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I am not in favor of allowing congress to cancel the Barangay elections

Once again barangay elections are deferred for the third time since it 2018 when President
Ferdinand Marcos Jr, signed the bill that was passed by the congress for its postponement, thus became
a law, to wit: Republic Act (RA) No. 11935, last October 10, 2022, postponing the said elections from
December 5, 2022 to the last Monday of October 2023. A number of reasons were raised to justify the
postponement which include among others; continuity of the on-going barangay programs that were
initiated by the incumbent officials, pursuance of other economic programs that is beneficial to the local
inhabitants and to keep the citizens away from the political toxicity that was prevalent from the recent
National elections especially that the country was still in the process of recovery brought by the Covid-
19 pandemic. While this may seem a valid point of concern for our public welfare thus one might be
persuaded that this initiative was just logical and should be so, it raises alarming issues that if not
addressed might be abused by said officials. I would like to reiterate that while the issue states that it is
“to cancel” the barangay elections this does not equate to entirely abolish barangay elections. The
context, if we align it to the current political issue, is that the barangay elections has been postponed
and has been moved to dec 2023 thus cancelling this year’s barangay elections.

The incumbent officers has already been in the position for about 5 years or so. This is for me is
dangerous considering they’ve been in the position of power for more than the prescribed term
provided by the LGC which is 3yrs. This would be tantamount to officials abusing their position for their
own personal interests as what we’ve seen during the Marcos’s regime. The congress’ point as to
continuance of the barangay programs which was interrupted by the Covid-19 pandemic is valid but to
justify that by postponing the barangay elections is unjust and contrary to our laws. Also, here by
postponing the elections you are precluding the people their sovereignty. Their basic right to vote for a
representative that would serve their best interest in the government. As we all know local government
is essential to nation building since it is where we acquiesce the concerns of the people and elevate
them to proper authorities.

Next, it would be costly for Comelec since there would be an increase in voters due to continuing
registration, increase the number of precincts, additional ballots and ballot boxes. Thus we would be
spending unnecessary funds for the cancellation thus, the more reason why we should go with the
elections now. If we talk about public service, then the best public service we could give would be to
push through the elections for the allotted budget.

Lastly, I am against postponement in barangay elections because by postponing the elections,

you are also extending the term of the incumbent brgy officials. For me, this is unconstitutional.
Nowhere in the constitution does it provide for an extension of term for an incumbent brgy official. The
LGC only states the term of a brgy official for 3 years and it does not provide any extension thereof.
Position paper


Postpone Barangay and SK elections for the 3rd time sice 2018


Continuity in the Barangay programs and projects- valid point but to justify not to hold elections is

Allow country to focus more on other economic programs

Main issues:

1. The incumbents are occupying the position for more than four years

 Alarming- the term of office for barangay elections is 3 yrs

1. Postponing elections would be costly for the Comelec.

 Increase number of voters, precincts, print addt’l ballots and provide ballot boxes
 Budget for elections estimated at 17billion


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