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Name : Delviana

Nim : 2132004

Subject : Micro Teaching


Definition Reinforcement

Reinforcement is all forms of response, whether verbal or nonverbal, which is part of modifying teacher
behavior towards student behavior, which aims to provide information or feedback for the recipient
(students) for his actions as an act of encouragement or correction (Hamid Darmadi, 2010: 2). Its mean
that all responses, whether vocal or nonverbal, that are used to change how teachers behave toward
students are considered forms of reinforcement. The goal of reinforcement is to give students
information or feedback about their behavior in the form of encouragement or correction.

Sanjaya (2009: 37) states that reinforcement is all forms of responses, both verbal and non-verbal, given
by teachers to student behavior to provide feedback on their actions as an encouragement or correction
and motivate other students to do the same as the students who were given reinforcement earlier.
Meanwhile, according to Hasibuan (2008: 58) which states that providing reinforcement is defined by
teacher behavior in responding positively to a certain behavior of students that allows the behavior to
recur, intended to reward or encourage students so that they are more active in participating in
teaching-learning interactions. The author comes to the conclusion that any kind of encouraging
reaction from the instructor, whether it be verbal or nonverbal, is strengthening in the direction of good
student behavior so that the student is motivated to increase or repeat good behavior. One of the
fundamental teaching techniques that a teacher must grasp in order to support students' learning is
reinforcement. ( Uzer Usman, 2005) defines reinforcement as any reaction both in verbal and nonverbal
ways that alter students' conduct and provide feedback—either constructive criticism or encouragement
—on their actions. In the context of teaching foreign languages, a teacher's reinforcement is one of the
techniques and acknowledgments they employ to keep students' interest in the lessons and inspire
them to learn. According to behaviorist theory, the fundamental methods of language learning are
imitation, reinforcement, and rewarding. Therefore, behaviorism theory, which sees language as
stimulus and response, includes reinforcement as one of its components.

Purpose of Reinforcement

Reinforcement as a part of activities in the learning process and has a very important purpose.
According to (Sobry Sutikno 2010: 82) besides being an encouragement for students to be more active in
carrying out an activity, Reinforcement (reinforcement) can also increase the frequency of a positive
behavior displayed by students. Furthermore (Sobry Sutikno 2010: 82) stated the purpose of providing
reinforcement in the learning process (1) increasing students' attention to lessons, (2) stimulating and
increasing learning motivation, (3) Improving learning activities and fostering productive student
According to Winataputra (2004:7.30) strengthening aims to :
a. Increase student attention and arouse student motivation Through reinforcement provided by the
teacher on student learning behavior, students will feel cared for by the teacher. With This way
students' attention will increase increases along with the teacher's attention through responses given to
students. If The students' attention is getting better, so with automatically the motivation to learn will
increase good too.
b. Makes it easier for students to learn The teacher's task is as a learning facilitator aims to make it
easier for students to learn. To facilitate learning, it must be supported by positive habits in learning,
namely by providing responses (strengthening) which will encourage even more students' courage to
try, explore and avoid feelings of fear of making mistakes Study.

c. Control and modify student behavior and encourage positive behavior

d. Develop self-confidence in students Feelings of worry, doubt, fear of being wrong and negative
feelings that will affect the quality of the process learning should be avoided. One attempt to minimize
negative feelings in learning, namely through providing reinforcement or the response given by the
teacher to no matter how small the student's learning actions.
e. Maintain a conducive classroom climate The class atmosphere is fun, safe and dynamic will encourage
learning activities maximum students. Through strengthening carried out by the teacher, the class
atmosphere will be better democratic, so that students will be more free to express opinions, act, try
and do things learn more.

How to Use Reinforcement

Winataputra (2004:7.35) states that in the implementation of reinforcement learning, teachers should
pay attention to the following:

a. Reinforcement goals The reinforcement goals given by the teacher should be clear. For example,
providing reinforcement to certain students, to groups of students, or to all students as a whole, for
example: "Wow, I am proud of this class II discipline".

b. In order for the expected positive impact not to decrease or even disappear, reinforcement must be
given as soon as the student shows the expected response. In other words, there is no waiting time
between the response shown and the reinforcement given.

c. Variation in use The provision of reinforcement should be done with a rich variety until the impact is
high enough for the students who receive it. Verbal reinforcement with the same words, for example:
good, good, good, will lose meaning, to the point of not meaning anything to

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