative properties. As the molality of a solution increases, the boiling
point elevation also increases, indicating that the presence of solute particles in the
solution raises the boiling point of the solvent.
● The linear relationship between molality and boiling point elevation suggests a direct
proportionality, where a higher concentration of solute leads to a greater increase in
boiling point elevation.
● This graph provides visual evidence of the impact of molality on boiling point elevation
and can be used to predict the boiling point elevation of sugar water solutions at different

Graph Description: Freezing point depression

● X-axis (Horizontal): The x-axis represents the molality (m) of the saltwater solutions,
typically measured in mol/kg (moles of solute per kilogram of solvent).
● Y-axis (Vertical): The y-axis represents the freezing point depression (ΔTf) of the
solutions, measured in degrees Celsius (°C)
● Data Points: Each data point on the graph represents a specific saltwater solution with a
known molality and corresponding freezing point depression. These data points are
obtained experimentally by measuring the freezing points of solutions with different
concentrations of salt.
● Trend Line: A trend line is drawn through the data points to illustrate the relationship
between molality and freezing point depression. This line helps to identify any patterns or
trends in the data.
● Interpretation of the Trend Line: The slope of the trend line indicates the change in
freezing point depression per unit change in molality. A steeper slope suggests a greater
increase in freezing point depression with increasing molality, while a shallower slope
suggests a smaller increase.


● Direct Proportionality: The graph demonstrates a direct proportionality between molality

and freezing point depression for saltwater solutions. As the molality of the solution
increases (indicating a higher concentration of salt), the freezing point depression also
● Colligative Property: This relationship aligns with the principles of colligative properties,
which state that the extent of freezing point depression is directly proportional to the
concentration of solute particles in the solution, regardless of the identity of the solute.
College of Education - URS Morong

● Experimental Confirmation: The data points and trend line serve as experimental
confirmation of the theoretical expectations based on colligative properties. The graph
provides visual evidence of how changes in solute concentration affect the freezing
behavior of the solvent.
● Usefulness: This graph is useful for predicting the freezing point depression of saltwater
solutions at different concentrations and for understanding the role of molality in
determining this colligative property.


The experiments conducted to investigate freezing point depression and boiling point
elevation in solvent solutions have provided valuable insights into the relationship between
molality and colligative properties.

Firstly, the objective to investigate how different concentrations of solute impact freezing
point depression was successfully achieved. Through the freezing point depression experiment
with saltwater solutions, it was observed that as the molality of the solutions increased, the
freezing point depression also increased. This linear relationship between molality and freezing
point depression validates the principle of colligative properties, indicating a direct
proportionality between solute concentration and the extent of freezing point depression.

Similarly, in the boiling point elevation experiment with sugar water solutions, our
objective to explore the relationship between molality and boiling point elevation was achieved.
The results demonstrated a linear relationship between molality and boiling point elevation,
confirming the direct relationship predicted by colligative property principles. As the molality of
the solutions increased, the boiling point elevation also increased, consistent with the disruptive
effect of solute particles on the boiling process of the solvent.

These findings underscore the practical significance of colligative properties in various

applications, such as antifreeze solutions and cryopreservation techniques. Understanding the
relationship between molality and freezing point depression/boiling point elevation provides
valuable insights for designing processes and products in industries ranging from food science
to chemical engineering.

In conclusion, the experiments have not only validated the principles of colligative
properties but also highlighted their importance in understanding and manipulating the physical
properties of solutions. Further research in this area could lead to advancements in various
fields and the development of innovative solutions for practical challenges.

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