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1ST SEMESTER S.Y. 2023 – 2024

(Exercise for Module 3)


Kevin Cleo R. de la Vega
December 10, 2023
Maria Cecilia Monteverde Jalbuena
1. For this module, try to describe how you will ensure that your research/project study will be
carried out to the highest standards of ethics and research integrity?

1. Obtain ethical approval: Before starting the study, researchers will seek ethical approval from
the appropriate research ethics committee or institutional review board. This ensures that
the study meets ethical guidelines and safeguards the rights and well-being of participants.
2. Informed consent: Researcher obtain informed consent from participants before involving
them in the study. This involves providing clear and comprehensive information about the
study’s purpose, procedures, potential risks, and benefits.
3. Maximized benefits: Ensuring that the potential benefits of the study outweigh any potential
4. Data integrity and transparency: Research findings will be based on accurate and reliable
data. Researchers will follow rigorous data collection, analysis, and reporting procedures to
maintain data integrity.
5. Conflict of interest: Researchers will disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may
influence the study’s design, conduct, or reporting. This includes financial, professional, or
personal conflicts that could compromise the objectivity and integrity of the research.
6. Compliance with regulations and guidelines: Researchers should adhere to relevant laws,
regulations, and professional guidelines specific to their field of study. This includes following
ethical guidelines set by professional organizations and complying with legal requirements
for data protection and privacy.

2. What are the potential ethical, health and safety issues (risks, vulnerability, confidentiality, etc.)
arising as part of your research and how will you address them?

1. Ethical Issues:
• Ensure that the modifications made to the tool prioritize the well-being and safety of
workers and users.
• Conduct a thorough risk assessment to identify any potential risks or harm that may
arise from the modifications.
• Ensure that the modifications align with ethical guidelines and regulations, aiming to
improve safety and efficiency without compromising individuals’ well-being.

2. Health and Safety Issues:

• Identify and assess potential hazards associated during conducting the modification
of tool.
• Implement appropriate engineering controls to mitigate risks, such as redesigning
the tool to reduce vibration or incorporating safety features.
3. Confidentiality:
• If the modifications involve proprietary or sensitive information, establish protocols
to protect the confidentiality of such data.
• Implement non-disclosure agreements to ensure that any proprietary information
remains confidential.
• Restrict access to sensitive information and ensure secure data storage practices are
in place.

4. Vulnerability:
• Consider the impact of modifications on vulnerable populations, such as workers
with limited training or experience.
• Provide adequate training, clear instructions, and supervision to minimize potential
• Ensure that modifications are inclusive and accessible, considering the needs of
workers with disabilities or other vulnerabilities.

To address these issues effectively, must be follow the established guidelines and standards
specific to the industry and project scope. Regular monitoring, evaluation, and feedback from
workers or users can help identify any emerging ethical, health, or safety concerns and allow for
prompt resolution.

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