Analyn Saluha and Mileah Devela

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INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY Analyn Saluha and Mileah Devela Researchers I.

Introduction This module provides some special materials and equipment that motivates the learners enhance their interest in learning by using instructional technology. In most schools, a variety of technological instructional aids are available to facilitate a teaching and learning processes. It is high time that our schools should avail of this instructional technology so that all the students would have the opportunity to experience how it is to learn in this millennium. II. Objectives At the end of the lesson, the student must be able to: 1. Know the role of instructional technology in teaching. 2. Discuss the different kinds of instructional technology used in the classrooms. 3. Differentiate the instructional technology from visual aids. 4. Appreciate the value of instructional technology in education, such as ETVs, videos, computers, films, and the like. III. Pretest 1. How will you define instructional technology? 2. What are some instructional materials that are being used in the classrooms? 3. Is it important to every teacher to use instructional technology in teaching? 4. Are these materials effective and reliable to use? IV. Discussion A. Chalkboard/Display Board The chalkboard and display board are definitely visual aids. These do not represent any advance technology. The chalkboard is perhaps the oldest and most traditional piece of equipment found in the classroom, next to the textbook. It is the most widely used instructional aid. In a classroom, there is usually one chalkboard in front and another on a sidewall. The chalkboard can

be used for displaying pictures, important clippings, drawings, sketches, and diagrams to help illustrate points of lessons, projecting films, and other materials, listing suggestions or items out of problems and evaluating procedures and answers. The types of display board are: a. b. c. d. Bulletin board Peg board Flannel board Magnetic board

The boards stimulate the student creativity and interest, promote the student participation in the learning activity, and make the room more cheerful and student-oriented. A portion of the chalkboard can be used if there is no display board, especially in the elementary grades. B. Films, Film strips, and Film slides Film is the most influential and seductive educational medium for transmitting ideas and persuading an audience to a point of view. Film is both interesting and motivating for the students. A good film may be made expressly for educational purposes. A movie is particularly useful for showing processes in which motion is involved or in which slow motion can be used. A film strip is a series of pictures in a fixed sequence on a strip of 35mm films for still projection. Filmstrip are compact, easy to store, relatively inexpensive to buy, easy to project, and somewhat flexible. Film slides are individual pieces of film for projection mounted in cardboard or plastic frames, usually 2 inches squares. They are more flexible to use than film strips, since unnecessary slides can be omitted. Slides are sometimes accompanied by audio tape narration. Slides may be changed manually or automatically with a device that advances the slide at particular time intervals. The speed of showing both film strip and film slide is adjustable. Each frame or slide can be discussed and the time allowed for discussion can vary, thus the teacher can set and change the pace of instruction. Because students are forced to think at the speed and in the sequence determine by the film, it tends to create a passive rather than an active mind set. C. Overhead Projector The overhead projective projects images of transparencies on a screen wall or chalkboard. The transparencies are placed on the glass on top of the projector. Light from the lamp located in the projective produces images reflected on to a viewing surface at the back of the operator. The teacher can

face the class while using it. Because the machine is light in weight and portable, the overhead projector is convenient to use. It has become a standard equipment in many classroom functions. D. Television/Video System/Tapes/Printer/Cassettes/Games/Disc Television is a medium of communication primarily used for broadcasting visual impression of reality through space. It is the most effective means of mass communication known to mankind. Recent evidence make it clear that TV has become a second school system according to Neil Postman. Watching TV requires little efforts and few skills. Children do not have to think about or solve problems rather they become accustomed to rapidly changing stimuli, quick answers, and escapist fantasies, not to mention overdose of violent and sexual behavior on the screen. Teachers in connection with the parents are responsible to guide their children in watching films on TV t curtail violent and sexual scenes on TV especially during prime time (7:00 to 10:00 p.m.) The research suggests that programs for the preschooler and primary grade children such as Sesame Street and Electric Company are associated with improved cooperative behavior and cognitive skills. However, most of the data suggest that for upper elementary and secondary school students, watching more than five hours a day is associated with lower achievement in reading and mathematics. Because of TVs impact on acculturation and socialization of the children and youth and its influences on society, educators cannot ignore this medium. In order to reverse the trend toward lower achievement resulting from too much time spent watching badly produced by commercial TV, they should find the ways to incorporate the medium into the school curriculum. Two Types of TV Programming that Can Be Employed in Schools 1. ETV or Educational Television refers to the program produced for broadcasting on commercial or public TV stations that are intended to form and develop understanding. Students watch the program at home. In the Philippines, there are some ETVs program for Filipino children such as Sine Eskwela, Hirrayamanawari, Bayani, and Math Tinik. As researchers have justified, ETVs have increased the understanding, comprehension, academic performance, classroom participation of the students. They have become interested in their lessons and confident of themselves. 2. Instructional television refers to the program produced by schools to teach specific skills and subject matter and for viewing in school. Many commercial

and public TV stations produced programs where their own master teachers teach number of classes simultaneously by means of TV. Television has a potential for adding to the students knowledge. They can help the students to learn so many things like current issues or events, scientific advances, and others. To expose them to dramatic and musical performance helps them to become better acquainted with the leading figures in the world of arts, science, politics, and business. The students can learn by using TV as a means of providing instruction through recorded programs. 3. Video system constitute another valuable tool for instructional activities with the help of technology. The video system make it possible for various audio visual experiences to be produced, stored, and retrieved as needed. By using video systems, the teacher and the students can produce and create their own materials and use audio visual system. The teachers should investigate the way visual images affect individuals and society and how individual can enhance their esthetic and thinking skills in our television and videodominated culture. Video tapes. Video tapes have many applications for instruction, such as demonstration, explaining, recording, and playing data. They can be used classrooms, resource center, and homes Video cassettes. In collecting, storing, and reusing materials, video cassettes are easier to use than tapes because they are extremely lightweight and small. Their potential is enormous, considering the low-cost of equipment needed to record and play back the cassettes. Video discs. Aside form videos, recordings are also made on video discs, which resemble long playing records, but have a larger storage capacity and are not subject to damage while in use. Video disc are being used in the classroom despite the cost. They are more expensive and can be used only by professionals, and cannot be edited, but theres still some interesting disc that are useful for facilitating learning. These are: 1. Knowledge discs This is based on the encyclopedia, with 32,000 entries and 9 million words (equivalent to 20 volumes of encyclopedia). 2. Bioscience This can accommodate about 6,000 still images of animals and plants that can be used with daily Biology and General Science lesson plans. 3. History discs This contains 45 important newsreel film clips and several thousand trivia questions.

Video printers is attached to the TV and produces a postcard-size color print of almost anything you can see on the screen. Video printers included not only regular broadcast TV, but also teletext, video tape, video disc, or anything transmitted through TV. Video games. Any of a variety of electronic games produced for a home TV, or computer display screen or for commercial amusement arcades. Industry has been criticized because the sound and light display provide an escapist reaction, but some observer believe that the effect can be positive. Music videos such as MTVs or music television are very in nowadays and teenagers love to watch it. Producers however, should see to it that the programs are appropriate to the age group since it might give bad effect to them if not properly classified. E. Computers Computers is a device that automatically performs calculation and sorts, files, edits, or otherwise process information. Since the 1950s, computer technology for school purposes has began to have a major impact on classrooms and schools. By 1985, the numbers reached 5,000,000 or 92% of all the public schools in the U.S. In 1990, more than two million or nearly 99% of the school use computers. Today, many elementary and high schools have a computer subject once or twice a week. Five thousand or more teachers are expected to become an instructors of computer technology. V. Post test 1. What are the types of educational technology? 2. How does instructional technology help facilitate teching? 3. Are music videos

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