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of the prevailing circumstance.

However, the terms and

REMEDIAL LAW conditions laid down by the trial court ensure that they
are given ample opportunity to cross-examine Mary
I. Civil Procedure Jane by way of written interrogatories so as not to
defeat the first purpose of their constitutional right. In
1. Q: In October 2010, the Supreme Court of this case, the trial court required Cristina and Julius,
Indonesia affirmed the conviction of Mary Jane for through their counsel, to file their comment and may
drug trafficking and sentenced her to death by raise objections to the proposed questions in the
firing squad. Meanwhile, in the Philippines, written interrogatories submitted by the prosecution.
Cristina and Julius were arrested by the operatives The trial court judge shall promptly rule on the
of the Anti-Human Trafficking Division of the objections. Thereafter, only the final questions would
NBI, and were charged with qualified trafficking be asked by the Consul of the Philippines in Indonesia
in person and with the crime of illegal recruitment. or his designated representative. Also, the trial court
Upon arraignment, Cristina and Julius entered a judge will be present during the conduct of written
plea of “not guilty” on all charges. interrogatories on Mary Jane.

The PDEA, PNP Crime Laboratory, and the DFA This will give her ample opportunity to observe and to
went to Wirugonan Prison to interview Mary Jane. examine the demeanor of the witness closely. Although
She executed a document known as “Sinumpaang the deposition is in writing, the trial court judge can still
Salaysay ni Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso,” where she carefully perceive the reaction and deportment of Mary
maintained her innocence and narrated how she Jane as she answers each question propounded to her
was recruited by Cristina and Julius. She alleged both by the prosecution and the defense. (People v.
that while in Malaysia, Cristina gave Mary Jane the Sergio, G.R. No. 240053, 09 Oct. 2019, J. Hernando)
luggage, which was unusually heavy but, upon
checking, she found nothing inside. The luggage
was the same bag she used on her trip to 2. Q: The owners of the land, through their attorney
Indonesia. in fact, MR, brought X before the barangay so that
the demand to vacate against X may be settled
The Philippine Government requested the amicably before the barangay. No amicable
Indonesian Government to suspend the scheduled settlement was arrived at. A complaint for unlawful
execution of Mary Jane as her testimony is vital in detainer was filed against X, who alleged in his
the prosecution of Cristina and Julius. The answer that the owners plaintiffs failed to appear
Indonesian authorities however imposed some before the barangay and as such, the complaint
conditions relative to the taking of Mary Jane’s should be dismissed. During the pre-trial, the
testimony. Thereafter, the State through the OSG, parties underwent mediation before the Philippine
filed a “Motion for Leave of Court to Take the Mediation Center (PMC), and before the judge, in
Testimony of Complainant Mary Jane Veloso by Judicial Dispute Resolution (JDR).
Deposition Upon Written Interrogatories under
Rule 23 of the Rules of Court.” a. Should the case be dismissed for failure of
plaintiffs to personally appear before the
Cristina and Julius objected to the motion Barangay?
asserting that such method of taking testimony
will violate their right to confront the witness, A: NO. Although Plaintiffs failed to personally appear
Mary Jane, and that depositions under Rules 23 is during the conciliation proceedings as required by
limited only in civil cases. Can Mary Jane Veloso, Section 415 of RA 7160, they were, however,
who was sentenced to death by the Indonesian represented by MR. Plaintiffs substantially complied
Government and who is presently confined in a with the law. The representatives appeared to undergo
prison facility in Indonesia, testify by way of conciliation proceedings before the barangay, but they
deposition without violating the constitutional failed to arrive at an amicable settlement. Thereafter,
right to confrontation of a witness by the accused? upon agreement of the parties, the Office of the
Punong Barangay issued a Certification to File Action.
A: YES. It is true that Cristina and Julius have no During pre-trial, the parties again underwent mediation
opportunity to confront Mary Jane face to face in light before the PMC and JDR before the court. Still, no

settlement was reached. Given the foregoing, the
purposes of the law, i.e., to provide avenues for parties A: Extraterritorial service of summons applies only
to amicably settle their disputes and to prevent the where the action is in rem or quasi in rem, but not if
indiscriminate filing of cases in the courts, have been the action is in personam (Gesolgon v. Cyberone, G.R. No.
sufficiently met (Spouses Belvis v. Spouses Erola, G.R. No. 210741, October 14, 2020, J. Hernando Case)
239727, July 24, 2019).
6. Q: Tina Sabado is a bank employee who is married
b. Will the non-referral of the matter before the to Jay Sabado who works overseas as a ship
barangay deprive of jurisdiction over the case? captain. Their marriage bore two (2) children.
However, their relationship became rocky which
A: No. The non-referral of a case for barangay resulted in Jay’s abandonment and utter disregard
conciliation when so required under the law is not for his family. Because of this, Tina suffered
jurisdictional in nature and may therefore be deemed psychological and emotional abuse. Tina filed a
waived if not raised seasonably in a motion to dismiss petition for Temporary And Permanent Protection
(in summary procedure/small claims) or in a responsive Order (TPO & PPO), Support And Support
pleading as an affirmative defense (Spouses Belvis v. Pendente Lite against Jay. The trial court issued
Spouses Erola, G.R. No. 239727, July 24, 2019). the TPO in favor of Tina and ordered Jay to stay
away at a distance of 500 meters, and desist from
3. Q: Will the prescriptive period be initially tolled publicly humiliating her and other forms of abuse.
when the amended complaints introduced new
demands? Jay is given five (5) days from notice within which
to file an opposition. The court sheriff made
A: No. The settled rule is that the filing of an amended several attempts to personally serve the summons,
pleading does not retroact to the date of the filing of petition, and TPO to Jay at his address, and at the
the original pleading; hence, the statute of limitation office of his employer, but to no avail. Instead,
runs until the submission of the amendment. It is true Atty. Acosta, Jay’s counsel in a criminal case,
that as an exception, this Court has held that an received a copy of the order and petition on
amendment which merely supplements and amplifies November 16, 2012.
facts originally alleged in the complaint relates back to
the date of the commencement of the action and is not On January 17, 2013, Jay filed an Entry of
barred by the statute of limitations which expired after Appearance with Opposition to the Issuance of
the service of the original complaint. (Alpha Plus Permanent Protection Order where he asserted
International Enterprises Corp. vs. Philippine Charter that he was merely a chief officer and not a ship
Insurance Corp., G.R. No. 203756, February 10, 2021, captain. He also claimed that the couple acquired
J. Hernando Case) four (4) properties during their marriage, and that
the condominium unit and parking slot are under
4. Q: Does the effect of non-appearance apply when the name of Tina. He also denied humiliating her
only the plaintiff or the counsel is absent? in public although they had disagreements, and
claimed that he has been a good provider. He
A: No. With the advent of AM 19-10-20-SC, Section 5, prayed for the lifting of the TPO, denial of the
Rule 18 has been clarified by already including the word PPO, the determination of support and relieving
counsel and putting the conjunctive word “and”, to the the respondent from posting a bond. He also
effect that it is only when both the party-litigant questioned the validity of the service of summons
(plaintiff or defendant) and his counsel fail to appear in which is fatal to the acquisition of jurisdiction over
pre-trial that there be the concomitant consequence of his person as he claimed that he was out of the
either a dismissal (plaintiff and counsel were absent), or Philippines for his overseas work.
presentation of evidence ex parte (defendant and
counsel were absent). (Gemina vs. Heirs of Espejo, Jr., RTC Makati issued a TPO and PPO in favor of
G.R. No. 232682, September 13, 2021, J. Hernando Tina, and denied the admission of Jay’s opposition
Case) for having been belatedly filed two (2) months after
the issuance of the TPO, instead of the
5. Q: In what actions does extraterritorial service of non-extendible period of five (5) days under A.M.
summons apply? No. 04-10-11-SC. Was the serving of the order and

the TPO to Atty. Palermo considered a valid ejectment case involves the issue of physical possession,
service of summons? while the collection caste involves the issue of payment.
Thus, there is no identity of rights asserted and reliefs
A: No, the serving of the order and TPO to Atty. prayed for. (Santos Ventura Hocarma Foundation Inc. v.
Palmero is not considered a valid service of summons. Mabalacat Institute, Inc., G.R. No. 211563, September 29,
Under the Rules of Court and quoting GCP-Manny 2021)
Transport Services, Inc. v. Prinsipe, the notice to counsel is
equivalent to notice to client, however, it must be a 8. Q: Eduardo, a resident of Manila, filed before RTC
notice sent to counsel of record in order to bind the Manila a complaint for the annulment of a Deed of
client. Real Estate Mortgage he signed in favor of Galaxy
Bank involving his Makati property. Galaxy raised
In the case at hand, Atty. Acosta was Jay's counsel in a improper venue as affirmative defense arguing that
separate criminal case pending at that time before the complaint should be filed with the RTC of
Branch 140 of the RTC of Makati. Therefore, Jay had Makati since the complaint is a real action
no counsel of record yet with Branch 136 of the RTC involving the ownership and possession of
of Makati at the time Atty. Acosta received the copy of Eduardo's Jot. Who is correct?
the order and TPO.
A: Eduardo is correct. As stated in the case of PNB
Jurisdiction over the person of the defendant cannot be Republic Bank vs. Remedios Sian-limsiaco (Hernando,
acquired notwithstanding his knowledge of the J.), an action to cancel a real estate mortgage is
pendency of a case against him, unless he was validly considered a personal action because the mortgage
served with summons. Thus, serving the order and contract itself does not involve a real property, but
TPO to Atty. Acosta cannot be considered a valid merely the right to foreclose upon such real property.
service of summons. Since a personal action may be commenced and tried
where the plaintiff or defendant resides at the election
However, Jay voluntarily submitted himself to the of the plaintiff, Eduardo is correct in filing the
jurisdiction of the trial court when he filed the Entry of complaint in his city of residence. (G.R. No. 196323)
Appearance with Opposition to the Issuance of the
Permanent Protection Order. By seeking affirmative 9. Q: Eliza voluntarily offered for sale to the
relief in his opposition without objecting to the government, under Comprehensive Agrarian
jurisdiction of the trial court, he thereby voluntarily Reform Program, a parcel of land. Pursuant to
submitted to its jurisdiction. In effect, this cured the E.O. No. 405, Landbank made a valuation of the
invalid service of summons. (Sabado v. Sabado, G.R. No. land. Eliza, thereafter, rejected Landbank’s
214270, May 12, 2021 (Hernando, J.)) valuation. Thus, the matter was endorsed to the
Office of the Provincial Agrarian Reform
7. Q: Maria Santos filed a collection case against her Adjudicator (PARAD) and then was transferred to
lessee for failure to pay rental fees. While this the Office of Regional Agrarian Reform
collection case was still pending for 4 years, she Adjudicator (RARAD). The Regional Adjudicator
filed a separate ejectment case against the lessee. (RA) fixed the compensation. Not satisfied,
Is Maria Santos guilty of forum shopping? Landbank filed a petition for just compensation
before the RTC, acting as Special Agrarian Court
A: No, Maria did not commit forum shopping. The (SAC). Eliza filed a Motion for Execution of
determinative factor in violations of the rule against Judgment before the Office of the RA. The RA
forum shopping is whether the elements of litis granted the motion for execution and issued an
pendentia are present, or whether a final judgment in one order directing the issuance of a writ of execution
case will amount to res judicata in another. Litis and an alias writ of execution since the former was
pendentia requires the identity of the parties, the returned unsatisfied. Landbank sought from the
identity of rights asserted and relief prayed for, and the SAC the quashal of the writ which the SAC denied.
identity of the two cases such that judgment in one Hence, it filed before the Department of Agrarian
would amount to res judicata in the other. Reform Adjudication Board (DARAB) a petition
for certiorari. DARAB granted. Does DARAB has
As similarly ruled in Santos Ventura Hocorma Foundation jurisdiction in granting the petition for certiorari?
Inc. v. Mabalacat Institute, Inc. (Hernando, J.), the

A: NO. Jurisprudence has settled that DARAB registration application of his son, dated October
possesses no power to issue writs of certiorari. 24, 2003. Does plaintiff have prior physical
Jurisdiction, or the legal power to hear and determine a possession of the subject property which may
cause or causes of action, must exist as a matter of law. entitle him to recover in an ejectment suit of
It is settled that the authority to issue writs of certiorari, forcible entry?
prohibition, and mandamus involves the exercise of
original jurisdiction which must be expressly conferred Yes. As a rule, "possession" in forcible entry cases
by the Constitution or by law. refers to prior physical possession or possession de
facto, not possession de Jure or that arising from
As an administrative agency exercising quasi judicial but ownership. In addition, it was consistently held that
not consummate judicial power, DARAB is inherently "possession can be acquired not only by material
incapable of issuing writs of certiorari. This is not occupation, but also by the fact that a thing is subject
merely a matter of statutorily stipulated competence to the action of one's will or by the proper acts and
but a question that hearkens to the separation of legal formalities established for acquiring such right."
government's tripartite powers: executive, legislative, In this case, Plaintiff took actual possession of the
and judicial. DARAB's exercise of the innately judicial subject property and constructed a concrete perimeter
certiorari power is an executive encroachment into the fence around it. Defendant’s' evidence of alleged prior
judiciary. It violates the separation of powers; it is possession of Lot No. 5 of the subject property–such
unconstitutional. With or without a law enabling it, as payment of real property taxes, or proofs of billing
DARAB has no power to rule on jurisdictional of his Bayantel telephone which he had installed in his
controversies via petitions for certiorari. DARAB's residence in the year 2004, or that he was able to
self-serving grant to itself of the power to issue writs of procure a COMELEC registration application of his
certiorari in the 1994 DARAB New Rules of Procedure son on October 24, 2003–are incidents that occurred
is itself a grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or after Manolo took possession of the subject property.
excess of jurisdiction. It must be annulled for running Thus, plaintiff is entitled to recover in an ejectment suit
afoul of the Constitution. (Heirs of Eliza Q. Zoleta v. of forcible entry (Palajos v. Abad, GR No. 205832,
Landbank of the Philippines, G.R. No. 205128, 09 Aug. March 07, 2022, J. Hernando Case).
11. Q: May the mortgagor ask for writ of possession
10. Q: Plaintiffs claimed that they are the registered without the need for bond required under Section 7
owners of three adjacent and contiguous parcels of of Act No. 3135 without the mortgagor or his
land in Quezon City which they acquired from successor-in-interest redeeming the foreclosed
their parents in 1999. In 2001, they took actual property within the one year redemption period?
possession of the subject property and constructed
a concrete perimeter fence around it. They claimed A: Yes. If the redemption period expires without the
that in 2006, they discovered that defendants mortgagor or his successor-in-interest redeeming the
destroyed portions of the perimeter fence, entered foreclosed property within one year from the
the subject property, and constructed their houses registration of the sale with the Register of Deeds, the
thereon, depriving plaintiffs of their possession. title over the property consolidates in the purchaser.
Upon discovery, plaintiffs made demands for The consolidation confirms the purchaser as the owner
defendants to vacate but the latter failed and entitled to the possession of the property without any
refused to remove their houses and structures. As a need for him to file the bond required under Section 7
result, plaintiffs filed a complaint before the proper of Act No. 3135. The issuance of a writ of possession
barangay authorities, but defendants still failed to to the purchaser becomes a matter of right upon the
comply with their demand. On the other hand, the consolidation of title in his name while the mortgagor,
defendant claimed that he entered Lot No. 5 of the by failing to redeem, loses all interest in the property
subject property by virtue of a deed of absolute (Land Bank of the Philippines v. Spouses De Jesus, GR
sale. To further substantiate his claim of prior No. 221133, June 28, 2021, J. Hernando Case)
physical possession he averred that he paid real
property taxes as evidenced by receipt of payment, 12. Q: Are the judgments or final orders issued by the
proofs of billing of his Bayantel telephone which Board for Professional Teachers covered under
he had installed in his residence in the year 2004, Rule 43?
and that he was able to procure a COMELEC

Yes. A Rule 43 petition to the CA includes all awards, personality nor is it an entity authorized by law to be a
judgments, final orders or resolutions of or authorized party to any action; it has no legal capacity to sue or be
by any quasi-judicial agency in the exercise of its sued and should not have been impleaded as defendant
quasi-judicial functions, except those under the Labor in the instant case.
Code of the Philippines. Pertinently, this Court has
ruled that the list of quasi- judicial entities found in Given the foregoing, the proper remedy in this case is
Section 1, Rule 43 of the Rules of Court is not the joinder of the proper parties, the mandatory rule on
exclusive. With this in mind, the question now is joinder of indispensable parties is set forth in Section 7,
whether the Board for Professional Teachers is Rule 3 of the Rules of Court. The Court finds that the
considered a quasi- judicial agency that exercised MOA Parties are indispensable parties as their interest
quasi-judicial powers when it issued its Decision. The in the controversy is such that a final adjudication
Board, by virtue of the power vested in it, clearly cannot be made in their absence, without injuring or
exercised its quasi-judicial functions when it affecting their interest (TESDA v. Ernesto Abragar
investigated the case, held a hearing, and issued a G.R. No. 201022, March 17, 2021).
decision that affected the rights of a private party.
Given this, there is no question that the Decision of the b. Does the failure to implead the MOA Parties
Board is covered by the jurisdiction of the CA and can render the proceedings void?
be subject of a Rule 43 petition (Professional Regulation
Commission vs. Alo, G.R. No. 214435, February 14, 2022, J. Yes, the failure to implead TESDA and the other
Hernando Case). parties to the MOA renders the proceedings void,
which may be questioned at any time. The joinder of all
13. Q: EA filed with the Labor Arbiter (LA) a indispensable parties is a condition sine qua non for the
complaint for constructive dismissal against exercise of judicial power. While the failure to implead
Marble Training Center and his supervisor, PB. LA an indispensable party is not per se a ground for the
found that EA was constructively dismissed and dismissal of an action, considering that said party may
was granted his monetary claim. There being no still be added by order of the court, on motion of the
appeal filed within the reglementary period, EA party or on its own initiative at any stage of the action
moved for the issuance of a writ of execution. PB and/or such times as are just, it remains essential—as it
filed a Petition for Relief from Judgment, where he is jurisdictional—that any indispensable party be
contends that the Center is a non-juridical entity impleaded in the proceedings before the court renders
but a mere training facility run by TESDA and judgment.
created pursuant to a Memorandum of Agreement
executed by and among the DTI, the Provincial In this case, the MOA Parties, which include TESDA,
Government of Bulacan, the Marble Association of are indispensable parties in this case. Thus, when EA
the Philippines (MAP), the National Manpower failed to implead them, it effectively produced two
and Youth Council (now renamed TESDA). It conseuences: First, all subsequent actions of the lower
argued, among others, that the Center is a marble courts are null and void for lack of jurisdiction; second,
processing facility run by TESDA and a the case should be remanded to the trial court for the
non-juridical entity without capacity to sue or be inclusion of indispensable parties (Technical Education
sued. And Skills Development Authority v. Ernesto Abragar G.R.
No. 201022, March 17, 2021).
a. Does the Center have the legal capacity to be
sued? 14. Q: When does the doctrine of immutability of
judgment arise? What are the exceptions to the
No, the Center has no juridical personality nor is it an immutability of judgment?
entity authorized by law to be a party to an action, and
thus has no legal capacity to be sued. Sections 1 and 2, A: A decision or order becomes final and executory if
Rule 3 of the Rules of Court mandate that only natural the aggrieved party fails to appeal or move for a
or juridical persons, or entities authorized by law may reconsideration within 15 days from his or her receipt
be parties in a civil action and every action must be of the court's decision or order disposing of the action
prosecuted and defended in the name of the real or proceeding. (Taningco v. Fernandez, G.R. No. 215615,
parties-in-interest. In this case, the Center which December 9, 2020, J. Hernando)
respondent seeks to hold liable has no juridical

Thus, a judgment that has become final is immutable conclusive of the rights of the parties or their privies, in
and unalterable and can no longer be modified in any all other actions or suits in the same or any other
respect even if the modification is meant to correct an judicial tribunal of concurrent jurisdiction on the points
erroneous conclusion of fact or of law, and whether the and matters in issue in the first suit.
modification is made by the court that rendered the
decision or by the highest court of the land. In 16. Q: Which court has jurisdiction over petitions for
addition, controversies cannot drag on indefinitely determination of just compensation?
because fundamental considerations of public policy
and sound practice demand that the rights and A: Citing Section 57 of R.A. No. 6657, Congress
obligations of every litigant must not hang in suspense expressly granted the RTC, acting as SAC, the original
for an indefinite period of time. It serves a two-fold and exclusive jurisdiction over all petitions for the
purpose, namely: determination of just compensation to landowners.

(a) to avoid delay in the administration of justice and Only the legislature can recall that power. The DAR has
thus, procedurally, to make orderly the discharge of no authority to qualify or undo that. The Court's
judicial business; and pronouncement in Veterans Bank, Martinez, Soriano,
and Limkaichong, reconciling the power of the DAR
(b) to put an end to judicial controversies, at the risk of and the SAC essentially barring any petition to the SAC
occasional errors, which is precisely why the courts for having been filed beyond the15-day period
exist. (Calubad v. Aceron, G.R. No. 188029, September provided in Section 11, Rule XIII of the DARAB Rules
2, 2020, J. Hernando) of Procedure, cannot be sustained. The DAR regulation
simply has no statutory basis. (Land Bank of the
EXCEPTIONS: Philippines v. Escaro, G.R. No. 204526, February 10, 2021,
1. The correction of clerical errors J. Hernando).
2. The so-called nunc pro tunc entries which cause no
prejudice to any part 17. Q: What are the elements of a valid substituted
3. Void judgments service of summons?
4. Whenever circumstances transpire after the finality
of the decision rendering its execution unjust and A: The following are the elements of a valid substituted
inequitable. (Mercury Drug Corporation vs. Spouses service of summons:
Huang, G.R. No. 197654, August 30, 2017; Gocolay v.
Gocolay, G.R. No. 220606, January 11, 2021) 1. Impossibility of prompt personal service - For
substituted service of summons to be available, there
must be several attempts by the sheriff to personally
15. Q: Distinguish conclusiveness of judgment and res serve the summons within a reasonable period [ of one
judicata: month] which eventually resulted in failure to prove
impossibility of prompt service.
right, fact or matter in issue directly adjudicated or - "Several attempts" means at least three (3)
necessarily involved in the determination of an action tries, preferably on at least two different dates.
before a competent court in which judgment is In addition, the sheriff must cite why such
rendered on the merits is conclusively settled by the efforts were unsuccessful. It is only then that
judgment therein and cannot again be litigated between impossibility of service can be confirmed or
the parties and their privies, whether or not the claim, accepted.
demand, purpose, or subject matter of the two actions
is the same. 2. Specific Details in the Return - The sheriff must
describe in the Return of Summons the facts and
RES JUDICATA — 'a matter adjudged; a thing circumstances surrounding the attempted personal
judicially acted upon or decided; a thing or matter service. The efforts made to find the defendant and the
settled by judgment.' It lays the rule that an existing reasons behind the failure must be clearly narrated in
final judgment or decree rendered on the merits, detail in the Return.
without fraud or collusion, by a court of competent
jurisdiction, upon any matter within its jurisdiction, is

3. A person of suitable age and discretion - If the together with Ombudsman Prosecutor MO a Joint
substituted service will be effected at the defendant's Stipulation of Facts and Documents which was
house or residence, it should be left with a person of presented to the Sandiganbayan. Before the court
"suitable age and discretion then residing therein." A could issue a pre-trial order but after some delay
person of suitable age and discretion is one who has caused by Atty. KO, he was substituted by Atty. NA
attained the age of full legal capacity ( 18 years old) and as defense counsel. Atty. NA filed a motion to
is considered to have enough discernment to withdraw the “Joint Stipulation”, alleging that it is
understand the importance of a summons. prejudicial to the accused because it contains,
inter alia, the statement that the “Defense
4. A competent person in charge - If the substituted admitted all the documentary evidence of the
service will be done at the defendant's office or regular Prosecution,” thus leaving the accused a little or
place of business, then it should be served on a no room to defend himself, and violating his right
competent person in charge of the place. Thus, the against self-incrimination.
person on whom the substituted service will be made
must be the one managing the office or business of Should the court grant Atty. NA’s motion?
defendant, such as the president or manager; and such
individual must have sufficient knowledge to No. The court should not grant Atty. NA’s motion. For
understand the obligation of the defendant in the a pretrial agreement to be binding on the accused, it
summons, its importance, and the prejudicial effects must satisfy the following conditions: (1) the agreement
arising from inaction on the summons. or admission must be in writing, and (2) it must be
signed by both the accused and their counsel. The
court’s approval is not needed to make the stipulations
18. Q: S leased his parcel of land in favor of M. When binding on the parties. Such approval is necessary
M reneged in his obligations to pay rent, S merely to emphasize the supervision by the court over
instituted an action for collection of sum of money the case and to enable it to control the flow of the
against M in the MTC of Pampanga. While the proceedings. Once the stipulations are reduced into
sum of money case was pending, S filed an writing and signed by the parties and their counsels,
unlawful detainer case against M in a different they become binding on the parties who made them.
court. Was there forum shopping? They become judicial admissions of the fact or facts
stipulated. Even if placed at a disadvantageous position,
No. In the case at bar, there is no identity of rights a party may not be allowed to rescind them unilaterally;
asserted and reliefs prayed for between a suit for it must assume the consequences of the disadvantage
collection of sum of money and an unlawful detainer (Bayas v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. Nos. 143589- 91, November
case, and that any judgment rendered in one of these 12, 2002).
actions would not amount to res judicata in the other
action. The ejectment case stemmed from the prejudice If in the pre-trial agreement signed by the accused and
that S allegedly suffered due to the loss of possession his counsel, the accused admits the documentary
of the subject lot while the collection case was founded evidence of the prosecution, it does not violate his right
on the appropriate amount of rental fees that are against self-incrimination. His lawyer cannot file a
allegedly due and the damages that S allegedly suffered motion to withdraw. A pre-trial order is not needed.
but which have no direct relation to its loss of material The admission of such documentary evidence is
possession. In a civil suit for collection of sum of allowed by the rules (ROC, Rule 118, Sec. 2)
money, what is sought to be recovered is the payment
of rentals only without regard to the unlawfulness of 20. Q: The Republic filed a complaint for recovery of
the occupancy. In addition, an action for collection of possession against Calubaquib, et al., who
sum of money may not be joined with an ejectment allegedly entered a military reservation site and,
suit, otherwise a misjoinder of causes of action would through strategy and stealth, took possession of a
ensue (Santos Ventura Hocorma Foundation, Inc. v. five-hectare portion thereof. Calubaquib, et al.
Mabalacat Institute, Inc. G.R. No. 211563, September 2021). then countered that their predecessor-in-interest
had been in open and continuous possession of the
19. Mayor ME was charged with malversation through property since the early 1900s. While they
falsification of official documents. Assisted by Atty. acknowledge the issuance of the Proclamation,
KO as counsel de parte during pre-trial, he signed they insist that the subject property is excluded

from its operation, citing that the Proclamation 22. Q: A sues B for coJlection of a sum of money.
itself said it was “subject to private rights”. On the Alleging fraud in the contracting of the loan, A
basis of the foregoing admitted facts, the RTC applies for preliminary attachment with the court.
rendered a summary judgment, even without the The Court issues the preliminary attachment after
motion of either party. The RTC dismissed A files a bond. While summons on B was yet
Calubaquib, et. al’s claim of possession of the unserved, the sheriff attached B's properties.
property in the concept of an owner. Was the Afterwards, summons was duly served on B. B
summary judgment proper? moves to lift the attachment. Rule on this.

A: NO. The remedy of summary judgment without a A: I will grant the motion since the levy was invalidly
motion being filed is in derogation of a party's right to enforced. No levy on attachment pursuant to the writ
a plenary trial of his case; the trial court cannot railroad shall be enforced unless it is preceded or
the parties’ rights over their objections. A summary contemporaneously accompanied by service of
judgment is permitted only if there is no genuine issue summons. There must be prior or contemporaneous
as to any material fact and the moving party is entitled service of summons with the writ of attachment. (Rules
to a judgment as a matter of law. The filing of a motion of Court, Rule 57, Sec. 14)
and the conduct of a hearing on the motion are
important because these enable the court to determine
if the parties’ pleadings, affidavits and exhibits in II. Special Proceedings
support of, or against, the motion are sufficient to
overcome the opposing papers and adequately justify 23. Q: Luigi Santos filed a petition for change of name
the finding that, as a matter of law, the claim is clearly under Rule 103 seeking to change his surname
meritorious or there is no defense to the action. The from “Santos” to “Revilla” in his Certificate of
nonobservance of the procedural requirements of filing Live Birth. He alleged that sometime in 1991, his
a motion and conducting a hearing on the said motion parents, Lovely Guzman and Jose Marie Bautista,
warrants the setting aside of the summary judgment. Jr., a.k.a. Ramon Bong Revilla, Jr., met and
Here, the trial court proceeded to render summary engaged in an intimate relationship. He was later
judgment with neither of the parties filing a motion born as “Luigi Guzman.” His parents were never
therefor. (Calubaquib, et al. v. Republic, et al., G.R. No. married as Bong Revilla was already married to
170658, 22 June 2011) Lani Mercado.

21. Q: Santa filed against Era in the RTC of Quezon Luigi’s Certificate of Live Birth did not bear the
City an action for specific performance praying for Revilla surname and his father was marked as
the delivery of a parcel of land subject of their unknown. However, on April 24, 1996, Bong
contract of sale. Unknown to the parties, the case Revilla executed an Affidavit of Acknowledgment
was inadvertently raffled to an RTC designated as recognizing the petitioner as his son. In 1999,
a special commercial court. Later, the RTC Lovely Guzman married Patrick Santos, who, in
rendered judgment adverse to Era, who, upon turn, legally adopted Luigi in 2001. Thus, his name
realizing that the trial court was not a regular RTC, was changed from “Luigi Guzman” to “Luigi G.
approaches you and wants you to file a petition to Santos.”
have the judgment annulled for lack of jurisdiction.
What advice would you give to Era? Explain your Although Luigi lived with his mother, he grew up
answer. close to Bong Revilla and the latter’s wife and
children and was treated by the family as a
A: The advice I would give to Era is that the petition legitimate son. He also claimed that he used the
for annulment of judgment on lack of jurisdiction will name “Luigi Revilla” when he entered show
not prosper. It has been held that a special commercial business. Thus, he filed a Rule 108 petition in
court is still a court of general jurisdiction and can hear order to avoid confusion, to show his sincere and
and try a non-commercial case. Hence, the special genuine desire to associate himself to Bong Revilla
commercial court has jurisdiction to try and decide the and to the Revillas, and to ensure that his records
action for specific performance and to render a show his true identity as Bong Revilla’s son.
judgment therein.

a. Was Rule 108 the correct remedy? 24. Q: Which court has jurisdiction over settlement of
A: NO. Petitioner correctly availed himself of the
remedy under Rule 103 in order to change his surname A: It depends upon the gross value of the estate of the
from “Santos” to “Revilla” to avoid confusion and to decedent:
show his sincere desire to associate himself to Bong 1. RTC: gross value exceeds Two million pesos (P2
Revilla and the Revillas. By these allegations, petitioner million)
seeks to alter the designation by which he is known and 2. MTC: gross value does not exceed Two million pesos
called in the community in which he lives and is best (P2 million) (BP 129, as amended by RA11576).
known and not to effect any clerical or substantial
corrections. Unlike Rule 108, Rule 103 only requires Jurisdiction over the subject matter is determined by
that the order reciting the purpose of the petition and the material allegations in the petition (Cadimas v.
the date and place of the hearing be published and that Carrion, G.R. No. 180394, September 29, 2008); hence,
any interested person be allowed to appear and oppose it is not the actual gross value of the estate which is the
the petition. By virtue of the publication, all interested basis of jurisdiction but the alleged gross value of the
parties were deemed notified and the whole world estate.
considered bound by the judgment therein. The failure
to implead petitioner’s biological father and adoptive 25. Q: Widow A leaves her two minor daughters with
father did not render the proceedings void as said her brother every night that she goes to work as a
requirement does not apply to Rule 103. (Santos v. prostitute in Milagros City. B, the father of the
Republic, G.R. No. 250520, May 5, 2021). deceased husband of A, filed a petition for habeas
corpus against A for the custody of the girls in the
b. Should the petition for change of name be Family Court in Legazpi City, which the court
granted? granted. Upon learning of the petition, A brought
her children to Cebu City. B sought to have the
A: NO. Luigi failed to prove that there is any writ enforced against A in Cebu City. Resolve the
compelling reason to justify a change of surname from petition in the light of the following defenses of A.
“Santos” to “Revilla.” The use of the surname “Revilla”
would create further confusion rather than avoid it, i. The enforcement of the writ of habeas corpus in
given that: (1) he has never legally used the name Cebu City is illegal. Rule.
“Revilla” despite having been acknowledged in 1996;
(2) he was legally adopted by Patrick Santos in 2001; (3) A: The writ of habeas corpus issued by the Family
he has used the name “Santos’’ for documentary Court in Legazpi City may not be legally enforced in
purposes since his adoption; (4) although he is publicly Cebu City. Under the law, a verified petition for a writ
known to be the son of Bong Revilla, he is known by of habeas corpus involving custody of minors shall be
his peers as “Luigi Santos”; (5) even after a change of filed with the Family Court. The writ shall be
surname, Patrick Santos shall continue to be the father enforceable within its judicial region to which the
named in his birth certificate; and (5) he only began Family Court belongs. Here, the petition was filed in
using the surname “Revilla” when he entered show Legazpi City hence, the writ should not be enforced in
business. The mere fact that petitioner began using a Cebu City, which falls under a different judicial region
different name, i.e., “Luigi Revilla,” when he joined (A.M. No. 03-04-04-SC, Sec. 20).
show business does not constitute a proper and
reasonable cause to legally authorize a change of name. ii. B has no personality to institute the petition.
Any confusion created by the use of said name is
mainly due to the unauthorized use of a name other A: B, the father of the deceased husband of A, has the
than the petitioner's true legal name. Convenience is personality to institute the petition for habeas corpus of
not a recognized ground for change of name, which the two minor girls. Under the law, the award of
may be allowed only for compelling reasons that must custody may be given to the grandparent, or if there are
be alleged and proved. A sincere desire to associate several grandparents, the grandparent chosen by the
oneself to a certain person or family, without more, minor over seven years of age and of sufficient
does not justify a change of surname (Santos v. Republic, discernment, unless the grandparent chosen is unfit or
G.R. No. 250520, May 5, 2021). disqualified. Here, the father of the deceased husband,

as the grandparent, has the legal personality to seek jurisdiction does not afford parties absolute freedom to
custody over the children. In fact, if the court finds that choose the court with which the petition shall be filed.
the parents are unfit to care for and to have custody of Petitioners should be directed by the hierarchy of
the minors, the court may designate either the paternal courts. After all, the hierarchy of courts 'serves as a
or maternal grandparent of the minors, among others, general determinant of the appropriate forum for
to take charge of the said minors. (A.M. No. 03-04-04- petitioners for the extraordinary writs.'
SC, Secs. 2, 13, 18).
In sum, Miguel should have filed the present petition
26. Q: On February 1991, Miguel was charged with the before the RTC, absent any showing of special and
crime of Murder before the RTC of Quezon City. important reasons warranting a direct resort to this
After trial, Miguel was found guilty as charged and Court." (Miguel v. Director of the Bureau of Prisons,
sentenced to suffer the penalty of reclusion UDK-15368, September 15, 2021, (Hernando, J.))
perpetua. Pursuant to his conviction, Miguel was
delivered to Bilibid Prison in Muntinlupa in 27. Q: Morada alleged that on October 14, 2015 at
January 1994. Miguel's conviction was affirmed by around 8:00 a.m., she received a text message from
this Court in March 1996. Alleging that his her daughter, Jennilyn, that Johnson was arrested
continued detention no longer holds legal basis in and detained by the barangay tanods of Barangay
view of RA 10592, otherwise known as the Good 176, Caloocan City for alleged theft of a mobile
Conduct Time Allowance Law, Miguel filed the phone in the house of another barangay tanod,
present petition for the issuance of the Writ of herein respondent Randy. On the same day,
Habeas Corpus in August 2015. Morada went to the barangay hall. At the barangay
hall, Rolly informed Morada that Johnson was
Will the Writ of Habeas Corpus issue? already released by either respondent Fernando or
respondent Romy from the custody of the
A: No, the Supreme Court points out that Miguel failed barangay.
to observe the principle of hierarchy of courts. In Cruz
v. Gingoyon, “A direct invocation of the Supreme Court's In December 2015, Morada went to the Northern
original jurisdiction to issue extraordinary writs should Police District (NPD) to report that her son is
be allowed only when there are special and important missing. Rumors circulated within Barangay 176
reasons therefore, clearly and specifically set out in the that Johnson had been extrajudicially killed and
petition.” that his body was mixed in cement in order to
conceal the incident. This prompted Morada to
As to which court may grant the writ, Section 2, Rule institute a petition for the issuance of a writ of
102 of the Rules of Court provides: The writ of habeas amparo to determine whether respondents had
corpus may be granted by the Supreme Court, or any violated or threatened to violate Johnson's right to
member thereof, on any day and at any time, or by the life, liberty and security, and to compel
Court of Appeals or any member thereof in the respondents to determine the whereabouts of
instances authorized by law, and if so granted it shall be Johnson, and the person/s responsible for his
enforceable anywhere in the Philippines, and may be disappearance or possible death, among others.
made returnable before the court or any member The RTC denied the petition. The RTC held that
thereof, or before a Court of First Instance, or any there was no showing of any refusal on the part of
judge thereof for hearing and decision on the merits. It the respondents to acknowledge or to give
may also be granted by a Court of First Instance, or a information on Johnson's whereabouts such that
judge thereof, on any day and at any time, and there was no intention to remove him from the
returnable before himself, enforceable only within his protection of the law for a prolonged period of
judicial district. time. Thus, the third and fourth elements of
enforced disappearance are absent. Did the RTC
From the foregoing, it is clear that the trial court, the gravely erred in not giving due course to the
appellate court, and this Court exercise concurrent petition?
jurisdiction over petitions for the issuance of the writ
of habeas corpus. However, this does not mean that A: No, there is no substantial evidence that exists to
parties are absolutely free to choose before which court compel the grant of the writ prayed for by Morada. The
to file their petitions, thus: Mere concurrency of elements constituting enforced disappearance as

defined under RA 9851 are as follows: (a) that there be courts, as when direct resort is allowed where it is
an arrest, detention, abduction or any form of dictated by public welfare. Given that the rules allow
deprivation of liberty; (b) that it be carried out by, or direct resort to the Supreme Court, it is ultimately
with the authorization, support or acquiescence of, the within the Court’s discretion whether or not to accept
State or a political organization; (c) that it be followed petitions brought directly before it (Segovia v. Climate
by the State or political organization's refusal to Change Commission, G.R. No. 211010, March 7, 2017).
acknowledge or give information on the fate or
whereabouts of the person subject of the amparo III. Criminal Procedure
petition; and (d) that the intention for such refusal is to
remove subject person from the protection of the law 29. Q: Can a Void ab initio Marriage be a valid defense
for a prolonged period of time. in the prosecution for Bigamy even without a
Judicial Declaration of Absolute Nullity?
In this case, there is no question that the first and
second elements are attendant in this case. However, A: A void ab initio marriage is a valid defense in the
The Court agrees with the RTC that the third and prosecution for bigamy even without a judicial
fourth elements are sorely lacking. While it is admitted declaration of absolute nullity. Consequently, a judicial
that Johnson was arrested for the alleged theft that he declaration of absolute nullity of either the first and
committed in the house of Randy, it was sufficiently second marriages obtained by the accused is considered
established by the respondents that he was already a valid defense in bigamy. Thus, when both the prior
released from their custody on October 14, 2015, as and subsequent marriages were contracted prior to the
evidenced by the barangay blotter, signed by Johnson effectivity of the Family Code, a void ab initio marriage
himself. We accord greater weight to the documentary can be raised as a defense in a bigamy case even
evidence presented by the respondents exhibiting that without a judicial declaration of its nullity. Nonetheless,
Johnson was no longer in the custody of the an action for nullity of the second marriage is a
respondents when he disappeared. Such evidence prejudicial question to the criminal prosecution for
strongly militates against Morada's claim of enforced bigamy. (Pulido v. People of the Philippines, G.R. No.
disappearance. Therefore, the Court agrees with the 220149, 27 July 2021, (Hernando, J.))
RTC that Morada failed to prove by substantial
evidence her claim of enforced disappearance. (Morada 30. Q: Aside from the offended party, may any person
v. Rias, G.R. No. 222226, February 14, 2022, (Hernando, file a complaint before the prosecutor?
A: Yes. Section 3, Rule 110 of the Rules of Court
28. Q: A petition for writ of kalikasan was filed with enumerates the persons who are authorized to file a
the Supreme Court. A opposed the petition on the criminal complaint. The "complaint" mentioned in this
ground that the direct filing of the petition with provision, however, refers to one filed in court for the
the SC violated the hierarchy of courts. Rule. commencement of a criminal prosecution for violation
of a crime. This does not refer to a complaint filed with
A: No. The writ of kalikasan is an extraordinary remedy the Prosecutor's Office. As a rule, a criminal action
covering environmental damage of such magnitude that contemplated under Rule 110 is commenced by a
will prejudice the life, health or property of inhabitants complaint or information, both of which are filed in
in two or more cities or provinces. It is designed for a court. Thus, if a complaint is filed directly in court, the
narrow but special purpose: to accord a stronger same must be filed by those persons delineated in
protection for environmental rights, aiming, among Sections 3 and 5 of the same rule, such as the offended
others, to provide a speedy and effective resolution of a party. In the case of an information, the same must be
case involving the violation of one’s constitutional right filed by the fiscal or prosecutor. However, a
to a healthful and balanced ecology that transcends "complaint" filed with the fiscal or prosecutor from
political and territorial boundaries, and to address the which he/she may initiate a preliminary investigation
potentially exponential nature of large-scale ecological may be filed by any person. (Talabis vs. People, G.R. No.
threats. 214647, March 4, 2020, (Hernando, J.))

At the very least, the magnitude of the ecological 31. Q: Are courts bound by the opinion of the
problems contemplated under the rules satisfies at least prosecutor regarding probable cause?
one of the exceptions to the rule on hierarchy of

A: No. Once the information has been filed before the only the admission of authorship of the crime
courts, the dismissal, conviction, or acquittal of the proper but also of the aggravating circumstances
accused rests on their sound discretion; they are not attending it, that increase punishment;
bound by any change in the opinion of the prosecutor 5. Inquire if the accused knows the crime with which
or his superior regarding probable cause. The courts he is charged and fully explain to him the elements
should not blindly follow the resolutions issued by the of the crime which is the basis of his indictment.
Department of Justice and should determine on their Failure of the court to do so would constitute a
own whether there is probable cause to hold the violation of his fundamental right to be informed
accused for trial. (Debuque vs. Nilson, G.R. No. 191718, of the precise nature of the accusation against him
May 10, 2021, (Hernando, J.)) and a denial of his right to due process;
6. All questions posed to the accused should be in a
32. Q: What is meant by the duty of conducting a language known and understood by the latter; and
searching inquiry? 7. The trial judge must satisfy himself that the
accused, in pleading guilty, is truly guilty. The
A: It is a mandatory requirement which ensures that accused must be required to narrate the tragedy or
the plea of guilty was voluntarily made and that the reenact the crime or furnish its missing details.
accused comprehends the severe consequences of his (People v. Pagal, G.R. No. 241257, September 29, 2020)
plea. This means asking a myriad of questions which
would solicit any indication of coercion, 33. Q: What are the instances when arrest without
misunderstanding, error, or fraud that may have warrant is lawful? (I-HERB-LWP)
influenced the decision of the accused to plead guilty to
a capital offense. (People v. Pagal, G.R. No. 241257, A: A peace officer or a private person may, without
September 29, 2020) warrant, lawfully arrest a person:
a. In Flagrante Delicto - When, in his presence, the
The searching inquiry of the trial court must be focused person to be arrested has committed, is actually
on: (1) the voluntariness of the plea, and (2) the full committing, or is attempting to commit an
comprehension of the consequences of offense;
the plea. Although there is no definite and concrete b. Hot Pursuit - When an offense has in fact just
rule as to how a trial judge must conduct a "searching been committed, and he has probable cause to
inquiry," the Court held that the following guidelines believe based on his personal knowledge of facts
should be observed: and circumstances that the person to be arrested
has committed the crime;
1. Ascertain from the accused himself: c. Escapee - When the person to be arrested is a
a. how he was brought into the custody of the prisoner who has Escaped from a penal
law; establishment or place where he is serving final
b. whether he had the assistance of a competent judgment or temporarily confined while his case is
counsel during the custodial and preliminary pending, or has escaped while being transferred
investigations; and from one confinement to another (ROC, Rule 113,
c. under what conditions he was detained and Sec. 5);
interrogated during the investigations; d. Rescuee - When a person who has been lawfully
2. Ask the defense counsel a series of questions as to arrested escapes or is Rescued, at any time and any
whether he had conferred with, and completely place within the Philippines (ROC, Rule 113, Sec.
explained to, the accused the meaning and 13);
consequences of a plea of guilty; e. When the Bondsman arrests a prisoner out on bail
3. Elicit information about the personality profile of for the purpose of bringing him to court; and
the accused, such as his age, socio-economic f. Where the accused released on bail attempts to
status, and educational background, which may Leave the country Without the Permission of the
serve as a trustworthy index of his capacity to give court (ROC, Rule 114, Sec. 23).
a free and informed plea of guilty;
4. Inform the accused the exact length of
imprisonment or nature of the penalty under the
law and the certainty that he will serve such
sentence because a plea of guilty carries with it not

34. Q: What is an improvident plea? a. Section 39 of BP 129 does not distinguish between
a civil and criminal case in setting the period to
A: A plea of guilty to a capital offense without the appeal at 15 days from the “notice of the final
benefit of a searching inquiry or an ineffectual inquiry, order” appealed from. Note that the court in
as required by Sec. 3, Rule 116, results in an Neypes held that the denial of the Motion for
improvident plea of guilty. There is an improvident plea Reconsideration or for New Trial is the “final
when there is failure of the court to inquire into order” referred to in BP 129; and
whether the accused knows the crime with which he is b. The provisions of Section 3 of Rule 41 and Section
charged and to fully explain to him the elements of the 5 of Rule 122, though differently worded, mean
crime. It constitutes a violation of the accused’s exactly the same. That the appeal period stops
fundamental right to be informed of the precise nature running from the time a motion for new trial or
of the accusation against him and a denial of his right reconsideration is filed, and begins to run again
to due process. upon receipt of the order denying such motions.
There is then no reason why the period of appeal
It is the duty of the trial court when the accused pleads which is stayed in civil cases should likewise not be
guilty to a capital offense: stayed in a criminal case when a motion for new
1. to conduct a searching inquiry into the trial or reconsideration is filed. (Yu v. Samson-Tatad,
voluntariness and full comprehension of the G.R. No. 170979, February 9, 2011)
consequences of his plea,
2. to require the prosecution to prove the guilt of the 36. Q1: Can denial of a motion to quash be subject of
accused, appeal or certiorari?
3. to inquire whether or not the accused wishes to
present evidence and to allow him to do so if he A1: As a rule, No. Motions to quash are interlocutory
desires (People v. Pagal, G.R. No. 241257, September orders that are generally unreviewable by appeal or by
29, 2020) certiorari. If the motion to quash is denied, it means
that the criminal Information remains pending with the
NOTE: Withdrawal of an improvident plea - At any court, which then must proceed with the trial to
time before the judgment of conviction becomes final, determine whether the accused is innocent or guilty of
the court may permit an improvident plea of guilty to the crime charged against him. Only when the court
be withdrawn and be substituted by a plea of not guilty. promulgates a final judgment of conviction can the
(ROC, Rule 116, Sec. 5) accused question the deficiencies of the Information by
raising them as errors by the trial court and as an
35. Q: What is “Neypes Rule”? additional ground for his exoneration in his appeal.
(Radaza vs. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 201380, August 4,
A: If the motion for reconsideration or new trial is 2021, (Hernando, J.))
denied, the movant has a “fresh period” of fifteen (15)
days from receipt of the notice of the order denying or EXCEPTIONS (J-E-S-W-A):
dismissing the motion for reconsideration within which a. when the court issued the order without or in
to file the notice of appeal. The “fresh period” rule excess of Jurisdiction or with grave abuse of
applies not only in Rule 41 (RTC-CA), but also in Rule discretion;
40 (MTC-RTC), Rule 42 (Petrev, RTC-CA), Rule 43 b. when the interlocutory order is patently
(Petrev, QJA-CA), and Rule 45 (RTC, CA-SC) This was Erroneous and the remedy of appeal would
adopted to standardize the appeal period. (Neypes vs. not afford adequate and expeditious relief;
Court of Appeals, 469 SCRA 633). c. in the interest of a more enlightened and
Substantial justice;
Q: Is the Neypes Doctrine applicable in criminal d. to promote public Welfare and public policy;
cases? and
e. when the cases have Attracted nationwide
A: Yes, The Supreme Court held that the “fresh period attention, making it essential to proceed with
rule” previously laid down in Neypes v. CA shall dispatch in the consideration thereof.
likewise be applicable to criminal cases for the
following reasons: Under these instances, appeal is considered an
inadequate remedy for a denied motion to quash and

certiorari may be allowed instead (Radaza vs. Lacanilao were arrested. Thereafter, they were
Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 201380, August 4, 2021, charged with qualified trafficking in person, illegal
(Hernando, J.)) recruitment, and estafa. PDEA, PNP and DFA
went to Indonesia in order to obtain the affidavit of
Q2: Is lack of authority of an officer to file an Mary Jane since her testimony is vital in the
Information, while a ground for quashal, a prosecution of Sergio and Lacanilao.
jurisdictional defect?
Thereafter, the State filed a "Motion for Leave of
A2: NO. Earlier jurisprudence had viewed the lack of Court to Take the Testimony of Complainant Mary
authority by the officer filing the Information under Jane by Deposition Upon Written Interrogatories.”
paragraph (d) of Section 3, Rule 117 of the Rules of It averred that the taking of Mary Jane’s testimony
Court as a non-waivable ground additional to through the use of deposition upon written
paragraphs (a), (b), (g), and (i) of the same provision. It interrogatories is allowed under Rule 23 of the
was the prevailing principle that an Information filed by Revised Rules of Court because she is out of the
an officer who had no authority to do so shall be country and will not be able to testify personally
considered jurisdictionally infirm for lack of jurisdiction before the court due to her imprisonment. Sergio
over the person of the accused and over the subject and Lacanilao immediately contend that averring
matter or the offense. that the trial court judge gravely abused her
discretion in the issuance of the assailed
The ratio underlying this principle was that an Resolutions.
Information filed without such proper authorization
was a defective Information, and a defective Q1: Is the prosecution's resort to Rule 23 of the
Information can never be the basis of a valid Rules of Court in taking Mary Jane's testimony as
conviction. a prosecution witness proper?

However, this legal maxim set by jurisprudence has A1: The extraordinary factual circumstances
already been rendered old and obsolete with the advent surrounding the case of Mary Jane warrant the resort to
of Gomez v. People. It was therefore held that a Rule 23 of the Rules of Court.
handling prosecutor's lack of prior written authority
from the head prosecutor in the filing of an At the outset, the Court is always guided by the
Information does not affect a trial court's acquisition of principle that rules shall be liberally construed in order
jurisdiction over the subject matter or the person of the to promote their objective of securing a just, speedy
accused. Such a prosecutor who filed an unauthorized and inexpensive disposition of every action and
Information but without bad faith or criminal intent is proceeding. Simply put, rules of procedure should
considered as a de facto officer coated with a color of facilitate an orderly administration of justice. They
authority to exercise acts that remain valid and official. should not be strictly applied causing injury to a
(Radaza v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 201380, August 4, substantive right of a party to the case.
2021, (Hernando, J.))
This precept has been elucidated by the Supreme Court
37. Sergio and Lacanilao offered Mary Jane a job as a in De Guzman v. Sandiganbayan, to wit: [T]he rules of
domestic helper in Malaysia. Upon arriving in procedure should be viewed as mere tools designed to
Malaysia, Sergio informed Mary Jane that the job facilitate the attainment of justice. Their strict and rigid
was no longer available but promised Mary Jane a application, which would result in technicalities that
new job. Mary Jane was sent to a trip in Indonesia tend to frustrate rather than promote substantial
with a luggage given by Cristina. However, Mary justice, must always be avoided. Even the Rules of
Jane was apprehended in Indonesia for carrying Court envision this liberality. This power to suspend or
2.6 kilograms of heroin in her luggage. Mary Jane even disregard the rules can be so pervasive and
was charged with drug trafficking and eventually encompassing so as to alter even that which this Court
found guilty as charged and sentenced to death by itself has already declared to be final, as we are now
firing squad. After the affirmation of her compelled to do in this case. And this is not without
conviction, Mary Jane was brought to a prison additional basis. x x x
facility to await their execution by firing squad.
Meanwhile, in the Philippines, Sergio and

There are several instances wherein the Court has to follow a fair process of decision-making when it acts
relaxed procedural rules to serve substantial justice to deprive a person of his liberty. But just as an accused
because of any of the following reasons: is accorded this constitutional protection, so is the State
a. matters of life, liberty, honor or property; entitled to due process in criminal prosecutions. It must
b. the existence of special or compelling likewise be given an equal chance to present its
circumstances, evidence in support of a charge. Here, the trial court
c. the merits of the case, acted within its jurisdiction when it granted the taking
d. a cause not entirely attributable to the fault or of Mary Jane's deposition by written interrogatories.
negligence of the party favored by the suspension The grant of the written interrogatories by the
of the rules, Indonesian Government perceives the State's
e. a lack of any showing that the review sought is opportunity to present all its desired witnesses in the
merely frivolous and dilatory, and prosecution of its cases against Sergio and Lacanilao.
f. the other party will not be unjustly prejudiced
thereby. It is afforded fair opportunity to present witnesses and
evidence it deems vital to ensure that the injury
Nonetheless, the Court always reminds party litigants sustained by the People in the commission of the
that bare invocation of "the interest of substantial criminal acts will be well compensated and, most of all,
justice" is not a magic phrase that will automatically that justice be achieved. Hence, the right of the State to
oblige the Court to suspend procedural rules. To stress, prosecute and prove its case have been fully upheld and
"procedural rules are not to be belittled or dismissed protected. Indeed, for justice to prevail, the scales must
simply because their non-observance may have balance; justice is not to be dispensed for the accused
prejudiced a party's substantive rights. Like all rules, alone. The interests of society and the offended parties
they are required to be followed except only for the which have been wronged must be equally considered.
most persuasive of reasons when they may be relaxed Verily, a verdict of conviction is not necessarily a denial
to relieve a litigant of an injustice not commensurate of justice, and an acquittal is not necessarily a triumph
with the degree of his thoughtlessness in not complying of justice; for, to the society offended and the party
with the procedure prescribed." (People v. Sergio, G.R. wronged, it could also mean injustice. Justice then must
No. 240053, October 9, 2019, (Hernando, J.)) be rendered even-handedly to both the accused, on one
hand, and the State and offended party, on the other.
Q2: The Court allowed the taking of deposition (People v. Sergio, G.R. No. 240053, October 9, 2019,
through written interrogatories of Mary Jane in (Hernando, J.))
Indonesia in the criminal case for human
trafficking filed against the accused. The Judge NOTE: Right to confrontation. The right to
was present during the taking of deposition. The confrontation is part of due process not only in
accused objected because according to them, it criminal proceedings but also in civil proceedings as
violated their right to confrontation. Does the well as in proceedings in administrative tribunals with
deposition by written interrogatories violate the quasi-judicial powers.
constitutional right of Sergio and Lacanilao to
confront a witness? It has a two-fold purpose:
1. primarily, to afford the accused an
A2: NO. The deposition by written interrogatories will opportunity to test the testimony of the
not infringe the constitutional right to confrontation of witness by cross-examination; and
a witness of Sergio and Lacanilao. 2. secondarily, to allow the judge to observe the
deportment of the witness (People vs. Sergio,
The deposition by written interrogatories in criminal G.R. No. 240053, October 9, 2019, (Hernando,
proceedings is pursuant to the right to due process of J.))
the accused.
38. Q: Passing through a checkpoint, the petitioner
Furthermore, to disallow the written interrogatories was flagged down. The police asked for the
will curtail Mary Jane's right to due process. The registration of his motorcycle. He could not
benchmark of the right to due process in criminal produce the registration of his motorcycle. Finding
justice is to ensure that all the parties have their day in this suspicious, the police inspected the
court. It is in accord with the duty of the government compartment of his motorcycle and found a small

block of marijuana. For which reason, the accused interception, search, seizure, and/or examination, as
was arrested. Is the search valid? well as the custody, and destruction of computer data,
as provided under RA 10175, otherwise known as the
A: Yes, the search is valid. The subsequent arrest is “Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012” (A.M. No.
likewise valid. In Uy vs. People, the SC considered the 17-11-03-SC, Sec. 1.2).
fact of petitioner’s not being able to produce the
registration of his motorcycle as enough reason for the 41. Q: Will the Rules of Court apply in cases covered
police officer to conduct an extensive search. by the Rule on Cybercrime Warrants?
Ordinarily, search of vehicle is limited to routine or
visual search. However, the situation, in the case at bar, A: Yes. The Rule on Cybercrime Warrants supplements
creates probable cause which would justify a reasonable the existing Rules of Criminal Procedure, which
belief on the part of the law enforcers that either the provisions shall continue to govern the preliminary
petitioner is a law offender, or that the contents of the investigation and all stages of prosecution of criminal
vehicle are, or have been, instruments of some offense actions involving violations of RA 10175, including all
(Rolando Uy vs. People G.R. No. 217097, February 23, crimes defined and penalized by the Revised Penal
2022, (Hernando, J.)) Code, as amended, and special laws, committed by,
through, and with the use of information and
NOTE: Inspections at checkpoints are not violative of communications technologies (A.M. No. 17-11-03-SC,
an individual's right against unreasonable searches if Sec. 1.3).
limited to the following:
a. the officer merely draws aside the curtain of a 42. Q: What is the effect of failure to observe the
vacant vehicle which is parked on the public requirement of using body-worn cameras (or
fairgrounds; alternative recording devices) during the execution
b. simply looks into a vehicle; of a search warrant?
c. flashes a light therein without opening the
car's doors; A: The failure to observe the said requirement, without
d. where the occupants are not subjected to a reasonable grounds, shall render the evidence obtained
physical or body search; inadmissible for the prosecution of the offense for
e. where the inspection of the vehicles is limited which the search warrant was applied.
to a visual search or visual inspection; and
f. where the routine check is conducted in a In addition, law enforcement officers may be liable for
fixed area (Rolando Uy vs. People G.R. No. contempt of court for failing to adhere to the said
217097, February 23, 2022, (Hernando, J.)) requirement or for intentionally inferring with the
camera’s recording abilities. Nonetheless, the said
39. Q: In issuance of a search warrant, what is the liability shall not apply if the cameras were not activated
extent of particularity of the place that the warrant due to their malfunction and the officers were not aware
must state? of the malfunction prior to the incident (A.M. No.
21-06-08-SC, Sec. 7, Rule 3)
A: The requirement of particularity as to the things to
be seized does not require technical accuracy in the Q: Effect of failure to observe the requirement of
description of the property to be seized, and that a using body-worn cameras on arrest made.
search warrant may be said to particularly describe the
things to be seized when the description therein is as A: Failure to observe the camera requirement shall NOT
specific as the circumstances will ordinarily allow it to render the arrest unlawful or render the evidence
be described. (Diaz vs. People, G.R. No. 213875, July 15, obtained inadmissible. Facts surrounding the arrest may
2020, (Hernando, J.)) be proved by the testimonies of the arresting officers,
the person arrested, and other witnesses to the arrest.
40. Q: What procedures are covered by the Rule on
Cybercrime Warrants? However, a law enforcement officer who fails, without
reasonable grounds, to use the required recording device
A: The Rule on Cybercrime Warrants covers the or intentionally interferes with the device’s recording
procedure for the application and grant of warrants and abilities, may be liable for contempt of court. The
related orders involving the preservation, disclosure, liability shall not apply if the devices were not activated

due to their malfunction and the officers were not aware computer device or computer system for the
of the malfunction prior to the incident (A.M. No. purpose of obtaining for forensic examination
21-06-08-SC, Sec. 5, Rule 2) the computer data contained therein (A.M.
No. 17-11-03-SC, Sec. 6.9).
43. Q: What are the different types of Cybercrime
Warrants? IV. Evidence

A: There are four (4) kinds of Cybercrime Warrants, to 44. Q: Luis Arriola was charged with estafa under
wit: Section 315 paragraph 2(a) of the Revised Penal
a. A Warrant to Disclose Computer Data Code before the Regional Trial Court of Makati
(WDCD) is an order in writing issued in the City. It was alleged that Arriola willfully,
name of the People of the Philippines, signed unlawfully, and feloniously defraud Ingeborg Del
by a judge, upon application of law Rosario, when by means of false manifestation and
enforcement authorities, authorizing the latter fraudulent representations he made to the latter to
to issue an order to disclose and accordingly, the effect that he was the real estate broker of
require any person or service provider to Pasencia Candelaria. It was also alleged that
disclose or submit subscriber’s information, Arriola represented that he had the authority to sell
traffic data, or relevant data in his/her or its and receive payments in selling a parcel of land
possession or control (A.M. No. 17-11-03-SC, located in Tagaytay City owned by Candelaria and
Sec. 4.2). could facilitate the issuance of a new TCT in the
name of Del Rosario. Lastly, by means of another
b. A Warrant to Intercept Computer Data deceit of similar import, Arriola induced and
(WICD) is an order in writing issued in the succeeded in inducing Del Rosario to give and
name of the People of the Philippines, signed deliver and in fact the latter gave and delivered to
by a judge, upon application of law Arriola the total amount of P437,000 representing
enforcement authorities, authorizing the latter full payment for the land.
to carry out any or all of the following
activities: (a) listening to, (b) recording, (c) The RTC of Makati City convicted Arriola of
monitoring, or (d) surveillance of the content estafa. It found that the prosecution sufficiently
of communications, including procuring of discharged its burden of proving Arriola’s guilt
the content of computer data, either directly, beyond reasonable doubt.
through access and use of a computer system
or indirectly, through the use of electronic Aiming to be exonerated, Arriola asserts that the
eavesdropping or tapping devices, at the same sole evidence presented by the prosecution
time that the communication is occurring showing his alleged deceit was only the phone
(A.M. No. 17-11- 03-SC, Sec. 5.2). conversation that transpired between Del Rosario
and Candelaria, and thus, rested on mere hearsay
c. A Warrant to Search, Seize and Examine evidence which should not have been admitted by
Computer Data (WSSECD) is an order in the trial court. Did the Court err in giving credence
writing issued in the name of the People of to the hearsay evidence of the prosecution?
the Philippines, signed by a judge, upon
application of law enforcement authorities, A: NO, the totality of circumstantial evidence
authorizing the latter to search the particular sufficiently established Arriola’s guilt for estafa by
place for items to be seized and/or examined means of deceit.
(A.M. No. 17-11-03-SC, Sec. 6.1)
Section 36, Rule 130 of the Rules of Court does declare
d. A Warrant to Examine Computer Data hearsay as generally inadmissible testimonial evidence:
(WECD) is required to be applied for and Section 36. Testimony generally confined to personal
obtained by law enforcement authorities, knowledge; hearsay excluded.—A witness can testify
upon acquiring possession of a computer only to those facts which he knows of his personal
device or computer system via a lawful knowledge; that is, which are derived from his own
warrantless arrest, or by any other lawful perception x x x Evidence is called hearsay when its
method, and before searching the said probative force depends, in whole or in part, on the

competency and credibility of some persons other than allegedly directed Dalisay to shoulder the amount
the witness by whom it is sought to produce it. of P100,000.00 representing the Judge's travel
expenses to Camp Crame to personally verify the
A person who introduces a hearsay statement is not licenses for the subject firearms. Judge Jose, on the
obliged to enter into any particular stipulation, to other hand, argued that it was Dalisay who moved
answer any question, to solve any difficulties, to for him and his court personnel to have the
reconcile any contradictions, to explain any obscurities, licenses personally verified, and offered to
to remove any ambiguities; and that he/she entrenches shoulder their travel expenses. He further
himself/herself in the simple assertion that he/she was questioned the presentation of a mere photocopy
told so, and leaves the burden entirely upon the dead or of Certification from the PNP-Firearms and
absent author. For this reason, the rule against hearsay Explosives Office (FEO) and when the original
testimony rests mainly on the ground that there was no was presented, there were some inconsistencies in
opportunity to cross-examine the declarant. The the signatures therein.
hearsay rule, however, does not apply to independently
relevant statements. Are the FEO-issued certifications sufficient
evidence in determining the presence or absence
People v. Umapas is instructive on the matter: “[W]hile of a valid license or permit to own or possess
the testimony of a witness regarding a statement made firearms?
by another person given for the purpose of establishing
the truth of the fact asserted in the statement is clearly A: Yes, FEO-issued certifications are sufficient
hearsay evidence, it is otherwise if the purpose of evidence, and thus, should be accepted by the courts in
placing the statement on the record is merely to determining the presence or absence of a valid license
establish the fact that the statement, or the tenor of or permit to own or possess firearms. OCA Circular
such statement, was made. Regardless of the truth or No. 11-2011, citing Del Rosario v. People, provides that
falsity of a statement, when what is relevant is the fact certifications issued by the FEO Records Section are
that such a statement has been made, the hearsay rule sufficient proof of the fact of possession or
does not apply and the statement may be shown. As a non-possession of a valid license to own or possess
matter of fact, evidence as to the making of the firearms or explosives in the offense of Illegal
statement is not secondary but primary, for the Possession of Firearms. OCA Circular No. 11-2011
statement itself may constitute a fact in issue or is further states that personal appearances of FEO
circumstantially relevant as to the existence of such a records personnel is not required in order to establish
fact. This is the doctrine of independently relevant the authenticity of FEO-issued certifications. (Maulana
statements.” v. Noel, A.M. No. RTJ-21-006, March 15, 2021(Hernando,
Del Rosario’s testimony can and will be admitted as
evidence only for the purpose of proving that such 46. Q: Panis, Santiago, Flores and Galingana were
statements regarding Arriola’s lack of authority to sell charged with the crime of Murder of Brgy. Capt.
the subject property were, in fact, made and uttered by Artemio Garcia with the use of illegal firearms.
Candelaria. This is circumstantially relevant to the Panis, Santiago and Flores pleaded not guilty to
instant case and within the competence of Del Rosario the offense charged while Galingana remains at
to confirm. Also, Del Rosario’s account as to the fact of large. Panis died during the pendency of the case.
her conversation with Candelaria and the latter’s stand
against Arriola’s authority to sell, irrespective of its The witness, Johnny, corroborated the testimony of
veracity, is considered as an independently relevant Artemio, Sr. wherein his father was shot on his way
statement that may properly be received as evidence back to his house after he had coffee with him.
against Arriola. (Arriola v. People, G.R. 199975, February PCI Laggui, testified that Panis and Santiago were
24, 2020 (Hernando, J.)) lawfully arrested right after the shooting incident.
However, the Defense for Santiago raised a
45. Q: Several firearms were seized from the house of different account of the incident where they
Dalisay, but the Office of the Prosecutor ordered professed alibi and denial. They claimed that at
that such items were not in violation of RA 10591. the time of the incident, he was asleep in his
However, when the counsel of Dalisay filed a house, together with his wife and children. Flores
Motion to Release Seized Items, Judge Jose and Panis visited him at his farm and tried to

persuade him to participate in the killing of maintains that he was merely performing his job of
Artemio, Sr. He refused. Santiago’s daughter implementing the local tax ordinance. As the
corroborated the testimony of his father. Johnny Municipal Administrator, he is tasked to enforce
committed minor inconsistencies in his testimony the local tax ordinance that was allegedly violated
when he positively identified the accused as one of by B’s family.
the assailants.
Q: Did B sufficiently show that Atty. R committed
Are inconsistencies in minor details ground for the acts constitutive of a Violation of the Lawyer's
denial to give credence to persuade the guilt of the Oath and the CPR?
A: NO. Atty. R’s acts could not be considered as
A: No. In the case of People v. Licayan, the Court violations of the Lawyer's Oath and the CPR. Atty. R
explained that discrepancies in testimonies concerning was merely performing his official duties as Municipal
minor details and not actually touching upon the Administrator of the Municipality, particularly the
central fact of the crime do not impair their credibility. implementation of the Closure Order against the
These inconsistencies tend to strengthen their businesses operated by B’s family and matters related
credibility because they discount the possibility of their thereto. As Municipal Administrator, one of his duties
being rehearsed. In this case, 243 Johnny’s testimony is to "assist in the coordination of the work of all the
was straightword, categorical, and sufficient to convict officials of the local government unit, under the
Santiago. Minor inconsistencies refer merely to supervision, direction, and control of the governor or
collateral matters which do not touch upon the fact of mayor, and for this purpose, he may convene the chiefs
the commission of the crime. The credibility of of offices and other officials of the local government
witnesses can be assessed by the trial court since it unit. The implementation of a closure order and the
possesses the first hand opportunity to observe the issuance of business permits may be considered well
demeanor of the witnesses. The trial court is in the best within this function as a Municipal Administrator.
point to determine the truthfulness of witnesses. Significantly, B failed to prove by substantial evidence
Evaluation of the credibility of witnesses and their that in the performance of his functions, Atty. R
testimonies is a matter best undertaken by the trial committed acts in violation of the Lawyer's Oath and
court. These are important especially in the face of the CPR. (Baygar v. Rivera, AC No. 8959, October 7, 2020,
conflicting testimonies. (Poeple v. Santiago, G.R. No. Hernando J.)
234780, March 17, 2021 (Hernando, J.)
48. Atty. T borrowed from A the amount of Five
Hundred Thousand Pesos (P500,000.00) and in
LEGAL ETHICS exchange for the said amount Atty. T issued a
post-dated check of the same amount. When A
V. Legal Profession deposited the check, it was dishonored for the
reason that the account was closed. A sent a
47. B alleges that Atty. R committed acts constitutive demand letter to Atty. T and in his response,
of a Violation of the lawyer’s oath of Professional offered his Mercedes Benz as payment and
Responsibility. As then the Municipal executed a Deed of Absolute Sale over the same in
Administrator of Binangonan, Rizal, Atty. R issued favor of A. Atty. T failed to give A the original copy
a Closure Order on B’s store. When she returned of the Certificate of Registration, claiming that he
the Closure Order back to them, the enforcers forgot to bring it. The physical possession of the
changed the date and added the phrase "w/ car was not turned over to A because Atty.
BILLIARD". Thereafter, Atty. R ordered the Tumanda allegedly needed it for his business
seizure of billiard accessories to which B protested ventures. A later found out that Atty. T sold the
since the Closure Order did not include the seizure same car to F. A then sent another demand letter
of the said items. B and her father secured the and later on filed criminal complaints for Estafa
necessary business permits for the sari-sari store, and violation of Batas Pambansa Blg. (BP 22)
videoke machine, and billiard table. The against Atty. T. Even with due notice, Atty. T failed
Municipal Treasurer issued another Closure Order to file an answer and to attend the mandatory
(Second Closure Order) against B’s father for conference before the IBP. In the Report and
failure to pay such fines and penalties. Atty. R Recommendation of the Investigating

Commissioner of the IBP found Atty. T was guilty because of this, the IBP had to send copies of the
of violating Canon 1 of the CPR for issuing a Notice of Hearing to the different addresses of Atty. T
worthless check and recommended that Atty. T be as he could not be located. Such aberrant behavior lays
suspended from the practice of law for a period of bare his lack of integrity and moral soundness. All these
one (1) year with a stern warning that a repetition circumstances taken together justify the imposition
of the same offense will be dealt with more upon respondent of a three-year suspension from the
severely. In its Notice of Resolution, the Board of practice of law. (Andaya v Tumanda, A.C. No. 12209,
Governors (BOG) of the IBP adopted the findings February 18, 2020, Hernando J.)
of the Investigating Commissioner but modified
the recommended penalty to suspension from the 49. Rev. Father S, Director of the Prison Ministry of
practice of law to three (3) years. The BOG further the Diocese of Butuan sent a letter to the Office of
directed Director E of the CBD to prepare an the Court Administrator denouncing the
extended resolution explaining the BOG's action extortionate activities committed by A against the
of increasing the period of suspension. Director E detainees of the Provincial Jail of Agusan. This was
issued an Extended Resolution explaining that supported by the affidavits of R and M claiming
Atty. T's acts of repeatedly changing his address to that the Judge was extorting money in exchange of
evade his obligation and of failing to answer and the detainees’ liberty. The OCA investigation
participate in the proceedings of the instant case shows that the criminal cases decided by Judge A
are aggravating circumstances warranting the which was subject of his extortion activities were
imposition of a longer period of suspension. decided in haste and without regard to procedural
rules that cast doubt on regularity of the acquittal
Q: Were Atty. T’s actions in violation of the Code of all accused. Judge A denied all the accusations,
of Professional Responsibility? and insisted that the same were false, baseless and
concocted by an evil and malicious mind for the
A: YES, Atty. T’s actions were in violation of the Code sole purpose of besmirching his unblemished
of Professional Responsibility, particularly Canon 1, record of service in the Judiciary. Pending review
Rule 1.01, and Canon 7, Rule 7.03 as well as Rule 138, of this administrative case, the Court received the
Section 27 of the Rules of Court. In this case, Atty. T letter from the respondent's wife dated September
obtained a loan from A in the amount of P500,000.00 13, 2017 informing about Judge A’s demise.
and in exchange thereof issued a worthless check to Subsequently, the counsel for the late judge filed a
complainant. This fact alone is a ground for Notice of Death and Motion to Dismiss. The OCA
disciplinary action as it constitutes gross misconduct. It disagreed with the urging of the respondent's
indicates his unfitness for the trust and confidence counsel to dismiss the complaint in view of his
reposed upon him and his lack of personal honesty and intervening demise.
good moral character rendering him unworthy of
public confidence. In Ong v. Atty. Delos Santos, the Court Q: Is the death of the respondent judge during the
explained that a lawyer who issues a worthless check is pendency of the administrative case filed against
in breach of his oath to obey the laws. A penalty of him a ground for the dismissal of the case?
one-year suspension from the practice of law is usually
imposed upon a lawyer who issues a worthless check. A: The death of the respondent should not result in the
However, considering the attendant circumstances in dismissal of the administrative complaint.
the instant case, the Court agrees with the IBP and the
OBC that the penalty imposed should be increased to The Code of Judicial Ethics mandates that the conduct
three years. Aside from issuing a worthless check, of a judge must be free of every whiff of impropriety
respondent has acted in utmost bad faith when he sold not only in regard to his discharge of judicial duties, but
to a third person the Mercedes Benz which he also to his behavior outside his office and even as a
previously sold to complainant and would have served private individual. Indeed, judges should be extra
as full payment for the loan obligation. Such an act is a prudent in associating with litigants and counsel who
clear violation of the Code of Professional have matters pending before them in order to avoid
Responsibility. It is a deceitful conduct that shows his even the mere perception of possible bias or partiality.
lack of honesty and good moral character. Respondent
Atty. T had been using several addresses to avoid being In view of this, whether or not Judge A really
traced and to evade his obligation to Andaya. In fact, demanded money in exchange for either the liberty of

R and M or the dismissal of the criminal case filed Investigating Commissioner Cabrera
against them even became immaterial herein. By simply recommended the dismissal of the administrative
meeting and talking with them as the accused whose complaint against Atty. Amazona for lack of merit.
cases were then pending in his sala, Judge A already Commissioner Cabrera opined that the mere act of
transgressed ethical norms and compromised his notarizing the letter is not in itself a violation of the
integrity and impartiality as the trial judge. Notarial Rules since respondent merely attested to
the fact that Lotho has personally appeared before
Under Section 11, Rule 140 of the Rules of Court, him and subscribed to the truth of the contents of
grave misconduct constituting violations of the Code of the said letter. Comm. Cabrera stated that the truth
Judicial Conduct is a serious offense that results in or falsity of the allegations in the said letter is the
dismissal from the service, forfeiture of all or part of sole responsibility of affiant Lotho and does not
the benefits, and perpetual disqualification from extend to the respondent as notary public. In its
reappointment or appointment to any public office, Resolution, the IBP Board of Governors resolved
including government-owned and controlled to adopt the findings of fact and recommendation
corporations, except accrued leave credits. of Comm. Cabrera in dismissing the complaint.

Had Judge A not died, he would have been meted the Q: Was Atty. Amazona liable for notarizing an
extreme penalty of dismissal, with the concomitant allegedly false document?
forfeiture of all retirement and allied benefits due to
him, except accrued leaves, as an accessory penalty. A: NO, Atty. Amazona is not liable for notarizing the
Considering that his intervening death has rendered his document. The complainants failed to establish
dismissal no longer feasible, the accessory penalty of through substantial evidence a cause for disciplinary
forfeiture of all such retirement and allied benefits, action against the respondents. Every person is
except accrued leaves, then becomes the viable presumed innocent until the contrary is proved. Settled
sanction. (Re: Investigation Report on the Alleged Extortion is the rule that in disbarment proceedings, the
Activities of Presiding Judge Gadofredo B. Abul, Jr., A.M. No. complainant must satisfactorily establish the allegations
RTJ-17-2486 September 8, 2020, Hernando J.) of his or her complaint through substantial evidence.
Mere allegations without proof are disregarded
50. Mr. Ice filed a Complaint-Affidavit against Atty. considering the gravity of the penalty prayed for.
Amazona, before the Integrated Bar of the Charges based on mere suspicion and speculation
Philippines for notarizing an allegedly false cannot be given credence. The complained act does not
document. Mr. Ice alleged that Atty. Amazona constitute any violation of the Rules of Court, the
notarized a letter signed by a certain Lotho, Notarial Rules, nor the Code of Professional
Director and Auditor of South Forbes Phuket Responsibility.
Mansions Homeowners Association, Inc.
According to them, this letter was used to facilitate Atty. Amazona merely performed his duty when he
the registration of the homeowners association. attested to the fact that Lotho personally appeared and
Mr. Ice averred that the said letter falsely stated signed the said letter before him. The truth or falsity of
that most buyers of the subdivision lots were out of the contents of the letter is the responsibility of the
the country and as such, it was highly improbable Lotho, especially since no substantial evidence was
to secure their signatures. They claimed that Atty. presented to prove that Atty. Amazona knowingly
Amazona knew that such assertion was untrue notarized a false document. (Ick v. Amazona, A.C. No.
because he was in constant communication with 12375, February 26, 2020, Hernando)
the residents of South Forbes Phuket Mansions,
including complainants. They further claimed that 51. V charged Atty. J with violation of the Code of
the list of members with corresponding signatures Professional Responsibility for representing
attached to the letter was also false, since it conflicting interests. Villamor alleged that R and
referred to their attendance during a meeting for a Atty. J coaxed her into organizing a lending
property manager, and not for a homeowners company. R volunteered to handle the day-to-day
meeting for the registration of the homeowners' operation while Atty. J would handle the legal side
association when in fact there was none. of the business. Persuaded by these
representations, V acceded. True to his word,
respondent took care of the registration of the

company with the Securities and Exchange In determining whether a lawyer is guilty of violating
Commission as well as preparation and drafting of the rules on conflict on interest under the CPR, it is
some legal documents such as the Articles of essential to determine whether:
Incorporation. In addition, when the company (1) a lawyer is duty-bound to fight for an issue or
needed additional funds, Atty. J informed Villamor claim in behalf of one client and, at the same
that she could borrow from Y. Soon after, Atty. J time, to oppose that claim for the other client;
delivered the amount of P500,000.00 to Villamor, (2) the acceptance of a new relation would
which amount was infused into the lending prevent the full discharge of a lawyer's duty of
business as additional capital. Atty. J then undivided fidelity and loyalty to the client or
prepared a promissory note where all three of them invite suspension of unfaithfulness or
signed as co-borrowers. V, however, was neither double-dealing in the performance of that duty;
given a copy of the said promissory note nor had and
any occasion to meet Y. (3) a lawyer would be called upon in the new
relation to use against a former client any
In March 2007, Atty. J requested V to sign blank confidential information acquired through their
SEC pre-printed AOI forms. That same month, connection or previous employment.
Atty. J gave V a copy of the Certificate of
Registration of their lending company which they In this case, Atty. J used confidential information he
named as V Credit, Inc. To her surprise, V noted acquired from V through their connection therefrom
that respondent and R each own 30,000 shares of for his new relation with Y, to the prejudice of V.
stock or 48% of the company despite the fact that Therefore, Atty. J is guilty of violating the Code of
they only contributed a minimal amount of money. Professional Responsibility. (Villamor v Jumao-as, A.C.
In April 2008, respondent told V to issue a No 8111, December 09, 2020, Hernando J)
postdated check amounting to P650,000.00 in the
name of Y as a belated security for their loan of
P500,000.00, with 40 P150,000.00 representing
accrued interest. Respondent assured Villamor
that said check will not be negotiated. In May
2008, Atty. J and Retubado left V's company and
joined Y's 3E's Debt Equity Grant Co., also a
lending company. Subsequently, V also came to
know that Atty. J and R were trying to convince the
collectors of V Credit, Inc. to abandon V and to
join their new lending company. They told V's
collectors to remit their collections to 3E's Debt
Equity Grant Co. since V owed Y the amount of
P650,000.00 and that they could join their new
company after they have fully remitted the amount
of P650,000.00. Worse, on October 8, 2008, Atty. J
sent a demand letter to V, for and on behalf of Y,
demanding payment of P650,000.00.

Q: Are Atty. J’ acts constitutive of a violation of

Canon 15, Rule 15.03 of the Code of Professional

A: Yes, Atty. J violated the Code of Professional

Responsibility (CPR) for representing conflict of
interest. Rule 15.03 of the Code of Professional
Responsibility provides that a lawyer shall not represent
conflicting interest except by written consent of all
concerned given after a full disclosure of the facts.

Q: Illustrate how courts acquire jurisdiction over the
Generally no docket fees are required in
criminal cases. However, if a claim for damages
Meaning Jurisdiction over the parties refers to the power has been instituted with a criminal case, then a
of the court to make decisions that are binding docket fee is required for the claim for
on persons (De Pedro v. Romasan Development damages.
Corporation, G.R. No. 194751, November 26,
2014) The court acquires jurisdiction over the person
of the accused upon lawful arrest or voluntary
Civil Jurisdiction over the plaintiff is acquired as surrender. (Rule 113)
Cases soon as he files his complaint or petition (De
Pedro v. Romasan Development Corporation, G.R. Special The court acquires jurisdiction over the case
No. 194751, November 26, 2014; Heirs of Josefina proceedin and over the petitioner upon publication.
Gabriel v. Cebrero, G.R. No. 222737, November 12, gs cases
2018) because by the mere filing of the The requirement of special services in a special
complaint, the plaintiff, in a civil action, proceeding is not generally jurisdictional, as a
voluntarily submits himself to the jurisdiction general rule, they are only in compliance with
of the court (Guy v. Gacott, supra; See also Onstott the due process clause of the Constitution.
v. Upper Tagpos Neighborhood Association, Inc., G.R.
No. 221047, September 14, 2016).

Jurisdiction over the person of the defendant in

civil cases is acquired service of summons.
However, "even without valid service of
summons, a court may still acquire jurisdiction
over the person of the defendant if the latter
voluntarily appears before it." "If the defendant
knowingly does an act inconsistent with the
right to object to the lack of personal
jurisdiction as to them, like voluntarily
appearing in the action, they are deemed to
have submitted themselves to the jurisdiction
of the court." (Jorgenetics Swine Improvement Corp.
v. Thick & Thin Agri-Products, Inc., G.R. Nos.
201044 & 222691, May 5, 2021, J. Hernando)

Jurisdiction over the person of the defendant

cannot be acquired notwithstanding his
knowledge of the pendency of a case against
him, unless he was validly served with
summons. Thus, serving the order and TPO to
Atty. Palmero cannot be considered a valid
service of summons. (Sabado v. Sabado, G.R.
No. 214270, [May 12, 2021, J. Hernando)
Intervenor - The court acquires jurisdiction
over the person of the intervenor upon
approval of the motion for leave to intervene.

Criminal It does not have to acquire jurisdiction over the

cases plaintiff because it is the same party as the
People of the Philippines.

ANNEX A: Different Modes of Appeal


As to mode of appeal

Notice of appeal/ Notice of appeal/ Petition for review with Verified petition for Petition for review on
Record on appeal with Record on appeal with the CA [Sec. 1, Rule 42] review with the CA [Sec. certiorari with the SC
the court of origin the court of origin With: Certificate of 5, Rule 43] [Sec. 2(c), Rule 41]
(MTC). [Section 5, Rule (RTC) [Sec. 2(a), Rule Non-Forum Shopping. With: Certificate of With: Certificate of
40] 41] Non-Forum Shopping. Non-Forum Shopping.

Filed with

Filed with the MTC Filed with the RTC Filed with the CA Filed with the CA Filed with the SC
(Court of origin) (Court of origin)
Appeal to the CA Appeal to the CA Appeal to the SC
Appeal to the RTC Appeal to the CA

As to issues involved

Questions of fact or Questions of fact or Questions of fact, Questions of fact, Only questions of law
mixed questions of fact mixed questions of fact questions of law, or questions of law, or
and law and law mixed questions of both mixed questions of both

As to flow

MTC → RTC RTC (exercising original MTC → RTC Quasi-judicial agency RTC (exercising original
JD) → CA (exercising appellate exercising quasi-judicial JD), CA, Sandiganbayan,
jurisdiction) → CA functions enumerated CTA (en banc) → SC
therein, except
judgments or final
orders issued under the
Labor Code, CSC,
disciplinary cases) →

Subject of appeal

Case decided by an Case decided by RTC in Case decided by RTC in Awards, judgments, final Case where only
MTC. exercise of original exercise of appellate orders or resolutions of question of law are
jurisdiction [Sec. 2(a), jurisdiction or authorized by any raised or involved [Sec.
Rule 41] QJA in the exercise of 2(c), Rule 41]
its quasi-judicial
functions [Sec. 1, Rule Appeal by certiorari
43] from a judgment or final
order or resolution of
EXCEPT: Judgments or the CA, the


final orders issued under Sandiganbayan, the RTC

the Labor Code [Sec. 2, or other courts
Rule 43] whenever authorized by
law [Sec. 1, Rule 45]

As to manner

Filing a notice of appeal Filing a notice of appeal File a verified petition File a verified petition File verified petition for
with the court which with the court which for review with the CA, for review in 7 legible review on certiorari with
rendered the judgment rendered the judgment paying at the same copies with the CA, with the SC [Sec. 1, Rule 45]
or final order appealed or final order appealed time to the clerk of proof of service of a Petitioner shall pay the
from and serving a copy from and serving a copy said court the copy thereof on the corresponding docket
thereof upon the adverse thereof upon the adverse corresponding docket adverse party and on the and other lawful fees to
party. party and other lawful fees, court or agency a quo. the COC of the SC and
depositing the amount The original copy of the deposit the amount of
Docket fees shall be If required, the record of PHP 500.00 for petition intended for the PHP 500.00 for costs at
paid to the clerk of court on appeal shall be filed costs, and furnishing CA shall be indicated as the time of the filing of
of the MTC. and served in like the RTC and the such by the petitioner. the petition. Proof of
manner [Sec. 2, Rule 41] adverse party with a service of a copy thereof
copy of the petition Upon the filing of the on the lower court
Matter of Right; Filed with the court of origin [Sec. 1, Rule 42] petition, the petitioner concerned and on the
All records are elevated from court of origin shall pay to the COC of adverse party shall be
the CA the docketing submitted together with
and other lawful fees the petition [Sec. 3, Rule
and deposit the sum of 45]
PHP 500.00 for costs
[Sec.5, Rule 43]

As to period

Within 15 days after Within 15 days from Within 15 days from Within 15 days from: Within 15 days from
notice to the appellant notice of the judgment notice of 1. notice of the award, notice of
of the judgment or or final order appealed a. the decision judgment, final order or a. the judgment or
final order appealed from sought to be resolution, or final order or
from. Where a record of reviewed or 2. the date of resolution
Where a record of appeal is required, file b. the denial of a. its last publication, if appealed from,
appeal is required, file a notice of appeal and petitioner’s MNT publication is or
a notice of appeal and a record on appeal or MR filed in due required by law for b. the denial of the
a record on appeal within 30 days from time after its effectivity, or petitioner’s
within 30 days from notice of the judgment judgment [Sec. 1, b. the denial MNT or MR filed
notice of the judgment or final order [Sec. 3, Rule 42] of petitioner’s MNT in due time after
or final order. Rule 41] or MR duly filed in notice of the
accordance with the judgment [Sec.
governing law of the 2, Rule 45]
court or agency a quo
[Sec. 4, Rule 43]

ANNEX B: Different Kinds of Jurisdiction


Exclusive Original RTCs are courts of general jurisdiction

NOTE: Since there is no legal provision specifically governing jurisdiction over boundary disputes
between a municipality and an independent component city of the same province, it follows that RTCs
have the power and authority to hear and determine such controversy.

Expropriation RTC because it is incapable of pecuniary estimation. It does not involve the recovery of sum of
money. Rather, it deals with the exercise by the government of its authority and right to take property
for public use.

Labor Dispute GR: An action for damages for abuse of right as an incident to dismissal is within the exclusive
jurisdiction of the labor arbiter.

1. The labor arbiter has no jurisdiction for claims of damages based on quasi-delict which has
no reasonable connection with the employer-employee relations claims under the LC.
2. It is the regular courts that has jurisdiction where no employer-employee relationship exists
between the parties and no issue involved may be resolved by reference to the LC, other
labor statutes or any collective bargaining agreement.

Forcible Entry & Unlawful The MTC has exclusive original jurisdiction. Under the Revised Rules on Summary Procedure,
Detainer MTCs, MTCCs, and MCTCs have jurisdiction over all cases of forcible entry and unlawful detainer,
irrespective of the amount of damages or unpaid rentals sought to be recovered.

Authority to Conduct It is entrusted to the Secretary of Local Government and concurrent with the Ombudsman upon
Administrative enactment of R.A. No. 6770. There is nothing in the Local Government Code to indicate that it has
Investigations over Local repealed, whether expressly or impliedly, the pertinent provisions of the Ombudsman Act.
Elective Officials and to
Impose Preventive
Suspension over Elective
Provincial or City Officials

Public School Teachers The Ombudsman must yield to the Division School Superintendent in the investigation of
administrative charges against public school teachers.

XPN: If the school superintendent is the complainant or an interested party, all the members of the
committee shall be appointed by the Secretary of Education.

Enforcement of a Money COA has the primary jurisdiction to pass upon the money claim. It is within the COA’s domain to
Claim Against a Local pass upon money claims against the government or any subdivision thereof as provided for under Sec
Government Unit 26. of the Government Auditing Code of the Philippines. Courts may raise the issue of primary
jurisdiction sua sponte (on its own will or motion; means to act spontaneously without prompting from
another party) and its invocation cannot be waived by the failure of the parties to argue it as the
doctrine exists for the proper distribution of power between judicial and administrative bodies and not
for the convenience of the parties.

ANNEX C: Post Judgment Remedies

Remedies before judgment becomes final and executory Remedies after judgment is final and executory
1. Motion for reconsideration 1. Petition for relief from judgment
2. Motion for new trial 2. Action to annul a judgment
3. Appeal 3. Petition for certiorari
4. Collateral attack of a judgment

Rules of Court, Rule 37


DEFINITION/ Directed against a judgment or a final order. It does New trial is a remedy that seeks to temper the severity
NATURE not refer to one for interlocutory orders, which often of a judgment or prevent a failure of justice.
precedes a petition for certiorari under Rule 65.
The grant of a new trial is, generally speaking,
These motions are prohibited in cases covered by the addressed to the sound discretion of the court which
Rule on Summary Procedure [Sec. 19] and those falling cannot be interfered with unless a clear abuse thereof
under the Rules of Procedure on Small Claims Cases is shown.
[Sec. 16].
● Also prohibited in actions for unlawful
detainer and forcible entry because they are
governed by Rules of Summary Procedure.

WHERE FILED With the trial court which rendered the questioned judgment.

WHEN FILED Within the period for taking an appeal within 15 or 30 days from notice of the judgment.
● No motion for extension of time to file shall be allowed.
● Period of appeal depends on whether it is by mere notice or by record.
○ If by notice: Within 15 days after notice to the appellant of the judgment or final order
appealed from
○ If by record: Within 30 days from notice of judgment or final order. (Only in special
proceedings and cases which allow multiple or separate appeals)
● These periods begin to run upon receipt by the counsel of notice of the decision or final order appealed
from. Notice to counsel is notice to the parties. Service on the party represented by counsel is not the
official notice and receipt.

EFFECT OF Interrupts the period of appeal.


GROUNDS 1. Damages awarded are excessive 1. Fraud, accident, mistake or excusable

2. Evidence is insufficient to justify the decision negligence (FAME) which ordinary prudence
or final order could not have guarded against and by reason
3. Decision or final order is contrary to law of which such aggrieved party has probably
[Sec. 1, Rule 37] been impaired in his rights, or
2. Newly discovered evidence, which he could
It is not sufficient to mention the ground relied upon. not, with reasonable diligence, have
It is necessary for the motion to specifically point out discovered and produced at the trial, and
the findings or conclusions. which if presented would probably alter the
result [Sec. 1, Rule 37]

Requisites on newly discovered evidence:


a. The evidence was discovered after trial.

b. Such evidence could not have been
discovered and produced at the trial even
with exercise of reasonable diligence
c. It is material, not merely cumulative,
corroborative or impeaching
d. Evidence is of such weight that it would
probably change the judgment, if admitted.

Gross negligence of counsel is not a ground for new


FORM The motion shall be made in writing stating the The motion shall be made in writing stating the
ground or grounds therefor, a written notice of which ground or grounds therefor, a written notice of which
shall be served by the movant on the adverse party. shall be served by the movant on the adverse party.

A motion for reconsideration shall point out A motion for new trial shall be proved in the manner
specifically the findings or conclusions of the judgment provided for proof of motions. A motion for the cause
or final order which are not supported by the evidence mentioned in the first ground shall be supported by
or which are contrary to law, making express reference affidavits of merits which may be rebutted by
to the testimonial or documentary evidence or to the counter-affidavits.
provisions of law alleged to be contrary to such
findings or conclusions. A motion for the cause mentioned in the second
ground shall be supported by affidavits of the
witnesses by whom such evidence is expected to be
given, or by duly authenticated documents which are
proposed to be introduced in evidence.


● One which does not satisfy the requirements of the Rules and will be treated as a motion to delay the

Non-compliance with this requirement would reduce the motion to a mere pro forma motion. A pro forma
motion does not toll the reglementary period of appeal even if timely filed

A motion for reconsideration was previously held to be pro forma because of these reasons:
a. Second motion for reconsideration
b. It did not comply with the rules that the motion must specify the findings and conclusions alleged to be
contrary to law or not supported by evidence
c. If failed to substantiate the alleged errors
d. It merely alleged that the decision in question was contrary to law
e. The adverse party was not given notice thereof

If the circumstances of the case do not show an intent to delay the proceedings, the courts should be slow to
declare the same outright as pro forma.

RESOLUTION Within 30 days from the time it is submitted for resolution.

REMEDY Appeal from the judgment or final order itself within a fresh period of 15 days from receipt or notice of the
WHEN order denying or dismissing the motion.


IS DENIED May the order denying the motion for reconsideration be assailed by a petition for certiorari under Rule 65? NO. Because of the
amendment by AM 07-7-12-SC of Rule 41, the order denying a motion for new trial or reconsideration was
deleted from matters subject of a Rule 65 petition.

FRESH PERIOD This rule provides that the movant has a “fresh period” of 15 days from receipt of the order denying or
RULE OR dismissing the motion for reconsideration within which to file a notice of appeal.
NEYPES RULE ● Period for appeal of losing party does not start from the date of the notice to him of the judgment.
● Does not apply when no MR or MNT has been filed, in which the 15-day period for appeal runs from
notice of the judgment.
● BASIS: Section 2 of Rule 40 and Section 3 of Rule 41. (“judgment or final order”)

Aside from Rule 41, this also applies to Rule 40 governing appeals from MTC to RTC, Rule 42 on petitions for
review from RTC to CA, Rule 43 on appeals from quasi-judicial agencies to the CA, and Rule 45 governing
appeals by certiorari to the SC.

This rule does not apply to administrative appeals (e.g. from HLURB to OP).

Yu v. Samson-Tatad – the Neypes rule applies to criminal cases.

EFFECT OF The court may amend such judgment or final order The original judgment or final order is vacated. The
GRANTING accordingly. The amended judgment is in the nature of case stands for trial de novo and will be tried anew.
a new judgment which supersedes the original.

PARTIAL If the court finds that the motion affects the issues as If the grounds for a motion under this Rule appear to
RECONSIDERA to only a part or less than all of the matters in the the court to affect the issues as to only a part, or less
TION/NEW controversy, or only one, or less than all, of the parties than all of the matter in controversy, or only one, or
TRIAL to it, the order may grant a reconsideration to such less than all, of the parties to it, the court may order a
issues if severable without interfering with the new trial as to such issues if severable without
judgment or final order upon the rest. interfering with the judgment or final order upon the

EFFECT: When less than all of the issues are ordered

retried, the court may either enter a judgment or final
order as to the rest, or stay the enforcement of such
judgment or final order until after the new trial.

RULE ON General Rule: A party shall not be allowed to file a Second motion may be allowed as long as based on
SECOND second motion for reconsideration of a judgment or grounds not available or existing when the first motion
MOTION final order. was made.

Exception: Unless there are extraordinarily persuasive A motion for new trial shall include all grounds then
reasons and only after an express leave shall have been available and those not so included shall be deemed
first obtained. waived. A second motion for new trial, based on a
ground not existing nor available when the first
motion was made, may be filed within the time herein
provided excluding the time during which the first
motion had been pending.

IN APPEALED May be filed within 15 days from notice thereof, with At any time after the appeal from the lower court has
CASES proof of service on the adverse party. The motion shall been perfected and before the Court of Appeals loses
be resolved within 90 days from the date when the jurisdiction over the case, a party may file a motion for


court declares it submitted for resolution. new trial on the ground of newly-discovered evidence.
It must be accompanied with affidavits showing the
Pendency of the MR shall stay the execution of facts constituting the grounds therefor and newly
judgment or final resolution sought to be reconsidered discovered evidence.
provided that it is:
a. Filed on time It shall be resolved within 90 days from the date when
b. By the proper party the court declares it submitted for resolution.

Exception: When the court, for good reasons, Does not apply to SC but applies to the CA.
otherwise directs


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