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Spectrum Summary: Congress Rules in Provinces

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Congress ministries were formed in Bombay, Madras, Central Provinces, Orissa, United Provinces,
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Bihar, and later in the NWFP and Assam also. tests

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Gandhi’s Advice Spectrum Summary:

Gandhi advised Congressmen to hold these of ces lightly and not tightly. The of ces were to be seen as
"crowns of thorns' Other Options

Work under Congress Ministries Download this Doc

➢ Civil Liberties
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Laws giving emergency powers were repealed.
Ban on illegal organizations, and on certain books and journals was lifted. Report a problem

Press restrictions were lifted.

Newspapers were taken out of blacklists.
Confiscated arms and arms licenses were restored. Download the FREE
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Police powers were curbed and the CID stopped shadowing politicians.
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Political prisoners and revolutionaries were released, and deportation and internment orders
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were revoked. experience!

In Bombay lands confiscated by the government during the Civil Disobedience Movement were
Pensions of officials associated with the Civil Disobedience Movement were restored.

➢ Agrarian Reforms

The ministries did not have adequate powers.

There were inadequate financial resources as a lion’s share was appropriated by the
Government of India.
The strategy of class adjustments was another hurdle since zamindars, etc., had to be conciliated
and neutralized.
There was the constraint of time since the logic of Congress politics was a confrontation and not
cooperation with colonialism.
War clouds had started hovering around 1938.
The reactionary second chamber (Legislative Council) dominated by landlords, moneylenders,
and capitalists in United Provinces, Bihar, Bombay, Madras, and Assam had to be conciliated as
its support was necessary for legislation.
The agrarian structure was too complex.

Attitude Towards Labour

The basic approach was to advance workers’ interests while promoting industrial peace. The ministries
took recourse to Section 144 and arrested the leaders.

➢ Social Welfare Reforms

The prohibition imposed in certain areas.

Measures for the welfare of Harijans taken.
Attention is given to primary, technical, and higher education and to public health and
The encouragement is given to khadi through subsidies and other measures.
Prison reforms were undertaken.
The encouragement is given to indigenous enterprises.
Efforts taken to develop planning through National Planning Committee set up under Congress
president Subhash Bose in 1938.

➢ Extra-Parliamentary Mass Activity of Congress

launching of mass literacy campaigns,

setting up of Congress police stations and panchayats,
Congress Grievance Committees presenting mass petitions to government and states peoples’

➢ Evaluation

The 28-month Congress rule was also significant for the following reasons.
The contention that Indian self-government was necessary for radical social transformation got
Congressmen demonstrated that a movement could use state power to further its ends without
being co-opted.
The ministries were able to control communal riots.
The morale of the bureaucracy came down.
Council work helped neutralize many erstwhile hostile elements (landlords, etc).
People were able to perceive the shape of things to come if independence was won.
Administrative work by Indians further weakened the myth that Indians were not fit to rule.
The Congress ministries resigned in October 1939 after the outbreak of the Second World War.
The Congress victory resulted in what appeared to be an anti-labor shift in Congress attitudes
that led to the Bombay Traders Disputes Act in 1938.

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Spectrum Test: Congress Rule in Provinces

Spectrum Test: Developments under Nehru's Leadership

Spectrum Summary: Developments under Nehru's Leadership (1947-64)

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FAQs on Spectrum Summary: Congress Rules in Provinces

1. What was Gandhi's advice regarding working under Congress Ministries?

Ans. Gandhi advised people to work under Congress Ministries, indicating his support for the party and its

2. What was Gandhi's attitude towards labour?

Ans. Gandhi believed in the importance of treating labourers with respect and dignity. He advocated for fair
wages, better working conditions, and the empowerment of workers.

3. In which provinces did Congress rule during Gandhi's time?

Ans. Congress ruled in various provinces during Gandhi's time, including Bombay, Madras, Bengal, and United
Provinces. This allowed the party to implement its policies and work towards its goals at the regional level.

4. What is the summary of the article's content?

Ans. The article discusses Gandhi's advice to work under Congress Ministries and highlights his attitude
towards labour. It also mentions that Congress ruled in provinces during his time, indicating the party's
significance in governance.

5. What are some frequently asked questions about Gandhi's advice and attitude towards

Ans. Some frequently asked questions about Gandhi's advice and attitude towards labour may include: - How
did Gandhi's advice to work under Congress Ministries impact the political landscape? - What were Gandhi's
specific actions and initiatives towards improving labour conditions? - Did Gandhi's attitude towards labour
align with other political leaders of his time? - How did Congress rule in the provinces influence Gandhi's
overall strategy for social and political change? - What were the long-term effects of Gandhi's advice and
attitude towards labour on Indian society?

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