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uch a marvellous (d2) git. Please convey

a ) my humble (I7b)
father and mother. greetinglpu) to
Yours affectionately,


20. Write an application to the

principal of your college for leave.
The Principal, (CAPSULE)
Govt. College,
A B. C. (city).
Most respectfully, it is stated that I am
suffering (ur a) from typhoid. The doctor
has advised me a complete bed rest.for two weeks.
leave for the said period. The
Therefore, I request you to grant(t/) me
written advice (u) of the doctor is attached ( ) .
notespk.com Yours obediently,
Dated: May 02, 2018.

Write an application to the
The Principal,
principal of your college for leave. (EASY)
Govt. Colleg
A. B. C.
Most respectfully, it is stated that I have been ill with fever for the last three days. I hoped
well but could not My doctor saya that I am suffering (Ui ) from typhoid. He has
me a complete bed rest for two weeks. Thus, I am unable.to attend the classes in this
Therefore, I request you to grant ()me leave for the said period. I would
ey obliged()for this grant of leave. The advicel of the doctor is attached(-).
Yours obedientdy,
Dateda May 02, 2018. X. Y. Z.
te an application to the princlpal of your college for the lesuance of
character certificate.
The Principal, (CAPSULE
Gove College,
Sir, AB.C (city).
I had
student inin the college for two yeara. I passed Intemediate in the first division.
Now I want.to apply for admission to Medical Colleges. I am to ubmit character certificate
the admission form. Please ianue (N) me a character certificate so that I may
along with
apply in due time.
Yours obediently,
Dated: May 02, 2018. x Y. Z.

W r i t e an appllcation to the princlpal of your college for the lssuance of

character certificate. (EASY)

The Principal,
Govt. College,
A B. C. (ity).
Most respectfully, it is stated (t/ that I had been a student in the college for

two years. I passed Intermediate in the first division from here. Sir, I had been a

hard-woring ( ) student. I had been captain of hockey team for two yeara. I also won ( )
the first prlze in annual debates on the topie "East vs. West". Now I want to' apply for
admission to Medical Colleges. I am to ubmit character certificate along with the admission
form. Please isnue ( ) me a character certificate so that I may apply in due time.
Thanking you in advance (uis),
Yours obediently,
Dated: May 02, 2018. X. Y. Z.

22. Write an application to the principal of your college for the remission of fine.(CAPSULE)
The Principal,
Govt. College,
A B. C. (dity).
Most respectfully, it is stated that my teacher has fined me Rs: 50/- for being abeent
) rom the class. I was absent because-of my illness. The medical certiflcate is
ettached G ) . It is requested that my fine may be remitted (2YU). I would
certainly C 4 ) be thankful to you for this kindness(*).
Yours obediently,
Dated: May 02, 2018. X. Y. Z.
Write an application to the
principal of your college for the remission of fine.
The Principal, (EASY
Govt. College,
A B.C. (city).
Most respectfully,
it is stated that
my teacher has fined me Ra:
50/- for
from the college but I cannot being absent
from the elass. It is true that I have been absent
(t for that. It was because of my illness. The medical be blamed )
certificate is attached ( ) .
I live in a village forty miles
away from the city. In my
carry my application to the college. I village, there was no one to
posted the application to you after two days but it was
delivered (GU) late. Sir, I belong a poor
to family. I cannot pay the fine. It is requested that
my fine should be remitted (2YYG). I would
certainly (qu)
be thankful to you for
this kindness (*).
Yours obediently,
Dated: May 02, 2018. X. Y. Z.


23. Write an application to the principal for fee concession.

The Principal, .

Govt. College,
AA. B.C. (ity).
Most respectfully, it is stated that I want to get admission to the college. My father is a
poor man. He cannot pay the fee. So, I request you to grant me full fee concession (eck). I
will be thankful to you for this kindness (a*).:
Yours obediently,
Dateda May 02, 2018. X. Y. Z

Write an appllcation to the princlpal for fee concesslon (EASY)

The Principal,
Govt. College
A. B. C. (city).
Sir, In the
admission to the college.
Most respectfully, it is stated that I want to get
studies but y taner
atriculation examination, got I 750 marks. I want to continue my
h)the expenses (ek) of my education. My to has me
uncle encouraged
Poor to bear (t I you grant, ful i e
fee. request
O79) me to get admission. Sir, I cannot pay the (ad9.I wu
ncesdon (ac).Isure (tb you that I will work whole heartedly concession. w
grant me full fee
P s the examination with distinction. I hope that you will
SUNSHINE ENGLISH (Conclse-1) 666
certainly 4hiE) be thankful to you for this kndness (*).
Yours obediently,

Dated: May 02, 2018.

X. Y. Z.



24. Write an application to the principal for the remission of library fine. (CAPSULE)
The Principa,
Government College,
A. B. C. (City).
Honourable Sir, late
Respectfuly, it is stated that the librarian has fined me Rs: 50/- for being
in returming the books, Sir, I belong to a poor family. I cannot pay the fine, You are requested
to remit my fine. In future, I will be careful.
Yours obediently,
Dated: May 02, 2018. X. Y. Z.

Write an application to the principal for the remission of library fine. (EASY)
The Principal,
Government College,
A. B. C. (City).
Honourable Sir,
Respectfully, it is stated that the ibrarian has fined me Rs: 50/- for being late in
returning the library books. Sir, two weeks ago, I went to my village to asee my parents.
Unfortunately, my mother fell ill. She was admitted tothe hospital. I had to be there to look
after her. I sent you an application for leave. You very kindly granted me the leave. I came to
college after fortnight. Then I went to the library to return the books. But the librarian told me
that I was late in returning the books. He asked me to deposit a fine of Rs:
50/- Sir, I belong
to a poor family. I cannot pay the fine. You are requested to
remit my fine. In future, I will be
careful in returning the books in time.
Yours obediently,
Dated: May 02, 2018. X. Y. 2.

A50/- dLULGdnintuibyuTIYaELuAUEYiAveLtouuTt-LT
25. Write an application to the principal for the refund of
ljbrary I hostel security.
The Principal,
Government College,
A. B. C. (City).
Honourable Sir,
Respectfully, it is stated that I have completed my stay in the
requested to refund my library and hostel security. The N. O. C. from the officecollege.
You are

Yours obediently,
Dated: May 02, 2018.
X. Y. Z.

Write an application to the

N.o.C eslLWAhds
principal for the refund of
library/hostel security.(EASY)
The Principa,
Government College,
A. B. C. (City).
Honourable Sir,
Respectfully, it is stated that I have completed my stay in the.
examination is over. I want to go back to college. The annual
my home. You requested to
are refund my library and
hostel security. I have paid all the dues of the library and the hostel. The
concerned office N. O. C. from the
is attached.
Thanking you in advance,
Yours obediently,
Dated: May 02, 2018.
X. Y. Z.

26. NO.cr u
Write an
application to the principal for financial help from a special fund.
The Principal,
Goverament College,
A.B. C. (City).
Honourable Sir,
Respectfully, it is stated that I belong to a poor family. My father is too poor to buy
me books. You are
buy the books. requested to help me with some money form a special fund so that I may
Thanking you in advance,
Yours obedienty,
Dated: May 02, 2018. X. Y. Z.
W r i t e an applcation to the princlpal for filnanclal help from a speciat fund.
The Principal,
Government College,
A. B. C.
Honourable Sir,
Respectfuly, it is stated that I belong to poor family. I have been granted admission
to intermediate in your college. The classes started last week. I tried to arrange books but could

not. My father is too poor to buy ime booka. You are requested to help me with some money
from a special fund so that I may buy the books. Sir, I assure you that I will leave no stone
unturned to get distinction in the annual examination. It may be of some value to mention here
that got third position in the Matriculation Examination in the Board of Examination. I hope
that you will not disappoint me.
Thanking you in advance,
Yours obediently,
Dated: May 02, 2018. X.Y. Z.

principal to the
(CAPSULE) for re-admission.
The Principal,
Government College,
A. B. C.(City). www.notespk.com
Excellence of Knowledge
Honourable Sir,
Respectfully, it is stated that I coud not come to college for some days due to the
illness of my. mother. My class teacher has struck me off from the
college roll. Sir, you are
requested to grant me re-admission. I will be careful in future. Thanking you in advance,
Yours obediently,
Dated: May 02, 2018. X. Y. Z.

Write an application to the principal for re-admission. (EASY)

The Principal,
Government College,
A. B. C. (City).
Honourable Sir,
it is stated that I went to my village to see
my parents a fortnight ago
Unfortunately, my mother fell ill. She was admitted to the hospital. I had to be there to lo
after her. I sent you an application for leave; but unfortunately, the application could not e
delivered in time. Only the post officë is responsible for this negligence. Consequently, my class
struck me off from the college roll. Sir,
you are requested to
to the college. I assure you that I will be careful in future grant me
Thanking you in advance,

Yours obediently,
Dated: May 02, 2018. X. Y. Z.

28. Write a letter to the Health Officer for
roade and sanitatlon in your locality.
Improving the poor condition of the
The Health Officer, (CAPSULE)
Municipal Committee,
Dear Sir,
A. B. C. (City)
I want to draw your attention to the
The roada have not been
poor sanitary condition and bad roads of our area.
repaired for many year Now the conditiona of the streets and the
roads is very bad. There are holes in the roads.
Moreover, the water of the gutters changes them
into pools of dirty water. They are the
breeding places for insects These insects may cause
diseases. We request you to take steps to better the
condition. Your litte kdndness may solve our
Yours truly,
Dated: May 02, 2018. XY. Z.
0m heOfmcer usGEUEaanlpiLsrsJhere
condition of the
Wrte a
letter to the Health for improving
the poor
roads and sanitation in your locality. (EASY)
The Health Officer,
Municipal Committee,
Dear Sir,
A. B.C. (Ciy)
want to cateh your heed to a serious problem of our a r e It is the problem of poor
sanitary condition and bad roads.
The roeds of our locality have not been repaired for many years. Now the conditos of
the street roeds
and is very poor. There a r e holes and dips at every step in the
Moreoeover, the ther roads
water of
of the
gutters lows into these dips. They become the stinking pools of
dirty waber. They are the
may e breeding pleces for mosquitoes, fies, and other insects. These insects
dieases. We request you to make arrangement to better the condition.
of his
connected the sanitary inspector in this regard but in spite
suc dy solve
atepe have been talken to better the condition. Your litde consideration may
the problema
the problems of the residents of this area.
Yours truly,
Dateds May 02, 2018. XY. Z.
SUNSHINE ENGLISH (Concise -1)..670

dupuluu upPShaPLI;A tk«titurukdjLhs

29 Application for Employment (CAPSULE)

district for the
Write an applicatlion to the (note the name of the offlcer) of your
appointment of a (note the name ofthe post applied for) in his office.
The DCO, /The Director, uE2T)
District Government, (UtKT)
A. B. C. (City)
Dear Sir,
I have come to know through reliable sources that a seat of stenographer/ clerk / typist /
superintendent/ teacher / instructor / insurance agent / Publie Relation Officer is lying vacant.
in your office. You have invited applications to fulfil this post. I offer myself as an applicant for
the post. My curriculum vitae is as follows:
1. Particulars:
a) Name AB.C.
b) Father's name XY.Z
c) Father's profession (late)
d) Domicile (City) A.B.C.
) Address House No. DEF, Model Town, (city).
Date of birth 15-6-1980
E)Gender Male
h) Marital status Single
) Nationality Pakistani
) Religion Islam
1) Domicile AB.C.
Academic Qualification:
sSC (Matriculation) First Division
Intermediate OR D. Com First Division
B.A. OR B. Com First Division
M.A. OR M. Com First Division
Speed in typing 35 words P/M
Speed in Short Hand (Urdu & English) 150 words P/M
Computer Science Short Course First Division
I want to work as a -(U^tGVI)_- in your office. I assure you that I will try my best
to do my duty decently

Yours truly,
Dated: May 02, 2018. X. Y. Z.


u 35

Application for Employment (EASY)

Writean application
to the (note the name of the officer) of yaur district for the
appointment of a (note the name of the
post applied for) in his office
The DCO,/The
Director, (utAT)
District Govermment, (UrtKur)
AB. C. (City)
Dear Sir,
have come to know through reliable sources thata seat of stenographer/ clerk / ypist/
ntendent / teacher / instructor / insurance agent / Public Relation Officer is lying
edunder your kind control. You have invited applications to fulfll this post. I am
working young man. I had been a sharp student throughout my academde career. T am ao
n t need of a job. I offer myself as an applicant for the post. My currlculum vitae s
a) Name Particulars:
b) Father's name

) Father's profession late)

d) Domicile (City) AB.C
)Address Hose No. DEF, Model Town, (city)
9 Date of birth 15-6-1980
)Gender Male
h) Marital status
) Nationality Paistani
D Rellgion Islam
) Domicile A.B.C.
Academic Qualification:
SSC (Matriculation) First Diviston
Intermediate OR D. Com First Division
B.A. OR B. Com First Division
MA OR M. Com First Division
Speed in typlng 35 words P/M
Speed in Short Hand (Urdu & English) 150 words RM
Computer Science Short Course First Divison
want to work asa(UPtKSLI)in your office. I assure you that I will try my best
to do my duty decentdy.
Your truly
Dated: May 02, 2018. X. Y. Z.


30. Write an application for electriclty connection.

The Sub-divisional Officer, (CAPSULE)
(City) AB.C
It ie to state that I have built a
new house in Model Town.
electricity connection. I have paid all the charges. You are I, hereby, apply for aa domen
electricity connection in my name. Your instant action would requested to sanction dom
oblige me a lot.
Dated: Yours truly.
May 02, 2018.
X.Y. Z.
Write an application for electricity connection. (EASY)
The Sub-divisional Officer
(City) A.B.C.
It is to state that I have built a new house in Model Town.
I, hereby, apply fora
domestic electricity connection to my house. The certificate of ownership of the house is also
attached. We.expect to shift to this house very soon. The summer season is
approaching. You
know the summer in our country is very hard. No one can live without
electricity even for a few
hours. You are requested to sanction a domestic electricity connection
in my name and issue the
demand notice without any delay. Your immediate action would definitely
oblige me. Waiting
for a positive response from you,
Yours truly,
Dated: May 02, 2018. X. Y. Z.

31. Write an application for gas connection,
The Regional Manager,
Department of Natural Gas,
(City) A.B.c.
It is to state that I have built a new house in Model Town. I, hereby apply for a
domestic gas connection. You are requested to sanction a domestic gas connection in my name
Your instant action would oblige me a lot
Yours truly,
Dated: May 02, 2018. X. Y. Z.

Write an application for gas connection. (EASY)

The Regional Manager
Department of Natural Gas,
(City) AB.C.
t is to state that I
have built house in Model
a new I, hereby, apply to
We e gas connection to my house, The certificate of ownership of the house is also attached.
expect to shift to requested to sanction domestic gas
COnnee this house very soon. You are a

Vnlaon in my name and issue the demand notice without any delay. Your immediate actiou
ould definitely
oblige me. Waiting for positive response from you
Yours truly,
Dated: May 02, X.Y. 2.
Write an applicatlon for telephone connection. (CAPSULE
The Divisional Engineer, notespk.com
Telephone Department,
(City) A.B.C
Model Towm. 1, hereby, apply for a
that I have built a new house in
It is to state
in my name. Your
telephone connection. You are requested to sanction a telephone connection
instant action would oblige me a lot.
Yours truly,
X Y. Z.
Dated: May 02, 2018.
AyLun-nainsALwk 4ZKRtUitJsLssis

W r i t e an application for telephone connection. (EASY)

The Divisional Engineer,
Telephone Department
(City) AB.C.
It is to atate that I have built a new house I, hereby, apply for a
in Model Town.
telephone connection to my house. The certificate of ownership of the house is also
We apect to shift to this house very soon. You are requested to sanction a telephone connection
in my name and issue the demand notice without any delay. Your immediate 'action would
definitely oblige me. Waiting for a positive response from you
Yours truly,
Dated: May 02, 2018. X. Y. Z.
KoSo-ypt nbAtgLok V}oKostJnssaA
33. Write an application to the principal for college leaving certificate.
n a t e s p k . c o m" o r

The Principal,
Govt. College,
been student in college for six months. My father works here in the
I have a
education department. Now, he has been transferred to Lahore. My family is shifting to Lahore.
I am to go with them. I cannot stay here alone. You are requested to issue mé a college leav
certificate. I hope you will oblige me.
Yours obedientdy.
Dated: May 02, 2018. X. Y. Z.

34. Write an application to the princlpal for the change of a subject.
The Principal,
Govt. College,
A.B.C. (City)
I ama student of intermediate.
I took up Urdu
Advance as a subject of my studies at the
time of admission. But now I want to take up
Geography in place of
requested to allow me to change the subjects. I thank you in advance. Urdu Advance. You are
Yours obediently,
Dated: May 02, 2018. X. Y. Z.

35. Write an application to the principal, giving

misbehaviour and offering apology. explanation for your

The Principal,
Govt. College,
AB.C. (City)
Yesterday, I was sitting in the class. It was.sixth period. I was sitting just under the fan.I
do not know when I fell
asleep. The professor got angry with me. I tried to eaxplain the reaon.
But he ordered me to leave the clas, At this I felt insulted. I refused to leave the class
Sir, no doubt, it was my mistalke. I should have eft the claas. Anyhow, I offer my
heartfelt apology. I would be very careful in future
Yours obediently,
Dated: May 02, 2018. X. Y. Z.

36. Write an application to the principal of your College for the grant of a

stipend Ischolarship.
The Principal,
Govt. College,
AB.C. (city).
Honourable Sir,
Respectfully, it is stated thet I belong to a-poor family. I have been granted
Iatermediate Part-I in your College. The classes started last weelk. My father ls too poot
e p e n s e s of my education. You are requested to greant me a stipend/ scholaranp o
P E r month so that I may continue my studies, Str, I assure you that I will leave no
to mention here
alncion annual exuminatdon. It
n the may be of some value
tIgota merit acholerahip in class eight. I hope that
U you will not disappoint me.
you in advance,
Yours Obediently,
Dated: May 02, 2018. X. Y. Z.
1000isptineLOduathss iyHA-KUnUsày

shortage of lecture«.
37. Wrte an application to the principal for condoning the
The Principal,
Gov. CoDege
Excel'erce of Knowledge
A B. C. (City).
Honourable Sir,
it is stated that all the students of intermediate have been asked to fill the
Admission Forms for the board euaminatdon. The dert has refused ( ) to give me the
Admiision Form as I have fallen ahort of the required) pereeatage of lecturea. My
attendancely) n the mubject of English is 67% percent while the required percentage is at
leasrfe 70%. So I have fallen short of lectures by 3% only in the nbject of Englah.
condone ( t J ) the ahortage (U) of lectures. I
Sir, you are requested to
aasure(tub) you that I would fi the required percentage by remaining present() n the
clas during he remaininglOD shree months of our academicku") esslon(Ulnaa). Surey.
I would be obliged to you for this kindness(P).
Yours obediently,
Deted: May 02, 2018.
X.Y. Z.
38. Write an application t the principal for the avallablity(UP%) of medicine In
the College Dispensary.
The Principal,
Govt College,
A. B. C. (City).
Honourable Sir,
I humbly(eN) nform (tt-*D yqu that 1 am the best athleteli$)U)
of the college. Yesterday, while plag I got injured(PorGN by the hockey of a player. I went
to the college dispensary for firstCJU) aidGWE). The dispenser sasd that he did not have
any medicine to give me the first aid. He said that eve. bandages ( ) and ointment()
were not available( ) n the dispensary. I simply got shocked(lnwo hear this. Though
I was not seriously (4)injured(D, I needed first aid. LuckilyleU U ) , a professor of
our college was sitting in the dispensary. He took me in his own car to the nearby (U))
hospital. In this way I reached the hospital in time.
You are requested ) and provide
to takenotice of that the college
dispensary with necessary(Ui»p) medicine. Surely it would help us to handle (#) any
mishap ( i )in future.
Yours obediently,
Dated: May 02, 2018. X. Y. Z.

--THE END-*-

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