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Quarter 3 – Module 2:
(WEEK 2)
What I Need to Know
Hello students! Your knowledge about volcanoes is continuously growing. In
fact, in the previous module you were introduced to the various types of volcanoes
based on their cones, record of eruption, external parts of the volcano and the factors
that affect the shape of the volcanic cone. You have learned a lot so far! Studying this
module will certainly increase your understanding on the positive and negative effects
of volcanic eruption.

Explain what happens when volcanoes erupt.

In this module, you are expected to learn the following:

• Recognize the various signs of impeding volcanic eruption
• Know the positive and negative effects of volcanic eruption
• Familiarize the DOs and DON’Ts prior, during, and after volcanic eruptions

What I Know

Directions: Read each question carefully and write the letter of the correct answer on
a separate paper.

1. When did Mount Pinatubo erupt?

A. June 15, 1991 C. June 17, 1991
B. June 16, 1991 D. June 18, 1991

2. Why does the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo have a positive effect to the world? The
eruption of Mt. Pinatubo has a positive effect to the world because _______.
A. There was a measurable cooling of the Earth’s surface for a period of almost
two years.
B. The aerosol particles from the plume were spread by the strong winds
around the globe.
C. The eruption seemed magnificent to watch that it attracts foreigners to
observe this phenomenon.
D. All of the above

3. The following are the positive effect after an eruption of volcano happens
A. decrease population
B. creation of beautiful scenery
C. produce rich soils for farming
D. decrease of Earth’s atmospheric temperature

4. What happens when ash and mud from an eruption mixes with rain?
A. erosion B. flood C. lahar D. siltation

5. What type of energy is produced when a turbine moves due to the released of
steam during an eruption?
A. hydropower energy C. solar energy
B. geothermal energy D. wind energy

6. Which of the following statements is NOT a clear sign of an impending volcanic

A. Crater glows due to the presence of magma at or near the crater.
B. Continuous flow of water in springs or wells around the volcano.
C. Localized landslides from the summit area of the volcano.
D. Increase in the temperature of hot springs and wells.

7. If you are living near a volcano, you notice that there is an increase of drying
up of vegetation on the upper slope of the volcano. What can you immediately
infer with this matter?
A. You need to evacuate the area immediately.
B. The volcano will erupt soon, evacuation must be done.
C. Go straight to the upper slope of the volcano and water the drying
D. Immediately get your selfie stick and smile. It is a perfect view for a selfie
and post on social media.

8. Which Philippine government agency tasked to monitor earthquakes and

volcanoes in the country?

9. Which of the following is/are clear sign/s of an impending eruption of volcano?

I. Drying up of springs/wells around the volcano
II. Increase in the frequency of volcanic quakes with rumbling sounds
and occurrence of volcanic tremors.
III. Increased steaming activity; change in color of steam emission from
white to gray due to entrained ash.
IV. Noticeable increase in the extent of drying up of vegetation around
the volcano's upper slopes.
A. I only B. I & III C. II, III, IV D. I, II, III, IV

10. What should you do if the temperature of hot spring where you and your friends
are swimming suddenly increases?
A. Do not panic and evacuate the place immediately.
B. Relax and enjoy the calming effect of the hot spring.
C. Get out from the hot spring and check other signs of impending volcanic
D. None of the above

For nos. 11 – 15, identify each sentence if it is done prior, during, and after volcanic
eruptions. Choose A if the statement is done before volcanic eruption, B if the
statement is done during volcanic eruption, C if the statement is done after volcanic
eruption, and D if the statement is not applicable whether it is done prior, during, and
after volcanic eruptions.
A = done before volcanic eruption C = done after volcanic eruption
B = done during volcanic eruption D = not applicable

11. Seek shelter indoors and cover especially when there is rockfall.
12. Clean the house wearing masks to avoid inhalation of ash and volcanic debris.
13. Prioritize the safety of children and elderly before other things.
14. Monitor alert levels via television or battery-operated radio transistors in case of
power loss.
15. Record every situation that is happening during eruption of volcano.


What’s In
DIRECTIONS: Read and understand the common signs that a volcano is going to

Are you prepared? Signs of an impending volcanic eruption

According to the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology
(PHIVOLCS), the government agency tasked with monitoring earthquakes and
volcanoes in the country, the following are commonly observed signs that a volcano
is about to erupt. These may vary from one volcano to another.
1. Increase in the frequency of volcanic quakes with rumbling sounds and
occurrence of volcanic tremors.
2. Increased steaming activity; change in color of steam emission from white to
gray due to entrained ash.
3. Crater glow due to presence of magma at or near the crater.
4. Ground swells (or inflation), ground tilt and ground fissuring due to magma
5. Localized landslides, rockfalls and landslides from the summit area which not
attributable to heavy rains.

6. Noticeable increase in the extent of drying up of vegetation around the
volcano's upper slopes.
7. Increase in the temperature of hot springs, wells (e.g., Bulusan and Canlaon)
and crater lake (e.g., Taal) near the volcano.
8. Noticeable variation in the chemical content of springs, crater lakes within the
vicinity of the volcano.
9. Drying up of springs/wells around the volcano; and
10. Development of new thermal areas and/or reactivation of old ones; appearance
of solfataras.

Mentioned above are the signs that a volcanic eruption is about to happen. What
happen to the area after a volcanic eruption? Will there be a positive effect of volcanic
eruption? Continue studying this module to find out.

What’s New
DIRECTIONS: Complete the table by indicating the negative and positive effects of
volcanic eruption. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.

What is It
Volcanic eruption is often associated with
negative effects. It can cause loss of lives and
properties. As the lava flows or pyroclastic
materials are ejected in the air, they can destroy
anything in their way. It has a good and a bad side.
For example, the eruption of Pinatubo in June 15,
1991, one of the longest volcanic eruptions, has
caused the decrease in the Earth’s surface
temperature for almost two years. The strong
winds during its eruption spread the aerosol
Source: Science 9 Learners’
particles from the plume around the globe. The
result was a measurable cooling of the Earth’s
surface for a period of almost two years.
Volcanoes also affect people positively. For example, the eruption of Pinatubo
Volcano has created spectacular scenery in its wake. Likewise, the eruption of
Musuan Volcano in Bukidnon has produced very rich soils for farming years after its
eruption in 1867. People became creative also by making earthenware out of the
ashfall from the Pinatubo Volcano eruption.

Despite the advantages that people get from volcanic eruption, the major
concern now is how to reduce the negative effects of disasters to reduce loss and
save lives.

Source: Science 9 Learners’


Listed below are additional positive and negative effects of volcanic eruption.

• Geothermal energy is where heat from within the Earth is used to generate
electricity. It can be generated in areas where magma lies close to the surface.
This is good for increasing our renewable energy use.
• Volcanoes attract many tourists, who enjoy the dramatic scenery that they
• Income to an area is created by tourists because the dramatic scenery created
by volcanic eruptions attracts tourists.
• Lava and Ash deposited during an eruption breaks down to provide valuable
nutrients for the soil this creates very fertile soil which is good for agriculture.
• The steam that is released during an eruption could be utilized to move the
turbine that could produce energy. This is called geothermal energy.

• Volcanoes are dangerous. They can kill people and damage property.
• Economic activity can suffer as it is hard for businesses to operate after an
• Habitats and landscapes are damaged by lava flows.
• Many lives can be lost because of a volcanic eruption.
• Deadly and devastating Lahars are made when ash and mud from an eruption
mixes with rain or melting snow making fast moving mud flows.
• Lahars and Lava flows can destroy settlements and clear areas of woodland
and agriculture with its fast flowing and temperatures over 400°C.
• Human and natural landscapes can be destroyed and changed forever.
• Man-made and natural landscapes can be destroyed and will be changed
• When ash and mud from the eruption is mixed with rainwater or melting snow,
rapid mudflows are produced. This can also trigger flash floods, and rock fall.

• Countless lives will be lost due to the eruption.

As volcanic eruptions are natural phenomena, they will always be part of our lives;
hence, it is beneficial to know the DOs and DON’Ts prior, during, and after volcanic

• Be aware of the dangers brought about by volcanic eruption. Familiarize
yourself with the alert levels for you to act out immediately.
• Prepare necessary things such as food, medicine, water, blanket and clothing,
and secure important documents that you need to bring if the government
requires you to evacuate. DO NOT hesitate to leave your houses – your lives
are more important than your properties!
• Prepare other life-saving devices such as cell phones, flashlights, whistles, and
gas masks as volcanic eruptions are accompanied by ash falls and other
pyroclastic materials.
• Prioritize the safety of children and elderly before other things. In as early as
alert level 2, take them to your friends and relatives living in farther places.

If you are outdoors:
• Seek shelter indoors and cover especially when there is rockfall.
• Avoid low-lying places as lahar and lava flows are more likely to run down
through that area.
• If you can drive rather than walk, use your vehicle to evacuate. Keep all
windows closed while driving and be aware of usual hazards in the road.

If you are indoors:

• Close all windows, doors, fireplace, and other house openings.
• Monitor alert levels via television or battery-operated radio transistors in case
of power loss.
• Cover your nose and mouth with masks to avoid breathing in ashes.
• Bring pets and livestock in to closed shelter – their safety is also one of our
• Stay inside your house unless authorities tell you to evacuate.

• Check the entire house, the walls, the roofs, and electrical wirings; earthquakes,
increased temperature, and other volcanic-related activities might affect the
stability of the building.
• Clean the house wearing masks to avoid inhalation of ash and volcanic debris.
• Wait for further announcement before transporting your family back to your

What’s More
DIRECTIONS: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect then
change the underlined word/s to make the sentence correct. Write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.
1. Crater glow due to presence of lava at or near the crater.
2. The eruption of Pinatubo in 1991 has caused the decrease in the Earth’s
surface temperature for almost two years.
3. Geothermal energy is where heat from within the Earth is used to generate
4. Habitats and landscapes are damaged by magma flows.
5. Close all windows, doors, fireplace, and other house openings.

What I Have Learned

DIRECTIONS: Copy and answer the table below on a separate sheet. Check one of
the boxes describing how you understand the topics intended for the lesson. Based
on your response, your teacher will have an idea on what reinforcement or extension
activities can be used to further enhance your understanding.

How much did

this lesson help Fair Better Best
Signs of an
volcanic eruption
Positive and
Negative effects
of volcanic
The DOs and
DON’Ts prior,
during, and after

What I Can Do


You are a volcanologist from Bicol. On your way back to your hometown, you saw the
destruction brought about by the eruption of Mayon Volcano. You decided to invite
your colleagues to come with you on your next visit with a mission, that is, to create
awareness among your townmates about volcanic hazards – before, during, and after
a volcanic eruption. Decide on how you will accomplish your mission. Your
presentation will be rated based on the following criteria:
• Details and information • Accuracy
• Method of presentation
• Techniques/creativity

Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited
40 pts. 30 pts. 20 pts. 10 pts.

Has included 3 Has included

Has included Has included 4
things to only 2 things to
at least 5 things to things to remember
remember remember
Details and remember before, during,
before, during, before, during,
Information before, during, and after a
and after a and after a
and after a volcanic
volcanic volcanic
volcanic eruption eruption
eruption eruption

Presentation is
easy to Presentation is Presentation is Presentation is
Method of
understand, Unique but not not unique but not unique and
unique, and organized organized not organized

Limited props
Variety of props
Well-prepared or materials
Well-prepared or materials
with a variety used to create
but limited props or used to create an
of props or an image
materials used adequate
materials used which
to create an image that is
to create a minimally
Techniques / interesting moderately
powerful image appeals to or is
Creativity image about what suitable about
about what to not suitable
to do before, what to do
do before, about what to
during, and after a before, during
during, and do before,
volcanic and after
after volcanic during and
eruption volcanic
eruption after volcanic

Information Information
contains Information
contains minor contains errors
essentially no contains many
errors, none of which somewhat
Accuracy errors which errors which
which interfere interferes with
interfere with limit the clarity of
with clarity of clarity of
clarity of communication
communication communication


DIRECTIONS: Write the letter of the correct answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. What happens when ash and mud from an eruption mixes with rain?
A. erosion B. flood C. lahar D. siltation

2. Which Philippine government agency tasked to monitor earthquakes and

volcanoes in the country?

3. Which of the following is/are clear sign/s of an impending eruption of volcano?

I. Drying up of springs/wells around the volcano
II. Increase in the frequency of volcanic quakes with rumbling sounds
and occurrence of volcanic tremors.
III. Increased steaming activity; change in color of steam emission from
white to gray due to entrained ash.
IV. Noticeable increase in the extent of drying up of vegetation around
the volcano's upper slopes.
A. I only B. I & III C. II, III, IV D. I, II, III, IV

4. When did Mount Pinatubo erupt?

A. June 15, 1991 C. June 17, 1991
B. June 16, 1991 D. June 18, 1991

5. What type of energy is produced when a turbine moves due to the released of
steam during an eruption?
A. hydropower energy C. solar energy
B. geothermal energy D. wind energy

6. What should you do if the temperature of hot spring where you and your friends
are swimming suddenly increases?
A. Do not panic and evacuate the place immediately.
B. Relax and enjoy the calming effect of the hot spring.
C. Get out from the hot spring and check other signs of impending volcanic
D. None of the above

7. Why does the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo have a positive effect to the world? The
eruption of Mt. Pinatubo has a positive effect to the world because _______.
A. There was a measurable cooling of the Earth’s surface for a period of almost
two years.
B. The aerosol particles from the plume were spread by the strong winds
around the globe.
C. The eruption seemed magnificent to watch that it attracts foreigners to
observe this phenomenon.
D. All of the above

8. Which of the following statements is NOT clear sign of an impending volcanic
A. Crater glows due to the presence of magma at or near the crater.
B. Continuous flow of water in springs or wells around the volcano.
C. Localized landslides from the summit area of the volcano.
D. Increase in the temperature of hot springs and wells.

9. The following are the positive effect after an eruption of volcano happens
A. decrease population
B. creation of beautiful scenery
C. produce rich soils for farming
D. decrease of Earth’s atmospheric temperature

10. Why does the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo have a positive effect to the world? The
eruption of Mt. Pinatubo has a positive effect to the world because _______.
A. There was a measurable cooling of the Earth’s surface for a period of almost
two years.
B. The aerosol particles from the plume were spread by the strong winds
around the globe.
C. The eruption seemed magnificent to watch that it attracts foreigners to
observe this phenomenon.
D. All of the above

For nos. 11 – 15, identify each sentence if it is done prior, during, and after volcanic
eruptions. Choose A if the statement is done before volcanic eruption, B if the
statement is done during volcanic eruption, C if the statement is done after volcanic
eruption, and D if the statement is not applicable whether it is done prior, during, and
after volcanic eruptions.
A = done before volcanic eruption C = done after volcanic eruption
B = done during volcanic eruption D = not applicable

11. Keep all windows closed while driving and be aware of usual hazards in the
12. Wait for further announcement before transporting your family back to your
13. Prepare other life-saving devices such as cell phones, flashlights, whistles, and
gas masks as volcanic eruptions are accompanied by ash falls and other
pyroclastic materials.
14. Stay inside your house unless authorities tell you to evacuate.
15. Post a live feed on social media while the volcano is erupting.

Answer Key





A. Books

• Aquino, Marites D. et. al. 2017. Science Links Worktext for Scientific
and Technological Literacy. Philippines: Rex Bookstore

• Bayo-ang, Roly B. et. al. 2016. Earth and Life Science for Senior High
School. Philippines: National Bookstore

• Ditan, Carolina D. 2012. Earth Sciences. Philippines: National


• SCIENCE 9 Learners Module, Department of Education, Republic of

the Philippines

B. Images

C. Electronic


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