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NAS Weekly Maths Quiz (14-10-2021)


Q1. The point (1,1), (-2,7) and (3,-3) are

ibMdU (1,1), (-2,7) Aqy (3,-3) hn:-
(a) Vertices of an equilateral triangle smBujI iqRBuj dy isKr
(b) Collinear smryKI
(c) Vertices of an isosceles triangle smBujI doBujI dy isKr
(d) None of these koeI nhIN

Q2. Find the areas of the triangle whose vertices are (2,3),(-1,0),(2,-4)
iqBuj dw KyqrPl pqw kro, ijsdy isKr (2,3),(-1,0),(2,-4) hn:-
(a) 21/4 Square Units 21/4 vrg iekweIAW
(b) 21/2 Square Units 21/2 vrg iekweIAW
(c) 23/2 Square units 23/2 vrg iekweIAW
(d) 23/4 Square units 23/4 vrg iekweIAW

Q3. Find the value of k, if the points (8,1),(k,-4) and (2,-5) are collinear
k dw mu`l pqw kro,jykr iqMn ibMdU (8,1),(k,-4) Aqy (2,-5) smryKI hox:-
(a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 5

Q4. Find the coordinates of a point A, where AB is the diameter of a circle whose centre is (2,-3)
and point B is (1,4)
ibMdU A dy inrdyS AMk pqw kro ijQy AB ie`k c``kr dw ivAws hY ijsdw kyNdr
(2,-3) hY Aqy ibMdU B dy inrdyS AMk (1,4) hn:-

(a) A (3,-10) (b) A (-3,10) ( c) A (10,3) (d) A (-10,3)

Q5. Find the ratio in which the line segment joining the points (-3,10) and (6,-8) is divided by

ibMdUAW (-3,10) Aqy (6,-8) nUM imlwaux vwly ryKwKMf nUM ibMdU (-1,6) iks Anupwq iv`c vMfdw hY:-

(a) 3:7
(b) 7:2
(c) 7:3

(d) 2:7

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