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Candace (NHI): Oh, my gosh, Stacy!

Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh!

Jeremy asked me if I could meet him at the fair later today next to the Ferris
Oh, no! I almost forgot I'm scared of heights! What am I going to do?

Linda (NHI): Candace, we're leaving now!

Candace (NHI): Mom, I'm having a teenage crisis!

Linda (NHI): Don't forget we're going bowling. We need you to keep an eye on the

Lawrence (TÚ): Preferably two.

Phineas (ĐỨC): Bowling? That sounds fun.

Hey, Dad, is it alright if we use that old lawn-bowling set?

Lawrence (TÚ): Sure thing, boys! Knock yourselves out.

Linda (NHI): Toodles!

Phineas (ĐỨC): You know, Ferb, with a few modifications, we could really zip up
this old lawn-bowling set.
Baljeet (HUY): Hello, Phineas. What'you doing?
Ooh! I just sounded like Isabella.

Phineas (ĐỨC): We're gonna build the world's biggest and best bowling-ball

Baljeet (HUY): Well, according to The Most Pointless Book of World Records...
...the world's largest bowling ball is four feet in diameter.

Phineas (ĐỨC): Four feet? Ferb, we could beat that record in our sleep.

Baljeet (HUY): You know, the officials from The Most Pointless Book of World
...will be at the fair today at 3:00, handing out awards.

Phineas (ĐỨC): Ferb, get the tools. We've got a record to shatter.

Baljeet (HUY): And then you will be in the next volume!

(to Buford) Is that absolutely necessary?

Buford (TÚ): Why? Does it bug ya?

Baljeet (HUY): Well, yes, a little.
Buford (TÚ): Then, yeah, it's necessary.
Baljeet (HUY): All right. Fair enough - Hey, where is Perry?
Carl (HUY): Ooh, sorry about that, Agent P.

Major Monogram (TÚ): Good morning, Agent P.

We've tracked Doofenshmirtz to an old abandoned warehouse, and he's made
some suspicious purchases, 10,000 packets of powdered hot chocolate, a hotdog
vendor's cart, a medium-sized parka, and a pair of red flannel long johns with a
flap in the back.
Don't ask us how we know. Get out there and kick some Doofen-butt.

(Montage of Phineas and Ferb building a gigantic bowling ball.

Phineas and Ferb are shown sleeping)
Baljeet (HUY): Wow! That is one big bowling ball.

Phineas (ĐỨC): Hey, look at that, Ferb! Told you we could do it in our sleep.

(Scene shifts to Candace's room)

Candace (NHI): So, what do you think I should wear to the fair tonight?
I'm thinking my favorite red blouse with my white skirt and red matching socks.
(Bowling pins crashing)
Candace (NHI): Stacy, I'm gonna have to call you back.

(In the backyard, the set of bowling pins crash again. Baljeet and Buford cheer)
Phineas (ĐỨC): That was amazing!
Isabella (NHI): Wow, Phineas! Another strike!
Phineas (ĐỨC): That makes four in a row! In your face, Buford!
Baljeet (HUY): Ha ha! Yes! What he said! In da face!
(Laughs) Uh-uh, I mean... You will get him next time. Clearly.

Phineas (ĐỨC): Ferb, did you get that strike?

(Ferb gives a thumb up then pushes the "Reset" button)

Phineas (ĐỨC): Who's next?

Candace (NHI): Phineas, just what do you think you're doing out here?

Phineas (ĐỨC): Candace, you're just in time. It's your turn.

Candace (NHI): Just wait until Mom hears about...

Then again, you guys always seem to make everything disappear before Mom gets
But if I take the evidence to her at the Bowl-A-Rama, then she'll have to believe

Linda (NHI): Oh, Candace, you were right about Phineas and Ferb this whole time.
We should've believed you.

Lawrence (TÚ): And just to express how sorry we are, here's my credit card.
You have our permission to ruin us financially.
Jeremy (HUY): Candace, that is so cool how you busted your brothers like that!
Will you marry me?
(Daydream ends)

Phineas (ĐỨC): So, you wanna give it a try?

Candace (NHI): I do, Jeremy, I mean, uh... I'd love to give it a try!
Phineas (ĐỨC): All right. I'll show you how it works.

(Candace and Phineas inside of the giant bowling ball)

Phineas (ĐỨC): Well, first of all, the cockpit's on a gyroscope so it stays level.
Here's your monitor, and this is the trackball you use to steer.
Now, no matter what, never hit the gyro stabilizer lock button! It'll disable the
gyroscope, and you'll spin around like a greased pig on roller skates.

Candace (NHI): Yeah, yeah, use the trackball. Don't hit the button. I got it!

Phineas (ĐỨC): All right. You seem to know what you're doing.
Candace (NHI): Do I ever? This is a piece of cake. Bowl-R-Ama, here I come!
Phineas (ĐỨC): Okay, Candace, try to take it slow at first!

Phineas (ĐỨC): Way to go, Candace! Where's she going?

She's freestylin'! We've gotta follow her and see what she does!
Let's go, team!
Doofenshmirtz (HUY): Ah, Perry the Platypus. Right on time. It seems like you've
got quite a chill there!
I want you to meet my latest creation: the Giant Robotic Penguin Icy-Freeze-Your-
Socks-Off Breath-inator...thingy!
First, I will unleash my giant penguins at the fair today, so they may begin freezing
the entire city!
Then I will sell all the citizens of Danville my organic, yet highly addictive, Doof
brand hot chocolate. Because, you know, who doesn't enjoy a nice cup of hot
chocolate when it's so cold out? The first cup will be free, of course. But then the
second... will also be free. But then the third... will cost a million dollars! That way,
I only have to sell three, and I will already be a millionaire.
So, Perry the Platypus, as they say in Mexico, dos svidanya! Down there, that's two

Phineas (ĐỨC): She's headed for the Bowl-A-Rama!

Linda (NHI): You know, dear, Candace hasn't called.
Lawrence (TÚ): Oh, don't worry. I'm sure the kids are having a ball.

Phineas (ĐỨC): Ooh! That's gotta hurt.

(The ball rolls through a construction sight, inside, the trackball comes loose)
Candace (NHI): Oh, no!
(The ball falls down a hole and goes through a pipe)

Phineas (ĐỨC): So where does this lead?

Construction Worker (TÚ): Huh. Heck if I know.
Phineas (ĐỨC): Ferb, the map of Danville's underground.
Looks like she's headed downtown.

Candace (NHI): Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop!

(Sighs) Oh, good, it stopped!
(Eyes widen) WAIT...
(Notices a train coming via monitor) Go, go, go, go, go!
(The train hits the ball, it rolls down the railroad and through a station)

Barry (TÚ): That's one big bowling ball, Bob.

Bob (HUY): You betcha, Barry.

Phineas (ĐỨC): Here she comes!

Buford/Baljeet (TÚ/ HUY): Go, Candace!
Buford (TÚ): There she goes.
Phineas (ĐỨC): All right, guys! To Seventh Street!

(Scene shifts to the subway entrance.)

Baljeet (HUY): Candace! You can do it! Go, Candace!
Isabella (NHI): Go! Go! Go!
Phineas (ĐỨC): Hey, Baljeet, what's the world record for the largest pinball
Baljeet (HUY): I am not sure, but I know we can beat it.
Phineas (ĐỨC): Okay, everybody, split up and let's keep her in play until we get to
the fair.
Phinea (ĐỨC): Woo-hoo!
Phineas (ĐỨC): Way to keep it goin', Ferb.

(Scene shifts to the Knock 'Em Down stand at the fair)

Man (TÚ): Oop, better luck next time, little man.
Isabella, darlin'!
Isabella (NHI): Set me up, Shady Joe. I'm feelin' lucky.
Shady Joe (TÚ): Oh! That's my girl! You give it your best shot.
Shady Joe (TÚ): Help yourself, anything from the top shelf.

Announcer (ĐỨC): Welcome, Danvillians, to the World's Most Pointless Records

Awards! Let's meet some of our record holders.
Here we have Cletus with the world's hairiest pig. Next to him is Margaret with
the world's stinkiest cheese.
And finally, we got little Timmy holding the world's fattest gerbil.
Let's have a big round of applause for the most pointless world-record winners!

Phineas (ĐỨC): Wait! We've got two more World's Most Pointless Records for our
Announcer (ĐỨC): Well, then, step right up, sonny, and tell everybody what they
Phineas (ĐỨC): Our first entry is for the world's largest bowling ball, and the other
is for the world's largest game of pinball!
Announcer (ĐỨC): Wow! Well, let's see 'em!
Ferb (HUY): Wait for it.

Announcer (ĐỨC): Looks like we have two more World's Most Pointless Records!
Wait, two records in one day? That's another world record!

Doofenshmirtz (HUY): To the fair, my pets, where the freezing of the Tri-State
Area will begin!
Wait. Wait, what is that? A giant bowling ball? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!


Jeremy (TÚ): Oh, Candace, you made it. I was thinking you weren't gonna show.
Although, you know, usually we get on at the bottom.

Phineas (ĐỨC): We'd especially like to thank our sister, Candace. We couldn't have
done it without you, sis!

Jeremy (TÚ): You know, your brothers are all right. Hey, are you okay?
Oh, afraid of heights. Don't worry, I got ya.

Phineas (ĐỨC): How about you, Perry? Is there anything you'd like to add?
Exact 1 : 11:05  17:35 (Live Dubbing In Class).

Exact 2 : 17:35  22:00 (Video Dubbing At Home – Will Be Shown In The Final
Week) - (Submit Before Week 8).

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