20mm Phalanx Close

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20mm Phalanx Close-in Weapon System

Maclang, Rocky Zandrex G., Palad Vhon Jervie S.
MacArthur Highway Guinhawa Malolos Bulacan, Philippines.

Abstract- Phalanx is a widely used Close-in Weapon System acquisition, track, firing, target destruction, kill
(CIWS) in naval defense. It integrates search, detection, assessment and cease-fire into a single mounting.
threat evaluation, acquisition, track, firing, target
destruction, kill assessment, and cease-fire functions into a II. Control System Components
single, compact system. The system's key components
include the Search Antenna, Stabilized Forward-Looking
Infrared (FLIR) system, and Low Sidelobe Track Antenna.
The Low Sidelobe Track Antenna minimizes unwanted
sidelobes, ensuring improved discrimination between A.
genuine targets and background noise or interference. This
enhances the system's resistance to jamming and improves
its ability to accurately track and engage threats. The
concept of a low sidelobe track antenna is pivotal for
optimizing radar performance in cluttered operational
environments. Search antenna
The search antenna is responsible for scanning
I. Introduction the surrounding airspace and identifying potential
Close-in Weapon Systems (CIWS) are designed to threats. Once a threat is detected, the CIWS system can
engage anti-ship cruise missiles and fixed-wing aircraft engage it with its close-range weapons, such as a
at short range. Phalanx is the most numerous CIWS in Gatling gun, to intercept and destroy the incoming threat
the world and has been exported to many other before it reaches the ship.
countries. Like other close-in weapon systems, Phalanx
The specific design and specifications of the
provides ships with a terminal defense against anti-ship
search antenna may vary between different CIWS
missiles that have penetrated other fleet defenses. The
systems, as various navies and defense contractors
Phalanx is very much a self-contained system requiring
may develop and employ different technologies based
minimal deck space and wiring. Unlike many other
on their requirements and advancements in radar
CIWS, which have separate, independent systems,
Phalanx combines search, detection, threat evaluation,
mechanism against anti-ship missiles and other
B. Stabilized FLIR airborne threats.

The primary purpose of a stabilized FLIR system

in this context is to provide enhanced target tracking IV Conclusion
and engagement capabilities, particularly in tracking V The Phalanx CIWS defends navy ships against a
fast-moving and agile threats such as incoming variety of anti-ship threats, such as anti-ship missiles
missiles or low-flying aircraft. and aircraft, small high-speed surface craft,
Forward-Looking Infrared (FLIR) - FLIR is a technology helicopters, and surface mines. Phalanx is the only
that uses infrared radiation to form images of objects in deployed CIWS capable of autonomous search,
its field of view. It can operate in various conditions, detection, evaluation, tracking, engagement, and
including low light and adverse weather, making it useful kill-assessment functions.
for detecting and tracking targets. The Block 1B Surface Mode configuration builds
C. Low Sidelobe Track Antenna on earlier capabilities with the addition of an
Optimized Gun Barrel (OGB) for an improved
The Low Sidelobe Track Antenna is a specialized
dispersion pattern and an integrated Forward-
radar antenna used in Close-In Weapons Systems
Looking Infrared System. The new OGBs are 18
(CIWS) to detect and track targets. It reduces unwanted
signals, clutter, and interference, which improves inches longer than the original M61A1 gun barrels,
accuracy and makes it more resistant to jamming. This are substantially thicker, and include both a barrel
increases the overall performance and reliability of the brace and muzzle restraint to improve longevity and
CIWS in identifying and engaging threats in a naval projectile dispersion patterns. The Enhanced
defense scenario. A Low Sidelobe Track Antenna is a Lethality Cartridge provides a 50 percent increase in
crucial component of a CIWS system and helps to penetration mass. The Phalanx FLIR provides a
ensure the highest level of accuracy and effectiveness.
unique capability to search, track, and engage littoral
D. Video Tracker warfare threats while simultaneously providing a
significant improvement in ASM engagement ranges
The Phalanx Close-In Weapons System (CIWS)
uses a video tracker for target acquisition and tracking.
It supplements the radar system and enhances the
VI Reference

CIWS's ability to detect and engage incoming threats, [1] M. Lam, “United States of America 20 mm Phalanx
even in the presence of electronic countermeasures or Close-in Weapon System (CIWS),” Navweaps,
dense clutter. The integration of radar and video http://www.navweaps.com/Weapons/WNUS_Phalanx.p
tracking technologies provides a versatile defense
7Rc7UbacTpk41PwXvfkNUw (accessed Jan. 30, 2024).

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