Fluid Intake in Critically Ill Patients The "Save Useless Fluids

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Fluid Intake in Critically Ill Patients: The “Save

Useless Fluids For Intensive Resuscitation”
Multicenter Prospective Cohort Study
Frédérique Schortgen, MD1
OBJECTIVES: Patients at risk of adverse effects related to positive fluid balance Cécilia Tabra Osorio, RN1
could benefit from fluid intake optimization. Less attention is paid to nonresuscita- Dorothée Carpentier, MD2
tion fluids. We aim to evaluate the heterogeneity of fluid intake at the initial phase
Matthieu Henry, MD3
of resuscitation.
Pascal Beuret, MD4
DESIGN: Prospective multicenter cohort study. Guillaume Lacave, MD5
SETTING: Thirty ICUs across France and one in Spain. Georges Simon, MD6

PATIENTS: Patients requiring vasopressors and/or invasive mechanical Pierre-Yves Blanchard, RN7
ventilation. Tiphanie Gobe, RN8
Antoine Guillon, MD, PhD9
Laurent Bitker, MD, PhD10,11,12
MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: All fluids administered by vascular
Guillaume Duhommet, RN13
or enteral lines were recorded over 24 hours following admission and were clas-
Jean-Pierre Quenot, MD, PhD14,15,16
sified in four main groups according to their predefined indication: fluids hav-
ing a well-documented homeostasis goal (resuscitation fluids, rehydration, blood Matthieu Le Meur, MD17

products, and nutrition), drug carriers, maintenance fluids, and fluids for technical Sébastien Jochmans, MD18
needs. Models of regression were constructed to determine fluid intake predicted Fabrice Dubouloz, RN19
by patient characteristics. Centers were classified according to tertiles of fluid Nolwenn Mainguy, RN20
intake. The cohort included 296 patients. The median total volume of fluids was Josselin Saletes, RN21
3546 mL (interquartile range, 2441–4955 mL), with fluids indisputably required Thibault Creutin, RN22
for body fluid homeostasis representing 36% of this total. Saline, glucose-con-
Pierre Nicolas, RN23
taining high chloride crystalloids, and balanced crystalloids represented 43%,
Julien Senay, RN24
27%, and 16% of total volume, respectively. Whatever the class of fluids, center
Anne-Lise Berthelot, RN25
of inclusion was the strongest factor associated with volumes. Compared with the
first tertile, the difference between the volume predicted by patient characteristics Delphine Rizk, RN26
and the volume given was +1.2 ± 2.0 L in tertile 2 and +3.0 ± 2.8 L in tertile 3. David Tran Van, MD27
Audrey Riviere, RN28
CONCLUSIONS: Fluids indisputably required for body fluid homeostasis repre-
sent the minority of fluid intake during the 24 hours after ICU admission. Center Sarah Beatrice Heili-Frades, MD, PhD29
effect is the strongest factor associated with the volume of fluids. Heterogeneity in Justine Nunes, RN30
practices suggests that optimal strategies for volume and goals of common fluids Nadine Robquin, RN31
administration need to be developed. Sylvie Lhotellier, RN32

KEYWORDS: fluid balance; fluid rescucitation, practices; shock Stanislas Ledochowski, MD33
Armelle Guénégou-Arnoux, MSc34

Adrien Constan, RN1
luid optimization is an important goal in the management of criti- Save Useless Fluids For Intensive
cally ill patients. Fluids must be chosen according to body fluid ho- Resuscitation (SUFFIR) Study Group,
Reseau European de Recherche en
meostasis, which depends on individual patient needs. While both
Ventilation Artificielle (REVA) Network
excess and insufficient amounts may impact outcomes, the first has been
much more evaluated than the second. Fluid overload has consistently be Copyright © 2023 by the Society of
associated with worsened outcome in critically ill patients (1). Comparative Critical Care Medicine and Wolters
studies performed in high-risk populations for fluid accumulation, that is, Kluwer Health, Inc. All Rights
patients receiving vasopressors and/or patients with acute respiratory distress Reserved.
syndrome (ARDS), show an increased number of ventilator-free days and DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000006091

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Schortgen et al

KEY POINTS Study Design
We conducted the Save Useless Fluids For Intensive
Question: This study aims to precisely identify Resuscitation (SUFFIR) study, which was a prospec-
type and proportion for each vascular and enteral
tive cohort in 30F and one Spanish adult ICU, 13
fluid given to the ICU patient at the bedside during
the first 24 hours of the acute phase. (43%) of which were in university hospitals. Centers
were invited to participate by the Reseau European de
Findings: In this prospective multicenter cohort Recherche en Ventilation Artificielle (REVA) network
study, median of total fluid intake was 3546 mL
(70 centers were active members of this network).
(interquartile range, 2441–4955 mL) during the 24
hours study period. The volume of nonresuscita- Enrollment was initially planned from February 2020
tion fluids represents the majority of fluid intake. to May 2020. No sample size calculation was per-
Fluid intake strongly varies between centers and formed. We estimated that 4 weeks of inclusion in 31
is not explained by patient characteristics alone. centers will allow recruiting around 300 patients. We
Meanings: Heterogeneity in practices suggests estimated that this number will be sufficient for a re-
that optimal strategies for volume and goals of gression analysis regarding the number of recorded
common fluids administration need to be devel- variables. Participating centers were free to select 4
oped. Further studies are required to determine if consecutive weeks during this period to include be-
nonresuscitation fluids can be safely optimized. tween 10 and 20 consecutive patients. Because of the
first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, the period of
inclusion was prolonged until October 2020. Nine cen-
a decreased length of ICU stay with restrictive fluid ters started the study in March 2020 and had to sus-
management and/or de-escalation (2). However, a re- pend enrollment until June 2020. Twenty-one centers
cent randomized trial did not confirm these results started enrollment after the first wave and one center
(3). Impressive efforts have been done by researchers was unable to enroll patients.
to optimize fluid resuscitation; however, little atten- A study committee including one intensivist and
tion is paid to nonresuscitation fluids (4, 5). The pro- one nurse from 11 participating centers was formed
portion of fluid resuscitation among total fluid intake to list all fluids likely to be administered to a critically
has consistently been shown to be small (3, 6–8). A ill patient by either the intravascular or enteral route.
wide source of “other fluids” are inherently required Our aim was to establish an exhaustive list. A con-
for resuscitation. These fluids are referred to as “hid- sensus terminology and definition of each type of fluid
den” or “creep” fluids because they are not usually ac- was agreed by all participating centers to ensure uni-
knowledged by ICU teams. These “other fluids” need form recording (eTable 1, http://links.lww.com/CCM/
to be identified and considered for restriction when H440). To validate the terminology used and the fea-
indicated. Consensus on fluid classification and ter- sibility of exhaustive recording, the case report form
minology does not exist in the literature (4). Only (CRF) was constructed according to the classification
one prospective study, specifically designed to iden- and was tested by nurses not involved in study devel-
tify the origins of fluid intake during the first few days opment. Data monitoring was performed by trained
of septic shock resuscitation, has been performed in research staff. The CRF included the details of fluids
eight ICUs (8). Nonresuscitation fluids represented preparation and duration of administration allowing
the largest source of fluids. verification of aberrant volumes.
The aim of our study was to: 1) identify all possible Inclusion criteria were patients requiring vasopres-
sources of fluids administered by intravascular or en- sors and/or invasive mechanical ventilation with a Fio2
teral lines during the acute phase of resuscitation in greater than 50% and positive end-expiratory pressure
patients at high risk of fluid accumulation; 2) describe greater than 5 cm H2O. These criteria were chosen to
the proportion of resuscitation and nonresuscitation be easily identified by nurses at the bedside and to se-
fluids; and 3) assess the association between center lect a population exposed to the risks of fluid overload.
practices and fluid intake. Patients were screened upon admission and had to be

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Clinical Investigation

included within 2 hours. Because exhaustive fluid re- bags considering all electrolytes and drugs added for
cording could not be feasible in emergency situations, the final preparation. Data were secondarily reported
a second screening was done at the time of the first by research personnel in an electronic CRF. Missing
input-output fluid balance calculation. Patients not data are indicated in eTable 2 (http://links.lww.com/
included upon admission could be included at the CCM/H440).
second screening if inclusion criteria were still present.
In accordance with French national law on human Statistical Analyses
experimentation and with the Helsinki Declaration,
the “SUFFIR” study was approved by the ethics com- Results are presented as median 25th–75th interquar-
mittee of the French Intensive Care Society on January tile range, mean ± sd, or number and percentage of
17, 2020 (CE SRLF 20-0). The Spanish center obtained patients, as appropriate. A regression analysis was de-
its authorization for participation according to local veloped in the whole population to predict the volumes
regulation. All patients or close relatives were informed of fluid intake adjusted to take into consideration the
that their medical personal data were included in the patients’ characteristics. The characteristics of patients
SUFFIR anonymized database. Nonobjection confir- expected to be associated with the volume of fluids
mation for use of personal data was obtained from the were a priori selected for adjustment (9). Variables
patient or their legal representative in accordance with were successively entered in the model and the model
French local regulations. The study complied with the giving the best prediction was selected. Analysis of
Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies variance was used to determine the association be-
in Epidemiology statement guidelines (http://www. tween center of inclusion and fluid intake. We arbi-
equator-network.org) (eTable 7, http://links.lww.com/ trarily chose the center of the principal investigator as
CCM/H440). The study was funded by a grant from the reference center. Centers of inclusion were entered
the French Intensive Care Society. in the model to estimate adjusted volume differences
compared with the reference center.
We also divided centers in tertiles according to the
Data Collection
median of fluid intake given three types of centers:
All fluids administered by intravascular and feed- “low,” “moderate,” and “high” volumes. We compared
ing lines were recorded during the 24 hours follow- the characteristics of patients in the three tertiles using
ing inclusion. Indication, volume, and type of each a Student t test when quantitative variables were nor-
fluid administered were recorded. Sources of fluids mally distributed or a Kruskal-Wallis, as appropriate.
were divided in four classes: indisputably required The predictive model for fluid intake was applied in
for body fluid homeostasis, diluent fluids for drugs, patients included in the “low-volume” centers (tertile
maintenance fluids, and fluids for technical need. Ten 1). Then, we assessed the difference between predicted
subclasses were also a priori defined and diluent flu- volume by the model and observed volume in the
ids were subdivided for each type of drugs (eTable 1, second and third tertiles. The difference between pre-
http://links.lww.com/CCM/H440). Fluids indisputably dicted and observed volumes in the second and third
required for body fluid homeostasis were fluid boluses tertiles gave an estimation of the excess fluid intake.
for resuscitation, fluids for replacement of overt fluid We also performed a sensitivity analysis to limit as
losses, blood products, and nutrition. Maintenance much as possible the impact of patient effect on the dif-
fluids ordered for expected insensible fluid losses were ference of volumes given across centers. A more homo-
recorded in a specific class because their indications geneous subgroup of patients likely to be resuscitated
are not well validated (4). for severe infection was selected. Patients with invasive
Fluids were specifically recorded for the study on a mechanical ventilation, vasopressors, sedation, and
specific paper sheet immediately filled after each ad- antibiotics were included in this subgroup analysis. The
ministration. Estimated volume was applied for un- difference between predicted and observed volume of
measurable fluids (see Supplement Online Material, fluids was assessed in this subgroup according to the
http://links.lww.com/CCM/H440, for details). We col- center of inclusion. Statistical analyses were carried
lected precise data on the volume of reconstituted fluid out using R v4.0.3 (R Project for Statistical Computing,

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Vienna, Austria; https://www.R-project.org/). p values 500 mL (0–1500 mL), that is, 14% of the total flu-
of less than or equal to 0.05 were considered to be sta- ids. The number of patients exposed to each type of
tistically significant. fluids with the corresponding volumes is reported
in eTable 3 (http://links.lww.com/CCM/H440).
Mean urine output at the end of study period was
RESULTS 1340 ± 1158 mL.
Two hundred ninety-six patients were enrolled in 30 The characteristics of patients significantly associ-
centers, 12 patients were not included in the anal- ated with higher fluid intake were invasive mechanical
ysis because of missing data. Two hundred eighty- ventilation, use of antibiotics, and Simplified Acute
four patients were analyzed; 173 (61%) were included Physiology Score (SAPS) II score; ARDS was associ-
at admission and 111 (39%) at the first fluid balance ated with a lower fluid intake (eTable 4, http://links.
assessment, 9 ± 5 hours after admission. Patients char- lww.com/CCM/H440). After adjustment for patient
acteristics are depicted in Table 1; 87% required vaso- characteristics, SAPS II score (p = 0.01) and need for
pressor and 32% had ARDS. antibiotics (p = 0.03) were significantly associated with
De cara já achei muito alto a media das primeiras 24h a higher volume of fluids for indisputable homeostasis
em geral os trabalhos fora do brasil, são menores.

Volumes of Fluids goal (eTable 4, http://links.lww.com/CCM/H440).

Interestingly, there was no association between vol-
Median fluid intake during the 24 hours study pe- umes and patients weight, even for resuscitation and
riod was 3546 mL (2441–4955 mL) corresponding maintenance fluids which should be ordered in mL/kg
to 1279 mL (500–2406 mL) of fluids indisputably (eFig. 1, http://links.lww.com/CCM/H440).
required for homeostasis goal (38% of total flu- Analysis of variance showed that the center of in-
ids), 1004 mL (500–1558 mL) of maintenance flu- clusion was the strongest factor associated with the
ids, 772 mL (535–1182 mL) for drug diluent, and volume of total fluids (Table 3). Estimates of the dif-
183 mL (98–381 mL) for technical needs (Table ference in fluid intake, adjusted to take into considera-
2). The median volume of resuscitation fluid was tion the patient’s characteristics, are reported for each

Patient’s Characteristics at Inclusion
T1, Low-Volume T2, Moderate-Volume T3, High-Volume
Patient’s Characteristics All, n = 284 Centers, n = 92 Centers, n = 102 Centers, n = 90 pa

Age, yr 65 ± 14 65 ± 14 64 ± 14 66 ± 14 0.30
Simplified Acute Physiology 57 ± 19 58 ± 18 61 ± 19 52 ± 18 0.003
Score II score, points
Weight, kg 78 ± 20 79 ± 21 78 ± 17 77 ± 20 0.86
Invasive mechanical 219 (77) 78 (83) 77 (76) 64 (73) 0.24
ventilation, n (%)
Fio2, % 60 ± 26 62 ± 25 62 ± 26 57 ± 25 0.33
Positive end-expiratory 7±3 7±3 7±2 7±3 0.43
pressure, cm H2O
Acute respiratory distress 90 (32) 23 (24) 36 (36) 31 (35) 0.21
syndrome, n (%)
Serum creatinine, µmol/L 163 ± 197 179 ± 285 143 ± 111 168 ± 155 0.66
Vasopressors, n (%) 247 (87) 77 (82) 88 (88) 82 (92) 0.17
Dose, µg/kg/min 0.27 ± 0.78 0.27 ± 0.63 0.29 ± 1.1 0.25 ± 0.71 0.89
Received antibiotics, n (%) 242 (86) 82 (87) 82 (82) 78 (88) 0.23
ICU mortality, n (%) 75 (28) 24 (26) 22 (22) 29 (33) 0.42
Between tertiles comparison by Kruskal-Wallis test.

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Clinical Investigation

Volumes of the Main Sources of Fluids
Volumes, mL

Fluid Type Mean ± sd Median (IQR, 25th–75th) Minimum–Maximum

Total fluid intake 4,049 ± 2,523 3,546 (2,441–4,955) 40–16,865

Total of fluids for indisputable homeostasis goal 1,757 ± 1,951 1,279 (500–2,406) 0–13,000
 Fluid boluses 1,140 ± 1,500 500 (0–1,500) 0–9,850
 Rehydration 201 ± 724 0 (0–86) 0–7,000
 Nutrition 248 ± 455 0 (0–269) 0–1,942
 Blood products 224 ± 889 0 (0–0) 0–7,992
Total carrier fluids for drugs 914 ± 552 772 (535–1,182) 0–3,365
 Vasopressors 109 ± 185 63 (18–144) 0–2,500
 Antibiotics 271 ± 295 176 (99–372.5) 0–1,978
 Sedation 132 ± 164 85 (0–200) 0–834
 Analgesics 97 ± 108 60 (20–35) 0–584
Total maintenance fluids 1,080 ± 794 1,004 (500–1,558) 0–5,000
Total of fluids for technical need 296 ± 344 183 (98–381) 0–3,586
 Vascular access management 90 ± 59 82 (49–121) 0–376
 Keep vein open 80 ± 180 0 (0–67) 0–1,250
 Vehicle 22 ± 43 0 (0–35) 0–240
 Renal replacement therapy 63 ± 344 0 (0–0) 0–3,510
IQR = interquartile range.

Association Between the Center of Inclusion and Total Fluid Intake Adjusted for Patient’s
Patient’s Characteristics Estimate (95% CI) p

Center of inclusion Not applicable < 0.00001

Age, per year –0.18 (–0.32 to –0.04) 0.0123
Weight, per kg 0.05 (–0.06 to 0.17) 0.3776
Simplified Acute Physiology Score II score, per point 0.22 (0.10–0.35) 0.0004
Acute respiratory distress syndrome, yes –3.92 (–9.01 to 1.16) 0.1299
Invasive mechanical ventilation, yes 7.96 (2.50–13.44) 0.0045
Creatinine, per µmol/L 0.01 (–0.00 to 0.02) 0.0904
Receiving antibiotics, yes 9.60 (3.42–15.79) 0.0025
Vasopressor dose, per 0.1 µg/kg/min 2.05 (–0.09 to 4.20) 0.0605

center in Figure 1. Compared with the reference center, first to the third tertile (Fig. 2). The difference between
the difference varied from –176 mL to + 1062 mL. fluid intake predicted by the model and the observed
The patients’ characteristics were similar between fluid intake was of 1.2 ± 2.0 L higher in “moderate-vol-
the tertiles of centers, except for a lower SAPS II in the ume” centers (tertile 2) and 3.0 ± 2.8 L higher in “high-
“high-volume” tertile (Table 1). For the four classes volume” centers (tertile 3) (eTable 5, http://links.lww.
of fluids, the volume significantly increased from the com/CCM/H440).

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Schortgen et al

the dilution of a same dose

of the same drug could
be ten-fold higher from
one center to another.
For instance, the volume
used to administer 4 g of
varied from 20 to 110 mL
and from 10 to 100 mL for
2 g of cefotaxime (eFigs.
3 and 4, http://links.
Therefore, the volume
used for a 1-day treatment
of a standard dose is ex-
pected to vary from 80 to
Figure 1. Estimates of the difference in fluid intake in each center after adjustment for patients’ 440 mL for piperacillin/
tazobactam and from 30
to 300 mL for cefotaxime.
Volumes related to norep-
inephrine were also highly
variable depending on the
dilution used, from 0.1 to
2 mg/mL, and on vehicle
(i.e., crystalloids infused
at a constant flow up-
stream of the drug infu-
sion site) that was used in
19% of patients distributed
in 12 centers. For a patient
with a weight of 80 kg and
a dose of norepinephrine
of 1 µg/kg/min (i.e., the
mean dose observed in the
cohort), the daily volume
Figure 2. Mean volumes of fluids administered by tertile (T) of centers. related to norepineph-
rine may reach 532 mL if
using a concentration of
The sensitivity analysis performed in the subgroup 0.25 mg/mL and a vehicle at 3 mL/hr (i.e., the mean
of 156 patients with a more similar profile of severe in- rate observed in the cohort).
fection confirmed that the volume of the four classes of
fluids significantly increased from the first to the third
Types of Fluids
tertile (eFig. 2 and eTable 6, http://links.lww.com/
CCM/H440). Saline, glucose + sodium chloride (NaCl) greater
The main sources of fluids used for drug dilution than 6 g/L (i.e., excessive chloride load), and bal-
were related to antibiotics, sedation, vasopressors, and anced crystalloids represented 43%, 25%, and 16% of
analgesics (Table 2). A strong heterogeneity in drug the total volume, respectively (eFig. 5, http://links.
dilutions was observed. The volume administered for lww.com/CCM/H440). Balanced crystalloids were

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Clinical Investigation

predominantly used for fluid resuscitation while saline volume, electrolyte, and glucose to replace expected
and glucose with high NaCl concentration were pre- daily needs (4).
dominantly used for rehydration, maintenance fluids, The second source of fluids not dedicated to body
and drug carriers (eFig. 6, http://links.lww.com/CCM/ fluid homeostasis corresponded to drug dilution, with
H440). Colloids were used in 6% of boluses. Seventy- mean volume of 900 mL. In previous observation, drug
three percent of patients with maintenance fluids re- carriers represented one-third to two-thirds of total
ceived a hypotonic solution. Mean sodium intake was IV fluids (6, 8, 12). In our study, antibiotics, sedation,
14 g over the 24 hours of study period, with the main and vasopressors represented the three main sources
source being resuscitation fluids (65%) (eFig. 7, http:// of carriers, as similarly reported in previous observa-
links.lww.com/CCM/H440). tions (8). The heterogeneity of piperacillin/tazobactam
preparation is a telling example of the issue of accurate
volume for drug dilution. The minimal volume recom-
mended by manufacturers is 20 mL for the reconsti-
This prospective multicenter cohort shows that, all to- tution of 4 g. United States and European summaries
gether, drug carriers, maintenance fluids, and fluids for of product characteristics indicate that this solution
technical needs, that is, not indisputably required for “must be” and “may be” further diluted in 50–150 mL,
body fluid homeostasis, represent the majority of fluid respectively. Experts recommend a usual dilution of
intake. 4 g/50 mL (13). Observed wide ranges of norepineph-
The strongest factor associated with fluid intake cor- rine dilution are probably also explained by the lack
responds to the center of inclusion. of data supporting the best practice of vasopressor
Our study suggests that, when a restrictive fluid infusion. When small doses are infused, dilution is
management is indicated, all fluids must be consid- required to warrant a sufficient speed for constant in-
ered. This finding is in accordance with a prospective fusion. The use of vehicle is also advised to decrease
multicenter cohort of 200 ICU patients reporting that the lag in response time to the change in drug delivery
nonresuscitation fluids represented half of total fluids dose. This practice requires a rate of vehicle between
during the first day (8). After the acute phase of re- 10 (14) and 350 mL/hr (15) which results in significant
suscitation, nonresuscitation fluids represent a larger volumes. In addition, the type of norepinephrine prep-
part of all fluids (6, 8, 9). While our study focused on aration and norepinephrine dosage expressions may
the first 24 hours, fluid boluses for resuscitation rep- impact volume intake (16).
resented only 14% of total fluids administered. In two Our results suggest that fluid management should
cohort studies performed in a general population of be more personalized to patient needs. Fluids resus-
ICU patients, the proportion of fluid boluses for resus- citation and maintenance fluids volumes were sim-
citation on day 1 was also limited at 20% (6) and 12% ilar regardless of patient weight. Center of inclusion
(8) of the total fluid intake. was the strongest factor associated with fluid in-
We observed that maintenance fluids accounted for take. In “moderate” and “high” volume centers, the
one quarter of fluid intake with heterogeneous prac- observed volumes were higher than predicted for all
tices probably not explained by patients’ variability classes of fluids. A post hoc analysis of the 6S study
(eFig. 8, http://links.lww.com/CCM/H440). Delivery (Hydroxyethyl Starch 130/0.42 versus Ringer's Acetate
of maintenance fluid remains debated and depends on in Severe Sepsis) in septic shock patients also showed
national and local practices (8, 10, 11). Defining main- that the country of inclusion and hospital characteris-
tenance fluids is difficult, particularly in retrospective tics were significantly associated with total fluid input
studies. A clear definition was used in our study to (9). When comparing restrictive to standard strategies
make the difference between ordered fluid for expected of fluid management on outcome, practices already in
insensible fluid losses and fluids given for replacement place in participating centers can influence the results.
of apparent fluid losses. The volume of maintenance In the CLASSIC study (randomized, parallel-group,
fluid was similar to the sum of the volumes of fluids multicentre feasibilty trial on liberal vs restrictive fluid
administered for drug dilution and for technical need, therapy in septic shock) any advantage of restrictive
that is, 1 L (Table 2) which could provide sufficient management was found in patients with septic shock

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(3). A volume difference of 2 L only between the two 1-day only. Because of the workload required for an
arms on day 5 suggests that a restrictive strategy was exhaustive recording we chose a short study period
already applied in participating centers. In the land- to encourage precise recording. All patients were
mark Fluid and Catheter Treatment Trial (FACTT) followed during 24 hours; however, the amount of
showing a beneficial effect of fluid restriction in pa- resuscitation fluids and drugs could be underes-
tient with ARDS, the between-arms difference in fluid timated in patients with delayed enrollment. Our
balance was 7 L (17). study was not designed to assess the impact of fluid
A discrepant choice of crystalloids was observed balance on outcome. Our study does not answer the
between indications (eFigs. 5 and 6, http://links.lww. question of what the best practice of fluid manage-
com/CCM/H440). While balanced crystalloids were ment is but rather raises questions on the justifica-
predominantly used for resuscitation, high-chloride tion of observed practices.
solutions corresponded to 68% of total volume. It is im-
probable that inconsistent choice of crystalloid accord- CONCLUSIONS
ing to its indication was based on patient needs. This
Our study shows that many sources of fluids exist,
suggests that physicians overlook crystalloids choice
nonresuscitation fluids representing the majority of
for other indication than fluid boluses.
intake. Alongside patient’s characteristics, center prac-
Our study has several strengths. The study com-
tices contribute to the difference in volumes infused.
mittee identified all possible fluids administered to
Further studies are required to determine what are the
ICU patients and we precisely defined the indication
best practices, especially the possibility to safely banish
of each of them. We provide a detailed fluid map-
nonessential fluids for body homeostasis.
ping that is mandatory for practice improvement.
Previous studies used computer software to collect
fluid inputs. Electronic health records do not allow ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
exhaustive and accurate volume tracing. Fluids for We thank Marwa Touati from the clinical research
technical needs are usually not recorded, for ex- center of the Centre Hospitalier Intercommunal de
ample, line flushes. Drug dilutions configured by Créteil for the development of the electronic case re-
default in electronic systems are not always used by port form.
nurses and therefore the real volume infused may
not be adequately traced. Previous studies reporting 1 Réanimation et surveillance continue adulte, Centre hospit-
differences between centers in fluid intake did not alier intercommunal, Créteil, France.
take into account patient characteristics (8). To bet- 2 Department of Medical Intensive Care, Rouen University
ter control the variability related to practices we in- Hospital, Rouen, France.
cluded severe patients only, models were adjusted for 3 Médecine Intensive Réanimation, Centre hospitalier départe-
patient characteristics and a sensitive analysis was mental Vendée, La Roche-sur-Yon, France.
performed. 4 Réanimation et Soins continus, Centre Hospitalier, Roanne,
Several limitations of our study must be dis-
5 Réanimation médico-chirurgicale, Centre Hospitalier de
cussed. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic in Versailles, Le Chesnay, France.
2020, the minimal number of enrollments per 6 Réanimation polyvalente, Centre hospitalier, Troyes, France.
center was not strictly respected. The relatively 7 Médecine Intensive et Réanimation, Groupe Hospitalier
small sample size may limit the strength of our Universitaire APHP-Sorbonne Université, Hôpital Tenon,
findings, and therefore need to be validated in other Paris, France.
groups of patients. Despite adjustment and sensi- 8 Réanimation médicale, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de
Rennes—Hôpital Pontchaillou, Rennes, France.
tivity analysis, center-effect could be related to the
9 Intensive Care Unit, Tours University Hospital, Research
case mix of patients. More severe patients can need
Center for Respiratory Diseases, INSERM U1100,
more fluid resuscitation, more drugs, and more vas- University of Tours, Tours, France.
cular accesses. However, markers of severity and 10 Médecine Intensive—Réanimation, Hôpital de la Croix
mortality did not steady increase from the first to Rousse, Hospices Civils de Lyon, Lyon, France.
the third tertile of centers. Fluids were recorded for 11 Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Lyon, France.

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Clinical Investigation

12 Université Lyon, INSA-Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Frédérique Schortgen, Adrien Constan, Marina Axus, Christophe
Lyon 1, CNRS, Inserm, CREATIS UMR 5220, U1294, Guitton, Aurélie Lejeune, Matthieu Le Meur, Frédérique Partenet,
Villeurbanne, France. Jean-Christophe Richard, Laurent Bitker, Emmanuelle Meli, Jean
13 Unité Réanimation Polyvalente, Centre Hospitalier Public du Dellamonica, Marine Corradi, Isabelle Runge, Aurore Guyat,
Cotentin, Cherbourg-en-Cotentin, France. Georges Simon, Alexandra Lavalard, Olivier Nida, Guillaume
Lacave, Gwenaëlle Jacq.
14 Department of Intensive Care, Burgundy University Hospital,
Dijon, France. The Reseau European de Recherche en Ventilation Artificielle
(REVA) Network is composed of 70 ICUs in France, Belgium,
15 Lipness Team, INSERM Research Center LNC-UMR1231
and Spain (President Pr Alain Mercat).
and LabEx LipSTIC, University of Burgundy, Dijon, France.
Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct
16 INSERM CIC 1432, Clinical Epidemiology, University of
URL citations appear in the printed text and are provided in the
Burgundy, Dijon, France.
HTML and PDF versions of this article on the journal’s website
17 Service de Réanimation, Groupe Hospitalier Nord Essonne, (http://journals.lww.com/ccmjournal).
Longjumeau, France.
Mr. Constan, Dr. Schortgen, Ms. Tabra Osorio, Dr. Lacave, Dr.
18 Service de Médecine Intensive—Réanimation et Unité de Simon, Mr. Blanchard, Dr. Bitker, Dr. Le Meur, and Mr. Saletes
Recherche Clinique, Groupe Hospitalier Sud Ile-de-France, were involved in conceptualization. Dr. Schortgen and Ms.
Melun, France. Guénégou-Arnoux were involved in data curation. Ms. Guénégou-
19 Réanimation des urgences, Hôpitaux universitaires de Arnoux was involved in formal analysis. Mr. Constan was in-
Marseille Timone, Marseille, France. volved in funding acquisition. Ms. Tabra Osorio, Dr. Carpentier,
20 Réanimation polyvalente, Centre hospitalier Bretagne Dr. Henry, Dr. Beuret, Dr. Lacave, Dr. Simon, Mr. Blanchard, Ms.
Atlantique, Vannes, France. Gobe, Dr. Guillon, Dr. Bitker, Mr. Duhommet, Dr. Quenot, Dr. Le
Meur, Dr. Jochmans, Mr. Dubouloz, Ms. Mainguy, Mr. Saletes, Mr.
21 Service de Réanimation Médico-Chirurgicale et USC, Creutin, Mr. Nicolas, Mr. Senay, Ms. Berthelot, Ms. Rizk, Dr. Tran
Centre hospitalier, Le Mans, France. Van, Ms. Riviere, Dr. Heili-Frades, Ms. Nunes, Ms. Robquin, Ms.
22 Service de médecine intensive-réanimation, Hôpitaux Lhotellier, and Dr. Ledochowski were involved in investigation.
Universitaires APHP-Paris-Saclay, Le Kremlin-Bicêtre, Ms. Guénégou-Arnoux and Dr. Schortgen were involved in meth-
France. odology. Mr. Constan was involved in project administration. Mr.
23 Médecine Intensive Réanimation, CHU Grenoble-Alpes, La Constan, Dr. Schortgen, and Ms. Tabra Osorio were involved in
Tronche, France. resources. Mr. Constan and Dr. Schortgen were involved in super-
vision. Mr. Constan, Dr. Schortgen, and Ms. Guénégou-Arnoux
24 Service de réanimation polyvalente, Hôpital Foch, Suresnes,
were involved in validation. Mr. Constan and Dr. Schortgen were
involved in visualization. Mr. Constan and Dr. Schortgen were in-
25 Service de réanimation polyvalente, Centre hospitalier, volved in writing—original draft. Ms. Tabra Osorio, Dr. Carpentier,
Cholet, France. Dr. Henry, Dr. Beuret, Dr. Lacave, Dr. Simon, Mr. Blanchard, Ms.
26 Service de Médecine Intensive—Réanimation, Groupe Gobe, Dr. Guillon, Dr. Bitker, Mr. Duhommet, Dr. Quenot, Dr. Le
Hospitalier Pitié Salpêtrière APHP—Sorbonne Université, Meur, Dr. Jochmans, Mr. Dubouloz, Ms. Mainguy, Mr. Saletes, Mr.
Paris, France. Creutin, Mr. Nicolas, Mr. Senay, Ms. Berthelot, Ms. Rizk, Dr. Tran
27 Réanimation polyvalente, Hôpital d’Instruction des Armées Van, Ms. Riviere, Dr. Heili-Frades, Ms. Nunes, Ms. Robquin, Ms.
Robert Picqué, Villenave d’Ornon, France. Lhotellier, Dr. Ledochowski, and Ms. Guénégou-Arnoux were in-
volved in writing—review & editing.
28 Réanimation Polyvalente, CHU de La Réunion, Saint Pierre,
France. Supported, in part, by grant from the French Intensive Care
29 Intermediate Respiratory Care Unit, University Hospital
Jiménez Díaz Quirón Health Foundation of Madrid, Madrid, Dr. Constan’s institution received funding from the French
Spain. Intensive Care Society/Société de Réanimation de Langue
Française. Dr. Senay disclosed work for hire. The remaining
30 Réanimation adultes, Centre Hospitalier Sud Francilien,
authors have disclosed that they do not have any potential con-
Corbeil-Essonnes, France.
flicts of interest.
31 Médecine Intensive Réanimation, Centre hospitalier inter-
For information regarding this article, E-mail: constan.adrien@
communal, Villeneuve St Georges, France.
32 Réanimation—Hôpitaux universitaires, Strasbourg, France.
The datasets used and/or analyzed during the current study are
33 Réanimation polyvalente, Groupe hospitalier nord Dauphiné, available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
Bourgoin-Jallieu, France.
34 Université Paris Cité, AP-HP, Hôpital européen Georges
Pompidou, Unité de Recherche Clinique, Centre
d’Investigation Clinique 1418 Épidémiologie Clinique, REFERENCES
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