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Journal of Advanced Research in Accounting & Finance Management

Volume 4, Issue 3&4 - 2018, Pg. No. 1-4

Peer Reviewed Journal
Research Article

An Analytical Study on Non-Performing Assets

of Punjab National Bank
Preeti Gupta1, Sudip Banerjee2
MBA Student, ITM University, Gwalior.

Assistant Professor, ITM University, Gwalior.

The loans and advances given to customers are assets for Banks. If customers don’t pay any of the amount
that is, either interest or part of principal or both the amounts, the loan turns into bad loan. The nonpayment
of interest or principal or both the amounts reduces cash flow for the Bank, which can interrupt budgets
and decrease earnings. The provisions for bad or doubtful debts, which are set aside to cover potential
losses, reduce the capital available to provide subsequent loans. The losses from defaulted loans are
written off against earnings. This is the study about non-performing assets of PNB over the last five years
from year 2013-14 to 2017-18.

Keywords: Non Performing Assets, Doubtful Debts, Bad Debts, Budget, defaulted loans

Introduction the year 2017 consolidated PNB’s position in the banking

Punjab National Bank
Non-Performing Assets
Punjab National Bank is one of the India’s Multinational
Banking and financial service Provider Company, Those assets of bank which don’t perform for a period
headquartered in Delhi, India. It is India’s first Swadeshi of time are known as Non-Performing Assets. Financial
Bank which commenced its operations on 12 April 1895 Institutions provide money or assets to the companies
from Lahore, with an authorized capital of Rs 2 lac and which remains unpaid sometimes by the borrower. This non
working capital of Rs 20,000. It is second largest public payment of money or assets is termed as non-performing
sector Bank in terms of business and total Assets. The four assets. In other words non-performing assets are debt
segments through which PNB operates are: Corporate/ obligations or bank’s non-performing loans or advances
Wholesale banking, Retail Banking, Treasury and other for which Principal and interest overdue for a period of
banking operations. It also provides other banking services 90 days (standard period for categorizing any asset as a
such as Insurance distribution, merchant banking, mutual non-performing asset). These are those assets from which
fund and wealth management service. bank do not get any return.

The Bank crossed a milestone of INR 10 lakh crore in domestic Classification of Assets
business as on 31st March 2018. The bank maintained its
stronghold in CASA deposits which has helped bank contain As per RBI guidelines every bank has to classify its assets
the cost of funds. Bank also continued its relentless drive into these categories:
against NPAs and made successful recovery efforts. One
Standard Assets: Those assets which are generating regular
crore new customers got associated with the bank during
income to the bank and do not disclose any problem in
Corresponding Author: Preeti Gupta, MBA Student, ITM University, Gwalior.
E-mail Id:
Orcid Id:
How to cite this article: Gupta P, Banerjee S. An Analytical Study on Non-Performing Assets of Punjab National Bank. J Adv Res Accnt
Fin Mgmt 2018; 4(3&4): 1-4.

Copyright (c) 2018 Journal of Advanced Research in Accounting & Finance Management
Gupta P et al.
J. Adv. Res. Accnt. Fin. Mgmt. 2018; 4(3&4) 2

terms of payment of principal amount or interest amount. Rao M. and Patel A. (2015) conducted a study on non-
These assets are treated as current loans not as non- performing asset management with reference public sector
performing assets. The risk associated with these types banks, private sector banks and foreign banks in India.
of assets is not more than normal risk. Their findings reveals that the percentage of Gross NPA
to Gross advances is increasing for public banks, ratio of
Sub-standard Assets: Those assets which have been Loss Advances to Gross Advances are higher in foreign
classified as NPA for a period of not exceeding two years. banks. They concluded that the Ratio of Gross NPA to Gross
W.e.f. 31st march 2005 substandard assets are those assets Advances for public sector, private Sector and foreign Banks
which remained non-performing for a period of less than does not have significant difference between 2009 to 2013.
or equal to 15 months. These types of assets defined credit
weakness. Gupta A.K. and Gautam P. (2017) studied the performance
of the Punjab National Bank with reference to the problem
Doubtful Assets: Those assets which have been remained of Non-Performing Assets (NPA). Since the fund blocked
NPA for a period exceeding two years. With the effect from in as Gross NPA is of huge amount, the study shows the
31st march 2005, if an asset remained non-performing for negative correlation between Net NPA and Net Profit.
a period exceeding 12 months are classified as doubtful The study concluded that NPAs must be handled in such
assets. Doubtful Assets inherent all the weaknesses of sub- a manner that would not ruin the financial positions and
standard assets. The recovery of these is highly questionable affect the image of the banks.
on the basis of current facts, value and conditions.
Mishra U.M. and Pawaskar J.R. (2017) conducted a study
Loss Assets: Those Assets which are doubtful in nature and on non- performing assets and its impact on banking sector.
are identified as non-recoverable by bank itself or auditors The research paper helps in understanding the concept of
or RBI inspectors. The amount of these assets has not NPAs, sector wise NPAs, recovery of NPAs through different
been written off, fully or partially. Only those assets are channels, and impact on NPAs in banking sector. They
categorized as loss assets where no security is available. concluded that the bank needs be proactive in the selection
of clients and customers while sanctioning of loans. The
Literature Review operation of the bank is wide enough to cater to the needs
Various studies are conducted on the issue of non- of broad spectrum of the society and economy of India
performing assets in banking sector. Below are the literature at large.
reviews of some of the researches: Causes of NPAs
Devi Suman (2015) conducted a study on non-performing The problem of NPAs is a severe problem in banking sector.
assets of Punjab National Bank and analyses the position Both internal as well as external factors are responsible for
of NPAs in PNB. The research paper also compares total rise in number of NPAs in banks. As compared to private
advances, net profits, Gross NPAs and net NPAs. She sector banks, the problem of NPA is more in public sector
concluded that there is low degree of correlation between banks. Below mentions reasons are finding out from
net NPAs and net profit and the main reason for increasing previous research reports factors those are more commonly
number of NPAs is mismanagement of banks. The Net profit responsible for creating Non Performing assets in the
of PNB starts decreasing from year 2014 and 2015 which banking sectors:
put adverse effect on bank’s profitability.
Internal factors
Samir and Kamra D. (2013) studied “A comparative analysis
of Non-performing Assets (NPAs) of State Bank of India, • Absence of regular industrial visit
Punjab National Bank, and Central Bank of India. The • Defective lending process
paper details about the sector wise classification of NPAs • Managerial deficiencies
and reason for their occurrence. They concluded that the • Inappropriate technology
Skills of NPA management, include working out negotiated • Poor credit appraisal system
settlements, comprises constituting active settlement, • Improper SWOT Analysis
advisory committee, restructuring and rehabilitation,
effective recourse to suitable legal remedies are to be External factors
supplemented with most suitable legal reforms by banks
to recover dues well in time so that the financial so that • Change in government policies
the soundness of banking sector will not be undermined. • Ineffective recovery tribunal
• Lack of demand of products
Gupta P et al.
3 J. Adv. Res. Accnt. Fin. Mgmt. 2018; 4(3&4)

• Willful defaulters
• Industrial sickness
• Huge losses of Business due to Natural calamities

Objective of the Research

• To find the total NPAs in Punjab National Bank.
• To find out the correlation between percentages of
return on Assets as compared to percentage of Net NPA. The graph shows that the Net NPA of PNB are increasing
• To know the effect of NPA and steps taken by RBI to every year except in the financial year 2016-17 where there
control NPAs. is slight decline in the Net NPAs. In the year 2017-18 the
• To provide specific suggestion to reduce NPAs. total no. of Net NPAs are 48,684cror and percentage of
Net NPA is 11.24 in FY 2017-18.
Non – Performing Assets of Punjab National Bank
Correlation between percentage of Net NPA and
NPAs for the year 2013-14 to 2017-18 percentage of return on Assets
In crore
Mar '18 Mar '17 Mar '16 Mar '15 Mar '14
Gross NPA 86,620.05 55,370.45 55,818.33 25,694.86 18,880.06
Correlation between percentage of net NPA or return on
Assets = - 0.92536
Net NPA 48,684.29 32,702.11 35,422.57 15,396.50 9,916.99
% of Gross
18.38 12.53 12.9 6.55 5.25
% of Net NPA 11.24 7.81 8.61 4.06 2.85
Return on
-1.6 0.19 -0.61 0.53 0.64
Assets %

Gross NPA chart from 2013-14 to 2017-18

There is a negative correlation between percentage of net

NPAs and percentage of return on Assets in PNB. The NPAs
are increasing over the year whereas return on assets is
declining in every successive year. Both the lines in the
line chart are moving in opposite direction showing a
highly negative correlation between percentage of NPA
and percentage of return on Assets in Punjab National
Bank during the FYs 2013-14 to 2017-18.

Effect of NPAs

Having non-performing assets in balance sheet put three

distinct burdens on lenders.
The graph shows that the gross NPA of PNB are increasing
every year except in the financial year 2016-17 where there 1. Because of non-payment principal or interest cash flow
is slight decline in the Gross NPAs. In the year 2017-18 the for lender reduces, which affect the budget as well as
total no. of Gross NPAs are 86,620 crore. decreases earnings.
2. A loan loss provision reduces the availability of capital
Net NPA chart from 2013-14 to 2017-18 for later loans.
3. The losses from defaulted loans are written off against
earnings which decreases the actual earning.

Steps taken by RBI and Government to control NPAs

• Launched “Mission Indradhanush”.

• Government proposed to introduce “Bankruptcy Code”.
Gupta P et al.
J. Adv. Res. Accnt. Fin. Mgmt. 2018; 4(3&4) 4

• Tighten the “Corporate Debt Reconstructing asset management with reference public sector banks,
Mechanism”. private sector banks and foreign banks in India”. Journal
• Set up a “Joint lenders forum”. of Management and Science 2015; 5(1).
• Prodding banks to “reveal real pictures of bad loans”. 3. Samir, Kamra Deepa. “A comparative analysis of non-
• Asking Banks to “increase provision for stressed assets”. performing assets (NPAs) of selected commercial banks
• Introduced “5:25 Scheme” under which loans are to in India”- opnion, 2013; 3(1).
be written off over 25 years with refinancing option 4. Gupta A.K. and Gautam Priyanka. “Non-Performing
after every 5 years. Assets (NPAs): A study of Punjab National Bank”.
• Empowering banks to take majority control in defaulting International journal of Science technology and
companies under “Strategic debt Reconstructing management 2017; 6(1).
Scheme”. 5. Mishra UM, Pawaskar JR. “A study of non-performing
assets and its impact on Banking sector”. Journal of
Conclusion and suggestions Research 2017; 3(1).
6. Punjab National Bank’s. “Corporate Presentation”
NPA are weighing down the banking system. Many banks do
not have enough money to grant new loans, which is a
blow to the way of income to the banks. Non Performing
Date of Submission: 2019-11-04
Assets of Punjab National Banks has risen significantly in
past five years. In March 2018, Gross NPA of PNB remained Date of Acceptance: 2018-12-09
Rs. 86,620 crore. Higher the Non Performing Assets, the
more loss a bank will face. Punjab National Bank has the
highest share of bad loans in their advances. NPA of PNB is
on the rise because bank is recognising loans as bad loans at
a slower pace. Bank has to identify the bad loans properly
in order to reduce the percentage of NPAs.

• Bank has to thoroughly analyzing the repaying

capacity that companies and the owners has then
provide loans to big companies
• Should not provide loans to the big companies that are
facing losses and are about to shut down.
• Do conducting field study and then relying completely
on project report.
• Banks should observe how the loans are spent , after
granting loans. Many willful defaulters are spending
the loans unproductively which will not help to grow
business in anyway
• It is good to display the list of defaulters publicly. This
will cause fear and acts as a deterrent.
• Banks should observe the capacity of the company
continuously, after granting loan and should be able
to assess whether it is about to bankrupt. In this way,
banks can sell the assets before the loans become NPA.

Apart from this there are several government policies

which help banks in recovering from NPA. For solving the
problem of increasing NPAs bank should remain alert and
up to date while providing loans.

1. Devi Suman. “Non-performing Assets- A study of
Punjab National Bank”. International research journal
of management and commerce, 2015; 2(6).
2. Rao Mayur, Patel Ankita. “A study on non-performing

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