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Psychological Review Copyright 1981 by the American Psychological Association, Inc.

1981, Vol. 88, No. 4, 354-364 0033-295X/81/8804-0354$00.75

Gender Schema Theory: A Cognitive Account of Sex Typing

Sandra Lipsitz Bern
Cornell University

Gender schema theory proposes that the phenomenon of sex typing derives, in
part, from gender-based schematic processing, from a generalized readiness to
process information on the basis of the sex-linked associations that constitute the
gender schema. In particular, the theory proposes that sex typing results from
the fact that the self-concept itself gets assimilated to the gender schema. Several
studies are described which demonstrate that sex-typed individuals do, in fact,
have a greater readiness to process information—including information about
the self—in terms of the gender schema. It is speculated that such gender-based
schematic processing derives, in part, from the society's ubiquitous insistence on
the functional importance of the gender dichotomy. The political implications
of gender schema theory are discussed, as is the relationship of the theory to the
concept of androgyny.

The distinction between male and female sizes the importance of identification with
serves as a basic organizing principle for the same-sex parent (e.g., Sears, Rau, &
every human culture. Although societies dif- Alpert, 1965); social learning theory em-
fer in the specific tasks they assign to the phasizes the explicit rewards and punish-
two sexes, all societies allocate adult roles ments for behaving in sex-appropriate ways
on the basis of sex and anticipate this allo- as well as the vicarious learning that obser-
cation in the socialization of their children. vation and modeling can provide (e.g., Mis-
Not only are boys and girls expected to ac- chel, 1970); cognitive-developmental theory
quire sex-specific skills, they are also ex- emphasizes the ways in which children so-
pected to have or to acquire sex-specific self- cialize themselves once they have firmly la-
concepts and personality attributes, to be beled themselves as male or female (Kohl-
masculine or feminine as defined by that berg, 1966). (See Maccoby & Jacklin, 1974,
particular culture (Barry, Bacon, & Child, and Mussen, 1969, for reviews of these the-
1957). The process by which a society thus ories.)
transmutes male and female into masculine But what is it that is learned? Clearly the
and feminine is known as the process of sex developing child is learning content-specific
typing. information, the particular behaviors and
The universality and importance of this attributes that are to be linked with sex. In
process is reflected in the prominence it re- most societies, this is a diverse and sprawling
ceives in psychological theories of develop- network of associations encompassing not
ment, which seek to elucidate how the only those features directly related to male
developing child learns the appropriate and female persons, such as anatomy, re-
repertoire. Psychoanalytic theory empha- productive function, division of labor, and
personality attributes, but also features more
Preparation of this article was supported in part by remotely or metaphorically related to sex,
National Science Foundation Grant BNS-78-22637 to such as the angularity or roundedness of an
Sandra Lipsitz Bern and in part by a small seed grant abstract shape and the periodicity of the
from the Center for Research on Women at Stanford
University. The author would like to express her thanks moon. Indeed, there appears to be no other
to Daryl J. Bern and Lee D. Ross for critical comments dichotomy in human experience with as
on the manuscript and to Nancy Van Derveer and Mary many entities assimilated to it as the dis-
Milne for computer programming. tinction between male and female.
Requests for reprints should be sent to Sandra Lipsitz
Bern, Department of Psychology, Uris Hall, Cornell But there is more. It is proposed here that
University, Ithaca, New York 14853. in addition to learning such content-specific

information, the child is also learning to in- ness to process information on the basis of
voke this heterogeneous network of sex-re- the sex-linked associations that constitute
lated associations in order to evaluate and the gender schema. In particular, the theory
assimilate new information. The child, in proposes that sex typing results, in part, from
short, learns to process information in terms the fact that the self-concept itself gets as-
of an evolving gender schema, and it is this similated into the gender schema. As chil-
gender-based schematic processing that con- dren learn the contents of the society's gen-
stitutes the heart of the present account of der schema, they learn which attributes are
sex typing. to be linked with their own sex and, hence,
with themselves. This does not simply entail
The Gender Schema learning where each sex is supposed to stand
on each dimension or attribute—that boys
A schema is a cognitive structure, a net- are to be strong and girls weak, for exam-
work of associations that organizes and ple—but involves the deeper lesson that the
guides an individual's perception. A schema dimensions themselves are differentially ap-
functions as an anticipatory structure, a plicable to the two sexes. Thus the strong-
readiness to search for and to assimilate in- weak dimension itself is absent from the
coming information in schema-relevant schema that is to be applied to girls just as
terms. Schematic processing is thus highly the dimension of nurturance is implicitly
selective and enables the individual to im- omitted from the schema that is to be applied
pose structure and meaning onto the vast to boys. Adults in the child's world rarely
array of incoming stimuli. Schema theory— notice or remark upon how strong a little girl
if it can be called a theory—construes per- is becoming or how nurturant a little boy is
ception as a constructive process wherein becoming, despite their readiness to note
what is perceived is a product of the inter- precisely these attributes in the "appropri-
action between the incoming information ate" sex. The child learns to apply this same
and the perceiver's preexisting schema schematic selectivity to the self, to choose
(Neisser, 1976; Taylor & Crocker, in press). from among the many possible dimensions
The readiness with which an individual in- of human personality only that subset de-
vokes one schema rather than another is re- fined as applicable to his or her own sex and
ferred to as the cognitive availability of the thereby eligible for organizing the diverse
schema (Nisbett & Ross, 1980; Tversky & contents of the self-concept. Thus do self-
Kahneman, 1973, 1974). concepts become sex typed, and thus do the
Schematic processing can manifest itself two sexes become, in their own eyes, not only
in a number of ways. For example, individ- different in degree but different in kind.
uals who have a generalized readiness to Simultaneously, the child also learns to
process information in terms of a particular evaluate his or her adequacy as a person in
schema should be able to encode schema- terms of the gender schema, to match his or
consistent information quickly; they should her preferences, attitudes, behaviors, and
organize information in schema-relevant personal attributes against the prototypes
categories; they should make highly differ- stored within it. The gender schema becomes
entiated judgments along schema-relevant a prescriptive standard or guide (Kagan,
dimensions; and when given a choice, they 1964; Kohlberg, 1966), and self-esteem be-
should spontaneously choose to make dis- comes its hostage. Here, then, enters an in-
criminations along those same dimensions. ternalized motivational factor that prompts
In general, their perceptions and actions the individual to regulate his or her behavior
should reflect the kinds of biases that schema- so that it conforms to the culture's defini-
directed selectivity would produce (Nisbett tions of maleness and femaleness. And that
& Ross, 1980; Taylor & Crocker, in press). sex-typed behavior, in turn, further rein-
What gender schema theory proposes, forces the gender-based differentiation of
then, is that the phenomenon of sex typing the self-concept through the individual's ob-
derives, in part, from gender-based sche- servation of his or her own behavior (cf.
matic processing, from a generalized readi- Bern, 1972). Thus do cultural myths become

self-fulfilling prophecies, and thus do we ar- nitive psychologists have found studies of
rive at the phenomenon known as sex typing. memory a fruitful way of probing schema-
It is important to note that gender schema like structures. For example, if an individual
theory is a theory of process, not content. is spontaneously inclined to encode and or-
Because sex-typed individuals are seen as ganize information on the basis of some un-
processing information in terms of and con- derlying schema or network of associations,
forming to whatever definitions of masculin- then thinking of one schema-related item
ity and femininity the culture happens to should enhance the probability of thinking
provide, it is the process of partitioning the of another. Thus, if the individual has been
world into two equivalence classes on the given a number of items to memorize and
basis of the gender schema, not the contents is then asked to recall them in whatever or-
of the equivalence classes, that is central to der they happen to come to mind, the se-
the theory. Accordingly, sex-typed individ- quence of recall should reveal runs or clus-
uals are seen as differing from other indi- ters of items that were linked in memory via
viduals not primarily in terms of how much the schema (Bousfield & Bousfield, 1966;
masculinity or femininity they possess, but Hamilton, Katz, & Leirer, 1980). In the fol-
in terms of whether or not their self-concepts lowing study, we used this clustering para-
and behaviors are organized on the basis of digm to provide a first test of gender schema
gender. Many non-sex-typed individuals may theory. If sex-typed individuals do, in fact,
describe themselves as, say, dominant or organize information in terms of the gender
nurturant without implicating the concepts schema, then they should show more clus-
of masculinity or femininity. When sex- tering of gender-relevant items in free recall
typed individuals so describe themselves, than non-sex-typed individuals.
however, it is precisely the gender conno-
tations of the attributes or behaviors that are Study 1: Gender Clustering in Free
presumed to be salient for them (cf. Bern Recall1
& Allen, 1974). Method. Forty-eight male and 48 female Stanford
As a recent review by Taylor and Crocker undergraduates were preselected for this study on the
(in press) points out, the schema concept has basis of their scores on the Bern Sex Role Inventory
been a heuristically valuable, if ill-defined, (BSRI; Bern, 1974), an instrument that identifies sex-
concept within psychology. The gender typed individuals on the basis of their self-concepts or
self-ratings of their personal attributes. The BSRI asks
schema is currently at a comparable level of the respondent to indicate on a 7-point scale how well
conceptual maturity. For example, although each of 60 attributes describes himself or herself. Al-
it is likely that much of the information in though it is not apparent to the respondent, 20 of the
the gender schema consists of "fuzzy sets" attributes reflect the culture's definition of masculinity
organized around male and female proto- (e.g., assertive) and 20 reflect its definition of femininity
(e.g., tender), with the remaining attributes serving as
types (e.g., Cantor & Mischel, 1979; Rosch, filler. Each respondent receives both a masculinity and
1975), the theory does not explicitly commit a femininity score, and those who score above the me-
itself with respect to the exact nature or dian on the sex-congruent scale and below the median
structure of the gender schema. The intent on the sex-incongruent scale are defined as sex typed.
Those who show the reverse pattern are designated as
of this article is not to specify the precise cross-sex typed; those who score above the median on
structural representation of gender knowl- both scales are designated as androgynous; and those
edge nor even to establish that the gender who score below the median on both scales are desig-
schema satisfies some well-defined set of nec- nated as undifferentiated. 2
essary and sufficient conditions for calling
it a schema. Rather, the purpose is to provide ' This study was conducted as part of a senior honors
a new perspective on the process of sex typ- thesis at Stanford University by Rachel Moran.
The BSRI was chosen as the selection instrument
ing and to test a set of empirical propositions because it has a number of features that make it es-
deriving from that perspective. pecially appropriate for identifying sex-typed individu-
als. Most importantly, previous research has indicated
The Gender-Based Schematic Processing that individuals classified as sex typed by the BSRI are
of the Sex-Typed Individual sex typed in their behavior (Bern, 1975; Bern, Martyna,
& Watson, 1976) and are motivated to select sex-typed
As noted earlier, schematic processing can activities (Bern & Lenney, 1976). In addition, the mas-
manifest itself in a number of ways, and cog- culine and feminine items on the BSRI were specifically

In the experimental session, subjects were presented 35 -r-

with a sequence of 61 words in random order. These
words included 16 proper names, 15 animal names, 15
verbs, and 15 articles of clothing. Half of the proper
names were male and half were female. One third of
the items within each of the other semantic categories
had been consistently rated by undergraduate judges as
masculine (e.g., gorilla, hurling, trousers), one third as 30 - -
feminine (e.g., butterfly, blushing, bikini), and one third
as neutral (e.g., ant, stepping, sweater). The words were
presented on slides at 3-sec intervals, and subjects were
told that their recall would later be tested. Three seconds
after the presentation of the last word, they were given
a period of 8 min to write down on a sheet of paper as
many words as they could, in any order.
25 - -
Results. It will be noted that subjects
could cluster words in recall both according
to the semantic categories and according to
gender. The particular list of words recalled Sex- Cross- Androg- Undiffer-
Typed Sex- ynous entiated
by each subject was scored for gender clus- Typed
tering by counting the number of sequential
pairs that belonged to the same gender. In- Figure 1. Mean percentage of sequential pairs within
trusions—words "recalled" that had not and across categories clustered on the basis of gender
been on the stimulus list—were categorized by sex-typed, cross-sex-typed, androgynous, and undif-
ferentiated subjects.
by two independent judges and included in
the clustering computation. Two types of contrasting the gender clustering of sex-
sequential pairs were counted: gender clus- typed subjects with the gender clustering of
tering within semantic category (e.g., go- cross-sex-typed, androgynous, and undiffer-
rilla/eagle or bikini/nylons) and gender clus- entiated subjects combined. Additional
tering across semantic categories (e.g., hurl- planned comparisons tested whether cross-
ing/Daniel or butterfly/dress). In order to sex-typed subjects differed significantly from
control for the total number of items recalled androgynous and undifferentiated subjects
as well as for the extent of an individual's combined and whether androgynous and un-
category clustering, the amount of gender differentiated subjects differed significantly
clustering within and across semantic cate- from one another. The results are presented
gories was expressed as the percentage of in Figure 1. Because there were no main
category and noncategory pairs, respec- effects or interactions on this measure in-
tively, that were clustered on the basis of volving sex, the results for male and female
gender. The mean of these two percentages subjects have been combined.
defined the total amount of an individual's As can be seen in Figure 1, sex-typed sub-
gender clustering. jects clustered a significantly higher per-
The hypothesis that sex-typed individuals centage of words on the basis of gender than
would show the most gender clustering was the other three groups, f(88) = 2.01,
tested by means of a planned comparison p < .025, one-tailed. There were no signifi-
cant differences among the groups in the
selected so as to reflect the definitions of sex appropri- amount of category clustering, F(3, 88) < 1,
ateness held by American society at large (Bern, 1974, ns. As can also be seen in Figure 1, cross-
1979). In principle, however, sex-typed individuals could sex-typed subjects did not differ significantly
have been selected by means of any instrument or pro-
cedure that assesses the extent to which one's self-con- from androgynous or undifferentiated sub-
cept and/or behavior matches the culture's definitions jects, f(88) = 1.07, ns; and androgynous and
of masculinity and femininity, and studies using other undifferentiated subjects did not differ sig-
selection procedures will be described below. Similarly, nificantly from one another, f(88) < 1, ns.
the BSRI itself can be scored in several alternate ways Although there were no sex differences in
(e.g., Bern, 1977; Orlofsky, Aslin, & Ginsburg, 1977).
For research purposes in which group data are analyzed, the total amount of gender clustering, sex-
it seems unlikely that the differences among the various typed males differed from other males pri-
scoring systems would be of much consequence. marily in the amount of gender clustering

within semantic category, male /(8 8) = 2.51, after listening to a group discussion, they
p < .01, one-tailed; female f(88) < i, ns\ were more likely than androgynous subjects
whereas sex-typed females differed from to make within-sex rather than cross-sex er-
other females primarily in the amount of rors, that is, to confuse women with women
gender clustering across semantic categories, and men with men.
female f(88) = 2.30, p < .025, one-tailed; Studies using other paradigms have also
male ?(88) < 1, ns. yielded supporting results. For example, it
In addition to this clustering study, there was suggested earlier than an individual who
are a number of other memory studies al- engages in schematic processing should make
ready in the literature that are also consis- highly differentiated judgments along
tent with gender schema theory's major schema-relevant dimensions and when given
proposition that sex-typed individuals en- the opportunity should spontaneously choose
gage in gender-based schematic processing to make discriminations along these same
more than do non-sex-typed individuals. In dimensions. In another study with college
one such study, for example, Kail and Levine students using the BSRI, sex-typed subjects
(1976) selected 7- and 10-year-old girls who made significantly more differentiated judg-
had been identified as sex-typed or non-sex- ments of masculinity-femininity than did
typed on the basis of toy preferences and androgynous subjects when rating hand-
asked them to recall words that had been writing samples, and they also weighted the
presented to them immediately before a brief dimension of masculinity—femininity more
distractor task. This procedure was repeated heavily than did androgynous subjects when
over several trials. Previous research in making similarity judgments of these sam-
short-term memory has demonstrated that ples (Lippa, 1977). And finally, subjects
recall declines over trials if all of the stim- identified as sex-typed on the BSRI differ-
ulus words are members of a single category entiated between male and female stimulus
(e.g., all color names or all spelled-out num- persons significantly more than did androg-
bers) but that recall improves again follow- ynous subjects when asked to segment each
ing a shift from one category to another— person's videotaped sequence of behaviors
a phenomenon known as release from proac- into units that seemed natural and mean-
tive inhibition (Wickens, 1972). This im- ingful to them (Deaux & Major, 1977).
provement in performance is taken as evi- Although these several studies support the
dence that the individual has, corre- proposition that sex-typed individuals pro-
spondingly, shifted his or her encoding cess gender-relevant information in terms of
categories for the stimulus words. Kail and a gender schema, they do not address the
Levine reasoned that sex-typed individuals critical issue of whether the self-concept it-
should show this effect when stimulus words self gets assimilated to the schema. Accord-
shifted from masculine to feminine or vice ingly, the following study was designed to
versa, whereas non-sex-typed individuals demonstrate that sex-typed individuals or-
should be relatively less sensitive to this shift ganize their self-concepts in terms of the sex-
in gender connotation and hence should fail linked associations that constitute the gender
to show as much release from proactive in- schema.
hibition. Their results supported this hy-
pothesis. Study 2: Gender-Schematic Processing of
In a second memory study with children, the Self-Concept3
Liben and Signorella (1980) found that 6-,
7-, and 8-year-old children with highly ste- When describing themselves on the BSRI,
reotyped views of sex-appropriate behavior sex-typed individuals by definition rate sex-
were significantly more likely than less ste- congruent attributes as more self-descriptive
reotyped children to remember pictures that than sex-incongruent attributes. But what
were consistent with the culture's gender ste- 3
reotypes. And, in a study with college stu- This study was completed as part of a doctoral dis-
sertation at Stanford University by Brenda Girvin. The
dents using the BSRI, Taylor (in press) assistance of Virginia Coles, Colombus Cooper, Tim
found that when sex-typed subjects were Reagan, and Michael Wilkins is gratefully acknowl-
asked to recall and identify "who said what" edged.

process do sex-typed individuals go through were expressed as difference scores between

when deciding that a particular attribute is these schema-relevant latencies and the sub-
or is not self-descriptive? Gender schema ject's mean latency for the sex-neutral at-
theory implies that they may simply "look tributes on the BSRI. There were no overall
up" the attribute in the gender schema and differences among the sex types in their re-
answer in the affirmative if the attribute is sponse latencies to the neutral attributes
sex-congruent; that is, they do not go through themselves, F(3, 88) < 1, ns.
the time-consuming process of recruiting The hypothesis that sex-typed subjects
behavioral evidence from memory and then would show the most gender-schematic pro-
judging whether the evidence warrants an cessing was tested by means of a planned
affirmative answer. This implies that sex- comparison contrasting sex-typed subjects
typed individuals ought to be faster than with cross-sex-typed, androgynous, and un-
non-sex-typed individuals when they make differentiated subjects combined. Addi-
schema-consistent judgments, such as, that tional orthogonal planned comparisons tested
a sex-congruent attribute is self-descriptive whether cross-sex-typed subjects differed
or that a sex-incongruent attribute is not. significantly from androgynous and undif-
Conversely, sex-typed individuals ought to ferentiated subjects combined and also
be slower than non-sex-typed individuals in whether androgynous and undifferentiated
those few instances when they make schema- subjects differed significantly from one an-
inconsistent judgments, such as, that a sex- other. The results for both schema-consistent
congruent attribute is not self-descriptive or and schema-inconsistent judgments are pre-
that a sex-incongruent attribute is (Markus, sented in Figure 2. Positive scores signify
1977; Taylor & Crocker, in press). faster responding for schema-relevant than
This reasoning was tested in a doctoral for neutral judgments; negative scores sig-
dissertation on self-schemata by Girvin nify slower responding. Because there were
(1978), who sought the same kind of evi- no main effects or interactions involving sex,
dence for the schematic processing of "self the results for male and female subjects have
information on the gender dimension that been combined.
had previously been found on the indepen- As can be seen, sex-typed subjects were,
dence-dependence dimension by Markus in fact, significantly faster than the other
(1977). The measure most directly relevant three groups when making schema-consis-
here was the individual's response latency tent judgments about themselves, f(88) =
when asked to make a dichotomous me/not 5.13,/>< .001, one-tailed; and they were also
me judgment about each of the 60 attributes significantly slower than the others when
on the BSRI itself.4 making schema-inconsistent judgments,
Method. Forty-eight male and 48 female Stanford *(83) = 2.97, p < .005, one-tailed. These
undergraduates were preselected on the basis of a me- results support the central hypothesis of gen-
dian split on the BSRI as sex typed, cross-sex typed, der schema theory that sex typing is accom-
androgynous, or undifferentiated. During an individual panied by a readiness to process information
experimental session, the 60 attributes from the BSRI
were projected on a screen one at a time and the subject about the self in terms of the gender schema,
was requested to push one of two buttons, "ME" or "NOT and they indicate that the attributes on the
ME," to indicate whether the attribute was self-descrip- BSRI are themselves processed in this fash-
tive. The subject's response latency was recorded for ion.5
each judgment.
Results. For purposes of this discussion, More recently, Markus and her colleagues have
two measures of gender-schematic process- themselves begun to investigate the schematic process-
ing of "self information related to gender (Markus,
ing were computed for each subject, the Crane, Bernstein, & Salidi, in press). Their preliminary
mean latency of schema-consistent judg- findings appear to be consistent with gender schema the-
ments (sex-congruent ME and sex-incon- ory in many respects.
gruent NOT ME) and the mean latency of The same pattern of significant results is obtained
schema-inconsistent judgments (sex-con- when the schema-consistent and schema-inconsistent
judgments themselves are analyzed before converting
gruent NOT ME and sex-incongruent ME). In them into difference scores. Moreover, the main effect
order to control for individual differences in of sex type is significant in a two-way analysis of vari-
general response latency, both measures ance, using either the judgments themselves or the dif-


Sex- Cross- Androg- Undiffer- Sex- Cross- Androg- Undiffer-

Typed Sex- ynous entiated Typed Sex- ynous entiated
Typed Typed

Figure 2. Gender-schematic processing in response latencies for schema-consistent and schema-incon-

sistent judgments by sex-typed, cross-sex-typed, androgynous, and undifferentiated subjects.

The data in Figure 2 also explicitly raise self-descriptive or that sex-incongruent at-
a question about cross-sex-typed individuals. tributes are (the schema-inconsistent judg-
Like sex-typed subjects, cross-sex-typed sub- ments). Unfortunately the data in Figure 2
jects partition the attributes on the BSRI are mixed. In the orthogonal planned com-
into gender categories, but they rate the sex- parison, cross-sex-typed subjects are signif-
incongruent set as more self-descriptive. Do icantly different from androgynous and
they invoke a gender schema to process self- undifferentiated subjects when making
relevant information or not? If they do, then schema-consistent judgments about the self,
their results should be the mirror image of ?(88) = 3.17, p<.0\, two-tailed, but not
the sex-typed subjects' results. That is, they when making schema-inconsistent judg-
should reach their judgments slowly in those ments, f(83)=1.64, ns. The question thus
few instances when they decide that sex-con- remains unanswered, although it should be
gruent attributes are self-descriptive or that recalled that in the clustering study, cross-
sex-incongruent attributes are not (the sex-typed subjects displayed the least amount
schema-consistent judgments), and con- of gender clustering of all the groups, im-
versely, they should reach their judgments plying that they are not inclined to process
quickly in these modal instances when they information in terms of a gender schema.
decide that sex-congruent attributes are not Finally, as can also be seen in Figure 2,
there were no significant differences between
ference scores. And finally, although ME judgments have
androgynous and undifferentiated subjects
shorter latencies overall than NOT ME judgments for all either in their latencies for schema-consis-
subjects, this difference is not artifactually producing tent judgments, ?(88) = 1.40, ns., or in their
either the short latencies of sex-typed subjects when they latencies for schema-inconsistent judgments,
make schema-consistent judgments nor the long laten- t(83) < I , ns. This null result indicates that
cies when they make schema-inconsistent judgments. In
fact, the obtained differences among the groups in their androgynous and undifferentiated subjects
proportions of ME and NOT ME judgments work against are similarly disinclined to process infor-
the hypothesis. mation about themselves in terms of the gen-

der schema, as might be predicted by their bers of the opposite sex in terms of sexual
both endorsing approximately equal amounts attractiveness, in short, a readiness to invoke
of masculinity and femininity when rating the heterosexuality subschema in social in-
themselves on the BSRI. teraction.6
Taken together, the results of these studies Because they are predisposed to process
indicate that sex-typed individuals have a information in terms of the gender schema
greater readiness than cross-sex-typed, an- generally, it is proposed here that sex-typed
drogynous, or undifferentiated individuals to individuals are among those who are likely
process information—including information to have a generalized readiness to invoke the
about the self—in terms of the gender heterosexuality subschema in their social in-
schema, and hence support the major con- teractions and, in particular, to respond dif-
tention of gender schema theory that sex ferentially to the physical attractiveness of
typing is derived, in part, from gender-based members of the opposite sex with whom they
schematic processing. are interacting. This hypothesis was tested
as part of a study by Andersen and Bern
The Heterosexuality Subschema (in press) in which sex-typed and androgy-
nous subjects of both sexes engaged in get-
Although the specific contents of the gen- ting-acquainted telephone conversations with
der schema are not of direct concern to the four different partners. The subjects were
account of sex typing proposed here, the sex- led to believe that each of their partners was
related associations involving heterosexual- either physically attractive or physically un-
ity have a distinctive status that warrants attractive, a belief manipulated by means of
special treatment. First of all, the phenom- a Polaroid snapshot allegedly taken of the
enon of heterosexual attraction seems likely partner a few moments before. Each subject
itself to have fostered the development of conversed with two allegedly attractive and
gender-based schematic processing in many unattractive partners of his or her own sex
young adults by facilitating the generaliza- as well as with two allegedly attractive and
tion that the two sexes are—and are sup- unattractive partners of the opposite sex.
posed to be—quite different from each The partners in this study were all naive, not
other. Certainly the motto vive la difference confederates, and all were strangers to the
derives both its sense and its punch from the subjects with whom they conversed. Each
common experience of being attracted to conversation lasted approximately 8 min.
members of the other sex and wanting to do and was totally uncontrived.
what one can both to preserve and to facil- Three independent judges—all blind with
itate that heterosexual attraction. respect to the subject's BSRI category as
In addition, many societies, including our well as the partner's sex and alleged physical
own, treat an exclusively heterosexual ori- attractiveness—listened to the subject's half
entation as the sine qua non of adequate
masculinity and femininity. Regardless of 6
Indeed, this is the basis of the feminist objection to
how closely an individual's attributes and the ubiquitous sexual coloring of so many cross-sex in-
behavior match the male or female proto- teractions. The objection is not to sexuality per se but
types stored within the gender schema, vi- to the promiscuous availability of the gender schema—
and the heterosexuality subschema in particular—in
olation of the prescription to be exclusively situational contexts where other schemata should have
heterosexual is sufficient by itself to call into priority. The objection is to individuals whose hetero-
question the individual's adequacy as a man sexuality subschemata have such low activation thresh-
or a woman. The society thus attaches strong olds that they code all cross-sex interactions in sexual
affect to this portion of the gender schema, terms and all members of the other sex in terms of sexual
attractiveness rather than in terms of other dimensions
thereby motivating many individuals to be that are more individuating or more relevant to the sit-
expecially vigilant with respect to their het- uational context. There is no implication here that in-
erosexuality. Partly in the service of high- dividuals for whom the heterosexuality subschema is
lighting the fact that they are exclusively readily available are necessarily higher in sexual mo-
tivation per se than other individuals, although it is plau-
heterosexual, such individuals may develop sible that enhanced sexual motivation might be one fac-
a generalized readiness to encode all cross- tor that would increase anyone's readiness to process
sex interactions in sexual terms and all mem- information in sexual terms.

of each conversation and rated him or her works and gives these schemata priority and
on a number of dimensions. Among other availability over others. In the case of the
things, the results indicated that sex-typed gender schema in particular, it may also be
subjects were more likely than androgynous that sex has evolved to be a basic category
subjects to behave differentially toward at- of perception for our species and that the
tractive and unattractive members of the gender schema thereby has a biologically
opposite sex, displaying greater animation, based priority over many other schemata. Be
enthusiasm, and interest toward those they that as it may, however, society's ubiquitous
thought more attractive. It appears, then, insistence on the functional importance of
that the sex-typed individual may have a the gender dichotomy cannot help but render
generalized readiness to code members of the gender schema even more cognitively
the opposite sex in terms of sexual attrac- available—and in more remotely relevant
tiveness and that this readiness may be pow- contexts—than it would be otherwise. Not
erful enough to influence his or her social everyone becomes equally sex typed, of
behavior in spontaneous social interaction. course, and individual differences presum-
ably derive from the extent to which one's
The Antecedents of Gender-Based particular socialization history has stressed
Schematic Processing: Some Speculations the functional importance of the gender di-
What prompts so many individuals to or-
ganize information in general, and their self- Is There a Feminist Moral to Gender
concepts in particular, in terms of gender? Schema Theory?
Why the prevalence of gender-based sche-
matic processing? The answer would seem The central figure in gender schema the-
to derive, in part, from the society's ubiq- ory has been the sex-typed individual. This
uitous insistence on the functional impor- represents a shift of focus from my earlier
tance of the gender dichotomy, from its in- work in which it was the non-sex-typed in-
sistence that an individual's sex makes a dividual, the androgynous individual in par-
difference in virtually every domain of hu- ticular, who commanded center stage. That
man experience. The typical American child earlier focus reflected both theoretical and
cannot help but observe, for example, that political concerns.
what parents, teachers, and peers consider At the theoretical level, the recent debate
to be appropriate behavior varies as a func- within personality psychology over the cross-
tion of sex; that toys, clothing, occupations, situational consistency of behavior has chal-
hobbies, domestic chores—even pronouns— lenged the common practice of dismissing
all vary as a function of sex. individuals who are not consistent as merely
Society thus teaches the developing child sources of uninteresting error variance. In
two things about gender. First, as noted ear- the arena of sex role research, this practice
lier, it teaches the substantive network of prevented the androgynous individual, the
sex-related associations that can come to individual who is flexibly masculine or fem-
serve as a cognitive schema. Second, it inine as circumstances warrant, from even
teaches that the dichotomy between male being conceptualized. Although we routinely
and female has extensive and intensive rel- see such individuals among our colleagues,
evance to virtually every aspect of life. our lovers, and presumably our subjects,
It is this latter knowledge, moreover, that they were strangely absent from our theories
is here presumed to transform a passive net- and our journals—until the concept of an-
work of associations into an active and drogyny brought them into focus.
readily available schema for interpreting Politically, of course, androgyny was a
reality. Children will learn many associative concept whose time had come, a concept that
networks of concepts throughout life, many appeared to provide a liberated and more
potential cognitive schemata, but it is the humane alternative to the traditional, sex-
learned centrality or alleged functional im- biased standards of mental health. And it is
portance of particular categories and dis- true that the concept of androgyny can be
tinctions that animates their associated net- applied equally to both men and women and

that it encourages individuals to embrace limited in scope and that society ought to
both the masculine and the feminine within temper its insistence upon the ubiquitous
themselves. But the concept of androgyny functional importance of the gender dichot-
can also be seen as replacing a prescription omy. In short, human behaviors and person-
to be masculine or feminine with the doubly ality attributes should cease to have gender,
incarcerating prescription to be masculine and society should stop projecting gender
and feminine. The individual now has not into situations irrelevant to genitalia.
one but two potential sources of inadequacy Were this to occur, we might then come
to contend with (cf. Sampson, 1977). to accept as a given the fact that we are male
Even more importantly, however, the con- or female as un-self-consciously as we now
cept of androgyny is insufficiently radical accept as a given the fact that we are human.
from a feminist perspective because it con- Our maleness or femaleness would be self-
tinues to presuppose that there is a mascu- evident and nonproblematic; rarely would we
line and a feminine within us all, that is, that be prompted to ponder it, to assert that it
the concepts of masculinity and femininity is true, to fear that it might be in jeopardy,
have an independent and palpable reality or to wish that it were otherwise. The gender
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structs derived from gender-based schematic ceived—perhaps even cherished—but they
processing. A focus on the concept of an- would not function as imperialistic schemata
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ination of the extent to which gender orga- tificial constraints of gender on the individ-
nizes both our perceptions and our social ual's unique blend of temperament and be-
world. havior would be eliminated. The feminist
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