Aiyana Danae Pamplona - Formal Asb MTG - End of Oct Nov December Should Be Lengthy

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Aiyana Pamplona

Mrs. Mortensen
10 December 2023
Position Assessment:
As the months of October through the start of December have passed, all of the Freshmen
Representatives have made an immense progression all throughout this span of time. Starting
from October, we all went through our very first Homecoming and was in charge of the Disco
Dance. Through Homecoming, the team had dedicated a large portion of our afterschool time
and early mornings for the Despicable Me float, minions window decorations, “Super Silly Fun
Land” lemonade stand, and incredible lip sync dance that was displayed at the annual night rally.
After the success of Homecoming with the freshmen taking third place, all of the Freshmen
representatives made sure to write each individual who took their time out of their schedule in
order to help us in Homecoming a thank you card as a way to show our gratitude. Moving
forward from Homecoming, all of the Freshmen representatives quickly transitioned to the
responsibility of the Disco Dance with the guidance of our head advisor, Mr. Perez. Throughout
this process, we all took various shifts during our lunches for the entire week that led up to the
day of the event in order to sell tickets for the dance. During the same week, we all
communicated with our Freshmen class in order to sell the remains of the class t-shirts that had
been a part of extra inventory during lunch. With the success of the Disco Dance that included
the attendance of the Kyoto students, the Freshmen Representatives and I began our planning for
the Warm and Fuzzy week that our class was in charge of. From this, we all held various
meetings in order to discuss the spirit days being held throughout this entire week, holiday door
decorations, our lemonade stand & class christmas tree as well as the entire concept for the night
rally. With the information we had finalized on the spirit days, all the Freshmen representatives
had a meeting with ASB in order to get feedback and discuss finishing details regarding the
W&F spirit days. More meetings were held within the freshmen group where discussions
involved the assignments for each mentorship group with the staff door decorations and Warm &
Fuzzy week as a whole but as time came closer, all of us had a meeting with the rally
commissioners in order to finalize details regarding the night rally and the entire layout for that
night. Furthermore, the freshman group continuously put in the work for the class Christmas tree
and the lemonade stand until we all set final details up the day of the night rally. After the
successful execution of Warm and Fuzzy week, the freshmen continue writing thank you cards to
individuals that assisted us in this process and are finishing up the procedure forms for Warm &
Fuzzy week as well as the Holiday Christmas Trees and Lemonade Stands. Furthermore, as
Winterfest will be arriving before we know it, the Freshmen Representatives and I are planning a
meeting regarding all details for Winterfest as well as a following meeting with Mr. Perez to
execute a successful event.

Standing Committee:
As for standing committees, I have been involved in the origami committee for the Hughson
ASB card where each member created multiple butterflies out of origami paper that will be
attached to said card. I have also been a part of the parade clean-up crew for Homecoming, the
walking for the Ruby Bridges walk, completion on the military cards, Bethany Homes cards, and
set-up & clean-up for Winter Formal.

Special Committee:
Involving the special committees, I am a trainee in the Kyoto program where I toured the Kyoto
exchange students around the school for their arrival where we all watched the varsity volleyball
game together and everyone taught each other various chants and cheers that are used during the
game. While being a trainee in this program, I also handed out the gift bags to the host families
and held up the welcoming sign for the Kyoto arrivals. In November, I was a part of the Snap
Raise video that is held on the donation website where I arrived at school early to announce a
script that was previously written for me in order to encourage donations for the Leadership

As far as my concerns or change, I believe that my Freshmen team has been creating an immense
job in all of the work we have been putting in for this program as well as our relationships with
one another. For myself, I am creating a concern in my own balance with my mental health and
work schedule for the upcoming event in Winterfest due to finals arriving. My concerns within
myself are the mixed emotions of stress and tiredness that may come along with this event but as
of right now, I am currently working on time management skills and balance in all aspects of my

Mentorship Evaluation:
Through this span of time, I believe that my relationship with my mentor, Gia Grewal, has grown
immensely. Since October, where we have spent more time together through us both being a part
of the Kyoto program, until now where we spent our time together before Winter Formal. I enjoy
having the opportunity to have a friendship with someone outside of my grade and feel so
comfortable around this person. Gia has grown to be one of my dearest friends because of the
way she is always opening opportunities that I can never pass by. We have spent time together by
hanging out at her house to do our work on the holiday door decorations together and having
dinner & getting ready with each other before arriving at Winter Formal. I am so grateful to have
built such a strong relationship with my mentor who has grown to be one of my friends outside
of Leadership.

Positive Comment:
My positive comment goes out to the entire Junior class. Everytime the freshmen have
accomplished anything in Leadership meaning all aspects of Homecoming stretching from the
night rally lip sync dance and the Despicable me float as well as our holiday lemonade stand &
class Christmas tree, one of the Juniors have never failed to praise and compliment the work our
freshmen group has made. Through their words and actions, the Juniors have made the Freshmen
class feel successful and proud of all the work we have done because of the positivity they
spread to each and every one of us.

Core Principles:
Throughout the end of October and the start of December I believe I have embodied all the core
principles but one I believe that the Freshmen group needs improvement on is “Be Impeccable.”
Starting from the principles I have embodied the most are “Evolve and Grow with Change” and
“Your Puzzle Piece Matters.” I believe that I have truly evolved and grown with change due to
the hectic events that have been consistently occurring throughout October and December. With
Homecoming, Kyoto, Disco Dance, Warm & Fuzzy, and now Winterfest, this brings a large
workload that I am freshly experiencing and have forced myself to grow with. Although these
events may be stressful, in the long run I believe that our Freshmen group has accomplished each
event efficiently and greatly as we all have evolved and grown with these events. Leadership has
enhanced many of my leadership skills due to these occurrences. “Your Puzzle Piece Matters”, as
a Freshman Representative who is one of the people in my student body that stands as
representation for the class of 2027, I believe that the Freshmen group and I have embodied this
Core Principle greatly. Making sure all the events are clearly open to our student body such as
the involvement in the Homecoming parade and attendance at the night rally have been a staple
when publicizing events towards our class. As for improvement in “Be Impeccable”, the
Freshmen have learned from the mistake of being behind on paperwork during important events
such as purchase orders that I am holding myself accountable for this disruption and plan to use
this mistake as a lesson when moving forward to Winterfest.

​My Impact:
When discussing my impact I have brought to all aspects of my life, I strive for it to be positive.
During these past events, I hope for my impact to have been including each and every one of my
peers so that when they think back to past events such as Homecoming and Warm & Fuzzy, all
the emotions they feel are positive because of the comfortability they felt and the exhilarating
time they had. Continuing on, I want my impact to make others feel comfortable, make the
school feel like a safe environment where they can be themselves because of my presence on this
campus and all the work that has been brought in this Leadership program. Being seen for who
you are is a staple that I hope my impact brings to my peers on campus and that every person’s
high school experience is a positively memorable one.

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