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A Capstone by

Gavino, Rhona Jane R.

Gidor, Johnlee M.
Kalaw, Jim T.

Submitted to the Department of Information Systems

College of Computing and Information Sciences (CCIS)
Caraga State University – Main Campus

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Information Systems (BSIS)

May 2024

This capstone entitled FlexWorker: Bridging the gap between TVET Graduates to
Blue-Collar Workforce in Butuan City prepared and submitted by Rhona Jane R. Gavino,
Johnlee M. Gidor and Jim T. Kalaw in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree Bachelor of Science in Information Systems is hereby accepted.


Capstone Adviser


Chair, Oral Examination Panel


Panel Member Panel Member

Accepted and approved for the conferral of the degree Bachelor of Science in
Information Systems in the 2nd semester of SY 2023-2024


Dean, CCIS


Eradicating poverty and promoting decent work are interconnected Sustainable

Development Goals (SDGs). In the same sense, unemployment and poverty form a

vicious cycle, hindering economic growth and individual empowerment. (Chen and

Tan ,2022).

The study conducted by Bongolan (2022) on analyzing SDG target interactions in the

Philippines suggests that the government should prioritize targets that reinforce their

corresponding Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s). These reinforcements include

eradicating extreme poverty, ensuring equal access to quality education and promoting

sustainable economic growth.

To reach this target, The Philippine government established the Technical

Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) with the aim of mobilizing various

sectors to provide relevant skills (TESDA,1994) and this made possible through the

implementation of the Technical and Vocational Education Training also known as TVET

wherein this programs focuses on equipping individuals with the skills and knowledge

needed for employment and entrepreneurship. According to reports by TESDA, in 2022,

the Philippines witnessed a total of 1,231,284 graduates, with 68.5% (844,368) achieving

certifications (Table 1.1 TVET Output from Jan-Dec 2022). Moving to the second quarter of 2023,

the nationwide graduating cohort numbered 433,084, (Table 1.2 TVET Graduates as of 2nd Quarter

of 2023) of which 96.6% (418,632) successfully attained certifications (Table 1.3 TVET

Certification rates in the country as of the 2 nd Quarter of 2023). Within this timeframe, the CARAGA

region notably contributed 28,186 graduates (Table 1.4 Number of TVET Graduates in CARAGA as of
the 2nd Quarter of 2023), representing approximately 6.5% of the national total. Among these

CARAGA graduates, 34.3% (9,668) were certified (Table 1.5 Number of TVET Certified in CARAGA as

of 2nd Quarter of 2023). These figures underscore the ongoing efforts to prepare a capable

workforce and highlight the importance of certification in validating skills and

qualifications in the competitive job market. (TESDA ,2024).

However, TVET graduates often face challenges in securing employment due to

skills mismatch. (Autentico and Alerta, 2020) This mismatch occurs when the skills

acquired through TVET programs do not align with the specific requirements of available

jobs in the market (Lopes, 2023).

The skills mismatch is also evident in CARAGA hindering the employability of TVET

graduates leading to outdated skills, difficulty finding employment, and lower job quality

for graduates (CRDP 2023-2028). Even in Butuan City, this skills mismatch is a significant

obstacle for TVET graduates seeking employment (Autentico & Alerta, 2020). In order to

enhance job and employment, DOLE and LGU’s proposed to work closely with academia

and industry collaborators in improving existing employment programs like job fairs,

dissemination of Labor Market Information (LMI), PhilJobNet online job portal, youth

employment initiatives such as SPES, and other DOLE programs including DOLE-GIP,

TUPAD, and etc. However, the implemented existing employment facilities and services

such as PhilJobNet the online job portal in CARAGA is ineffective, Philippine Statistics

Authority survey last October 2023 shows that out of the 1,883,000 of total population

under the age bracket fifteen years old and above 71,000 of it participated in the labor

force and the 15,800 of this are under employed while the tentative 3,300 of it were

unemployed ( Table 1.6 PSA- CARAGA Quarterly Labor Force Survey, 2023) and considering

the 13,405 total number of TVET Graduates produced by TESDA-Agusan del Norte alone
for the same year (Table 1.7 TESDA-Agusan del Norte Cluster KPI) faces the same dilemma;

Job-Skill Mismatch. Addressing this skills mismatch is critical for improving the

employability of TVET graduates, promoting economic growth in Butuan City, and

contributing to the achievement of the SDG’s in the Philippines (Kamolrat Intaratat,


With these factors, this study aims to develop a mobile based job hailing app, in

order to bridge the gap between TVET graduates and the Blue-collar workforce in Butuan



Despite government initiatives like TESDA, DOLE, and PESO/CESD aiming to equip TVET

graduates with employable skills, the following are the problems encountered:

 Employers face difficulties in finding qualified workers due to potential skills


 TVET graduates experience struggles in finding suitable job opportunities due to

limited access to information and potential skill gaps.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The major objective of the study is to develop and implement FlexWorker, a mobile

based job hailing app in order to address the skills mismatch and employment challenges

faced by TVET graduates, blue-collar workers and employers in Butuan City. Specifically, it

aims to:

 To develop a mobile application platform for Job posting, job searching, skills

profiling, and user profiles.

 To provide data analytics about the Labor Market Information using amCharts.

 To conduct user acceptance test of the FlexWorker in terms of its usability and



The FlexWorker project offers potential benefits for various stakeholders:

Province of Agusan del Norte: The system can assist unemployed and underemployed

residents in finding suitable jobs, potentially informing the development of targeted

employment programs within the province.

PESO/CESD-Butuan City: FlexWorker can aid the Public Employment Service Office or City

Employment Services Department in identifying current and future skills gaps within the

local labor market. By mapping skills and competencies required for various jobs, the

system can improve the efficiency of job matching services.

Employers: The project can streamline recruitment and selection processes, leading to

increased efficiency and productivity within their workforce.

Job Applicants/ TVET Graduates/ Blue-Collar Workers: FlexWorker can empower job

seekers by facilitating access to suitable employment opportunities and career

development. By providing clarity on skills and competencies required for specific jobs,

the system can help applicants identify relevant opportunities and present themselves

effectively to potential employers.

1. Scope and Limitations:


The FlexWorker project aims to develop a mobile-based job hailing application to

tackle the employment challenges and skills mismatch confronting TVET graduates and
blue-collar workers in Butuan City. The platform is designed to cater to two main user

groups: TVET graduates who have completed programs in the city and possess diverse

skill sets pertinent to blue-collar industries, and employers and businesses operating

within Butuan City seeking skilled workers. Through core features such as job posting,

searching, skills profiling, and matching, FlexWorker endeavors to bridge the gap

between job seekers and employers, prioritizing a user-friendly interface optimized for

mobile devices. To gather insights and feedback, a pilot study was conducted. The

researchers targeted the two users, 25 employers operating in the top five employment-

generator industries in the area (manufacturing, wholesale & retail, construction, mining

& quarrying, and hospitality professions), and 25 TVET graduates who have completed a

program in Butuan City and possess skills aligned with the above industries.


The initial development phase will prioritize the Five (5) identified employment-

generator industries in Butuan City (Manufacturing, Wholesale & Retail, Construction,

Mining & Quarrying, Hospitality Professions). Due to resource limitations, the project will

initially focus on compatibility with Android devices, the most prevalent smartphone

platform in Butuan City. The core functionalities like job posting, searching, profiling, and

matching will be prioritized, with additional features potentially implemented based on

user feedback and future resources.

By acknowledging these limitations and focusing on the specific needs of the

target population within the top five employment-generator industries, the FlexWorker
aims to create a valuable tool that addresses the skills mismatch and employment

challenges faced by TVET graduates and blue-collar workers in Butuan City.

1.6 Definition of Terms

 SDG's- Sustainable Development Goals. These are 17 interconnected goals

adopted by the United Nations in 2015 to address global challenges like poverty,

inequality, climate change, and environmental degradation.

 TESDA- Technical Education and Skills Development Authority. This is a Philippine

government agency responsible for planning, coordinating, and implementing

policies and programs related to technical and vocational education and training


 TVET- Technical and Vocational Education and Training. This refers to education

and training programs that provide learners with the skills and knowledge needed

for specific occupations or trades.

 DOLE- Department of Labor and Employment. This is the Philippine government

agency responsible for formulating and implementing policies, programs, and

services related to labor and employment.

 LGU- Local Government Unit. This refers to the various levels of local government

in the Philippines, including provinces, cities, municipalities, and barangays.

 LMI- Labor Market Information. This refers to data and analysis on the labor

market, including information on job openings, skills in demand, wages, and

unemployment rates.

 PHILJOBNET- Philippine Job Network. This is a government online platform that

provides job seekers with access to job listings, career information, and resources.
 SPES- Special Program for Employment of Students. This is a DOLE program that

provides temporary employment opportunities to poor but deserving students

during school breaks.

 DOLE-GIP- DOLE-Government Internship program. An initiative by the Philippine

Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) offering young workers (typically 18-30 years

old) the opportunity to gain practical experience through internships in government

agencies and entities at both national and local levels.

 TUPAD- Tulong Panghanapbuhay sa Ating Disadvantaged/Displaced Workers

Program. This is a DOLE program that provides temporary employment

opportunities to displaced, seasonal, or underemployed workers.

 PESO/CESD- Public Employment Service Office/City Employment Service Desk.

These are government offices that provide job search assistance, career guidance,

and labor market information to job seekers.

 BLUE COLLAR WORKERS/WORKFORCE- These are workers who typically perform

manual labor jobs, often in manufacturing, construction, maintenance, and other

hands-on occupations.
Table 1.1 TESDA Accomplishment Report 2016-2022 (TVET Output from Jan-Dec, 2022)

Table 1.2 Total number of TESDA Graduates from all delivery mode (2 nd Quarter of 2023)
Table 1.3 Total number of TESDA-TVET Certification rate (2nd Quarter of 2023)
Table 1.4 Total number of TESDA-TVET Graduates in CARAGA (2nd Quarter of 2023)

Table 1.5 Total number of TESDA-TVET Certified in CARAGA (2nd Quarter of 2023)
Table 1.6 PSA- CARAGA Quarterly Labor Force Survey, 2023

Table 1.7 TESDA- Agusan del Norte TVET Annual output as of 2023

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