CET3020 - NOSQL-DATABASES - LP - 1.0 - 48 - CET3020 - No SQL Databases

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NoSQL Databases Course Type LP

Course Code: CET3020 Credits 3

Course Objectives:
1. Define, compare and use the four types of NoSQL Databases (Document-oriented, KeyValue
Pairs, Column-oriented and Graph).
2. Demonstrate an understanding of the detailed architecture, define objects, load data, query
data and performance tune Column-oriented NoSQL databases.
3. Explain the detailed architecture, define objects, load data, query data and performance tune
Document-oriented NoSQL databases.
Course Outcomes (CO):
Students will be able to
CO1: Explain and compare different types of NoSQL Databases.
CO2: Compare and contrast RDBMS with different NoSQL databases.
Demonstrate the detailed architecture and performance tune of Document-oriented
NoSQL databases.
CO4: Explain performance tune of Key-Value Pair NoSQL databases.
CO5: Apply NoSQL development tools on different types of NoSQL Databases.

Correlation of COs with POs:

PKL 3 5 6 5 6 3 3 3 NA M 3 M 3 3 2

CO1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1

CO2 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1

CO3 2 1 2 1 3 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 1

CO4 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1

CO5 2 1 1 3 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1

CO Topics to be discussed Hrs.

Overview and History of NoSQL Databases. Definition of the Four Types of
NoSQL Database, The Value of Relational Databases, Getting at Persistent
CO1 Data, Concurrency, Integration, Impedance Mismatch, Application and 7
Integration Databases, Attack of the Clusters, The Emergence of NoSQL,
Key Points.
Comparison of relational databases to new NoSQL stores, MongoDB,
Cassandra, HBASE, Neo4j use and deployment, Application, RDBMS
approach, Challenges NoSQL approach, Key-Value and Document Data
CO2 Models, Column-Family Stores, Aggregate-Oriented Databases. Replication 9
and sharding, MapReduce on databases. Distribution Models, Single Server,
Sharding, Master-Slave Replication, Peer-to-Peer Replication, Combining
Sharding and Replication.
NoSQL Key/Value databases using MongoDB, Document Databases,
Document oriented Database Features, Consistency, Transactions,
Availability, Query Features, Scaling, Suitable Use Cases, Event Logging,
CO3 9
Content Management Systems, Blogging Platforms, Web Analytics or Real-
Time Analytics, E-Commerce Applications, Complex Transactions Spanning
Different Operations, Queries against Varying Aggregate Structure.
Column- oriented NoSQL databases using Apache HBASE, Column-
oriented NoSQL databases using Apache Cassandra, Architecture of
HBASE, Column-Family Data Store Features, Consistency, Transactions,
CO4 9
Availability, Query Features, Scaling, Suitable Use Cases, Event Logging,
Content Management Systems, Blogging Platforms, Counters, Expiring
NoSQL Key/Value databases using Riak, Key-Value Databases, Key-Value
Store, Key-Value Store Features, Consistency, Transactions, Query Features,
Structure of Data, Scaling, Suitable Use Cases, Storing Session Information,
User Profiles, Preferences, Shopping Cart Data, Relationships among Data,
CO5 Multi operation Transactions, Query by Data, Operations by Sets. Graph 9
NoSQL databases using Neo4, NoSQL database development tools and
programming languages, Graph Databases, Graph Database. Features,
Consistency, Transactions, Availability, Query Features, Scaling, Suitable
Use Cases.
Guest Lecture on Contemporary Topics 2
Total Lecture 45
List of Experiments:
1. Building and Querying a NoSQL Oriented Database.
2. Build and Apply Models.
3. Extract Data with Document Databases.
4. Perform quality checks.
5. Index Data with Document Databases.
6. Prepare data with wide column databases.
7. Prepare data with Graph databases.

8. Extract data with Graph databases.

Text Books:

1. Sadalage, P. & Fowler, NoSQL Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Emerging World of
Polyglot Persistence, Wiley Publications,1st Edition, 2019.
2. Dan Sullivan, "NoSQL for Mere Mortals", 1st Edition, Pearson Education India, 2015.
(ISBN13: 978-9332557338).

Reference books:

1. Dan McCreary and Ann Kelly, "Making Sense of NoSQL: A guide for Managers and the
Rest of us", 1st Edition, Manning Publication / Dreamtech Press, 2013. (ISBN-13: 978-

Recommendation by the Board of Studies 20.09.2023

Approval by Academic Council

Compiled by Dr.K.Murugeswari

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