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Perez Fuentes Yadira Lizeth 1856550:

The correct management of human resources is a crucial aspect to ensure the

good performance and success of a company. At present, the management of

legal and labor obligations are essential aspects that cannot be overlooked,

since employees are the driving force of any organization and as such, deserve

fair and equitable treatment.

This report therefore focuses on the importance of maintaining adequate control

over the labour and legal obligations of a company. To achieve this, it is

necessary to carry out different tasks and procedures, such as the calculation of

benefits and compensation, registration and control in the SUA, the

classification of the company according to the occupational risk insurance, the

calculation of the work risk premium, the capture of disabilities and reports of

employers' quotas IMSS and INFONAVIT, among others.

-Calculation of benefits and compensation: to determine the amounts to be paid

to workers for such things as holidays, bonuses, seniority bonuses, etc. and

also to determine the compensation to be paid for unjustified dismissal.

- Registration and control in the SUA: in order to comply with the obligations of

reporting and payment of employers' dues to IMSS and INFONAVIT.

- The classification of the company according to the occupational risk insurance:

to determine the premium that the company must pay to the IMSS for work risk

insurance, depending on the level of risk of its activities.

- The calculation of the work risk premium: to determine the amount of the

premium that the company must pay to the IMSS for work risk insurance, taking

into account accident rates, reported injuries, etc.

- The capture of incapacities and reports of the employers' dues IMSS and

INFONAVIT: to maintain an updated record of the incapacities of workers and

comply with the obligations of reporting and payment of the employers' dues to


Proper management of human resources is essential to avoid fines and

penalties, as well as to maintain a good relationship with employees and ensure

compliance with legal requirements. As such, it is necessary to have a human

resource team trained and updated in these tasks to ensure the correct

management of resources and compliance with the corresponding obligations.

It is important to bear in mind that compliance with legal obligations is not only

an ethical and moral responsibility but also a legal requirement. Therefore,

companies should strive to maintain a proactive and preventive approach in

fulfilling their labor and legal obligations.

Constant updating of regulatory changes should be considered in order to carry

out the implementation of systems and procedures that allow effective and

reliable control of labor and legal obligations.

In conclusion, it is important to stress that proper management of legal and

work obligations is essential to ensure the success and continuity of the

company in the long-term market and maintain a good relationship with

employees, which leads to a better working climate. It is essential for any

company to be responsible and proactive in managing its human resources and

fulfilling its labor and legal obligations.

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