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General Experience

Internship, an essential component of academic and professional development, offers students a

bridge between theoretical knowledge and practical application in the real world. This narrative

delves into the enriching experience gained during an internship at the Operation Clean and

Healthy Anambra (OCHA) Brigade, specifically at the Anambra Dunukofia Command. OCHA

Brigade, a paramilitary agency, collaborates with Anambra State MDAs to enforce Internal

Generated Revenue (IGR), demolish illegal structures, monitor compliance, and ensure the

overall security and well-being of the state's residents. This exploration will highlight the

significance of internships, provide insights into the mission and functions of OCHA Brigade,

and discuss the transformative internship experience at this esteemed organization.

Internship: A Gateway to Practical Learning:

Internship, often considered a cornerstone of experiential learning, enables students to apply

theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios. It serves as a bridge, connecting the classroom

with the professional landscape. The practical exposure gained during an internship is invaluable,

offering a unique perspective that textbooks and lectures alone cannot provide. As an intern, one

is immersed in the professional environment, gaining hands-on experience, refining skills, and

cultivating a deeper understanding of industry practices.

Understanding OCHA Brigade:

Operation Clean and Healthy Anambra (OCHA) Brigade stands as a formidable paramilitary

agency, working in conjunction with various Anambra State MDAs to uphold the state's integrity.

Its multifaceted responsibilities include enforcing Internal Generated Revenue (IGR),

demolishing illegal structures, monitoring compliance, and ensuring the overall security and

well-being of residents. The brigade's core values center around cleanliness, orderliness,

discipline, and the promotion of a healthy living environment. OCHA Brigade's commitment to

creating a livable state necessitates a meticulous and professional execution of its duties.

Mission and Functions of OCHA Brigade:

The OCHA Brigade plays a pivotal role in the development and sustenance of a thriving

Anambra State. With a primary focus on cleanliness and orderliness, the brigade actively

participates in demolishing illegal structures that mar the urban landscape. Simultaneously, the

enforcement team ensures compliance with regulations, contributing to the enhancement of

Internal Generated Revenue (IGR). Beyond fiscal responsibilities, OCHA Brigade takes on the

mantle of safeguarding lives and property, creating a secure environment for residents. The

enormity of these responsibilities underscores the need for precision, efficiency, and

professionalism in the execution of duties.

The OCHA Brigade Experience:

My internship journey with OCHA Brigade at the Anambra Dunukofia Command was

transformative, providing a firsthand look into the intricacies of a paramilitary organization

committed to the well-being of the state. The experience offered a blend of challenges, learning

opportunities, and personal growth.

Firstly, the exposure to the daily operations of a paramilitary agency was eye-opening. From

participating in demolition exercises to observing compliance checks, I witnessed the meticulous

planning and execution required to maintain a clean and healthy environment. The discipline and

orderliness ingrained in the OCHA Brigade's ethos were evident in every activity, emphasizing

the importance of professionalism in public service.

Moreover, working within a collaborative framework with other Anambra State MDAs

highlighted the interconnectedness of various government agencies. This interdisciplinary

approach showcased the synergy required for effective governance and reinforced the importance

of coordination in achieving shared goals. Witnessing the integration of efforts across different

sectors underscored the holistic nature of OCHA Brigade's mission.

OCHA Brigade's proactive approach to community engagement left a lasting impression on my

understanding of social responsibility. The brigade's commitment to educating the public about

the importance of a clean and healthy environment went beyond mere enforcement; it aimed at

creating a sense of shared responsibility within the community. Witnessing the positive impact of

outreach programs on community attitudes reinforced the transformative power of education and

community engagement.

This aspect of the internship experience ignited a passion for social responsibility and

community development within me. The realization that effective governance extends beyond

enforcement to proactive engagement and empowerment of the community has influenced my

perspective on the role of professionals in contributing to the well-being of society. The lessons

learned from OCHA Brigade's community-centric initiatives will undoubtedly shape my

commitment to social responsibility in future endeavors.

The enforcement of Internal Generated Revenue (IGR) was a crucial aspect of my internship

experience. Participating in campaigns to raise awareness about the importance of tax

compliance, I gained insights into the financial mechanisms that sustain government initiatives.

The proactive approach to revenue generation emphasized the brigade's commitment to fostering

economic growth and development within the state.

The emphasis on professionalism within the OCHA Brigade was a guiding principle that

influenced my approach to tasks and challenges. The meticulous attention to detail, adherence to

timelines, and the commitment to excellence in service delivery left an indelible mark on my

work ethic. The experience reinforced the significance of a disciplined and orderly approach in

achieving organizational objectives.

The internship with OCHA Brigade significantly contributed to my professional growth and skill

enhancement. One of the notable aspects was the development of effective communication skills.

Engaging with colleagues, superiors, and members of the community required clear and concise

communication to convey information, policies, and expectations. This experience honed my

ability to articulate ideas and directives, a skill invaluable in any professional setting.

Furthermore, the internship provided hands-on experience in project management and execution.

From participating in awareness campaigns to coordinating community outreach programs, I

gained practical insights into planning, organizing, and executing initiatives. The multifaceted

nature of OCHA Brigade's responsibilities necessitated a well-coordinated effort, instilling in me

the importance of strategic thinking and meticulous planning in achieving organizational


The exposure to diverse tasks within the OCHA Brigade also enhanced my problem-solving

skills. Addressing challenges such as ensuring compliance, managing public perceptions, and

coordinating with other government agencies demanded critical thinking and adaptability. These

experiences cultivated a proactive and solution-oriented mindset, preparing me to navigate the

complexities of future professional endeavors.

The OCHA Brigade's collaboration with various Anambra State MDAs provided a unique

interdisciplinary learning experience. Working alongside professionals from different fields

underscored the interconnectedness of government functions and highlighted the importance of a

collaborative approach to governance. Understanding the synergy required for effective policy

implementation and enforcement broadened my perspective on the intricate web of relationships

that underpin successful governance.

Interacting with professionals from diverse backgrounds not only enriched my understanding of

their respective roles but also fostered a holistic appreciation for the collective effort required to

achieve societal goals. This interdisciplinary exposure has instilled in me the importance of

breaking down silos and fostering collaboration across sectors, a lesson that transcends the

specific context of OCHA Brigade and is applicable to various professional settings.

The internship also provided a unique opportunity to understand the complexities of balancing

enforcement with community engagement. OCHA Brigade's proactive outreach programs aimed

at educating the public about the importance of a clean and healthy environment demonstrated a

commitment to fostering a sense of collective responsibility. This approach not only contributed

to building positive relationships with the community but also highlighted the brigade's

dedication to creating lasting behavioral change.

the internship experience with OCHA Brigade in Anambra Dunukofia Command was a pivotal

chapter in my academic and professional journey. It served as a microcosm of the broader

significance of internships in shaping individuals into well-rounded professionals. The exposure

to the daily operations of a paramilitary agency, coupled with the diverse responsibilities of

OCHA Brigade, provided a comprehensive understanding of governance, public service, and

community engagement.

The internship was not merely a period of observation but an immersive learning experience that

enhanced my practical skills, expanded my knowledge base, and cultivated a sense of

responsibility towards contributing to societal well-being. The OCHA Brigade's commitment to

discipline, orderliness, and a healthy living environment left an enduring impact on my

perspective, influencing my approach to professional challenges and opportunities.

As I reflect on the internship with OCHA Brigade, I recognize its role as a catalyst for personal

and professional growth. The lessons learned, the skills acquired, and the insights gained will

undoubtedly shape my future endeavors, contributing to a more holistic and impactful approach

to my chosen field. OCHA Brigade, with its unwavering dedication to the betterment of Anambra

State, stands as a beacon of inspiration, and my internship experience with this esteemed

organization will forever remain a defining chapter in my journey towards becoming a

conscientious and capable professional.

As I reflect on the internship experience with OCHA Brigade, I recognize the profound impact it

has had on my personal and professional development. The exposure to the paramilitary

environment, the emphasis on discipline, and the multifaceted nature of responsibilities have

collectively contributed to shaping my character and values. The internship has not only

equipped me with practical skills but has also instilled a sense of responsibility, integrity, and

dedication to service.

Looking ahead, the lessons learned and skills acquired during the internship will undoubtedly

influence my future impact in the professional arena. Whether engaging in public service, private

industry, or community development, the discipline instilled by OCHA Brigade, the collaborative

mindset fostered through interdisciplinary learning, and the commitment to social responsibility

will guide my approach to challenges and opportunities.

the internship with OCHA Brigade in Anambra Dunukofia Command has been a transformative

journey, providing a nuanced understanding of governance, public service, and community

engagement. The experience has not only added practical dimensions to my academic knowledge

but has also played a pivotal role in my personal and professional growth. OCHA Brigade, with

its commitment to cleanliness, orderliness, discipline, and a healthy living environment, serves as

an exemplar of effective governance and societal responsibility.

Internships, as a conduit between academia and the professional world, are invaluable in shaping

well-rounded individuals. The OCHA Brigade internship exemplifies the potential for holistic

development through hands-on experience, interdisciplinary learning, and a focus on community

engagement. As I carry forward the insights gained from this enriching experience, I am poised

to make meaningful contributions to society, armed with a deepened understanding of the

complexities of governance and a commitment to fostering positive change.

Working with IT Staff

One of the most enriching aspects of my internship with the OCHA Brigade at the Anambra

Dunukofia Command was the opportunity to work closely with the dedicated and passionate

staff. The importance of fostering positive relationships within a professional environment

cannot be overstated, and my interactions with the OCHA Brigade team exemplified how a

collaborative and supportive workplace culture can significantly enhance the overall internship


From the onset, the OCHA Brigade staff welcomed me with open arms, creating a warm and

inclusive atmosphere. The emphasis on teamwork and camaraderie was evident in every

interaction, fostering a sense of belonging within the organization. This welcoming culture

played a pivotal role in my smooth integration into the team, allowing me to contribute

effectively to various projects and initiatives.

Communication within the OCHA Brigade team was characterized by openness and mutual

respect. Regular team meetings provided a platform for exchanging ideas, sharing insights, and

addressing challenges collectively. This transparent communication style not only enhanced the

efficiency of our collaborative efforts but also contributed to the creation of a positive work


The strong relationships developed with the OCHA Brigade staff opened doors to numerous

learning opportunities. The team was generous in sharing their expertise, providing guidance on

the intricacies of the brigade's operations, and offering insights into the broader context of public

service. These interactions went beyond the scope of my designated tasks, allowing me to gain a

more comprehensive understanding of the organization and its functions.

Moreover, the positive relationships cultivated during my internship created a conducive

environment for mentorship. Senior staff members willingly shared their experiences, providing

valuable career advice and insights into the professional landscape. This mentorship not only

enriched my internship experience but also laid the foundation for a continued professional

relationship beyond the internship period.

The OCHA Brigade staff's commitment to maintaining a good spirit within the workplace

significantly contributed to the overall positive atmosphere. The emphasis on teamwork,

encouragement, and celebrating collective achievements created a sense of unity and shared

purpose. This good spirit permeated the workplace, motivating everyone to give their best and

fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

In challenging situations, the collective resilience of the team became evident. The collaborative

spirit within the OCHA Brigade staff allowed us to navigate obstacles effectively, turning

challenges into opportunities for growth. The support system provided by colleagues not only

enhanced my ability to contribute meaningfully but also reinforced the importance of a positive

and uplifting workplace culture.

One of the defining characteristics of working with the OCHA Brigade staff was the mutual

respect that permeated every interaction. Regardless of hierarchical positions, there was a

genuine acknowledgment of each individual's contributions and expertise. This culture of respect

created an environment where ideas were valued, and everyone felt empowered to express their


The inclusivity practiced by the OCHA Brigade staff was particularly noteworthy. As an intern, I

was not only given opportunities to actively participate in discussions and decision-making

processes but was also encouraged to bring a fresh perspective to the table. This inclusive

approach not only enhanced my learning experience but also reinforced the idea that every team

member, regardless of their role, plays a vital part in the organization's success.

In conclusion, my experience working with the staff of OCHA Brigade during my internship was

instrumental in shaping not only my understanding of the organization but also my broader

perspective on the significance of positive workplace relationships. The good relationships

cultivated within the team not only facilitated a seamless integration into the working

environment but also opened doors to invaluable learning opportunities and mentorship.

The positive spirit that permeated the OCHA Brigade staff created a workplace culture

characterized by collaboration, mutual respect, and inclusivity. This culture not only enhanced

the efficiency of day-to-day operations but also contributed to a supportive and encouraging

atmosphere where everyone felt valued and motivated to contribute their best.

As I reflect on my time with the OCHA Brigade staff, I am grateful for the lessons learned, the

relationships forged, and the positive impact it has had on my professional growth. The

experience serves as a testament to the transformative power of positive workplace relationships

in fostering a conducive environment for learning, collaboration, and personal development.

Working with the OCHA Brigade staff has not only enriched my internship but has also laid the

foundation for enduring professional connections and a deeper understanding of the importance

of a harmonious workplace culture.

Repeated/Reoccurring crimes theme (Concepts/Theory)

Repeated or recurring crimes refer to criminal activities that persist over time, involving

individuals or groups engaging in unlawful behavior on multiple occasions. This phenomenon

raises questions about the root causes, patterns, and implications for law enforcement and

societal well-being.

1. Hoodlums Terrorizing the Area and Boarding Robbery:

The recurring menace of hoodlums terrorizing an area and engaging in boardway robbery poses a

significant threat to community safety. This pattern of criminal behavior not only instills fear

among residents but also jeopardizes the overall well-being of the community. Efforts to curb

this repeated crime should involve a strategic blend of increased law enforcement presence,

community engagement, and targeted interventions addressing the root causes driving

individuals towards such criminal activities. Proactive measures, such as community policing

and rapid response units, are essential in breaking the cycle of terror and ensuring the safety and

security of the affected area.

2. Special Service Patrol:

The implementation of special service patrols serves as a crucial response to combat the

recurring challenges posed by criminal activities. This specialized approach involves the

deployment of law enforcement teams trained to address specific crime trends and patterns.

Through strategic planning and timely interventions, special service patrols aim to deter criminal

behavior, apprehend offenders, and create a heightened sense of security within the community.

The success of such patrols lies in their adaptability to evolving crime dynamics and their ability

to collaborate with the community to gather actionable intelligence, fostering a safer

environment for all.

3. Drug Abuse and Selling:

The persistent issue of drug abuse and selling necessitates a comprehensive approach that goes

beyond conventional law enforcement. Addressing the root causes involves a combination of

prevention, treatment, and law enforcement efforts. Repeated crimes related to drug abuse

require community-based initiatives, educational programs, and rehabilitation services to break

the cycle of addiction. Law enforcement agencies must collaborate with healthcare professionals

and social workers to implement a holistic strategy that not only punishes offenders but also

rehabilitates them, preventing relapses and fostering a drug-free community.

4. Collecting of Anambra Taxes and Revenue:

The consistent challenge of collecting Anambra taxes and revenue calls for streamlined processes

and innovative solutions to prevent evasion and enhance compliance. Emphasizing efficiency,

transparency, and digital solutions can minimize loopholes, ensuring a more effective revenue

collection system. Additionally, public awareness campaigns about the importance of tax

contributions can foster a culture of compliance. Through continuous evaluation and adaptation

of collection strategies, authorities can mitigate the recurrence of tax-related crimes, contributing

to sustained economic development within the region.

5. Environmental Pollution: Disposing of Waste in Roads and Gutters:

The repeated crime of environmental pollution, particularly the improper disposal of waste in

roads and gutters, demands concerted efforts towards public awareness and stringent

enforcement. Community education campaigns emphasizing the consequences of such actions

can discourage individuals from polluting public spaces. Simultaneously, robust law enforcement

measures, including fines and community service, can serve as deterrents. Collaborative

initiatives between local authorities and environmental organizations are essential to implement

sustainable waste management practices, breaking the cycle of pollution and preserving the

community's environmental integrity.

6. Decongestion of Congestion Areas:

The ongoing challenge of decongesting areas prone to traffic congestion requires a holistic and

systematic approach. Repeated traffic-related issues demand urban planning strategies, improved

public transportation, and infrastructure enhancements. Implementing traffic management

technologies, encouraging alternative transportation methods, and creating designated parking

spaces can alleviate congestion. Public engagement campaigns and educational programs on

responsible commuting can contribute to a culture of mindful driving and shared responsibility.

Decongestion efforts must be adaptive, considering evolving traffic patterns and community

needs, to create lasting solutions for these recurring issues.

Theoretical review

Routine Activity Theory (RAT):

Developed by Marcus Felson and Lawrence E. Cohen in 1979, Routine Activity Theory posits

that crime occurs when three elements converge: a motivated offender, a suitable target, and the

absence of a capable guardian. It deviates from traditional criminological theories by focusing on

the routine activities of individuals and how they contribute to criminal opportunities.

: In the context of hoodlums terrorizing areas, RAT suggests that the routine activities of

residents, such as lack of effective guardianship or the absence of security measures, create

opportunities for motivated offenders to engage in boardway robbery. Proactive measures, like

community policing and rapid response units, aim to disrupt these routines, reducing the

likelihood of criminal incidents.

2. Broken Windows Theory:

Introduced by James Q. Wilson and George L. Kelling in 1982, Broken Windows Theory argues

that visible signs of disorder and neglect in an environment can lead to an increase in more

serious criminal behavior. It emphasizes the importance of maintaining public order and

addressing minor offenses to prevent the escalation of criminal activities.

Improper waste disposal in roads and gutters can be seen as a "broken window" signaling

disorder. The theory suggests that addressing these visible signs of neglect through robust law

enforcement measures and community education campaigns can prevent the recurrence of

environmental pollution and maintain a sense of order.

3. Social Learning Theory:

Developed by Albert Bandura in the 1960s, Social Learning Theory posits that individuals learn

from observing others and imitating their behaviors. It highlights the role of social reinforcement

and the influence of peers, family, and community in shaping an individual's criminal or non-

criminal behavior.

In the context of drug abuse and selling, Social Learning Theory suggests that individuals may

engage in these activities due to learned behaviors within their social circles. Comprehensive

approaches should include community-based initiatives, educational programs, and rehabilitation

services to disrupt the cycle of learned criminal behavior and provide alternatives for individuals

susceptible to the influence of their social environment.

These criminological theories offer insights into the recurring crimes discussed, providing a

framework to understand the dynamics at play. Routine Activity Theory, Broken Windows

Theory, and Social Learning Theory each contribute valuable perspectives, guiding the

development of comprehensive strategies to address and prevent repeated criminal activities.



2.1 Crime/Deviance/ Security

2.1.1. Removal of underage ( below 17 years) street road side hawker out of the road

During my internship at OCHA Bridge in Anambra, one of the routine exercises that stood out as

both challenging and impactful was the initiative focused on the removal of underage street road-

side hawkers below the age of 17 from the busy roads. OCHA Bridge, an organization committed

to humanitarian assistance and coordination, collaborated with local authorities to address the

issue of child labor and ensure the safety and well-being of these young individuals.

The bustling streets of Anambra, like many urban areas, often bear witness to the heartbreaking

sight of children engaging in street hawking. These underage hawkers face numerous risks, from

exposure to hazardous traffic conditions to vulnerability to exploitation. OCHA Bridge

recognized the urgency of this issue and, in partnership with local government agencies,

embarked on a mission to rescue and rehabilitate these children.

The first phase of the initiative involved mapping out the areas with the highest concentration of

underage street hawkers. OCHA Bridge collaborated with local authorities to conduct surveys

and gather data on the demographics and working conditions of these children. This information

was crucial for developing targeted strategies to address the root causes of child labor and create

sustainable solutions.

Once the mapping phase was complete, our team, comprised of OCHA Bridge staff and local

volunteers, organized awareness campaigns to educate the community about the dangers of

underage street hawking. We conducted workshops in schools, community centers, and public

spaces to raise awareness about the importance of education and the risks associated with

allowing children to work on the streets.

Simultaneously, we engaged with the families of these underage hawkers, addressing the socio-

economic factors that compelled them to send their children to work on the streets. OCHA

Bridge worked closely with local social workers to assess the financial needs of these families

and provide them with alternative sources of income or access to social welfare programs.

The removal process itself was meticulous and required coordination with law enforcement

agencies, local authorities, and child protection organizations. OCHA Bridge liaised with the

police to ensure a smooth and non-confrontational operation. Our focus was not just on removing

the children from the streets but on providing them with a safe and supportive environment.

Temporary shelters were set up to accommodate the rescued children, where they received

immediate medical attention, counseling, and educational support. OCHA Bridge partnered with

local schools to facilitate the integration of these children back into formal education, ensuring

they had the opportunity to build a better future.

Throughout this initiative, community engagement remained a key component. OCHA Bridge

organized town hall meetings, seeking feedback from the community on the progress of the

program and addressing any concerns or misconceptions. By involving the community in the

process, we aimed to create a sense of ownership and collective responsibility for the welfare of

these children.

The impact of the removal initiative was both tangible and profound. The number of underage

street hawkers decreased significantly, and the community became more aware of the importance

of protecting children from exploitation. OCHA Bridge continued to monitor the progress of the

rescued children, providing ongoing support to ensure their successful reintegration into society.

In conclusion, the routine exercise of removing underage street road-side hawkers below the age

of 17 from the roads of Anambra was a comprehensive and collaborative effort. OCHA Bridge,

in partnership with local authorities and the community, addressed the root causes of child labor

while providing immediate assistance to the vulnerable children. This initiative not only rescued

children from hazardous conditions but also contributed to creating a safer and more supportive

environment for their growth and development.

2.1.2. De-congestion of trader converting road side walk to shops; which is a violation of the

state environment laws

During my enriching internship experience at OCHA Bridge in Anambra State, one of the routine

exercises that stood out as a significant project was the concerted effort to address the issue of

road-side traders converting walkways into makeshift shops. This initiative was not just a routine

task but a crucial step towards de-congesting public spaces and rectifying a violation of state

environmental laws.

The OCHA Bridge area had become notorious for its congested walkways, as traders set up shop

on the roadsides, encroaching upon pedestrian walkways. This not only posed a significant risk

to public safety but also flagrantly violated the state's environmental regulations. As part of the

internship program, our team was assigned the task of tackling this issue head-on, aiming to

restore order to public spaces and create a safer and more organized trading environment.

The first step in our routine exercise was to conduct a thorough assessment of the affected areas.

We collaborated with local authorities, engaging in discussions with community leaders, traders,

and residents to gain insights into the root causes of the problem. This collaborative approach

was essential in understanding the dynamics of the local economy, the needs of the traders, and

the concerns of the community.

Armed with a comprehensive understanding of the situation, we developed a multifaceted

strategy to address the congestion issue. Education played a pivotal role in our approach. We

initiated awareness campaigns, reaching out to traders and residents alike to educate them about

the implications of converting walkways into shops. Workshops and seminars were organized to

explain the importance of adhering to state environmental laws and the potential consequences of


Simultaneously, we worked closely with local law enforcement agencies to enforce existing

regulations. This involved regular patrols and monitoring of the affected areas to ensure that

traders adhered to the rules. Offenders were issued warnings, and in severe cases, legal action

was taken to enforce compliance. The objective was not punitive but rather to establish a culture

of adherence to the law, fostering a sense of responsibility among traders and residents.

To address the root causes of the problem, we also explored alternative solutions for the traders.

We engaged in discussions with local business associations and government bodies to identify

suitable locations for the establishment of designated market areas. This collaborative effort

aimed to provide traders with viable alternatives to roadside setups, promoting economic

activities in a regulated and safe manner.

The routine exercise became a true test of our team's coordination, communication, and problem-

solving skills. Regular meetings were held to assess the progress of the initiative, address

emerging challenges, and fine-tune our approach based on feedback from the community and

stakeholders. The collaborative nature of the project fostered a sense of unity and purpose among

the team members, enhancing our ability to effect positive change.

In conclusion, the routine exercise of de-congesting road-side walkways and addressing the

violation of state environmental laws at OCHA Bridge in Anambra was a transformative

experience during my internship at OCHA. Through a combination of education, enforcement,

and collaboration, our team was able to make significant strides in creating a more organized and

safer trading environment. The initiative not only addressed the immediate issue at hand but also

laid the foundation for sustainable practices, emphasizing the importance of community

engagement and adherence to regulations for the betterment of public spaces.

2.1.3. Illegal keeping of building materials like stones and sand by the street side by the


During my internship at OCHA Bridge in Anambra, one of the routine exercises that my team

and I engaged in was addressing the issue of illegal storage of building materials such as stones

and sand along the roadside by engineers and construction workers. This practice posed several

challenges, including safety hazards, environmental concerns, and obstruction of public spaces.

Anambra, known for its burgeoning construction activities, often witnessed construction workers

storing materials conveniently on the roadside during ongoing projects. This seemingly innocent

act, however, had far-reaching consequences that required our intervention. As part of the OCHA

Bridge team, our responsibility extended beyond just overseeing bridge projects; we were also

committed to ensuring the overall well-being and safety of the community.

One of the primary concerns associated with the illegal storage of building materials was the

threat it posed to public safety. Pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists faced increased risks due to

reduced visibility, as these materials obstructed the natural flow of traffic. The cluttered roadside

also created an environment ripe for accidents, as drivers had to navigate around the materials,

leading to potential collisions and injuries.

Environmental degradation was another critical issue stemming from this practice. The

haphazard storage of building materials often resulted in soil erosion and pollution of nearby

water bodies. Rainfall would wash away loose materials into drains, contributing to blockages

and flooding. Additionally, the exposed materials had the potential to leach harmful substances

into the soil, posing a threat to the local ecosystem.

To address these concerns, our team developed a systematic routine to monitor and rectify the

situation. This involved regular inspections of construction sites and roadside areas to identify

instances of illegal material storage. During these inspections, we collaborated with local

authorities and construction project managers to raise awareness about the negative

consequences of such practices.

Education played a crucial role in our approach. We conducted workshops and awareness

campaigns targeting engineers, construction workers, and the general public. By highlighting the

safety risks, environmental impact, and legal implications of illegal material storage, we aimed to

foster a sense of responsibility within the community.

Enforcement of existing regulations was another key aspect of our routine exercises. We liaised

with relevant government agencies to ensure that construction projects adhered to zoning laws

and safety regulations. Violations were addressed promptly through a combination of fines,

warnings, and, in severe cases, legal actions.

Collaboration was fundamental to the success of our efforts. We partnered with local

communities, non-governmental organizations, and educational institutions to amplify our

outreach. By involving the community in the decision-making process and seeking their support,

we created a sense of shared responsibility for maintaining a safe and sustainable environment.

Over time, our routine exercises bore fruit, leading to a noticeable reduction in the illegal storage

of building materials along the streets of Anambra. The success of our initiatives was not only

measured by the physical cleanup of the areas but also by the positive shift in attitudes and

practices within the construction industry.

In conclusion, addressing the issue of illegal storage of building materials was a vital routine

exercise during my internship at OCHA Bridge in Anambra. Through a combination of

inspections, education, enforcement, and collaboration, our team worked tirelessly to mitigate

safety hazards, prevent environmental degradation, and foster a culture of responsible

construction practices within the community.

2.4.4. Demolition of government unapproved structure; house build on government road

During my internship at OCHA Bridge in Anambra, one of the routine exercises that stands out

in my memory is the demolition of government-unapproved structures, particularly houses built

on government roads. This task was not only a crucial part of our responsibilities but also a

challenging and impactful experience that showcased the importance of urban planning and

compliance with government regulations.

The scenario that prompted this specific demolition exercise was the discovery of several

structures erected on a government road, violating zoning laws and endangering public safety.

The government road in question was a vital artery for transportation, connecting different parts

of the city. The unauthorized structures posed a significant threat to the smooth flow of traffic,

and their existence on government land raised concerns about the overall safety and integrity of

the area.

Our team, consisting of interns and seasoned professionals, was briefed on the situation and

tasked with developing a comprehensive plan for the demolition process. The first step involved

conducting a thorough survey of the affected area to assess the extent of the encroachment,

identify the number of structures involved, and determine the potential impact on the

surrounding infrastructure.

The next phase of the operation was to engage with the local community and communicate the

necessity of the demolition. This was a delicate aspect of the process, as emotions often ran high

among residents who were unaware of the legal implications of building on government land.

Our team collaborated with community leaders, holding town hall meetings to explain the

reasons behind the demolition and to address any concerns or grievances that residents might


Once the community was informed and consent was obtained, the actual demolition process

began. It required a coordinated effort involving various departments within OCHA Bridge,

including engineering, legal, and logistics. The safety of the demolition team and the surrounding

community was of paramount importance, and strict adherence to safety protocols was enforced

throughout the operation.

Heavy machinery, such as excavators and bulldozers, was employed to bring down the

unauthorized structures systematically. The process was meticulous, ensuring minimal disruption

to nearby properties and the environment. Debris removal and waste management were integral

components of the demolition, with measures in place to recycle materials wherever possible.

As the demolition progressed, the positive impact on the community became evident. The

government road was restored to its original state, enhancing traffic flow and reducing

congestion. The removal of unauthorized structures also served as a deterrent, sending a clear

message about the consequences of violating zoning regulations.

Throughout the entire exercise, our team faced challenges, including resistance from some

residents, logistical issues, and unforeseen structural complexities. However, the experience

taught us valuable lessons in teamwork, effective communication, and the importance of

balancing community engagement with the enforcement of regulations.

In conclusion, the routine exercise of demolishing government-unapproved structures on a key

road in Anambra was a significant and impactful aspect of my internship at OCHA Bridge. It

showcased the practical application of urban planning principles, the importance of community

engagement, and the challenges associated with enforcing government regulations. This

experience not only contributed to the improvement of public infrastructure but also provided

valuable insights into the complexities of urban development and the role of government

agencies in maintaining the integrity of public spaces.

2.1.5. Drug seller; arresting and detention of the drugs dealers at Onitsha

During my internship at OCHA Bridge in Anambra, one of the routine exercises that left a lasting

impact on my experience involved the strategic apprehension of drug sellers at Onitsha. This

operation was a collaborative effort with my team, aiming to curb the illicit drug trade that was

affecting the local community.

The intelligence reports we received indicated a surge in illegal drug activities at Onitsha,

specifically around the OCHA Bridge area. The notorious drug sellers were operating

clandestinely, exploiting vulnerable individuals and contributing to the deterioration of public

safety. As part of our routine operations, we decided to take decisive action to apprehend these

dealers and disrupt their nefarious operations.

Our team, consisting of law enforcement officers, intelligence analysts, and support staff,

meticulously planned the operation. Gathering actionable intelligence was a critical step. We

collaborated with local informants and monitored the activities of suspected drug dealers over an

extended period. The gathered information was analyzed to identify key players, distribution

networks, and hotspots.

Collaboration with local law enforcement agencies, community leaders, and relevant

stakeholders was essential for the success of the operation. We held meetings with the Anambra

State Police Command, ensuring seamless coordination and a united front against the drug trade.

The collaboration extended to engaging community leaders to garner their support and


On the designated day, our team, equipped with the necessary resources and information,

initiated the operation. Undercover officers were strategically placed to gather real-time

intelligence and identify potential targets. Uniformed officers were strategically positioned to

prevent any attempts at escape.

As we approached the OCHA Bridge area, the tension was palpable. The element of surprise was

crucial to catch the drug dealers off guard. Simultaneously, our intelligence team maintained

constant communication, updating the field operatives with any new information that could

affect the operation.

With the information gathered, our team swiftly moved in to apprehend the identified drug

dealers. The suspects were caught by surprise, minimizing the risk of violent confrontations. The

arrests were conducted with precision, ensuring the safety of both our team members and the


Upon the successful apprehension of the suspects, we immediately handed them over to the

Anambra State Police Command for further legal proceedings. Our objective was not only to

remove these individuals from the streets but also to ensure that they faced the consequences of

their illegal activities through the proper legal channels.

Following the operation, a thorough assessment was conducted to evaluate its success and

identify areas for improvement. The collaboration with local authorities proved instrumental,

leading to a smoother operation. The intelligence gathered provided valuable insights into the

dynamics of the drug trade in the area, aiding future interventions.

This routine exercise at OCHA Bridge exemplified the dedication and collaborative spirit of our

team in addressing issues that directly impacted the well-being of the community. By disrupting

the drug trade and apprehending the dealers, we aimed to contribute to the restoration of public

safety and the overall improvement of the community's quality of life. The experience was a

testament to the effectiveness of coordinated efforts in tackling complex challenges at the

grassroots level.

2.4.6. Illegal collection of government taxes

During my internship at OCHA Bridge in Anambra, one routine exercise that stood out as both

challenging and rewarding was the investigation and resolution of cases related to the illegal

collection of government taxes. This issue was pervasive in the region, posing a significant threat

to the local economy and hindering the effective functioning of government revenue systems.

The routine exercise typically involved responding to complaints from businesses and

individuals who reported being subjected to unauthorized tax collections by certain individuals

or groups claiming affiliation with government agencies. This not only undermined the

legitimate tax collection process but also created an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty among

the local businesses.

In one particular case that I worked on with my team, we received a complaint from a medium-

sized manufacturing company that had been consistently harassed by a group claiming to

represent a government tax agency. The company alleged that these individuals were demanding

exorbitant sums of money, threatening legal action if the payments were not made promptly.

Our first step was to conduct a thorough investigation to verify the authenticity of the claims and

identify the perpetrators. This involved collaborating with local law enforcement agencies,

scrutinizing relevant government records, and engaging in interviews with the affected parties.

The process required meticulous attention to detail, as misinformation could potentially harm

innocent parties or compromise the integrity of the investigation.

As we delved deeper into the case, it became evident that the illegal tax collectors had been

exploiting the lack of a centralized system for monitoring and regulating tax collections in the

region. They had taken advantage of the decentralized nature of tax administration, preying on

businesses that were unaware of the proper channels for tax payments and documentation.

To address this issue, my team worked closely with local government authorities to streamline

and publicize the official tax collection process. We also recommended the implementation of a

centralized database to monitor and regulate tax collections, making it more difficult for

unauthorized individuals to engage in fraudulent activities.

Simultaneously, we collaborated with law enforcement agencies to apprehend the culprits

involved in the illegal tax collections. This required careful coordination between our team, the

police, and other relevant stakeholders. Through targeted efforts and timely interventions, we

were able to dismantle the illegal tax collection network that had been operating in the area.

The resolution of this case not only provided justice for the affected businesses but also had

broader implications for the entire region. It highlighted the importance of implementing

effective governance structures and technological solutions to curb illegal activities related to tax

collections. Additionally, it served as a deterrent for potential perpetrators, sending a clear

message that such actions would not be tolerated.

In conclusion, my experience at OCHA Bridge in Anambra exposed me to the complexities of

addressing issues related to the illegal collection of government taxes. The routine exercise of

investigating and resolving such cases required a multifaceted approach, combining

collaboration with local authorities, engagement with law enforcement, and the implementation

of systemic reforms. It underscored the significance of proactive measures to safeguard the

integrity of government revenue systems and protect businesses from exploitation.

2.1.7.hoodlums terrorizing the street okpoko

During my internship at OCHA Bridge in Anambra, Nigeria, one of the routine exercises that left

a lasting impact on me and my team was addressing the alarming issue of hoodlums terrorizing

the streets of Okpoko. This case presented a significant challenge that required a collaborative

and strategic approach to ensure the safety and well-being of the community.

Okpoko, a community located in Anambra State, had been grappling with the menace of

hoodlums for an extended period. The streets were no longer safe for residents, and the situation

was escalating, leading to a heightened sense of fear and insecurity among the populace.

Recognizing the severity of the issue, OCHA Bridge, along with other relevant authorities,

initiated a comprehensive intervention to address the root causes of the problem and implement

effective solutions.

As part of the routine exercises, our team at OCHA Bridge was tasked with coordinating and

implementing strategies to curb the activities of the hoodlums in Okpoko. This endeavor required

a multidisciplinary approach, involving collaboration with local law enforcement, community

leaders, and other stakeholders.

The first step of our intervention involved conducting a thorough assessment of the situation. We

engaged with the local community through town hall meetings, surveys, and discussions with

key informants to gather crucial information about the activities of the hoodlums, their

motivations, and the specific areas most affected. This information served as a foundation for

devising a targeted and effective intervention strategy.

Having identified the key issues, our team worked closely with law enforcement agencies to

enhance security measures in Okpoko. We facilitated the deployment of additional police

personnel to strategic locations, implemented community policing initiatives, and encouraged the

establishment of neighborhood watch groups. This collaborative effort aimed to create a visible

and responsive security presence, deterring hoodlums from engaging in criminal activities.

Simultaneously, we recognized the importance of addressing the root causes contributing to the

rise of hoodlum activities. Through community engagement programs, we conducted awareness

campaigns on the consequences of crime, provided vocational training opportunities for youth,

and advocated for socio-economic initiatives to improve the overall well-being of the

community. By addressing the underlying factors, we sought to create a more sustainable and

resilient community that would be less susceptible to criminal influences.

Our intervention also included a focus on youth empowerment and rehabilitation. We

collaborated with local NGOs to establish skill acquisition programs and educational

opportunities for at-risk youth. By offering alternative pathways and support systems, we aimed

to redirect the energy of the youth away from criminal activities towards constructive and

positive endeavors.

Over the course of our intervention, we closely monitored the impact of our strategies through

regular assessments and feedback from the community. While challenges persisted, there was a

noticeable improvement in the overall security situation in Okpoko. Incidents of crime

decreased, and residents reported feeling safer in their daily lives.

In conclusion, the routine exercise of addressing the menace of hoodlums in Okpoko during my

internship at OCHA Bridge was a testament to the power of collaboration, strategic planning, and

community engagement. The experience not only allowed me to apply theoretical knowledge in

a real-world setting but also reinforced the importance of holistic approaches in addressing

complex social challenges. Our team's efforts contributed to fostering a safer and more secure

environment for the residents of Okpoko, highlighting the positive impact that coordinated

interventions can have on communities facing similar issues.

2.2. Strategy for Solution

Removal of underage ( below 17 years) street road side hawker out of the road

2.2.1. Arresting Underage Street Hawkers:

The first step of the strategy involved the identification and targeted arrest of underage street

hawkers below the age of 17. This required meticulous mapping and surveying of areas with a

high concentration of such activities. The aim was to disrupt the cycle of child labor and remove

the children from hazardous conditions on the streets.

The arrest process was conducted in collaboration with local law enforcement agencies.

However, it was crucial to approach this step with sensitivity, recognizing that these children

were victims rather than perpetrators. Training sessions were organized for law enforcement

personnel to raise awareness about the unique challenges faced by underage street hawkers and

to emphasize the importance of handling the situation with empathy.

Handing Them to Human Rights Authorities:

Following the arrests, the second phase of the strategy involved the immediate transfer of the

underage individuals to human rights authorities. This step was critical in ensuring that the

children received proper care, protection, and access to necessary support services.

OCHA Bridge worked closely with human rights organizations and relevant government

agencies specializing in child protection. The formal handover process included providing

detailed information about each case, including the circumstances leading to the child's

involvement in street hawking. This collaboration aimed to ensure that the rights of the children

were respected, and appropriate measures were taken for their welfare.

2.2. 2. De-congestion of trader converung road side walk to shops; which is a violation of the

state environment

Seizing of their goods of the defulters.

In addressing the persistent violation of state environmental laws by road-side traders converting

walkways into shops, a strategic measure employed was the seizure of goods from repeat

offenders. Preceded by ample warnings and documentation of violations, goods seizure was a

last-resort action. Legal processes and public notices were crucial components, ensuring

transparency and adherence to due process. The execution involved a coordinated effort between

law enforcement and regulatory bodies, with a focus on meticulous documentation. A redemption

process allowed traders to recover seized goods upon compliance and payment of fines. The

goods seizure strategy, while stringent, played a vital role in emphasizing the consequences of

non-compliance and contributed significantly to the success of de-congesting public spaces.

2.1.3. Illegal keeping of building materials like stones and sand by the street side by the


The strategy employed to tackle the issue of illegal storage of building materials in Anambra

involved a multifaceted approach, with a focus on enforcement and financial penalties. The

process included the following key steps:

Identification of Defaulters: Regular inspections were conducted to identify individuals or

construction projects violating regulations by storing materials illegally along the roadside.

Arrest and Office Detention: Once identified, the defaulters were apprehended, and legal actions

were initiated. They were taken to the office for questioning and to emphasize the seriousness of

the offense.

Financial Penalties: To deter future violations, a significant financial penalty of 50,000 Naira was

imposed on the defaulters. This monetary consequence aimed to serve as both punishment for the

offense and a deterrent to others.

2.4.4. Demolition of government unapproved structure; house build on government road

Making use of caterpillars to demolition the building

The decision to use caterpillar machinery was based on the need for precision and controlled

force during the demolition. Caterpillars, or heavy-duty excavators and bulldozers, are equipped

with powerful mechanical arms and buckets, allowing for the targeted dismantling of structures.

This choice was crucial in minimizing collateral damage to nearby properties and infrastructure

while efficiently bringing down the unauthorized buildings.

The use of construction company personal to aid in it demolition

The construction company personnel played a key role in executing the demolition strategy.

Their expertise in handling heavy machinery and understanding of structural dynamics

contributed to the overall effectiveness of the operation. Construction professionals were

responsible for operating the caterpillars with precision, ensuring that the demolition proceeded

according to the pre-determined plan and safety guidelines.

2.1.5. Drug seller; arresting and detention of the drugs dealers at Onitsha

Upon successful apprehension, the suspects were immediately taken into custody. We ensured

that the legal rights of the detainees were respected, and all necessary documentation was

completed. The detained individuals were then handed over to the NDLEA, a strategic decision

made to leverage the agency's specialized expertise in handling cases related to drug trafficking.

Collaboration with NDLEA: The collaboration with the NDLEA was integral to the success of

our strategy. We established a seamless partnership, providing the agency with comprehensive

details about the arrested individuals and the evidence collected during the operation. This

collaborative approach ensured a smoother transition of cases to the appropriate legal channels.

2.4.6. Illegal collection of government taxes

Arresting and denting them

Firstly, the process of arresting and denting the illegal tax collectors involved targeted efforts by

our investigative team. We meticulously gathered evidence, leveraging collaboration with local

businesses, affected individuals, and other stakeholders to build a strong case against the

perpetrators. This phase required careful coordination with law enforcement agencies to ensure a

swift and effective operation.

Arresting the culprits was crucial not only for bringing them to justice but also for sending a

clear message that such illegal activities would not be tolerated. The arrests were executed

strategically, minimizing the risk of backlash and ensuring the safety of both our team members

and the affected individuals who had bravely come forward to report the incidents.

Simultaneously, denting the operations of the illegal tax collectors involved disrupting their

networks and activities. This was achieved through the systematic dismantling of their

infrastructure, identification of key players, and collaboration with local communities to raise

awareness about legitimate tax collection processes. By denting their operations, we aimed to

create a power vacuum that would discourage others from engaging in similar illegal activities.

Handing over to police custody for punishment.

Once the perpetrators were apprehended and their operations disrupted, the second phase of the

strategy involved handing them over to police custody for punishment. This step was crucial for

ensuring that justice was served according to the legal framework. It involved compiling a

comprehensive case file with all relevant evidence, statements, and documentation to support the

charges against the illegal tax collectors.

The handover to police custody was conducted in close collaboration with law enforcement

authorities, ensuring a seamless transition from our investigative efforts to the legal proceedings.

This phase not only marked the formal initiation of legal actions against the offenders but also

underscored the importance of collaboration between public and private entities in upholding the

rule of law.

2.1.7.hoodlums terrorizing the street okpoko

Arresting them.

Firstly, law enforcement agencies were actively involved in apprehending individuals involved in

criminal activities within the community. Increased police presence, strategic patrols, and

intelligence gathering were implemented to identify and apprehend the hoodlums responsible for

terrorizing the streets of Okpoko.

Handing over to police

Upon apprehension, the second phase of the strategy involved promptly handing over the

arrested individuals to the police. This collaboration between OCHA Bridge and law

enforcement aimed to ensure a swift and effective transfer of suspects to the appropriate legal

authorities. It bolstered the legal process by providing law enforcement agencies with the

necessary support to investigate and build cases against the perpetrators.

And make sure the taken to court

The final step in the strategy focused on the legal accountability of the hoodlums. OCHA Bridge,

in conjunction with legal advocacy groups, worked to ensure that the arrested individuals were

taken to court to face charges related to their criminal activities. This emphasized the importance

of due process and sought to deter future criminal behavior through the legal consequences faced

by those engaging in unlawful activities.

2.3. Materials Used

Removal of underage ( below 17 years) street road side hawker out of the road

Car for Transportation:

Utilizing cars for transportation was a pivotal element of the strategy. OCHA Bridge ensured the

availability of vehicles to facilitate the movement of the task force to targeted areas with a high

concentration of underage street hawkers. This logistical support was essential for the efficient

identification, intervention, and removal of the children from hazardous street conditions.

Cars allowed for quick response and mobility, enabling the task force to cover a wider

geographical area and respond promptly to emerging situations. The vehicles were equipped to

accommodate rescued children, ensuring their safe and comfortable transfer to designated

facilities for immediate care and support.

Task Force OCHA:

The establishment of a specialized task force within OCHA played a crucial role in the success of

the strategy. Comprising trained professionals and volunteers, the task force was responsible for

executing the intervention plan. This involved identifying areas with a high prevalence of

underage street hawkers, coordinating with local authorities, and orchestrating the safe removal

of the children from the streets.

The task force was trained not only in logistics and intervention techniques but also in child

protection and sensitivity. This ensured that the approach taken during the operation prioritized

the well-being of the children and aimed at providing immediate support and assistance.

Armed Men from AVG:

The involvement of armed men from the anambra state vigilant group (AVG) added a layer of

security to the strategy. The armed personnel played a supportive role in ensuring the safety of

the task force during interventions. Their presence acted as a deterrent to potential confrontations

or resistance from individuals involved in exploiting underage street hawkers.

2.1.2. De-congestion of trader converung road side walk to shops; which is a violation of the

state environment laws

Task force OCHA

The Task Force at OCHA, the material used for implementing strategies against road-side traders

converting walkways into shops

Armed men AVG

The AVG, comprising armed personnel, played a crucial role in executing the enforcement of

regulations. Their presence served as a deterrent, discouraging potential violators and

emphasizing the seriousness of adhering to public space rules. It also ensured the safety of the

team during the implementation of strategies, especially in situations where resistance or

opposition was encountered.

2.3.3. Illegal keeping of building materials like stones and sand by the street side by the


Task force OCHA

The task force at OCHA dealt with the issue of illegal material storage.

Armed men AVG

The AVG played a key role in identifying violators, taking them to the office, and imposing a

fine of 50,000. They had armed men known as AVG to enforce rules and ensure compliance.

2.4.4. Demolition of government unapproved structure; house build on government road

Task force OCHA

The primary material used for the operation was the dedicated Task Force assembled by

OCHA .The Task Force comprised skilled professionals from various disciplines such as urban

planning, engineering, legal, and community engagement. Their expertise played a crucial role in

orchestrating the entire demolition process, from planning and coordination to execution. The

Task Force served as the backbone of the operation, ensuring that all aspects of the demolition

were conducted in accordance with legal regulations and ethical standards.

Armed Men: In certain situations, the use of armed personnel was deemed necessary to ensure

the safety and security of the Task Force members and the surrounding community. The armed

men provided a layer of protection against potential resistance or security threats during the

demolition. Their presence was carefully coordinated with local law enforcement agencies to

maintain a controlled and secure environment. The deployment of armed personnel aimed to

deter any potential disturbances and ensure the safety of everyone involved in the operation.

Caterpillars: The heavy-duty caterpillar machinery played a pivotal role in the physical execution

of the demolition. Caterpillars, including excavators and bulldozers, were used as powerful tools

to dismantle the unauthorized structures efficiently. Equipped with robust mechanical arms and

buckets, these machines allowed for the precise and controlled removal of buildings while

minimizing damage to nearby infrastructure. The use of caterpillars exemplified a strategic

approach to the physical aspect of the demolition, providing the necessary force to bring down

structures without compromising safety.

2.1.5. Drug seller; arresting and detention of the drugs dealers at Onitsha

Task Force: A specialized task force was assembled for the mission, comprising skilled

individuals with expertise in law enforcement and intelligence. The task force operated

cohesively, combining their unique skills to execute the operation seamlessly. This collaborative

effort was crucial in achieving the mission's objectives.

Armed Men: In ensuring the safety of the operation and the team members, a select group of

armed individuals was strategically positioned. These armed men were equipped with standard

law enforcement weaponry, including sidearms and non-lethal force options. Their presence

played a vital role in deterring potential resistance and ensuring the overall security of the


Police Officer: Integral to the success of the mission were the dedicated police officers who

actively participated in the operation. These officers, trained in various aspects of law

enforcement, contributed their skills to the overall strategy. Their role included making arrests,

maintaining order, and upholding the legal procedures necessary for the apprehension and

subsequent processing of the detained individuals.

2.4.6. Illegal collection of government taxes

Task force OCHA

The OCHA Task Force served as the primary investigative arm, bringing together skilled

professionals with expertise in law, governance, and humanitarian affairs. This multidisciplinary

team was instrumental in conducting comprehensive investigations, gathering evidence, and

coordinating efforts with local authorities. The Task Force, equipped with legal knowledge and

investigative skills, played a pivotal role in building strong cases against the illegal tax


Armed man (AVG)

The AVG, short for Anambra Vigilant Group, was armed and operated independently of the

OCHA Task Force. This added a layer of complexity to the resolution process, requiring careful

consideration of the potential risks associated with confronting an armed group. The AVG,

functioning as a vigilant group, aimed to maintain law and order in their own way, but their

involvement in illegal tax collection revealed a misuse of power that needed to be addressed.

2.1.7.hoodlums terrorizing the street okpoko

2.4. Personal Reflection

Removal of underage ( below 17 years) street road side hawker out of the road

These reduce high rate of child abuse like rape/drugs and cultism

2.1.2. De-congestion of trader converting road side walk to shops; which is a violation of the

state environment laws

Road side shop must be very dangerous to people’s life causing them accident so it need to be


2.1.3. Illegal keeping of building materials like stones and sand by the street side by the


Makes sure the community street are free of unnecessary blockage traffic by the road users.

2.4.4. Demolition of government unapproved structure; house build on government road.

It helps to create good roads and gutter by the government to the society.

2.1.5. Drug seller; arresting and detention of the drugs dealers at Onitsha

It helps to reduce criminal activities

2.4.6. Illegal collection of government taxes

I like the step taken because this illegal collection of task brings bad name to the government .

2.1.7.hoodlums terrorizing the street okpoko

I believe that this will bring back peace in okpoko



3.1. Summary of IT experience

The internship at Operation Clean and Healthy Anambra (OCHA) Brigade, specifically at the

Anambra Dunukofia Command, was a transformative journey that provided a nuanced

understanding of governance, public service, and community engagement. The experience served

as a bridge between academic knowledge and practical application, offering a comprehensive

view of the paramilitary agency’s mission and functions. Internship, as a gateway to practical

learning, allowed for immersion in the professional environment, where I gained hands-on

experience, refined skills, and deepened my understanding of industry practices.

OCHA Brigade’s multifaceted responsibilities, including enforcing Internal Generated Revenue

(IGR), demolishing illegal structures, monitoring compliance, and ensuring overall security,

highlighted the agency’s commitment to the well-being of Anambra State’s residents. The

internship experience offered exposure to the meticulous planning and execution required in

daily operations, emphasizing the importance of professionalism in public service.

Collaborating within a framework with various Anambra State MDAs showcased the synergy

necessary for effective governance, reinforcing the importance of coordination in achieving

shared goals. Witnessing the integration of efforts across different sectors underscored the

holistic nature of OCHA Brigade’s mission and broadened my perspective on the intricate

relationships that underpin successful governance.

The proactive community engagement initiatives by OCHA Brigade left a lasting impression,

igniting a passion for social responsibility and community development. Beyond mere

enforcement, the brigade’s commitment to educating the public about a clean and healthy

environment aimed at creating a sense of shared responsibility within the community. This aspect

of the internship experience influenced my perspective on the role of professionals in

contributing to societal well-being.

Participating in campaigns to raise awareness about the importance of tax compliance provided

insights into the financial mechanisms sustaining government initiatives. The emphasis on

professionalism within OCHA Brigade guided my approach to tasks and challenges, reinforcing

the significance of a disciplined and orderly approach in achieving organizational objectives.

The internship significantly contributed to my professional growth, enhancing communication

skills, providing hands-on experience in project management, and cultivating problem-solving

abilities. Exposure to diverse tasks within OCHA Brigade heightened my adaptability and critical

thinking, preparing me for the complexities of future professional endeavors.

Collaborating with professionals from different fields within OCHA Brigade provided a unique

interdisciplinary learning experience. Understanding the interconnectedness of government

functions emphasized the importance of breaking down silos and fostering collaboration across

sectors. This interdisciplinary exposure instilled in me the significance of a collaborative

approach to governance applicable to various professional settings.

The internship also shed light on the complexities of balancing enforcement with community

engagement. OCHA Brigade’s proactive outreach programs aimed at educating the public about

a clean and healthy environment demonstrated a commitment to fostering collective

responsibility. This approach not only contributed to building positive relationships with the

community but also highlighted the brigade’s dedication to creating lasting behavioral change.

Reflecting on the internship with OCHA Brigade, it becomes evident that the experience was a

pivotal chapter in academic and professional development. The exposure to the paramilitary

environment, emphasis on discipline, and diverse responsibilities provided a comprehensive

understanding of governance, public service, and community engagement. The internship was

not merely a period of observation but an immersive learning experience that enhanced practical

skills, expanded knowledge, and cultivated a sense of responsibility towards contributing to

societal well-being.

As the journey with OCHA Brigade unfolds, the lessons learned, skills acquired, and insights

gained are poised to shape future endeavors, contributing to a holistic and impactful approach in

the chosen field. OCHA Brigade, with its unwavering dedication to the betterment of Anambra

State, stands as a beacon of inspiration, and the internship experience with this esteemed

organization will forever remain a defining chapter in the journey towards becoming a

conscientious and capable professional.

During my internship at OCHA Bridge in Anambra, Nigeria, I was immersed in a series of

routine exercises that addressed pressing issues within the community. One such exercise

involved the removal of underage street road-side hawkers, aiming to mitigate the risks

associated with child labor. Another initiative focused on de-congesting road-side walkways

occupied by traders, emphasizing the importance of adherence to state environmental laws. The

illegal storage of building materials along the roadside by engineers was another challenge we

tackled, emphasizing safety hazards and environmental concerns. Additionally, our team was

involved in the demolition of government-unapproved structures on a key road, showcasing the

significance of urban planning and regulatory compliance. Apprehending drug sellers at Onitsha

and combating the illegal collection of government taxes were also vital routine exercises,

contributing to the restoration of public safety and economic integrity. Lastly, addressing the

menace of hoodlums in Okpoko required a comprehensive approach involving collaboration,

community engagement, and strategic interventions.

In the removal of underage street hawkers, OCHA Bridge prioritized collaboration with local

authorities to address child labor. Mapping high-concentration areas, conducting surveys, and

implementing targeted strategies demonstrated the organization’s commitment to understanding

and addressing the root causes of the issue. Community awareness campaigns, engagement with

families, and creating alternative sources of income showcased a holistic approach, emphasizing

the importance of education and the well-being of vulnerable children.

The de-congestion initiative involving road-side traders required a delicate balance between

education, enforcement, and collaboration. By raising awareness about environmental laws,

conducting patrols, and exploring alternative solutions, our team aimed not only to address

immediate concerns but also to foster responsible trading practices. The project exemplified the

transformative impact of coordinated efforts in creating organized and safe trading environments.

The illegal storage of building materials posed safety hazards and environmental degradation,

necessitating a systematic approach. Regular inspections, education campaigns, and

collaboration with construction industry stakeholders were integral to mitigating these concerns.

The success of the initiative was not only measured by the physical cleanup but also by the

positive shift in attitudes toward responsible construction practices within the community.

Demolishing government-unapproved structures on a key road underscored the importance of

urban planning and adherence to regulations. The operation required meticulous planning,

community engagement, and adherence to safety protocols. The positive impact on traffic flow

and the deterrent effect showcased the practical application of governance principles in

maintaining public infrastructure integrity.

Apprehending drug sellers at Onitsha showcased the strategic use of intelligence, collaboration,

and decisive action. The operation’s success not only removed individuals engaging in illegal

activities but also sent a strong message about the community’s commitment to restoring public

safety. The experience emphasized the effectiveness of coordinated efforts in addressing complex

challenges at the grassroots level.

Investigating and resolving cases related to the illegal collection of government taxes required a

multifaceted approach. Collaborating with local authorities, streamlining tax collection

processes, and taking legal action against perpetrators showcased the organization’s commitment

to protecting businesses and maintaining the integrity of government revenue systems.

Addressing the menace of hoodlums in Okpoko highlighted the power of collaboration,

community engagement, and strategic interventions. By enhancing security measures, addressing

root causes, and empowering the youth, our team contributed to creating a safer and more

resilient community. The experience underscored the positive impact that coordinated

interventions can have on communities facing security challenges.

In conclusion, my internship at OCHA Bridge provided a diverse and enriching experience in

addressing complex community issues. These routine exercises not only allowed me to apply

theoretical knowledge but also emphasized the transformative impact of collaborative, strategic,

and holistic approaches. As I reflect on these experiences, I am grateful for the opportunity to

contribute to positive change within the community and to witness the tangible outcomes of our

efforts in creating safer, more organized, and resilient environments.

3.2. Suggestions of Future

1. Advocate for the integration of practical learning experiences like internships into

academic curricula to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world


2. Establish mentorship programs within internship institutes to provide guidance and

support for interns throughout their professional development journey.

3. Encourage interns to actively engage with community members to understand their needs

and collaborate on solutions, fostering a deeper sense of empathy and social


4. Implement regular reflection sessions during internships to encourage interns to critically

analyze their experiences, identify areas for growth, and set goals for future development.

5. Develop interdisciplinary internship opportunities that expose interns to various sectors

and stakeholders, promoting a holistic understanding of governance and community


6. Advocate for the inclusion of practical skills training, such as project management and

communication, within internship programs to better prepare interns for future

professional endeavors

7. Combat illegal activities and restore public safety through strategic use of intelligence,

collaboration with local authorities, and decisive action against perpetrators.

8. Streamline tax collection processes and take legal action against perpetrators to protect

businesses and maintain the integrity of government revenue systems.

9. Empower youth and address root causes of security challenges by enhancing security

measures, engaging the community, and implementing strategic interventions.


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