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FIVE HUNDRED RUPEES cortiieg nat the & Begarace 1B ate : ST | & DEED OF TRUST, ote ae ca ae IDIA CHARITABLE TRUST ya pogstar ot ascranee- Te okala ‘THIS DEED OF TRUST made this Ut aay of EEG RUAM Two Thousand and Eleven BETWEEN (1) MAHENDRA PAL SINGH, son of Late Jagram Singh, aged about 70 years, having his permanent residence at 3/6 Roop Nagar, New Delhi 110 007 (2) RUMA PAL, wife of Sgmaraditya Pal, aged about 69 years, having her the. Jon eersanee SO Of Bis/ber coat = la 01 — Licata Bas vet oe ax oe peanero*O Val eIOC)T d fonal Regist zr of ‘Aditi h Korkata Assurances 12) ag FEB 204i ae » Pan nnn Bhrvak Aedcalt oo SORES INDIA INDIA. NON JUDICIAL ae = amorsen ufpan sine WEST BENGAL K 249351 Permanent residence at 33, $/1, Block B, New Alipore Kolkata 700 053 (3) SHISHIRA RUDRAPPA, son of Rudrappa, aged about 29 years, having his permanent residence at 92/3, Marathalli, Outer Ring Road, Next to Home Town, = 2 LRona v we Rotrees uffam at WEST BENGAL F 942189 ' ’ i i a f i Bangalore 560 087 AND (4) SHAMNAD BASHEER, son of M. M. Basheer, aged about 34 years, having his permanent residence at “Nishad”, Kulathupuzha, Quilon, Kerala 691 310, hereinafter referred to as the “SETTLORS” of the ONE PART AND (1) MAHENDRA PAL SINGH, son of Late Jageam Singh, aged about 70 years, a citizen of India, having his permanent residence at 3/6 Roop Nagar, New Delhi - 110 007 (2) RUMA PAL, wife of Samaraditya Pal, aged about 69 years, a citizen of India, having her permanent residence at 33, $/1, Block B, New Alipore Kolkata - 700 053 (3) SHISHIRA RUDRAPPA, son of Rudrappa, aged about 29 years, a citizen of India, having his permanent residence at 92/3, Marathalli, Outer Ring Road, Next to Home Town, Bangalore - 560 037 AND (4) SHAMNAD BASHEER, son of M. M. Basheer, aged about 34 years, a citizen of India, having his permanent residence at “Nishad”, Kulpthopuzha, Quilon, Kerala 691 310, hereinafter referred to as the “TRUSTEES” (Which term’shall unless excluded by or repugnant to the subject or context include the Tristee or Tr suskees for the time being of these presents and the survivor of them) of the OTHER PART WHEREAS:- A. The parties are citizens of India and wish to promote greater access to legal education in India, particularly in favour of students from underprivileged and under-represented communities and perceive that the pre-eminent legal institutions in India have become increasingly elitist over the years inter alia due to a very high fee structure, an entrance examination which requires expensive coaching, and a lack of awareness of iaw as a career option amongst underprivileged students in small towns, rural areas and from other non-affluent backgrounds. ‘The parties consider that the current student composition in many of the Teading law colleges lacks any true diversity and comprises mainly of students educated in the English-medium from upper middle class fa ‘The parties, therefore, propose to reach out to the marginalized and under-represented groups, sensitise them to law as a career option and help (both financially and otherwise), those. interested to acquire admission to law colleges, as this wotid fesult in a more diverse student population which optimizes exchahge of views and perspectives at such law colleges and enriches the process of education itself. The parties are desirous of making their contribution to reform the legal education system to ensure that meritorious students belonging to marginalized, under-privileged and disadvantaged sections of society gain access to legal education in India in general and to national level law colleges and other pre-eminent legel institutions in India in particular, as, such access would ensure that the marginalised sections of society are able to directly deploy the instrumentality of Iaw to improve their lot and to contribute towards creation of a more just and fair society. In this way, the parties wish to foster a more “inclusive” and “diverse” environment in leading law colleges/ universities. The parties wish to recommend policies and norms that would enable greater access to legal education and the creation of a more “inclusive” environment in law schools/ universities and apart from enabling access to premier legal education at various aw schools, the parties wish to explore, more generally, other ways and means in which to promote access to legal education. G. The parties are thus desirous of establishing a public charitable trust for such objects and purposes. H, The Trustees have agreed to become the founcler Trustees of this Trust as testified by their being parties to and executing this Deed. ang for effectuating the NOW THIS IDENTURE WITNES aforesaid desire and for the considerations as aforesaid, the Settlors have already transferred, paid and handed over, to the Trustees (the transfer whereof the Trustees do and each of them admit and acknowledge) being Subject to the uses and trusts hereinafter mentioned, a sum of Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand only) before the execution of this Deed of Trust to hold the same and all accretions thereto and all other properties that may be acquired out of the same or otherwise may hereinafter be subject to the trusts (hereinafter referred to as the “Trust Property”) for the objects and purposes hereinafter expressed with the powers and on the terms and conditions herein contained concerning the same. IT IS HEREBY FURTHER AGREED AND DECLARED AS FOLLOWS: 1. DEFINITION AND INTERPRETATION 11. DEFINITIONS Unless otherwise defined in this Deed or the context otherwise requires, the following terms, whether used as capitalised terms or not, shall have the following meanings: “Beneficiar(y/ies)” means a beneficiary or beneficiaries within the meaning of clause 5 of this Deed; “Board of Trustees” means Board of Trustees within the meaning, of clause 8.1 of this Deed; “CLAT" means the Common Law Admission Test, which is the present entrance examination conducted by eleven national law schools through a common CLAT Committee and/or any other similar test in that regard; “Deed” means this Deed of Trust as amended from time to time in accordance with the powers contained herei “Financial Year” shall mean the financial period or year ending on the last day of March of each year or such other date as the Trustees may from time to time determine; “Founder Trustees” means the Trustees of the Trust appointed as first trustees of this Trust in terms of this Deed; “IDIA Scholars” means the students who are the beneficiaries of this Trust; “Initial Settlement” shall mean the amount paid by the Settlors to the Trustees towards settlement of the Trust under the terms of this Deed of Teast “Law(s)" means any statute, law, regulation, ordinance, rule, judgment, order, decree, by-law, approval from the concerned authority Government resolution, order, directive, guideline, policy, requirement. or other governmental restriction or any similar form of decision of. or 12. determination by, or any interpretation or adjudication having the force of law of any of the foregoing, by any concerned authority having jurisdiction over the matter in question; “Law College(s)” means any law college or university which in the opinion of the Trustees, exists for the purpose of imparting quality legal education including colleges where students are admitted on the basis of the results of CLAT; “Managing Trustee” means the Managing Trustee of the Trust as referred. to in clause 8.11.1 of this Deed; “Net Income” shall mean the gross income-of the Trust, less the costs of its administration; “Objects” means the objects of the Trust as set out in clause 6 of this Deed “Open Day” means an occasion on which the law colleges are open for inspection by groups of school representatives, parents of students and students from schools to get an idea of law college education and its prospects. “Trust” shall mean the Public Charitable Trust constituted in terms of this Deed; “Trust Property” herein appearing shall mean the properties of the Trust as provided in the recitals above; “Trustees means the Trustees of the Trust appointed from time to time, whether original, additional or substituted Other terms may be defined elsewhere in the text of this Deed and, unless otherwise indicated, shall have such meaning throughout this Deed. 133 INTERPRETATION Heading and bold typeface are only for convenience and shall be ignored for the purpose of interpretation. Any references, express or implied, to statutes or statutory provisions shall be construed as references to those statutes or provisions as respectively amended or re-enacted or as their application is modified from time to time by other provisions (whether before or after the date hereof) and shail include any statutes or provisions of which they are re- enactments (whether with or without modification) and any orders, regulations, instruments or other subordinate legislation under the relevant statute or statutory provision, References to sections of the consolidating legislation shall, wherever necessary or appropriate in the context, be construed as including references to the sections of the previous legislation from which the consolidating legislation has been prepared. Unless the context of this Deed otherwise requires: 13. the masculine gender shall include the feminine and neuter and the singular number shall include the plural and vice versa; the terms “hereof”, “herein”, “hereby”, “hereto” and derivatives r similar words refer to this entire Deed or specified clause of this Deed, as the case may be; 1.333 the term “clause”, “Annexure” and “ Schedule” refers to the specified clauses, annexures and schedules (if any) of this Deed: 1.3.34, reference to the word “include” and “including” shall be construed without limitation, 134 10 1338 the exhibits, recitals, annexures and schedules (if any) hereto, as amended from time to time, shall constitute an integral part of this Deed; 133.6 writing shall include any methods of producing or reproducing words in a legible and non-transitory formy; and any period of time referred fo shall be deemed to enci at the end! of the last date of such period, In construing this Deed, general words shall not be given a restrictive meaning by reason of the fact that they are followed by particular examples intended tobe embraced hy the goneral words Where a word or phrase is derided, the other parts of speech and grammatical forms of the words’ or phrasé shall have corresponding meanings. 1.36 Any reference to this Deed or to any other deed or other instrument shall be 137 construed as a reference to this Deed, such other deed or other instrument as the same may, from time to time, be amended, varied, supplemented or novated, as the case may be, but ignoring any amendment, variation, supplement or novation made in breach of this Deed. Terms defined in this Deed by reference to any other deed, document or instrument shall have the meanings assigned to them in such deed, document or instrument, whether or not such deed, document or instrument is then in effect 24. 22 n CREATION/ESTABLISHMENT OF TRUST: The Settlors have already transferred, paid and handed over, to the Trustees (the transfer whereof the Trustees do and each of them admit and acknowledge) a sum of Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand only} (the “Initial Settlement”) before the execution of this Deed to hold the same and alll accretions thereto and all other properties that may be acquired. cout of the same or otherwise may hereinafter be subject to the trusts which is completely vested in the Trustees and now confirmed by these presents for the purpose of managing, controlling, utilizing and disposing of the said fund/ property for the benef anctavelfore -of the Beneficiaries. ‘The Trust shall be an institution 4nd it shalhavé regular succession and a common seal and it shall have power to agquire, take custody and transfer = any property, movable or immovable, NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE TRUST: This Trust shall be known as “IDIA Charitable Trust”. The head office of the Trust shall be at Kolkata or at such other place in India as the Trus may decide from time to time, The Trustees may, if they deem fit, open branches / administrative offices of the Trust in any place in India for the functioning of the Trust. ‘TRUST PROPERTY; ‘The Trust Property shall mean and be deemed to include. (The amount transferred by the Settiors as mentioned above. towards the Trust Property, and any income arising therefrom in 5. 2 the event of the same being dealt with pursuant to the powers in this behalf hereinafter contained; (i) Investment and/or moveable or immovable properties and other assets or money which may be transferred by the Settlors; (ii) Any cash, kind, properties, movable and immovable that may be er of rights, title or ‘acquired by purchase or otherwise or all mar interest in or over any property movable or immovable; (iv) All additions and accretions to the Trust Property and the income therefrom, including rents; (©) All donations, gifts, legacies or grantsrin cash or kind accepted by the Trustees upon the trusts he inonaise and (vi) Any investment representing theyTrust Property for the time being and from time to time existing, *” ‘The properties of the Trust shall be utilfZed for the objects set forth ns and conditions herein hereinafter and subject to the provis mentioned, BENEFICIARIES OF THE TRUST ‘The beneficiaries of the Trust shall be students intending to study law from rural areas, small towns, vernacular medium schools, urban slum areas, economically and socially backward classes, disabled communities. minority communities, diverse ethnic groups or any other student who is deemed appropriate by the Board of Trustees to get the benefit of the Trust. For the aforesaid purposes, the Board of Trustees, at its sole discretion, can make rules and regulations iaving the enteria for eligibility 6 61 62 13 of any student to be a Beneficiary of this Trust. The beneficiaries of the ‘Trust are also referred to in this instrument as ”IDIA Scholars.” OBJECTS OF THE TRUST: ‘The broad objects of the Trust are to: (i) Enhance access to quality legal education in favour of students from underprivileged and under-represented communities; (ii) Create a more inclusive and diverse environment within law schools and colleges throughout India; (iii) Formulate policies and recommend their implementation by the various law schools and colleges té foster the two aims above mentioned; (iv) Encourage law firms, NGOs and other institutions that hire lawyers to facilitate greater diversity and promote greater access in favour of students/lawyers from marginalized backgrounds by suitably amending their hiring and internship policies; (vy) Promote diversity in law and the legal profession more generally ‘The more specific objects of the Trust are to () Create greater overall awareness towards law as an enriching career; (i) Explore avenues to reach out to marginalised and under- represented groups, sensitise them to law as a career option and help those interested to acquire admission to law colleges: “4 (iii) Ensure that more students from economically deprived backgrounds and marginalised/disadvantaged sections are benefitted from quality legal education from the law colleges: (iv) Explore avenues to mentor and support (financially and otherwise) candidates from underprivileged backgrounds that gain admission to law schools in order to ensure that they maximise their potential; (v) Create an environment in which the legal profession can also gain from such increase in diversity and representation from hitherto unrepresented communities; (vi) Encourage the beneficiaries who are offered free CLAT training and free legal education to make‘4-Specific and meaningful contribution to their communities in order to empower the marginalised and underprivileged communities which they represent; = : (vii) Ensure that beneficiaries belonging to marginalised sections are able to directly deploy the instrumentality of law to improve their lot and contribute towards the creation a more ust and fair society; (vili) Promote access to legal education in general by inter alia creating quality course content to be made available to law schools in every nook and corner of India. 63. The Trustees shall have full power and absolute authority to add to and introduce other specific charitable objects not inconsistent with the objects and purposes of these presents and in that case such newly added objects decided upon by the Trustees shall be deemed to have been incorporated In the objects of those present 7a ACTIVITIES OF THE TRUST And for such purposes without limiting the scope of the foregoing, the Trust shall take steps for the following activities:- IDENTIFICATION OF BENEFICIARIE! In order to present law as an attractive career option to the students in small towns, rural areas and other non-affluent backgrounds, the Trust shall undertake the following activities: @ a) (ai) (iv) wi) wii) Identify as many areas/ schools in under-represented areas based inter alia'om local contacts and the availability of resources; Send volunteers to such areagfoctiools and sensitise schools, students, parents and teachers. 0! the miyriad benefits of a good legal education and a legal careers Conduct aptitude and/or other tests_to identify promising candidates, through volunteers; ‘Track deserving stuetents from economically impoverished sections and hone their skills by providing a conducive environment to enable them to perform to the best of their potential; Create collaborative local networks with law colleges, law firms, NGOs, etc. to operate in different parts of India Advise and share materials and processes that the Trust will create to help local networks in their task; Create more awareness amongst marginalised communities to ensure that a larger pool of deserving candidates apply for reserved seats in law colleges. PROVIDING TRAINING FOR CLAT Students desirous of gaining admission to Law Colleges are required to appear for the CLAT, presently one of the biggest access bottlenecks for underprivileged and non-mainstream students. In this regard, the Trust shall undertake the following activities: @ (ii) Gi (ivy ™) ¢ (viii) Guide identified and/or selected students through the CLAT process and train them for doing well in CLAT: Identify and negotiate with CLAT training centres to ensure that they provide materials and training free of cost to selected students; Prepare customised CLAT trainfhig, materials’ to be distributed to such identified students freed cost; * AT training through online educationei platforms. as impart well as offline platforms, within the bounds of resources available to the Trust; = Administer intensive English language training, since many students selected by the Trust may have studied in vernacular medium schools; Provide training in English language through a combination ot online and offfine modules and through collaborations with institutions and groups which already provide such training Provide free internet access to such students through an arrangement with local cyber cafés and/or through other means, se as to foster CLAT training via online platforms. Train IDIA Scholars to become more IT proficient: wo Enable conversion of CLAT educational material to accessible formats for differently abled students. The Tru co) (ii) (ii) (ix) (vi) (vii) iti) shall also undertake the following activities: Negotiate with law colleges which are sympathetic to the objects of this Trust so that once under-tepresented and financially poor students are successful in clearing CLAT, the law Colleges offer them a full tuition fee waiver or a partial fee waiver: Provide financial assistance to [DIA Scholars, wherever necessary, depending on the availability of resources; Encourage the creation of scholarships for IDIA Scholars by approaching potential donors; Persuade law colleges to offer part-time jobs (such as work in the library) to IDIA Scholars, so that they can earn money and supplement their finances; Request local lawyers and law firms to offer the IDIA Scholars assignments by which they can earn money; Provide support to IDIA Scholars in order to approach banks and. other financial institutions for loans; Encourage the Government (central and state) and business houses to institute specific scholarships for this purpose; Allot specific mentors in law colleges to the admitted students to guide them and ensure that they do not feel “socially” awkward in Jaw school and adapt well to their new surroundings, 18 |OTIONAL ACTIVITIES, in furtherance of the aforesaid objects, the Trust may carry out various promotional activities, such as: @ (it) tiv} ©) (vii) Publishing media articles (in regional languages) and TV programmes that highlight the benefits of law as a career. In ticular, the multifarious career options (law firms, in-house positions, NGOs, academia, LPOs, policy level advocacy, etc.) open to the present day law student may be stressed; Undertaking intensive awareness programs during visits to schools to sensitise students, teachers and parents, where possible; Encouraging groups of: school representatives and parents of students from such schools to isit law school campuses to get an idea of law college education and its prospects; Organizing “open days" for this purpose and encouraging all law colleges in India to do so; Creating a website and other online materials which sensitise students, teachers and parents to the profession of law and its viability as a good career option; Encouraging volunteers (law students, lawyers and other well wishers) to participate in this process by approaching schools, etc. in their area; Creating an online platform (website, blog, etc.) to foster the participation of law students, faculty and others across India in this process; 19 (vii) Organizing publicity kits containing information pertaining to the various law colleges and brochures explaining the prospects of a good legal education and the attractiveness of law as a career option; {ix)__ Advertising the existence of scholarships for deserving students to encourage wider participation in this program by prospective candidates from villages and small towns and in particular, the advertisements may be carried in vernacular media, radio, etc; (%) Looking for ways for effectively advertising the fact that under- represented category with low financial means can secure scholarships and other funding to enable them to study at any law school of their choice. MISCELLANEOUS In addition to the aforesaid activities, the Trust shall also carry out the following activities: {Take appropriate steps to ensure that a candidate will be able to optimally leverage his or her legal education and make an informed choice at the end of it; (i) Frame policies to foster an optimally “inclusive” and “diverse” environment for students from varied backgrounds, and in turn, encourage law schools and colleges to adopt such policies; fance, (iii) Establish, support, maintain and/or grant aid or other assis financial or otherwise, to the beneficiaries for the advancement of legal education; 20 {iv) Grant scholarships, stipends, prizes, rewards, allowances or any other financial assistance including loan and supply of books, food, clothing, etc. to deserving students to enable them to receive such legal education, training and qualifications as the Boare! of Trustees may approve; (0) Collect funds for and invite, promote, issue appeals for and solicit subscriptions, benefactions, donations, bequests to the trust fund con the terms that the monies so collected or raised shall be applied either for the purposes of the Trust; (i) Establish, support and/or maintain hostels and/or boarding houses for students from disadvantaged sections of society; (vii) Subscribe, contribute and/or donate to any public funds/institutions devoted to public charitable objects not inconsistent with the objects and purposes of these presents: (viii) Prepare and implement schemes and/or grant help and/ or other assistance in ensuring access to legal education of students from underprivileged and under-represented communities, including those from villages, small towns, and those with Jow financial means and disabilities. MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION OF THE TRUST BOARD OF TRUSTE} The management and administration of the Trust shall be under the overall supervision of its Board of Trustees consisting of not jess than 3 Trustees and not more than 7 Trustees for the valid exercise of the powers 21 and discharge of the duties of the Trustees in terms of this Deed of Trust. However, the Managing Trustee shall be in charge of and responsible for day to day activities of the Trust. 8.1.2 In the event of the above requirements not being fulfilled at any time, the Trustees remaining in office shall be empowered to act in the interest of the preservation of and to attend to the formal administration of the Trust Property, subject to the ratification of the new Trustee(s) once he/she/they, has/have been appointed. FOUNDER TRUSTEES The parties of the Other Part namely Mahendra Pal Singh, Ruma Pal, Shishira Rudrappa and Shamnad Basheer shall be the Founder Trustees and they shall form the Board of Trustees upon establishment of the Trust 83, APPOINTMENT OF TRUSTEE 83.1, Any person, who stands committed to the objects of the Trust and who wishes to contribute substantially towards its advancement, may with his consent be appointed as Trustee of the Trust by the Board of Trustees with the consent of 2/3 (two-thied) of the Trustees present and voting ina meeting 83.2. Any vacancy caused by the death of any one of the Founder Trustees, or any vacancy caused by the resignation of any of the Trustees, may be filled up by co-option by the Board of Trustees. 83.3, Upon every appointment and reappointment being made under this clause, every Trustee so appointed as aforesaid shall have the same rights and privilege and shall be subject to the same obligations and duties as the 84. 841 BAZ. then existing ‘Trustees as fully and effectually as if he or she had been hereby constituted a Trustee. Any illegali y in the appointment of Trustees or their proceedings shall not invalidate any prior act or decision of the Board of Trustees MANAGING TRUSTEE The first Managing Trustee shall be Shamnact Basheer and he shall hold office for 5 (five) years or till his earlier removal as provided in this deed A Managing Trustee shall be eligible for re-election/ reappointment for further period of 5 (five) years, at a time. The Managing Trustee can only be removed front office by a resolution of the Board of Trustees with 3/4th (thréedourth) of Trustees present and voting in a meeting, : 84.3.0n his death or removal or in the event the Managing Trustee chooses to retire and/or relinguish his office earlier, the remaining Trustees shall elect one of the then Trustees os Managing Trustee. Such Managing Trustee shall also hold office for a period of 5 (five) years from the date of his appointment. ‘TERM OF OFFICE OF 1 The term of office of the Founder Trustees shall be for their respective lives, The Board of Trustees shall have the power to increase the total number of Trustees upto the maximum number stated above and fix their term as per provisions contained herein, ie tustee (except a Managing Trustee) appointed hereafter in exercise of power’ contained in this deed shall hold office for a period of 1 (one) year from the date of his appointment. At Sie end of such period. the Board of 2B Trustees may reappoint him for subsequent terms or appoint other persons as Trustees in such a manner that the total number of Trustees does not exceed the maximum number of Trustees prescribed hereunder. DISQUALIFICATION AND REMOVAL DISQUALIFICATION A Trustee shall be disqualified from continuing or being appointed a ‘Trustee on the following grounds:- (He/She has been found, by a competent authority, to be of unsound mind or declared incapable of managing his or her own affairs; s (i) He/She has been removed froin an office of trust on, the ground of proven misconduct; ' (ii) He/She has at any time been convicted of an offence by a competent Court of law and sentenced to imprisonment without the option of a fine; (ie) Tfany Trustee is found to act in any manner or be involved in any way which are against the rules of the Trust or which are illegal and/or likely to endanger the safety, security, existence of the Trust, and/or impair the image and credibility of the Tr st and/or impair, damage and/or erode the safety and security of the properties and assets of the Trust, or act in any manner detrimental to the interest of the Trust; (v) Any person who is absent from 3 (three) consecutive meetings of the Trustees without the leave of the Managing Trustee, which leave shall not be unreasonably withheld 87. 89. B94 24 862 REMOVAL A Trustee who stands disqualified from holding office in terms of clause 8.6.1 of this Deed shall cease to hold office upon being so disqualified. RETIREMENT Any ‘Trustee, including the Managing Trustee may retire from the trusteeship hereof by giving 1 (one) calendar months notice in writing of his or her intention to do so, to the Board of Trustees and after the expiry of the period of notice, the Trustee giyfiyg the notice:shall ipso acto cease to bea Trustee of these presents. CESSATION OF TRUST A Trustee shall cease to hold office if | () He or she is disqualified from holding office as such in terms of clause 8.6.1 above; (i) He or she retires from his office as Trustee by notice in writing to the Trustees in terms of clause 8.7 above; (iii) He o she becomes disqualified in law to hold the office of Trustee; (iv) He or she is replaced as Trustee in accordance with the provisions of this Deed (v) He or she dies POWERS OF THE TRUSTEES: For the purposes of carrying out the objects aforesaid, the Trustees shall have the following powers:- 25 To accept in their discretion, upon such terms as they may think fit, any: donations/ contributions from any private or public trast, institution, company, firm or persons whomsoever whether such donations or contributions be of money, and/or any other property, movable or immovable; To employ any personnel for the running of the Trust and the execution of any activity in furtherance of the aims and objects of the trust; To apply the whole og*Part of the income of the Trust or i accumulation ie ‘or part’ of the corpus of the Trust Fund for any one or rare of the, objects o! ye Trust as the Trustees may determine form time fo time; ‘To convert and deal with thé Trust Property and/or any investments for the time being; To invest and Keep invested the Trust Fund either in the purchase. mortgage or lease, etc. of immovable properties, government estment in securities, fixed deposits or in any other form of inv conformity with the provisions of Indian Trusts Act, 1882 and the Income Tax Act, 1961 as amended, substituted or modified from time to time as they shall deem expedient and to alter. varv or transpose such investments, from time to time; To borrow or raise or secure payments of money and also to lend money either with or without security as may be necessary for the purposes of the Trust; 26 To sell, transfer, dispose of, convert, alter, vary, transpose, alienate or otherwise deal with any Trust Property, movable or immovable; To let out and/or demise any immovable property comprised in the ‘Trust Property for such period and at such rent on such terms and conditions as the Board of Trustees in their dlseretion may think fit; To open accounts in the name of the ‘Trust, Trustees and/or institutions run/conducted by the Trust with a Bank or Banks, to operate such accounts and to give instructions to Banks and to provide for opening and operations of such accounts by the Managing Trustee or the Secretary, as provided in this Deed or by an agent appointed by the Trustees; To sign all agreements, instruments, documents required to be signed or executed on behalf of the Trust by the Managing. Trustee o any two of the Trustees and these shall be effective anii binding as if they were signed by all the Trustees. As to which of the Trustees shall execute any document or documents may be decided from time to time by the Board! of Trustees unless provided in this Deed; To institute, pursue and/or defend all-actions, suits, claims, demands and/or proce ig regarding the properties and assets of the Trust and/or to adjust, settle, compromise, compound, refer to arbitration the same; To appoint constituted attorneys or agents and to delegate to such attorneys or agents all or any of the powers vested in them under these presents and from time to time remove such attorney or agents and to appoint other or others in his or their place, m p. a7 To make, vary, alter or modify, schemes, rules and regulations for camying out the objects of the Trust and for the management of the affairs thereof and/or running any institution in furtherance of the objects of the Trust and otherwise for giving effect to the objects of the Trust; © start, abolish, discontinue and restart any charity or charitable institutions for the benefit of the general public and to impose any Conditions to any subscription or donation made by them To set apart and/or allocate the whole or a part of the income of ‘Trust Property or part thereof for any of the objects of the Trust; To join, co-operate, take over. or amalgamate this Trust with other or others having kindred or allied objects, upon such terms and conditions as the Trustees may in their discretion, think fit, particularly having regard to and in conformity with the objects and nature of this Trust; To give aid by way of donations out of the Trust Property or other ¢, to different charitable institutions, societies, organizations or trusts in India which may have been established or which may hereafter be established for the like charitable purposes mentioned in these presents or any of them to enable such institution, societies, organization or trusts to start, maintain, or carry out such charitable objects; To settle all accounts and to compromise, compound, abandon, or refer to arbitration any action or proceedings or disputes. claim, eater 28 demand or things, as deemed proper for such purpose without being responsible for any loss occasioned thereby; To borrow moneys either on the security’ of any property comprised in the Trust property or otherwise for all or any of the purposes of these presents, and it shall be lawful for the Trustees to make such borrowings on payment of such interest and otherwise on such terms and conditions as they may in their absolute discretion think fit; To apply to the Government, public bodies, urban, local, municipal, district and other bodies, corporation, companies or persons for and to accept grant of money amd of aid, donations, gifts, subscriptions and other assistance witha view to promoting the objects of the Trust and to discuss and negotiate with Government Departments, public and other bodies, corporations, companies or persons, scheme and other works and matters within the objects of the Trust and to conform to any proper condition upon which such grants and other payments may be made; To establish, promote, manage, organize or maintain or to assist in establishing, promoting, managing, organizing, or maintaining any branch of the Trust or any other trust or its branch with objects similar to those of this Trust and to promote or carry on the affiliation or amalgamation of such other trust with this Trust; To purchase or otherwise acquire and undertake all or any part of the properties, assets, liabilities and engagement of any or more of the trusts, societies, institutions or associations with which this Trust is authorized to amalgamate; 29 To transfer all or any part of the property, assets, liabilities and engagements of this Trust to any one or more of the tru societies, institutions or associations with which this Trust is authorized to amalgamate; To transfer and hand over the Trust to any other charitable trust or society, corporation, institution, trust or orga sation whose objects are in conformity with and similar to the objects of this Trust on such terms and conditions as the Trustees shall in their absolute discretion think fit and proper to be held by such society, corporation, institution, trust or organisation with the powers, provisions, agreements and declarations, appearing and containing in these presents subject to such modifications as may be necessary and consequent to such transfer of the Trust Property and whereupon the Trustees for the time being of these presents shall become discharged from the trusts hereof relating to Trust Property 50 transferred; To pay and discharge out of the Trust Property all expenses incurred in or about the execution of the Trust and powers of these presents, including the following: () Taxes, dues and duties, if any, payable to any governmental or municipal or other public body in respect of the trust property or any part thereat; Gi) The premium for the insurance of any property moveable or immoveable for the time being forming part of the trust property; 30 Gil) The costs of establishing an office of the Trust and of acquiring furniture, computers, telephone and necessary assets and properties for the office of the Trust and costs for ordinary repairs and for providing any amenities to the buildings for the time being forming part of the Trust Property; (iv) Wages and salaries of any manager, supervisor, accountant, clerk, servant or other employees employed by the Trustees in the carrying out of this Trust; (©) Accountant's fees, legal charges and fees pavable to other professionals engaged ig/the course of administration of the ‘Trust Property; : (vi) Fees and expenses to administer such immovable properties including for registering such immovable properties in the name of the Trust, managing such properties, applying tor legal compliances related thereto and doing all such acts and deeds in the best interests thereof; (vii) All others costs, charges and expenses of the Trust (viii) Reimburse themselves for any expenses that they may incur in respect of any actions related to the execution of the trusts or the preservation or benefit of the Trust Property &. 8.9.2 The Board of Trustees may employ, appoint or engage and at their discretion remove, dismiss or suspend one or more solicitors, advocates, architects, chartered accountants, bankers, stock brokers or other persons to transact any business or do any act required to be transacted or done in 8904 895. 896, 31 the execution of the trusts hereof including the receipt and payment of ‘money and to pay their fees and all charges and expenses incurred but the Board of Trustees shall not be responsible for the default of any such agent, employed in good faith. The Board of Trustees shall be entitled to apply and try to obtain all concessions, benefits and allowances as are available, in Jaw in the manner of taxation, investment and exemptions. The Board of Trustees shall have the power to determine mn case of doubt whether any money or property in their hands shall be considered as capital or income and whether out of income or capital any expenses ot outgoings ought to be paid or omy every such determination shall be binding and conclusive i : Subject to the provisions of this Deed, every diéctetion or power hereby conferred upon the Trustee(s) shall be an. absolute and unfettered discretion or power and the Trustee(s) shall not be obliged to give am person beneficially interested hereunder any reason or justification for the exercise or non-exercise of any such discretion or power and no Trustee shall be held liable for any loss or damage occurring as a result of his/her concurring or refusing or failing to concur in any exercise or non-exercise of any such discretion or power. Nothing contained in this Deed shall be deemed to authorize the Trustees ‘odo any act which may in any way be construed as violative or contrary fo the provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961 and/or any statutory modification and/or re-enactment thereof and all activities of the Trust shall be carried out with a view to benefit the public at large, without anv 810.2 32 profit motive and in accordance with the provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961 or any statutory modification and/or re-enactment thereof, The ‘Trust is hereby expressly declared to be a public charitable trust and all provisions of this Deed are to be constituted accordingly OFFICE BEARERS For the management and administration of the Trust, the Trustees shall appoint a Secretary and a Treasurer. These positions could be filled by any one of the Trustees (elected by the Board of Trustees) or any other third party appointed by the Board of Trustees to perform these functions. The term of office of a Secretary and Treasurer shall be for a period of 1 (one) year from their date of appointmeng-and'tity may be reappointed for farther like terms. However, sik he Teast Or Secretary not be Trustee, such person shall holdvoffice forsuct term as indicated in his/her terms of appointment. No Trustee except tlie Mprigtig Trustee shall hold more than one of the above offices at the same time. Initially, the Managing Trustee shall act as Secretary and Treasurer of the Trust ancl shall continue to hold such offices till appointment of any other person as Secretary and Treasurer. If any other person except the Managing Trustee is appointed as Secretary and Treasurer, the persons holding these offices of Secretary an ‘Treasurer shall be under the administrative guidance and supervision of the Managing Trustee and will report to him directly, an gill 811.2 ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITIES AND POWERS ‘The roles, responsibilities and powers of all these officers are defined below. In addition to these, the Managing Trustee may grant additional roles, responsibilities and powers to any of the Trustees, MANAGING TRUSTEE: In addition to discharging normal duties of a Trustee, the Managing, ‘Trustee shall preside over all meetings of the Board of Trustees, The Managing Trustee shall also be responsible for the day to day administrative activities of the Trust. The Managing Trustee is authorized to sign all documents, including bank documents, acknowledgements for the contributions received, and agreements with individuals, Government Institutions and other organizations, on behalf of the Board of Trustees. ‘The Managing Trustee shall have all residuary powers, not assigned to any of the other officers in these presents, The Managing Trustee is authorized fo sign along with the Treasurer (If there be one) chegues, deposit release vouchers, etc. and open and operate bank and other accounts of the Trust. The Managing Trustee is responsible for ensuring that the Trust pursues its objects and for maintaining the dignity of the Trust and shall use his /her influence to promote the activities of the Trust. SECRETARY: The Secretary shall maintain the records of the Trust, prepare and curculate agenda and minutes of meetings of the Board of Trustees for the approval of the Managing Trustee. 34 The Secretary shall deal with correspondence received by the Trust, send replies in consultation with the Managing Trustee and/or the ‘Treasurer where necessary. He is responsible for the safe custody of all the properties and records of the Trust, The Secretary shall represent the Trust in all legal matters, sign papers related to cases and represent the Trust in Courts and Government Offices. 8.11.3. TREASUR! B12 8121 The Treasurer will prepare the Annual Budget, monthly and yearly expenditure statements, get the expenditure audited by auditors duly appointed by the Board of Trustees and place them before the Board of ‘Trustees for approval. The Treasurer is responsible to maintain the books of accounts and prepare vouchers for payments made, contributions received, sign acknowledgements for the amounts or articles reeeived by the Trust and prepare monthly and yearly statements of revenue and expenditure, as well as, the register of assets of the Trust and place them before the Board of Trustees for their approval. ‘The Treasurer is authorized to sign cheques, application for drafts and payment instructions jointly with the Managing Trustee and withdraw moneys, upto the limits defined by the Board of Trustees in their meetings. The Treasurer is responsible for safe custody of cash, bonds, securities, etc. of the Trust MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSI The Board of Trustees shall meet at least once in every financial year may meet more often, as and when required. a 8122 8124 8125, 8.127. 35 ‘The meeting of the Board of Trustees shall be convened by the Managing Trustee and he/she shall preside over the meetings. In his/her abs nce, the remaining Trustees present in the meeting may elect one amongst themselves to be the Chairman of the meeting, One-half of the strength of the Board of Trustees or a minimum of two Trustees, whichever is more, shall constitute the quorum for the Board of ‘Trustee meetings, All decisions shall be carried by the majority decision of the Trustees present and voting, unless otherwise provided in this Deed, but in the event of equality of votes, the Chairman presiding over the meeting shall have a second or casting vote At a meeting of the Board of Trustees, a Trustee may not take-part in the discussion of, or participate in the making of a decision on, any matter in which that Trustee or his / her spouse, partner or a personal and direct or indirect pecuniary interest, unless he / she first declares the nature, extent and particulars of that interest; provided that the other Trustees may require that any Trustee who has declared such an interest shall recuse himself or herself from its proceedings regarding such matter. Ata meeting of the Board of Trustees, a Trustee may not take part in the discussion of, or participate in the making of a decision in a meeting, if such meeting is convened for the purpose of his removal, ‘A resolution passed by circulation amongst the Trustees and evidenced in writing under the hand of the Managing Trustee shall be as valid and 8128 81211, 813 8131 36 effectual as if it had been passed at a meeting of the Trustees duly called and convened, ‘The meeting of the Board shall be conveyed by the Managing Trustee after giving at least a week's notice unless all the Trustees agree to shorter notice Any 2 (two) Trustees shall at any time be entitled to requisition a meeting of the Board of Trustees, provided that any such Trustees calling a meeting shall give at least 21 (twenty one) days written notice to the Trustees thereof, save in respect of urgent matters requiring a meeting on less than 21 (twenty one) days notice. ‘The Board of Trustees may invite any member of the Board of Advisors and other persons interested in the objects and functioning ofthe Trust to attend the meetings of the Board, but they shall not be entitled vote in the meetings of the Board. ‘The minutes of the proceedings of every meeting of the Trustees shall be entered in a book to be kept for that purpose and signed by the Chairman of such meeting or of the following meeting when they are read over and shall when so entered in the book so kept and signed be conclusive evidence of the business and other matters transacted at such meeting, DELEGATION OF POWER The Trustees may with the consent of the Managing Trustee delegate any of their powers to a committee of committees or sub- committee or sub- committees consisting of such person or persons whether members of their Body or not as they may think fit and appoint such committee or any sub-committee as they may from time to time think fit for any of the (pier cutiomntienemantnn ememtaueean are 7 purposes of the Trust and may frame rules relating thereto and may from time to time add to and vary the same as they shall think fit 8.13.2. The Trustees or any one of them shall be entitled at any time or from time to time with the consent of the Managing Trustee (if there be one), to delegate all or any of his/her or their powers duties and authorities under these presents to a co-Trustee or co-Trustees or any other person oF persons and to appoint constituted attorneys or agents and to delegate to such attorneys or agents all or any of the powers vested in them under and from time to time to remove such attorneys or agents these presents and to appoint other or others in his or their place. 8133 The Board of Trustees may constitute a Board of Advisors consisting of persons who are also committed to the ideology of the Trust and are interested in the object and functioning of the Trust. The Board of Trustees shall at its sole discretion appoint any number of persons as members of such Board of Advisors as it deem fit and proper 8.14, INDEMNITY 8.14.1. The Trustees shall be indemnified out of the assets of the Trust, Le. the Trust Property, from and against all suits, proceedings, costs, charges, .s which they or any of them shall or may Josses, damages and expe incur or sustain by reason of any act doneor committed in or about the execution of the duty in their respective offices, except such of them as they shall or may incur or sustain by or through their own willful neglect or default respectively and no such Trustee shall be answerable for the acts, receipts, neglect or defaults of any other Trustee or for solvency or honesty of any person with whom any moneys or effects belonging to the 814, 2. 38 Trust may be lodged or deposited for safe custody or for insufficiency of any security upon which any money of the Trust shall be invested or any other loss or damage due to any such cause as aforesaid or which may result from the execution of his office unless the same shall happen through the willful deliberate neglect or default of such Trustee. ‘The Trustees shall not be liable for any loss to the Trust Property arising by reason of any investment made in good faith or for the negligence or fraud of any agent employed by them although the employment of such agent was not strictly necessary or expedient or by reason of any mistake or omission made in good faith by any Trustee hereof, BOOKS OF ACCOUNT ’ ‘The Trustees shall keep true and accurate records and books.of account of their administration of the Trust, in such manner and form as is necessary to reflect fairly the position of the Trust at all times. There shall be recorded in such books and records, inter alia, any change of the Trust Properties from time to time, the income and all outgoings applicable to the administration of the Trust. The Trustees shall cause the Trust's books of account to be audited by an independent practising chartered accountant (the "Auditors") and an annual income statement and balance sheet drawn reflecting the affairs of the Trust for the year ending and its assets and liabilities at the last day of the month of March of each year or such ather date as the Trustees may determine. The income statements and balance sheets shall be certified be the Trustees and the Auditors 8154 8155. 8.16. 8.172 39 The audit of the books of account of the Trust shall be carried out by auditors to be appointed from time to time by the Trustees, who shall have the right to terminate any such appointment and to appoint any other auditors. The Trustees s] pall take all necessary steps to procure the appointment of Auditors of the Trust as soon as is reasonably possible after the date of execution hereof and there shall at all times thereafter be Auditors of the Trust The Trustees shall not be bound to file any liquidation, distribution or atiministration accounts with any officer, official or person except insofar as they may be obliged to do so in terms hereof or under the provisions of any law BANK ACCOUNT: ‘The Managing Trustee and the Treasurer (if there be oné) shall jointly operate Bank Accounts on bebalf of the Trust. Till appointment of any Treasurer, the Managing Trustee shall operate Bank Accounts on behalf of the Trust. In their absence, any of the Trustees may be authorized by the Board of Trustees, by a resolution, to operate the Bank Accounts. One or more Bank Accounts may be opened in any Bank and or Banks in the name of the Trust. INVESTMENT OF TRUST PROPERTY: ‘The Board of Trustees shall have the power to invest the funds, assets and properties of the Trust at their discretion in accordance with the provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961 The Board of Trust shall aiso determme from time to time, the amount it shall spend on the various activities of the Trust. B18 9, 94. 94d. 912 913. 9.2. 924 40 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS All legal proceedings by or against the Trust shall be instituted in the name of the Trust. The Secretary (if there be one) is authorised to take all steps including signing vakalatnamas, affidavits, petitions, notices and all other documents, as and when require on behalf of the Trust. Till appointment of Secretary, the Managing Trustee shall take all steps as aforesaid, Any notice required to be given in terms of this Deed shall be given in writing and may be given by facsimile or electroriic mail, provided that, in the case of a facsimile or electronic mail, itis acknowldged as having been received, Each Trustee for the time being shall, upon assuming office, intimate the Trust in writing an address at which any notice required to be given in terms hereof may be given to him or her and may, from time to time by notice in writing, vary the address to another address, Any notice to a Trustee at the address for the time being intimated by him or her in terms of 9.1.2 or at any other address at which the Trustee shall have acknowledged receipt shall be regarded as sufficient notice to that Trustee AMENDMENT OF TRUST DEED Save for the name of this Trust, the provisions of this Deed may from time to time be amended, altered, varied, added to or deleted by a majority of 9.2.2 94, 4 members at a meeting of the Board of Trustees in a manner which is not in conflict with the original objects of the Trust as set out in clause 6 of the Deed The provisions of this Deed have been formulated on the basis that an application will be made to the appropriate Indian income Tax authorities to grant the Trust a tax exempt status and the Trustees’ powers have been accordingly limited. ‘The Trustees may amend the Trust Deed at any time to comply with any requirement of the Income Tax Act, 1961 and/or any modification and/or re-enactment thereof as amended, substituted or modified from time to time. APPLICABILITY OF INDIAN TRUST AGT: ‘The general principles underlying the provisions of the Indian Trust Act, 1882 shall apply to all matters not Specifically mentigned'in these presents APPLICATION OF INCOME TAX ACT, 196! All clauses herein are intended to secure exemption from income tax on the income of contributions and donations to the Trust and any clause or portion of this Deed which is inconsistent with or repugnant to the sections of the Income Tax Act, 1961 as amended, substituted or modified from time to time, shall be deemed to be deleted or modified with effect from the date on which the sections to which the clause or part of a clause is repugnant or inconsistent comes into force. ‘THIS TRUST IS DECLARED IRREVOCABI The Trust Deed and Trust Property shall be irrevocable for all times. 96, 98. 99 a2 SEVERABILITY If any article, clause or paragraph, or part thereof, of this Deed is invalid, held to be illegal by any court of competent jurisdiction or unenforceable under present or future laws effective during the term of this Deed, then it is the intention of the Settlors that the remainder of this Deed shall not be affected thereby. TRUST PROPERTY NOT TO BE APPLIED OUTSIDE INDIA leis expressly declared that no part of the Trust Property of is income or any accretion thereto shall be applied for any purpose outside India or for any Purpose which is not a charitable purpose in law, and all provisions hereof shall be construed accordingly DISSOLUTION {m case, if so happens that due t8 the failure dn the Part of the Trustee or a. 4 Trustees to appoint and elect raghisite number of Tridstees and for any other reason the Trust comes to aitend or if the Trist fails for any other reason, the entire Trust Property shall be realised and first be used for payment of liabilities of the Trust. The surplus fund of the Trust, both moveable and immoveable, shall not devolve upon the Settlors and/or any Trustee or Trustees or their relatives or related concerns but shall devolve upon/ transferred to such charitable trusts and/or organizations whose objects are in conformity with and similar to the objects of this Trust ACCEPTANCE The Trustees, by their signature hereto, undertake to discharge their duties m terms of this Deed and to carry out the terms and conditions herein contained, B IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Settlors to these presents have hereunto set and subscribed their respective hands the day month and year first above written, SIGNED AND DELIVERED by the LD manenDRh PAL sinotd) \ (2) RUMA PAL, (3) SHISHIRA tot sf Trome Tet] RUDRAPPA and (4) SHAMNAD p u said (1) MAHENDRA PAL sINGH, Mf the SETTLORS BASHEER, the SETTLORS in the (oe. Bee] presence of {Venkata Kavits Chilamu Al 9¢, Forr FOYALE, 2g, fA SHAH ROD, KOLKATA > 400033, Vivithamendepelty ( Pup regen fla t Ps = Seneaper , past-29 pgs0S] tise sn SIGNED AND DELIVERED by the ~ . said @) ManENDRA Pat sincH, “07 @) RUMA PAL, (3) SHISHIRA RUDRAPPA and (4) SHAMNAD P e BASHEER, the TRUSTEES in the oe [ounstiea Rupraren presence of coe Le Veneta Raving CA Mamure 1: brnab fley rT neo ey” v Trustee Government Of West Bengal Office Of the A.R.A. Distr Endorsement For Deed Number : IV - 00621 of 2011 (Serial No. 00913 of 2011) lent of Fees: 4/02/2011 entation(Under Section 52 & Rule 22A(3) 46(1),W.B. Registration Rules,1962) esented for registration at 17.30 hrs on 04/02/2011, at the Private residence by Shamnad Basheer fe of the Executants. ission of Execution(Under Section 58,W.B.Registration Rules,1962) ation is admitted on 04/02/2011 by ahendra Pal Singh, son of Lt Jagram Singh , 3/6, Roop Nagar, New Delhi, DELHI, India, P.O. Pin 110007 , By Caste Others, By Profession : Others uma Pal, wife of Samaraditya Pal , 33, S/1, Block - B, New Alipore, District:-Kolkata, WEST BENGAL, vdia, P.O. :- Pin :-700053 , By Caste Others, By Profession : Others ihishira Rudrappa, son of Rudrappa , 92/3, Marathalli, Outer Ring Road, Bangalore, KARNATAKA, ‘dia, P.O, :- Pin 560037 , By Caste Others, By Profession : Others shamnad Basheer, son of M. M. Basheer , Nishad, Kulathupuzha, Quilon, KERALA, India, P.O. = Pin 691310 , By Caste Others, By Profession : Others Wehendra Pal Singh, son of Lt Jagram Singh , 3/6, Roop Nagar, New-Delhi, DELHI, India, P.O. - Pin 410007 , By Caste Others, By Profession . Others Ruma Pal, wife of Samaraditya Pal . 33, S/1, Block - B, New Alipore, District-Kolkata, WEST BENGAL, India, P.O.» Pin -700083 , By Caste Others, By Profession : Others: Shishira Rudrappa, son of Rudrappe , 92/3, Merathalli, Outer Ring Road, Bangalore. KARNATAKA, India, P.O. :~ Pin 860037 , By Caste Others, By Profession : Others Shamnad Basher, son of M. M. Basher, Nishad, Kulathupuzha, Quilon, KERALA, India, P.O. Pin 691310, By Caste Others, By Profession : Others. Identified By Parame Ghosh, daughter of . , High Court Cal, District-Kolkata, WEST BENGAL, India, P.O, =, By Caste: Hindu, By Profession: Advocate. (Anup Kumer Mandal ) ADDITIONAL REGISTRAR OF ASSURANCE-|Il 105/02/2014 utificate of Admissibility(Rule 43,W.B, Registration Rules 1962) ‘Admissible under rule 21 of West Bengal Registration Rule, 1962 duly stamped under schedule 1A, ‘cle number: 58.644 of indian Stamp Act 1893. syment of Fees: ei mount ByCesh For IDIA CHARITABLE TRUST Sogieraran 27 27a 2° Trustee’ ( Anup Kumar Mandal ) ADDITIONAL REGISTRAR OF ASSURANCE-IIE EndorsementPage 1 of 2 997 703/208% 14:51:00 Government Of West Bengal Office Of the A.R.A.-IIl KOLKATA District:-Kolkata Endorsement For Deed Number : IV - 00621 of 2011 {Serial No. 00913 of 2041) 108/-, on 05/02/2011 der Article : A(1) = 99/- ,E=7/- on 05/02/2011 ) (Anup Kumar Mandal ) ADDITIONAL REGISTRAR OF ASSURANCE-I ‘Kumar Mandal ) ADBIZONAt REGISTRAR OF ASSURANCE-LIT fo2/20at ti: EndorsementPage 2 of 2 SPECIMEN FORM FOR TEN FINGERPRINTS [pe Sern te | No. | executmns ana | 1 *Sepurcser” | a | t re i i Fore tan) “Thumb bef Fore land) and “Ring | ities a es : eee eas SPECIMEN FORM FOR TEN FINGERPRINTS [xo [oem | | | ‘or purchaser: I { |__| “pesca | ! | Ring Fore t Gian | { | | F |” Fore) "Midaie | Ring Littie (Right) tad _| . | | | - ? i : | : i i 7 | | | es | [Tite Ring) Middle | Fore Thom | i ; Left) (Hand) j | | | | | | I | ia i | | | i j fF | Thumb Fore Ring Little i t (land) ae | | | | | || | j | | i i ! j i i L i ! i Little | Middle [Fore [Thumb ¢ eee | | j | | i | j i : | i | { | i : I t i if | oy | | Thumb ~\ Fore Miaaie | ‘Ring | Little DATED THIS *. DAY OF...1.°S.... 2011 BETWEEN MAHENDRA PAL SINGH & ORS, Settlors AND MAHENDRA PAL SINGH & ORS. . Trustees DEED OF TRUST OF IDIA CHARITABLE TRUST Fox & Mandal, Advocates, 12, Old Post Office Street, Kolkata ~ 700 001. i ae Cartiicate of Registration under section 60 and Rule 69. Registered in Book -1V €D Volume number 1 Page from 7543 to 7593 being No 00621 for the year 2044 (Anup Kumar Mandal) 07-February-2011 ADDITIONAL REGISTRAR OF ASSURANCEUII Office of the A.R.A-IIl KOLKATA West Bengal For IDJA CHARITABLE TRUST Trustee

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