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Mexico through the

eyes of the World
Additional Language
To Spanish

MAY 6, 2023


Rafael Briseño
Diego Patricio
Tovar Bermudez
Mariana Sofia
Guerra Lozano
Iván Alejandro
Jaramillo López
Mexico by Gerardo Savin

Luz Alejandra de la Torre Ancira
Universidad Del Valle De Mexico

Mexicans' unique way of viewing death 01

Family is everything 02

Life 03

How affection is expressed in Mexico 04

"Finally XV!" why is it so important? 05

Mexico's Potential 06

Solidarity and Hospitality 07

Different worlds within Mexico 08

"Hugs, not Guns" 09

How to speak like a Mexican 101 10

Posadas: from religious conquest to tradition 11

Language Ambitions for Mexico 12

Changing the world through classics 13

Mexico in the music industry 14

Was the surrealist movement inspired by Mexico? 15

Award-winning Spanish-owned Mexican restaurant 16

Mexico Through The Eyes Of The World 00

Universidad Del Valle De Mexico

Cemetery in Janitzio Michoacan by Aurora Uribe

Mexicans' unique way of viewing death

Written by Rafael Briseño

Each society faces death in different ways, who believed in a supernatural world with
but Mexicans do it in a very particular way. thirteen heavens and an underworld with
There are several days of celebrations and nine regions that represent the universe,
rituals to remember loved ones and relatives whose forces are always in constant
who have passed away who, according to movement and in harmony with the earth,
custom, return for one night to the world of and is home to the gods. (1.3)
the living. (1) In order to ensure a safe journey back and
forth, elements such as salt and white
It all starts on the morning of November 1st, tablecloth, water, candles, copal or incense
dedicated to the souls of children, and ends and cempasuchil flowers due to the
on November 2nd, to remember the spirit of meaning associated with their colors.
adults. To receive them on this special day,
altars full of colors are laid out with My brief conclusion is that Mexican
cempasuchil flowers, photos, candles and traditions continue to be rooted in our pre-
the favorite food and beverages of the hispanic and colonial beliefs, even with the
deceased as offerings and guides. passage of time and that has given us this
colorful celebration that allows us to feel
The history behind these colorful that person who is no longer with us. It is
celebrations is the coalition between pre- something we should be proud of and
hispanic and Catholic beliefs which people outside of Mexico should respect
established the roots for this festivity that and even support it.
continues to evolve over time. (1.2) The
interpretation of the afterlife shown on the
Day of the Dead comes from the Mixtecs,

Mexico Through The Eyes Of The World 01

Universidad Del Valle De Mexico

Written by Ivan Jaramillo

Family is the base of Mexican culture.

People in Mexico have a deep respect for
family and their bonds. Family is considered
the most important thing that a Mexican has
in their life, that means that people will often
prioritize their family over anything else. In
Mexico, family is not just limited to blood
It expands to include close friends,
grandparents, and even neighbors (but in a
lot of cases the neighbors are enemies here
in Mexico).
That social structure creates a sense of
community and a feeling of belonging that is
unique to Mexico. People are always there
help and support the one that needs it in
difficult times. Mexican families also have a Family having dinner by Dario Gaona
strong sense of tradition. They usually are
always celebrating important occasions But this representation is not all the things that
together like weddings, birthdays, baptism, Mexico represents. It's known that Mexico is
and one of the most important, the 15th going through problems, but many of them
birthday party. (1.5) They also have specific just only involve the people who generate
customs and practices that are passed them like drug dealers or robbers, but as the
down from generation to generation like “dicho” says, for one we all lose.
“the recalentado” that it's basically about
reheating the food that was left from a In conclusion, the family bonds in Mexico are
meeting and getting together to eat it all so rooted, showing us the importance of the
together. These traditions help to build a family in our culture no matter the
connection between family members and to situation.Unlike other cultures, the Mexican it's
provide a sense of belonging to the Mexican a bit more united. The roots are the ones that
community. (1.6) make Mexico our special place.When you
Sadly, a lot of people right now still have a appreciate them, you can build a better idea of
negative impression of Mexico. The country what Mexico means and know the people who
is often shown on mass media as dangerous call it “Mexico lindo” despite the situation in
and bad to visit because of the insecurity which the country is. We as Mexicans have
thing or all the problems that are related the purpose of showing to the people what we
with this topic. are.

Mexico Through The Eyes Of The World 02

Ambition Gazette (1st edition)

Written by Sofia Guerra
In Mexico, just as in every other country, species that currently and hopefully continue
there is room for improvement. For example, to exist within our territory.
when it comes to how natural resources are
handled or how poor the living conditions of When talking about how Mexico could
some people are, we as a country should and improve and one’s hope for its future, health
could be doing better. is an issue that has to be addressed since
In recent years, Mexico has been working on obesity is one of the main health concerns in
developing ambitious policies to adapt to the country. (1.9) Therefore, I hope that
climate change with the support of the World promoting healthier eating habits and
Bank. (1.7) Said policies aim to reduce exercise can be a way to contribute to
greenhouse gas emissions, increase the use improving the health and quality of life of all
of renewable energy sources, and promote Mexicans; other actions such as volunteering
sustainable development. If only all of these or supporting organizations that provide
types of policies created to protect the accessible healthcare services to all types of
environment were respected by everyone, communities can make a difference in
the reality of this country would be different. improving access to quality healthcare.
Mexico is very rich in terms of natural In conclusion, Mexico is a unique country
resources; to the extent that it is considered with more than one characteristic that makes
one of the few mega-diverse countries in living in it an amazing experience. I hope that
America, Mexico could not only economically if the actions mentioned above are taken into
succeed even more by sustainable handling consideration, the future of this country will
of resources, but more importantly, by be even brighter than what it already is.
maintaining, conserving, and prolonging the
life expectancy of different

Mexican Gray Wolf on snowy ledge by Sergio Iturbide

Mexico Through The Eyes Of The World 03

Universidad Del Valle De Mexico


Written by Patricio Tovar

Mexican culture is much more expressive

than American culture. We constantly
express ourselves through contact, such as
a handshake, hug or a kiss on the cheek.
Some people can even perceive you as rude
if you don’t greet them in a certain way.
Forehead kiss by Margaret Fink
Communication is also very involved
because there are a lot of forms to express
affection. It is common to talk using
Another thing that is important is the way
diminutives or with specific terms for a
we talk to avoid sounding rude like in
person you appreciate, some examples are:
Indirect communication: Mexicans generally
use indirect communication. We rarely say
no directly or communicate sensitive
information directly. This would be
Mijo/Mija considered impolite and disrespectful,
mijito/mijita. instead we opted to take an indirect
approach to get the message across
sensitively and tactfully to avoid conflict or
This two mean confrontation. This involves using softer and
basically the same more tender expressions to give a negative
They’re a fusion of response in a more sensitive way. For
“Carnal” could be
the words “mi hijo” example, we say "I'll see what I can do"
used as a synonym
(my son) while instead of giving a direct "no." This mostly
of brother but it is
“mijito" and “mijita” happens when it is directed for a person
more common to
are just the close to you. (1.11) (1.14)
hear friends calling
diminutives of the
each other carnal Something that is varies in different cultures
same words (my
than family such as the American or Japanese, this
little son, my little
members, “compa” causes many questions about why we are
is just a different so effusive expressing affection in a
way to call a friend. physical way, greeting kisses and hugs, also
(1.8) in the verbal part that we say everything in
diminutive or tender form but the answer is
simple is because it can become a lack of
education or make a person feel offended.

Mexico Through The Eyes Of The World

Universidad Del Valle De Mexico

Quinceañera by Christopher Michel


Written by Sofia Guerra
Mexico is known as a country that knows as well as an opportunity to give them a
how to throw a party, but what most blessing before embarking on the journey of
foreigners don't understand is the life on their own and leaving them behind.
importance some of these have, especially if Fortunately, this is no longer the case, since
there is a teenage girl in the family about to it has now become a symbol of growth. The
turn 15, since this is anything but "just a quinceañera celebration has also evolved to
party"; they’re "quinceañeras". include modern elements such as social
media and technology, making it a blend of
People in the rest of the Western cultures, tradition and contemporary culture. This has
such as America's, are more familiar with the helped to keep the tradition alive and
concept of a Sweet Sixteen, which is not the relevant for younger generations.
case in its neighboring country. Often
referred to as "mini-weddings" by non- Due to their cultural significance, there’s a
Mexicans due to their elaborate decorations, sector of the economy exclusively dedicated
music, and food; quinceañeras are traditional to quinceañeras, these include catering,
celebrations held for a girl’s fifteenth birthday organising and hosting the event, dress-
that represent the transition from childhood making, make-up, and even special venues
to young adulthood. (1.16) for the celebration. (1.17)

Their cultural significance is tied to both To sum up, quinceañeras are not only a
catholic and pre-hispanic culture, and are celebration but also a rite of passage for
thought to have begun during the late 19th many young women, marking their growth.
century. Back then, 15 was considered an This has evolved with time, but it is also a
appropriate age to get married and start tradition that has been passed down from
having children, so this party was the family’s generation to generation and that continues
way of honoring their daughter's departure, to be an important part of Mexican culture.

Mexico Through The Eyes Of The World 05

Ambition Gazette (2nd edition)

Written by Ivan Jaramillo

In my personal opinion, Mexico is a beautiful

place that unfortunately, in recent years,
has suffered a lot of economic and security
issues because of so many things. These
make it seem like a bad place to live or a
place where you don't want to go for
vacations. Until a certain point the
government is guilty but the main problem
here is us, the society hoping that the new
era will come with a new president and it will Palacio Nacional by Ernesto Gisbert
solve all the problems in the country but this
is a wrong idea, the ones that can start
working on the future of the country are us, is Cancún because of all the beautiful places
that aren't promoted. Mexico is not a
specialist promoting things like sports, but
there's a lot of corruption. In the opposite
case of tourism, it doesn't have something
that someone can get too much personal
profit on. Giving the opportunity to the
country to improve in a lot of aspects. The
economy would improve exponentially, the
local entrepreneurs would improve their
income and people of the region in general
would have a better life in all the aspects,
Cancún by Jonathan Ross which consequently would cause them to
have a better service, making a continuous
the tourist can't appreciate a place that is not improvement loop.
by the people of there, if we appreciate our
culture we will be able to show that affection
for people of other countries,, changing the
way they see us to a one so much more
friendly. Another thing that I think it's
important to talk about is to promote the
beautiful places that we have here in Mexico.
A factor that has a lot of influence with how
foreigners see the country is that not many
places are known because they are not
promoted. The foreigners think that all Oficina de Turismo by Alex Salcedo

Mexico Through The Eyes Of The World 06

Universidad Del Valle De Mexico


Written by Ivan Jaramillo
Something that is well known by people of other countries is our hospitality. In a lot of parts of
Mexico it is a behavior to shake the right hand or give a hug when you see someone, this is
something that in a lot of cases goes hand in hand with a greeting. These show us in a small
quantity the type of culture that we as Mexicans have, the culture of the physic contact and
hospitality. It's a pity that Mexico is not viewed like that by foreign people. In a lot of cases the
mass media and insecurity are both the ones that show Mexico to the world, it makes people
think Mexico is an insecure place,

Hospitality by Lucas Godja

making them feel fear towards the people Mexican culture is known for its kindness,
of other countries instead of hospitality. and this hospitality is evident in the way
And that's our mission, to show to the people treat each other. This is related to
people that we are the ones that are always the gastronomy of the country. For
supporting the people that need help, this is example, the food. When you're in one of
demonstrated on occasions where Mexico these little markets of the city or tourist
has suffered natural disasters and many places where people are selling food,
people opened their houses to those who there's always a person that offers to you a
needed a roof over their heads to spend the free sample of his product with the phrase
night or just rest for a few hours. (1.21) “Pasele wero” or “If you don't like it, I'll give
it to you.” And I think that all Mexicans that
In Mexico, hospitality is a way of life. probably would read this article will agree
Whether you're a local or a tourist, you're with me.
always welcomed with open arms.

Mexico Through The Eyes Of The World 07

Universidad Del Valle De Mexico

Written by Sofia Guerra

Mexico is a large country. This leads to there Mexico, making it the most linguistically
being a lot of space for people to develop their diverse region in the country, with tens of
own ideas, lifestyles and even their own indigenous languages still spoken .
subcultures, eventhought they are in the same
territory, there are significant differences On the other hand, the central region is
between the south, north and the center of the heavily influenced by the colonial times and
country. Something that does not often happen European customs, which is widely reflected
in other countries, at least not to the same in the architectural styles used in buildings,
extent. mostly cathedrals and city halls that use
European rooted styles such as gothic and
The north of the country is mostly known for
neoclassic. (1.10)
being the nearest to the United States, so they
are heavily influenced by the neighboring states,
I think being able to drive for at most a couple
but there are also a small indigenous groups in
hours and encountering new and different
the forest biomes of most of these states;
cultures, behaviors, and traditions and having
Oaxaca for example, is famed for its colorful and
a feeling as if entering a whole new world,
vibrant pre-hispanic celebrations that remain to
without having to leave the country is truly a
this day.
unique experience one can only find in
Similarly, the south of the country is home for
the vast majority of indigenous communities in

Teatro Degollado by Arturo Robledo

Mexico Through The Eyes Of The World 08

Ambition Gazette (3rd edition)


Written by Patricio Tovar

What I want for Mexico is for it to be a safe

country since 112 people are murdered every
day and in the year 2022 there are more than
15,651 murders according to INEGI information,
so what security is there if most of the police do
nothing? because he is threatened or bribed by
criminal groups that murder thousands of
women and recruit people of all ages to fight
against the army. (1.23)

While the people of Mexico are murdered,

including, children, mothers, sisters, uncles,
friends, etc., our president prefers to give "hugs,
not guns".
80% of murders are due to criminal groups in
Mexico. Insecurity in Mexico by CBS
Santiago Roel, director of the Criminal Stoplight
has pointed out that Mexico continues to be
one of the countries with the worst results and So the aspirations that I want in Mexico is that it
image worldwide and stressed that the victims can be a safe country where people are not
of these homicides are not only drug traffickers, afraid to leave their homes because there are
but also police officers, journalists, public shootings outside or because there is a curfew
officials and innocent citizens. imposed by a criminal group.
I want to have a government that really fights
criminals and does not protect them.
In addition, to achieve this, it is necessary to
improve the school system and create more
areas of job opportunity, since the number of
people who enter the cartels to work constantly
increases because they do not have the
necessary studies, so they cannot find work.
It's easier to go to work as a hit man for a cartel
and earn easy money than work 12 hours and
get paid just enough to eat. One way to solve
this is by building public schools in rural areas of
the Mexican Republic so that poor people can
Insecurity in Mexico by Informe Franco access to education.

Mexico Through The Eyes Of The World 09

Universidad Del Valle De Mexico


Written By Rafael Briseño

Mexico is known for being a super mega

multicultural country in many aspects, be it
the food, the way of dressing or even
speaking, speaking is something that is very
representative of the countries, but even in
this, Mexico is divided since each zone is
going to have a different way of speaking.
We have the northern, western, northern
peninsular, lowland, central, southern Mexico by Keith Binns
central, coastal, Chiapas and eastern
peninsular accents. It's funny and everyone
notices the other accents but not their own. It is also said that diminutives such as:
”niñita”,”amiguita”; names are no exception,
Another way by which they identify a the longer ones are pronounced with an
Mexican when speaking are some exaggeration in some letters like:
expressions or words such as: Edua(r)do,

“De pelos” “¡No manches!”: Our accents not only come from Spanish but
No way! depending on the region you come from
Brilliant you’re your ancestors are also part of you when
amazing kidding! speaking. For example, we have Indian
languages of the Aztecs, Mayans, and other
tribes that are still spoken throughout the
country. Originally there may have been
“¡Está cañon!” “Ya valió” more than 200 roots of native languages.

It is very difficult It is over In conclusion, how can we continue to

It is very it is busted observe that Mexico has a union in its roots
impressive in almost all its aspects and these identify
us, the truth should be proud, all countries
have different accents and we are not the
“Ni muert@" "¿Es neta?" only one who is mentioned that they speak
Over my dead Are you strangely, the American English makes fun
body kidding me? of British English, those of British English
make fun of the American, nobody
understands the French, the best thing we
(1.12)(1.13) can do is feel proud because that's what we
are and there's nothing to be ashamed of.

Mexico Through The Eyes Of The World 10

Universidad Del Valle De Mexico


Written by Patricio Tovar

The posadas are a Mexican tradition that "buñuelos", punch and also the candles and
comes from the Spanish conquest with a breaking the piñatas but the most important
religious origin to commemorate the road thing is to spend time together with family
José y María followed in Belén. and friends.

The posadas took place from the 16th to the Some of these traditions may seem very
24th. These masses were held outdoors, strange to the foreign, while for us they are
where passages were read and very common or fun.
representations alluding to Christmas were For example, when you sing to ask for a
made, what we know today like Pastorelas, posada, you never learned your part, but
where gifts were given to attendees called your aunts had the book where it says what
"aguinaldos" now known as "bolos", the way you have to sing, but at the moment for the
in which the posadas are celebrated has adrenaline you also sing the part that was
changed but they have been characterized not yours, other could be when you want
by color, songs and traditional food. your family to finish asking for posada
Children, young people and adults come because the candle melted and is burning
together to “ask for a posada”. (First the you but the most fun thing is the piñata and
litany is sung, then the posada is requested). how everyone gets scared by that person
who hits the piñata like crazy and they don't
The most important elements of the want to be hit with the stick.
posadas are the dishes such as "antojitos", (1.15) (1.18)

Posada by Comisión Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas

Mexico Through The Eyes Of The World 11

Ambition Gazette (4th edition)


Written by Rafael Briseño

Ambitions of speaking, many people and even so we say it that way, it would
would think that we do not have much to be more than a way to expand to Mexico,
share since it is a language and it is one of it would be to share our way of speaking
the most widely spoken, so we have to be and expressing ourselves.These
able to share, well, we have both physical expressions could be more than humor
and bodily expressions, we have ways of for people around the world, imagine
talk and we have many other things in listening to some country, France for
terms of ways of speaking, it will be seen example, and hearing a Frenchman
that Mexico is very affectionate, respects pronounce a "aguas", some people might
and affirms its ties with those around it say that it is contaminating a language
and this is also reflected when speaking, but it is the opposite, it gives you diversity
this would be a very good thing to share and breadth, it really is a way to unify the
the world since words have more power world and at the same time create infinite
than you think, that would be a very good language combinations, that would be
thing to share to the world, talking about great.
accents can be something confusing
since technically it is the same language,
but the accents really affects a lot. (1.22)

A person who speaks British English and

one who speaks American English will
probably not understand each other, the
same thing happens with Spanish,
exaggerating letters, skipping letters, in
fact, people who learn Spanish always It
takes him about one more year to
understand how people use words in one
place, cocoon can be from a flattery to a
rudeness, but the strongest ambition I
have and the one that I would most like to
see come true is that expressions from
Mexican Shared to everyone, it can be in
their language modifying them a bit or
even that in deep places Spanish could
be spoken in different languages, as well
as the information that I gave previously
that he knows is French Globe by Burak Kan Ostas

Mexico Through The Eyes Of The World 12

Universidad Del Valle De Mexico


Written by Rafael Briseño

Alondra Parra, a very famous musican around Her work is varied, meaning she has music
the world for its unique touch to classical music, that assimilates to wonderland, exploration
giving it an innovative and creative style that discovery , melancholy, animation and many
always gives the moment to its orchestras more which are always rooted in the classical
without straying from the original idea of idea of classical music, what has led her to
classical music. being present in works and groups such as :

Since, her father is Mexican and her mother -Orchester de Paris

American, she grew up in Mexico, but -London Philharmonic Orchestra,
mentioned that she moved to the US when she -Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich
was 12 years old. She is a talented Mexican -WDR Symphony Orchestra
conductor who stands out for her work in -Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin and
classical music worldwide. Her music is L'Orchestra
characterized by combining traditional elements - Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia.
with a more modern sound, which has helped
gain a growing fan base to share her music Some of her work include "Mi Vida ConTigo"
with. She expressed in an interview that it and "Corazón de Ceniza". She has also
makes her proud be able to get children or collaborated with other artists in the genre,
young people interested in classical music. She such as Chuy Lizárraga and Banda Carnaval.
has become an important figure in the music
scene around the world thanks to her talent and She is thought to have performed
dedication. (1.25) outstandingly when she toured the European.
During this tour she worked with orchestras
and musicians from around Europe to spread
the richness and diversity Mexican music
Alondra is said to be an important figure in
the fight for gender equality in music and the
arts. We can conclude Alondra Parra has a
strong relationship with Mexico and has
worked tirelessly to promote Mexican culture
and music throughout the world. Because of
A. Parra by The Gramophone UK. this and more she is considered a cultural
ambassador of Mexico at an international
level. (1.29)

Mexico Through The Eyes Of The World 13

Universidad Del Valle De Mexico

Pedro Infante via Televisa Natael Cano via Latin AMAs 2021 Bob Willis by Richard Beal


Written by Patricio Tovar In the 70s, the “Tigres del Norte”, Mexican artists to mix the styles of
who made a fictional song about rap, "ranchera", pop and "corridos",
In the 1920s, country music
drug trafficking called which resulted in what is now
emerged from a mix of honky tonk,
"Contrabando y Traición", a famous known as “corridos tumbados”. The
which was mainly influenced by
and controversial song that gave genre is currently placing many of
Mexican ranchera music. At the
origin to the music genre called these artists on the top various
height of its popularity, Western
"narco-corrido". But the Mexican international music charts, being
swing music was associated with
government banned this genre for the most listened to worldwide on
the style of Bob Wills and the Texas
the sensitive issues that were the largest music streaming
Playboys, but the distinctive music
talked about in these songs, forcing platforms such as Spotify, Amazon
was actually largely adapted from
the artists to move up north and music and Dezzer. (1.26)
Mexican musical styles, that
finally to the United States. Right Some of artists, such as “Peso
incorporated instrumentals
around that time, in the city of Los Pluma”, Natanael Cano, and groups
commonly used in swing music. It
Angeles, a new movement called such as “Grupo Frontera”, have
involved the Mariachi's use of
"gangsta rap" arose that, like the collaborated with world-renowned
various stringed instruments and
artists of the “narcocorrido” genre artists such as Marshmello and Bad
several horns. All this makes up
such as Chalino Sanchez, Bunny. Some of them have even
what is known as "ranchera"
mentioned the violence that was played at the Coachella music festival.
Decades later, artists like Pedro
While the "corridos" were frozen in All of this has led Mexico to be
Infante would take ranchera music
time, gansta rap evolved and present people's minds worldwide
to the whole world, making it a
became one of the most listened and to be one of the most influential
style recognized as typical of
genres today, causing many countries in the music industry.

Mexico Through The Eyes Of The World 14

Universidad Del Valle de Mexico


Written by Sofia Guerra

Mexico was a defining part of the The lack of support from the rest of her
surrealist art movement. Ranging from its family didn’t stop her from befriending
culture to its environment, the country well-known creative minds such as Pablo
had an undeniable impact in the Picasso, Salvador Dalí and Max Ernst.
development of this movement during the
1950s. Shockingly, because of the work of It is thought Leonora and Ernst pursued a
a British artist who sought refuge in relationship, but, since her family
Mexico. disapproved of it, they moved to France
Leonora Carrington was born on April 6th, and then to Spain.
1917 in Lancaster, England to a wealthy Away from her family and surrounded by
family. Shortly after, they moved to a artists, she dedicated herself to writing in
large home in Lancashire and it is thought 1941, but her time was cut short by WWII.
this house is the one shown in her In 1942, she was forced to flee the
paintings. According to her country and to seek refuge in Mexico,
autobiography, Leonora was ten years old where she stayed with friends of her
when she saw a surrealist painting for the mother. She began to paint and sculpt Leonoara Carrignton by
Lee Miller
first time in a Paris museum. (1.27) professionally, which alongside her prose,
Here, she wrote that she refused to leave got popular fairly quickly. (1.28)
until the museum closed. Reportedly, that I believe talking
day she decided she’d become an artist. Some of her most notable artworks made about this part of
Her father opposed her career as an in Mexico include: history is very
artist, but her mother, Marie, encouraged Temple of the word important, since
it. She was the one to gift Leonora a copy El mundo mágico de los mayas when we are thought
of Herbert Read's book "Surrealism" and La barca de las garzas about various art
ensured her daughter had an education in El arca de Noé movements, we are
artistry. only told about the
Even thought all of these were inspired most relevant male
by the flora and fauna of Mexico, only artists and female
the second remains in the country, the artists and the
rest are scattered around renowned movement's origin
museums such as "The Fine Arts Museum and background are
of London", "the MoMA" and "the MET". usually left in the
This is due to her unique take on dark.
surrealism, which she revolutionized. She I think knowing about
was the first to portray mythological Leonora Carrigton
creatures, political critique, dreams, fears and her relation to
and her own subconscious. These Mexico is specially
elements later became the basis for later relevant because of
"El arca de Noé" by L. Carrignton how it changed the
works considered essential to the
surrealist movement. (1.30) world.

Mexico Through The Eyes Of The World 15

Universidad Del Valle De Mexico

Written by Ivan Jaramillo

As we know, Mexican food is one of the

best in the world, a special and perfect
combination of colors and flavors.
Recognized as Intangible Cultural Heritage
of Humanity by UNESCO, Mexican
gastronomy is represented in other
countries like Spain with places whose
principal reason to exist is sharing culture
outside their place of origin. One of those
beautiful places, “Barracuda MX”, which is a
Mexican restaurant which is in Madrid,
Spain. It opened its doors to the public in
2021, looking to create a unique experience
for them. “Barracuda” is the first Mexican
restaurant to obtain a Michelin star in
Europe. I think that we as Mexicans are Roberto Ruíz via his Instagram page
proud that the name of the country is raised
when one place like this one gets
recognition of such magnitude. (1.24)
It represents cultural and ethnic traits that can
The Mexican chef Roberto Ruiz oversees be shared without saying a word. The act of
and cooks in this place whose specialty it’s making a contrast between two countries
based on a journey through different areas gives to both parts modifications due to the
of Mexico, starting from Ensenada and Baja influence of one on the other. The impact of
California to Chiapas where the smell of Roberto was making more than one person in
coffee is present everywhere. their houses gotta try to make a “tortilla”.
That’s what we are searching for.
The concept of the restaurant is making an
experience based on a young and fresh Personally, I think that people usually get
meal like the fish with red guajillo pepper guided by stereotypes without giving a
marinade and green poblano pepper chance of trying a product. In this case,
marinade which are one of the specialties of foreign people usually don’t dare to taste the
Barracuda MX. Mexico and Spain have Mexican food because of the thinking that all
always been in contact and because of that, the food has a spicy flavor. We rarely see
some things like language and religion are news talking about Mexican restaurants in
very similar, but talking about food, these other countries that are so far from here, but
two countries are very different. this case was an exception. A brave idea
about opening a restaurant in a difficult time
Food says more about a country than such as the pandemic and to also be awarded
words. in that magnitude.

Mexico Through The Eyes Of The World 16

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1. 19 Vázquez, M. (2018, November
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1. 7 World Bank Group. (2013, august Los Angeles Times En Español.
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Mexico Through The Eyes Of The World

1. 24 Carla.v (15/02/21). Siete
Caníbales. Roberto Ruiz traslada el
Pacífico a Madrid con Barracuda

1. 25 Lenny’s Studio(n.d)Alondra de la
Parra Orchesta Conductor

1. 26 Amazon Music. (2020, 22

septiembre). Corridos Tumbados
feat. Natanael Cano | Género 101 |
Amazon Music [Vídeo]. YouTube.

1. 27 Leonora Carrington | MoMA. (s.

f.). The Museum of Modern Art.

1. 28 Leonora Carrington Paintings,

Bio, Ideas. (s. f.). The Art Story.

1. 29 Alondra de la Parra - Directora

de orquesta mexicana. (s. f.).

1. 30 Leonora Carrington - Art Work,

Images, Fine Art, Surrealism,. (s. f.).
Leonora Carrington.

Mexico Through The Eyes Of The World

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