MC-2024-059 Kalinisan Program

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NO. Q 2 Q 24- 59



'APR 18 2024
1.0. Background

1.1 On January 3, 2024, the Department issued DILG Memorandum Circular

No. 2024-001, enjoining all barangays nationwide to conduct a clean-up
activity as part of the celebration of the National Community
Development Day and in support to the launching of the KALIN I SAN sa
Bagong Pilipinas Program.

1.2 Embodying the brand of leadership of a "Bagong Pilipinas" which calls

for transformations in all sectors of society and government, the
Department launched the Kalinga at lnisyatiba para sa Malinis na Bayan
(KALINISAN) sa Bagong Pilipinas Program last January 6, 2024.

With the theme, "Bagong Bayanihan ng Mamamayan", the KALINISAN

Program is a convergence initiative to consolidate and intensify all efforts
of the government to maintain and provide a healthy and safe
environment for all by capacitating local government units (LGUs) and
enabling community participation anchored on a new brand of

1.3 The President, during the Kick-Off Rally of Bagong Pilipinas on January
28, 2023, bolstered the importance of maintaining and sustaining
cleanliness and orderliness in every barangay.

"Matino, Mahusay at Maaasahan"

Trunkline No. (02) 8876 3454
2.0. Objectives

2.1. Primarily, the KALINISAN Program intends to instill in every Filipino the
spirit of "bayanihan" by creating a policy environment for people's
participation in taking care of the environment and promoting sustainable
development for future generations.

2.2. Further, it aims to uphold a good green governance among local

government units to create livable communities. Green governance
pertains to the accountability and responsibility of the government in the
exercise of its duties and functions on environmental management and

2.3. Specifically, the program aims to:

2.3.1. Encourage community participation to promote and raise

awareness on environmental responsibility;

2.3.2. Encourage LGUs to invest in programs, projects and activities

(PPAs) which promote environmental management and
ecological practices; and

2.3.3. Establish a recognition system for the exemplary performance of

LGUs on environmental and ecological management.

This Circular is issued to provide general guidelines on the implementation of

the components of KALINISAN Program.

3.0. Legal Compliance

3.1 . Section 16, Article 11, of the 1987 Philippine Constitution declaring as one
of the state policies the protection and advancement of the right of the
people to a balanced and healthful ecology in accord with the rhythm
and harmony of nature

3.2. Section 16 of the Republic Act (RA) No. 7160 or the Local Government
Code mandating LGUs to ensure and support the right of the people to
balanced ecology and preserve the comfort and convenience of their

3.3. Section 17 (b) (1) (iii) of the Local Government Code of 1991 provides
that the barangays are mandated to provide basic services and facilities
related to health, general hygiene and sanitation, beautification, and
solid waste collection

3.4. Section 389 (b) (i) of the same Code provides that the Punong Barangay
shall enforce laws and regulations relating to pollution control and
protection of the environment

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3. 5. Section 2 of Republic Act 9003 or the Ecological Solid Waste
Management Act of 2000 mandating LGUs to adopt and implement a
"systematic, comprehensive and ecological solid waste management

3.6. Section 6, Rule VI of the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of

R.A. 9003 provides the creation of a Barangay Solid Waste Management
Committee (BSWMC)

3.7. DILG Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 2018-112 dated July 12, 20181
harmonizing all existing issuances related to the said committee

3.8. DILG MC No. 2019-09 dated January 24, 20192 requiring a simultaneous
clean-up drive to all cities/municipalities and barangays in the Manila
Bay Watershed Area every Saturday

3.9. DILG MC No. 2023 - 001 dated January 5, 20233 providing guidelines
in the establishment of barangay community gardens through the
Halina't Magtanim ng Prutas at Gulay (HAPAG) sa Barangay Project

3.10. DILG MC No. 2023 - 017 dated January 25, 20234 providing updated
guidelines on the implementation of Barangay Road Clearing Operations

3.11. DI LG MC No. 2023 - 133 dated September 6, 20235 providing guidance

in the conduct of weekly clean-up drive at the barangay level as part of
the Barangay at Kalinisan Day (BARKADA), the community-based
clean-up drive program of the DILG

3.12. DILG MC No. 2024 - 001 dated January 3, 20246, introducing the
KALINISAN sa Bagong Pilipinas Program as one of the contributions of
the Department to the Bagong Pilipinas campaign of the government

4.0. Scope/Coverage

4.1. All Provincial, City, Municipal and Barangay Government, DILG

Regional, Provincial and Field Offices, City/Municipal Local Government
Operations Officers, and all others concerned.

5.0. Policy Content and Guidelines

1 Organization or Reorganization of the Barangay Ecological Solid Waste Management Committee

2 Observance of the Weekly Conduct of Clean-up Drive relative to the Manila Bay Clean-up,

Rehabilitation and Preservation Program.

3 Implementation of the Halina't Magtanim ng Prutas at Gu lay (HAPAG) sa Barangay Project
4 Reiteration of DILG Issuances/Policies on the Implementation of Barangay Road Clearing

Operations (BaRCO)
5 Barangay at Kalinisan Day (BARKADA)
6 KALINISAN Sa Bagong Pilipinas Program

Page 3of11
5.1. Guiding Principles

5.1.1. Community Mobilization

It capitalizes on the strength and camaraderie of every community

to be responsible and accountable, especially in ensuring a
healthy and safe environment for future generations. It opens
opportunities for every individual to participate in governance. It
does not only provide a venue for participation but also ensures
that every member of the community is doing their part of taking
care of the environment.

5.1.2. Convergence

The program does not only harmonize the efforts within the
Department but also ensures that the efforts of other national
government agencies are integrated and maximized to ensure the
full potential of its implementation.

Further, it also brings together the government, the community,

civil society organizations, academe, and the private sector to
consolidate the efforts and resources for a better outcome of the

5.1.3. Competence and Capacity

It acknowledges that the success of the program also entails the

need for competent and capable local government officials and
the informed public to be able to realize the objectives of this

5.2. Components of the Program

As a convergence initiative, the KALINISAN Program integrates existing

projects and strategies of the Department on providing a healthy and
safe environment, through 3 major components: Livable Communities,
Green Communities and Accountable Green Barangay

5.2.1. Livable Communities component pertains to projects that aim to

make our communities safe and healthy to live in. It subsumes
the following projects and other related projects in the future: Community Clean-up (BARKADA) The Department issued DILG MC No. 2023 -

133 re Barangay at Kalinisan Day (BARKADA)
which enjoins all barangays to conduct a
weekly clean-up drive, preferably every

Page 4of11
Saturday to encourage public participation,
within their premises. Barangays along Manila Bay shall continue with

their weekly clean-up drives schedules along
waterways and water systems, and are highly
enjoined to expand their coverage to include
other public spaces. The Barangays, through their Barangay

Ecological Solid Waste Management
Committee (BESWMC), shall identify the regular
clean-up sites within their jurisdiction. Sites shall
not be limited to coastal areas, waterways,
creeks, but shall also include public parks,
streets/roads and vacant lots and other public
spaces within the barangays. As part of the solid waste management

interventions, all barangays, with assistance
from cities/municipalities, are encouraged to
install trash traps or trash screens in
esteros/creeks and other tributaries to improve
waste collection and disposal in waterways. Barangays, in coordination with

cities/municipalities, shall ensure proper waste
handling and disposal of wastes collected during
the clean-up activities. Barangays shall report the compliance to the

weekly clean-up including the number of
participants, and volume of waste collected
every month in a schedule to be prescribed in a
separate issuance.

On the other hand, reportorial requirements of

LGUs within the Manila Bay watershed area will
be different due to their additional mandate
under DILG MC No. 2019-009, and the
Operational Plan for the Manila Bay Coastal
Strategy (OPMBCS). Community-Based Solid Waste Management This component pertains to the promotion of

solid waste management interventions, and
conduct of related capacity development
activities to equip the community members and
barangay officials, including members of the

Page 5of11
Barangay Ecological Solid Waste Management
Committee (BESWMC), with information, skills
and attitudes towards promoting environmental
responsibility through proper solid waste
management. Among others, this component will focus on

capacitating local government units and the
communities to adopt a Zero Waste7 and
Circular Economy8 as solid waste management
practices to sustainable development, waste
reduction, and environmental protection, such
as but not limited to projects/activities namely,
"Pa/it Basura para sa Pagkain sa Mesa", Mobile
Material Recovery Facility and Takakura
Composting, among others.

Particularly, local government units, in

partnership with other LGUs, the private sectors
and civil society organizations, are encouraged
to implement buy-back arrangement as one of
the community-based waste management
strategies. It will include but not limited to capacity

trainings/orientations on the following topics:
a) Solid Waste Management Practices
b) Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle
c) Community Hygiene and Sanitation
d) Other appropriate, acceptable and
emerging solid waste management
technologies Barangay Road Clearing Operations (BARCO) The implementation of the BARCO shall be an

integral component of the KALINI SAN Program. DILG MC 2023 - 017 was issued consolidating

and updating all issuances relevant to the
implementation of BARCO by ensuring

7 "Zero waste is shorthand for efforts to reduce, reuse, redesign and recycle, to throw away less by making better
use of what humanity produces and to design products that don't end up as waste, especially after just a single
use." Retrieved from
8 Circular economy, on the other hand, aims to minimize waste and promote a sustainable use of natural

resources, through smarter product design, longer use, recycling and more, as well as regenerate nature.
Retrieved from

Page 6of11
roads/streets managed by the barangays are
clear and free from illegal obstructions. BARCO aligns with the objectives of the

KALINISAN Program of providing safety and
convenience among the public by ensuring
orderly and well-maintained streets and roads.

5.2.2. Green Communities component refers to projects that aim to

plant more trees and sustainable green edible spaces in our
communities, such as but not limited to the following: Community Gardening (HAPAG) The Implementation of the Halina't Magtanim ng

Prutas at Gulay (HAPAG) sa Barangay Project
will be one of the components of the program. The DILG issued Memorandum Circular No.

2023-001 dated January 3, 2023 for HAPAG to
serve as a strategy to diversify food sources and
contribute to ensuring food security in the
country. The project also aims to strengthen the
capacities of barangays toward sustainable
agriculture initiatives, through barangay
community gardening, wherein households and
communities will be encouraged to produce
fresh, healthy and affordable fruits and
vegetables from their backyards and spaces,
and vacant areas of the barangays. Tree Planting Program Republic Act No. 10176, otherwise known as the

"Arbor Day Act of 2012," requires all LGUs to
conduct and promote tree planting activities in
their respective jurisdictions. This Act
recognizes the vital role and importance of trees
in ecological stability. Pursuant to the Memorandum Circular No. 2022-

1119 dated September 07, 2022, all concerned
Barangay Officials, for the sustainability and
maintenance of the planting sites, are required
to conduct quarterly monitoring and cleaning of
the planting sites under their care and assign

9 Conduct of Simultaneous Nationwide Tree Planting Activity: Buhayin ang Pangangalaga sa


Page 7of11
barangay personnel for the quarterly
maintenance of the planting sites. Under the KALIN I SAN Program, the Department

advocates and revitalizes the conduct of annual
tree planting activities as LGU's adherence to
the Arbor Day Act of 2012 to combat the loss of
natural resources and rejuvenate the

5.2.3. Accountable Green Barangay Governance is focused on the

performance of every barangay, through the Barangay Ecological
Solid Waste Management Committees (BESWMC) and the
Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) in environmental management. Kabataan Para sa KALINISAN The KALINISAN Program also highlights the

role of the youth in ensuring safe and healthy
communities. The creation of Green Brigade, as mandated by

Executive Order No. 52 s. 1998 is hereby
revitalized. All barangays, through the initiative of

Sangguniang Kabataan, are hereby enjoined to
create the Green Brigade to be composed of at
least twenty-five (25) members of the Katipunan
ng Kabataan in each barangay. The creation of the Green Brigade, as well as its

powers and functions shall be in accordance
with the SK Reform Act and other national
issuances implementing the Act. KALINISAN Performance Audit Quarterly Performance Audit

Barangays shall be assessed quarterly and

annually to measure their compliance and
performance in community-based solid waste
management practices.

Page 8of11 Annual Performance Audit

An annual performance audit for the barangays

will also be conducted based on the results of
the quarterly assessments. Additionally, the
results of the Seal of the Good Local
Governance for Barangay (SGLGB), specifically
on Environmental Management, shall also be
considered during the annual assessment. The parameters for the performance audit and

institutional arrangements shall be elaborated in
a separate issuance, necessitating collaboration
with other government agencies. KALINISAN Recognition, Incentives and Awards Well-performing local government units shall be

recognized and provided with awards and
incentives. There shall be four (4) major categories, to wit: Cleanest Barangays in Highly

Urbanized Cities or Independent
Component Cities (HUCs/lCCs) Cleanest Barangays in Component
Cities (CCs) Cleanest Barangays in 1 st_3rd Class
Municipalities Cleanest Barangays in 4th_5th Class
Municipalities Special categories shall also be given to: CSO

Partners, Private Sectors, and Sangguniang
Kabataan. Incentives will be provided to the cleanest LGUs

in the form of program grants from partner
agencies such as DOLE, DSWD, TESDA and

6.0. Monitoring, Reporting and Assessment

6.1. A monitoring and reporting system will be developed, under the

performance assessment component of the program, to gauge the
compliance of LGUs to national laws and policies, especially on
environmental management.

7 .0. Roles and Responsibilities

7.1. DILG Central Office

7.1.1. Take the overall lead in the implementation of the KALINISAN

Program by collaborating with partner agencies.

7.1.2. Conduct national orientation to raise awareness and discuss

specific roles of concerned stakeholders.

7.1.3. Coordinate with national government agencies on the program


7 .1.4. Develop a monitoring system and capacitate assessment teams

and validators

7.2. DILG Regional and Field Offices

7.2.1. Serve as the main implementors of the Program by coordinating

with Regional counterpart of partner agencies on program

7.2.2. Monitor the compliance of all local government units to the

components of the KALINISAN Program.

7.2.3. Organize regional and local level assessment teams as

prescribed in the subsequent operational guidelines.

7.2.4. Orient local government units on the KALINISAN Program.

7.2.5. Provide technical assistance to local government units to include

but not limited to conduct of orientation activities on KALINISAN

7.2.6. Submit reports as prescribed in subsequent issuances.

7.3. Provinces, Cities and Municipalities

7.3.1. Ensure compliance of their component barangays.

7.3.2. Provide incentives to well-performing barangays.

7.3.3. Utilize social media platforms in showcasing KALINISAN-related


7.3.4. Provide technical and administrative assistance to barangays to

include but not limited to the implementation of their respective
solid waste management programs and provision of funds to
implement such.

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7.3.5. Allocate funds for the conduct of the performance assessment of
their component barangays.

7.4. Barangays

7.4.1. Conduct weekly clean-up activity.

7.4.2. Mobilize community residents and civil society organizations in

the implementation of the KALINISAN Program.

7.4.3. Enact ordinances to support the implementation of the program.

7.4.4. Utilize social media platforms in showcasing KALINISAN-related


7.4.5. Allocate funds for the conduct of the weekly clean-up and
establishment/maintenance of community gardens

8.0. Operational Guidelines

8.1. Operational guidelines for each component and its sub-components

shall be developed and issued in collaboration with partner agencies.

9.0. SeparabilityClause

9.1. If any section or part of this MC is held unconstitutional or invalid, the

other sections or provisions not otherwise affected shall remain in full
force and effect.

10.0. Effectivity

10.1. This Memorandum shall take effect immediately.

11.0. Feedback

11.1. For related inquiries/clarifications please contact the National Barangay

Operations Office (NBOO) at telephone nos.(02) 8876-3454 local 4408
or send it via e-mail at

12.0. ApprovingAu~l)ority
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DILG·OSEC 04172024·041


Indicators Pts ScoringSystem Technical Notes Means of Verification

Conducted weekly clean- 10 x = L x 100 x 0.10 Formula in getting the x: Weekly reports under
up BARKADA as reflected in
x=LxlOOx0.10 the official regional
• Scores beyond 10 will still get the 12
maximum 10 points
• When y= no. of clean-up activity conducted once a
week. In cases wherein clean-up activity occurred twice
in a week, it will only be counted as one.
• For uniformity, 12 will be used as the number of weeks
per quarter, regardless of the actual number of weeks in
a quarter.

Percentage of participants 25 Average pax weekly Formula in getting the score (x): Weekly reports under
x - x 100% x 0.25
joined the clean-up 50% of the Target pop-u.lation BARKADA as reflected in
X_ Averaqe no.o] pax w.eekl:' X lthe official regional
1000/ox 0.25
• Scores beyond 25 will still get the 50% of the Target population
maximum 25 points
• Ave. no. of pax weekly is equal to:
total no. of pax in.a quarter (,l;weekl, week2.. weekn)
PSA 2020 data
.12 (no. of weeks in a q11arter)

• Target population= (total population x 65%) 7- 2

o Where Total Population shall be based on 2020

PSA Data; and

0 65% is the difference between the total population

and the exempted population (30.7% - under 14
years old; 3% - above 70 years old; and 1.6%-

Percentage of Barangay 25 X _Ave1·age 110.of weekly BSKO/E participants

Formula in getting the score (x): Weekly reports under
Total number of BSKO/E
and SK BARKADA as reflected in
x 100% x 0.25 X
Officials/Employees -
Average no.of weekly BSKO/E participants
0 the official regional
(BSKO/E) joined the Total number of BSKO/E
clean-up • Scores beyond 25 will still get the
maximum 25 points • Ave. no. of BSKE pax weekly is equal to: Barangay Organizational
total no. of BSK£ Officials in a quarter Q)veekl, week2 .. weekn)
12 (no. of weeks in a quarter)
Chart, Appointment Letter,
Certification from PB on the
Number of Barangay
• Total no. of BSKE Officials/Employees=
0 1 PB
0 7SBM
0 1 SK Chair
0 7SKM
0 1 BT
0 1 BT
0 1 SK Sec
0 1 SK Treas
0 x no. of barangay tanod
0 x no. of Brgy Health Aide
0 x no. of BNS

0 Other employees such as Barangay

Administrates, Clerk, Bookeeper, etc.

Reported volume of waste 5 X _Tota/710.ofreportsjq·uarter X lOOo/o X 0.05 Formula in getting the score (x):
12 (Total number of weeks)
collected during clean-up

X _Total no.of reports/quarter x lOO% X 0.05

• Scores beyond 25 will still get the 12 (Total number of weeks)
maximum 25 points
• Total no. of reports shall be the number of times a
report on volume of waste generated was submitted,
provided that no. of reports shall not be more than
the number of clean-up activity in Item 1.1.


Indicators Pts Scoring System Technical Notes Means of Verification

Free from garbage and 20 Demerit System (100 points) • Designated collection sites shall be properly Ocular Inspection
debris along the streets marked/labelled
and open spaces, • Minus 1 point for pile of garbage in • Prior to collection time shall be an hour before the
including canals, undesignated collection site scheduled collection time.
• Minus 1 point for pile of garbage in
designated collection site prior to
collection time
• Minus 2 points for major debris
(construction debris, wood piles)

• Minus 5 points for unsegregated wastes

in collection sites
• Minus 1 point for presence of stagnant
water in canals/drainages
• Minus 2 points for presence of garbage
in canals/drainages
• Minus 5 points for presence of garbage
in waterways

Score= Remaininq points x 0.20

Presence of reduce reuse

recycling or waste
5 5 - Conducted at least one activity for the
• The activity shall include but not limited to similar Post-activity report
undertakings such as Palit Basura, Mobile MRF,
diversion activity/initiative Upcycling of recyclables, and other waste diversion Photo documentation
for the quarter 0 - No activity was conducted activities.
Attendance sheet
• The activity may be led by the barangay, or in
partnership with a government institution/private

Presence of functional 1* 1 point - at least one waterway has been • Indicator shall only be applicable to barangays with Ocular inspection
trash traps in waterways installed with trash trap waterways.



Indicators Pts ScoringSystem Technical Notes Means of Verification

Well-maintained Barangay 5 ./ Functional toilet (1 point)

Hall ./ With Lavatory ( 1 point)
• Barangay with no barangay hall shall identify another Ocular Inspection
barangay facility to be inspected .
./ With segregated waste bins (1 point)
./ No pile of garbage and/or debris (1 point)
./ Absence of broken or old parts of
equipment in the working area 1 point)

Well-maintained barangay 5 ./ Functional toilet (1 point)

facility ,/
With Lavatory ( 1 point)
• Other barangay facilities shall include barangay Ocular Inspection
health center/station, barangay day care center,
(Choose 1 other than ./ With segregated waste bins (1 point)
barangay command center, and other facilities
barangay hall) No pile of garbage and/or debris (1 point)
./ owned-managed by the barangay.
Absence of broken or old parts of
equipment in the working area 1 point) • Barangay facilities in a single barangay complex
shall be treated separately.

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