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7114122,5:25 PM lmporter Exporter System

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Finance
Department of Custorns

fX€ Gode Cer*ifi*ate

EXIM Code : 3030884790115NP

Business Reg. No. and Place: 150799/065/066 Kathmandu

PAN : 303088479

Person with above mentioned details has been granted this EXIM Code Certificate on
B.S.2075 year 07 month 29 day.

Trade Name : Trade Type ; lmporter/Exporter

Rapti Hydro and General Construction


Address Kathmandu, Kathmandu MC-11, Tripureshwor,

Phone No.


Status: Active

Proprietor's Name Vinay Kumar Bhandari

Address Kalaiya-08, Bara

Phone No.


Note : This certificate can be electronically received and renewed. For renewal of the certificate one
should apply through this process before the beginning of every fiscal year.

BG Expiry Date : 2023.07.30 Verified By : ARAI

Renewed UpTo : 2023.07.16 Date : Thu Jul 14 17:17:42 NPT 2022

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