Go Phrasal Verb

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1. Define the following phrasal verbs.

Go out: ______________________ and_________________

Go off: ______________________ and_________________
Go for: ______________________ and_________________

2. What is the phrasal verb with go?

To share the cost of something ___________________
To work very hard in order to achieve something______________________
To attack____________________
To match___________________
To try to do better_____________________
To pass______________________
To agree_________________
….go into

3. Fill in the sentences with the correct form the go phrasal verb.

If there is not enough soup to ______________ just put some hot water in it.
The gun ______________by accident and wounded him in the leg.
He had a sandwich and a cup of coffee, then _____________working.
The guard dog _______________the intruder and knocked him down.
You cannot _____________your promise now, we are depending on you.
Her weight ______________ to 70 kilos when she stopped playing tennis.
We are ________________ a pizza if you are hungry.
Why are you _______________her all the time when she makes a mistake?
Many things _______________in the city every evening.
My mother has _______________the flu, so she cannot join us tonight.
Your dishonesty at the meeting has really made me_____________you.
Swearing in public _______________his principles. You would never hear him do that.
Unfortunately I cannot __________________your plan, I strongly disagree with what you want.
She has brought a couple of friends with her, what if there is not enough food to ______________?
They have ___________________all the calculations, but still cannot find the mistake.

4. Translate the following sentences. All of them include a go phrasal verb.

Bárcsak ne kellett volna közvetítenem a barátaim között.

Bárcsak abbahagynád a sok eljárkálást.

Bárcsak ne tettük volna minden pénzünket ebbe a lakásba.

Bárcsak tudnánk a jövőben pénzt spórolni azzal, hogy megesszük a kaját, mielőtt tönkremennek.

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