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Prelim Activity
Microsoft Office 365

 Create and save MS 365 document
 Share and collaborate
 Setup your mobile app

Directions: Follow the detailed instructions below. You should be logged into your Microsoft account.

1. Watch the Instructional Videos (Hover your mouse on the blue text below, press CTRL + click)
a. Sign in to Office
b. Share documents
c. Collaborate with Others
2. Watch the following Demo Videos for the Activity (Hover your mouse on the blue text below,
press CTRL + click)
a. Using Cellphone
b. Using Laptop or Desktop

1.Sign in
Tutorial Video Link: Sign in to Office
1. Go to and in the upper right-hand corner select Sign In.

2. Enter your Microsoft personal, work or school account and password.

3. Screenshot your MS Office page like the image below.
Paste your Screenshot here:
2.Create a file
1. Go to and select the Create icon (the plus symbol).

2. Select the type of file you want to create. Select Word.

3. Type your Complete Name, Course/Program (BSIT), Year Level
4. Save your file as LastNameLABPreAct1 (eg. SilverioLABPreAct1)
5. Screenshot your document like the example below:

Paste your Screenshot here:

3.Share files
Tutorial Video Link: Share a File
To share a file from an Office app like Word, Excel, or PowerPoint:

1. Select Share on the ribbon.

2. Enter a name or email address of your classmate.

Note: To change permissions, select the drop-down. Allow editing is checked by default. To
change to view only, uncheck this box and select Apply.

3. Select Send.

Paste your Screenshot here:

Microsoft Teams

 Manage the Activity Feed
 Start a Chat on the Go
 Upload files to Channel

Directions: Follow the detailed instructions below. You should be logged into your Microsoft account.

3. Watch the Instructional Videos

a. Manage the Activity Feed
b. Start a Chat on the Go
c. Upload files to Channel
1. Manage the Activity Feed
4. Open your MS Teams App

5. Choose Activity Feed.

6. Select Filter

7. Filter all Unread Feed

8. Screenshot your Feed.

Paste your Screenshot here:

9. Select X to clear the Filter.

2.Start a chat on the go.

6. Using your Mobile Phone, open the MS Teams app.
7. Start a group chat by adding the names of your two classmates. Type and Send a
message to both of them.
8. Give your group chat a name. Think of a good gc name.
9. Share GIFs.
10. Screenshot your conversation.

Paste your Screenshot here:

3.Upload File
4. Look for your favorite photo or create or shoot a photo.
5. Go to the Picture Gallery Channel in our IT Era-Lab Team.

6. Create a new Conversation

7. Upload the photo and provide caption or tell something about it.

8. Click Send .

9. Screenshot your posted conversation.

Paste your Screenshot here:

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