Latihan Us Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 - Quizizz

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Lembar kerja Nama


Total pertanyaan: 40
Estimasi pengerjaan: 20menit
Disusun oleh Mr. Arestogu Sitompul


sure,let's see what we have here, lettuce, tomatoes,potatoes,___ bean sprouts.

a) chicken b) kerupuk

c) tofu d) meat

2. We have two ears.

The Indonesian sentence is ....

a) Kita punya dua mata b) Kita punya dua tangan

c) Kita punya dua jari d) kita punya dua telinga

3. What number is it after fourty six ?

a) Fourty seven b) Fourty nine

c) Fourty five d) Fourty eight


I preapare for school at ____________ o'clock

a) seven b) eight

c) five d) six


mira = is he a doctor?
gebi = ... .. ..

a) no, she is not b) no, he is not

c) yes, he is d) yes, she is

6. My family and I... going to go denpasar next week

a) were b) are

c) was d) am

7. is – this – fingers – my. The correct order is ….

a) This is fingers my b) Is this my fingers

c) This is my fingers d) Fingers my is thi

8. 1029

a) one thousand ninety two b) one thousand twenty nine

c) one hundred twenty nine d) One hundred ninety two

9. part of body that you can use to see something

a) eye b) nose

c) face d) ear

10. Complete the dialogue below!

Rina : “Do you like swimming?”
Bayu : ”No, .... “

a) I does b) I do

c) I does not d) I do not

11. How old are you ?

a) 11 b) Jalan Prapat number 6

c) Sorry I don't have one d) sure

12. Can I borrow the crayons, please?

a) yes I am b) no yes

c) Sure d) yes I do

13. Can I borrow the magazine, Tigor ?

I'm sorry , I'm ______ it.

a) playing b) reading

c) singing d) using

14. Let's go to the toilet.

I want to ______ my hands

a) borrow b) cut

c) give d) wash
15. I want to borrow some books, I must go to the...

a) laboratory b) room 2

c) library d) parking lot


Look at the picture!

The picture above means….

a) You must turn right. b) You must turn left

c) You mustn’t turn right d) You mustn’t turn left


There are .....

a) six pens b) seven book

c) six books d) eight ballpoint

18. X : Good Bye!
Y : .......

a) Good Bye too b) Good evening

c) Good morning d) Good Night

19. where ... you want to go?

a) does b) are

c) is d) do

20. would you like some chicken ?

I am ______

a) hungry b) angry

c) funny d) thirsty

21. would you like some juice ?

I am ______

a) thirsty b) funny

c) hungry d) angry


fried _____ are yummy

a) chicken b) tofu

c) rice d) noodles

this is _______

a) hotdog b) sandwich

c) burger d) spaghetti

24. I ____ donuts.

do you want one ?

a) have b) has

c) am d) do


I know, I love _____

a) sandwiches b) donuts

c) french fries d) chicken nuggets


the ____ look yummy

a) meatballs b) fried chicken

c) sandwich d) steak


three of them like ______

a) pizza b) sandwich

c) meatballs d) spaghetti


I am flying like a ......

a) fish b) bird

c) rabbit d) tiger
29. I swim like a...

a) monkey b) fish

c) kangaroo d) bird

30. Panda is....

a) cute b) dangerous

c) beautiful d) very strong


look at those peacock!

gee ! they very _____

a) funny b) dangerous

c) cute d) beautiful

32. My last holiday was great.My family and I visited my grandparents. We traveled by car.Phew!It was
a long trip.
Holiday in Indonesian is....

a) makan-makan b) belajar

c) liburan d) belanja

33. Do you have any pencils ?


a) yes , I am b) no, I am not

c) yes , I do d) yes, I did

34. Where were you last holiday ?
last holiday I _____ in Palembang

a) no b) are

c) am d) was

35. Andi : “.... is Sukabumi located?”

Anton :” It is located in West Java”.

a) Where b) Why

c) What d) When

36. Sandi always gets good score. He is a ... boy.

a) clever b) lazy

c) stubborn d) diligent

37. My aunt usually goes ... in the market.

a) camping b) rafting

c) fishing d) shopping

38. Sabila looks very ... So many boys like her.

a) handsome b) ugly

c) happy d) beautiful

39. Mr. Alif has much money. He is a ...

a) poor man b) rich man

c) handsome man d) cute man

40. If we want to see many animals, we can visit ....

a) zoo b) temple

c) park d) beach

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