Jss 1 Week 8

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Subject: Christian Religious Studies

Topic: Call to Service

Class: JS1

Lesson Objective: by the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:

1. Explain the meaning of Service

2. Mention examples of people who

served in the bible.

3. Narrate the sale of Joseph in Egypt

and his service in Egypt.

4. Write on the service of Ruth to her

mother in-law.

5. Say lessons from the service of Joseph and Ruth.

Lesson Summary/Discussion

Meaning of Service

To serve means to work or perform duties for a person, an organization and one’s country. Service
therefore means the process of working or performing duties for an individual, organization, one’s
community and country. Every Christian has one service or the other to render to God and his/her
nation. It is important to note that service rendered should come from a willing heart not by force or

Examples of People Who Served in the Bible

A. Joseph:

Joseph was one of the sons of Jacob. His father loved him more than his other brothers because Joseph
was the child of his old age. Joseph was also a child who did not condone evil. To show his love for
Joseph, Jacob made a colourful long sleeve robe also called ‘Coat of many Colours for him. Joseph was
hated by his brothers because their father love him more than all of them. Joseph was also a dreamer.
He dreamt two dreams which he told his brothers. The dreams signified that he would be successful
above his brothers in future. Again, he always brought to their father the reports of his brothers’ evil
deeds. This made them to hate him the more.

The Sale of Joseph to Egypt (Genesis 37:12-36)

One day, Joseph’s father sent him to Dothan to give food to his brothers who were grazing their cattle.
He was to find out about their welfare and report back to his father. Joseph did not see them at Dothan,
and was directed to look for them at Shechem. When his brothers saw him coming, they planned to kill
him, but Reuben stopped them from killing him. Later, they sold him to Midianite traders for 20 shekels
of silver. The traders in turn, took him to Egypt and sold him to Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh.

The brothers of Joseph killed a goat and dipped Joseph’s robe in the blood. They sent it to their father to
Identify whether it was Joseph’s robe of many colours. Jacob identified it as Joseph’s robe and wept
bitterly feeling that wild beasts might nave devoured him.

Joseph’s Service in Egypt (Genesis 413F -5)

In Egypt, Joseph served in three places, in the house of Potiphar, in Prison and as a minister in charge of
distributions of food. As a servant in the house of Potiphar, he was diligent and faithful to his master.
This made Potiphar to hand over all his businesses to Joseph. But the wife of Potiphar wanted Joseph to
lie with her, but Joseph refused. He said that he would not commit such evil before God and his master.
As a result of his faithfulness, he was falsely accused by Potphar’s wife. He was unjustly thrown into
prison without a fair hearing.

In prison house, Joseph was so humble and loyal that he was made a welfare officer for other prisoners.
He also used his talent as an interpreter of dreams to help others. He interpreted the dreams of
Pharaoh’s Butler and Chief Baker.

The Baker was killed while the Buter was restored to his office. Joseph also interpreted the dreams of
Pharaoh of Egypt. This made Pharaoh to promote him to the position of Prime Minister in Egypt. In his
new position, Joseph was made second-in-command Egypt after Pharaoh. He was given a new name,
Zaphnath-paneah. He was given a wife, Asenath, the daughter of Potiphar, priest of On. God blessed
their marriage with two sons. The first son he named Manasseh meaning, God has made me forget my
hardship and all my father’s house’. The second son was called Ephraim meaning God has made me
fruitful in the land of affliction.”

Joseph served as a minister incharge of distribution of food in Egypt. He worked tirelessly. He

constructed store-house which he filled with grains during the year of plenty. He served his master with
loyalty and accountability as he sold the grains to people. Joseph was so faithful that all the Egyptians
came to him for supply of their needs. He was also good in dealing with people from other countries
who came to buy food in Egypt. When his brothers came to buy food too, Joseph recognizer them. He
treated them kindly and with compassion. He even forgave them of their maltreatment to him as a
young man. His love for his brethren and family which made him to ask them to come down to Egypt to
escape starvation during the years of famine

B. Ruth

The Service of Ruth to Her Mother In-Law (Ruth 1:7-18)

Ruth was a Moabitess maried to the family of Elimelech. Elimelech was an Israelite from Bethlehem in
Judea. Elimelech ieft Judea for Moab With his wife, Naomi, and two sons, Chillion and Mahlon, to escape
from famine in Judea. There, his two sons married Moabitess women. Chillion married Ruth while
Mahlon mamed Orpha.

Shorty, Elimelech died and later his two sons also died. Naomi was now left with her two daughters in-
law. When the famine was over, Naomi decided to go back to Judea. Naomi called her two daughters in-
law and advised them to retum to their parents. Her reasons were, that their husbands were dead, and
it was not possible for her to bear other sons for them to get maried to. After much consideration,
Orpha went back to her people but Ruth cleaved to her mother in-law.

When Naomi persisted, Ruth told her, "entreat me not to leave you or to return from following you; for
where you go I will go, and where you lodge, I Will lodge, your people shall be my people and your God
my God; where you die, i wll die, and there will I be buried. May the Lord do so to me and more also if it
is not only death parts me from you” With such detemination, Naomi left her to her decision. This shows
that Ruth was willing to serve her mother in-law at all costs.

Naomi therefore took Ruth and returned to Bethlehem and loved her so much. Ruth laboured to take
care of her mother in-law. Naomi also made plans for their near kinsman to take care of Ruth. Ruth
served with faithfulness and hardwork; this made Boaz, Naomi’s kinsman to marry Ruth. Ruth bore to
him a son called Obed. Obed means restorer of life and nourisher of old age. Obed became the father of
Jesse who was also the father of King David.

Through the lineage of Ruth, Jesus Christ, the expected Messiah was born.
Lessons from the Services of Joseph and Ruth

1. Both of them had excellent qualities in their Services which are worthy of emulation.

2. They were courageous and determined to survive their adverse environments.

3. They were humble and submissive to their master and mistress.

4. Both were hard-working and faithful in service.

5. They were visionary, which made them see a better future amidst dark environment.

6. They were selfess in service and, willing to help others more than themselves.

7. They had love and compassion for the welfare of others.

8. Joseph had the fear of God to avoid sinful practice and forgiving spirit towards all who wronged him.

Life in God's Service (I Peter 2:18-25)

As earlier mentioned, service is seeing one's work as part of God's plan to make the world a better and
happier place, not thinking of self but of others with the sole aim of giving glory to God. No matter what
anyone does as an occupation, he/she can make that work become service for God. A Christian may do
his/her work or serve his/her boss or master and still bring glory to God. He or she must serve both good
and bad masters well so as to please God.

1 Peter 2: 18-25 explains what Peter says about this. He advises servants to:

(i) Be subject and obedient to their masters, whether the masters are good or bad, kind or harsh

(ii) Do their work in the fear of God, and do it cheerfully, faithfully and honestly as doing it unto God, to
please God, Who would reward them later

Lesson Evaluation/Test

1. What is service?

2. Mention examples of people who

served in the bible.

3. Narrate the sale of Joseph in Egypt

and his service in Egypt.

4. Write on the service of Ruth to her

mother in-law.

5. What lessons can be learnt from the service of Joseph and Ruth?

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