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Ghost Finders (Working Title)


In the midst of the night 2 paranormal investigators suspect ghost activity in a haunted

Step #1: Synopsis

Write a short, condensed version of your film. (Min. one 2-4 sentences EACH ACT)
● Act One - Exposition & Conflict
2 paranormal investigators investigate a possible haunted basement. They arrive not
knowing what to expect.
○ Introduce the characters and the main conflict that drives the story
● Act Two - Rising Action & Climax
○ The two investigators look around to investigate and try to catch the ghost on
○ Show all the plot twists and conflicts your characters face.
● Act Three - Falling Action & Resolution
After finding the ghost they chase after it and the ghost tries to run from end with
the two investigators catching the ghost

○ Explain how the main conflict ends and what happens to your characters after.

NOTE: Don’t worry about spoilers – your reader needs to know what happens. Make sure you
tie up any loose ends
Film Treatment
Remember: A treatment does not give dialogue, shot by shot descriptions, or scene direction. It is a
summary of your movie in your words that engages the audience and written in present tense. The
expectation is that you will create a 4-5 paragraph treatment of your film.

Act 1: Setup
Take your synopsis for ACT ONE and PASTE it here, then expand upon it. Here are some
questions to think about : 3 paranormal investigators get a call to investigate a possible
haunted house. They arrive at the house expecting another walk in the park.
In the city of (sumwhere) 2 paranormal investigators r suspected paranormal activity. They
raced to the scene in a hurry to escape the boredom. When they arrived it was nothing like they
expected. They opened the door and stepped in without a second thought.

Where are we? What’s this movie about? Who are the main characters? What do they want?
What’s the tone? What’s the setup?

Act 2: Conflict
Take your synopsis for ACT TWO and PASTE it here, then expand upon it. Here are some
questions to think about :
What pushes these characters to change? What’s the conflict? Where’s the story going?
After many hours of silence the Investigators grew impatient, 1 of three investigators try to

The investigators were excited, excited . The investigators split up and wait for a sign of activity.

Act 3: Resolution
Take your synopsis for ACT THREE and PASTE it here, then expand upon it. Here are some
questions to think about :
How does the story reach a resolution? What’s the climax? Don’t worry about spoilers – your
reader needs to know what happens. Make sure you tie up any loose ends

Traps begin to trigger and the investigators investigate. Things start moving and the
investigators are ecstatic. Soon enough the ghost is with them and their faces gofo white. They
flee terrified and tails between their legs.

Final Scene: Wrap-Up

Limit this part to one paragraph. Where do we leave the characters? What happens at the very
end? Is there an epilogue? Could there be a sequel?
They chase after the ghost leaving everything behind. Running after the ghost ,the ghosts legs
give out. The two investigators beat on the now fallen ghost.

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