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Number – 0
- The number 0 represents universal energies, harmony, primordial nature,
completeness, eternal law, truth.
- Usually relates to infinite possibilities, all or nothing, anything, or other barrier-
free ideas.
- It amplifies the effect of number with which it comes.
- If it comes with a number that is positive for a person, it will increase positivity.
- At the same time, if it comes with a number that is negative for a person, it will
increase negativity of same
- 3 or more than repetitions of number zero, start giving showing traits of Raahu
(For these people, Karma decides their fate and they reap what they sow)
- It is also abstract source of all numbers in numerology; practically, it symbolizes
the spiritual root cause of existing being.
- number 0's inherent meaning is a composition containing the ideas of:
o Wholeness
o Inclusiveness
o Comprehensiveness
o Infinite potential

The planet ruling No. 1 is Sun (Surya). All numbers begin from No. 1 just as the sun is
the center point and all planets revolved around it similarly No. 1 people enjoy the
same status in the life. No. 1 persons have a special identity and any individualistic
No. 1 is denoted as king, father, head and leader in any group. They are born
leaders. NO. 1 denotes the Supreme Being, and God. It also signifies that a person
takes birth and goes away alone. The day allotted is Sunday and deity is Surya.

The Characteristics governed by No. 1 Sun people are:

➢ Ambitious ➢ Lack of politeness in speed
➢ Independent in thought & action ➢ Shrewdness
➢ Active and energetic ➢ Dictatorship
➢ Intelligent ➢ Stubbornness and obstinacy
➢ Good advisors and counselors ➢ Dogmatic
➢ Good orator ➢ Hastiness
➢ Generous ➢ Egoistic
➢ Broad minded ➢ Attention seeking
➢ Loyal to family and friends ➢ Unsteady
➢ Secretive and can keep secrets well ➢ Hot tempered

➢ Methodical/Systematic ➢ Over confidence

➢ Lover of beauty, art and nature ➢ Absence of fore sight
➢ Optimistic ➢ Nervousness
➢ Logical / Practical ➢ Domination
➢ Good judge of character ➢ Show man ship
➢ Strong memory ➢ False Pride
➢ Strong will power ➢ Jealousy
➢ Enthusiasm ➢ Whimsical
➢ Research attitude ➢ Extravagance and spendthrift
➢ Attractive personality ➢ Aloofness
➢ Determination ➢ Interference
➢ Authority ➢ Vanity
➢ Aspiration ➢ Inflexibility
➢ Versatility ➢ Impertinence
➢ Quest for knowledge
➢ Sociability
➢ Self-respect / Honor, prestige, dignity
➢ Benevolence –
➢ Care & respect for others
➢ Self confidence
➢ Punctual
➢ Inspirational
➢ Sensitive
➢ Quick decisions
➢ Dislike fluttery

NUMBER 1-SUN (Physique)

- Good height and majestic looks

- They will have broad chests, wide foreheads with clear eyes which will reflect the
sincere and innocent look of a child.
- They have strong necks, which they turn gracefully whenever they speak or
- Some women of this category are known for their abnormal growth
disproportionate to their age. (Either very tall or noticeably short)
- They usually have fair, clear complexion.
- They are extremely attractive and draw attention wherever they go.


The planet of ruling No. 2 is Moon (Chandra). Moon has phases, it signifies dualism
and antagonism. It is a feminine number and attributes to the feminine qualities of a
person. Moon is the moulder of minds. It is a symbol of completion. It represents
both blend of good and evil. It denotes creation and destruction. The day allotted is
Monday and deity is Shiva.

The Characteristics governed by No. 1 Moon people are:


➢ Pleasing personality ➢ Can’t say NO
➢ Imaginative ➢ No leadership quality
➢ Sentimental & Emotional ➢ No decision
➢ Creative and artistic ➢ Restless
➢ Decency in behavior ➢ Unsteadiness
➢ Helpful ➢ Mood swings
➢ Hard working ➢ Depression
➢ Intuitive and psychic ➢ Over-sensitivity
➢ Methodical and systematic ➢ Shy & reserved
➢ Selfless to friends and family ➢ Pessimistic –
➢ Excellent host ➢ Inferiority Complex
➢ Meliculous ➢ Fearful / Cowardice
➢ Excepts mistakes easily ➢ Impatient
➢ Romantic ➢ Doubtful
➢ Co-operative / understanding ➢ Nervousness
➢ Peace lovers / harmony ➢ Indifference
➢ Settle disputes, good advisors ➢ Jealousy
➢ Good conversationalist ➢ Whimsical
➢ Friendliness ➢ Lazy / lethargy
➢ Honesty ➢ Hastiness
➢ Love for music and art ➢ Coldness
➢ Simplicity ➢ Impractical
➢ Tendency to forgive ➢ Fickle mindedness

➢ Good memory
➢ Resourcefulness
➢ Respect and care for others
➢ Religious
➢ Sympathy and kindness
➢ Gentleness
➢ Intelligent
➢ Reliable


- Round and smiling faces.

- If moon is positive, they will be tall in stature. If not, they will be of average
height with rounded heads.
- Generally, they have a bulky frame but are not strong.
- They will also have bushy eyebrows, big eyes, broad and crooked teeth, fleshy
necks, weak hands and legs and noses tilting slightly upwards.
- They usually have good black hair.
- When they are fresh and energetic, they tend to look fair, but when dull and
tired they look whitish.


The planet of ruling No. 3 is Jupiter (Guru) Jupiter is placed on a high pedestal. The
day is Thursday and the deity is Lord Vishnu. 3 denote a triangle and it’s created by
adding 1 & 2, hence qualities of 1 & 2 are amalgamated in 3. It is symbolic of 3
deities Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh. It symbolizes trinity of family (father, mother and
child). It also shows the three cycles of time: past, present future, in human element
it exists in three forms body, soul & mind.

The Characteristics governed by No. 3 Jupiter people are:


➢ Impressive personality ➢ Authoritative

➢ Popular ➢ Do not like interference

➢ Full of Energy ➢ Extravagant
➢ Self confident ➢ Short-tempered
➢ Generous ➢ Dictatorship
➢ Bold & courageous ➢ Jealous
➢ Philosophical ➢ False pride
➢ Cheerful / humors ➢ Boastful
➢ Ambitious ➢ Argumentative
➢ Independent ➢ Enmity
➢ Power Hungry ➢ Hypocrisy
➢ Authority ➢ Vanity
➢ Honor & commitment ➢ Cruelty
➢ Law/ rules abiding ➢ Egoism
➢ Justice ➢ Dogmatism
➢ Loyal to family & friends ➢ Irritability
➢ Social and friendly ➢ Impertinence
➢ Responsible & dutiful ➢ Phone to unnecessary
➢ Good oratory skills worry
➢ Advisor / counselor / teacher ➢ Restless
➢ Trustworthy
➢ Outspoken
➢ Strong will power
➢ Tolerant
➢ Prestige/honor / dignity
➢ Attitude for knowledge & education
➢ Respectability
➢ Leadership
➢ Honesty
➢ Logical and methodical
➢ Religiousness
➢ Idealism


- Average height with lovely eyebrows, broad foreheads, compassionate eyes,

perfectly shaped mouths, full lips, neat set of even teeth with two big front teeth
which show out when they smile.
- If their teeth are not even, it signifies that the planet’s effect is less powerful.
- They have straight and soft hair.
- Baldness and graying of hair will set in younger ages.
- Their skeletal systems are perfectly covered with flesh and muscles.
- Their strong necks and wide shoulders will give an impressive look.
- They get sweating in palm and their palm/body parts tend to get slightly hot


The planet of ruling No. 4 is Rahu (Uranus). No. 4 represents a square, the four sides
denote love, peace, service and expression. The cross and the Swastika have four
points each, there are four seasons in a year. This is a number of material universes:
reason, science, technology and knowledge. No. 4 signifies suddenness and change,
it also denotes unexpected events and many ups 7 downs in life. The deity is
Ganesha & the days allotted Wednesday or full moon day (Poornima). Pythagoreans
believed this to be a number of miracles.

The Characteristics governed by No. 4 Rahu people are:


➢ Reformers ➢ Arrogant
➢ Revolutionary ➢ They cannot take good decisions
➢ Considerate ➢ Hot tempered
➢ Cultured ➢ Struggles
➢ Trustworthy ➢ Hardships
➢ Strong character ➢ Unstable
➢ Good conversationalists ➢ Easy Enmity / Vindictive
➢ Good planners & organizers ➢ Lazy / laid back
➢ Discipline ➢ Slavery
➢ Energetic & Enthusiasm ➢ Change jobs frequently
➢ Knowledgeable ➢ Spendthrift
➢ Informative / analytical ➢ Loneliness
➢ Reliability ➢ Suspicious / doubtful
➢ Faithful ➢ Cannot trust easily
➢ Practical ➢ Stubborn
➢ Systematic / efficient / methodical ➢ Oversensitive
➢ Secretive/ can be trusted with secrets ➢ Exploited by relatives
➢ Bold / courageous ➢ Depression / mood swings
➢ Co-operative ➢ Shrewdness
➢ Endurance ➢ Lack of perseverance
➢ Love for freedom ➢ Skepticism
➢ Keen observation / Vigilant ➢ Fickleness
➢ Ambitious by nature ➢ Dictatorship
➢ Concentration / engrossed in work ➢ Argumentative / out-spoken
➢ High idealism ➢ Changeability/


- They will have broad faces and slightly sunken eyes, fair in complexion and prone
to obesity.
- When they smile, their eyes will crinkle and will be slightly closed.

- They have round heads and thick way hair.

- They have a pleasant personality and can stand out in a crowd.
- Their nervous strength and vital power are extraordinarily strong, and they are
generally robust and enjoy good health.
- Generally, they suffer from depressions.


The planet of ruling No. 5 is Mercury which is a planet of wisdom. No. 5 is in the
middle of Nos. 1 to 9 therefore No. 5 persons are mediators, messengers or balance
relationships. This is a business no and No. 5 people play a primary role in trade,
govt. and public relations. It is signified by the five elements of nature. It denotes a
*. The day is Wednesday and the Goddess is Laxmi and God is Ganesha.

The Characteristics governed by No. 5 Mercury people are:


➢ Impressive personality / ➢ Always in hurry
➢ Good beautiful features ➢ Anger/Hot tempered
➢ Punctual / conscious of time ➢ Shrewdness
➢ Keen intuition ➢ Aptitude for change
➢ Very fast / accurate/ good learners ➢ Cannot say ‘No’
➢ Good understanding ➢ Love flattery
➢ Universal I.Q. Intelligent ➢ Unstable nature
➢ Great ideas ➢ Nervousness
➢ Very friendly / sociable / popular ➢ Unreliability
➢ Honest / transparent / open minded ➢ Lack of perseverance
➢ Talented ➢ False hood –
➢ Fearless / Adventurous/Risk bearing ➢ Skepticism
➢ Adaptable/ co-operative/ flexible ➢ Suspicious
➢ Energetic / quick ➢ Restless
➢ Practical approach ➢ Slow decision making

➢ Vigilance / observant / alert ➢ Over sentimental

➢ Systematic / Methodical ➢ Exhaustion
➢ Self Esteem / Self respect
➢ Modesty / Simplicity
➢ Know the art of making money
➢ Ambitious
➢ Love for art, music, science
➢ Religious / Freedom / Independence
➢ Optimistic –
➢ Idealism / full of life
➢ Love for travel
➢ Determination
➢ Lots of Admires
➢ Enthusiasm


- They will be of average height but slightly fat around their midriff.
- They have with beautiful features and their eyes will be clear and bright giving
out energy.
- They always have a slightly impish look. Their manner of speech and looks are
extremely attractive.
- Their hands will always be busy doing something or the other.
- If the constructive influence of their ruling planet is less, they will close weight
and become very skinny.
- The tend to have straight long hair.
- Being perfection lists they take a lot of care while dressing.


The planet of ruling No. 6 is Venus. This is a number of sympathy, harmony,

communion, romance, marriage and luxury things. This is a bright shining planet
which is called the evening star. It is a symbol of Venus. It was in the 6th hour of the
6th day that temptation came into the world according to Christian belief. The
allotted day is Friday and deity is Laxmi / Saraswati and the God is Kartike.

The Characteristics governed by No. 6 Venus people are:


➢ Pleasant / Impressive personality ➢ Lack of foresight

➢ Harmony ➢ Interferences
➢ Strong memory ➢ Moodiness
➢ Love/ passion / Romance ➢ Timidity
➢ Calmness ➢ Shyness
➢ Systematic ➢ Spendthrift
➢ Steadiness ➢ False worries
➢ Serenity / peace ➢ Impractical
➢ Love for art / music ➢ Skeptic
➢ Co-operative ➢ Greed
➢ Ambition / progress ➢ Outspoken
➢ Good counselor / Adviser ➢ Anger
➢ Enthusiasm ➢ Domination
➢ Analytical mind ➢ Tendency to gamble
➢ Love for freedom ➢ Boastful
➢ Kindness / Sympathy ➢ Forcing opinions on others
➢ Generous ➢ Egoism
➢ Love for travel ➢ Extremists
➢ Self-respect ➢ Materialistic
➢ Sharp thinking ➢ Lustful.
➢ Friendliness
➢ Family attachment / Home
➢ Very charming
➢ Good oratory skills
➢ Good taste in clothes / home


- The planet Venus has feminine tendencies and as such, it bestows beauty to both
the men and women of this number 6.
- They have an attractive physique, fleshy cheeks, curly hair and magnetic eyes
than can captivate people.
- Their noses will be straight without any bend and they will have strong and bright
teeth. (Especially the two front teeth)
- They will have a round face. Their glances will be sweet and sensuous.
- These attractive people will be normal height (Depending on their other
numbers, their height could vary).
- Throat, neck and chin will be fleshy and strong. Even the opening of the mouth
would seem like a pleasant smile.

- If they are not active and do not exercise regularly, they are likely to put on
weight on their hips and buttocks.
- Their bodies just like their minds are ideally shaped to arouse passion. They
remain attractive and charming even in their old age.


The planet of ruling No. 7 is Ketu. (Neptune) the Lord is Narsimha. It is a mysterious
number, difficult to describe. Example : 7 colors of rainbow, 7 wonders of the world,
7 days of the week, 7 notes of sangeet and 52 weeks of the years. The day allotted is
Tuesday. The characteristics governed by No. 7 Ketu people are:


➢ Attractive / Enchanting personality ➢ Delay in decision making

➢ Dress neatly / originality ➢ Uncertainty
➢ Deep thinkers / Philosophers ➢ Lustful
Popular ➢ Introverts
➢ Austerity / intellectuals/ ➢ Short Tempered
➢ Spiritualism / religious ➢ Loneliness
➢ Success near water ➢ False worry
➢ Love for travel ➢ Tendency to withdraw
➢ Logical / Practical / Analytical ➢ Unsteadiness
➢ Judge people / Read minds well ➢ Whimsical
➢ Ever Active ➢ Despondency
➢ Generous / Sound intuition ➢ Nervousness
➢ Flexible / co-operative / adjusting ➢ Low on confidence
➢ Devoted to family / Affinity for ➢ Restless
Mother (Women) ➢ Uneasy
➢ Peace loving / Simplicity ➢ Obstinacy
➢ Good speakers of the knowledge ➢ Lack of perseverance
➢ Lover of nature ➢ Erratic
➢ Art, music, talented ➢ Love for Freedom
➢ Workaholics / hardworking ➢ Secrecy
➢ Mental strength / Sharp ➢ Stubbornness
Intelligence ➢ Irritability
➢ Excessive love for freedom ➢ Phone to Rebellion
➢ Dreamers / Divine Visionaries ➢ Tendency to be mysterious
➢ Serenity / Good luck to others ➢ Carelessness
➢ Tolerance / Patience ➢ Mood swings
➢ Joyfulness / Happiness / Humor
➢ Enthusiasm

➢ Ambition / co-operative
➢ Honesty / Self respect
➢ Faithfulness
➢ Prestige
➢ Courage / Imagination
➢ Decency / Sensitivity / emotional


- They appear tall and they have fine features with a slightly curved nose, flared
nostrils and beautiful eyebrows.
- They express with their eyes. They are not very handsome/beautiful but are
very magnetic.
- People are attracted to them. They have a good flair of speech.


The planet of ruling No. 8 Saturn. Children of Destiny. Saturn is the ruler and
Saturday is the day. Shani is the deity. It signifies two worlds. One materialistic and
other Spiritual. It is a number of hardship, delays and struggles but Saturn is a judge
planet it blesses one for the good and punishes for the bad done.

The Characteristics governed by No. 8 Saturn people are :


➢ Good Memory ➢ Greedy
➢ Companion / Mercy ➢ Selfish
➢ Religious / Austerity ➢ Do no trust easily
➢ Justice ➢ Struggles
➢ Mental strength / clear mind ➢ Obstacles
➢ Intelligent ➢ Hardships
➢ Aristic / Love for music / ➢ Authoritative
creative ➢ Secretive
➢ Bold / courageous / daring ➢ Doubtful
➢ Responsible / Reliable ➢ Loneliness / lonely at heart
➢ Hate Hypocrisy ➢ Often misunderstood
➢ Practical ➢ Anger / Temper
➢ Judge of Character ➢ Egoism / Pride
➢ Trustworthy ➢ Tendency to delay / postpone
➢ Confident ➢ Skeptic
➢ Determination ➢ Erratic
➢ Warm / loving people ➢ Fickle minded

➢ Devoted to family and friends ➢ Irritability

➢ Authority ➢ Dependency
➢ Methodical / systematic ➢ Unsteady
➢ Good organizer / planner ➢ Impatient
➢ Tendency for Research
➢ Capability
➢ Discipline
➢ Constantly busy
➢ Hard working
➢ Talented


- People could become confused when observing number 8 people. They are
attractive and handsome.
- They will be quite tall with long limbs and fingers, faces with sunken cheeks.
- They will have pointed noses giving rise to breathing problems.
- Their bushy eyebrows and piercing looks will have a mixture of confusion and
- Though their teeth and gums are regular, these are never strong. Their strong
jaws reflect their inner strength. If it is not so, the influence of Saturn will be
negative and will give them long necks and bones.
- Their voices will be hoarse, and their hair will stand out.
- They will have broad shoulders or very slim bodies.
- They generally shake their legs while talking and may have the habit of nail


The planet of ruling No. 9 Mars (Mangal). Any Nos. added or x by 9 retains its
original identity. It is a no. that remains constant despite charges. It is a complete
no. 9 planet, 9 religions/ devotions, 9 forms of Durga, 9 Navratris, 9 years cycle or
108 Mantras. It represents new Birth, Spirituality & Revolution. The day is allotted
Tuesday and deity is Hanuman.

The Characteristics governed by No. 9 Mars people are :


➢ Romantic ➢ Struggle
➢ Patriotic ➢ Argumentative
➢ Adventurous ➢ Fights / Blood Shed
➢ Responsible ➢ Shrewdness
➢ Honest people ➢ Extremists
➢ Loving / genuine people ➢ Accident prone
➢ Caring / hospitable ➢ Impulsive
➢ Friendly / social, good hosts ➢ Hasty
➢ Good intuition ➢ Concealed
➢ Sports people ➢ Outspoken / Brash
➢ Active / energetic ➢ Fault finding
➢ Meticulous ➢ Critical
➢ Systematic / methodical ➢ Suspicious
➢ Enthusiasm ➢ Revengeful
➢ Courage ➢ Aggressive
➢ Respect ➢ Head strong
➢ Prestige / Honor ➢ Anger
➢ Ability to count ➢ Destructive
➢ Aspiration ➢ Quarrelsome
➢ Determination
➢ Authority
➢ Sympathy for others
➢ Spiritual healing
➢ Strong will power
➢ Independence
➢ Sensitivity
➢ Good counselors/advisors


- They are of average height. Those with above-average intelligence will be very
tall, they will have strong bodies and like to do physical work, while the others,
though of average height will seem to be short and petite.
- They will have muscular bodies. Even a little physical exercise will make them
look like boxers. Their teeth will be long and big. (Very few of them have small
teeth). T
- hey will have pointed noses and large mouths that will be slightly crooked when
they talk.
- They have thin lips. Their things, chest and stomach will be strong and large,
giving them a formidable appearance.

- They are reddish in complexion. They have a raw sex appeal and are very
charming and attractive.



NUMBER 10 stands for the Sun and 0 for infinity. So 1 is fortunate and 0 is
unfortunate. Thus 10 number brings success after a long struggle. It bestows
honor, faith, self confidence, name and fame on the person. It is a number of
choices. If the person chooses, success he gets success, if he chooses laziness he

does not get success. Dependence on others will cause problems. People born on
10th must be watchful of their anger. They are extremely intelligent and quick. They
should remember to come up in life the hard way. (When 0 is added to any number
it is beneficial and when 0 is multiplied to any number one comes back to zero).

10 number persons are born leaders, Fame and fortune may be yours. You are
extremely independent and aggressive, and may take the law in your hands. You
become very stubborn if you are opposed. You are an idealist to the core and strive
to improve your environment. You should develop your creative talents. Your
magnetic personality, dynamism and enthusiasm make you popular in professional
and social circles. You have considerable executive ability. Routine activities
frustrate you and you need to be busy with something with constructive and varied.
You may be a jealous and possessive friend.

this is a combination of 1 Sun and 1 sun. It is called a mystic number in many occult
traditions. In Hindu tradition 11 is the Lord of Destruction. It is a number of negative
omens and penance. Here number 1 is repeated twice so it makes the person
obstinate, authoritative and revolutionary. They are optimistic, quick to respond and
capable of guiding themselves and others. With good guidance they can achieve
good success in material world. They are fickle minded, suffer separation from their
partners and go through emotional ups and downs. In later life they become rich,
famous and respectable.

This is a combination of the Sun and the Moon. This creates anxiety, disappointment
and fear in the minds of those born on the 12th. This people are torn by the
opposites, the stable determined nature of number 1’s and changing the opinions of
number 2. They are extremely unsure and decide things at the last moment. They
may start projects never to complete them. They change their plans often so that
their friends and relatives are never sure of them. However, as a typical number 3
they love cooking, have many parties and are interested in philosophy and religion.

This is a combination of Sun and Jupiter which creates irritable nature. They are
pessimistic and create sadness for themselves. It is a number practical, alert and
dependable people. They go into the depths of matters and can be good scientists.
They find good supporting friends to help them to overcome their negativity. Like
the sun they are powerful, but number 3 makes them uncertain. In the kabala and
Indian method 13 is not a lucky number and is considered as the number of choice

or will power. However in the west as well as in China it is considered number of

difficulties. But like a typical 4 they face difficulties and problems in their lives.

This is a combination of 1 Sun and 4 Rahu. Rahu is considered enemy of the Sun and
causes the sun to be partially eclipsed and presents obstacles. Such people suffer
from inner conflicts. Their life is full of changes and they usually love to take risks
and gamble. Such people have to suffer many times in their life due to wrong
decisions. However the combination which is number 5 Mercury gives them a
powerful personality to enjoy life. They are helpful, wise, restless but jovial.

This is a combination of 1 Sun and 5 Mercury. Both are connected with Intellect and
ready wit. This makes the person popular, friendly and materially successful. These
people love ‘luxury, material prosperity and people. They are interested in fine art,
music and literature. They become very popular and receive co-operation from the
rich and powerful. They are blessed with cozy, expensive and luxurious places.
People born on the 15th are tender, emotional, attractive and stay young looking for
a long time.

This is a combination of 1 Sun and 6 Venus. This combination creates problems. The
person becomes a dreamer and lives in his own dream world. Those born on the
16th are idealists outwardly and lovers of enjoyment inwardly. They turn towards
healing arts, occultism and spirituality, if not they join conspirator groups. They
suffer defeats and become disinterested in life. However, like a typical number 7
(!+6) they are idealists, researchers and writers. They have the power of
discrimination and are spiritually inclined. They should watch out for accidents and
mishaps in life.

This is a combination of 1 Sun and 7 Ketu which brings obstacles, struggles and
difficulties. Sun and Ketu are enemies and hence there is an inner conflict. They
become peaceful and develop resistance to overcome obstacles. Due to Saturn they
face a lot of delays in their life. However, later in life they become very successful.
Like a typical number 8(1+7) they suffer in personal and family lives and do a lot of
social work. They acquire wealth, prosperity and respect in life. They develop faith
in god and helped by providence and their problems miraculously solved.

This is a combination of 1 Sun and 8 Saturn which makes them, face strong
opposition, inner conflicts and obstacles. They are tough fighters and survive difficult
circumstances. They meet challenges and face adverse situations boldly. Their life

lacks peace. They may earn money through unfair means and may not care for
ethical norms. They suffer from tension, instability and restlessness. They can
become vicious, rough and cruel. If they get good guidance they can prosper and rise
to high position. If they move towards spirituality they can make history.

This is a combination of 1 Sun and 9 Mars which makes them very luck. These
people are full of enthusiasm, happiness and achieve success in every field. They
are honored and are blessed with good name and fame. They meet challenges and
almost always win. However, a typical number 1(1+9) makes them obstinate, short
tempered and egoist. They enjoy very high status and are materially successful.
They are helpful, cooperative and generous. They are more fortunate then those
born on the 1st and the 10th.

This is a combination of 2 Moon and 0 infinity. These people are impatient, nervous,
shy, dependent and quick changing. The 0 makes them responsible for this behavior.
They are tender, emotional, loving and caring. They do not get rewarded and
appreciated for their effort and loving care. They experience delays in their projects
and suffer from anxiety and disgust. Their married life may not be very successful. It
they turn towards spirituality they can get peace of mind.

This is a combination of 2 Moon and 1 Sun. This number is more influenced by the
Moon as the number starts with 2. This makes them gentle, shy and less confident.
Number 1 makes them powerful and successful. Like typical number 3 (2+1) they
love people and become popular in society. They are able to overcome difficulties
and establish themselves in their jobs successfully. They can work as arbitrators and
diplomats. If they develop patience they can become fortunate and make steady

This is a combination of 2 Moon and 2 Moon. They are strongly influenced by
number 2 and yet carry all the qualities of number 4. They are nervous, shy and
diffident. They can become obstinate and are considered difficult people by their
friends and relatives. They have to suffer separation from their families and many of
them remarry. This number considered mystical by many. They are considered
specialists and execute their jobs efficiently. They go to the depth of whatever they
do and are perfectionist. Like typical number 4 (2+2). They have to struggle very

hard in life and face lot of obstacles and difficulties. They may face a break in their
studies. They are kind hearted and do social work.

This combination of 2 Moon and 3 Jupiter and is a number of success. Such people
are intelligent, hardworking, well informed and interested in learning everything.
They reach heights in their profession and also become very popular. Like a typical
number 5 (2+3) they are benefited by members of the opposite sex and are helped
by people of high positions. They experience prosperity and promote new ideas.
They achieve name and fame and are loved by all.

This is a combination of 2 Moon and 4 Rahu and is considered to be the lucky
number. Such people undergo change very often. They are very influential, sincere
and helpful. They are strong, persistent and always succeed in whatever they
undertake. They get help from people in powerful positions. They are loved by
those around them. They become successful and materially prosperous. Like a
typical number 6 (2+4) they get a lot of popularity and enjoy a good life. They are
gentle and helpful and get benefit from people of opposite sex.

This is a combination of 2 Moon and 5 Mercury. The moon is neutral towards
Mercury and Mercury is the enemy of the Moon. This creates a strange relationship
although this number brings luck. This number gives a fluctuating nature. The person
becomes dreamy, moody, imaginative, artistic and philosophical. Such People
become founders of religious institutions and try to understand the mysteries of
nature. In later life they obtain success after struggle. Such people are generally
proud of their artistic talents. They are not lucky in their love life but obtain financial
gains in marriage. They are advised to avoid risky ventures. Like a typical number 7
(2+5) they have psychic abilities and can be writers.

This is a combination of 2 Moon and 6 Venus. This makes the person dependent on
others especially opposite sex. They are ruled by Saturn and are considered to be
materialists and fatalists. They face many difficulties and much opposition in their
lives, especially during their early life. This number is advised to be careful by
selecting life partners. If they find a good soul mate they settle down and become
sincere and prosperous. These people excel and reach top positions in later life.
They are hardworking and stubborn. They can be cruel and revengeful. Like a typical
number 8 (2+6) they face problems and difficulties in their life.


This combination is of 2 Moon and 7 Ketu. This provides 27’s with initiative and an
inexhaustible energy. These people become independent, develop free will and can
perform all jobs successfully. They are much focused, make good plans and achieve
their goals. This combination makes the person commanding and authoritative.
They achieve success in every project. They love people and are devoted to their
families or even to the organizations to which there are working for. They are
emotional and intuitive. They develop stability and become successful in the
material field as well as in their relationships. Like a typical number 9 (2+7) they are
focused and get what they want out of life.

This is a combination of 2 Moon and 8 Saturn. It is a number of struggles. People
born on this date have to face many obstacles and much opposition. It is a luck
number that brings success. This success comes to these 28’s as it totals to 1. They
face struggles, conquer oppositions ultimately win. These people are gentle,
authoritative and commanding. They gain cooperation and help from superiors and
subordinates. They are obstinate and tough fighters who always win. They advocate
justice for the downtrodden. They are philosophical, spiritual and holistic in their
approach. They balance the material and the spiritual well.

This is a combination of 2 Moon and 9 Mars. It belongs lot of insecurity and
uncertainly in life. These people achieve success and rise to high positions.
However, their personal life especially their married life is not happy. The number 2
makes them sentimental and number 9 make them dominating. With help and
cooperation this individual can make progress. Such a person can get involved with
wrong people and does not lead ethical and moral lives. Though they rise to high
positions they always feel insecure, restless and have a doubting nature. Men with
this number should be very careful while choosing their life partners. They should
avoid getting angry and follow some spiritual discipline. They should marry early as
late marriage brings mental tension and unhappiness.

This is a combination of 3 Jupiter and 0 Infinity. The power of 3 slowed down to
zero. Their progress is slow and has to work hard to be successful and earn money.
They are continuously working and earn money through more than one project.
They may start many projects and leave many incomplete. The influence of zero
makes them waste energy and leaves jobs undone. They are thinkers and formulate
policies of their own. They have to struggle a lot in their early lives but slowly excel.
They are sometimes critical by nature and make fun of religion, they advocate
universal love and brotherhood. They should avoid being selfish and work for the
welfare of mankind.

This is a combination of 3 Jupiter and 1 Sun. This number creates uncertainly and
sudden unexpected changes. Such people feel lonely and are misunderstood by
friends and relatives. They make friendly and inspiring environment and so become
socially popular. They sometimes join revolutionary groups. Like a special number 4
(3+1) they become obstinate, secretive and commanding. They force their ideas on
others. Number 3 makes them selfish and number 1 makes them authoritative.
They are popular because of 3 and leaders because of number 1. They have to
struggle a lot before they get name and fame. They are lovers of justice but do not
use just means to achieve it.

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