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European Journal of Pharmacology 394 Ž2000.


Interaction of acamprosate with ethanol and spermine on NMDA

receptors in primary cultured neurons
R. Lisa Popp ) , David M. Lovinger
Department of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics, Vanderbilt School of Medicine, NashÕille, TN 37232, USA
Received 29 February 2000; accepted 3 March 2000


The N-methyl-D-aspartate ŽNMDA. receptor has been implicated as a putative sight of action for acamprosate, a novel drug that
reduces craving for alcohol. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of acamprosate on the function of native NMDA receptors
expressed in primary cultured striatal and cerebellar granule cells, as well as ethanol inhibition and spermine modulation of these
receptors, using whole-cell patch-clamp electrophysiological techniques. Under all circumstances, acamprosate Ž0.1–300 mM. did not
alter NMDA- or glutamate-induced currents. Acamprosate did not alter the inhibitory effects of ethanol Ž10–100 mM. on receptor
function. In a subpopulation of striatal neurons, acamprosate did reverse the potentiating effects of spermine. These findings indicate that
although acamprosate may modify polyamine modulation of the NMDA receptor, acamprosate alone does not alter receptor function nor
does it modify ethanol inhibition of this receptor expressed in primary cultured striatal and cerebellar granule neurons. q 2000 Elsevier
Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Acamprosate; Ethanol; Spermine; NMDA receptor; Primary cultured neuron; Patch-clamp, whole-cell

1. Introduction neuronal hyperexcitability in rats ŽPutzke et al., 1996.. In

microdialysis studies acamprosate blocks the elevated glu-
Acamprosate Žcalcium-acetyl homotaurinate. has been tamate release in certain brain areas during ethanol with-
shown to decrease the propensity to consume alcohol in drawal in rats ŽDahchour et al., 1998.. However, in all of
both humans and rodents who are physically dependent the abovementioned animal studies, acamprosate did not
upon the drug. Acamprosate significantly reduces alcohol alter alcohol brain or blood levels, nor did acamprosate
consumption in rodents that have become dependent on substitute for ethanol in an ethanol discrimination test
ethanol due to chronic exposure ŽLe Magnen et al., 1987; ŽGrant and Woolverton, 1989; Spanagel et al., 1996c..
Gewiss et al., 1991; Spanagel et al., 1996a; Holter et al., Double-blind placebo-controlled randomized clinical
1997., but acamprosate has less of an effect on alcohol studies have found acamprosate to successfully reduce
consumption in alcohol naive rats ŽLe Magnen et al., measures of relapse in detoxified alcoholics in a dose-de-
1987.. During the withdrawal phase of chronic ethanol pendent manner ŽLhuintre et al., 1990; Paille et al., 1995;
exposure, acamprosate has been reported to decrease hy- Sass et al., 1996; Whitworth et al., 1996; Pelc et al., 1997;
perlocomotion ŽSpanagel et al., 1996b. and spontaneous Poldrugo, 1997.. Acamprosate at the doses administered in
activity ŽGewiss et al., 1991. but not hypothermia these studies Ž1.3–2.0 g per day. produced minor side
ŽSpanagel et al., 1996b.. This decrease in motor activity effects and is, in and of itself, not addictive. In the absence
correlates with an observed decrease in ethanol with- of ethanol, acamprosate appears to have little effect on
drawal-induced elevation of c-fos mRNA, an index of behavior or cognition ŽSchneider et al., 1998.. Although
this drug is currently being used to maintain abstinence in
recovering alcoholics, the mechanism by which acam-
) prosate prevents relapse remains unknown.
Corresponding author. Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology,
College of Pharmacy, Austin, TX 78712-A1915 USA. Tel.: q1-512-471-
Because the molecular structure of acamprosate is simi-
1018; fax: q1-512-475-6088. lar to several endogenous amino acids, excitatory amino
E-mail address: ŽR.L. Popp.. acid receptors are a putative sight of action ŽDurbin et al.,

0014-2999r00r$ - see front matter q 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 1 4 - 2 9 9 9 Ž 0 0 . 0 0 1 9 5 - 3
222 R.L. Popp, D.M. LoÕingerr European Journal of Pharmacology 394 (2000) 221–231

1996.. Evidence using electrophysiological techniques im- 2. Methods

plicates the N-methyl-D-aspartate ŽNMDA. receptor, an
excitatory amino acid receptor, in acamprosate’s actions 2.1. Preparation and maintenance of striatal and cerebel-
ŽZeise et al., 1993; Madamba et al., 1996; Berton et al., lar granule cell cultures
1998.. In vivo extracellular recordings indicate that acam-
prosate inhibits glutamate-induced firing of rat neocortical All drugs were purchased from Sigma, St. Louis, MO
cells without a reduction in spontaneous activity ŽZeise et unless otherwise noted; all serum was purchased from
al., 1993.. In addition, Zeise et al. Ž1993. also reported a GibcorBRL, Gaithersburg, MD. Striatal cultures were pre-
decrease in the excitatory response elicited by various pared using striatal tissue from e15–e16 Sprague–Dawley
glutamatergic agonists obtained from in vitro intracellular embryonic rats. These methods have been described in
recordings of cortical neurons. These data suggest that detail elsewhere ŽPopp et al., 1998. and were modified for
acamprosate inhibits post-synaptic glutamatergic neuro- these experiments in that cells were initially seeded at
transmission. However, acamprosate has also been shown 1 = 10 6 cells per 35 mm dish. Cells were maintained in a
to significantly increase excitatory post-synaptic potentials 378C incubator with an atmosphere of 90% O 2r10% CO 2 .
in rat hippocampal CA1 neurons ŽMadamba et al., 1996. Six through fourteen-day old neurons were used for the
and in the nucleus accumbens ŽBerton et al., 1998. and this electrophysiological studies. After 7 days in vitro, 0.5 ml
effect is specific for the NMDA receptor. Contrary to these of minimum essential medium ŽGibcorBRL. containing
results, direct assessment of receptor function using 5% horse serum and 2 mM L-glutamine was added to each
whole-cell patch-clamp techniques has shown that 10y9 M dish.
acamprosate decreases NMDA-induced currents in human Cerebellar granule cells cultures were prepared using
embryonic kidney ŽHEK. 293 cells transiently expressing cerebellar tissue from 6 to 8 day-old Sprague-Dawley rats.
NMDA NR1 NR2A receptors ŽSpanagel et al., 1997.. These methods have been previously published ŽPopp et
A possible explanation for the different effects of acam- al., 1999.. Six through twenty-eight days in vitro neurons
prosate on NMDA receptors has been that acamprosate were used for the electrophysiological studies. Every 7
modulates NMDA receptor function in a manner similar to days in vitro, existing medium was supplemented with 0.5
polyamines. This hypothesis is based primarily on data ml of fresh feeding medium wminimum essential medium
obtained from radio-ligand binding studies indicating that containing 5% fetal bovine serum, 2 mM L-glutamine, 25
acamprosate binds to a spermidine-sensitive site on the mM KCl, penicillinrstreptomycin Ž100 Ur100 mgrml.,
NMDA receptor ŽAl Qatari et al., 1998; Naassila et al., and a fluorodeoxyuridineruridine, 35 mmr15 mm mix-
1998.. It is well documented that polyamines have potenti- turex. Cells were maintained at 378C in a humidified
ating as well as inhibitory effects on NMDA receptor atmosphere of 95% O 2r5% CO 2 . This method of nourish-
function depending upon receptor subunit composition and ment minimizes excitotoxic cell death due to the introduc-
experimental conditions used Žfor review see Williams, tion of fresh medium ŽPopp et al., 1999..
1997.. Therefore, since there is evidence that acamprosate
both enhances ŽMadamba et al., 1996; Berton et al., 1998. 2.2. Preparation, maintenance and transfection of HEK
as well as attenuates ŽZeise et al., 1993; Spanagel et al., 293 cells
1997. NMDA receptor function, acamprosate may modu-
late NMDA receptor function through the polyamine site HEK 293 cells were purchased from the American
on the NMDA receptor. However, it must be noted that Tissue Type Culture collection ŽBethesda, MD.. Cells
effects of acamprosate have not included direct agonist were grown in feeding medium consisting of minimum
activation of NMDA receptors expressed in isolated neu- essential medium, 10% fetal bovine serum, 1% L-gluta-
rons. Thus, it is not yet clear if acamprosate has direct mine, 1% penicillinrstreptomycin Žstock concentration:
effects on the receptor. 5000 U penicillinr5000 m g streptomycinrml .
The purpose of this study was to directly assess the ŽGibcorBRL. and maintained in an incubator with an
effect of acamprosate on NMDA receptor function using atmosphere of 95% O 2r5% CO 2 . Transient expression of
whole-cell patch-clamp electrophysiological techniques as functional receptors containing NMDA NR1-1a and NR2B
well as to explore possible interactions of acamprosate subunits was accomplished using the calcium phosphate
with ethanol and spermine on NMDA receptor function. method ŽChen and Okayama, 1987.. This procedure was
Our studies indicate that micromolar concentrations of modified for volume and includes the addition of 1 mM
acamprosate do not significantly alter NMDA receptor 2-amino-5-phosphonovalerate ŽRBI, Natick, ME. and has
function nor do these concentrations effect the inhibitory been previously published ŽPopp et al., 1998.. Transfected
actions of ethanol on this receptor in either primary cul- cells were initially incubated at 378C in a 97% O 2r3%
tured striatal or cerebellar granule cells. Acamprosate did CO 2 atmosphere for approximately 24 h. Cells were
not enhance spermine potentiation of NMDA-induced cur- washed with Dulbecco’s phosphate-buffered saline. Fresh
rents. However, in some striatal neurons, acamprosate did feeding medium was then added to the dish, and the cells
reverse the potentiating effects of spermine. were returned to the 5% CO 2 incubator. Cells were used
R.L. Popp, D.M. LoÕingerr European Journal of Pharmacology 394 (2000) 221–231 223

for electrophysiological experiments 40 to 48 h post trans- Current was low pass filtered at 1 kHz using a 3-pole
fection. Bessel filter. Signals were digitized and current traces
measured using pClamp 6.0 software ŽAxon Instruments..
2.3. Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings In all experiments, peak amplitudes were compared be-
tween agonists alone and agonists combined with the
Culture dishes were placed on the stage of an inverted
respective drugs. These values were the mean peak ampli-
microscope ŽNIKON, Garden City, NY. and superfused at
tude of 2–3 agonist plus drug applications normalized to
1–2 mlrmin with external medium Ž150 mM NaCl, 2.5
the mean peak agonist-induced current amplitudes Ž2–3.
mM CaCl, 10 mM HEPES, 10 mM glucose wJ.T. Baker,
obtained before and after drug application. Steady-state
Phillipsburg, NJx and 200 nM tetrodotoxin, pH adjusted to
current values were obtained by measuring the difference
7.4 with NaOH and osmolality adjusted to 333–336
between two cursors placed at time points immediately
mmolrkg with sucrose wJ.T. Bakerx.. During experiments
before and four to six s after drug application. The exact
in which glutamate was the agonist, 20 mM 6-Nitro-7-
time point was consistent for all recordings within a given
sulphamoylbenzowfx-quinoxaline-2,3-dione ŽNBQX. ŽTocris
cell. Peak current values were taken at the time peak
Cookson, St. Louis, MO. was included in the external
amplitude was observed. The mean value of steady-state
solution. All recordings were performed at room tempera-
and peak currents obtained from several applications of
ture using the axopatch 200 patch-clamp amplifier ŽAxon
ethanol or acamprosate or the two drugs combined was
Instruments, Foster City, CA.. For neuronal recordings, the
normalized to the mean values obtained from several
solution in the patch pipette contained: 100 mM N-methyl-
agonist-induced currents just prior to and following experi-
D-glucamine, 100 mM MeSO 3 , 40 mM CsF, 10 mM
mental drug application.
HEPES, 1 mM MgCl 2 , 5 mM QX-314 ŽRBI. and 5 mM
EGTA, pH adjusted to 7.4 with CsOH and osmolality 2.5. Statistics
adjusted to 314–317 with sucrose. Patch pipettes had a tip
All averaged data values are expressed as mean "
resistance of 4.0–5.0 M V and recordings were made with
S.E.M. We used a Repeated Measures design and thus
series resistance of - 10 M V for striatal neurons and 7–5
employed the One Sample t-test ŽStatview II, Abacus
M V for CGC. The patch pipette solution used for record-
Concepts, Berkley, CA. to compare the percent change
ing from the HEK 293 cells contained: 140 mM CsCl, 2
from control values attributable to acamprosate. This statis-
mM MgCl 2 , 5 mM EGTA, 10 mM HEPES, pH and
tical analysis was done for both peak and steady-state
osmolality were the same as previously described. The
current values and was employed in the experiments de-
electrode resistance was 2–3 M V and the series resistance
signed to study the effect of acamprosate on NMDA- and
was - 11 M V when recording from HEK 293 cells.
glutamate-induced currents of NMDA receptors expressed
Recordings were conducted at y25 mV in experiments
in striatal and cerebellar granule cells.
involving spermine. This holding potential diminishes the
Steady-staterpeak ŽSSrPk. current ratios were deter-
voltage-dependent polyamine channel block and maxi-
mined using the mean current values determined for each
mizes the potentiating effects of polyamines on NMDA-in-
cell and summed within each given experiment. One-way
duced currents ŽWilliams, 1994.. For all other drug appli-
Analysis of Variance ŽANOVA. was used to determine
cations, the holding potential was y60 mV.
statistical differences between SSrPk values obtained from
2.4. Drug application control conditions Žno acamprosate present. and conditions
in which acamprosate was present.
All drugs were dissolved in the external medium and Differences in ethanol inhibition of NMDA-induced
delivered by gravity from solution-containing reservoirs current attributable to acamprosate were analyzed using a
placed above the preparation, gated by plastic stopcocks two-way ANOVA. The experimental design was a com-
and connected to a linear array of microcapillary tubes pletely randomized factorial design with two-treatment
Ž0.32 mm inner diameter.. This system allowed for rapid levels, acamprosate and ethanol concentration. The vari-
solution perfusion of the neuron being studied and rapid able acamprosate consisted of the presence or absence of
solution exchange Ž; 150 ms.. Spermine and acamprosate acamprosate and there were three ethanol concentration
ŽGroupe Lipha, Lyon, France. were made from stock groups: 10, 50 and 100 mM.
solutions originally dissolved in dH 2 O that had been stored For the experiments involving 300 mM acamprosate,
at y208C. Final concentrations were 100 mM for sper- the paired t-test was used to compare the effect of acam-
mine and 0.1, 1, 10, 100 and 300 mM acamprosate for the prosate on ethanol inhibition within the same cell. This
dose response experiments and 10 mM for all other experi- statistical analysis was also used to analyze the effect of
ments unless otherwise noted. Ethanol ŽAAper Alcohol acamprosate on ethanol inhibition of glutamate-induced
and Chemical, Shelbyville, KY. concentrations were 10, currents and each concentration of ethanol was analyzed
50 and 100 mM. Each drug was applied simultaneously separately.
with the NMDA receptor agonists: 100 mM NMDA and The Dunn’s Multiple Comparison test was used to
10 mM glycine or 10 mM L-glutamate and 10 mM glycine. assess if acamprosate concentration affected spermine
224 R.L. Popp, D.M. LoÕingerr European Journal of Pharmacology 394 (2000) 221–231

Table 1
Effect of Acamprosate on NMDA-induced currents. Acamprosate Ž0.1–100 mM. had no significant effect on 100 mM NMDA-induced peak ŽPk. and
steady-state ŽSS. currents in primary cultured cerebellar granule cells and striatal neurons. Percent of control Žno acamprosate. valuesq S.E.M. t-values
were determined using a Repeated Measures design; One Sample t-test
Acamprosate ŽmM. SS Pk
0.1 1 10 100 0.1 1 10 100
Striatal cells
% of control 117 " 10 115 " 8 104 " 11 118 " 17 94 " 4 100 " 4 106 " 4 100 " 4
t 1.7 1.9 0.4 1.1 1.7 0.02 1.4 0.9
P 0.1 0.1 0.7 0.3 0.1 0.98 0.2 0.9
N 10 8 7 11 10 8 7 11

Cerebellar granule cells

% of control 97 " 6 100 " 5 96 " 3 97 " 2
t 0.5 0.05 2.5 1.9
P 0.6 0.96 2.5 0.8
N 14 13 14 13

modulation of NMDA receptor function in primary cul- peak currents. Acamprosate also did not alter SSrPk
tured striatal neurons. Further analysis on the possible values, a measurement of receptor desensitization. The
interaction of acamprosate and spermine on NMDA recep- lack of effect on SSrPk values was not surprising given
tor function was performed using a one-way ANOVA. that acamprosate did not alter steady-state nor peak current
Variables were acamprosate alone, spermine alone and values. In striatal neurons, SSrPk values in the presence
acamprosate and spermine combined. The Multiple t-test of 100 mm acamprosate were 0.25 " 0.02 compared to
Ž t . was the post-hoc test used to identify individual group control values, of 0.22 " 0.03, F Ž1,20. s 0.59; 0.24 " 0.04
differences. The criterion for statistical significance was for 10 mM acamprosate compared to control values of
P F 0.05. 0.22 " 0.05, F Ž1,12. s 0.07; 0.25 " 0.01 for 1 mM acam-
prosate compared to control values of 0.22 " 0.02, FŽ1,14.
s 1.07 and 0.27 " 0.04 for 100 nM acamprosate compared
to control values of 0.22 " 0.03, F Ž1,18. s 1.49. Acam-
3. Results
prosate Ž100 and 10 mM. did not alter SSrPk values in
cerebellar granule cells: F Ž1,24. s 0.02 and F Ž1,26. s 0,
3.1. Acamprosate does not alter NMDA-induced currents respectively. The data from these experiments are summa-

We have previously reported that the NMDA NR2

receptor subunit composition differs between primary cul-
tured striatal ŽPopp et al., 1998. and cerebellar granule
cells ŽPopp et al., 1999.. Both Western blot analysis and
pharmacological manipulation indicate that the NR2B is
the primary NR2 NMDA receptor subunit expressed in
primary cultured striatal cells whereas the NR2A subunit
predominates in primary cultured cerebellar granule cells.
We used these two in vitro systems to study the effect of
acamprosate on NMDA-induced currents as well as acam-
prosate’s interactions with ethanol on NMDA receptor
In primary cultured striatal cells, acamprosate concen-
trations of 0.1, 1, 10 and 100 mM had no effect on the
peak amplitude of NMDA-induced currents. Although
mean steady-state values for NMDA-induced currents were
higher than control values in the presence of acamprosate Fig. 1. Effect of acamprosate on NMDA-induced currents. The NMDA
these increases were not statistically significant. Similar receptor agonists used in this experiment were 100 mM NMDA with 10
mM glycine and are indicated as NMDA and Wash. Acamprosate Ž10
results were observed in cerebellar granule cells main- mM. did not alter agonist-induced steady-state or peak current ampli-
tained for 6 to 28 days in vitro in that neither 10 nor 100 tudes. Traces were taken from a 7 days in vitro striatal neuron. The
mM acamprosate altered NMDA-induced steady-state or holding potential in these electrophysiological experiments was y60 mV.
R.L. Popp, D.M. LoÕingerr European Journal of Pharmacology 394 (2000) 221–231 225

rized in Table 1. Application of acamprosate at concentra- otherwise noted. The effect of acamprosate on ethanol Ž10,
tions from 10–300 mM in the absence of any NMDA 50 and 100 mM. inhibition of 100 mM NMDA and 10
receptor agonist did not produce any ion current in either mM glycine-induced steady-state and peak currents ex-
striatal or cerebellar granule cells Ždata not shown.. Repre- pressed in primary cultured striatal neurons Ž7 to 14 days
sentative current traces depicting the lack of acamprosate’s in vitro. was assessed. Acamprosate did not significantly
effect on NMDA-induced currents from receptors ex- alter ethanol inhibition of NMDA-induced steady-state cur-
pressed in a primary cultured striatal cell are shown in Fig. rent Ž F Ž1,42. s 0.05. and this was observed at all concen-
1. trations of ethanol tested Žinteraction F Ž2,42. s 0.05..
Acamprosate did not alter inhibition of NMDA-induced
3.2. Acamprosate does not alter ethanol inhibition of peak current Ž F Ž2,42. s 0. at any ethanol concentration
NMDA- or glutamate-induced currents examined Ž F Ž2,42. s 1.15.. Inhibition of NMDA-induced
current increased significantly with an increase in ethanol
These experiments were designed to determine the af- concentration for steady-state currents Ž F Ž2,42. s 7.79; P
fect of acamprosate on the NMDA receptor at pharma- F 0.0013. and for peak currents Ž F Ž2,42. s 32.9; P F
cotherapeuticaly relevant concentrations Ž10y6 M. ŽZeise 0.0001.. Acamprosate had no effect on SSrPk current
et al., 1993; Al Qatari et al., 1998.. Therefore, 10-mM values: F Ž1,12. s 0.5; F Ž1,14. s 3.06 and F Ž1,14. s 0.02
acamprosate was used to study the effect of acamprosate for 10, 50 and 100 mM ethanol, respectively. Data from
on ethanol inhibition of NMDA-induced currents unless these analyses are summarized in Fig. 2A. Fig. 2B contains

Fig. 2. ŽA. Summary of the effect of 10 mM acamprosate on the inhibition of NMDA-induced steady-state and peak currents produced by three
concentrations of ethanol; N s 8 cells for each ethanol concentration. ŽB. Representative current traces taken from an 11-day in vitro striatal neuron
depicting the lack of effect of 10 mM acamprosate on inhibition of NMDA-induced current by 100 mM ethanol.
226 R.L. Popp, D.M. LoÕingerr European Journal of Pharmacology 394 (2000) 221–231

Table 2 ments examining ethanol–acamprosate interactions using

Effect of acamprosate on glutamate-induced peak and steady-state cur- glutamate as the receptor agonist instead of NMDA. When
rents. Acamprosate Ž10 mM. effect on current induced by 10 mM
glutamate and 10 mM glycine in primary cultured cerebellar granule cells
glutamate was the agonist, 10 mM acamprosate did not
and striatal neurons. Values are percent of control Žno acamprosate. alter glutamate-induced peak or steady-state currents in
values"S.E.M. t values were determined using a Repeated Measures primary cultured striatal or cerebellar granule cells ŽTable
design; One Sample t-test 2.. Ethanol mediated inhibition of steady-state and peak
Steady-state Peak glutamate-induced currents was unaffected by 10 mM
Striatal cells acamprosate. In cerebellar granule cells ŽFig. 3A., 100 mM
% of control 101.2"3.5% 107"5.4% ethanol inhibition of steady-state current in the presence
t 0.4 0.23 and absence of acamprosate was 28.4 " 3.8 and 35.6 " 3.6;
P 0.7 0.23
t Ž14. s 1.56, respectively and inhibition of peak current
N 4 4
was 29.38 " 4.0 for ethanol alone and 33.53 " 3.9 for
Cerebellar Granule Cells ethanol in the presence of acamprosate; t Ž14. s 1.67. Ad-
% of control 88"9.0% 100.4"2.6% ditionally, acamprosate did not significantly alter the inhi-
t 1.5 0.13
bition of steady-state glutamate-induced currents by 10
P 0.2 0.9
N 5 5 mM ethanol: 7.5 " 3.0% inhibition for ethanol alone com-
pared to 8.13 " 3.6% inhibition for ethanol and acam-
prosate combined, t Ž14. s 0.15, nor for inhibition of gluta-
mate-induced peak currents Ž15.23 " 3.4 and 12.23 " 3.0
for 10 mM ethanol and ethanol plus acamprosate, respec-
representative traces depicting equal inhibition produced tively; t Ž14. s 1.1. N s 15 for both concentrations of
by ethanol and by ethanol in the presence of 10 mM ethanol. Similar results were observed in primary cultured
acamprosate. striatal neurons ŽFig. 3B. For receptors expressed in both
It has been reported that a concentration of 300 mM types of primary cultured neurons, acamprosate did not
acamprosate is required to significantly enhance NMDA- alter SSrPk values at all concentrations of ethanol tested
mediated synaptic neurotransmission in nucleus accum- when glutamate was the agonist Ždata not shown..
bens neurons ŽBerton et al., 1998.. Experiments designed
to assess the effect of a higher concentration of acam-
prosate Ž300 mM. revealed no change in ethanol Ž10 and
100 mM. inhibition of NMDA-induced currents in both
striatal cells and cerebellar granule cells. In striatal cells,
the percent inhibition by 100 mM ethanol was 38.35 " 8.3
for steady-state current and 28.34 " 3 for peak current, and
inhibition by 100 mM ethanol in the presence of 300 mM
acamprosate was 41.6 " 4.3 for steady-state current and
29.15 " 4.2 for peak current Ž N s 4.. Paired t-test values
were t Ž3. s 0.2 and t Ž3. s 0.4 for steady-state and peak
currents, respectively. Additionally, 300 mM acamprosate
did not significantly alter 10 mM ethanol effects of
NMDA-induced steady-state current. For NMDA-induced
steady-state current ethanol produced a 12.23 " 11.8%
increase; t Ž3. s 0.2 and ethanol in presence of acam-
prosate produced a 1.6 " 16.5% inhibition Ž t Ž3. s 0.8. For
NMDA-induced peak currents ethanol Ž10 mM. resulted in
a 1.6 " 4.8% inhibition and ethanol and acamprosate re-
sulted in 1.87 " 4.5% inhibition Ž t Ž3. s 0.2. N s 4 for
both ethanol concentrations. Once again there was no
effect of acamprosate on SSrPk values under these experi-
Fig. 3. ŽA. The effect of acamprosate on glutamate-induced currents in
mental conditions: F Ž1,6. s 0.6 and F Ž1,6. s 0.14 for 100 cerebellar granule cells. Acamprosate Ž10 mM. failed to significantly alter
and 10 mM ethanol, respectively. Results were similar for ethanol inhibition Ž10 or 100 mM. of glutamate-induced Ž10 mM gluta-
experiments conducted in cerebellar granule cells in that mate plus 10 mM glycine. peak or steady-state currents in primary
300 mM acamprosate did not effect ethanol’s actions on cultured cerebellar granule cells 7 to 21 days in vitro. N s15 for both
NMDA-induced currents nor SSrPk values Ždata not concentrations of ethanol. ŽB. Acamprosate also failed to alter 100 mM
ethanol inhibition of glutamate-induced peak and steady-state currents
shown.. mediated by NMDA receptors expressed in primary cultured striatal cells
Glutamate is believed to be the endogenous NMDA 7 to 14 days in vitro. Paired t-values were t s 0.7, df s 7 and t s 2.26,
receptor agonist. Thus, we performed additional experi- df s 7 for steady-state and peak currents, respectively, N s8.
R.L. Popp, D.M. LoÕingerr European Journal of Pharmacology 394 (2000) 221–231 227

3.3. Acamprosate interaction with spermine potentiating nor inhibiting effect of acamprosate on
NMDA-induced currents, acamprosate could interact with
We have previously shown that the NMDA receptors in the polyamine site on the NMDA receptor so as to alter
primary cultured striatal cells 7 to 21 days in vitro exhibit polyamine modulation of NMDA receptor function.
NMDA-induced currents that have a wide range of re- Two concentrations of acamprosate Ž10 and 100 mM.
sponses to spermine, being either potentiated, inhibited or were used to study the possible interaction with spermine
unaffected by 100 mm spermine ŽPopp et al., 1998.. It has on NMDA receptor function of receptors expressed in
been speculated that the conflicting results concerning primary cultured striatal cells. As in our previous experi-
acamprosate’s actions on NMDA-mediated synaptic trans- ment ŽPopp et al., 1998. we observed three populations of
mission may result from acamprosate acting at the NMDA neurons: one in which 100 mM spermine potentiated
receptor polyamine site. Although we had not observed a NMDA-induced steady-state current Ž) 10% above control

Fig. 4. ŽA. Acamprosate interaction with spermine in primary cultured striatal neurons. Acamprosate Ž10 mM. did not significantly alter 100 mM spermine
potentiation of NMDA-induced currents of NMDA receptors contained in primary cultured striatal cells. For both peak Ž N s 15. and steady-state Ž N s 12.
current, spermine and spermine plus acamprosate significantly enhanced NMDA-induced currents when compared to NMDA and acamprosate alone at the
P F 0.05, ) ) P F 0.01 or ) ) ) P F 0.001 levels. ŽB. Representative current traces illustrating that, in some cells, 10 mM acamprosate reversed the
potentiating affects of spermine Žas shown in the top set of current traces., whereas in other cells, acamprosate did not affect spermine potentiation of
NMDA-induced current Žbottom set of current traces.. Holding potential was y25 mV; traces were taken from 7 to 9 days in vitro striatal neurons.
228 R.L. Popp, D.M. LoÕingerr European Journal of Pharmacology 394 (2000) 221–231

value, N s 13.; a population in which NMDA-induced was seen exclusively for 10 mM acamprosate and not for
steady-state current was inhibited Ž- 90% of control value, 100 mM acamprosate. Fig. 4B contains a representative
N s 3. and a population of neurons in which NMDA-in- current trace from a striatal cell in which acamprosate did
duced steady-state current was unaffected by 100 mM not reverse spermine potentiation Žtop panel. and a current
spermine Ž N s 7.. trace from a cell in which acamprosate did reverse sper-
Since our previous results indicated that acamprosate mine potentiation Žbottom panel..
did not affect NMDA-induced currents at any concentra- As previously reported ŽPopp et al., 1998., 100 mM
tion, we performed the Dunn’s Multiple Comparison test spermine potentiated NMDA-induced peak and steady-state
to compare the effect of 10 and 100 mM acamprosate currents by 21.2 " 8.4% and by 15.9 " 11%, respectively
alone and acamprosate plus spermine on NMDA-induced in HEK 293 cells expressing NMDA NR1-1a and NR2B
current. Once again, acamprosate did not significantly alter subunits. Acamprosate Ž10 mM. did not alter NMDA-in-
NMDA-induced steady-state Ž t Ž10. s 0.5. or peak current duced current nor did it alter the potentiating effects of 100
Ž t Ž13. s 1.02.. Nor did acamprosate significantly effect mM spermine. The percent change was y3.4 " 4.4 and
spermine potentiation at either concentration of acam- 14.6 " 7.6 for NMDA-induced peak currents in the pres-
prosate for NMDA-induced steady-state Ž t Ž10. s 1.62. or ence of: 10 mM acamprosate and spermine plus acam-
peak current Ž t Ž13. s 0.9.. Therefore, the data from the prosate, respectively. The percent change of NMDA-in-
two concentrations of acamprosate were combined and a duced steady-state current was: acamprosate, y4.9 " 3.8
one-way ANOVA was performed. The major effect re- and 13.6 " 12.5 for spermine and acamprosate Ž N s 5..
vealed by this analysis was a spermine enhancement of
NMDA receptor-mediated current regardless of the pres-
ence or absence of acamprosate. The ANOVA analysis 4. Discussion
revealed that NMDA-induced current was significantly
altered as a function of the different drug combinations: The purpose of this study was multifaceted. We wanted
peak current, Ž F Ž2,46. s 20.8; P F 0.001. and steady-state to assess the effect of acamprosate on the function of
current Ž F Ž2,35. s 6.75; P s 0.003.. These analyses con- native NMDA receptors expressed in primary cultured
tained only data from cells in which peak or steady-state neurons using whole-cell patch-clamp electrophysiological
currents were potentiated ŽG 10% control values. by sper- techniques. The two in vitro systems used in our experi-
mine. The Multiple t-test was employed to identify indi- ments differ in their NMDA receptor NR2 subunit compo-
vidual group differences. Both peak and steady-state sition ŽPopp et al., 1998, 1999.. This enabled us to assess
NMDA-induced currents were significantly enhanced un- if the NR2 subunit composition was related to acam-
der both the spermine and spermine plus acamprosate prosate’s action on NMDA receptor function. Acamprosate
conditions relative to the response to NMDA in the pres- has been shown to successfully decrease the propensity to
ence of acamprosate alone. For steady-state current: drink alcohol in both animals and humans made dependent
tŽacamp,sperm.Ž33. s 2.95; P F 0.05 and tŽacamp,both.Ž33. s on the drug. Therefore, another purpose of this study was
3.02; P F 0.01. and for peak current: tŽacamp,sperm.Ž42. s to assess the interaction of acamprosate and ethanol on
5.66; P F 0.001; tŽacamp,both.Ž42. s 3.89; P F 0.01, where NMDA receptor function. Lastly, since an acamprosate
acamp is acamprosate alone, sperm is spermine alone and binding site has been identified in neuronal preparations
both is spermine coapplied with acamprosate. Potentiation which implicates the polyamine site on the NMDA recep-
of NMDA-induced current produced by spermine was not tor ŽAl Qatari et al., 1998; Naassila et al., 1998. we wanted
significantly different when spermine was co-applied with to examine the effect of acamprosate on polyamine modu-
acamprosate: t Ž33. s 0.06 for steady-state current and lation of the NMDA receptor. We observed no direct
t Ž42. s 1.77 for peak current. These data are summarized modulation by acamprosate of NMDA- or glutamate-in-
in Fig. 4A. It has not been previously noted that spermine duced steady-state or peak currents for NMDA receptors
alters the desensitized state of the NMDA receptor and expressed in primary cultured striatal cells or cerebellar
results from experiments presented throughout this paper granule cells. Furthermore, acamprosate concentrations up
indicate that acamprosate does not alter SSrPk values. to 300 mM did not alter ethanol inhibition of NMDA
Results from experiments assessing the effect of spermine, steady-state or peak currents. As previously reported ŽPopp
acamprosate or spermine and acamprosate on SSrPk val- et al., 1998. we did observe three effects of the polyamine
ues are in agreement with these findings. This was true for spermine on NMDA-induced currents. In instances when
experiments using 100 mM acamprosate Ž F Ž2,30. s 0.19. spermine potentiated NMDA-induced currents, in a small
or 10 mM acamprosate Ž F Ž2,24. s 1.6.. number of cells, 10 mM acamprosate completely negated
Although acamprosate had no statistically significant the potentiating effects of spermine. In the majority of
effect on spermine potentiation of NMDA-induced cur- cells, acamprosate did not alter spermine’s actions.
rents, we observed a very small population of neurons It has been reported that acamprosate Ž100–1000 mM.
Ž16%. in which acamprosate completely reversed the po- inhibits ŽZeise et al., 1993. or enhances excitatory post-
tentiating effects of 100 mM spermine. This phenomenon synaptic potentials ŽMadamba et al., 1996; Berton et al.,
R.L. Popp, D.M. LoÕingerr European Journal of Pharmacology 394 (2000) 221–231 229

1998.. These concentrations are higher than clinically rele- avoid this potential problem. In both culture preparations,
vant concentrations which are approximately in the 10y6 we observed no change in either NMDA-induced steady-
M range ŽZeise et al., 1993; Al Qatari et al., 1998.. state or peak currents attributable to acamprosate 0.1–300
However, high drug concentrations are sometimes required mM. These results were obtained through examination of
to observe effects in brain slice experiments. It has also native receptors which we have previously identified to
been reported that acamprosate, at 10y9 M concentrations, contain the NMDA NR2B Žstriatal cells. or the NR2A2B
inhibits the function NMDA receptors with an NR1 NR2A or NR2A Žcerebellar granule cells. subunits. These results
subunit composition expressed in HEK 293 ŽSpanagel et differ from those reported from Spanagel et al. Ž1997. who
al., 1997.. Our findings differ from the previous results reported 20–30% inhibition of NMDA-induced currents
ŽZeise et al., 1993; Madamba et al., 1996; Spanagel et al., mediated by NMDA receptors expressed in HEK 293 cells
1997; Berton et al., 1998. in that we did not observe any ¨
ŽLovinger and Zieglgansberger, 1996; Spanagel et al.,
direct effect of acamprosate on NMDA receptor function 1997.. However, this discrepancy may be due to differ-
in the two neuronal culture systems studied. This could be ences between native receptors and receptors expressed in
attributable to the lower acamprosate concentrations used heterologous systems.
in this study compared to those used in previous studies To assess if acamprosate modulated the inhibitory af-
ŽZeise et al., 1993; Madamba et al., 1996.. However, 100 fects of ethanol on NMDA-induced currents, three concen-
mM acamprosate did not have any effect on NMDA trations of ethanol were used: a low concentration Ž10
receptor function in our experiments, a concentration which mM., moderately high Ž50 mM. and a high concentration
did produce effects in two of the three studies previously of ethanol Ž100 mM.. Neither a physiologically relevant
cited ŽZeise et al., 1993; Madamba et al., 1996.. Further- concentration of acamprosate Ž10 mM. nor a high concen-
more, we also observed no effect of 300 mM acamprosate tration Ž300 mM. significantly altered ethanol inhibition of
on NMDA-induced currents. Thus, the different results in NMDA-induced peak or steady-state current. This lack of
these studies cannot be explained solely on the basis of effect was observed at all concentrations of ethanol studied
acamprosate concentration differences. and in both striatal neurons and in cerebellar granule cells.
Explanations for the difference in results previously These observations indicate that acamprosate does not
reported have been proposed ŽMadamba et al., 1996.. One produce its anti-craving effects by preventing EtOH effects
possible explanation, which could also explain the differ- on the NMDA receptor.
ent results observed in the current study, is that the effect Since glutamate is the endogenous ligand mediating
of acamprosate may vary between brain regions. It is also NMDA receptor function we wanted to determine if acam-
possible that the type of preparation influences the effect prosate might alter ethanol inhibition when the receptor
of acamprosate in some way that is as yet poorly under- was activated by glutamate. As seen with NMDA, 10 mM
stood. The study by Zeise et al. Ž1993. was conducted in acamprosate did not alter glutamate-induced steady-state
vivo while the experiments in the Madamba et al. Ž1996. or peak currents from NMDA receptors expressed in either
and Berton et al. Ž1998. studies were performed using a striatal or cerebellar granule cells. Nor did acamprosate
hippocampal and nucleus accumbens slice preparation, alter ethanol inhibition of glutamate-induced currents. A
respectively. Neurons grown in primary culture were used lack of preferential action of acamprosate on NMDA
in our experiments. The development of neurons in culture receptor activation by different agonists was also reported
does not always parallel that which occurs in vivo ŽPopp et in previous studies ŽZeise et al., 1993.. Thus, the lack of
al., 1999.. Furthermore, in the Zeise study, the various acamprosate action in cultured neurons is not related to the
synaptic components of the post synaptic potentials were species of agonist used to activate receptors.
not isolated pharmacologically as in the two subsequent Acamprosate appeared to have inhibitory ŽZeise et al.,
studies ŽMadamba et al., 1996; Berton et al., 1998.. Thus, 1993. as well as potentiating ŽMadamba et al., 1996;
substantiating the argument used by Madamba et al. Ž1996. Berton et al., 1998. effects on excitatory amino acid
that the resultant overall decreases seen in excitatory post transmission. Therefore it was proposed that acamprosate
synaptic potentials by Zeise et al. Ž1993. could have might be working at the polyamine site on the NMDA
masked the increase in NMDA-mediated excitatory post receptor because polyamines can inhibit or potentiate
synaptic potentials. NMDA receptor function via different allosteric sites Žfor
Although Madamba et al. Ž1996. were able to isolate review see Williams, 1997.. Binding studies supported this
and identify the action of acamprosate as affecting an postulate. Binding of w3 Hxacamprosate to rat brain mem-
NMDA-mediated post synaptic potential, it is impossible branes has been observed with a K D of 120 mM and a
to unequivocally state that acamprosate is directly altering Bmax of 450 pmolrmg of protein ŽNaassila et al., 1998..
NMDA receptor function in a brain slice system. Neurons This study revealed that although there exists abundant
in brain slices contain numerous synaptic connections, and acamprosate binding sites within the central nervous sys-
it is also possible that the drug may work by releasing a tem, only a ‘‘subgroup’’ of binding sites are also spermi-
neurotransmitter. By directly monitoring receptor function dine sensitive. Naassila et al. Ž1998. reported that spermi-
in individual neurons grown in culture, we can largely dine inhibited acamprosate binding with an IC 50 of 13.32
230 R.L. Popp, D.M. LoÕingerr European Journal of Pharmacology 394 (2000) 221–231

" 1.1 mM and acamprosate could displace w14 Cx spermi- How acamprosate attenuation of polyamine potentiation
dine with an IC 50 of 645 mM. These investigators further of NMDA receptor function might play a role in prevent-
characterized the acamprosate binding site and attempted ing relapse to alcohol consumption remains unknown. It
to identify its relationship with the NMDA receptor. Sev- has been reported that acamprosate has no effect on ani-
eral of their results suggested that the interaction between mals that have not been previously exposed to ethanol ŽLe
acamprosate and spermidine is allosteric in nature. They Magnen et al., 1987.. Chronic ethanol consumption causes
also provided evidence for a direct effect of acamprosate many physiological changes, some of which may be in-
on NMDA receptor function, which is influenced allosteri- volved in acamprosate’s actions. Some of these changes
cally by its interactions with other ligands. Their data also may be the site of acamprosate’s action, which under
suggest that acamprosate modulation of NMDA receptor normal conditions are unaffected by the drug. It has been
function depends upon the availability and concentration reported that the NMDA NR2B subunit increases follow-
of spermidine. ing chronic ethanol exposure ŽFollesa and Ticku, 1996..
As in the Naassila et al. Ž1998. studies, a ‘‘subset’’ The mRNA of the NR1-1a-type subunits increases relative
Ž16%. of neurons examined in our experiments exhibited to the NR1-1b-type subunit following chronic ethanol ex-
an allosteric interaction between acamprosate and sper- posure and remains elevated up to forty-eight h after
mine on the NMDA receptor. In this group of neurons, the withdrawal ŽHardy et al., 1999.. Chronic ethanol exposure
interaction is such that the net effect of acamprosate is to results in an increase in polyamines and in ornithine
reduce or eliminate the potentiating effects of polyamines decarboxylase Žthe rate-limiting enzyme for polyamine
on NMDA-induced currents. However, unlike the results biosynthesis. in the brains of rats made dependent on the
observed by Naassila et al., we observed a subset of drug ŽDavidson and Wilce, 1998.. A positive correlation
spermine sensitive neurons, which were acamprosate in- was found to exist between these increases in ornithine
sensitive. At this time, we do not have an explanation for decarboxylase activityrpolyamine levels and the severity
the difference in results. However, the acamprosate-poly- of withdrawal behavior in these rats. These findings sug-
amine interaction suggested by our data and that of Naas- gest that chronic EtOH exposure may produce a pattern of
sila et al. Ž1998. are likely to be physiologically relevant changes that favors acamprosate-polyamine interactions at
since under physiological conditions Ži.e. in the presence the NMDA receptor since subunits that confer polyamine
of Mg 2q ., the inhibitory effects of polyamines are proba- potentiation are increased while levels of polyamines in-
bly negligible ŽWilliams, 1997. and the potentiating crease.
polyamine effects predominate. On the basis of previously On the basis of these reports and our current observa-
published immunohistochemical and pharmacological data tions we hypothesize that acamprosate may minimize or
ŽPopp et al., 1998. we know that the predominant NMDA negate effects due to physiological changes produced by
NR2 subunit present in our cultured striatal neurons is the chronic ethanol exposure. Specifically, acamprosate may
NR2B co-assembled with NR1 subunits that contain and negate the potentiating effects of increased concentrations
lack the N-terminal cassette. Therefore, under saturating of endogenous polyamines on upregulated NR2B and
glycine conditions and a holding potential of y25 mV, we NR1-1a subunits incorporated into some NMDA receptors.
would expect to see spermine potentiation in some neurons Binding studies support this hypothesis in that chronic
and spermine inhibition of NMDA-induced currents in exposure to ethanol andror acamprosate produce changes
others. If acamprosate was replicating spermine’s actions that favor inhibitory effects of acamprosate on NMDA
directly, it would be expected that NMDA-induced cur- receptor function ŽAl Qatari et al., 1998.. Future studies,
rents that are potentiated by spermine should also be which focus on the effect of acamprosate under chronic
potentiated by acamprosate. We did not observe this result. ethanol conditions, may elucidate a central nervous system
In the absence of spermine, acamprosate did not alter site of action for this drug and this site may involve
NMDA-induced currents from control values. Further- allosteric modulation of polyamine’s actions on the NMDA
more, cells that contained NMDA receptors that were receptor.
potentiated by spermine were not further potentiated by
acamprosate. In fact, NMDA-induced current values did
not differ significantly between the spermine and the sper- Acknowledgements
mine with acamprosate values. However, in a small popu-
lation of cells, a low concentration of acamprosate Ž10 This investiation was supported by AA08986 and
mM. completely negated the potentiating effects of sper- AA05458. We thank Groupe Lipha ŽLyon, France. for
mine on NMDA-induced current. A similar result was kindly providing the acamprosate.
reported by Naassila et al. Ž1998. in that at low acam-
prosate concentrations Ž- 1 mM., the interaction between
spermidine and acamprosate appeared competitive with the
net result being an inhibition of spermidine potentiation as Al Qatari, M., Bouchenafa, O., Littleton, J., 1998. Mechanisms of action
seen by a decrease in w3 Hx dizocilpine binding. of acamprosate: Part II. Ethanol dependence modifies effects of
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