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Cause No. __________________________

) ) David A. BARDES, individually, as a taxpayer, ) (Possibly others if approved) ) ) Plaintiff, ) ) v. ) ) The State of South Carolina, ) The United States of America, et. al. ) John Does and Jane Does ) (Possibly others if approved) ) ) Defendants. ) ) _______________________________________________ )


Verified Complaint; and, Petition for Damages, and All Such Proper Relief, or Class Action Complaint of Same or Mediated Settlement Desired
(Demand for Jury Trial Waived) (Request for Magistrate Full Adjudication Motioned)




1. This lawsuit claims violations of laws under US Code Title 18 and Title 42, as well as applicable state laws, common law laws, and any others that the judge may deem applicable. There are a large number of citizens that suffered the same as I, so I am asking to form a class action lawsuit under 1332(d), and rule 23. This all assumes the judges approval. I have no social agenda in this lawsuit; it is simply a lawsuit for redress of money. For those parties that have committed crimes, I have no say so in any criminal adjudication, if they ever occur. The definition of the class is located further down, but the class applies to all the parents that were illegally jailed for being indigent and could not therefore pay their child support. The US Supreme Court has already ruled that our due process rights were violated four times each per the Turner v. Rogers (10-10) case published June 20, 2011. This lawsuit is essentially a cleanup issue of obtaining redress for our injuries. The Turner case shut down the illegal practice of the five states that had not stopped the illegal jailing of indigents, they are: South Carolina, Georgia,

Florida, Ohio, and Maine. However, the class is open to all so aggrieved in all 50 states. Identification of class members is easy, as the states have all the data in their databases, so just running one query gives me all the class members, including a nice picture, our error and miss rate will be zero. Our injuries are exactly the same, only a small sub-class of those murdered is broken out. I will, or course, tell the potential class members that they can and should hire their own lawyer, and only view us as a second or last choice for redress.

2. I have another case before this court but it has nothing to do with this case, it has an association, but not a legal connection. Bardes v. MassMutual (1:11-CV-340). I had a lawsuit exactly the same as Turner, with the same question, the same cause, in the same state, with the same judges, over the same issues, and it was denied by the US Supreme Court two days after oral arguments in Turner. I assume the court does not have to rule on the same case twice. My case was dismissed without prejudice by the district court in Charleston, South Carolina in 2010, Bardes v. Magera (2:08-CV-487-PMD-RSC). I am pretty sure I have followed rule 23 and the local rules, so I leave it up to the judge to decide.



3. Jurisdiction is proper in the North Carolina Middle District under the diversity-of-citizenship clause as well as federal question, as I am a resident of Burlington, North Carolina, and the Defendants are states and the federal government. As to 1391(a)(2), all of the events and the injuries in this action took place in Pennsylvania, North Carolina and South Carolina As to venue under 1391(a)(1), the Defendant(s) reside in all 50 states. The amount in controversy, without interest and costs, exceeds the sum or value specified by 28 U.S.C. 1332.



4. The Plaintiff is I, David Andrew Bardes, a resident of North Carolina, and other similarly so injured citizens of all 50 states and the other places we own, as approved by the judge.

5. The Defendants are the State of North Carolina, Alamance County, the State of South Carolina, Charleston County, the State of Pennsylvania, Montgomery County, and the United States, the Department of Justice, the Social Security Administration, the US Courts, and some private corporations and individuals addresses below. Defendants may be added as applicable and approved by the judge, so named as John Doe and Jane Doe. There are a small number of individuals and principals enumerated in Part II of this lawsuit. Parties are named in all capacities and persons.



6. Plaintiff is Pro Se, but not by choice. Counsel is desired and can be added in due course.

7. Rules: I think I have followed all the rules correctly, or the ones that I could find. I have tried my best to learn the hard way as to do and not do, so I can only give this my best effort. There is just so much that I cant find anywhere, so I ask the court for leniency.



8. It is alleged that a lot of laws were broken and that redress is available in federal civil court, but I humbly, and gratefully, leave it to the judge to decide what laws were broken. My best guess falls in the lists of laws below, but are not limited to:

a. b. c. d. e. f.

Civil Rights, conspiracy and collusion to same. Fraud, conspiracy and collusion to defraud. Racketeering for profit and gain. Abuse of mentally ill for profit and gain Peonage for profit and gain. Torture and murder for profit and gain.

9. An enumeration of the laws I guess were violated, to include but not limited to: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. Not to be killed. Not to be injured or abused. To move freely. To keep and bear arms. To communicate with the world. To express or publish one's opinions or those of others. To be secure in one's person, house, papers, vehicle, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures. To enjoy privacy in all matters in which the rights of others are not violated. To require the federal government to enforce law over the states. To require the states to obey their laws and federal laws. To acquire, have and use the means necessary to exercise the above rights and pursue happiness, specifically including: a. A private residence, from which others may be excluded. b. Tools needed for one's livelihood. c. Personal property, which others may be denied the use of. d. Arms suitable for personal and community defense. To enter into contracts, and thereby acquire contractual rights, to secure the means to exercise the above rights. To enjoy equally the rights, privileges and protections of personhood as established by law. To not trash our names to all the personal and business credit rating agencies for the express purpose of wiping us off the financial grid for an eternity. To petition an official for redress of grievances and get action thereon in accordance with law, subject to the resources available thereto. To petition a legislator and get consideration thereof, subject to resources available thereto.





To petition a court for redress of grievances and get a decision thereon, subject to resources available thereto. Not to have one's rights individually disabled except through due process of law, which includes: a. To trial by an impartial jury from the state and district in which the events took place where the issue in question is either a natural right or property worth more than $20. b. In taking of one's property for public use, to be given just compensation therefore. c. To have compulsory process for obtaining favorable witnesses. d. To have process only upon legal persons able to defend themselves, either natural persons or corporate persons that are represented by a natural person as agent, and who are present, competent, and duly notified, except, in cases of disappearance or abandonment, after public notice and a reasonable period of time. e. Not to be ordered to give testimony or produce evidence beyond what is necessary to the proper conduct of the process. To enjoy equally the rights and privileges of citizenship as established by law. To retain rights not delegated to it by the Constitution. Must give full faith and credit to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state, and recognize the privileges and immunities granted thereby. To provide for the punishment of abuses of power by any official, agent, or employee of, or contractor for, any institution of government, and specifically any violations of the Constitution and laws pursuant thereto. To demand that civil servants and officers of the court to: a. To obey laws that are constitutional and applied within their proper jurisdiction and according to their intent. b. To comply with the terms of legal contracts to which one is a party. c. To tell the truth under oath. d. To preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution. e. To help enforce laws and practices that are constitutional and applied within their proper jurisdiction and according to their intent, and to resist those which are not. f. To serve on juries, and to render verdicts according to the constitutionality, jurisdiction, and applicability of statute and common law, and the facts of the case. Restrictions as to civil servants and governments: a. Shall not disable any natural or constitutional right without due process of law, and then only to the extent necessary to avoid infringing the rights of others. b. Shall not deny any person within its jurisdiction equal protection of the laws. c. Shall not suspend habeas corpus, except in case of rebellion of invasion and the public safety may require it. d. Shall not issue a search warrant but on probably cause, supported by an oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the person or things to be seized. e. Shall allow no slavery or involuntary servitude except as punishment for a crime of which the party shall have been duly convicted.



10. I give credit of most the above enumeration to a smart person on the internet that has a big heart and good math in their head. I allege, at a best guess, that the following federal laws were broken and are applicable. Other federal laws and state laws can be added as applicable and as decided and approved by the judge:

US CODE OF LAWS: TITLE 18- CRIMES AND CRIMINAL PROCEEDURE (Civil Remedies) PART I - CRIMES CHAPTER 13 CIVIL RIGHTS 241. Conspiracy against rights 242. Deprivation of rights under color of law CHAPTER 96RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS 1961. Definitions 1962. Prohibited activities 1964. Civil remedies 1965. Venue and process CHAPTER 119WIRE AND ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS INTERCEPTION AND INTERCEPTION OF ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 2510. Definitions 2511. Interception and disclosure of wire, oral, or electronic communications prohibited 2520. Recovery of civil damages authorized CHAPTER 121 - STORED WIRE AND ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS AND TRANSACTIONAL RECORDS ACCESS 2701. Unlawful access to stored communications 2712. Civil actions against the United States TITLE 42THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE (Civil Remedies) CHAPTER 21CIVIL RIGHTS SUBCHAPTER IGENERALLY 1981. Equal rights under the law 1982. Property rights of citizens 1983. Civil action for deprivation of rights 1985. Conspiracy to interfere with civil rights 1986. Action for neglect to prevent 1988. Proceedings in vindication of civil rights 1994. Peonage abolished (slave labor - illegal to hold) SUBCHAPTER IAINSTITUTIONALIZED PERSONS 1997. Definitions 1997a. Initiation of civil actions 1997e. Suits by prisoners

SUBCHAPTER VFEDERALLY ASSISTED PROGRAMS 2000d-4a. Program or activity and program defined 2000d7. Civil rights remedies equalization (Eleventh Amendment waived) CHAPTER 102MENTAL HEALTH SYSTEMS CHAPTER 114PROTECTION AND ADVOCACY FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH MENTAL ILLNESS SUBCHAPTER IPROTECTION AND ADVOCACY SYSTEMS Part AEstablishment of Systems 10801. Congressional findings and statement of purpose 10802. Definitions 10805. System requirements 10807. Legal actions SUBCHAPTER IIRESTATEMENT OF BILL OF RIGHTS FOR MENTAL HEALTH PATIENTS 10841. Restatement of bill of rights

Plus: BIVENS ACTION: Federal civil servants named in their individual persons are subject to civil rights violations according to Bivens v. Six Unknown Named Agents of Fed. Bureau of Narcotics, 403 U.S. 388 (1971). I understand that I have to prove the civil servants violated civil rights according to Davis v. Passman, 442 U.S. 228 (1979). And only with full civil adjudications with all applicable rights. Plus: Just plain old violations of Constitutional Rights, any and all of them. Plus: All known and published case law and US Supreme Court published opinions that apply in this action. Plus: Any other laws the judge can think of.



PART I - Preamble 11. To start off this lawsuit, I am a computer programmer and a life insurance consultant. My expertise is in advanced mathematics, complex algorithms, logic gates, truth tables, very large databases, mortality and actuarial sciences, and everything having to do with risk. At good points in my life I ran projects for the state of North Carolina, the Social Security Administration, and the Department of Homeland Security. So, if I said that I make my day to day decisions based on the results of math functions and truth tables in my head, it would be a mathematically correct statement. This is important for the judge to know before entering this lawsuit, because the law math goes bad early on. This lawsuit can be summarized as a dead man that came back from the dead to seek retribution using the rule of law against his killers. I was murdered by a judge, a lawyer, and a sheriff in South Carolina. I was murdered in a specially designed hypothermic death chamber located in the booking area of the Charleston County Jail, Charleston, South Carolina on April 3rd, 2006. I committed no crime. I was falsely accused of being in child support arrears, but child support arrears and family court have nothing to do with this lawsuit, at no point do I take on those issues, the only applicability is that I was not in arrears, which the defendants concurred back in 2005, so everything they did to me was done so illegally. They also did not have jurisdiction over what they assumed was a child support order. At one point three state had me in false arrears, so that problem is self evident. I was put on trial six times and was found innocent in all, except the last one, and it was not a trial at all, I was just grabbed by the deputies six minutes after I entered the court room, was dragged to jail, and my killers did not even bother with a mug shot or fingerprints, I was just immediately locked into the

death chamber with blasting 45 degree air, and nine hours later the registered nurse declared I was dead. My body temperature was 84 degrees, and death starts anywhere under 95 degrees.

My Murder 12. After nine hours of blasting 45 degree air my body temperature was forced down to 84 degrees I was dead on the floor. At 3:03am on the second day in the death chamber, nurse Cassandra Goodyear declared I was dead and two sheriff deputies concurred. They decided to keep my dead body on the floor in the cold for two more days because I would have been the fourth murdered inmate in a week and they needed to stager the deaths to elude detection. The medical knowledge of this lawsuit is fascinating as it gets to what is called freaky medicine, the areas where doctors have no explanation as to the continuation of life. In Texas, a doctor has taken two dead heart attack patients deep into controlled hypothermia for hours and then rewarmed them carefully with tubes and machines, and the patients came back to life. This technique of raising the dead will soon become standard practice all over the United States. It is all over Google. Therefore, I can parade 100 or more doctors that can testify to just how dead I was. Whatever my soul or sprit was, or is, it obviously was not in my dead body.
Definition of Death: There are several definitions of death, depending on your jurisdiction, the most common are: Legal death is a legal pronouncement by a qualified person, clinical death is the medical term for cessation of blood circulation and breathing, brain death is the end of all brain activity, and the one that is gaining ground in the medical circles is Information-theoretic death, which is where the brain releases the electrochemical bonds that form who you are and your personality and memories, sort of like wiping a hard drive clean. In my case, I satisfied all the former definitions, and I was halfway into Information-theoretic death, as half of my lifes memories were forever released, so I was about as dead as dead can be.

13. At 2:55am on the third day in the death chamber, a miracle happened. Wherever my soul or sprit was for 25 hours, it reoccupied my dead body and my heart started to beat and cold blood began to flow and my lungs filled with air and I was breathing again. I had come back to life

from the dead, I was literally resurrected from the dead. The problem was that a human body that has been dead for 25 hours is not much good anymore, I only got half my brain back and I was partially paralyzed from the waist downward and my arms were paralyzed. Whenever you read about someone in the hospital for hypothermia they only have a 50% of staying alive past a week. The deaths from the warming up period outpace those from the cold. But five years later, with only half a brain and half a body, I and a group of other diehards, have brought down what is now being unfolded and will become known as the largest mass killing of American citizens on American soil, at the hands of killer sworn civil servants, in the history of our nation. The bad guys have already been caught, and it was the US Supreme Court that took out the beast with a single stroke of their golden pen from God. I was only 1 of 40 moms and dads that were murdered in the past ten years. This mess is akin to but eclipses the Chicago mob of the 1920s, from which the legal word racket was born. That racket consisted of pay me money so we wont bomb your business, and it was the cops throwing the bombs at night and the judges ran immunity over murder. It took Chicago ten years to adjudicate the bad guys to prison and in my case the same will apply. But I am not asking the judge to put the bad guys into criminal court as some may never be adjudicated, so all I can do legally is file suit in civil court and seek plain old redress consisting of money damages equal to the amount stolen from me, to bring the scales of justice back to the tare position.

Big Group of Bad Guys 14. The racket I exposed implicates judges, lawyers, a governor, state agencies, sheriffs, guards, two federal court judges, three US Attorneys, the state SBI, and three FBI offices. The week before I was murdered, I faxed all the evidence and the date of my pending murder to two FBI


offices and even expressed mailed a CD-Rom to FBI Director Robert Mueller, III, but I got murdered anyway, right on the day I told them. I even sent a hand written letter from jail to the FBI office in Charleston begging to be kept alive. All that stuff, along with everything I have unearthed since then, has been scanned into the FBIs new case management database, so they are not much help right now because their database fully implicates them. I dont understand what the FBI does, but they are not much good in preventing us from being murdered by their fellow civil servants.

Evil cannot be vanquished by evil 15. I cannot return in kind by using evil against evil, I must use the rule of law against evil. That is the theme of this lawsuit; I am doing what is right and true and just, and not an eye for an eye, or injury for injury, or murder for murder. I am taking the high road, and calling on the rule of law for redress and remedy. I think I have earned the right to petition the government for
redress of grievances.

It all started in 2004 16. All of this mess started back in 2004 when my name appeared in a state lawyers database of non-custodial dads. The mastermind of the beast was a creepy state lawyer for the social services department by the name of John Chuck Megara. Lawyer Magera had to carefully calculate how many fathers and mothers to turn into deadbeat dads and moms in a 80/20 ratio, and then funnel them into courtrooms of the three family court judges, that were the middle head of the three headed beast, so the judges could throw four deadbeats in jail each day times five days times three judges, minus the ones that paid to get out, leaving only the indigent stuck in jail for a year, to work the sheriffs slave labor gangs twelve hours a day times seven days a

week, of which half of the money was underground and not reported. The sheriff in Charleston was making $9 million a year, but all 48 state sheriffs were in on the scam too, and statewide, the US Supreme Court took out all at one time and took out a $100 million dollar a year operation. It was a classic criminal racket. The takedown was glorious. The tax base no longer has to pay $50 million a year to illegally incarcerate broke moms and dads, so that makes the take down tally $150 million a year, or over a billion dollars in ten years, and it has been going on for three decades. South Carolina does not have janitors or yard crews, but now they are going to have to hire legal labor.

17. They got me when the state instituted eighty different destruction mechanisms to wipe me off the financial grid forever, and in only nine months they liquidated my $10 million dollar business, and then wiped me off the financial grid forever. I was obliterated. I carefully documented the entire criminal racket and dutifully reported it to Governor Mark Sanford and Senators Graham and DeMint. I had previously met Governor Sanford in his office when a group of businessmen in Charleston wanted me to do for the state what I had done for public corporations as was the business of my company. When Governor Sanford read my evidence of the criminal network, he sent the stuff down to mastermind slimy attorney John Magera, who then did the hit on me himself. I had a state car parked out my front door, Magera changed his armed guards at his office door from sidearms to machine guns, and my picture was posted at the social services office doors. The 11 oclock news in Columbia ran a news flash with my picture; my picture was printed on pizza boxes. I was South Carolinas most wanted master deadbeat dad on the run eluding capture, armed and dangerous, shoot at will when you see the person in the picture at the front door. I, of course, was doing nothing wrong, I had no guns, no bombs, no


racine anywhere, I just stayed in my trailer. No one came to the door to ask even a single question, no 96 hour involuntary psychotic evaluations. I have no criminal record because I dont do crime. I am crime fighter. Attorney John Magera was so freaked out, he did not know how I was getting the contents of his trash can, and his Excel spreadsheets showing the entire math on how the racket worked, including the column for murder based on maximization of profits. All he knew is that somehow I had everything and he and his crooked cronies had to take me out, at any cost. My murder was an imperative, and I was extinguished right away.

My Plan Was To Let Them Kill Me 18. I came up with a plan that my dead body inside the sheriffs jail, would cause my family to bring in fleets of out-of-state lawyers and turn over every rock, and use my evidence to piece my murder together and expose the bad guys. The morning of my death, I saw no reason to do the dishes, so I dressed up in my Sunday best, drove to post office to mail my CD-Rom of evidence to my family and FBI Director Mueller, and then I drove two hours to my death. I did not bother putting a quarter into the meter as I was never going to see that vehicle again. I brushed off some lint on my blue blazer, and then walked right into the front doors of hell and nine hours later I was dead on the floor. They did not even bother to take a mug shot or fingerprints; they were in a hurry to murder me. The minute I walked into the jail, they stuffed me head first into the hypothermic murder chamber and locked the air tight door behind them and when I looked up at the refrigeration vents up high on the walls blowing the hair on head with super-chilled 45 degree air, I thought darn, they are going to kill me with the air-conditioner. Satan had me trapped and God was nowhere in sight. I fought it the best I could, I ran in place and did pushups and jumping jacks. That made me wet and cold. All the while the guards right outside


the door walked by and looked in and watched me trying to stay alive. The extent that the human body will go to try to stay alive is amazing. At points of desperation I pounded on the door until my hands were raw, and I scratched my fingernails bloody into walls of concrete in the attempts to find a way out of cell to stay alive. I was a rat in a cage that withheld life support. After being forced to accept full defeat of trying to stay alive, I had to sit down on the slab and then just suffer through all the multiple levels of the second most painful death next to death by fire. I was locked into a death chamber with Satan himself and I put up a valiant fight but was over matched and Satan won. At around the ninth hour, the guard standing at the window in the chamber door, saw my body fall to the floor in a position that indicate that I was not alive, and he called for the nurse, Cassandra Goodyear. After seeing that I was dead, Nurse Goodyear logged into the jails transaction log database and made an entry at 3:02am on the second day that I was inside the chamber and was to remain there undisturbed for two more days.

19. As horrible as my story is, it is actually a story of courage and determination, an effort to rid evil from our shores and keep our nation safe for my children and yours. I did my duty as a citizen, and I learned that in first grade civics class. When the government becomes evil, there is no one to turn to, and that makes any one life no longer important to anyone, and you know the rest, so I wont say it. I am not that unique, as Arlington Cemetery is full of the good guys better than me. I am not looking for a prize or an atta boy, I simply want to sue the pants off of the people that murdered me. I obviously cant get my body back and I cant undo being murdered, all I can do is sue for goo. I only want my goo back that was stolen from me, and some goo for my troubles. I think all I can do in a civil suit is to sue for goo, so I think I am doing the right thing. I like to do the right thing.


20. With that said as a statement of the facts of my case, I want to go over a few items before I address the merits of my case. I have a serious problem in that I am pro se. My odds are really bad, but no lawyer will sacrifice their career by taking on this case, and I understand that and do not bemoan them, but that leaves me stuck, as being pro se. I only have a little bag of legal knowledge and that came to me at great cost and pain, so all I really know is what does not work. I write this lawsuit not knowing the right way to do it, but I am sure not going to do what has failed me before. What I have learned is that the judge has a big bag of laws, so much so that it takes a two axel trailer to just get it around. I need that big bag of law at this point in my second life. My brain is not much good anymore and my bag of law is too small. I need the judge to tell me what laws were broken and provide all the case law and legal writing that goes along with their big bag of laws. All I have to do is get close, I think, and the judge gets to fill in the rest. So why would I want a lawyer, when I can have a judge.

Must Protect the Good Judges 21. As I said I make decisions based on the math in my head. We choose our judges based on the law math in their heads as well as the big heart in their chest. As when the math goes bad in court, the judge has to bring out his big heart and stand upright his litigants and judge them and then make a decision. That, and the golden pen from God, is why the good judges are our most prized jewel in our nation and they must be protected at all costs. The US Court System is owned and run by all the judges as a group. No one can get in the door to ruin the darn place. It is ruled by committee, it is a perfect form. It is a genius, a living perfect form.


22. The fact that I was murdered by a judge, does not make me think all judges are bad because the math says that is not true. And I dont hate lawyers as I was a life insurance agent and we have worse struggles with ethics then they do, so I commiserate. You will find out that I have a pretty reasonable grasp on the situation and that I remain calm in stressful situations. When people learn of my story, it frightens them to no end. They become terrified that a person like me even exists. They dont want me to be true. My legs dont move too well, I only understand 80% of what is said to me, and I can only get out 80% of what I want to say, so when people meet me they quickly plot a course for the back door and leave like they just met a ghost. I am a real live spooky ghost. I did not want to become a spooky ghost. I was happy with the body I once had. I cant get it back. All I can do is sue for goo. So sue for goo I go.

23. I would like to ask the judge to try to stay with the math in his head for as long as humanly possible in this lawsuit. As I said about other people being spooked by all of this, I cant have this happen to the judge. Toward the end it gets really bad and he will have to pull out his big heart and start propping up the litigants to judge their hearts and make a decision. I also understand that this lawsuit is the last thing any judge would want to cross their desks, but just as I was chosen by the fate of predetermination, so has he. If I can bribe the judge with kindness, his name will studied in law books for an eternity and a grateful nation will honor him for the rest of his life. My name will be forgotten, Im half dead anyway. But the annals of The Freedom to Stay Alive in the United States Act will be penned in his name for an eternity. The date a holiday, called Freedom Day, freedom for all finally. Lets start having fun again as a nation, and we will all be happy to be alive again, and we wont have to be murdered to pay someones rent.


24. I do not like suing my country; I died so my fellow citizens would not. We are being murdered in our own neighborhoods. I will do it again if needed. It is just the morass in South Carolina extends up the east coast into Washington itself, and deep into the Department of Justice. As it ends up these hypothermic murder chambers are in full use all over the country by the states and federal government alike. Everyone is killing the citizens with them. And we killed innocent Muslims in the death chambers too. In 2002, the CIA in Afghanistan outfitted an old brick factory into a dark prison called Salt Pitt. A young innocent Muslim kid named Gul Raham, was stripped naked and chained to a bolt in the floor. A few hours later, in the morning, he was dead from severe hypothermia. The death sent shockwaves through the intelligence community and the CIA instituted polices and have never murdered anyone with hypothermia since. The CIA is the only one not killing us, all others do.

25. Those now famous pictures from Abu Ghraib prison in Bagdad, other than showing that the military plays fraternity hell week and mayhem all year round, shows one picture of a dead Muslim in a box packed with bags of ice. This was to preserve the dead flesh in the same fashion as I was preserved. This guy, and Gul Rahman, are the only two cases, out of 101 torture cases, that the DOJ has allowed to continue to full investigation. We never did water boarding as all it does is piss you off, it does not kill. It ends up that this hypothermic torture was the most widely used and produced the best results consistently, based on the less redacted and republished President Bush torture memos first released by President Obama in 2009. We got the cold cell torture thing from the DOJ, specifically the FBI. The military brigs in Quantico and Charleston, have entire wings of temperature controlled hypothermic torture and murder


chambers. If you recall the Private Manning fellow that apparently downloaded our entire state department to the Wikileaks website, was arrested and placed in the Quantico Brig. When his lawyer told the press about the nightly hypothermic torture, there were marches in town squares and almost riots to stop the torture and murder. Finally, a federal lawyer gave a news conference on the steps of a courthouse and explained how hypothermic torture worked on Private Manning. At night a team of killers would strip Manning naked and force him onto a cold bed of flat steel, under vents blasting super chilled air at 45 degrees down onto Mannings body. Private Manning would curl up into ball and shake violently all night long in the hopes of staying alive. At sunrise the ordeal would end and he could dress and get some sleep, because nightfall brought back the killers to repeat the torture. The federal government blew their own whistle on themselves; I am not making anything up, and they transferred Private Manning to a regular federal facility in the middle of the country somewhere, where he would not be murdered. This was sometime in 2010.

26. Hindsight allows us to look back only two years prior to June 4, 2008. When the Office of the Inspector General of the United States Department of Justice published their report titled, The Role of the FBI at Guantanamo Bay." On page 6 it reads, Although one FBI agent learned from a member of the military that Al-Qahtani was hospitalized during this time frame for hypothermia, we found no other evidence that FBI or DOJ employees were aware that the specific techniques described above were used on Al-Qahtani during this period or that they participated in these interrogation techniques. Again, when you read about someone in the hospital for hypothermia, they only have a 50% chance of making it a week before they die. This is an example of crime in plain sight. I used to work on the 101st Floor of the World Trade


Center and the second plane vaporized my office along with 128 of my close friends, so I have no axe to grind or social agenda as to our nations use of enhanced interrogation techniques. I only mention it to highlight my hypothermic murder.

27. A few months ago, the sixth circuit court of appeals affirmed a prison sentence of a jail chief of the White County Jail in Sparta, Tennessee, because he almost murdered his inmate in his built in hypothermic murder chamber, located in the same area mine was, in the jail booking area. The case was US v. Donald R. Wilson, No. 07-5825. Some fool inmate pissed of the guard and they dragged him all the way down to booking, opened up the door to the death chamber, stripped him to his boxers and put him in a straight jacket, and locked him inside for three weeks. The inmate survived in no part to the warmth the straight jacket retained. The inmate had to defecate and urinate all over himself as you can imagine. On page 5 of the appeal, other guards stated, [Roberson {the inmate}] was just sort of limp and that he didnt have much life at all. (Tr. Vol. II at 116.) Roberson also became pale and thin, withdrawn (Tr. Vol. V at 105), and appeared confused and dazed (Tr. Vol. V-B at 66) while confined in cell 107. I commiserate woefully, been there, done that.

DOJ Reports Mass Murder in Miami/Dade Jail 28. Then last month on August 24, 2011, Department of Justice Assistant Attorney General Thomas E. Perez, penned a forty page letter to the head judge in Miami/Dade County in Florida, telling them to stop torturing and murdering inmates in the Miami/Dade jail. The jail had turned the entire psychiatric ward on the ninth floor into the punishment section of the jail. The entire ninth floor, as described by the DOJ investigators was super chilled to 20 degrees lower then


room temperature and in 2006, the guards found inmate Willie Daniels under his bunk, dead from hypothermia, with a body temperature 20 degrees below normal. The DOJ letter describes eight inmates that hung themselves to death with their bed sheets. A jail does not give bed sheets to inmates; it is not hotel with sheets, all you get is a wool blanket. Those inmates were murdered by the guards using a technique called artery pinching. The idea is to mask the death so the coroner just goes with the guards story. I do not know the disposition of the Miami/Dade situation as it is too fresh an event.

29. I will stop at these three examples. There are many more all over the country, Illinois, Georgia, Florida, Missouri, California, three in South Carolina. It is just gratuitous murder happening all over our nation. I did not know we kill our own people. I thought of all places, you get to stay alive in the United States. I certainly did not expect the federal government to be doing it as well, more or less implicate the entire Department of Justice. The two federal supermax facilities in Colorado, that house our worst evil, like Ali Saleh Kahlah al-Marri, who confessed to being a sleeper agent for Osama Bin Laden sent after 9/11, is spending eight years in his hypothermic chamber. This is where these Department of Justice thugs need to go to serve their time, no club fed for civil servants that kill us as their day job. Interestingly enough, this alMarri thug was housed just down the road from where I was murdered, in the Charleston Navy Brig, and he filed a federal civil rights lawsuit in Charleston too, for the same thing, the hypothermia. The brig has an entire secret wing, or it used to be secret, of temperature controlled hypothermic death chambers. They took away his socks at one point so he could not get out of bed because his bare feet on the cold floor caused too much pain. He complained of severe nerve damage which is caused from repeated cycles of hypothermia. They also turned off


the water to his sink and toilet and he had to defecate on his meal tray just to get it out of the cell. Another bad guy suspected "dirty bomber" Jose Padilla got the same treatment and is still down there in the brig right now. The federal magistrate dismissed both of their lawsuits under section 1915 of the prison reform litigation act, word was out to not take on any torture cases, not from anyone. When I filed my federal cold cell torture lawsuit in Charleston, the same magistrate dismissed my suit under section 1915 as well, but I was not an inmate and I paid my filing fee in cash, so my case made it three more years until finally being dismissed. More on that later, but that magistrate must not have been too happy when he found out his social friend the sheriff in Charleston, was murdering citizens in his jail with hypothermic death chambers as well. The sheriff up the road in Columbia, South Carolina, murdered one of his inmates in 2003 in his hypothermic death chamber as well. South Carolina is like the hypothermic murder capital of the whole world, and I know because I got caught up in the crime and was murdered as well.

30. I am not asking the judge in my case to stop hypothermic murder in the United States; there is no need to be a hero here, what will play out has already begun. This lawsuit is about me, selfishly, seeking large amounts of goo. I have no social agenda, but just in case I am wrong, and the judge is able to use that golden pen from God, like the US Supreme Court uses, then I hereby motion the court to sign a court order declaring hypothermic murder against the law, and if I can give permission to the magistrate to decide my case, then so be it right now. I am not asking for a jury in this lawsuit, just a judge with good math in his head and a big heart in his chest. And I hereby gladly give all permission to the magistrate to handle my entire case, from soup to nuts.


31. I only bring up the prevalence of hypothermic murder to the extent it applies to my case. I have too many boxes of evidence and simply cannot attach everything to this lawsuit; I dont have enough ink in my printer. The DOJ attorney general Thomas E. Perez that wrote the letter busting the Miami/Dade jail, wrote 40 pages of the best case law I have ever seen collected in one place, so I hereby attach that 40 page letter to this lawsuit as the legal basis for my legal claims. You can find it on the DOJ Civil Rights Division website; you dont need me to find it. I am not going to waste paper by teaching the judge law that he already knows, that was one of my painful pro se mistakes that I made, but I learned not to do it again. I must stay focused on getting great goo.

Class Status 32. As I said I was one of forty moms and dads South Carolina murdered during their reign of terror. 2,000 dead brokes were jailed each year for a year, and the US Supreme Court just ruled that their constitutional rights to due process were violated four times each, so 55 family court judges are guilty of jailing to seven day slave labor for 365 days, and that is both a crime and civil actionable, with no appeal either, I think, not when the Supreme Court says no. Over a 30 year period that makes 60,000 easy to find plaintiffs, their names are only a single query on a state database, I can get it in five minutes flat. The error and miss rate will be zero. And four other states were automatically jailing their indigents too, Florida, Georgia, Ohio, and Maine. Then you have countless individual cases in all 50 states. That is only 50 database queries and I have full contact information including Social Security number and drivers license, how long they were stuck in jail, what happened during jail, their cell number, all work duties, medical records, and even a picture of each plaintiff, with finger prints to boot. If any state balks, Ill


drive there myself and run the query while everyone watches so they wont think Im up to anything specious. Ill burn a few CDs of the output, one for all parties, no argument or haggling.

33. A Plaintiff is defined as an indigent jailed, and stuck in jail and cant get out for child support that we could not pay because we had no money, and therefore could not be held in contempt, but it was because the family court judge is a criminal, so says the Supreme Court. That makes us all in common, to the tee. The injuries are just as clear, but I dont think I have to make a list right now, I do below later. The worst injury is torture to death, like me, and others all over the country. There will be a neat stack of injuries and just basic math calculates the redress, just assign weights and measures.

Class in Regards to Family Court 34. I am not going to rail against or go too deep in the family courts. I am not asking the judge to do anything about family court; it is a mess, no thank you. North Carolina State Senator Austin Allran said to a group of three of us in August, Look, family court took 30 years to become an institution, and it will take 30 years to wind down that institution, so you better be in this for the long run, or dont waste my time like the others that disappear. He is a genius, sheer magnum cum laude kind of genius. Family court is already imploding, so we need not speed anything up, not in this lawsuit, and this is my lawsuit, and I say no. The only distance I have to go into a family court issue, is only to the indigent jailing and the family court hearings that jailed them and the resulting horrors and injuries. The Supreme Court clearly defined the violations; they made a list of four things, like they were the kindergartner teacher scolding the


children, they had to tell the judges their job for the hearing was only to determine ability to pay, nothing more or else. We only need to read the hearing transcripts and see if ability to pay was examined at all; it cant take but a short period of time for each plaintiff. There is just no gray area to decipher with legal soothsaying; it is just basic true, not true, kind of legal logic. There is no need to make new law.

Everyone is clearly definable: 35. Class definition: Any indigent parent illegally jailed for child support, as defined by the US Supreme Court Turner v. Rogers (10-10) case published June 20, 2011.

36. Burden of proof and evidence: The Turner v. Rogers (10-10) case is all that is needed. Our constitutional rights to due process have already been designated as the legal violation times four, and the fact that these moms and dads were stuck in jail for a year means they did not have the money to pay and get out. The mathematical probability that someone stayed in jail for a year voluntarily to not pay arrears is deminimus to zero. So, I dont think any more evidence is needed beyond those facts.

37. Source of finding the indigents: All the plaintiffs come out of the state databases, with no errors, and only with a single query to the database.

38. Commonality of injuries: The common injury is the forced jailing and all of the damage that occurs from that event and the personal destruction that led to the jailing as well as the aftermath.


39. Commonality of defendants: The County, the sheriff, the sheriffs office, the family court judge, and the social services department are the same in every case. There may be other entities like the third party medical provider in jail, but these have the same direct cause of injury for the same issues.

40. Size of Class: In South Carolina we have 2,000 a year jailed illegally, times three decades is 30,000 to 60,000, times five states that were doing it, plus others, if any, in all 50 states, comes to a best guess of 200,000 potential plaintiffs, all with the common injury and claims, and all can be found in one single query to the state databases, so no one is missed or forgotten. It is impracticable, and maybe impossible, for this many litigants to file their own lawsuits, so rule 23 is satisfied to that regard.

41. Precautions need to be taken: Many of these parents live in great fear, and many are mentally ill and disabled, and are broke, so I will carefully prepare a packet of information that they can show to their handlers, psychiatrists, and therapists. I get 300 emails a day from these scared parents and I take great caution and care in my dealings with them. The first thing I do is remove the chance of suicide. I have to do what I can to stop the killing first. There is a chance that the US Marshalls may have to protect some from the states taking revenge against them; the states have no problem murdering these innocent parents. I can tell you from experience they killed me.

42. Class Action Requires Counsel: Good, I need a lawyer. I can only represent myself and I am, but I will not give up my right to speak in court, never, have come too far, too hard, too costly, to


silence my voice in court. I have paid for my microphone with my life. I have something to say. And that applies to everyone that joins the class by their choosing can speak with their voice too, the math says yes to that. I think the law math says that multiple citizens can represent themselves to mutually query the court for the same justice if bound by a common claim to injury and definable redress. No one is not going to be heard, no forced settlement without their own approval. All the plaintiffs are on one single level plane, equal to all. No one will join until they reject their own course of action, and anyone can drop out at anytime.

It is always about the money, always is, follow the money 43. As in all things crooked, it was about the money. The State of South Carolina was in on the take too, they bilked the federal government out of hundreds of millions of dollars and raped the Social Security Trust fund as well; each deadbeat they could find rang that cash register. They even turned non-deadbeats into dead brokes, like they did to me. The state has, and still is, being fined $10 million a year for not obeying federal child support state reciprocal laws, but they make so much more money so why bother. Governor Mark Sanford paid $30 million dollars to Unisys to program the federal laws on child support but it included the algorithms for maximizing the amount of stolen money, and when the computer programmers got to those algorithms they refused to write code and told their bosses. Unisys told Sanford to pound salt and they stopped the project and kept the money. Mark Sanford sued Unisys for the return of the money. Unisys paid back $16 million and the US Supreme Court denied Sanfords petition and that ended that. The case at the South Carolina Supreme Court level was Unisys v. South Carolina, No. 25342. I do not know what it is at the US Supreme Court.


44. The mom and dad criminal racket had been going on for three decades. It was the US Supreme Court case Turner v. Price (10-10). It is also known as Turner v. Rogers. Michael Turner was a young black pot smoking father that sued in state court to get a free lawyer to try to keep him from being jailed a third time for another year of slave labor. I did not know about Turner, as I filed my lawsuit in the federal courts. Both of our cases were pretty much identical, basic civil rights issues and both applied to South Carolina, the sheriffs and the family court judges. My case was unique as it had all the evidence of my murder. Both Turner and I lost for fours year all the way to the US Supreme Court. We did not find the good guys until we got to the Supreme Court. In my case a caring clerk told me to serve a copy of my petition to the Solicitor General. By fate or by predetermination, oral agreements in Turner were held on March 23, 2011, and my case magically appeared for conference two days later on March 25, 2011. My petition was denied for reasons I cannot know, but I assume that the court does not have to rule on the same case twice. What was important was that one of the two cases win. On June 20, 2011, the court published their opinion saying the Turner could not have a free lawyer as it is civil court, not criminal court, but the court in a 5 to 4 ruling went into uncharted territory I guess because they have good sources of information up there, and they made a list of chores that a family court judge had to hence follow to stop committing the crime of gross violations of our due process rights by never determining ability to pay, they just jailed us for a year of slave labor round the clock. Henceforth, the judges have to first tell the parents that a hearing is going to take place, to avoid the police storming down doors to capture most wanted deadbeats, and then they have to tell the parents that the hearing has to do with child support. I wont belabor the point, but the court even now requires that a special form be used so the parents can write down their financial picture and finally the judges can only rule on ability to pay only, no more


of the other stuff. That ended the judges jailing parents that had no money and would just end up as slaves in the sheriffs slave labor gangs. My sheriff had a constant 250 dead broke dads year round and it was needed because the sheriffs jobs were scheduled four weeks in advance and he needed to know how many slaves he would have each day for work. Trucks cant just sit around waiting to be unloaded. That is where the whole racket worked back to slimy scumbag attorney John Magera, who had to pick enough deadbeats per day and week from a master database of 200,000 parents to keep three judges jailing four parents a day to jail times five days a week times 50 weeks a year. It was an impressive operation.

45. Multiply that situation times 48 sheriffs in South Carolina and you can see the size of the operation. The US Supreme Court, in one stoke of their golden pens from God, wiped out the entire operation. It was a happy day for me and many others as well. There are 55 family court judges that have already been declared guilty of civil rights crimes times four with no chance of appeal. Each dead broke is now a victim of crime and murder, and the US Supreme Court said so in writing. Right now the supreme court of South Carolina is trying to figure out how and when to release 2,000 of these victims and say they are sorry for destroying their lives, liquidating their assets, and wiping them off the financial grid. What they are doing is slowly letting them out the back door in small numbers and pray no one does anything rash.

46. Their problem is me. I am one of those victims, but I was actually murdered and yet came back to life by a process no one but God knows how it works. 2,000 dead brokes times ten years is 20,000 victims. Times three decades are 60,000 victims. For the sake of argument I will cut it in half and use 30,000. These 30,000 hapless victims and I now form a class of victims. I do not


know how to do a class action lawsuit, but it has to do with asking the court to declare a class and a common injury to that class, that all have a valid legal claim actionable in civil court with easily measured redress available to all. To that extent I have already enumerated the class and the injury, and the redress is just plain old goo, or money, if that defines goo. So, I hereby ask the court to grant my request for designation of a class, with a common injury and redress to and for all. I define one sub-class, those of us who were murdered; there are about 40 in the last 10 years in South Carolina alone. I am the lead Plaintiff speaking on behalf of the dead. Because I am one of the dead, so I can tell you what the other dead ones cant say. I have a few hundred of the victims that have contacted me over the years, so I actually do have the only compilation of victims other than the state. All I need is a single database query from each state database; I can do that in five minutes for them if they wish. These victims would be behind me as you can imagine. I will tell them to only consider us as a second or last choice only. The rest of this document is going to apply to all in the class, but for the sake of time and process, I will stick to my claims and injuries, and my quest for great goo.

Clean Hands 47. Once I attended a lecture by a judge, and after it was over I stood in line to ask him a question. I asked him what he looks for in a litigant before making a decision. He said he wanted to see their heart. That is how I found out about a judge using their own heart in cases where the math goes bad. To that extent, I have to show the judge here that I enter his court with clean hands and good faith. Instead of telling the judge, I will show him my math in my head and my heart using pictures. My palette consist of only two colors, black and white, and I have to paint full color pictures, so I have a bit of a challenge, but I will give it my best.


The Beginning and End of my Suit 48. This lawsuit only asks two questions, nothing more. First question, is all the bad stuff that happened to me, us, in South Carolina a violation of my, our, constitutional rights? And two, if the answer is yes, can I, we, please, proceed to rebalance the scales of justice to right the wrongs of which I, and others, have suffered to great and grave injury, by placing the scales of justice to the tare position, nothing more than what we have lost, plus maybe some goo for our troubles to dissuade further bad behavior of the defendants. The number of defendants is so vast that I dont know them all yet, but I know where to find them, that part is easy. So I think I have to claim unnamed defendants as John Doe and Jane Doe. If that is right, I hereby do so. Otherwise the defendant of the State of South Carolina is understood as it is, and the United States is what it is too, but primarily the Department of Justice and the Social Security Administration, but there may be others, hence the John Doe. I have had to make this document as short as possible lest it be tossed out if not understood in one reading, but the volume of evidence is almost already in the federal public record, in PACER, under my case, Bardes v. Magera (At the Charleston District, No. 2:08-487-PMD-RSC. Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, No. 10-1944. US Supreme Court, No. 10-8581). I have other evidence but it is not much, as almost all is already in the record. Add to that the Turner v. Price case, and any and all others than may be added at a later date. I understand that a lawsuit complaint has to have all the stuff in advance to win a case, but Bardes v. Magera was 500 pages long and everyone hated me and I now understand why, but I did not know any better. I even wrote a 280 page book giving the full details of the criminal racket. I called the book The Public Trust, and submitted it as the first and only exhibit of the lawsuit. When I say there is a lot in the record I am not kidding.


RICO 49. I hate when pro se litigants claim RICO when few know about it. I took it back to the 1920s to the intersection of two streets in downtown Chicago where a war was being battled with machine guns on all sides. The word racket was born there. The racket was pay me money, so we wont bomb your business. It was the cops throwing the bombs at night and judges ran immunity over murder. This is the exact situation I was in, it was pay me money I made up or we liquidate your business, permanently destroy credit ratings so you cant get a job, no credit ever again, never, wipe you off the financial grids, hunt you down, capture, torture, until dead on the floor. And it was money that drove the financial equations of the racket. I know RICO is to be used for the prosecutor, but there are just too many other successful uses by plaintiffs, and I think I have a good shot at defining and proving the exact definition of the full applicability of the laws. I have to stick with the math that matches the actual law math.

Bivens 50. The only way I know how to reach out and stop a civil servant from murdering us, is to sue the pants off of each and every one of them. Restitution is destitution for crooked civil servants that kill us. We sell everything they own to pay back all the money they have been stealing from us. No more pension, no job, nothing to own, and turned down by the homeless shelter. I am going to make them me. That is fair. That is the maximum we can do in civil court, I think, for murder you get the most we can do, lest we devalue our continued existence.


How Much Goo to Sue For 51. South Carolina does not have a lot of goo, and their liability insurance is no good as it does not cover crimes, not when the Supreme Court says so, so that begs the question as to where the good is going to come from to feed 30,000 moms and dads and their kids. In 2004, in my business that I mentioned that the state liquidated, one of my clients was International Paper (IP). I was paid $200 an hour, half of my rate of $425 from back in the days of the World Trade Center. One week I discovered that an insurance company had overcharged IP by $20 million dollars several years back. Two days later, IP had a check on their desk for $23,500,000. I got paid $200 and could not have been happier for them. One board meeting I was told that the company is going to sell all of their timberland in the Southeast United States. I asked if that was public information, and they said yes. So I wrote a letter to Governor Mark Sanford letting him know of the sale. I received a nice thank you letter in return saying that they knew of the sale and had already acquired several thousand parcels of land the largest being in two large plots, the total acreage of which equaled half the size of the state or about 10 million acres. The lands are planted with IPs super bug resistant super fast growing pulp pine trees that grow to maturity in 30 years. Thinning is done at years 10 and 20, so the land produces large and consistent cash flow every year. South Carolina gave birth to a own forest lands management company overnight. I was dumbfounded as to where South Carolina came up with 100 billion dollars to buy all of that land. Using the resources that drove Attorney John Magera nuts as to how I got the contents of his trash can and his Excel spreadsheets, the answer is that South Carolina used old confederate money. Charleston was the confederate bank after all, so it makes sense. I dont know if they have more money and it does not matter because 100 billion dollars is just fine and dandy for 30,000 moms and dads and their kids to get their goo back, end the


suicides, with some to spare as well. Best of all, the tax base takes no hit from the 30,000 moms and dads, because no one in South Carolina even knows about the 100 billion dollars of land, or they would cease paying any taxes. So they wont miss it when it is gone. As far as suing the United States, I would prefer to match an equal amount and multiply it by two, calculated for all 50 states and then added up and have it paid. It is all up to the judge anyway, I have set this lawsuit up the right way with the right math, so if a dead man can have a say so in the matter, I just gave you my take on the matter.

Define the Word Torture 52. The word is torture is defined in US law, but it only applies outside the US, I am not sure if the law math allows that, but oh well, I have gotten a feel for why that may be the case. Five states have definitive anti-torture statues, Alabama, California, Idaho, Michigan, and Connecticut. Another 15 have lukewarm mentions of torture here and there, so other than those, that is it, torture is wide open at free will and perfectly legal. I just have to think that I being murdered with the second most painful death next to death by fire, over a nine hour period, to which I was dead as a corpse, complete organ failure, heart stopped beating, no circulation of blood, no oxygen for the brain, lungs not breathing, all the processes in the brain cease after about 40 minutes and I was dead for 24 hours, so I now have to ask the judge, just where do I fit in with laws actionable in US civil court for something starting with torture and ending with murder? I cant find this stuff out, I have tried, I am just pro se. That is why I need the big bag of laws that the judge has, so please help me figure out what laws were broken, just need the ones that get the job done most efficiently, dont need all of them, I think.


53. Anyway, for the sake of this document text, I am going to use a super strict definition of torture so I dont have to use the word again, I dont want to focus on a word I cant define, my math wont let me use it. I am going to define torture as something that kills you with a slow painful death. This gets rid of any stupid enhanced interrogation techniques arguments, as I have said I used to work in the World Trade Center and I have no social agenda to even want to get into that mess. I have read all the transcripts that the accused bad guys in Gitmo wrote claiming torture, the doctors take on it, shrinks, witnesses, and frankly none of it is torture, except the hypothermia, because that did kill them. It was a list of complaints. Broken cookie on the meal tray. All we did was make their life a living hell, blast load music, no towel, only hot water to drink, cut off the water to the toilet so you they had to defecate on meal tray to get it out of the stinking cell, slapping them awake when they dozed off. Tell me who you work for. The FBI college fraternity hell week agents that did this stuff, would wheel in a huge ships search beam light, that can shine for 25 miles, and set it up right in front of your bars, plug it into the wall, instant sunrise, and took your blanket for the night. It was hell week for the Muslims. I was the President of my fraternity and I started hell week and ended hell week. I had only one rule, all other rules were suspended, they could do anything they wanted except put their lives in danger, never, ever. I unleashed the mob. Hell week is called mob rule. Those pictures we saw from Abu Ghraib that one night was of mob rule, just like we did, right down to the naked stack of ten. I was looking for the pledge paddles to come out. I did not know our military and FBI agents did mob rule, thought they stick to their rule book somewhat, they have math to follow, maybe thats just in the movies. That was one night out of years we were there? Obviously, they didnt tell anyone not to kill. At least I did, I said you can do anything you want except put their life in danger, never, ever. I was 19, it did not require anything but thinking. It was not written


anywhere, like the military do. I was smarter than the entire military, and I can prove it with 500 witnesses. I never lost anyone. No ones life ever came close to danger, not once. I will repeat here what I have above, the FBI agent that came back from Gitmo to report conditions of torture, to the waiting world, like they were never down there, said, on page 6, Although one FBI agent learned from a member of the military that Al-Qahtani was hospitalized during this time frame for hypothermia, we found no other evidence that FBI or DOJ employees were aware that the specific techniques described above were used on Al-Qahtani during this period or that they participated in these interrogation techniques. It is crime in plain sight. We murder people with the air conditioner, everywhere.

54. At Gitmo during the day the air-conditioning was turned off and it gets hot in Cuba and it got well over 100 degrees every day, you were in an outdoor dog cage in the full sunlight, with no blanket or cover. At night the air conditioner was turned down to 50 degrees and they shivered all night, got hypothermia, and died. When you super chill an entire cell block to blowing 50 degree air onto human bodies with no ability to retain enough heat to stay alive, they die over night, the math proves it. Gitmo was constantly rushing them to the hospital with severe hypothermia. I have no idea how many died, math says half rushed to the hospital. One FBI college boy fraternity hell week interrogator gave his testimony and said his boss told him to crank the air down to 50. Hypothermia starts at 71 degrees. Hypothermia starts with mild shivering. The thermoregulatory thing at the base of the brain, connected to both spinal nerve cords, is registering too rapid a heat loss, over the entire body, and since you caused the condition, your brain send signals to the point of greatest heat loss and rapid triggers contraction and expansion in order to create more heat. If you cant arrest the rapid heat loss from the


shivering, it will be all over. It takes nine hours at 50 degrees. It is the second most painful death next to death by fire. I died in nine hours at 50 degrees. Jesus Christ died from hypothermia in nine hours. It was 45 degrees that day and blowing, and he was naked, just like the rest of us. Rome did not crucify in the summer because they would not die. I died on April 3 from hypothermia, Christ died on April 3 from hypothermia. I was dead for three days. Christ was dead for three days. I was resurrected from the dead on the third day, Christ was resurrected from the dead on the third day. Ok, sorry, Ill stop. I have never heard God talk to me in a voice, as I would not hear him over him screaming at me. Everything that happened to me was planned in advance for a reason. Anyway, I dont want to go anywhere near the Gitmo issue, I have said all I need to say, so I wont bring it up again. Just for the rest of my document, when I say torture, I mean death has to be the end result, I dont think I will get too many objections.

Cold Cell Torture 55. I have coined the term Cold Cell Torture I got the cold cell from the Bush torture memos released by President Obama in 2009, and then again less redacted in 2011. They place a plastic sheet down, then stripped the victim naked in a 50 degree room and hosed him down with cold water, while the victims shivering rapidly plummets his body temperature, but a nurse wont let it go below 95 degrees, as that is where you start to die, but when it gets close, the victim has to be mechanically rewarmed rapidly, or rushed to the hospital. This is what the lawyers wrote about approved hypothermic torture and murder. I did not know we kill our own people. I thought we got to stay alive in the United States. My bad. I told the guard after six hours to tell the nurse I had passed stage three of hypothermic death and was going to die shortly. He said, I will do no such thing until you comply. That is how they must have carried the order out to


keep me locked in for three days, I was not complying with something, and it was so important that it required my murder to force compliance. Three hours later I was dead. If we store humans horizontally on beds of steel for 23 hours a day and then super chill to 50 degrees blasting air, it is just killing rats in a cage, and they cant get out. That is what cold cell torture is, Google went from no searches to 6,000 a month.

Am I Crazy 56. Yes I am crazy, but I cant find a single doctor that will agree with me. In January 2010, my ex-wife Betsy, saved my life by admitting me to UNC Hospital Mental Heath when my internal organs began to fail, my body was shutting down. An already used dead body does not work very well as I have said. My doctor went back to her office and called Betsy to tell her that I was stable and resting but that I insisted that I was tortured in some medieval fashion. Betsy said, no, no that is unfortunately true, what he said was what actually happened. A few hours later ten doctors and fifteen students surrounded my bed and made me go through all the gory details of dying the second most painful death next to death by fire. Each morning was more of the same. I went through extensive testing as you can imagine and my official diagnosis was destymia or constant depression. Nothing new there, it has been the same since 1999. The doctors just took me off one medicine and put me on a general anti-depressant. I also have PTSD from the trauma, but there is no medicine for PTSD because it is not really a mental illness, it is a physical malady. As far as therapy goes there is not much hope as doctors cant give much advice on dying and coming back from the dead. All I do is pay someone to give them an education. I have seen a medicine man once a month since 1999, except for a five month period. There are a group of doctors at Duke Neurology that want to get their hands on me, but in the real world of


medicine, you have to pay for your own research and I have no goo to give them. After ten days they kicked me out of the hospital with warm wishes. If any of the defense lawyers want to get any and all of my medical records, I will give full release, have at any of it. There is nothing but bad news for you. You can also talk freely to Betsy; she is my biggest supporter of all.

Time to Paint Pictures: The Pine Forests 57. As I said, I need to show the judge that I have clean hands and good faith and a big heart, so I will start to paint pictures to prove it. When I was young I was a weak sickly child with severe allergies and asthma. I was only allowed to go outside for a set number of minutes, or I would be in the hospital if they got me there in time. I was allergic to pine trees, chocolate, about 30 things in total. There are pine trees everywhere. Each week of my young life, the nurses would wheel in a full tray of those old glass syringes with the long thick dull needles the size of straws. The doctor plunged each one into my body. The study of immunology at the time was correct, in that if you inject into you that which you are allergic, for a long enough period of time, the allergy should go away. I was allergic to 30 different things, so I got 30 shots each week. At age 7, I was tired of the darn shots, so I came up with the idea of speeding up the process, so I walked outside and sat down between the two tallest pine trees I could find. My eyes swelled shut and I could not breathe. Back to the hospital to save my life with big machines that did the breathing for me. When I got home I went back outside and sat down between the two pine trees. When the double dead bolt appeared on the doors, I used the windows. In 1976, when I was 16, I backpacked 26 miles in one day through the great pine forest of the Kenai Peninsula, South of Anchorage, Alaska. For that one glorious day I owed an entire forest of pine trees. I earned that forest. Hopefully soon, I am going to own the pine forests of South Carolina, as that


forest did kill me, and I think I deserve a small piece of it. When I mention God is this lawsuit, I am not doing so to make religious claims; I am just making a point to show you something that causes great pain.

Next Picture: Non-Violence 58. In 10th grade I adopted the tenets of nonviolence as espoused by Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Jesus Christ. The combined knowledge base has proven to be the most powerful force next to bond that holds atoms together, and we all know what happens when we pull those atoms apart. Those three men set a goal that was impossible and insane, yet they were willing to sacrifice their lives to prove their objectors wrong. One saved one half of the planet, the second saved the other half, and the third saved the world. It made sense to me, so I bought into it. I have led my life by it ever since. Therefore, I lay down my entire life before this court for examination, I hereby attached to this lawsuit, my entire life as an exhibit. I bring this picture of me to you now because I want you to see how I make my decisions using these tenets during periods of great stress that normally would crush a man.

59. Thankfully there are no drugs addictions; I dont drink alcohol, my body can no longer process alcohol, no domestic violence, no hidden claims of sexual harassment covered with hush money and contracts, no escorts for client number nine, no love child by the maid, no soul mate in Argentina, and no crimes. I have no criminal record because I dont do crime. My credit is permanently trashed because South Carolina liquidated my $10 million dollar company and then wiped me off the financial grid forever. I dont do violence, never have, not going to start. I currently dont own a gun. The person that murders you had to get rent money, it was nothing


personal. I can talk that gun down in about 5 seconds. I did so in jail for three months, so I know what to say. You will never see the psychotic killer coming at all, it is just over. I never spanked my kids, I spoke to them with logic and math and love, I taught them how to use math to make their decisions. To the extent they avoided bad behavior to avoid dads lectures then good, my job was done, they never had a single memory of violence from their father. I only wanted them to remember a father that did nothing but exhort everyone around him and make them feel good. My 16 year old daughter was quoted last month in the Boston Globe testifying to her parents use of shared parenting and that shared parenting was the best thing that has ever happened in her life. After I was killed in jail, Betsy and I ended our six year battle from divorce and started shared parenting. Both of our children will tell you that their parents have never even as much raised their voices at each other. Betsy and I have been invited to the Doctor Phil show to tell others to do the same. There are no relations between Betsy and me, due in part to my inability to ever have sex again, but I took a vow of celibacy in 2001 and have never broken it, so I am not going to sue for sex. It is just a used dead body is not much good anymore. We live apart and always will. In 1999, Betsy ran away with the nannies husband to South Carolina leaving me alone commuting five hours a day to the World Trade Center. I got up at 3am and got home at 8pm. I dont blame Betsy for leaving me for another man as I was not much use when I was so tired to even walk to bed when I got home. Today, our little divorced family unit eats family dinners several times a week and even vacations together. Betsy does the morning driving; I do the afternoon and night driving as I dont drink. Our kids friends love to hang out with us as they have never seen a divorced couple be so nice to each other.


60. We made Betsy the matriarch and she made all the decisions. I talked her into it as her motherly decision making process was so deadly accurate it was flawless. As far as child support I just gave her all the money, I consume next to nothing and goo can no longer make me happy. The place where I was for those 25 hours while dead is so incredibly awesome you will never fear death again, ever, but that is not part of this lawsuit.

61. What I did not expect was Betsy as matriarch is that since she knew I was going to support her decisions no matter what, she started to feel me out on the larger issues, so in a way I was included in on decisions anyway. If, or when, I get great goo from this lawsuit, I am just going to divide my goo four ways in equal parts, to Betsy, me, and our son and daughter. They are the victims here; I used to earn them a lot of goo each year. The last thing I want is to dangle goo to people I love to try to make them love me. I was raised to worship goo and the family goo gods and I hated it, so I dont want to repeat mistakes. I wanted to paint this picture to show you what I did while I was trying to bring down the largest criminal enterprise in South Carolina to stop the killing of moms and dads for profit maximization. My 17 year old son said yesterday that he wants to raise his kids the same way I did him. I hope the defense lawyers can interview my kids; my son will be 18 in February so he is fair game, and Betsy may let them interview my daughter, but it is up to Betsy as she is the matriarch and I follow her orders.

My Brain at Age 19 62. At age 18, I entered college at the University of Denver. In my freshman year I was elected the President of the largest fraternity on campus and had a 4.0 grade point average in geology. I love the math of the earth. I doubled the membership and made a $100,000 in one year. That


was enough for my family; they wanted to see what else I was capable of doing. I was put into three days of intensive brain and aptitude testing at age 19 at the famous Johnson OConner Research Institute in Colorado. They would bring in a tray of 20 small items and I had ten seconds to look at the tray. Then they left the room for five minutes and removed an item and came back in to see if I could name the missing item. I told them the item, its color and the direction it pointed on the tray. Then they repeated the experiment but this time they rearranged all 20 items on the tray. I told them the location, color, and direction of all 20 items before they scrambled them. I scored 100% percentile on so many tests that they said I had problem with so many aptitudes that they had no idea what I would be good at doing, they said I would be good at anything. At the 100% percentile there is only one person, below at 99% there can be many, but only one at 100%. So, for a brief time, I had the best brain of all 19 years olds alive at the time. It was not a question as to a photographic memory; the report said that I had an almost fully developed three dimensional photographic memory. I tested beneath but not quite at genius level. After all these years I still have the 40 page report on my testing, so that too I can submit for examination.

53. Today I only have half of that brain and I miss it badly as you can imagine. No more photographic memory. What is exciting, however, is that my 16 year old daughter has a memory far beyond a regular photographic memory and beyond where mine ever was. She can just look at an entire page of French vocabulary words for a few minutes and get a 105% on the text the next day. She is deadly. She and I sit outside at night looking up at the stars and I take her brain to places that are really cool and are neat to go. We both ponder the universe and solve the worlds problems for fun.


A Picture of my Business Ethics 54. I want to show you how I react under great pressure and still hold my ethics together. I have said that my skills were life insurance consulting and sales and advanced mathematical computer programming and large database works. I was able to make more goo in the insurance arena, so the computer was a fall back career. By age 37 I had worked my way up to the 101st floor of the World Trade Center working for what is now the nations largest insurance consulting and brokerage company. It was and is a huge public company and we had the top ten floors of tower 2, or what has become known as the south tower. My company flew me to the big meetings in the corporate jet where I was the lead consultant to make the final report to the board of a 50 Fortune company. My support staff flew in from all points of the country. My personal clients included 6 CEOs from the Fortune 50. I did it all by just telling the truth and doing what is best for the client that pays you. But if you tell the truth in the insurance business you are automatically in the 100 percentile. The insurance industry is 40% crime.

55. When my client awarded the business to the insurance company they selected from the final five that I choose out of hundreds, the insurance company would make $100 million dollars. You see the reason for the corporate jet. When the insurance companies sent me vacations in an overnight express envelope to my home on the weekends, with first class tickets for four to Rome for two weeks, I forwarded them to my client with a note that said the insurance company has been removed from the bid list by their own actions. I sent the two jet skis back to the store that delivered them to my back door. I applied to myself a rule that I have had for my entire business career in that any gift of a value of $25 or more would be sent to my client with a note


explaining why. When I received a wooden box with three vintage bottles of wine with labels that said it was from the Vineyards of David Bardes, I wondered if there was some acreage to come with the bottles because I did not know that I owned a vineyard. My client laughed and said to not send them and to keep them; I threw them away because I did not drink wine and I thought I owned a vineyard.

56. The other consultants at my company accepted those vacations all the day long. Each quarter when my boss called me in for my review, he would tell me I was the highest profit maker again and he held up a handful of vacations and asked me which ones I wanted. Bermuda, the orient, the pacific islands, he dangled them and I just said Garry, you know I am not going to pick any so please stop. It became kind of a joke and when the word got out that Bardes refused to accept vacations, it became a bitter battle within the company of which I wanted no part. When the principals of the company and I gathered in Chicago for a meeting, the whole group, sitting around a huge conference table, came up with the bad idea of always putting a certain selected bad insurance company on the top five lists every time on every job not matter what the real bids were. It was a group of highly educated adults, plotting and voting on adopting crime as a business model. At the end the group voted to adopt crime because it would not be a crime if everyone voted for it, crime was just a business decision away.

57. I refuse to be forced into committing a crime as it causes my head to throb, and I dont do crime because the math in my head wont let me. I refuse to have dirt put on my hands. When I flew home I had no choice but to tender my resignation and I gave them four weeks notice.


They asked for six and I said no. Anyway, I wanted to move down to South Carolina so my kids would have a dad in their lives and I thought that was more important than goo.

Eliot Spitzer 58. A young aspiring state attorney from New York named Elliot Spitzer made the decision to rampage against the insurance industry. It was ripe full of juicy criminals. It was a war and I somehow became one of Spitzers most prized inside informants. He had heard about my brave stand against crime to the point of cutting off my own hand. The Attorney General of Connecticut flew me up for a conference meeting to explain in great detail the crime of bid rigging, who is victimized, who pays, who loses, and how to calculate the injury. They were the smartest group of people I had ever met and they were mean as hell. I mean not torpedo stuff; they were the dive bombers going for the main carrier. In Spitzers first week on the rampage, he sent one single subpoena to the company I used to work for, and one to our competitor, and they responded in a week by sending him two checks totaling a billion dollars. The subpoena did not miss the mark a single bit, they used my exact words. Then the dive bombers from 20 states including the ones from Connecticut came in from the flanks. Everyone wanted the great gobs of goo. The insurance industry had to resort to making Spitzer the Governor of New York as the only way to make him go away. Spitzer had unlimited funds and he became Governor shortly thereafter. The insurance industry went back to a life of crime by group vote, glad that Elliot Spitzer was in it for goo too, just as they had suspected. You know the rest of the story. My hopes in Spitzer were dashed as he ended up being just a low level criminal thug like the rest of them. But my former company and their competitor had to pay a billion dollars for those group


votes to adopt crime as a business model, and neither company can accept vacations and any gifts of $25 or more have to be returned.

Unions 59. A few years prior to my leaving the job in New York, I had one assignment to do the bidding on the State of New York Prison Guard Union. I had no collective bargaining experience, but my job was the carrier selection and awarding of the business that the union bosses sold to their members. The final meeting was somewhere between the NYC and Albany, but I cant remember where at the moment. In the second day of my presentation, the subject of commissions came up. The union bosses then picked the insurance company with the highest commissions and the worst and highest pricing. They each pulled out of their inner suit pockets folded up pieces of paper with long lists of names of the people that had to be paid off and share the loot from the commissions. They wanted exact dollar amounts for each person. Our staff was writing down the names as if dutiful servants. I excused myself from the meeting to use the restroom, but I walked past the restroom and went outside and got into my car and drove home to Pennsylvania. My boss never said a word about it and I never asked him a question.

MassMutual 60. Many years prior, in 1996, I was working for my father in Vero Beach, Florida, when I discovered one of our insurance companies, MassMutual was stealing $250 million dollars of cash values out of several thousand of our policyholders policies. I blew the whistle loud and clear. MassMutual jumped on me with lawyers from three states. My father was so mad at me he fired me and kicked Betsy, me, and the kids out of the state. I had placed his great gobs of


goo at risk of suit too. My father filed a lawsuit against MassMutual and the battle was on. I got dragged into the fray as you can imagine. I ended up pleading guilty to defamation and had to pay the crooks $35,000 just to make them leave me alone. They are still taking money from me as each year hence they report the lawsuit proceeds paid to my father as taxable income to me under my Social Security number. I had no resort but to file a lawsuit to make MassMutual leave me the hell alone, I have no more goo to pay them each year for the rest of my life. The suit is before this court right now, it is Bardes v. MassMutual, No. 1:11-CV-340. It has been months and I dont know where it stands at the moment.

Senator Charles Grassley of Iowa 61. In 2002, when I moved to South Carolina and started my own company so I would not have to commit crimes for some other company, I answered my phone one day and it was Senator Chuck Grassley, the head of the senate finance committee. I thought it was his office, but it was the senator himself. I went to attention and I stood up, I did not realize I was standing until the end of the call. He wanted to know how to get rid of some insurance lobbyists that were crawling his skin. When they appeared in the pew behind him at Church he had had it. I guess that he got my name from the Spitzer crew or he recognized my last name, as my fathers company that he sold before it went public was the outfit that funded the guy in the pew behind him. He asked me how to get rid of the lobbyists. I had not the foggiest idea, I had never thought about it before. I had to do some quick math in my head so I did not appear to be too big a fool in front of the Senator. I said to tell them to go away and if they dont they are committing a crime. The phone was silent for a really long time and I was fearful. He was a very nice man and he is one of the good guys. I have no idea how it turned out, but I can say that Senator


Grassley is on the no touch list of the insurance lobby and no one will ever sit behind him in church again. There is obviously a record of that phone call so if needed it can be verified soon enough.

What does Pro Se mean? 62. Before I paint more pictures I am going to give the judge a treat right now. If I have to resort to treats that are not a bribe then the math says go. Where do the words pro se come from and what do they mean. I took six years of Latin and Roman history and spent the entire summer of my junior year of college conversing only in Latin with 8 other people doing the same. The Latin words pro se do not mean for self. Those words cancel each other out because they cant be used next to each other. Latin does not have periods, or commas, or spaces between words. It is a run on of letters with no interruption, so please take my word for it that pro se cannot be used together, it violates the rules of Latin. When a Latin writer wanted to convey satire or humor, they violated the rules of Latin to do so. That would be funny to do, silly fool. The words pro se only appear once in the entire cannon of ancient texts, and it comes from Romes most famous lawyer, Ovid. Ovid would stand before the senate court and argue his clients cases in completely formatted poetry stanza after stanza. He won every time. It scared everyone. As you can imagine, his compatriots ganged up on him, destroyed him, ruined his name, then banished Ovid to a far away island for the rest of his life, never to get anywhere near the Roman courts again, not with that darn poetry stuff. It was on this far away island, where Ovid wrote the body of poetry that is known as the best poetry of the history of mankind. Inside one of these poems comes the use of pro se. Without giving a lesson in Latin context, I will recite in exact meaning in English equivalents. The characters of the poem are trying to


figure out how to jump ship over to the ship passing by. The use of pro se falls in the middle of this recital, in what possible way could we hold on. The satire is that you cant, silly, thats funny. Pro se means to try to hold on, but you are doomed from the start, because you cant, silly, thats funny. Back to current day in the United States. Pro Se is a joke, it is said with cruel intentions, because you cant hold onto court that day, because you dont have a chance, you are pro se, you cant, your just silly, thats funny. It came to the United States in the 1600s by the secret protestant education societies that crossed the pond with the educated classes, which eventually become known as the American college fraternity system. Is that funny or what? I told you would like that. Thats good. That was free, a gift to you. I cant bribe, but I can beg. Ive doomed you every time you ever have to say pro se in court again, I am sorry. Please dont feel stupid saying it in court, there is no way to stop its use, I gave up a long time ago, so I submit to pro se. This is why the UK exercised every Latin word from their entire legal system decades ago; they got tired of sounding stupid.

63. A guardian ad litem, is the person that inters your remains into your grave, shovels the dirt over you, then tidys the grave site so it looks like you never happened there. They are correctly called the guardians of the dead. A litem is a body past death. I was a litem. The family court judge appoints a guardian of the dead to bury the children and then stand watch over their graves for eternity. It ends up Satan was after the kids all along, and he has gotten two generations of them already. Anyway, I really hope you have a good sense of humor or I am going to be a litem soon too. I must stop. When a judge says to me, Mr. Bardes, are you pro se today. I just have to bite my tongue and say yes.


64. One more small addition to this subject. A clerk one day asked me if I was pro se or an attorney. The word attorney is a pure Latin word, it needs no translation. An attorney means speaking for yourself because you are yourself, before a tribunal. You can only be an attorney for yourself because you can only atone, or speak with a voice for yourself. We are all attorneys because no one else can be. Instead of using the words pro se, the correct word is attorney, but that can never fly either. When the clerk asked me one day if I was pro se or an attorney, you can appreciate the dilemma in my head, I thought I would try an experiment and answer her by telling her the truth and see what happened. I said I was an attorney and was most certainly not pro se. Ten minutes later I was reclining in a high leather back chair in the attorneys lounge which used to be the public law library before everything went online, with a fresh hot cup of coffee while I waited for my hearing. And for that grand moment I felt like the top of the world, wondering what it would be like if I were a lawyer, because I was only an attorney. It gets even better. One day in court, a family court judge went through roll call and I had to announce my name and tell my representation. I said I am David Bardes, sui juris, your honor. The judge got it and smiled, the judge was smart, but all the family court lawyers were not, they thought I was a lawyer too. Sui Juris means you are telling the truth before a tribunal. Sui Juris means, to me, the truth. On the breaks the family court lawyers would get into groups in the back and complained how much they hated the judge, they were mean, and took pot shots at his character. When someone in the group asked me what firm I worked for, I knew I was sunk, as I had to tell the truth. I said I was not a lawyer I was only an attorney. The six of them stopped talking, looked around the room to plot a course to safety, and bolted away from me like the black plague had suddenly appeared as an aberration. I dont use any Latin terms in this document because of this stuff. The poor pro se litigants love to invoke Latin words in front of


the judge because it makes them feel like they are talking in the language of the great Roman Gods of Glory. They do it to beat the judge into submission and grant victory and spoils to the conqueror. They are conquering Rome itself. A court room is a scary place and it is against the law to tell pro se litigants how the place works. That is why the poor pro se litigants keep invoking the great gods of Rome because they are scared to death of what might happen and any help from the gods is a welcome relief. Good grief.

Back to Pictures of my Math and Heart 65. I instituted a rule in my house in that if you insist on using the n-word in front of me I kick you out of the house and tell you not let the door hit you in the ass on your way out. One evening one of my employees, [redacted for now], brought over a nice young couple to meet me. It was going well until the guy thought I would enjoy a good joke using the n-word. I threw them both out of the house without an explanation and [redacted for now] would not talk to me for two weeks. I do not carry a torch for black people because I do not carry one for whites; it is just that if I dont kick these people out, they force me to give tacit approval to their ignorance, and in my house I dont have to acquiesce to someones ignorance. In someone elses house I just walk away from the group, but in my house it is my rules. If you bring God into the equation, when I hear the n-word I discover a demon got past my sentries at the front gate and eluded detection until up close to attack, so I just throw the darn demon out the door. No demons in my house, thank you.


Black Enterprise Magazine 66. After I quit my job in the World Trade Center I bought one of those big RVs, the 40 footer with a big diesel engine in the rear. It was designed to take the kids camping all the time. The night before I left to drive south, I got a call from a friend of mine in Winston-Salem. [redacted for now], who had been a recent cover story in Black Enterprise magazine, had just won the rights to clean up and place online the State of North Carolina Criminal AOC Database, all 180 million records. [redacted for now] asked me if I would clean it up and put it online. I said sure and asked him where I could park my RV. [redacted for now] offered his back yard, as there was electric and water for the umbilicals. When I got a hold of the database it was a real mess. Nothing had ever been expunged as you can never send a delete command against a vital database the size of millions of records. The command can wipe out huge chunks and you would never know it happened. There is a way to do it, but it would require a data center fours time the size and a night crew to work all night to correctly remove records. The poor judges that use their golden pens from God to sign court orders to expunge criminal records, have no idea that the orders go into the shredder before they get to the IT department. It is a lack of communication among civil servants. I ended up being the one to correctly expunge all of those records, and I also had to shield records older than seven years as they too cannot be deleted safely. There were killers with no records and parking tickets were reporting as murders.

67. At one point a slick young black programmer waltzed into [redacted for now] office and in my presence eviscerated me to the core. I was doing it the wrong way, I was wasting [redacted for now] time and money, I was nothing more than the white man stealing from the black man all over again. [redacted for now] fired me and hired the kid in my place. I grabbed my coat and


told [redacted for now] that he could find me in my RV in his backyard because I was not going to let him down. Four days later [redacted for now] knocked on my RV door and I got back to work. Three months later the database was done and it was online. [redacted for now] sold it and his business for $12 million dollars. I made $7,500 and could not have been happier for him. [redacted for now] and I still keep up and we just had lunch together a month ago. I present [redacted for now] as a character witness for me if I need one. His version of the story is better than mine. What I think about black people is my personal business, I wanted you to see that my mission is what I am able to remain so focused, and I dont shake loose when I am on a mission.

Social Security Master Death Index Database 68. After President Bush formed the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) I became an avid fan. I had heard that the DHS sucked in every database from all government agencies, as all they really needed was control over all the databases on the grid. One database in particular was of interest to me, that was the much coveted Social Security Master Death Index database, the database of the dead, or the SSDI. The Social Security Administration (SSA) told the DHS to go pound salt. DHS sued the SSA to get their hands on the SSDI. The SSA lost the lawsuit and the SSDI came into the public arena. I had already gotten my security clearance, which as you can imagine was everything short of DNA. Soon after DHS got their hands on it, I paid $10,000 for my copy. I wanted to put it online for the insurance industry to run against their policyholder databases to find out who was dead. Once I got the database loaded on my servers, I did a total records count. There were 75 million records. I was missing half the deaths as the CDC database had 150 million dead and their data was partial to begin with. I looked into the box and around on the floor to find the other half of the database, but there was nothing else. That meant


the SSA had no idea who was dead and who was alive. I did a bunch of math with other databases and the results concluded that 12% to 17% of the monthly Social Security checks were being sent to dead people and were cashed. It seemed no one had much incentive to notify anyone that Uncle Ed was dead and buried back behind the church. I faxed my results to Joseph Grow, the assistant deputy director of the SSA, the number two guy at the SSA and the person that combed over every page of my website and finally just made me put big letters at the top of each webpage saying that this was not the Social Security Administration, it was just their database. Joseph Grow sent a thank you note back asking if I had any evidence of any particular dead people to send them to his attention. I also faxed the results to the white house. Three months later, President Bush cancelled his whole Social Security overhaul project and fired the staff, not because of my report, but because they got the same database I did and came to the same conclusions. There was no way to miss it. The only thing they could do is try to convince recipients to use direct deposit, not just to save a stamp, but to send an automatic death notice as a checking account has to be settled by the estate of the decedent. If the errors could be corrected the Social Security trust fund comes into a fully funded basis into perpetuity. This is why no president is going to take on Social Security reform because they dont have to; they just have to stop sending checks to dead people. Today, if you die in a hospital the death has to find its way back to the SSA, but if you die anywhere else, no one will much of have a clue, it is still voluntary to report deaths. The situation has gotten better due to great efforts, and last week Fox News reported, seven years later, that the Social Security Administration has been sending monthly checks to dead people but the total is only a few hundred million dollars. That is not even a tiny fraction of the total as you can assume, but this is how we test market news in advance of releasing the big bad news even if it does not need to come out. I dont know if


congress knows but government watchdogs keep telling us the trust fund is going broke and we have to wait to age 71 even if then, but no one in the hallowed halls of DC is in any hurry to do something that is not needed. I am just showing you how I perform my duty as a citizen and dutifully report what I find to the appropriate authorities. I feel an obligation to do so; I feel I have a duty and a standard of care as a responsible law abiding citizen. In South Carolina I reported the full operation of the criminal racket of crooked civil servants to the authorities and the FBI, but the authorities and the FBI were the bad guys to and I ended up paying for it with my life. As far as the death database goes, I lost $10,000 and the insurance industry could care less about the SSDI, as it is still just invalid data.

United States Golf Association 69. In 1996, the year after the Internet was handed over for free to the masses after the Pentagon rejected it as inherently flawed and could never be made safe, the United States Golf Association hired me to program their ultra secret slope course handicap calculator online. I had to sign a stack of papers and agreements as you can assume. If you can find it on their site you can play with the slope handicap calculator yourself. I have never violated any of those agreements, I doubt they have them, and I dont have them, but not once I have ever violated them, never. Even though I need goo to live right now, and I could make a lot of goo really quickly, I would just rather starve to death than break my oath. I think that civil servants that take an oath should be held to the same standard I put on myself. I dont think that is asking too much, and the math says true too.


Northwestern University in 1986 70. I graduated from Northwestern University in 1986 after completing a four year economics degree in two and half years and working at the same time. At the time, economic theory ceased to be theory as a guy named Kaynes had figured out all the complicated math algorithms that drove a capitalistic economy. My entire degree was in Keynesian economics and as you can imagine I just loved the math algorithms, and add to that advanced statistical mathematics I was in heaven. That was when the Federal Reserve and banks fully adopted Keynesian economics and ruled the economy with their open market bond and discount window operations to control the even tide of regular economic swings. Every quarter the fed chairman would announce that interest rates would remain unchanged and t-bills would be sold at the open market operations to ease the money supply and stave off inflation. This reality worked for about thirty years and each President enjoyed the reputation of being the driver behind the good news. That is until last month when President Obama fired his last Keynesian economist. He has not hired a single new economist because there are no other kinds of economists than Keynesian economists and there have not been any for thirty years.

71. The problem started in the mid 2000s when interest rates began to slide towards zero. Keynes made a dreadful decision to put the interest rate in the denominator of all of his algorithms, or that is how I am going to explain the complication for now, and if the denominator ever goes to zero you get a division by zero error which causes the computer to crash so badly that it may not turn back on. The interest rates were heading to zero because the fed committee kept lowering the rates to stave off the housing bubble problem. In 2007, a memo was circulated among the business gods that the US economy was going to vaporize shortly when the rates hit


zero. Everyone was told to stop all spending and contract all capital. No one knew if we would exist any longer, very shortly. A year later, President Bush gave billions to the banks just to hope they dont vaporize when the rest of us did, just to play it safe. In the backrooms of the business gods it was sheer panic. Everyones Excel spreadsheets said the US would not exist in a few months.

72. Interest rates did go to zero and everyone has just now been looking around to see if we exist anymore. Thankfully we are still here because the economy does not work on Keynesian mathematics. The economy is just made up of too many variables and is essentially random goo, like the galaxies in the universe. Our economists are frantically pounding away at economic theory again, they have turned back to soothsaying and tea leaves, hoping and praying to find a way out of zero interest rate environment. When the cost of capital is zero, no one ever borrows free money from the discount window because there is no way to make any money when it is free. We are stuck and have no idea how to make interest rates go up. What we need to do is move the interest rate to five percent as that makes all the math work again. Yesterday, fed chairmen Ben Bernanke came out of conference and announced that the fed is going to keep interest rates steady between 0% and 0.25%, and he revised GDP projections in half. There is not much else he can do; he must appear to be in control, because of something called the e variable. There is one variable that Keynes had in all of his algorithms; it was something called the e variable, which stands for expectations as in consumer sentiment. What we expect to happen does happen; if we think we are on our way up, we will go up. So the fed wants to keep everyones sprits up until all the unemployed economists come back from soothsaying with


something that everyone feels good about, to invent some new math that has the interest rate in the numerator and not the denominator. Then we can pretend to be in command again.

The US Economy 73. The US economy is going to be just fine, we are waiting for the wealthy and the business gods to come out from hiding and start playing the battle of the gods on the golf courses. Each battle of the gods of golf produces a factory twice the size and with twice as many employees making the same widget at a 20% discount than the golf god partner that must be conquered and their spoils dragged behind their captives. If we want to help create jobs, you should sponsor a ProAm tournament in your home town and offer the universe for first place. A stimulus actually causes a wave called a disturbance that hurts the economy. The best thing a president can do for the economy is say after he is sworn in that he is never going to even mention the word economy for his entire term. That will drive the business gods so happy they will play golf and conquer all just to win the universe again and again. This is what President Reagan did the minute he took office, he said it in his inauguration address, and everyone thinks it was from lowering taxes, but Reagan raised taxes and closed every loophole the minute he saw the astronomical math from the business gods go wild. The tax rate is not the key, it is the fact that the tax rate will stay the same and not change, so the Excel spreadsheets of the gods can say go for it and build that factory with twice as many employees before the next round of battle of the gods of golf.

Rejected by my family 74. After my family negotiated for 78 days for the release of my body from the Sheriff Cannon jail, they refused to believe I had been tortured. They know all too well today, but it is too late.


Almost my entire body of insurance knowledge and been wiped clean from my brain and all of my computer programming skills, tens of thousands of line of code were gone forever. When I was able to get to a computer keyboard, my once 120 words a minute had dwindled to hunt and pecking with two fingers. My family made me not tell employers that I was effectively disabled and I had to start all over again in the insurance business by having to take the initial licensing courses as a start. They gave me a used car, one blue business suit and $800 and told me to never come back for any more money. I was able to land four insurance sales jobs over four years which all ended in misery when I was unable to even sell one insurance policy to anyone.

75. Without going into my medical and neurological problems, I only hear about 80% of what is said to me and I can only get out about 80% of what I want to say. It is very frustrating for people to talk to me and I understand because talking for any period of time is physically tiring for me. The only medium that I am still effective with is the written word because I can take the time and go over the words over and over again until it says what I want to say. If or when you meet me in person, please be kind as it will be frustrating for you and me alike.

76. My family decided as a group to not keep me alive any longer. They claim that I just need to get a job and start earning goo again, like I always did before, they assume more of the same. They cant comprehend an injury to one of their own. Wealthy republicans have no problem sacrificing their own children to death if needed to secure the survival of the species. They are really just terrified that their government murdered their son and brother and their making me not exist reestablishes their faith that all is good when surrounded by gobs of great goo. For me, the last scene of that play finished and I dont have to see that same play ever again.


Last Picture: The Ultimate Point of Utmost Stress 77. As I have said, I knew in advance that I was going to be killed. When the dirty judge sentenced me to death in a hearing of six minutes where I was never heard, four sheriff deputies grabbed me and lifted me into the air. With my arms and body in death hold grasps, I was calm enough to say the following as found in the court transcript:

22 MR. BARDES: Your Honor, you are fired. The public 23 trust of the United States of America has now fired you 24 and you will remove yourself from the bench.

78. Four years later I did get that judge fired, as promised, but the other heads of the beast took him out of commission permanently because they set him up to take a hit on the most astronomically expensive human on earth and the judge had not a clue. The judge did what he did to me to the worlds most renowned cardiologist who was in South Carolina on loan from Texas. When the doctors lawyers found out what happened a day later, they got the doctor released from the jail and the doctor is not going back to Texas until he sees the judge walk into prison. The doctor set up shop in Columbia and brought in teams of out of state lawyers. So, I only got the judge fired, but it is the doctor that is going to put him in prison. These bad guys in South Carolina had no problem in taking out their own man to elude detection, so you can see that they had no problem in taking me out. And the state attorney John Magera, who took out this dirty judge and me as well, has voice mail answered by a lawyer saying Mr. Magera has retired. The mob retired him for us. He is going to be a costly civil servant, I would hide him too. And only I and a small group of diehards have done all this on our own time and expense.

Back to Harsh Reality of my Murder 79. I will conclude with that as a final picture and get back into more morbid subjects like death and murder by crooked civil servants. I had to show you how I use my math and my heart because I need to take you to a place that is going to test your math and your heart to the very core of its existence. I am going to take you deep into hell itself. As I started out, I have to ask you to stay with the math in your head all the way to last possible moment, where we have no choice but to bring out that big heart and prop up the litigants and examine their hearts to make a final decision. Everything in this lawsuit is going to scream that David Bardes is crazy and everyone else is right, and I cant have your math in your head do that because it is simply not true. I do not make things up; I am unable to make up math, my brain is unable to do paranoid math, and you can see that from the pictures I painted. I am not just after the goo, yet I can only seek goo. I am not looking to be famous because when people meet me they think I am a spooky ghost and the head for the back door. I have laid my entire life open for examination, as proof of my clean hands and good faith. I must enter the court with clean hands and good faith because it is all I am capable of doing.

80. When you examine why I was willing to use my dead body as a catalyst to rid Satan from our shores, I did it because of my kids and yours, and their kids, deserve a safe homeland from which to continue world peace. I was and still am on a very important mission, one that has taken many lives. People who help me die. I go to their funerals and cry with their kids. This is a real life battle between the forces of good and evil. And evil has penetrated to the very core of Washington, DC itself. And everyone does not want David Bardes to exist, I scare them to


death. If you need to put this lawsuit down for a week, please do so. You need to Google everything I have said just to show you I am telling you the truth. If you do not dismiss this lawsuit, your life may be in danger too. The bad guys are many. I like risk and evil and I fear no man, and I fear no evil, and I lasted for nine hours against Satan himself. I know what to do in the face of evil. I get calm and clear, and then I attack and run evil off our shores. And I really need that big bag of good laws that you have and your golden pen from God. You are one of our nations most prized possessions. I was murdered by a judge but that does not mean that all judges are bad. The math says that you are most likely one of the good guys, and that is why we must parse the bad guys and only keep the good guys, just like they did in Chicago in the 1920s. Obviously that has worked out for the good of all. It is just 1920s all over again but it may be more like Nuremburg2. Just as we did not buy the excuses of the Nazi guards as they held the door to the furnace open and stuffed Jews inside claiming they were just doing their jobs. We did not buy it then as we took them out back and hung them from the neck until dead. The gallows at Nuremburg had twelve hanging stations if I remember; it was kept busy for a long time. We did not buy the excuses then and we cannot buy them now. When I saw crime come to a corporate vote I said not for me and hurt myself badly doing so, but that is what the good guys do, all day long. Arlington Cemetery is full of people better than me, so I am just not all that unique. It is time to take the rams horn and blow a call to the remote camps of the good guys to wake up and prepare for battle. I have to say this because at this point in the history books and in the universe the entire future of the United States may be in your hands. So Godspeed to you, let me know how I can help. I have a pretty good and reasonable handle on an impossible task, and I am good under intense pressure, and at age 7, I took on an entire forest of pine trees that wanted to kill me and I won, so I can take on this task with the same can do


attitude. It can be done because it has to be done, because this is what the good guys do, and the good guys always win in the end.

Exhaustion of Remedies and Tolling the Statutes 81. I have never stopped attacking this mess. The events in question happened in 2006. I filed my federal case in 2008, the US Supreme Court denied my petition in May, 2011. The district case was dismissed without prejudice in 2010. My diagnosis of greatest injury was 2008. Add a few months to write this document and that brings us to today. I think I have made that clock time, but it is up to the judge, so I will say no more.

82. After the Supreme Court denied my petition in May, I have been running around trying to exhaust all my last remedies and then some. I have none left. I even went to the DAR and begged for help, my family came here on the Mayflower in 1619, we were the third ship here, so much for their help. The UN Council on Torture sent an official denial to my petition because the US refused to sign the treaty against torture, claiming its citizens were fully protected with the US Constitution. I was locked into a death chamber with Satan himself for nine hours and he killed me, the constitution never crossed my mind. When I got out and asked for the bad guys to be arrested, they all said no. Then I filed a federal lawsuit claiming all my constitutional violations, two federal judges wrote 250 pages of opinions that said being murdered was not a violation of any of my rights and the killers have immunity to kill and there is nothing wrong with that, goodbye. I did not know at the time the judges social friends were all my defendants and the word was out to not take on any torture cases. My federal magistrate was the one that dismissed the cold cell complaints by two accused terrorists in the Charleston Navy brig, down


the road from where I was murdered. My case showed his sheriff was killing people in his built in hypothermic death chamber as well. Charleston was hypothermic murder central. The appeals court sent me one piece of paper for $400 that said there was no error in the lower court. The US Supreme Court ruled that I had twelve violations of my constitutional rights, so I guess three judges missed those errors. Then the US Supreme Court denied my petition asking them if being murdered was violation of my constitutional rights. Then a whole bunch of marvelous thing happened all at the sometime, which blew wide open the entire exposure of the criminal racket, so large it eclipses the moon, everyone everywhere knows all about hypothermic murder everywhere, no more secrets to protect. Even with that I went back around to all the sources where I could plug in the proof of murder for profit, and the doors shut faster than before, not a single door will ever crack open again as long as the name David Bardes is on it. I kept talking about moms and dads being murdered for profit, by crooked civil servants, all over the place. I am a scary aberration.

83. Here are the last emails to the DOJ, this will sum up the situation:
To: ''; '' Wed 11/9/2011 3:51 PM. Re: Murder of citizens Dear DOJ Solicitors General's office and Criminal Division: For five years I have been trying to get you guys to go after the crooked civil servants murdering the citizens for profit. The US Supreme Court had me serve you with a copy of my petition, to which the Solicitor's office said that an assistant solicitor general read my petition and decided to take a pass on it. That was in May, today the solicitors office said that no one reviewed the case and they don't give out names or email address, and the lady would not even give me her name. The criminal division sent me an email saying to contact local law enforcement for help, to which I replied that it was the local law enforcement doing the killing, so what to do now. They never wrote back. The FBI is doing the killing too, all over the country. It just seems that I, as a citizen, cannot stop the crooked civil servants from killing us. Is no one at the DOJ going to stop the gratuitous murdering of US citizens on US soil? I have attached a document evidencing the killing, but


you all already have it. I have no choice but to file a civil lawsuit, demanding that you people do your jobs and go round up the bad guys and throw them in prison. I will find every person that has read this email and my other emails, letters, and faxes, and I will add them as named defendants, to be fired and stripped of their pensions and everything they own sold to pay back the money you have been stealing from us. If I am wrong, then please reply and set me straight, otherwise I have no choice to draw final conclusions. Regards, David Bardes

My final email.
To: '' Wed 11/9/2011 4:26 PM Re: Murder of citizens Dear Inspector General: I have been trying to stop crooked civil servants from murdering the citizens for five years, at every level of the DOJ, but it ends up the FBI is the main culprit doing the murdering of citizens too, so there is no one at the DOJ that can help stop it, because they are all the bad guys too. I can't find any good guys at the DOJ and it is very frustrating. All I can do at this point is to sue them, unless you have a better idea, what I want I want is someone to round up the bad guys and put them in prison. I have attached a report evidencing the mass murder of innocent citizens. Please help us. Regards, David Bardes

Exhausted and Then Some 84. I have to enter the court with clean hands and good faith. I have set down a forensic footprint everywhere I went. There is nowhere else to go to help stop the killing of the citizens. The purpose of this suit must be civil goo, so I come here because you were the last one on the road and I need goo, so good. I have no goo, and the bad guys rendered me unable to earn goo. To the extent I have a social issue to push, yes, stopping the killing is what I want to do, but it has to be second to last to the main pursuit of civil goo. To get back my goo that the bad guys stole, before they murdered me, you bet I want the scales of justice to calibrate to the tare position of perfect


balance. I would like a judge to sign a court order declaring hypothermic torture and murder as being against the law, but I say it in a quiet voice, and second only to civil goo.

Wednesday April 5, 2006 My third day dead 85. I had died in nine hours and when Satan was sure I was dead, nurse Cassandra Goodyear declared me dead and authorized I remain dead on the floor until the third day to stagger other murders, and she posted a guard. On the morning of the third day, the guard must have been dozing because by happen stance two unknown angels from God sheriff deputies stopped into the jail while on night patrol, just happened to poke around the booking area when no one was to be found at that time of the night. The deputies looked into the big window in the death chamber and saw my body on the floor in a position that might indicate I was not alive, then they unlocked the air tight door, and entered the tiny room. My body was face down on the floor, right as I fell off the bench when I died. The deputies checked for a pulse and for respirations, and detecting none, they rolled me over on my back and began doing CPR. Something very magical happened at this point, such that it baffles every doctor on earth, as whatever I was before I left my body somehow came back from wherever it was and entered my dead body and took over from there. Devine if you wish, I was resurrected from the dead. The bible math calls it is a miracle.

86. I remember hearing far off in the distance, someone yelling who are you, what is your name? It repeated and got closer and closer. When I was able to make sense of it, I replied, I dont know. Someone said, Stay right here, Ill find out who you are. The bad guys had cut off my ID arm band held by steel grommets, to prepare me for a hanging or suicide like the


others, or seizures. A voice came back and said, Your name is David Bardes. The two men hoisted me up onto their shoulders and dragged me out of the death chamber. I had been rescued and saved. They took me all the way into the nearest cell block for protection by the masses, but all the dead broke slave inmates were sleeping fully clothed all over the floor and tables and under tables. I remember seeing bodies all over the place and the snoring was prolific. The two deputies took me back into the showers as that was the only place to lay a plastic sleeping mat. They laid the mat down and laid my body down on the mat and covered me with a blanket. I could not feel my body, I could not keep my eyes open, and I forgot that name they gave me. I was out the minute they laid me down. The two deputies went the nearest transaction log computer and made an entry at 2:55am, that I had been transferred from Cold Cell 1613 to North Block. Then they left and went back onto the streets.

The 6:00am Guard Shift 87. At five am the sirens whet off and the load speaker started calling out names to which grocery store the slaves were going to go to unload 100 pound boxes from trucks all day. The sheriff makes the slaves sleep fully dressed so they can wake faster and get to work. The slaves busiest days are Saturday and Sunday, those were 14 hour days as the only time to get into all those government buildings to rewax and shine all the shiny floors was when no one was inside, and inmates dont get days off during the week, it is not a spa. 12 to 14 hours a day for 365 days straight is the punishment for going broke in South Carolina. And it has been declared a crime by the US Supreme Court.


88. As the names were being called out on the load speaker, my eyes would open but then close, sort of like a camera aperture. But what I saw, snapped one picture at a time, and still frozen in my brain was of dead men rising out of the grave to go to forced labor in hell. Their faces were hollow and their skin ghostly white, they looked dead, and they all rose and marched to another day in hell. It is at this point I would like the judge to take a picture of in his head, because these are the people that this lawsuit in a class status is designed to benefit. These are my beneficiaries. Dead men barely alive. All dads and moms with kids at home. Moms were jailed too, it was about 90% fathers, 10% mothers. The sheriff locked mothers into cells with criminal rapist thugs for three hours. They come out on a stretcher covered in blood. That story made the local newspaper.

89. At 6:00am the guard shift occurred. Each shift is 12 hours and it is called a tour as in a command. There is a tour commander, and layers of titles and duties down from there. The staff in the booking area is under command of a supervisor. The supervisor directs resources and puts people in and out of the holding cells and the death chamber. They are the boss. When the new supervisor got on duty they asked where the dead white guy in the yellow polo shirt went to. Someone brought up the jail transaction log computer and it said I was in North Block. A search of North Block found no white guy in a yellow polo shirt. Calls were made; radios broadcast for any white guy in a yellow polo shirt. Panic ensued. They had an escape. That meant an immediate call to the sheriff on the bat phone. Worse, the yellow shirt white guy somehow came back from the dead, passed through a solid steel door, and then vanished into thin air. I had disappeared from the universe, and they did not even have a mug shot to show anyone, and I had no ID arm band, no finger prints, was in street clothes, all they could say was I


was a white guy in a yellow polo shirt and khaki pants and my last known position was in the middle of the jail.. The whole jail lockdown siren was blasted, head counts taken, every room in the jail searched, again and again, more head counts with ID arm band confirmations. Hours after hours of this nonsense and they could not find me; I had vanished into a ghost. Come back to haunt my killers. I started off this lawsuit by saying that this lawsuit was something akin to a dead man come back to life to avenge his killers. This is the part of my story that I also would also like the judge to take a digital picture of in his head. The whole jail was just utter mayhem of crooked civil servants, many of them psychotic killers. This is what we are getting for our money, they lost a dead murdered innocent fathers body, and they could not find his body anywhere. This picture lasted for 4.5 hours.

2011 - The Post and Courier Newspaper, Charleston, South Carolina 99. Before I continue as to how my body was found, I need you to read a press release I sent to the home town newspaper in Charleston, South Carolina. I had been following one of their crime reporters articles on inmate deaths in the jail for several years, so when I was done, I put together what I called the final report on the criminal racket in South Carolina. I copy it into the text of this document, because I really need to ask the judge to use his great math in his head to understand what I am writing. I am going to take him into the depths of hell, a place he can never go. I need him to see through my eyes what I saw in jail. When I talk about liquidating the state of South Carolina I mean in the same manner as they liquidated my business and me. It makes me feel better to say it, please understand.


100. The file is called ATourOfHell.pdf. A copy is at the website. Here it is: {start} A Tour of Hell By David A. Bardes, Sui Juris October 29th, 2011 I submitted this press release to a reporter for the Post and Courier newspaper in Charleston, South Carolina, as I had read all of his stories on dead inmates coming out the back door at the Sheriff Cannon Detention Center for eight years. Your tour of hell starts by reading it. The below is from eight years of research and investigative work, something that I was willing to die for to end and stop, without delay, the murdering of men because they were fathers. Post and Courier Charleston, South Carolina Glenn Smith - Crime Reporter October 24, 2011 Dear Glenn: I have wanted to write to you for awhile, I just had to wait for the right time. There has been a large group of mostly fathers that have been victimized by what has now been declared by the US Supreme Court as crimes committed against them, four counts of civil rights violations each, for illegally jailing indigent fathers for child support they were unable to pay. As a group we are seeking full criminal charges and trials by local juries. As well as a tarring of the scales of justice to the tare position of full civil redress. We are going by the books, very carefully, as what we actually discovered is going to turn out to be the most deadly and costly deep criminal enterprises of crooked civil servants in the history of the US, except for Chicago in the 1920s, where all the judges were taken out in much similar fashion as in the Turner case. That event was the birth of the word racket which you know where that ended up. What we found is really bad stuff. There is a crime syndicate going on all over the whole state. But first let me show you one of the murders, so you can believe me. Everything I say has proof from full production of evidence in the public record already, in PACER. But you can check out for yourself. The driving force of the source of income for the racket is Sheriff Cannons working innocent fathers 12 to 14 hours days seven days a week slave labor ring (Sheriff Cannon is the sheriff for Charleston County, South Carolina), that generated $9 million dollars a year in clear profit, and statewide generated $100 million dollars a year for all sheriffs in 48 counties in South Carolina. The state was in on it too, as they were feeding on the gravy train of free federal money for each deadbeat they could find, and then the Social Security trust fund got drained by the state as well, everyone got money in this racket. Modern Days Slaves of Peonage


Sheriff Cannon could only keep 200-250 dead broke slaves housed and working at the same time, so that required the family court judges to throw 50 dead broke fathers into jailed each week, that is four per day each day of the week times three judges, all of which was controlled by the master mind of the operation, a crafty slimy state lawyer, that randomly selected the right number of cases from 200,000 possible dead broke fathers to funnel into all three courtrooms, four times a day, five days a week. The lawyer did it by having direct network access to each judges docket and to Sheriff Cannon. It was necessary to provide Cannon with the right number of workers each day for work duties. The racket ran on schedule so well, it is mind boggling. The amount of slave work was scheduled four weeks in advance, so Cannon had to know how many slaves he had in advance to promise labor on the right day and time. It was a math equation that drove the crime, which the US Supreme Court brought to a complete halt in the Turner v. Price (10-10) case, by declaring all 50 South Carolina family court judges guilty of civil rights crimes times four and the judges have no appeal, it is just over with, they are guilty, no questions to ask, and I am going to prove the sheriff murdered these dead broke fathers for profit. This murder for profit, generated from the math equation I just gave to, to the profit of $9 million a year and $150 million per year state wide. Twelve hour days, seven days a week, at twelve bucks an hour times 250 slaves, equals $9 million dollars per year. I saw this with my own two eyes. Now you will see it. In an article dated October of 2003, a father turned slave is lamented, While in jail, his child support debts continue to mount. He's not sure he'll ever be able to pay them off. "I've already lost everything I had, so when I get out, I'll probably be living in a homeless shelter and looking for a job," he said. The article continued, Their incarceration raises an obvious question, one that has vexed law enforcement officials and inmates alike: How can you expect people to pay their child support when they're in jail? Because the jail is so crowded, finding an answer to this question has taken on a new urgency. Thanks to the US Supreme Court we now know that these fathers were a victim of crime times four, and the nine supreme rulers of the universe put it in writing for us. ( The Charlie Mercer Murder by Bath Towel Please reference: ( Charlie Mercer, was a 60 year old man and father, who was killed by the only way to rid the slaves of slackers, was to kill them out of the pool, lest the judges, put them right back in 30 days later. Charlie Mercer, could not lift out 100 lb boxes, not at age 60, and he just cost a whole year of lost profits, and Cannon could not afford another year of loses, he wanted a black guy, because they make the best slaves, because they can lift 100 lb boxes, 14 hours a day, with no problem, seven days a week. Saturday and Sunday are 14 hour days as that is the only time to get into public buildings to rewax and shine all those shiny floors, and inmates don't get two days off during the week, it is not a spa. South Carolina does not have janitors or yard crews; it is all slave labor with dead broke dads and moms. Charlie Mercer was killed for money. It is shocking, but it is only evil, and the good guys know what to do about that.


How Guards Kill in Jail Two out of one hundred people are psychotic and can be driven to kill, psychotic killers are the worst evil. They get a high from killing, like that whacko kid that shot the senator and judge, 14 people I believe, he had a smile on his face for his mug shot, apparently he smiled for days, he was so high on killing so many people. Most psychotic killers are not known until the kill, they can be any body, you and me. They hide, and look for a way to kill in disguise. A job at the jail is an invitation to kill, to get high, so do the math for 400 guards. Do you see psychotic killers too? There are two teams of two. The ones that do the killing, the second two to be on video tape coming and going, thus leaving the inmate alone to supposedly hang himself with a bath towel. The video camera does not know that the killing team was already there before the other team did the delivery. The inmate is pulled off the bunk and thrown onto the floor and the first guy sits on his chest pinning the victim to the concrete floor. The second killer guard holds the inmates head from above and steady jams a bath towel into his mouth, keeping silence. The guy on top pinches the arteries on either side of the neck and the brain dies from a lack of blood flow, it only takes about 2 minutes and no one screams. The death is undetectable by the coroner, so they just go with asphyxia. The law allows a delay in the broadcasting of a dead inmate by 72 hours, because they need it. There is a huge meeting and many sub meetings for all the guards to get the story straight so no one loses their job and pensions. They first have to figure out how to get the dead body out and to the coroner and get a cause of death full autopsy all within 72 hours. It is a tight call, but it is done so the announcement of death to the newspaper will also have a cause of death full autopsy at the same time, thus hiding the killing and not causing any questions or doubt. An autopsy takes days as you know, and these people dont just stand around waiting for business, they have a queue of dead bodies waiting, so there is just no way to get an immediate full cause of death autopsy. That does not happen. Charlie Mercer Story Hits the Press Your article on Charlie Mercer cannot be true, because they pronounced death at 5:30am on a Wednesday, and that afternoon the full cause of death autopsy was pronounced at the same time as the death. Charlie Mercer could not have died on that Wednesday; he died on Monday, as reported to me by the inmates. I spent 78 days inside Cannons jail watching murder with my own two eyes, and now I am giving you a tour of hell in your back yard. Hanging by Bath Towel


Caption: This was my first cell back in 2006. Just where are you going to hang yourself in the cell? Look at the towel on the hook to the right. Look at the corner of the metal bed. The ceiling is smooth except for a square box light. When you read a news story about guards discovering an inmate hanging by the neck by a towel, they have murdered that inmate.

Some of this you are going to have to take my word for it, until you can see for yourself at some future time when you inspect the jail. There is just no way to hang yourself with a 28 inch square paper-thin cotton towel. It is designed to the exact dimensions to not allow you to kill yourself as tying a knot around your neck leaves absolutely nothing sticking out to grab and hang on to something. It only goes half way around your waist, it is not the sauna, it is jail. Next problem, there is nothing to hang it on. The ceiling is 12 feet high of concrete walls, it is a cell, a cage, and nothing is in it above your chest. They dont have hooks hanging down from the ceiling. If you could levitate up to the ceiling, there is nothing up there to hook a towel onto. There are four metal hooks under a small metal shelf that are on a hinge that goes up and down, like you cant hang anything on the hook, because it would just fall to the ground when the weight of the object pulls the hook downward. But when you dry your bath towel, it will hang on the hook and not fall down, but when wet it falls to the ground. That is the detail that is paid to the science of punitive measures. Everyone in jail wants to kill themselves, but we cant find a way to do it, because there is no where or how to do it anywhere. The only way to kill yourself in Cannons jail, is to put a foot into the grounded toilet and slap a wet hand against the electrical switch at the same time, and the only place to do it is in the suicide watch room. I am not kidding; a picture of it is below. Only Way to Kill Yourself in Cannons Jail is on Suicide Watch


Caption: This is the light switch next to the toilet in the suicide watch room. If they accuse you of being suicidal they put you into this room, lying on the floor, 24 hours a day, until you beg to make them believe you are not suicidal. The jail has no idea that switch is there; it is a joke among the inmates. No one has ever been killed by stepping a foot into the grounded toilet and slapping a wet hand against the switch until an arc is created drawing 15 amps across your heart stopping it cold. No one commits suicide in jail, not even the ones most suicidal, obviously. You want to die all day long in jail, but the inmates dont want to die a painful death, they just want to die. You would want to die all day too, and you would not do it with this switch either, do you get it? Use logic, true, not true, logic to see this. Inmates behave as humans, just like you.

They tore out all the other electrical in the suicide watch room, but they forgot the switch for the light above the toilet and the switch next to the toilet. It is a joke among the inmates, and the jail has no idea. No one has ever written an article on electrocution, because the inmates dont want to die a painful death, they just want to die. Some of this you are just going to have to buy into, but I think you see it already; it is basic logic, true, not true, logic. We dont hang ourselves because you cant choke yourself with a towel that you cannot grasp the ends of. Go into your bathroom tonight and try to choke yourself with your own towel. When you cry out to stop and please help me ignore your voice and keep up until you are dead, give it your best effort. The towel is stupid nonsense. And just what the heck are you going to hang the towel onto, there is nothing anywhere in that jail, there is no selection of hooks hanging down all over the place, because every minute detail, down to the hook under the shelf were highly engineered to prevent suicide. Next time you go to the jail think like an inmate on how you could end the miserable life of living in hell, with demons that kill people. Go inside the cell blocks and ask the inmates to show you their towels and how it is impossible to hang yourself with the bath towel. Look around everywhere for a place to hang the towel. There is no such thing as death by bath towel. The most common methods of killing inmates are death by bath towel which is really artery pinching, head smashing against the concrete floor, and hypothermia passed off as seizures or unexplained death. The deadliest places where inmates are murdered, and where they have to be isolated first before being killed, are the booking area, solitary confinement, which is pod 1A, and the jails hospital on the fourth floor. Any place else there are too many inmates to be witnesses. They have to be in a place where no one passes by frequently as the guards have to have hours of video tape to prove the inmate was alone, with a towel, and a hook hanging from the ceiling that is not there.


Are there other murdered inmates? Now think back in your head to how many articles you have personally written on suicide by bath towel, and no one thought through the problem with the towel? Are you serious? Are we that stupid? They are selectively murdering innocent fathers, taking them out in body bags down in a laundry cart to elude detection of the black Christian groups that monitor the whole jail, counting dead bodies coming out. There is a tally being kept because they told everyone about it. The guards have to get the body past the sentries, to the coroner without detection or alarm, in order to put the dead inmate into the autopsy queue, and 36 hours later all guards have agreed on all events, all video tapes have been viewed and reviewed and discussed and agreed upon, told to all to a swearing as a group, then they shovel their non-sense right to you, the press, at the same damn time. The autopsy takes three days. Charlie Mercer was killed on Monday. You cant put a 60 year old in a slave pool lifting 100 lb boxes out of trucks all day, they will be killed to purge the math that maximizes profits to Cannon. Cannon orders the hit, because he runs the business out of his office, away from the jail. He is a business man and a lawyer, and his business is to make a profit. Charlie Mercer was about to come back for another year and Cannon did not want to waste another year of profits from a slave that stands around while the others work. Also, you never kill yourself in the last week of a year of hard labor, because it is the happiest time of your life, you are so excited. Charlie Mercer, was murdered in Cannons jail, one week before release, and another able bodied slave took his place, thus maximizing profits to Cannon. The perfect murder that could not have happened Here is the fatal flaw of the whole murder. Your article quoted, Clark said Mercer recently requested a secure one-man cell in the jail's oldest section to be separated from the younger population. Did no one see this? There is no concierge service in a jail. You cant request your own private cell, in the quiet section. I mean what the hell? Thank you for the pillows and mint officer, I am retiring for the evening. You got to be kidding. There are no one man cells anywhere in North or South Block never had them. Charlie Mercer was isolated first and then murdered. They have to remove you from the safety of the cell block to a place that can be videotaped coming and going, while leaving you alone, without a cellmate present, all alone in a cell, with a team of killers waiting for you to arrive. The killers were videotaped three hours before anyone would think to look that far back. Around Charlie Mercers neck was his towel, but his towel was back in his cell, in the cell block, the towel was brought in by the killers who left Charlie Mercer on the floor with a towel around his neck as if he unhooked himself from nothing above him and fell to the floor dead. A cell is a cage designed for a violent animal. It does not have hooks hanging down from the ceiling. Another death by bath towel In March of 2007 another death by bath towel, inmate James Washington was found hanging from his bed while in solitary confinement in a one-man cell. Surveillance video showed an officer and a jail nurse approaching Washington's cell for the last time around 7:45 p.m., the report states. There was no physical contact after that. That is because the team that killed him was already there. The one-man cells in solitary consist of only one bunk down near the floor, so there is nothing to hang from. They dont have hooks hanging from the ceiling. The article

quoted, Jail employees found James Arthur Washington, 20, hanging by a towel from his bed on April 2, 2006, according to the report. They entered his single-person cell around 10:45 p.m. after inmates housed nearby grew concerned because they hadn't heard from Washington for hours. ( I was killed the next day, on April 3rd, 2006. Head Smashing The second most used form of death other than the artery pinching, is head smashing. One guard sits on top and holds the inmates lower body to the floor, while the second guard grabs the inmates head and repeatedly smashes it against the concrete floor, until the brain quickly swells and dies instantly without any blood or detectable evidence. Profits to Share The sheriff is maximizing profits using murder as a variable. The sheriff is not alone, he is only one head of the three headed beast. The second head of the beast was three family court judges, the ones that refused to rotate, Segars-Andrews, Garfinkel, and Cate. We took Segars out when I lived in Manning. I found that disgruntled litigant down the street. Then came Garfinkel last year. Judge Garfinkel is going to go down as the most costly civil servant in the history of the United States. The first head of the dragon I will say in a minute. I have to give you the Garfinkel story first. After the South Carolina Judicial Selection Committee called Garfinkel in to tell him to resign or be fired, he begged to stay to the end of his term and keep his pension. They agreed. But that created a hole in the fabric of the criminal racket, and the first head of the beast, took a hit out on the middle head, Garfinkel, to take him out permanently to protect detection. They set Garfinkel up with taking a hit out on the most expensive human on earth. It was the worlds most renowned cardiologist, who was in South Carolina on loan from Texas. The doctor and his billionaire wife of Texas family money were finishing their amicable divorce where he was the one that signed the prenuptial agreement and there was no child support. After the doctors lawyers had left, he followed and when he walked past the outer doors of Garfinkels courtroom, the judges bailiff came out and asked the doctor to come inside as the Judge wanted to have a word with him. The doctor was taken aback and said that would not be a good idea, not without his lawyers present. The bailiff assured the doctor and they entered the courtroom. As soon as the doctor entered the back doors, Judge Garfinkel yelled out You are $11,000 in child support arrears, six months of hard labor in the Sheriff Cannon jail, and slammed down the gavel and four sheriff deputies lifted the doctor in the air and wrapped his body in chains, and hauled his ass off to jail. They put the doctor in the general population where he would be killed by the inmates because he could not save their lives as they died in cells around him. The doctor walked up to the biggest meanest looking black guy and paid him $900 to protect him. The black guy said sure. The black guys are great. He then went up to the second biggest meanest looking black guy and paid him $700. That night the doctor slept between two well paid body guards. The next morning his lawyers figured out where was, because the doctor could not call out collect when no ones phone accepts that anymore. Cannon does this because he charged me $5.85 a minute to call Florida. The doctor was immediately released and set up shop in Columbia and brought in lawyers from out of state. When he called me, he got my number off the website, he and his lawyers were standing outside the chambers of the

South Carolina supreme court to petition by oral argument the granting of criminal charges be filed against one of their own, a judge that is. This was in late May of 2011. Judge Garfinkel is on payroll Garfinkel is for hire. He gets paid something somehow; and he was only the middle head of the beast. And when the kitchen got too hot, they took out their own man with no mercy. We had already taken out Segars-Andrews, and Garfinkel was next, because I wrote him a letter every month giving him website traffic reports and how long it was going to take me to get him fired. I posted it at the website. The state attorney general, the state supreme court, and the judicial selection merit committee, 10 people in all, logged onto the website at the same time and had a meeting discussing the termination of Judge Garfinkel. I was able to confirm my suspicion, when the cardiologist met with the Judicial Selection Committee to get Garfinkel fired and they told him what I just told you, that is how I found out and confirmed, when the doctor told me his whole story. I had the doctors number on my iPhone which I traded in, but you can find this famous doctor and not need me. He has to be in the news archives somewhere. Fueled by Evil Itself There are two types of criminals, the evil ones, and the stupid ones. We have to cage the evil ones, it is that bad, while the rest are just stupid and needed money. The people running the criminal network, took out their own man, Garfinkel, using the universes most astronomically expense living human on earth, and Garfinkel had not a clue, because he is a thug for hire. Hes a crook that is going to prison, because he is a criminal, not a judge, he is just evil. The driving force behind this crap is just evil, like core God v. Satan end of world battle kind of evil stuff. It is Nazi Third Reichstag kind of crap. Storm Troopers from a death star kind of evil. Good grief. And I am Luke Skywalker saving the galaxy, good grief. We cant be killing people for profit maximization in our jails. Worse, Cannons website puts in big letters the nickname of the jail, The House, the house is short for plantation house, where black men slaves went to die and never come back and no body to bury, just, never seen ever again. Leaving wife and children abandoned for eternity. Sheriff Cannon is telling the blacks to not commit crimes in his town, because if they are black, he will make them disappear into the house. And he actually does kill and murder them, they did to Charlie Mercer. The Good Guards Split The good guards all quit and walked out of the jail to protest at the height of the killing in 2006. Cannon was down 90 guards and that was a crisis, no one would work for him unless he stopped the killing. Cannon refused and had an open house party and invited the neighbors. Waiting tables to license to kill in three weeks. No one got this. You see the picture now. You wrote the article in October of 2007 reporting on the open house. You quoted, Officers told the visitors about the pride they take in their jobs, the sense of family among staff and the opportunity to pull in good money with overtime. The good guards knew Cannon was making so much unreported money by maximizing with murder that they took a personal financial hit by quitting, but it was important enough to revolt in protest. Now you see it. (

The problem started in 2002, an article quoted Cannon, I have great, great concerns over the jail," Cannon said. "The situation had gotten right critical over there." (www.davidbardes/JailMoreOfficers.pdf) The First Head of the Three Headed Beast. The Master Mind. The first head, the most deadly of all, was a crafty state lawyer from social services. The brains of a criminal enterprise today is a lawyer of course. This lawyers name was John Chuck Magera, State Attorney of the DSS, He was the SS of Hitler in modern times. He had to carefully calculate, how many deadbeats it takes, out of 10,000, to keep 50 deadbeats a week funneled to three judges, four times a day five days a week, to throw into jailed minus those that pay and get out, leaving 200 to 250 that cannot get out and have submit to slave labor squads for a year. Cannon makes them sleep fully dressed so they are ready the minute they are wakened. They were not deadbeat, just dead broke. This is why the US Supreme Court, in the Turner case, declared all 50 state family court judges guilty of four egregious civil rights violations each, times 2,000 dead broke fathers still not released from South Carolinas jails, so you see the enormity. Eventually South Carolina has to tell these slave victims the truth and release them from jail. The fathers and mothers are victims of crimes, all of them, forced into slave labor by criminals, and finally worse of all, several were murdered. Mastermind Attorney John Magera, had to factor murder into an Excel spreadsheet that mapped out the math down to the precision of selective murder based on the survival of the fittest. If you call John Mageras voice mail, an attorneys voice will tell you that Mr. Magera has retired. Here is his direct dial, see for yourself 843-953-9712. Lawyers do not retire at age 45, not when you are only paid $59,000 a year as a class two state lawyer. South Carolina had to make Magera disappear as well. The mob retired him for us. Throwing inmates back into jail for another year after 30 days of not finding a job at the homeless shelter a news story on Sheriff Cannons jail in the Washington Times in April of 2003, quoted Keith Novak, chief deputy of the Sheriff Cannon jail as saying The childsupport inmates are notorious for recidivism. It's a revolving door." Then Judge Garfinkel was quoted, "Here, it's pay or be incarcerated.," The article says, This no-nonsense attitude, backed up by a dedicated law-enforcement staff and a computer system that keeps close track of childsupport debts, means there's a steady stream of fathers jamming into the Charleston County Detention Center. We now know that this computer system maximized profits using murder as a variable, it had its own column in the spreadsheet. It is crime hiding in plain sight. ( The federal government knows, they wrote a report about it In August of 2003, the federal government published a report on Sherriff Cannons jail saying that too many inmates are jailed without cause. From speeding tickets to parking tickets to dead broke fathers, the report stated, The county also should stop jailing people for failing to pay child support. Offenders should instead be placed in work-release or similar programs. The report criticized the county for using incarceration as a "debtor's prison" for child support cases. There was no way that Cannon was going to stop his gravy train of dirty money, as too many people were on the dole. (

200 to 250 deadbeat slaves was the accuracy level An article dated April of 2003 in the Post and Courier, states, At the Charleston County Detention Center a jail at more than twice its capacity about 250 inmates, or 18 percent of the population, are serving sentences for failing to pay child support, says detention officer Lt. Bernard Keyes. Once released, many of those prisoners wind up back in jail. ( We were not prisoners; we were mom and dad and we were victims of crime and murder. Another death by bath towel In 2006, at the height of the killing, an inmate by the name of James Arthur Washington, age 20, was discovered by the guards on the floor with a bath towel around his neck. ( He was obviously murdered by artery pinching passed out as death by bath towel. Head smashing again In July of 2004, a Post and Courier article described an inmate that died from head smashing, but the death was blamed on another inmate in a solitary confinement punishment cell, but those cells are only made for one inmate, there is only one bunk in each cell. They cant team up vicious killers together. It is called solitary for a reason. You are alone. This person was murdered, obviously. (

Caption: The jails two hospital ward rooms. There are only two. Two inmates have been killed from rolling out of these killer beds. Both their skulls were bashed in forming a pool of blood on the floor. Their family pulling the plug of life support a week later, never recovering from brain death and coma. The guards killed these men by repeatedly smashing their skulls down onto hard concrete, until the instant trauma swelled the brain to maximum size, then it died because it could not get out of their skull. It only takes a few minutes of constant impact at one main spot to kill you. The coroner declares death from rolling off a 6 inch high cot in the infirmary. The inmates father wanted to know where all the blood came from that covered the emergency room sheets. This story is one of the murders, it will scare you be careful.(


Execution for smoking pot In July of 2003, inmate Ronald Wesley Risher, age 39, was jailed for smoking pot and he paid for it with his life. Risher was murdered with head smashing. Cannons Chief Deputy Keith Novak, who runs the jail, said Risher had at least one contusion on his head. ( Deputy Coroner Judy Koelpin said she found no evidence that Risher was beaten or injured by another person. She said the most likely cause of his fatal injury was a fall from a cot in the jail's infirmary. Risher's father, Gerald Risher of Alabama, remained unconvinced that such a fall could have caused the injuries he saw on his son. The back of his son's head looked like it had been clubbed, he said. ( "This will haunt me to my grave," he said. This is called head smashing. If done correctly, there is no detectible evidence, no bleeding, and the coroner will say whatever the guards wanted them to say, obviously. Death by group vote In March of 2003, under intense pressure by the county of Charleston to lower the annual jail medical cost down from a high of $3.2 million a year, meant someone is not going to get medical care any longer, fate fell on inmate Leon Jones , who died of heart failure because medical refused to provide health care for his diabetes. Just no care at all. That is the only way to lower medical care in a jail. They dont give much in the first place anyway. A report stated 17 violations that resulted in his death. The only way to reduce a health care bill, is to not provide care. That lowers the cost. They had to decide who was going to die first. It was decided as a group, because they all let him die as they walked back and forth around him until he was dead. ( One week before my arrival, an inmate in the next cell died from an infected bladder. The inmate should have been in the hospital. Medical had to do a group death vote on him too. A guard yelled into his cell and gave a command to exit. Ignored the guard got a tag team of three huge men with riot gear, to do a cell extraction with nerve gas first. They found him dead on his bunk.


Hypothermia until brain dead or heart attack

Caption: Cold Cell 1613. Highly refrigerated air blasting at 45 degrees from large vents 230% larger than regular vents. Inside the of sealed air tomb of death, your body can no longer stay alive. You are locked in, no way out, in nine hours you will be dead. And they will say you had a seizure and just died.

In April of 2000, inmate Jerome Reed, age 23, was killed in Cannons hypothermic death chamber in the booking area, the infamous cold cell 1613, but the guards said he died from a seizure. No one dies from a seizure, how many people do you know that just all of a sudden had a seizure and dropped dead. The answer is no one. Seizures are the jails most common excuse to cover murder. Charleston County Deputy Coroner Bobbi Jo O'Neal said the cause of death was unknown. Hypothermia is the perfect murder because there is no way to determine cause of death, the inmate is just cold and dead. Jerome Reed was murdered for driving on a suspended license. ( Fastest suicide in history In April of 2001, guards checked on inmate Ashley Edward Reynolds while doing the rounds in solitary confinement, but seven minutes later they found Reynolds dead from hanging himself with a bed sheet. There are no bed sheets in Cannons jail, just a wool blanket; it is not a hotel with sheets. They could not have gotten him down as there is no place to hang a bed sheet anywhere in the cell. Do you think they just put hooks all over the place, duh. The article quoted, A guard had checked on Reynolds at 7:05 p.m., but while on rounds about seven minutes later, he found Reynolds hanging from a bed sheet and mattress cover. The guard went into the cell, got him down and started CPR, Lucas said. Reynolds was murdered by artery pinching. ( Getting caught killing is not good In March of 1999, a guard plead guilty to a crime of beating an inmate almost to death. The guards strapped inmate Kelly Lewis to a punishment chair with his arms, legs, and body rendered immobile by leather straps, and then the guards beat him almost to death with steel rods. This happens all the time, it happened all around me for 78 days, I attacked a guard to get

him to stop killing a guy in the cell next to me, he punished me and it is in the record for you to see, I saved a mans life, it was worth it. ( Dont get caught 2 This guard is so stupid he beat an inmate right in full view of the camera. This made national news. Last year in August of 2010 an article describes a video tape of an inmate with his hands handcuffed behind his back, while the guard violently struck the inmates legs 25 times in the shins with a steel club until his leg was broken. After it was broken, he kept hitting and hitting. This is the face of evil. The guards beat inmates all the time. The public has no idea what goes on. ( They murder before even getting to the jail One of the child support fathers was a young but very large black man, the four sheriff deputies, that grab you and hoist up in the air, slammed this young man against the wall, and the coroner gave the right reason of death, his arteries on either side of his neck had been pinched close until his brain died. This story I got from your newspaper. I found six murders in Cannons jail since 2001, just from your articles are the starting point of my getting the real story from the inmates. The sheriff in Richland, murdered an inmate in his hypothermic torture chamber in 2003, just like Cannon built in his jail in 1994. Those two copied it from the Charleston Navy Brig built in 1983. The inmate died the second most painful death next to burning by fire. He froze to death when it was 100 degrees outside. He was murdered by the air conditioner. Just like they have in the Charleston Navy brig, and the Quantico Navy Brig, and in Georgia where a sheriff is in prison for torturing his inmate in his hypothermic torture chamber and almost killed him. The DOJ Civil Rights Division just released a stern summary letter of the torture and murder in the Miami/Dade jail, of which the whole ninth floor, the punishment cell block was one big hypothermic torture chamber cooled to a constant 20 degrees below room temperatures. In 2003, they found an inmate under his bunk, dead from hypothermia. The inmate Washington articles backing up the above story ( ( ( Other Sheriffs All Over the Country Murder Citizens as Well 100 miles away from Sheriff Cannon is the state capital of Columbia, in Richland County. The sheriff there murdered an inmate with hypothermia in his built in hypothermic death chamber in 2003. Two others were murdered, one death by bath towel, and second hanging by shoe laces. They dont give you shoes to wear because you might hang yourself with the laces. They only give you shower shoes, like flip-flops. There are no laces. ( Miami, Florida, Article February 2006 Death by air conditioner in hot Miami/Dade jail


Authorities are investigating the death of a mentally ill Miami-Dade jail inmate found in his cell with a body temperature nearly 20 degrees below normal, according to police and jail documents. Willie Daniels died in the emergency surgery room at Ryder Trauma Center at Jackson Memorial Hospital on Jan. 29. His core temperature was 79 degrees, according to a police report. We are extremely concerned that Mr. Daniels, one of our clients, died in the mental health floor of the county jail, apparently of hypothermia,'' MiamiDade Public Defender Bennett Brummer said.

Here is the article on the death: ( The DOJ report letter states, The floors are often cold, as the poor circulation of the wings air conditioner traps the cold air in the cells causing the temperature in the cells to drop as much as 20 degrees below room temperature. This is on page twelve of the DOJ report letter. ( The letter is penned Thomas E. Perez, Assistant Attorney General, United States. The Miami/Dade jail had eight murders by bath towel from 2007 to 2011. They were all found hanging by their necks by bed sheets. They dont have bed sheets in a jail, only a blanket; it is not a hotel with sheets. These eight men were murdered by artery pinching. 2011 The DOJ publishes full rebuke of torture and murder in the Miami/Dade jail. The DOJ stated in the letter:
"We conclude that that there is a pattern and practice of constitutional violations in the correctional facilities operated by the MDCR, and as a result of the unconstitutional operation of the Jail, prisoners suffer grievous harm, including death."

The files for the DOJ report on Miami/Dade: ( Here is the DOJ press release of the letter: ( The Miami Harold The Miami Harold ran headlines, A Federal review blasts Constitutional violations in Miami jail system, The U.S. Dept. of Justice said the corrections department has a pattern and practice of violating the rights of inmates. Full articles: ( ( Sheriff Cannon is not alone


Sheriff Cannon is not alone, in killing innocent people. Chicago, St. Louis, Washington, Colorado, San Francisco. There is a table of death as they call it, was created by a unsavory doctor of Hitler in a concentration torture camp, that killed 100 people with the cold, and measured the temperature at death, to see how low a soldier can withstand in the western front. This became the single most important source of medical information on hypothermia and is adopted worldwide. Doctors wont take a patient below 96 degrees in therapeutic surgery because that is where people start to die. In extreme save your life applications they will go down to 91. Sheriff Cannon lowered my body temperature to 84 degrees. I was locked in Sheriff Cannons single hypothermic death chamber, called Cold Cell 1613 for three days. It has specially designed refrigerator vents 230% larger then a regular vent, to blast 45 degree airs down on me, and in nine hours I was dead. At 3:30am in the morning of my second day locked in the death chamber, nurse, Cassandra Goodyear, looked up to the guard and said shit he is dead. The Three Headed Beast Took Me Out Because I Blew the Whistle on Them John Magera and Judge Garfinkel, took a hit out on me, just like the doctor. If they have no problem taking out their own man Garfinkel, they sure as hell had no problem, taking out me. When I discovered the three headed beast, I reported it to Governor Mark Sanford in Columbia, and to Senators Graham and Senator DeMint. Governor Sanford sent my stuff to John Magera down in Charleston, who then he did the hit himself. The very minute I walked in the jail, they shoved me head first into the hypothermic death chamber and locked me in for three days, with no food, no water, no toilet paper, no blanket, no pad to sleep on, because they did not need it, because I was dead. To skip a lot of medical terms that can come out later, the science behind hypothermia is quite fascinating. The human body can hibernate just like a bear. But the hibernation is actually death, and no machine made by man can detect which body is dead and cold and which is hypothermic and cold. For 24 hours there was no life in my body. Just preserved tissue and blood. The coroners have a joke that the only way to find out which one of two dead cold bodies is hypothermic, is to warm both to room temperature and see which one gets up and off the gurney. You can call the coroner yourself. I was dead and lifeless for 24 hours. These people are evil. It is right under our nose and we cant see it, because we dont look or listen. Go back to your archives and search using the word jail. All the suicides by bath towel. These people were murdered. The guy in the cell next to me was murdered. I was murdered. The day before I was murdered they murdered another guy and a few days before another and it is in your paper, there were four dead inmates around my date of my murder. I was jailed and murdered on April 3rd, 2006. I was dead body number four that would send off alarm bells that certain parties did not want to ever ring. They left my body on the concrete floor, dead, for another 24 hours. I was stored in the meat locker like a steak in the fridge. They had to stagger the days of the dead inmates. I was in a queue of dead bodies. I have the whole jail log confirming my location inside the death chamber for three days. The second day, nurse Cassandra Goodyear entered into the log that she checked on me and recorded that I remain in a locked in torture chamber for another 24 hours, with no one to enter the chamber.

Sheriff Cannon is a sick twisted evil demon from hell. It is that bad. They use crime and murder as their business model to make profit. They murder for profit. The complicated math, that state attorney John Magera had to do, to keep a constant number of fathers that have no money between 200 and 250, all because the sheriff promised workers on a schedule that is confirmed four weeks in advance, with other criminals, whose trucks are unloaded, and never reported. It is a crime syndicate and it is coming apart, because I am the one bringing it down. Spooky Ghost I am a spooky ghost come back to life to haunt my killers, good grief, it is bad, just evil stuff. But it is only evil, and we have to be calm and then attack and run the evil off our shores. The US Supreme Court are the ones that killed the beast in one stroke of their pens, by declaring all 50 family court judges, as guilty criminals, wide open to suit, with no appeal. That took away $100 million dollars of profit to all 48 sheriffs who were running their own crime syndicate in their own county, because they all copied Charleston, as they always do on anything in South Carolina, I lived there for five years. And the US Supreme Court took out all 48 of their operations with one signature of their pens. That returns $50 million dollars back to the tax base, and makes the total take $150 million dollars a year. Thats has got to hurt a lot of people. It is over It is over. The South Carolina Supreme Court is trying to find the right time and excuses to minimize the financial slaughter of 30,000 fathers, once former slaves in jail illegally, are going to feed out of the state treasury for a decade. Their liability insurance does not cover crimes, not when the US Supreme Court says so. It is going to be a litigation feeding on hell, literally. 30,000 former slaves, a slew of murdered fathers, and I are going to liquidate the State of South Carolina. The state owns 100 billion dollars of forest lands about half the size of the state that no one knows about. It was purchased with old confederate money that was left over in 2004 when International Paper sold all their land in the Southeastern part of the nation, and the states had first pick. South Carolina picked up several thousand parcels, but most was contained in two large plots of prime forest land. That is how judge Garfinkel is going to be the single most expensive civil servant that has ever lived on earth. The doctor may put him in prison, but I am the one he killed. I turned into a spooky ghost after all. I have all the murdered inmates in my files. I am the lead plaintiff, with the most injuries, and murdered innocent fathers, followed by 30,000 fathers, all seeking a rebalancing of the scales of justice to the tare position. And there would be absolutely no ill effect on the citizens; they dont even know it is there to begin with. This stuff will scare people to death, could cause panic I am not telling you this because I want to see a story in the newspaper. This is way higher a level than that. I am laying down a paper trial in the right order for public examination at a later more important date. I am not hiding anything, I am not asking for your privacy, take no risk on my part, all this is on Facebook, but I just think that you would want to know something is happening so you can recognize it as it happens and then report it then. I want you to have time to check into everything I have said. You can read the rape story of mother Mary, Cannon throws

innocent mothers into cells with rapist thugs for three hour until the mother is removed by stretcher covered in blood. Her story is in your paper; you guys reported and missed it. That is how women are punished. Conclusion Lastly, I dont know if you guys are bad too. I dont know all the bad guys, just most of them. So, I take a risk. I like risk and evil, as I know what to do. And I am doing it now. These people followed me to the airport and stayed until they saw the plane take off with me in it. I had to sign a contract with Judge Garfinkel and John Magera as the negotiators and signers of my contract for the release of my body after 78 days of negotiations, where I had to agree to move to North Carolina and never return and I could not sue anyone. This is why I had a state car parked out my front door 24/7. John Magera switched his armed guards to machine guns at his office door. If you go out right now to the secret hidden DSS storm trooper office, you will find a locked door with a guard holding a machine gun inside the door. My picture was posted at all the DSS offices with order to shot on sight based on the picture on the wall. Armed and dangerous. Kill him. I was on the 11 oclock news as a runaway fugitive master deadbeat dad, eluding capture, shoot at will. My picture was printed on pizza boxes. I was never in arrears. I had busted the whole operation using people inside the bowels of government branches, the good people, there are a lot of them. No one ever came up to my front door to even ask a single question because I was not doing anything wrong. Had no guns, no bombs, no racin anywhere. No 96 hour involuntary psychotic evaluations, obviously. I adopted non-violence in the tenth grade and lived my life by it. I have no criminal record because I dont do crime. I am a crime fighter. John Magera told my family pastor, You go tell Mr. Bardes he is fucked. It was like the Godfather movie with the bad guy telling the priest during confessions of coming murders. These are evil people. We have to take them down, it is our obligation to our children that we get this crap off our shores. If there is an ethical ruler in journalism please slide it to hero level. You will be credited with saving the lives of your subscribers. My Ultimate Capture, Most Wanted Captured of South Carolina As the net of thugs found me and circled me for the final kill, I was warned the Friday before my death, by the court watchers, that John Magera, had personally called Judge Garfinkel to ask to rearrange his afternoon on the 3rd at the 3:00pm slot. John Magera then emailed me my death notice, that the hearing time had been changed to 3:00 and not 3:30. I knew in advance that I was going to be killed. So I planned to use my dead body in a jail where my family would turn over every rock with fleets of lawyers from out of state. They would uncover the evidence that I left for them. I mailed a CD-Rom off all the evidence to my family and one to the FBI saying by the time they get this, I will be dead, and enclosed is why. I left two bags of evidence with my doctor for protection until my family could pick it up after I was dead. I saw no reason to do the dishes. I then got dressed up in my Sunday best, drove two hours to my death, did not put anything into the parking meter as I was never going to see that vehicle again, I brushed off the lint on my blue blazer, to stop the killing of moms and dads in jail, and I walked straight into the front door of hell. Into the killing fields of South Carolina. Nine hours later I was dead, with a body temperature of 84 degrees and I was pronounced dead by a registered nurse and two sheriff deputies. I got taken out. Without delay.

Artery Pinching in Plain Sight A young but rather large black father was grabbed in family court, for his turn in Cannons slave pool. But he had a fatal flaw that cost him his life, he was diabetic, and that meant huge medical cost and no work at all, so he was filler that the sheriff does not want. The four sheriffs deputies murdered him in the bowels of the court house, shortly after he told the guards of his medical condition. The father was wrapped in body chains, but deputies claimed he become violent and was throwing chairs, so they subdued him by all four jumping on him at the same time, they slammed him against the wall, and he gasped for air to stay alive, but the deputies pinched both of his arteries quickly killing him until he stopped resisting arrest, and was dead. The four deputies were fully exonerated of any wrong doing. The article for his story published the following narrative:
After several minutes of struggle, Walters was leaned against a wall, where he passed out. Efforts to revive him failed. An autopsy found that blood flow in Walters' neck area was impeded. The cause of death was listed as "asphyxia due to positioning." Both the coroner's and sheriff's offices said they found no evidence of excessive force by officers. "What we found to be very troubling is that the medical examiner found marks on both sides of his neck," Ling said. "Witnesses have indicated that an officer put his knee on (Walters') back and before his death he complained he couldn't breathe."

The support articles for above: ( ( ( I dont think I am going to write any more of this to you for awhile. I need you to go to your own archives and pull out all of the jail deaths and use the glasses I just gave you to come to your own conclusions. I stopped at six, and three in Richland. If you use the math, which you can do your own, the total number of murdered inmates, mostly indigent fathers, from 2001 to present should tally 40 murdered fathers, illegally jailed. There are two decades before that to tally the ultimate mortality. It is without question, the largest mass killing of the citizens, by criminal syndicates of crooked civil servants that generated one billion dollars of revenue, and a half a billion dollars to the tax base, all for personal greed and profit, in only one of the three decades of the existence of the Charleston Triad. Where murder had its own column in an Excel spreadsheet. And they murdered me. I am actually the spooky ghosts after all. You will see the murders in your own words. There is not that much to prove. Now you will see the whole thing unravel before your very eyes, because I gave you a tour of hell, a place you can never go, that is to the killing fields of South Carolina. Scattered just so a century and a half before, by black men disappearing into the house and into thin air. Be good, and safe. I sure hope to hell you are one of the good guys. They are hard to find.

My federal case was Bardes v. Magera (2:08-487-PMD-RSC) Best regards, David A. Bardes, Sui Juris {end} My Tour of Hell, April 3, 2006 101. This report gives you so much information that I can save time by not going over any of it in detail. I also am not going to go into the rest of my story only to say that when the guards found me, they dragged my mat with me on it out of the cell block and away from the cameras and they beat me bloody, they did head smashing on me, but my frozen brain did not swell because it was not on and cold. I never felt the repeated tazors, as I was almost dead as it was. I was finally strapped into a wheel chair and taken to the fourth floor hospital. The medical staff made a group decision to not take me to the hospital because I was not going to make it that far. My temperature ten hours out of the cold was only 88 degrees. They locked me in the suicide watch room to deny me the telephone and my glasses, They laid me on the floor as I could not stand or walk, I did not know who I was, my heart was pounding so violently that my chest lifted up and down, my body was convulsing with muscle spasms, I had no feeling below the waist, my arms would not move, my left eyelid would not stay open, and they did not get me to the hospital, I had no fluids in five days. The next day when I was not dead yet, the nursing staff panicked because I might live, so they all signed a medical refusal form saying that I was the one that turned down emergency medical care. I could not even grasp the pen they wanted me to sign their documents with. The head nurse signed it twice she was so freaked out, even a guard signed it, and they wanted legal protection at risk of detection. I have a death warrant with five signatures on it.


102. After 11 days I was able to stand and walk, so they released me to the medical cell block for the entire 78 days except for 2 days in the general population block, where I was being punished for attacking a guard that was killing the guy in the cell next to me. Once the medical staff found out where I was, they transferred me back to the medical cell block. I was rejected by the sheriffs slave labor gangs because medical would not release me. I could not defecate for 23 days. I had to remove stool with my fingers to relieve the pressure. It was a bloody affair. All my knowledge on insurance had been completely wiped from my brain, I had little bit, but all my computer programming knowledge was gone, tens of thousands of lines of computer code and calls. My deaf mute lunatic cell mate taught me signing, sign language, and sign writing. The physical requirements of the hand motions and the alphabet brought back the written word. I had little of my childhood, could not remember my mother. I had to ask my family if I was married or if I had children. Roughly 50% of my lifes memories had been wiped clean from my head. My body was physically disabled. I had a hard time listening to someone speak and I had a hard time getting out what I wanted to say.

103. It took my family 78 days to negotiate for my release. I had to sign a contract saying I would leave the state of South Carolina and never return that I could not sue anyone. My family paid a negotiated ransom. I was followed to the airport and was watched boarding the plane. They would not let me buy a bus ticket or rent a car. They wanted me gone. I left.


End of My Story for Now 104. There is of course, more that happened after and before, but it is not needed right now, I dont think. I will only mention that before all of this happened, I had a thriving small business that won South Carolina Small Business of the Year awards two years running, the third year Vice President Dick Cheney was putting the Republican Gold medal over my neck at the Capitol Hill Club in DC, it is the parties highest honor to a small business owner, while at the same time, the State of South Carolina was liquidating my entire company and my life, and then when all was seized and gone, they wiped me off the financial grid so badly that I will never recover. I was hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt. My company was leveraged like all companies are at start up, and when South Carolina trashed my name to all three credit report companies and to Dun and Bradstreet, it was all over. All working capital was shut down and called. Creditors rushed in for the kill. It was a race to seize anything close to collateral. It was ugly. After nine months I was living in my van, when the van was seized, I lived in tents.


105. These were my tents at Camp David. You have to do what you can to survive. No point in complaining. I will leave my story at the tents. As far as the law goes I think I have presented enough to make the leap of faith across the canyon of truth, if not, then I can keep on going with my sad story, it gets much worse for a long time.

Back to the first question of the lawsuit 106. To ask the question, I have to state that my hands are clean, and I come in good faith, and my intentions with this lawsuit are lined up with the truth, so I get down on my knees, and then down on the ground, and I press my face into the dirt of the floor, and I turn my head up to you, and humbly ask, Is all that bad stuff that happened to me in South Carolina, was it a violation of my constitutional rights?



PART II 107. If the answer to the first question was yes, then can I, we, move towards to what we know will be a monumental task, and it will require time and resources, and will take years, but it is very doable, it is just math, so, can we as victims, bring the bad guys to civil trial and attempt to rebalance the scales of justice to the tare position of precise balance? And try to get our goo back?

Standard of Care, Duty to Act 108. I conduct my life based on the truth that I have a duty of care, a responsibility to act correctly, and to adhere to the rule of law. I have the full expectation that my government will do the same, but to an even higher standard. There is a trust, a trust of the public, a trust that becomes public money that must be treated with a reverence that a pastor would care for the tithes of his congregation, it is holy money. What I have experienced firsthand for the past eight years, to death itself, of which I am still fully burdened, to the point of disability and indigence, is inexcusable, it is just stealing, thievery, robbery, murder, torture, discrimination, racketeering, and it is all over the place. Did we just all wake up one morning and start stealing money out of each others pockets? Murder for profit? And the FBI wont do anything because they are the leaders of the criminal enterprise? 10,000 lawyers at the DOJ? None of them will put their email addresses on their website, and the phone operator wont even give you their name, by policy. What do 10,000 lawyers do all day? Do they ever publish something of value that we can see and read? 60,000 employees at the SSA, and none thought that what they do, is a criminal scheme, artifice to defraud, to paying money to the sheriff to jail me, torture me, then murder me. And no one up there even thought that they should look at their own duties each day,

on top of their own desks, to measure with a ruler to not kill, to adhere to a duty of care of at least some standard. I have come too far, lost too much, lost what I can never have returned, buried too many people that have helped me, I have the right to give no quarter and hold no prisoner, with a scorched earth policy in dealing with crooked civil servants that murder us for profit and personal gain.

Naming Defendants 109. Entities and individuals named as defendants: I. Federal government: a. The US Department of Justice b. The US Courts (limited to two judges in Charleston, SC) c. The Social Security Administration d. Individual civil servants associated or directly involved in violations and allegations II. State of North Carolina, South Carolina, and Pennsylvania: a. State Department of Social Services b. State courts, family court, and general jurisdiction c. The county and county leaders, the sheriff and the sheriffs department d. Individual civil servants associated or directly involved in violations and allegations III. Private Entities and individuals: a. Certain named law firms and staff b. The medical providers in jails c. Individuals associated or directly involved in violations and allegations


110. Repeating table of content item : E) APPLICABLE LAWS BROKEN It is alleged that laws were broken and that allow civil remedies in federal court, fall among these issues, but are not limited to:

a. Civil Rights, conspiracy and collusion to same. b. Fraud, conspiracy and collusion to defraud. c. Racketeering for profit and gain. d. Abuse of mentally ill for profit and gain e. Peonage for profit and gain. f. Torture and murder for profit and gain.

111. Enumeration of events of my story and the applicable legal basis injury: 1. Liquidated my business 2. Seized everything I owned 3. Wiped me permanently off the financial grid 4. Hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt, under indigence. 5. Labeled a worse criminal than Osama Bin Laden, I was a deadbeat dad 6. Hunted down like an animal, shoot on sight orders with machine guns 7. Family court lying in wait for the kill 8. Cast into the depths of prison 9. Immediately tortured and executed. 10. Attempted to kill me a second time. 11. Attempted to kill me a third time. 12. Never had jurisdiction over me and never was in arrears in the first place 13. Got kicked out the state 14. Filed a lawsuit claiming my rights to stay live were revoked 15. The US Attorney in Charleston mailed back my unopened envelope of evidence of murder for profit because my federal magistrate told him to not open it and send it back unopened. 16. My lawsuit was denied by the US Supreme Court, but Turners case won, so did I then too, based on the math.

17. A whole bunch of good things happened, too many to list right now. 18. I am here typing this line now, I am getting the lawsuit ready to file. 19. I will deliver it to the courthouse in Greensboro. 20. I will fall to my knees and beg for mercy from the court, as I need their big bag of laws and their golden pen from God, to do some law math on the bad guys. And make the victims whole and just, to not live in constant fear of their government, to let them stay alive in the United States, forever, to declare freedom day for all the citizens. You get to stay alive in the United States. We can get rid of all 18 safety nets and replace them with just one, at the very bottom, and that is that the citizens of our nation, will pay to keep you alive and not die, while living in the United States. Luxuries are yours to buy; we just provide substantial life support. As it stands now we are paying five civil servants to earn a living off of denying benefits to one indigent person. There are no safety nets at the bottom, not one. It is a backwards. You have to find a charity to keep you stay alive.

Commonality of Class Injuries 112. A jailed indigent has some common injuries. I want to show the judge that the events are easy to spot and easy to measure the losses, they are eerily all the same. 1. Forcibly being made indigent and kept that way with no way out. 2. Being wiped off the financial grid. If a boss asks for your Social Security number and they run it, they wont hire you, so you cant get a job. Good luck with insurance, if they dont triple the premiums when you submit your Social Security number. 3. Had disability benefits fraudulently denied for years that created the whole mess in the first place. 4. Being labeled worse than Hitler, youre a deadbeat dad and mom. 5. Then thrown repeatedly into jail and slave labor. 6. 20 million people earn a living abusing us all day long and everywhere we go when we get out. 7. Torture and murder. 8. A local judge to dismiss the murder case, as death by bath towel. 9. Federal Judges social friends are all your defendants, so forget it. 10. Enough for now, these cover almost everything, if something needs to be added, I will ask the judge politely and give a good cause. It is up to him.


Definition of My Defendants 113. To define my defendants and the John Does, I would say all civil servants and private companies and individuals that have or had anything to do with, or refused to do their jobs when advised of the things going on, and of the events and consequences of and around the fallout from the US Supreme Court ruling in Turner v. Rogers, and to the application of cold cell torture and murder anywhere in the United States by any entity corporate, public, human, or divine. And lastly just a few personal people or entities that have proven particularly cruel and damaging to me in all of this mess, and the same goes for each other plaintiff in this case, if the judge buys in, of course.

Permission Only Addition of Defendants 114. I dont know if this can be done, but Ill give it a shot. To add a layer of sanity to this lawsuit, I would like to make a good case to the judge and then get their permission to add a defendant, this keeps me and any others from going on a pro se witch hunt, even though I will admit I want to. There should be some logic to connect the actors. I trust the math in the judges head, it beats mine, and I need his big bag of laws too. Therefore, below is my partial wish list.

Suing Two Federal Judges 115. When I analyzed the US Courts, I discovered the judges run the place; they are the bosses, and the rule by committee. It is brilliant; no one can get into the place and corrupt it up into goo. So, I will follow the correct procedure to petition the body politic to allow a private action to fall on two of their own, because I hate to have to say it, I found two that are responsible for the murder of Charlie Mercer. I gave these judges all the evidence of the killing and they said killing


is okay with them, no problem. A year later, they killed Charlie Mercer, they are criminals, thugs parading as our nations most prized possessions. I have a duty to act correctly. I am sorry for that; I wish it not be true. But I have to apply the same standards of conduct and duty to all civil servants equally, so they are in.

State Family Court Judges 116. Only the ones that have violated the list of four items the Turner case declared and they jailed indigents to earn a living committing crimes daily. No need to address any other issues with the judges or of family court, just the jailing. That takes down almost all 55 family court judges in South Carolina. Ouch.

States 117. Personally for me, are Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and South Carolina. Others will be all 50 states and other places we own. Then you have each county, so South Carolina has 48, add them up. Add State Medicaid office. Not suing sitting governors, dont want to go anywhere near the legal pariah of social services, not trying to take down family court, though it would be nice.

Federal Government 118. My only interaction has been with the DOJ and the SSA, only, that I can remember. I have no beef beyond the gray hairs that run these outfits. Others may need HHS, or other social services child support types. But not suing the President, or anyone else they has nothing to do


with this mess. I am leaving the US Attorney General out of this; there have and will be several that pass by all of this mess. I just want the immediate and direct principals only.

Social Security Administration (SSA) 119. The SSA is included for three areas of injuries. They are: 1) The SSA requires the states to wipe people off the financial grid and seize all property, and then jail and torture them to death, because if they dont obey those laws they wont receive hundreds of millions of dollars in free goo each year. The Title IV-D laws also mandate that the states cancel our drivers licenses without telling us, so we get pulled over and hauled off to jail. When my drivers license was cancelled I had no idea. Was I to learn by osmosis? Next, they cancelled my professional licenses. No more ten million dollar business, have to fire two employees today, and I could not drive to the grocery store. I mean, what is the point of all this, you cant do this stuff to any human beings anywhere. It just kills people. It is just abuse, it is evil. The SS storm trooper laws require the states to take away drivers licenses and revoke professional licenses and to permanently destroy your credit rating for eternity. It is crime hiding in plain sight. The IRS does not do this stuff because it was already vetted out in the courts as illegal a long time ago. When the law says crime is the law, it ceases being the law, that is how the law math works. It is a crime.

2) Worse than above, I found out that my sheriff is getting $110,000 a year to illegally house 250 dead broke slaves who are now victims of crimes, and to torture and murder them for profit. It says right on the proposed and approved 2012 county budget. The sheriff labeled it Title IV-D grants to states to keep electronic records. It is a crime to pay the money to have someone


murdered. The sheriff cannot use this money in any fashion anyway, it is illegal for him to be accepting it, and certainly not to make illegal profit and gain, off the victimizing of the innocents. The SSA paid to have me murdered. That is not good.

3) Lastly, I have been denied my Social Security disability benefits for five years. They claim I do not have a psychological illness from being tortured and murdered. I am cured, thank you. The SSA is backlogged 900,000 times my story. They have set up an elaborate scam, with fake judges that are just employees on salary, and then they created a fake appeals board in Virginia, and then they pay fake lawyers fees in the form of a secret 25% bonus to the fake law firms that are really just advocates in disguise as a law firm, to all play make believe litigation for year after year, filing fake motions, having fake hearings, getting fake court ordered denials. The cost of this charade is only a third of the cost of paying claims, and the SSA pays everyone to do it for an eternity. I have been in the insurance disability business for 25 years; I know all the scams very well. The insurance industry is 40% crime, so do not be disturbed when I show you the SSA doing it to. They just deny, delay, until you die or just go away. The average length of a disability at my age of 48, is 3 years. So, the SSA just delays until you are no longer disabled. The once great Unum insurance company never recovered from the fallout when it was revealed that the underwriters just denied a random 25% of all incoming disability claims. The SSA denies 70% of incoming claims. This comes from a lawyers TV commercial, you can view for yourself. A report on their website says the way to ease the backlog is to hire another 1,000 fake judges, so they can build a whole case load of fake protracted litigation from hell. It is a growing malignant tumor of crooked civil servants stealing money from us using crime as their business model.


120. The problem is 16,000 citizens are killed each year from dying for a lack of being able to keep themselves alive while dying for their disability benefits. In 2008, Oregon resident Sharyn Hames, age 43, after being stuck in an endless loop of denials and delay waiting for her disability benefits for four years, took a gun and blew her head off. After receiving her death certificate from her bereaved husband, the SSA agreed to pay her benefits, minus one year of benefits they negotiated off the top. I guess she was mentally ill after all, at least they admitted it. The article is at my website. For some unknown reason from God, I have become the defacto standard bearer in trying to get the civil servants to stop killing all of us for profit and personal gain. We create economic security for many off the murders of ourselves.

121. My disability fake judge that mailed me a fake court order denying my claims said in his letter, The claimant also claims mental limitations, but can write lengthy statements, showing no mental limitations. I am cured, I am healed, I thought all that trauma to my body and mind was nothing but vapor. I assume this moron is not a doctor because he just committed a crime that can put him in prison; he cant give medical diagnosis, he has no license to practice medicine, not in writing and not to a mentally ill innocent citizen to boot. The three page order of denial tells me I can file a complaint with the fake appeals board in Virginia, and then when they are done abusing me for six months, it goes right back to the same fake judge where he gets even more venom against you, and slams you harder the next time, then back to the appeals board. And a fake law firm shuffles all the unnecessary paperwork for months, pleading bogus crap that has no meaning. It goes on for years, I am in year five, and this moron says I am obviously not depressed about being murdered; I am lying and must be investigated for perjury by the OIG. It


does not end until you do, by death, self rehabilitation, or return to work, oh well, never mind. It is a curricular rouse, a sham, and yes, I hate to have to say it again but I must, it is a racket in the perfect sense of the word. And they kill in masses. If they just pay the claims the backlog disappears and the whole building of people gearing up for a big effort to budge the backlog of 900,000 constantly denied claims, in a deny, delay, and die business model of evil, can all go away and not be needed by just paying the claims as promised and evidenced in the law. Good grief.

County 122. In South Carolina, for me, only Charleston County applies. Just the Sheriff and the Office of the Sheriff and county board leaders, none others needed, I think. Only individual guards, deputies, or police, that had a direct connection to my greatest injuries. I am not going near the dirty cop issues, there are good cops and bad cops, and it is a mix, as is everything. Alamance County in North Carolina and Montgomery County in Pennsylvania, and all the same so connected parties like in South Carolina.

Federal Legislature 123. My personal senator, Senator Richard Burr, has been fully advised of the urgency of these issues, and I have even spoken with his staff, but he is a coward and does not want the dirt on his hands, so the last scene of that play ended. I have a duty to run him out of office as a failure needing replacement posthaste. We have no time for cowardice. Senator Burr is also a fraternity brother, and to sue a brother I have to petition the Supreme Executive Committee of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity. I took an oath at age 19, and I keep my oaths. I have made that formal request,


if approved; I then go to the judge to get his sign off. In the meantime, we are mounting a campaign to throw the bum out, and get someone that will vote to not kill us or our kids.

Racial, Political, Religious and Gender Issues 124. A disproportionally burdened metric is black men, and so will our class. They share five commonalities in jail; they are young, male, black, indigent, and illiterate. This was common among 200 black guys in a block with four white guys, me being one, my nickname was the white guy. One meal I had seventeen pieces of white bread from all the guys that owed me favors. They said I was like Andy Dupree on the Shawshank Redemption movie. To bring in religion, I was voted the president of hell by the demons. We manufacture black crime because 30 million jobs depend on it. Crime rates go down, but volume gains a hefty 10% each year. Black crime is booming business. Everyones pension relies on a steady supply of new criminals to replace the ones that retire each year. I am not taking on this issue in this lawsuit. It needs its own event later. I am writing a book about it, so later to all that stuff. Religious issues are zero. Politics nowhere. I draw no gender distinctions because both are victims, disproportionally to men in an 80/20 ratio, which is a very high female amount, so there are just too many of victims of both. All men and women are on an equal plane of space.

Family Court Lawyers 125. Oh yes. Now that I have figured out how the math of the law works, lawyers are wide open to civil charges just like you and me, they are not a privileged class, they cannot commit crimes either. They injured me greatly, beyond your imagination, one murdered me. All of them are family court lawyers and they are the bottom rung of that cess pool so no one is going to mind


justice day on the scumbag family court lawyers, who feed off of the destruction of private wealth, who incite conflict to get a $30,000 retainer for an unnecessary battle, for personal profit and gain in their own wealth, and prosecute innocents to slave labor, torture, and murder. The honest lawyers will cheer their demise with good riddance. I am only asking to balance the scale on them, nothing more, just felt good to say it.

Individual Civil Servants 126. All civil servants associated with any of the injuries, however slight, have their employment terminated, their pensions and health care seized, and then we sell everything they own to pay back all the money they have been stealing from us. We make them me. That would be fair, so restitution is destitution for crooked civil servants that kill us. Im indigent by them, so they can join me at the homeless shelter, here in Burlington, I can give them a tour when they arrive. I want my goo back. That is a perfect balancing of the scale, to the utmost perfection of the tare position. Then a little bit more for my troubles and to dissuade further bad behavior, make it costly to kill someone for profit and gain.

127. As lead plaintiff I think somehow my case sets a bar of some sorts, but I cant find that information out, I am only pro se. My highest career earnings rate was $425 an hour at the top of the World Trade Center. I therefore propose that all of my fellow victims be compensated $425 an hour times the number of hours spent in hell, trying to stay alive all day and night. There are about 10 injuries I have enumerated already, so this is only for one of them. Then there are the murdered ones like me. I get to speak for the dead as I am the only one that can. I get to tell the court what it feels like, blow by blow, to be murdered with the air conditioner. My take on it will


be mathematically the exact same as the other murdered moms and dads in the grave. They did not have a chance to come back from the dead to face their killers in a civil court of law. I am going to face their killers for them, they would like that, I will reap bounty on their children, they each get a big chunk for prime forest lands, so they too can own a forest, paid for by the blood of their murdered moms and dad. Who are to be remembered as heros for an eternity. As they died to create freedom day itself.

The Healthcare providers in jail 128. They heal a few, murder a few, and get paid either way. It bothers me when I find so many nurses directly involved with the murders and cover ups, they are all shum buddies. The doctor is never compromised; he can never be near a dead body, but the nurses play stupid around a dead body. My medical providers gave me an autographed copy of their mutual decision to not keep me alive any longer. That mistake of not getting me emergency care has fallen on me in a cruel way, I dont like complaining so I wont, but just suffice it to say, I have paid a near and dear price for their mistakes, and that is permanent damage now and forever. I really wish I could have had that chance. It is really unfair.

Misc Defendants, Individual and Entities 129. I only name a few down below for now, but just in case others need to, they should be added if presented culpability entails addition. If I am able to preserve that right, I hereby ask please, preserve.


Break up into smaller suits 130. If the judges in my case make up their minds to change this lawsuit into something that is easier to manage, maybe by districts or something, Ill gladly go with what the judge says, even if I have to refile again, with changes requested. I understand and appreciate the necessity. We have time to map out resources logically and prudently, with good math.

Jane Doe, John Doe 131. Other than the six named defendants below, I have no more at this time, but I add Jane Doe and John Doe and all that comes with that for a future date. I only name the State of South Carolina and the United States of America. In any and all proper persons covering all civil servants so involved. I serve the attorney general of the state, not in name, but in delivery convenience. I personally name the two gray hairs that run the Office of OIG at the SSA. They are number one and two at the SSA, they parade as the crime stoppers, prosecuting citizens for receiving their benefit payments they approved and paid to them. Their 800 crime report hot line, after a few minutes of listening to the voice commands, you press the button to report fraud and abuse and the phone say that no one can help you at the moment and it just hangs up the phone and the call ends. I did this three times to just convince myself it was real. It is just abuse that is killing too many people, I have a duty to stop it. I must act.


132. Social Security Administration: Certain named defendants to start off with: 1. The Social Security Administration and Office of Inspector General, 2. Patrick P. O'Carroll, Inspector General, in all persons, 3. James A. Kissko, Deputy Inspector General, in all persons, 4. Administrative Law Judge Paul T. Williams, Greensboro, North Carolina, in all persons. 5. Binder & Binder - The National Social Security Disability Advocates(NC), LLC 6. Charles Binder, in all capacities.

Continuing the Second Question 133. Given the magnitude of this case, I would like to request, if possible, to add the bulk of the second half of this case after the first question has been answered. I think a complaint has to be complete, but I am not sure if this can be done, but Ill take the chance. I believe I have a duty in the local rules to keep it manageable. So, we can leave it here for now, and let happen what needs to happen in the right order, following the right math.

134. I will therefore lay cover over the entire body of already in the record pleadings and evidence in the Bardes v. Magera case. And to the Turner Case. I do have some new evidence and documents but what is there now is vast and almost complete. It is in PACER, unless it was erased.


135. Website For the benefit of the defense lawyers, I have neatly arranged all the evidence you will want and need to verify this reality, at a single source, for expediency for all. Any new evidence is or will be posted there as well. It may not be up yet, if not, give me time.

Extend all Rights Times Three 136. Even though the defendants showed me no rights, like the right to stay alive, obviously, I cannot return the same, lest I become them. So I want the defendants to have all of their rights times three. If we can make up new rights, give them those too. When they are out of rights, repeat them all over again, until they cry uncle to just get it over with. It is up to them. They have a right to a jury, I cannot waive their rights, and I would not if I could. Never.

Future Counsel for Me 137. I would love nothing more than handing over the reins to a capable law firm, it is just that I gave up when the box of rejection letters reached the top. They dont deny me on the phone or by reply email, I get the wet signature you dont exist rejection letters. I gave up and you cant blame me. If a firm came along and I would be able to continue to use my own voice, as in cocounsel if possible, than I would give a nod thankfully. But I have come too far, lost too much, risked all, lost all, and the last thing I would ever do is silence my voice, it is all Ive got left. I have earned my microphone, as I paid for it with my life. I have something to say.


My Affiliations, Corporate Affiliations, Special Interest Groups 138. I currently have no affiliation with any causes or groups or rights groups. I dont do protests or sit-ins and I dont carry signs, I stay at home and write letters and work the internet. In 2004, I became the South Carolina state leader for the fledgling mens rights movement. I traveled and spoke to churches and civic halls, I attended the funerals of men that had committed suicide by family court or when Social Security denied their disability benefits, so to avoid going to jail, they killed themselves. Their kids ask me if I knew dad and why he killed himself. I cried with their kids. I mailed a lot of long letters to the kids family that says dont open this letter until age 18. I left the mens rights movement after the bulk of men started talking about gathering weapons and massing ammunition for the coming bloody revolution where they plotted the assignations of family court judges. Some yahoo blew off the head of a family court judge while the judge sat in his chambers chair after hours one night while the high powered hunting rifle with a scope a quarter mile down the road put a rocket bullet made for an elephant into the judges head and it was brain matter all over the walls. I left way before that and never looked back, that is just not my game, and you know me now to prove it.

139. Then I was asked and I did serve on the board of the nations second largest equality feminist organizations in the county. The ladies gave me credit for ditching the mens militia and world war three, and women are deadly effective organizers, it is pure enjoyment to watch women do their stuff. I did not get into the gender inequality issues because I was helping an equal number of mothers that had been hurt just as badly if not worse than the men. I stopped doing pro se advocacy work in April, when I published a book that has everything I know. I get 300 emails a day from parents in desperate need of help, but I just cant help them all. The book


teaches you how to do litigation battle in the family court courtroom, to where I concluded that you have to do something called constant litigation as a driver to win in family court. The book is a joke and about half of the people get it and call me to ask me that was the point of the book, to look so stupid doing battle in courts that have no foundation to even exist in the first place. The point of the book is to do peace, end the war, and just be nice people. Betsy and did it, so can you, we are not that unique. One doctor wrote me an email saying I brought him back from the brink of despair and made him laugh. I have saved two doctors and they save people as their day jobs. Do you see that I do with my time? I care about each person and try to save their lives, to stop all the killing. I feel their pain deeply yet I maintain my perspective. And I am good under pressure. And I fear no evil.

140. I do not own any equities and am not burdened with any contracts that might interfere in my ability to have clean hands before the court. I guess the only group I would lay claim to at the moment is to say that I am part of the family rights movement, but it is a movement with no leader or organization, it is just a lot of smaller groups that in total are trying to make this a better place for all of us. There is no membership list, but the numbers are about 40 million that connect using Facebook friends networks. We can get messages to everyone in about two weeks, it takes time to propagate. But there is no central organization. No plots to overthrow the government, good grief.


A Note to Defense Lawyers 141. I understand that lawyers dont like pro se litigants. I have and will do whatever I can do to not be a typical pro se litigant. If you want to have a hypothetical conversation, please just call. Off the record, yes, that to, whatever helps. If you want a document or similar, just email and ask. I dont want to have to burden the court with every minute issue. I am not an adversary. I am just you doing your job the right way. If you want my recorded testimony, then just ask. I have no hidden or gotcha evidence not yet produced, or lying in wait. I dont play lawyer tricks because I dont know any. If you want to vet my medical or other personal issues, I will give you the waivers.

Final Plea and Prayer for Relief 142. I hereby humbly turn over my entire second life, whatever is left of it, into the trusted hands of a highly skilled and honest judge, as well as the lives and children of those similarly injured, seeking the balance of the scales of justice back to the tare position for all. We pray for relief of great goo. I think I have done this lawsuit the best way I am able to with the incomplete knowledge that I cant avoid being so burdened. Long survive our nation of just laws. Godspeed to all of us.




Plaintiff waives right to a jury trial and remands judgment by the US District Court judge(s). I see no reason to burden a jury, all I need is a highly and finely tooled judge with good math in his head and a big heart in his chest. And that golden pen from God.



I declare, under penalties of perjury under the laws of the United States, that I am the principal Plaintiff in the above entitled action, that I am also a natural-born citizen of the United States, and resident of the State of North Carolina, that I have read and understood the above complaint, and that the information contained within said complaint is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief - so help me, Almighty God.

Executed at Burlington, North Carolina, on this 16th day of November, 2011.

Respectfully Submitted,

X______________________________ David A. Bardes, Pro Se 340 S.Lemon Ave # 4591 Los Angeles, CA 91789 336-419-9173 I live in Burlington, NC, long story on the address, later.


Filing pro se as a pauper, I await the judges order and summonses I hope and pray. .


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