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Freedom of speech

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Freedom of Speech 2|Page

Table of Contents
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Freedom of Speech 3|Page

Freedom of speech is the freedom of speaking anything without concerning anyone. It is not
about particular country, region or person; it is rightly common in most of the country. It is
generally synonymous with liberty and its rights for individuals in society. As each country
has its own rules that regulate the rights of civilians freedom of speech has become a topic of
debate. It is a right that differentiate between a freeman and slavery. The essay contains
importance and acceptance of freedom of speech in the society. On the basis of different
sources of information, the essay will represent the principles, their limitations and benefits
for individuals.

Paragraph 1
Topic sentence: - The study emphasizes on evaluation of freedom of speech in context of
talk and slavery in the Anglo- Caribbean world.

 The book Freedom of speech perfectly illustrate renaissance in research on the

colonial Caribbean, it explains a fundamental role of speech in changing the situations
between the masters and their slaves for more than 2 centuries in British colonies of
Jamaica and Barbados (Fiss, 2018). For maintaining the authenticity and engagement
of this book, author has used a lot of sources like letters and reports from Caribbean
and British archives allowed to retrace words longer.
 The book highlighted the importance of speech and relevant practices in enhancing
the reader’s understanding of slavery in the Anglo-Caribbean and Atlantic world. It
has been depicted that in sugar islands like Barbados and Jamaica were the example
where the speech was policed, and attributed force diminished, held accountable and
discredited as the oral culture made the empire and slavery.
 The right of speech or freedom of speech is explained in the context of freedom and
bondage. It contained the exploration of different kinds of talk like political, legal,
botanical, and spiritual of the colonizers that changed the situation of slavery in the

Freedom of speech has brilliantly explained the role of political, legal and spiritual talks for
modern colonisation of the people enslaved in the Anglo-Caribbean. The examination of
speech, liberty and bondage helped for study of slavery, political geography and legacies of
Freedom of Speech 4|Page

the British Caribbean. Also, provide an original and fascinating perspective on the world of

Paragraph 2
Freedom of speech is one of the major human rights that have been focused in this study.

 In terms of speech, it is important to have a clear vision and acceptable approach.

Depending on the motive of speech several kinds of speech have different effects.
Although the freedom of speech is necessary for the society it is important to
understand the gap between the benefits and problems that a speech can cause (Farris
and Coleman, 2020). Speeches which are concentrated on a particular incident, person
or government can spread negativity and influence an environment of crime and
 Having multiple laws in different countries for speech, it is common that the laws
have too many limitations in preventing underprivileged people from limited laws and
exploitation of their rights. The article has contained different effects caused due to
the inappropriate words selection in public speaking and writing. In today’s world
where new generations adopt trends on the basis of what they see and listen, it is
crucial to maintain the authenticity and standards of public speaking. Most of the
times the laws or criteria of hate speech are manipulated by the people who wish to
censor unpopular opinions and silent political opposition (Gray, 2019).
 In this age of liberalisation, it is essential having right to speech as there are other
natural rights. According to the UN, it is believed that each person has property in his
own personality. It is firmly believed that the States have all the rights to protect or
limit the individual’s rights there are chances that the individuals have the issues in
preventing others from using their property, taking away the life and liberty.

Although the freedom of speech is essential for the individuals in society, it is necessary to
optimise limitation of laws and specify the criteria of hate speech.

Paragraph 3
Having a lot of laws, rules and guidelines for freedom of speech is beneficial but what comes
under the ‘speech’ this is a topic of debate.
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 According to the view of Kendrick (2018), there are several guidelines which are
issued in legal terms but it is not specified that what are the points that come under the
word ‘speech’? Speech is not sufficient to form the potential basis for the enforcement
of the law of freedom of speech. Since the speech cannot be distinguished from other
phenomenon it cannot be said that speech cannot be the base for a special right.
 Speech is one of the most effective communicators as it contains the information
which can easily be understood by anyone. However, some of the major issues can be
caused due to the language barrier and lack of listening skills.
 According to most of the classic theories of freedom of speech emphasise on
communicative advantages of speech in the society (Chemerinsky and Gillman,
2017). Hence, it is necessary to specify or categorise the freedom of speech on the
basis of practical situations. For example, discriminating the customers on the basis of
their sexual preferences, in cafes, and restaurants should get amended.

An overview of “freedom of speech” apart from the protection given to other activity is one
of the most important questions in terms of natural rights of a human being, including
economic activity. Such a view reflects activities implicate freedom of speech.

Freedom of speech is one of the natural rights of a human being but it is necessary to evaluate
that the speech should not spread hate. It has been summarised that even different countries
have different laws and policies to protect the basic rights of individuals, it is challenging to
categorise different activities according to the concept of speech. The essay has concluded
that the speech has the potential to change the civilisation and attract it towards learning new
Freedom of Speech 6|Page

Chemerinsky, E. and Gillman, H., 2017. Free speech on campus. Yale University Press.

Farris, M.P. and Coleman, P., 2020. First Principles on Human Rights: Freedom of
Speech (No. 232). Heritage Foundation Special Report.

Fiss, O., 2018. Liberalism divided: Freedom of speech and the many uses of state power.

Gray, A., 2019. Freedom of speech in the Western world: comparison and critique. Rowman
& Littlefield.

Kendrick, L., 2018. Use your words: On the" speech" in" freedom of speech". Michigan Law
Review, 116(5), pp.667-704.

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