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Gender 101: SOGIE

A Presentation for GE Gender and Society
In this chapter, we answer
these Gender 101 questions:
1. How is gender different from sex?
2. What is gender identity?
3. What is gender expression?
4. What are gender roles?
5. What is the gender binary?
6. What is gender nonconformity?
7. What does it mean to be
8. What does it mean to be intersex?
9. What does gender have to do with
How is gender
different from
How is gender different from sex?
• Sex refers to biological • There are individuals who are
characteristics, and gender is a intersex, meaning that their bodies
multifaceted aspect of one’s do not fully match our expectations
identity. of what female or male bodies are.

• Sex is typically assigned at birth as • Typical sex development: Those

either male or female depending with XX chromosomes are
on the appearance of genitals. expected to grow with ovaries, a
vagina, a vulva, and a clitoris. Those
with XY chromosomes grow to have
How is gender different from sex?
• Just as we are assigned a sex at • Being raised as girls or boys means
birth, we are also assigned a people assign us gender roles—
gender role, and our assigned positions and responsibilities
gender roles generally reflect our expected of us based on our
assigned sex. assigned gender.

• Those with vulva are raised and • Note that these gender roles can
expected to be girls, and those with vary from country to country and
penis are raised and expected to even within countries.
How is gender different from sex?
• Aspects of our • Gender/SOGIE is an amalgamation of several
sex are elements: chromosomes (those X’s and Y’s),
biological, while anatomy (internal sex organs and external
“gender” is so genitals), hormones (relative levels of
much more. testosterone and estrogen), psychology (self-
defined gender identity and patterns of
attraction), and culture (socially defined gender
behaviors). (Henig, 2017)
Gender is a complex psychosocial construct.
• Distribution of power in political,
Institutionalized education, and other social institutions
• Shapes gender norms

Relations • Interpersonal interactions

• e.g., family, workplace dynamics

• Societal expectations (parents, peers,

Roles schools and teachers)
• Career you pursue, your role in the family

• Being cisgender, transgender, or nonbinary

SOGIE • Being feminine, masculine, or others
• Sexual characteristics, sexual orientation
What is gender
What is gender identity?
• Gender identity is our self- • What really makes someone a man
conception of who we are—our or a woman? Is it our physical
innermost sense of being a man, a sexual characteristics?
woman, or something else entirely.
• Gender identity is how our brain
• For some people, gender identity is thinks about ourselves as
consistent with their sex assigned gendered beings, and what those
at birth, leading people to believe genders mean to us regardless of
that sex and gender should be what body parts we (or do not)
congruent. possess.
What is gender identity?
• General types of people based on • As early as 3 years old,
gender identity: toddlers already have a sense
1. Cisgender people – congruent sex of gender identity.
and gender identity
2. Transgender people – incongruent
sex and gender identity; people who • Despite having it early on,
tend to feel they are “born in the gender identity is not always
wrong body” expressed in words or actions.
3. Non-binary people – identifying with Why is this so?
both men and women or a gender
that is neither
What is gender
What is gender expression?
• Gender expression is a term • Gender expressions vary with culture:
used to describe a person’s 1. Masculinity – Presentation in ways a
outward appearance. culture associates with being a man.
2. Femininity – Presentation in ways a
• Characteristics that are culture associates with being a
commonly gendered include woman.
clothing, jewelry, and hair 3. Androgyny – A combination of
length and style; also masculine and feminine traits or a
includes activities, interests, nontraditional gender expression.
and mannerisms that are
What is gender expression?
• Important note: Gender • Consider crying. It is a sign of
expression may or may not emotional vulnerability in many
correspond with gender identity. cultures today, but it used to be sign
of heroism in feudal Japan.
• Gender expression varies
depending on the cultural What other behaviors are examples of gender
context and time. expressions that vary across cultures?
Brad Pitt
Harry Styles, 2020
What can you say about this?
What does this say about gender?
What are
gender roles?
What are gender roles?
• Gender roles are those spoken • In 1870 in the US, women worked
and unspoken duties that are as miners, steelworkers, hunters,
assigned to a person based on locksmiths.
their sex or gender. • In ancient Egypt, there were
powerful women who held highest
• Gender roles not only vary positions of leadership (e.g.,
throughout the globe and over time Cleopatra).
but also within a particular • In precolonial Philippines, we used
community. to have female leaders called
babaylans (who were warriors,
healers, priestesses, and sages).
What are gender roles?
• Important: Gender roles • In the Philippines, what are the usual reactions
of people when they see someone deviating
are fluid. from their expected gender roles?
1. Cisgender woman becoming a Chief of police
• However, within a specific
culture, as one strays from 2. Cisgender man using a tote bag
the norms of accepted 3. Transgender woman joining the Miss
Universe pageant
gender roles, skepticism
4. Transgender man singing a feminine ballad
and devaluing are song.
common. 5. Non-binary person being just themselves, not
harming anybody
What is the
gender binary?
What is the gender binary?
• The gender binary refers to a • When we think about sex or gender
structure of understanding wherein in a binary system, we tend to
sex and gender are viewed as identify characteristics that are
consisting of only two choices— exclusive to one or the other,
male/ female, man/ woman, rather than traits that many people
masculine/ feminine—with across different genders share.
nothing in between.
What is the gender binary?
• Why is it that our society seems to • Throughout history, multiple
maintain the gender binary? The genders are recognized.
answer is related to power or
social influence.
• A significant number of people
have begun to use words like non-
• The gender binary is so ingrained in binary or genderqueer to describe
our culture that most of us do not themselves. They may see
notice or question it. Even the way themselves as androgynous or
we speak is inherently binary. gender neutral, or they may oppose
the strict boundaries of binary
What is gender
Do you know these people?
Gretchen Custodio Diez, a
transgender woman, was
prevented from using a women’s
restroom by a janitress who
insisted that she use the men’s
restroom. This is in 2019. She
was arrested by police.

The janitress then said: “May

utin ka pa rin. Tandaan mo
‘yan (You still have a penis.
Remember that).”
What is gender nonconformity?
• Gender nonconformity refers to the • What are examples of
experience of someone who does not gender nonconforming
identify or express the culturally accepted behaviors that you can
set of gendered behaviors or actions think of?
associated with the sex they were assigned
at birth.

• Some people describe their gender identity

as gender nonconforming, or GNC.
What is gender expression?
• Important: People who • They also use other terms, such as
demonstrate gender 1. Nonbinary (not identifying as a man or
nonconforming behaviors a woman)
may identify in a variety of 2. Agender (not having a gender)
ways, including as cisgender,
transgender, or nonbinary. 3. Bigender (identifying as man and
4. Multigender (multiple genders)
• However, many people who
identify themselves as GNC 5. Genderfluid (fluid or changing gender
often see themselves as
falling under the transgender 6. Genderqueer (another word to identify
umbrella. outside of the binary)
What is gender nonconformity?
• To respectfully use the correct How to use singular They
gender identity for someone, it is 1. As a nonbinary personal
usually best to ask them pronoun
2. As a universal gender-neutral
• Misgendering someone can cause 3. As an indefinite pronoun when a
discomfort on the person. person’s self-identified gender is
Saguy, A. C., & Williams, J. A. (2022). A Little Word That Means A Lot: A Reassessment of Singular
They in a New Era of Gender Politics. Gender & Society, 36(1), 5–31.
What does it
mean to be
What does it mean to be transgender?
• Transgender refers to someone • Men born with vulvas and ovaries
who identifies with a gender that is are transgender men or
outside the expectations transmen, while women born with
associated with the sex they were penises and testes are
assigned at birth. transgender women or

• Do we consider transwomen as women?

What does it mean to be transgender?
• Important notes: • Transgender identity remains to be
1. Being transgender is separate stigmatized in many societies,
from being gay, lesbian, or which is why young children who
nonbinary. They should not be are GNCs cause distress to
confused with one another. parents and caretakers.
2. Being transgender is not a
“extreme version” of being gay. • These young children who are
3. It is not a result of some trauma, GNCs experience anxiety, getting
poor parenting, or abuse. warned of embarrassment.
What does it mean to be transgender?
• Note: • Gender identity can be closely
1. Many masculine-presenting girls, related to gender expression, but
or tomboys, do not grow up to be they are not necessarily
transgender. equivalent.
2. Many feminine boys do not grow
up to be trans girls. • How do we know when someone is
3. Not all transgender young people transgender?
demonstrate gender- • If your answer is cross-dressing, you
are wrong.
nonconforming behaviors.
• If your answer is sex reassignment,
you are wrong also.
What does it
mean to be
What does it mean to be intersex?
• Intersex people are those whose • Some physicians categorize
sexual or reproductive organs intersex people as having
develop differently than the typical “disorders of sex development.” A
male or female pathways. less pathologizing phrase is
“differences of sex
• The antiquated term
hermaphrodite is now considered
offensive. • Most intersex people are healthy,
and their only major differences
from others are in their sexual or
reproductive organs.
What does it mean to be intersex?
• Intersex people are those whose • Some physicians categorize
sexual or reproductive organs intersex people as having
develop differently than the typical “disorders of sex development.” A
male or female pathways. less pathologizing phrase is
“differences of sex
• The antiquated term
hermaphrodite is now considered
offensive. • Most intersex people are healthy,
and their only major differences
from others are in their sexual or
reproductive organs.
What does it mean to be intersex?
• Some intersex people consider Questions to ponder:
themselves to be part of the LGBTQ 1. Is being intersex a disease or a medical
spectrum, while others do not. condition?
2. Is being intersex a type of gender?
• Longer forms of the abbreviation 3. Are transgender people and intersex
people the same?
often include the word intersex
(i.e., LGBTQIA, which is sometimes 4. Are intersex people automatically gay
or lesbian?
expanded to mean lesbian, gay,
bisexual, transgender, queer,
intersex, and asexual).
What does
gender have to
do with
What does gender have to do with sexuality?
• Gender identity refers to our own • Sexuality, or sexual orientation,
sense of how we see ourselves, is an enduring pattern of romantic
while sexuality is defined as the or sexual attraction (or a
gender or genders of the people we combination of these) to persons
are attracted to. of the opposite sex or gender, the
same sex or gender, or to both
sexes or more than one gender.
What does gender have to do with sexuality?
• The sexual orientation spectrum: 4. Pansexual or queer: People
1. Heterosexual (or straight): whose attractions span across
people who get attracted to many different gender identities
opposite sex or gender 5. Questioning/curious: People
2. Homosexual (or gay/lesbian): who are unsure about their
people who get attracted to the sexual orientation
same sex or gender 6. Asexual: People who don't
3. Bisexual: people who get experience any sexual attraction
attracted to both sexes or for anyone.
What does gender have to do with sexuality?
• Sexuality, or sexual orientation, Sexual activities, regardless of
is an enduring pattern of gender identity; usually by so-called
romantic or sexual attraction (or “sex workers”, can be independent
a combination of these) to persons as well from gender:
of the opposite sex or gender, the • MSM: men who have sex with men
same sex or gender, or to both
sexes or more than one gender. • WSW/FSF: women who have sex
with men or female who have sex
with female
• It can be independent from a • Heterosexual sex: individual who
person’s gender identity and engages in sexual activity with
expression. another of opposite gender
Illustration of SOGIE, present in all
human persons
1. SEX (S) – Biological aspects of
gender, usually the genitalia
of emotional/romantic attraction to
other persons
3. GENDER IDENTITY (GI) – Cognition
or belief of one’s identity (brain)
observable behaviors
• SOGIE is an inclusive terminology
to refer to human persons’
complex gender-related and
sexuality-related identities.
• SOGIE components can be
independent of one another, which
means that: Sex ≠ Sexual
Orientation ≠ Gender Identity ≠
Gender Expression
Take home lesson
Modern science has offered
insights for us to understand
that gender is not a rigid
dichotomy but is a spectrum
and has various facets. This
brings us to SOGIE, and this
necessitates a shift towards
greater acceptance and
respect for diverse Sexual
Orientation, Gender Identity,
and Expression (SOGIE).

What’s yours?
Thank you for listening!
Raymon “Sir Monch” P. Española |
Surigao del Norte State University, Surigao City, Philippines
How does language influence What would be the legal/ethical
our perceptions of SOGIE, and implications of recognizing or
what are the implications of the failing to recognize diverse
words and terms we choose to SOGIE in various societal
use when discussing gender institutions, such as education,
and sexuality? healthcare, and the workplace?

How should educational

What are the potential
systems adapt to
psychological effects on
accommodate and support
individuals when their SOGIE is
diverse SOGIE among students
not recognized or respected by
and staff, and what challenges
their community or society?
might arise in this process?

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