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Marketing Strategy of Yamaha

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Yamaha Motor Escorts Limited (YMEL) is a joint venture company formed by the alliance of Escorts
Limited,the Flagship company of the Rs@ !"## crores Escorts $roup,a major in the t%o&%heeler business and
Yamaha Motor 'ompany Limited (YM'L),Hapan@

Email Recently YMEL launched a ne% biIe * Yamaha 'ru+ in Lecember,-##.@ My /roject %as aimed at investigating
about the a%areness level of 'ru+ from the o%ners of the competitive brands@0hese competitive brand names
are 1ero 1onda2s 3plendor and 'L 4##533 and 6ajaj2s 'aliber@My /roject also aimed at determining the
primary factors %hich influence scooter o%ners to shift from scooters to motocycles@My project %as restricted

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ne% Lelhi only and sample si7e %as -8# including 4## for scooter o%ners and the rest 48# divided e9ually
the three competitive brands,that is,3plendor &8#,'aliber &8# and 'd 4##533 &8#@:uestionnaries %ere
made and %ere filled by the respondents and the data collected %as analy7ed to get some useful results@

;fter analy7ing the data, %e discovered the primary factors influencing scooter o%ners to shift from scooters to
motorcycles@ 0he prominent among these factors %ere that motorcycles have better fuel economy,motocycles
are more stylish and the engine po%er of motorcycles is more as compared to scooters@ <e also discovered that
the a%areness level of Yamaha 'ru+ %as very lo% and this %as primarily due to lacI of advertisements and

other promotional activities@0hus, in the end some recommendations %ere also given to Yamaha Motor Escorts
Limited so that they could taIe the re9uired preventive measures@

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1. Declaration 2
2. Certifcate 3

3. Acknowledgement 4

4. Declaration By The Learner 5

5. E@ec!ti"e #!mmary $

$. %ntrod!ction &

'. Com(any )rofle 1*

&. Com(etitor+, Analy,i, 14

-. Namaha+, Core Com(etencie, / #0QT Analy,i, 15

1*. Listribution =et%orI > 3trategy 1$

11. %ntrod!ction oR Namaha Cr!@ 23

12. Sey Tinding, 24

13. Concl!,ion 2-

14. Uecommendation 3*

15. Bi6liogra(hy 31

1$. 0e6liogra(hy 31

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0he Escorts $roup, %ith Escorts Limited as its flagship company, is among ?ndia@s largest corporations
operating in the diverse fields of agri&machiner, telecommunications, information technology, healthcare, bi&
%heeler, construction > material handling e9uipmen, automotive > rail%ay ancillaries and financial services@
0he $roup has 4A modern manufacturing facilities > an e+tensive marIeting net%orI spread across the country@
0he major global alliances of the $roup include H'6 & BC, Yamaha & Hapan, 'lass, Mal@ and $oet7e $ermany,
'arraro & ?taly, Long ';, Distaar > 4- & B3;, First /acific & 1ong Cong, ?F3 & 3%eden and /eL&Me0
Learn more
0he genesis of Escorts goes bacI to 4A.. %hen t%o brother, Mr@ 1@ /@ =anda and Mr@ Yudi =anda, launched a
small agency house, Escorts ;gents Ltd@ in Lahore@ 0he ne+t 8# years sa% Escorts surge ahead and become one
of ?ndia@s largest conglomerates@ Escorts gauged the need for modernising agriculture and pioneered farm
mechanisation in the country@ ?n 4A.f Mr@ M@/@ =anda established Escorts ;gri &Machinery Limited, to marIet
tractors and farm implements@ ?t set up the first dealer net%orI of its Iind to marIet tractors for import purpose@
Escorts soon became the number one tractor selling company in ?ndia@ @Mean%hile, the company branched into
manufacturing piston rings in ?ndia in collaboration %ith $eE0GE <ERCE of $ermany@

Present Scenario

en assuming the 'hairmanship of the $roup, in ;pril 4AA., Mr@ Rajan =anda, undertooI a major restructuring

programme to give sharper focus to the businesses@ 0his involved building alliances %ith global players and
improving marIet capitali7ation, %hich resulted in each business becoming an independent entity %ith defined
partnerships, technology, customers and business economics@

0he recent past also %itnessed a major shift in Escorts@ business focus, %hen it broIe a%ay from its traditional
identity of being a purely engineering company and made its foray into the service sector of telecom and
information technology@ 0he $roup has since re&evaluated its focus %ith thrust on areas of high gro%th namely
agri machine, telecom, soft%are and healthcare@ 0o%ards this end, the $roup has recently launched a major

initiative in ?nternet and E&commerce@ 0he remaining businesses are strategic investments for generating value@

Vision H

;s Escorts marches into the -4st century, it does so %ith a clear vision, rene%ed commitment and ability to
perform@ 0he ultimate objective being to create value for its shareholders@

• 6e marIet leaders in area of high gro%th business of ;gri,0eleco,?nformation 0echnology and

• ?n other 6usiness generate value through strategic investments@
• /rovide %orld class 9uality products and services to consumers@
• 0hrust on developing major e+port marIets@

MaIe the group investor attractive by creating value for customers %hich ultimately creates value for
shareholders @

Compan@ Pro!i"e#

Yamaha Motor Escorts Limited (YMEL) is a join ( venture company formed by the alliance of Escorts Limited,
the flagship company of (he Rs@ !"## crores Escorts $roup, a major in the t%o&%heeler business and Yamaha
Motor 'ompany Limited (YM'L), Hapan@

0he global giant in t%o&%heelers business over ! decades and having the distinction of putting over -8 laIh
t%o&%heelers on ?ndian roads@ 0he company has presently

t%o manufacturing facilities located at Faridabad in 1aryana > at 3urajpar in Bttar /radesh@

Bsing state&of&the&art technology for its Rajdoot, Yamaha and Escorts range of motorcycles, the company is on
the fast tracI to maIe its presence felt in all the segments of the t%o&%heeler industry, offering e+citing
machines not only to the ?ndian customers, but also being a leading e+porter of t%o&%heelers@ ?t is his pro+imity
to the customers that gives YMEL the confidence of riding into the ne+t decade %ith %orld&class technology@
Meeting the diver@ needs of the customers @@@ millions of biIes across millions of miles@

Yamaha ever the 0eam

4A"#& 3ecured license@ under technical collaboration %ith 'ECe/,

/oland 4A"4& ebtained -! acres of land for separate factory

4A"- & ;ssembly and partial manufacturing started in plant 4

4A". & Machinery %as installed in the ne% building

4A"8& Manufacturing activities shifted from plant 4 to (he present building

4AI- & $03 & a small motorcycle %as introduced

4AIA & Entered in technical collaboration %ith Yamaha Motor 'ompany of Hapan for manufacturing !8#cc

4Af! & Letter of intent obtained for manufacture of 4##cc motorcycle

4Af! & Launched !8#cc motorcycle in the marIet all over ?ndia 4Af. on identified scale, manufacturing
facilities of various components %ere improved upon by the introduction of .@ generation machine, e9uipment

4Af. & 4I8cc 3uper&L model %as introduced

4Af8 3tarted manufacturing of RJ&4##cc motorcycle in technical collaboration %ith Yamaha Motor 'ompany,

Hapan 4Af8 & ?nstalled KBYEMBR;l, automatic electroplating plant

4AfA & ?ntroduction of indicators in e+isting 4I8cc Rajdoot motorcycle

4AA# & Bp gradation of 4I8cc motorcycle by introducing ne%er technology and styling such as bringing in of
EJ'EL&0 %ith telescopic front forIs5modern system

4AA! & Electronic ignition system of Rajdoot launched

4AA8 & 3tarted manufacturing 8#cc moped on !4@ March

4AA" & ?3e A##4 %as achieved

4AAI & Launch of Yamaha RJ@ and 4I8cc Escorts ;'E 4Af & Y6J .&stoIe bi&%heeler %as launched

-### & YL&4-8 launched -### & 3hare of Yamaha Motor 'ompany, Hapan rose to I.,, so taIe over of Escorts
Yamaha Motor Ltd@ (EYML) and conversion to Yamaha Motor Escorts Ltd@KmK

-### & Yamaha 'ru7 launched in Lecember

-##4 & en 4.@ Hune, Yamaha Motor Escorts Ltd@ %as officially taIen over by Yamaha Motor 'ompany,

Hapan -##- * Libero

Recent 'hanges

On %&' ()ne* +,,%* Yama-a Motor Escorts Limite. as o!!icia"/s ta0en o1er 2@ Yama-a Motor Compan@
Limite.* (apan'
ebjectives of Yamaha Motor 'ompany Limited H

4@ 'ustomer satisfaction strengthened by improving dealer net%orI, the shops and maIing customer more

-@ 3trengthening research and development@

!@ =e% motto K3peed, :uality, Yamaha@s eriginal LesignK@

.@ eptimi7ing the internal %orIing system@

8@ Yamaha the Cando 'ompany@ Cando is a uni9ue Hapanese %ord %hich means, K0ouching /eople@s 1eartsK@

Competiti1e Ana"@sis#

3inetic Ma-in.ra Dea" 4 5ear"ess 2i0es H M>M, ?ndia s largest tractor and utility vehicle maIer has already
bought the business assets of loss maIing scooter maIer Cinetic Motor 'ompany and has f#N of the share in
HD by investing Rs 44# crore to gain an entry into the t%o&%heeler marIet@ 0his means that though this deal
Cinetic %ill get the support of financial muscle of Mahindra Finance %hereas, for CM' it2s a %in&%in situation
as Mahindra has global sourcing e+pertise and e+perience in building differentiated products@
6 E6Bi0esH 0here are several players in this segment %hich includes Ye biIes, 63; Electric biIes, E&biIe ?ndia,
%ith the increasing global prices of crude oil and gas the demand for such types of biIes is increasing slo%ly
but in consistent fashion@
- T-e NANO E!!ect : 0;0;2s launch of 4 Lac car has obviously raised concerns for t%o %heeler automobile
industry, as consumer might %ant to buy a .&%heeler %hich is available to them almost at comparable price@
;lthough the speculation %as there that after the launch of 0;0; =;=e there might be a drop of -#N in
gro%th of t%o %heelers, the decline is definitely there but not at such high e+tent@
- The switching costs in NANO’s case would be high but they would be getting a benefit of 4-wheeler but in
case of E-Bikes and Gearless Bikes such as Kinetic @onda switching costs are not !uch high so in a country
like "ndia for fe!ale dri#ers and teens$ gearless bikes and E-bikes are %referred&
- The relative price of substitutes like E-bikes and Kinetic would be lower as co!%ared to NANO but relative
quality such as engine$ features bikes like '($ Kari)!a$ *+, would ha#e an edge&

OVERALL# Lo78Me.i)m
*ationaleM ?ndian t%o&%heeler premium biIe industry has been able to create a niche for itself %hich primarily
runs on three factors namelyH .ileage/.aintenance 0ost$ *eliability and 1tyle& Even though E&6iIes and =ano
might be able to dra% some customers a%ay from geared biIes but they are still not capable enough to become
the ride of the youth of the country %ho are more looIing at it as a style statement@

Suppliers of auto components are fragmented and extremely critical for this industry&

- Most of the component %orI is outsourced proper supply chain management is costly yet needed@
& 3uppliers can influence the industry by deciding on the price at %hich the ra% materials can be sold@ 0his is
done in order to capture profits from the marIet
- 0he industry being capital intensive the s%itching costs of suppliers is high
- 3upplier2s product differentiation is lo%
- 3upplier2s threat of for%ard integration is lo% as the capital investment re9uired is very high and suppliers are
small and fragmented&
RationaleH Even though the availability of high 9uality components is very critical for the auto
manufacturers, the parts are not highly differentiated %hen it comes to additional features and a huge number of
small companies have already come up %ho manufacture such components@ The (olitical in7!ence oR
inc!m6ent, hel(, them get Ra"or, Rrom the go"ernment which make, it di8c!lt Ror new entrant,
to 7o!ri,h .1?$1ER&E=L 6?CE3H 1igher end biIes such as Ca%asaIi =inja (/riced at Rs -@I lacs, =inja is a
-8#cc .&stroIe biIe), 6M< biIes (/riced at Rs 4f lacs up%ards and models liIe R 4-## $3, 3 4### RR and
bigger C series biIes %ith .&cylinder engines), Lucati (/riced up to Rs 4#&.8 lacs, %ith 48 different models
including, 1yper Motard, Monster, 3treet Fighter, Lesmosedici RR, 36C and 3port 'lassic, %hich are po%ered
by "A"& 4,4Afcc engines) have also entered into ?ndia@ 3ince they have global presence and strong brand
recognition %orld%ide, 6iIes such as Yamaha R48, R4 can face competition from these players, but the
customer base in high end marIet is not very significant@ 0he barriers to entry is very high due to presence of
strong players liIe Yamaha, 1ero 1onda, 0D3

& ?ndustry gro%th rate(';$R) in past decade is almost 4#N %hich is definitely not so much lucrative after

liberali7ation and ?ndia s $L/ has gro%n up to fN

& ;fter the liberali7ation policy of A4 barriers to entry for this segment has reduced and government regulations
and ta+es have been rela+ed@
& Cost .isa.1anta9e %ould be there for the ne% players since e+isting players already benefiting from
econo!ies of scale&
& Initia" Capita" Re:)irement for setting up production plant, marIeting costs, supply chain management
%ould be high

& Access to Distr)2)tion c-anne"s %ould be tough and capital intensive if the ne% competitor doesn t tie up
%ith any of e+isting player@ (e@g@ Ca%asaIi has tie up %ith 6ajaj Motor Limited)

RationaleH LooIing
?nfrastructure at the to
liIe access high barriers tochannels
distribution entry due toalso
and the initial
the lo% capital
gro%thre9uirements and other
rate, the industry

3hould not see many ne% players entering the arena@

&1igh per capita income maIes buyers less price sensitive thereby decreasing the bargaining po%er

& 1igh e+pectations from buyers in terms of 3tyling and po%er due to increase in n)m2er o! mo.e"s in a"" t-e
cate9ories , the buyers are empo%ered to a large e+tent Lealers t-reat o! 2ac07ar. inte9ration is "o7 as the
capital investment re9uired is very high and buyers are small and fragmented

& Importance o! t-e pro.)ct to 2)@ers is -i9- due to other factors liIe traffic congestion, fuel prices

-6 The
other.i!!erentiation .e!inite"@
industries are ha#ing and can
e<ists that
%roducts %hole
actindustry is different
as substitutes from
but then theother industries
switching costs o! 2)@ers is


0he concentration o! competitors is high i@e@ 6ajaj ;uto, 1ero 1onda, CM', Royal Enfield, 0D3, LML etc &

0he re"ati1e si=e o! competitors is "ar9e and they have enough operational e+cellence and financial muscle@
& Pro.)ct .i!!erentiation is "o7 as any product being matched in a fe% months by competitor@
& ?ndustry gro%th rate(';$R) in past decade is almost 4#N %hich is definitely not so much lucrative after
liberali7ation and ?ndia2s $L/ has gro%n up to fN
& ?ndustry is earmarIed %ith high profit margins

& 6uyers s%itching costs are lo% as each company has its o%n portfolio of products and it can cater to each and
every segment

RationaleH $I5$8VERY
0he $I5$ %ith large and po%erful competitors liIe 6ajaj and 1ero 1onda, %ho
industry is earmarIed
already have a huge marIet share@ Lue to moderate industry gro%th rate of 4#N, the struggle to increase sales is
being reduced to a constant&sum game %here everyone is trying to outsmart the competitors by innovations and
price %ars@
'eM/E0?0?eR23 ;=;LY3?3
PRODUCTION IN PROFITS> No' o! mo.e"s in Variants
CAPACITY %?,cc@ 2i0es
ain )nitsb
$ERO $ONDA !A##### Yes 8 48#cc&--8cc
$ONDA 4###### =o - 48#cc&-8#cc
BA(A( AUTO !"A#### Yes . 4f#cc&--#cc
TVS MOTORS -.-#### Yes . 48#cc&--#cc
YAMA$A "##### =o ! 48#cc only

6ig players such as 1ero 1onda and 6ajaj (as sho%n in the figure above) have e+ercised a huge
6argaining po%er over suppliers as %ell as buyers@ ;s such, Yamaha receives heavy competitive

pressures especially on grounds of the cost as %ell as distribution leadership assumed by these players@
'urrently Yamaha is providing biIes only in 48#cc %hereas their counterparts are have already

launched their biIes in 48#&-8#c biIes@ ;lso, Yamaha s annual capacity is very less as compared to
other competitors@ Orefer ;nne+ure * ; for detailed competitor analysisP

Reso)rces Capa2i"ities #

Reso)rce 0angible5 'apabilities /otential access Dalue Lifficulty in

?ntangible to %ide variety contributed to imitation5substitute
of marIets end product ion

Mar0etin9 ?ntangible eut of the bo+ 1igh Lo% Lo%

promotional ideas
liIe organi7ing rocI


Yamaha ?ndia s R>L is considered to be the core competency for Yamaha because they produce very
po%erful engines@

• 0he YGF R48 is the first ?ndia made motorbiIe to mount a li9uid cooling system for a better engine
performance@ Li9uid cooling has the ability to Ieep do%n the temperature in a high&performance engine
that %ould other%ise reach very high temperatures@ 0hat@s %hy it is used on race machines@ ;lso, the
li9uid coolant in a li9uid&cooling system absorbs engine noise@ 0hat@s %hy the engine is 9uieter and the
ride has a 9uality feeling@
• Lia3il cylinder facilitates cooling performance because aluminium dissipates heat ! times faster than
• 0he YGF&R48 and FG4" engines have a single&a+is balancer@ 0his reduces engine vibration, %hich in
turn reduces vibration felt by the riders at the front and rear of the seat, the handlebars and the footrest@

;ll these technologies facilitate a better engine performance, good acceleration capability, a good balance %hich
%ill provide a good riding performance@ ; good R>L is al%ays a valuable for any company@ 0he above
%ill provide a good riding performance@ ; good R>L is al%ays a valuable for any company@ 0he above
technologies %hich Yamaha develops are very rare@ ?t is also very costly to imitate because setting ne% R>L
re9uires huge investment for the competitors

• 6acI&up support from the parent • 6elo% industry standard production
company capacity
• 1ighly e+perienced management • /oor Listribution channel
• $ood R>L set up • =o marIeting aggressiveness
• /remium technology • ?nternal 1R issues
• Established 6rand • eperational ineffectiveness
• /rime location near ra% material • 3torage problems
providers • LacI of diversified product portfolio
• ?ncreasing urbani7ation leads to gro%ing • 1igh competition in the marIet
premium segment • Rise in ra% material products
• •

biIesmover advantage in sports premium
(8##ccQ) • ?ncrease in interest
'ars available in therates
• Louble digit gro%th in t%o %heeler geared industry
• E+ports opportunities

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Distri2)tion Net7or0

Yamaha Motor Limited has a very systematic and %ell developed distribution
net%orI@ ?t uses a very simple, 0%o&%ay distribution system, to reach out to its
'ustomers %hich is as follo%sH
0here are t%o movements involved in the above distribution system H

?@ /rimary Movement & From the /lant to the Lepot

-@ 3econdary Movement & From the Lepot to the Lealer
?ts distribution net%orI covers 8## dealers (%hich consists of -8# main dealers and
other sub&dealers and stocI lists) through -- depots spread all over the country@ <ith
such an e+tensive distribution net%orI, Yamaha Motor Limited is sure to reach
every part of the country@

;or0in9 o! t-e Distri2)tion Net7or0

0he %orIing of the distribution net%orI is 9uite easy to understand@ 6efore the
Motorcycles leave the plant, they are levied %ith the e+cise, after that they are
0ransported safely to the depots from %here they are transported to the retailers
and then finally to the customers@

0here Cases#
are some special cases in %hich the delivery of the motorcycles is to be
1urried due to increased demand in a short span of time@ 1ere the distribution
net%orI, %hich is follo%ed, is as follo%sH
ever a span of fe% decades, Yamaha has developed a sound and efficient distribution system by building good
and healthy relations %ith the depot incharges and the retailers@ Yamaha also provides the necessary incentives
to the depots and the dealers %hen re9uired@
to the depots and the dealers %hen re9uired@

6enefits from summer training at Yamaha motors limited 3ummer training in Yamaha Motor Limited %as my
first step into the corporate %orld@ ?t %as a great learning e+perience for me and helped me to a great e+tent in
ac9uiring sIills that are essential for %orIing in an organi7ation@ 0his e+posure also helped me in improving my
interpersonal and communication sIills@ ? have no% understood the importance of discipline in life and strongly
feel that to be successful in life, one has to be disciplined and focused@

0he training proved to be very beneficial for me as it helped in,H in inculcating various sIins %hich are as

Team ;or0in9

0he %orI environment at Yamaha Motor Escorts Limited gave me an opportunity to e+plore my team %orIing
sIills and gave me a better understanding of ho% to %orI in co&ordination %ith my colleagues as a team %hich
is a pre&re9uisite for any successful corporate house@

Comm)nication S0i""s

0here %as a lot of interaction %ith all types of people %orIing in the organi7ation@ 0hese people included my
colleague, my project guide and other employees@ 0his helped in improving my interpersonal sIills as 4 learnt to
put for%ard my ideas and suggestions using the right %ords and phrases@For the collection of the primary
information on motorcycle segment,? had to communicate %ith the dealers %hich improved my verbal
sIills@Forgetting the 9uestionnaires filled by the respondents, sometimes ? had to interact %ith them in the local

;fter the completion of the project,? submitted a formal report to Yamaha Motor Escorts Limited,<hich
?mproved my %riting sIills@


d<aste of time is moneyl@? reali7ed the importance of this phrase during my one and half months of summer
training@ 0he organi7ation environment, %hich ? %as e+posed to enhanced my time sensitivity and taught me
ho% useful it is to manage your time and finish the %orI assigned in time@ Regular going to %orIplace and
reporting on time helped me use my time in the most efficient manner@

Decision6Ma0in9 S0i""s #

;s ? %as given the authority to frame the 9uestionnaires, some important decisions regarding the frame%orI of
9uestionnaires had to be taIen by me@ 0his made me reali7e that decision&maIing is an integral part at every
level in the corporate hierarchy and helped me to taIe 9uicIer and %iser decisions@

Persona"it@ De1e"opment#

;bove all the sIills that ? have ac9uired %orIing at Yamaha Motor Escorts Limited, the most important is the
overall development in my personality@ ? learnt ho% to be patient and tolerant to%ards the varied moods of the
respondents@ 0aIing decisions and handling responsibilities boosted my self&confidence@ 0he encouragement
and continuous support of my superiors and colleagues made me more determined and motivated to%ards my
%orI, in spite of the difficulties faced by me at every step@


4) Yamaha has shifted its focus from the lo%er end segments to the premium segment of biIes@ ?t aims to
provide its customers the full range of its engineering marvels that maIe Yamaha the company that it is@

-) Yamaha has a very strong focus on the technical department, the result of %hich can be seen %ith Yamaha

comfortably leading the constructor s championship in the 3uperbiIes racing %ith Dalentino Rossi and 'olin
Ed%ards as their riders@

!) Yama-a -as aime. to 2ecome t-e No'% in c)stomer satis!action an. is "oo0in9 !or7ar. to pro1i.in9 t-e

c)stomer 7it- an ee<perience 7it- its pro.)cts'

.) 0he target marIet of ?ndia Yamaha Motors is the young and enthusiastic 4f&-8 yr@ elds %ho are %illing to try
‟ ‟
taIing the not so much treaded path of buying the rsports biIe rather than a rutility t%o %heeler @ 0hese young
guns are very conscious of the style 9uotient and looI for%ard to their ride being a personality statement@

8) <ith the increasing dispensable income in ?ndia and gro%ing middle and upper middle class segment
Yamaha is sure to find many prospective customers@

")For a long time till -##I&#f, Yamaha has been follo%ing the cost contro" strate9@ 2@ !oc)sin9 on t-e "o7 4
en. %,,cc 2i0es "i0e Cr)< an. A"2a' T-is 0ept it mar0et s-are to 2e"o7 ?f' In "ie) o! t-e 9ro7in9 In.ian
econom@ an. t-e nee. !or .i!!erentiator pro.)cts* Yama-a re1ampe. its strate9@ an. s-i!te. its !oc)s to
premi)m 2i0es'

I) T-e %,,cc 2i0es are s)pp"ie. on"@ i! t-ere is a p)""* 2)t t-e compan@ -as c"ear"@ in.icate. t-at it sees
its !)t)re in t-e mi.6mar0et an. premi)m se9ments'

f) 0he company is not just %illing to limit itself to just presti9e pricin9 @ ?t %ill provide more value to the
customer in terms of attributes liIe great technology, superior design, ergonomics for long distance travelling
etc@ For e+ample the company %ill be launching its ne% superbiIe in the 4###cc segment@ ;part from this, it is
also optimistic about the FG&4" series it has launched in the mid&marIet segment (48# cc) biIes@ 3o hence, %e
can see that the aim is to provide niche products for the diverse customer segments@ 0his is its mar0et
.i!!erentiation strate9@'

Competitors 3e@ P"a@ers

0he Iey players in the motorcycle segment are as Ino%s

0he motorcycle majors & 1ero 1onda, Yamaha Motor Ltd, 0D3 &3u7uIi fi Ca%asaIi 6ajaj dominate the ?ndust,
0hese players account for about A-N of the total motorcycle sales@ 0hese four players cover both categories of
motorcycles, the - & stroIe and the . & stroIe models@ 1ero 1onda and Ca%asaIi 6ajaj industries are involved
in the production of .&stroIe models only@ 0D3 & 3u7uIi is providing only - & stroIe models@ <hereas Yamaha
Motor Ltd@ is the only group to produce both - &stroIe and . & stroIe models@

?n present scenario, the 1ero 1onda group is the marIet leader in motorbiIe industry@ 0hey are producing
models %hich are highly appreciated by the customers and match %ith the marIet demand and re9uirements@
Yama-a Cr)<

0he Yama-a Cr)< is a 4#" cc, single&cylinder four&stroIe motorcycle made by ?ndia Yamaha Motor@ 0he 'ru+
is designed for ?ndian marIets@ ?t %as launched in -##. replacing RJ 4##, as -&3troIe engines %ere not able to
meet government@s emission norms@ ether Yamaha motorcycles such as the Y6R 44#, earlier Ino%n as ;lba
4#" and Libero ($8) share the same refined engine@ BnliIe Y6R 44#, 'ru+ has round head lights %hich give it
a classic looI@ ; different version of 'ru+ Ino%n as 'ru+ R and 'ru+ 3 %ere introduced %ith the same
specifications but rectangular headlights@ 6ut after it could not maIe a considerable sales, the production %as

halted@ Bser and o%ner claimed mileage and top speed is 88Impl and A8Imph respectively@

• Engine type Air-cooled, 4-stroke, SOHC, 2-valve

• Cylinder arrangement Single-cylinder

Fuel tank capacity 11 liters

• Engine oil capacity 1@! liters

• "inimum ground clearance 1#! mm

• Suspension type $Front % &ear' (elescopic % S)ing arm

• *rake type $Front % &ear' +rum $1L! mm +ia' % +rum $1L! mm +ia'

• Frame type +ouMle cradle type, steel

• "a.imum po)er /@#0S $Q@QR k3' % /,Q!! rpm

• "a.imum torTue /@5Q6@m % #,!!! rpm

• Ac

• Price 38,073

Lo7 sa"es o! Yama-a cr)<

;n ambitious target of doubling sales this year to three laIh motorcycles @

0he Yamaha 'ru+ made a very 9uiet and unannounced entry, %ithout much fanfare as a first taste of Hapanese
strategy after Yamaha looI 4##N control over the joint venture %ith Escorts@ 0he biIe therefore does not carry
the latter name@ ebviously they felt that price alone %as the sole criterion@ ;t almost A,### rupees less than their
earlier offering Sthe Y6J, there is some sense in this and the 'ru+ has crossed in - months the sales figure of
the Y6J, even %ithout any advertising@ Yamaha Y6J is Yamaha2s First . stroIe Model in ?=L?;@ ?t is the first
Motorcycle in .&stroIe category belo% !8#cc to produce double digit po%er@ Yamaha Y6J is introduced in the
year 4AAf > then further his ne%er version is launched in -##4
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Conc")sion aS7itc- O1er

?n the scooter marIet, our main objective %as to find out the number of customers, %ho %ant to shift from
scooters to motorcycles@

;naly7ing the marIet survey, %e concluded thatH

!.N of the scooter o%ners plan to buy a motorcycle hit the future@ eut of these !.N


!!N customers %ant to buy %ithin 4 year

!!N customers %ant to buy after 4 year

4AN customers %ant to buy %ithin " months

4#N customers %ant to buy %ithin ! months

8N customers %ant to buy %ithin 4 month

""N of the scooter o%ners do not plan to buy a motorcycle in future@ From these ""N customer, en9uired about
the a%areness of Yamaha 'ru+ and the results %ere as follo%sH

"8N customers do not Ino% about Yamaha 'ru+

!8N customers Ino% about Yamaha 'ur+@


1o%ever the company implemented the change process effectively, but there %ere still some %eaInesses@ 3o, ?
%ould recommend some ideas, %hich the company could have implemented for a successful change process
and ? %ill also give some recommendations on future measure, %hich the company can taIe to bring about
effective change@ 0hese are as follo%sH

T YM? %ent for the installation of ne% machinery to cope up %ith the technological changes@ ?nstead of
installing the ne% machine, they could have got the old machinery upgraded@ 0his %ould have saved a lot of
e+tra cost incurred@

T YM? must respond to changes in its environment 9uicIly@ <hen competitors introduce ne% products or
services, government agencies enact ne% la%, important sources of supply go out of business, or similar
environmental changes taIe place, YM? should respond 9uicIly and should maIe plans to implement changes
so as to bring about an effective and a planned change process@ 0his type of a change process %ill ensure less
resistance from the employees@

T YM? must try to build good relations bet%een employees in the organi7ation, as the people %orIing in the
organi7ation are a mi+ture of Hapanese and ?ndians, %hich are totally different cultures@ 3o ma+imum co&
ordination bet%een the ?ndians and the Hapanese employees should be forced so as to improve the overall
efficiency of the employees@

T 0o improve the %orIing environment %ithin the organi7ation, Y;M;1; should organi7e cultural
programmers so as to get the Hapanese and the ?ndian culture together@ 0his %ould fill up the cultural gaps
bet%een employees in the organi7ation and they %ould respect each other@s culture, %hich in turn is good for a
bright future of the company@

T 0hey should do advertising of the Yamaha cru+, as %hen this biIe %as introduced there %as no publicity at all
so, ? recommend there should high level publicity so that it create a%areness in the marIet@ ;s a%areness %ill
create demand automatically@


A' /1?L?/ Ce0LER& M;RCE0?=$ M;=;$EME=0 * /E;R3e= ELB';0?e=& 4!th

EL?0?e= * -##A

B' R;M;3<;MY > =;M;CBM;R? * M;RCE0?=$ M;=;$EME=0 * Mc $R;< 1?LL

ELB';0?e= /R?D;0E L?M?0EL * 80h edition * -#4!


A' -ttp#88777'@ama-a6motor6in.ia'com8a2o)t8pro!i"e8process'-tm"
A' -ttp#88777'@ama-a6motor6in.ia'com8a2o)t8pro!i"e8process'-tm"

B' -ttps#88777'scri2.'com8.oc8+%G?%,,8Yama-a

C' -ttp#889"o2a"'@ama-a6motor'com8Hp8ir8ann)a"8p.!8+,%+8+,%+ann)a"6e6,,G6,,i'p.!

D' -ttp#882i0eporta"'in8ne72i0es8@ama-a8cr)<8

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