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1. Establish Rapport and Trust:

- Activity: "Would You Rather?" Game

- Description: Ask Twin A a series of fun "Would You Rather?" questions to get him thinking and
sharing his preferences.

- Instructions: Find a quiet time to sit with Twin A and ask him questions like, "Would you rather be
able to fly or be invisible?" or "Would you rather have ice cream for dinner or breakfast?"

- Purpose: This activity helps build rapport and trust by engaging Twin A in a lighthearted conversation
and learning more about his personality and preferences.

2.Identify Negative Thought Patterns:

- Activity: Feelings Chart

- Description: Create a chart with various emotions (happy, sad, scared, etc.) represented by emojis
or images. Ask Twin A to point to how he feels during different activities.

- Instructions: Discuss each emotion on the chart with Twin A, explaining what each feeling might look
or feel like. Throughout the day, ask him how he’s feeling and encourage him to use the chart.

- Purpose: This helps Twin A identify and articulate his emotions, enabling him to better understand
and address any negative thoughts.

3. Cognitive Restructuring:

- Activity: Thought Diary

- Description: Encourage Twin A to write down or verbally express a negative thought he had during
the day and then work with him to come up with a positive alternative.

- Instructions: Provide Twin A with a small notebook or diary. Ask him to write down one negative
thought per day and then discuss it together. Help him reframe the thought into a positive statement.

- Purpose: This activity helps Twin A learn how to challenge negative thoughts and replace them with
more positive, realistic ones.

4. Behavioral Interventions:

- Activity: Confidence Jar

- Description: Set up a jar for Twin A to add a Chocolate / coin / Money / Affirmation chit token each
time he feels proud of an accomplishment.

-Instructions: Choose a jar or container which is see through. When Twin A achieves something, he
can add what they wish to the jar. Celebrate his milestones when the jar fills up.

- Purpose: This activity reinforces positive behavior and helps build Twin A's confidence and self-

5. Social Skills Training:

- Activity: Role-Playing Social Scenarios

- Description: Practice social interactions with Twin A using role-playing games where you can
simulate different social situations.

- Instructions: Choose scenarios such as asking a peer to play, sharing a toy, or joining a group. Play
out the situations with Twin A, guiding him on how to approach the interactions positively.

- Purpose: Role-playing helps Twin A practice social skills in a safe environment and builds his
confidence in navigating social situations.

6. Sibling Relationship:

- Activity: Shared Collaborative Activity

- Description: Organize a collaborative activity such as an art project or game for both twins to work
on together.

- Instructions: Choose an activity that requires cooperation, such as sports , specifically any outdoor
games eg : Badminton , Basket ball , tennis , football etc. The idea is to be put in a situation where a
sense of team building is necessary and conversation flow happens innately .

- Purpose: This activity fosters teamwork and strengthens the relationship between the twins,
promoting positive interactions and reducing any feelings of rivalry.

7. Coping Strategies:

- Activity: Deep Breathing with Bubbles

- **Description: Children mostly have troubles sitting and meditating at one place , the whole idea is
to teach them how to breathe so as to slow down their nervous system which is in a fight or flight mode ,
teach Twin A how to take slow, deep breaths using a fun prop such as bubble-blowing.

- Instructions: Provide Twin A with bubbles. Show him how to inhale slowly through the nose and
then blow out the breath gently to create bubbles. Practice this several times.
- Purpose: Deep breathing can help Twin A manage stress and anxiety by calming his body and mind.

8. Parental Involvement:

- Activity: Brag Board | Positive Reinforcement

- Description: Create a board where Twin A can showcase his achievements.

- Instructions : Find a space at home and designate it as the "brag board." Encourage Twin A to share
one good thing he did each day, such as finishing a book or learning a new skill, and add it to the board.

- Purpose: The brag board boosts Twin A's confidence and provides a visual representation of his

9. Monitor Progress:

- Activity: Progress Chart

- Description: Create a chart for Twin A to track his achievements at home and school.

- Instructions: Make a simple chart with columns for each day of the week. Encourage Twin A to mark
his accomplishments each day, such as finishing a task or following instructions. Review the chart weekly
to celebrate progress.

- Purpose: Tracking achievements helps Twin A see his progress and builds motivation for continued

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