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Job No. Sheet No.


Software licensed to only @::LAVteam::® 1

Connected User: user@edu Non commercial
Job Title Part Ref

Client By Date Chd

File Date Time
UTILITY DG -8-11-2023 FINAL.STD 06-Mar-2024 19:15

Job Information
Engineer Checked Approved


Date: 16-Oct-23


Structure Type: SPACE FRAME

Entity Type Count Highest

Nodes 307 455

Analytical Members 516 659

Load Cases
Load Case Type Count

Primary 6

Combination 23

Included in this printout are data for:

All The Whole Structure

Load Case Table

Included in this printout are results for load cases:
L/C Type Name

1 Primary SLX+

2 Primary SLX-

3 Primary SLZ+

4 Primary SLZ-

5 Primary DL

6 Primary LL

7 Combination 1.5DL+1.5LL

8 Combination 1.2DL+1.2LL+1.2ELX+

9 Combination 1.2DL+1.2LL+1.2ELX-

10 Combination 1.2DL+1.2LL+1.2ELZ+

11 Combination 1.2DL+1.2LL+1.2ELZ-

12 Combination 1.5DL+1.5ELX+

13 Combination 1.5DL+1.5ELX-

14 Combination 1.5DL+1.5ELZ+

07 Mar 2024 01:43:06 PM STAAD.Pro 2023 1 of 2

Job No. Sheet No. Rev

Software licensed to only @::LAVteam::® 2

Connected User: user@edu Non commercial
Job Title Part Ref

Client By Date Chd

File Date Time
UTILITY DG -8-11-2023 FINAL.STD 06-Mar-2024 19:15

Load Case Table Cont...

L/C Type Name

15 Combination 1.5DL+1.5ELZ-

16 Combination 0.9DL+1.5ELX+

17 Combination 0.9DL+1.5ELX-

18 Combination 0.9DL+1.5ELZ+

19 Combination 0.9DL+1.5ELZ-

20 Combination DL+LL

21 Combination DL+EQX+

22 Combination DL+EQX-

23 Combination DL+EQZ+

24 Combination DL+EQZ-

25 Combination DL+0.8LL+0.8EQX+

26 Combination DL+0.8LL+0.8EQX-

27 Combination DL+0.8LL+0.8EQZ+

28 Combination DL+0.8LL+0.8EQZ-

29 Combination DL+0.55LL


07 Mar 2024 01:43:06 PM STAAD.Pro 2023 2 of 2

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