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5 (LEN)

(Restatement Questions, Vocabulary Questions, Author’s Attitude & Audience)

Choose the best answer.

Question 1 is based on the following text.
The South Beach diet, the Perricone prescription, and the Atkins diet are popular diets designed by
prominent doctors. If followed over time, these diets reportedly can result in substantial weight loss. Supporters
of these nutritional plans also claim that they have other health benefits and can prevent disease. Although
there are differences in the three diets, all have low-carbohydrate menus, restricting carbohydrates such as
potatoes, rice, bread, and pasta. Many restaurants now offer low-carbohydrate selections for those who are
dieting. Each of these diet plans has devoted followers who have successfully lost weight.

1. The sentence “If followed over time, these diets reportedly can result in substantial weight loss.” in line 2
can be restated as …
(A) one may become significantly thinner if they follow these diets over time.
(B) anyone who followed these diets over time would definitely lose much weight.
(C) these diets must be followed for people wanting to have substantial weight loss.
(D) those who follow these diets over time will undoubtedly lose a lot of weight.
(E) substantial weight loss can be achieved if people reportedly follow the diets.

Question type:
How to answer:

Question 2 is based on the following text.

The South Beach diet, the Perricone prescription, and the Atkins diet are popular diets designed by
prominent doctors. If followed over time, these diets reportedly can result in substantial weight loss. Supporters
of these nutritional plans also claim that they have other health benefits and can prevent disease. Although
there are differences in the three diets, all have low-carbohydrate menus, restricting carbohydrates such as
potatoes, rice, bread, and pasta. Many restaurants now offer low-carbohydrate selections for those who are
dieting. Each of these diet plans has devoted followers who have successfully lost weight.

2. The word devoted in “Each of these diet plans has devoted followers who …” would best be replaced by
(A) elevated (D) devoured
(B) discarded (E) committed
(C) unattached
Question type:
How to answer:

E9x1M0523-24PPLS, PPLS IPA/IPS, BKB NURUL FIKRI hlm. 1 dari 2 hlm.

Question 3 is based on the following text.
We all like to spread the love, but the question is — do we produce enough for our own selves?
We cannot always expect to rely only on external sources for love and that is where the concept of
self-love comes in. A person who practices self-love will never need to depend on others to be happy
and it is an empowering feeling to be happy on the inside.
Self-love is not being selfish; it is just putting yourself first and n ot being too tough on yourself. So
next time you hear that little voice in your head telling you that you are not good enough or that you
cannot afford to make mistakes; just ignore it.
When our loved ones make a mistake we often forgive them easily, but when we make a mistake
we are often too hard on ourselves.
The first step of self-love is realising that we are only human and it is okay to make mistakes, it is
okay to lose at times, it is okay to not have the best day, week or month.
All we need to do is love ourselves and let the negative things pass through. Eventually things will
change and bad times will pass.

3. What is the tone of the passage?

(A) Criticizing (D) Informative
(B) Motivating (E) Ironic
(C) Neutral
Question type:
How to answer:

Question 4 is based on the following text.

Self-control may be the secret to success, according to a persuasive new study that followed 1,000
children from birth to age 32: children who showed early signs of self-mastery were not only less likely to have
developed addictions or committed a crime by adulthood, but were also healthier and wealthier than their
more impulsive peers.
Problems surfacing in adolescence, such as becoming a smoker or getting pregnant, accounted for about
half of the bad outcomes associated with low self-control in childhood. Kids who scored low on such measures
— for instance, becoming easily frustrated, lacking persistence in reaching goals or performing tasks, or having
difficulty waiting their turn in line — were roughly three times more likely to wind up as poor, addicted, single
parents or to have multiple health problems as adults, compared with children who behaved more
conscientiously as early as age 3.
“This is a great study, mining a huge trove of data to tease apart the relationships among some really
important factors that can determine the direction of our lives,” says Martha Farah, director of the Center for
Neuroscience and Society at the University of Pennsylvania. “It highlights how incredibly important self-
control is.”

4. Who needs to read the passage?

(A) Parents (D) Lecturers
(B) Researchers (E) Social workers
(C) Pediatricians
Question type:
How to answer:

E9x1M0523-24PPLS, PPLS IPA/IPS, BKB NURUL FIKRI hlm. 2 dari 2 hlm.

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