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Decision (September 2014) 41(3):355–356

DOI 10.1007/s40622-014-0054-0


Jaswant Singh, The Audacity of Opinion: Reflections,

Journeys, Musings, Amaryllis: An imprint of Manjul
Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2012, xvi + 676 pp,
Rs. 895, Hard, ISBN 9789381506189
Wallace Jacob

Published online: 1 July 2014

 Indian Institute of Management Calcutta 2014

What is the role of the government in the creation of a who would go to any extent with their irresponsible
just and civilised society? What happens when the behaviour. It sheds light on the endeavours of path
supreme power of a nation is reduced to an ex-post- breakers, path makers, path destroyers, wealth makers
facto stamping organization? What could have hap- and wealth destroyers. It also explains how work has
pened if India had not sent IPKF to the that-time war- been done, undone, not done or stalled by a team of
ravaged island-country of Sri Lanka (1987–1990)? rivals. The book also exposes the traps and pitfalls of
Did we have a Prime Minister who suggested that bureaucracy, the side-effects of natural and man-made
farmers should grow red chillies and not green chillies calamities, the face of inefficient and insensitive
(which actually become red when they ripen) as red administration. The book is a kaleidoscope containing
chillies fetch more money? What is/are the aim(s) of images from the state of affairs in Punjab (Opeartion
terror campaigns? The Border Security Force (BSF) is Bluestar), Assam and the North-East, Uttar Pradesh
the brainchild of which visionary? The work under (where irreligious people have exploited the religious
review provides elaborate answers to the aforemen- sentiments of common people), Rajasthan (where
tioned confounding questions? bribe is known by the euphemism suvidha shulk i.e.
The book under review which the reader might like convenience tax), several villages bereft of educa-
because of its literary value has been effectively tional as well as medical facilities or other parts where
divided into eight sections with each section focussing only rudimentary educational and medical facilities
on some highly significant aspect pertaining to the exist. It paints a melancholic (but true) picture of the
nation and developmental issues/issues requiring villagers who would willingly accept death rather than
immediate attention. The book is a wonderful expo- seeking medical intervention due to lack of monetary
sition of the prevailing practices (and malpractices) in security and transportation travails. The book also
several important sectors such as defence, judiciary, dwells on the role of Indo-Tibet Border Police (ITBP),
legislature, social reforms. The book is a must-read Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), Central Indus-
because it contains the portrait of spineless, subservi- trial Security Force (CISF) and the developments in
ent management teams, self-serving political masters Sri Lanka, China and Pakistan.
The book is a treasure trove of startling facts. For
instance, on page 138 it is written: ‘‘Since 1983,
W. Jacob (&)
twenty-five acts have been passed, by the Parliament,
Tolani Maritime Institute, Induri, Talegaon-Chakan Road,
Talegaon Dabhade, 410507 Pune, India in respect of Punjab alone’’. On page 181, it is written
e-mail: ‘‘Rajasthan is almost a tenth of India in size, has

356 Decision (September 2014) 41(3):355–356

around five percent of the country’s population, but it referred to by only one other. The readers of the book
has less than one percent of our total water resources’’. are certainly in need of comprehensive information
On page 244 it is written ‘‘Lord Ismay, as a staff officer and not merely assertions. It may be a little difficult for
of the last British viceroy, gave us the outlines of our a few readers, perhaps, to understand the first few
present defence organization. Essentially, that legacy pages of the book and the readers may be inclined to
remains unchanged to this day’’. On page 248 there is feel lost because it appears that there is a lack of
an interesting statement: ‘‘According to him (John continuity plus there are several loose threads in the
Keegan), modern science of strategy began around the first few pages. The reason is that certain sections of
nineteenth century, when war became the business of a the book have been reproduced from Mr. Jaswant
new class of professionals, rather than of monarchs’’. Singh’s earlier publications due to which the presen-
It would do the reader considerable good if he/she tations in the book moves through several timelines at
apprises himself/herself with terms like ‘divide of the an irregular pace.
orient from the Occident’, Israel-Pakistan phantom, as The book under review breaks new ground in
these terms have been used in the book. several ways and is a comprehensive and beautiful
The author of the book under review has passed study of the fundamental contradictions which have
judgments at several places which might appear been afflicting our country where several homeless
preposterous to some readers and need to be dissected. people are dying of starvation, sickness, etc., and some
For instance, on Page 13 the writer of the book says, of the people in fiefdoms of power are cooking their
‘‘The Congress party then, as it is today, is an food on the funeral pyre of human agony. At some
institution of congealed vested interests, of status- places the book is politically bold; and at some places
quoists, who wish to preserve their positions only it is emotionally draining and unsettling but arresting.
because with them go various attendant benefits of In certain chapters Mr. Jaswant Singh lucidly brings
office’’. On Page 15, the author says ‘‘He (Rajiv out the truth that there are several needy citizens of our
Gandhi) was not a great parliamentarian’’. The readers country who are being deprived of medical facilities,
may like to know about the authority which/who and there are sundry cases wherein justice is being
defines ‘a great parliamentarian’ and what are the traits delayed or even denied. The book contains articles that
of a great parliamentarian? Are these traits scientifi- speak (cry) aloud of the high-handedness and the
cally proven and time-tested? Perhaps, that could be viciousness of the preservers of the law and the tactics
one reason due to which the book has been given the of delayed bureaucratic responses used by them. It
caption The Audacity of Opinion. On Page 111 the may not be an exaggeration to say that the book is a
writer says ‘‘The greatest contemporary work of treasure-house of real-life case studies on perception
Indian fiction, freely available in a reasonably attrac- versus reality; use, misuse and abuse of power;
tive format, is the timetable and schedule of flights of politics; marketing; strategic management; power of
Indian Airlines. The list of flight timings is filled with connections, social engineering, and the games people
so much optimism and fictional assertions that only play while in office or otherwise. A reading of the
one other in the country can match them;…’’. This book will help the reader in: forming a balanced
appears to be a rather generic statement. The reader viewpoint, in understanding how corruption has crept
would be more interested in looking at the actual into the political system, understanding how a few
timetable (which of course is not provided) and the entities have eroded the economy of the nation and in
actually operational flights of Indian Airlines and their answering a very important question—why is the
efficiency (which again are not provided). The readers agenda for growth an unfinished and incomplete one?
might also be interested in the specifics of the entity


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