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Enfermería Clínica 31 (2021) S205---S209

A systematic review of the implementation of

electronic nursing documentation toward patient
I. Wayan Gede Saraswasta a,b , Rr. Tutik Sri Hariyati a,∗

Faculty of Nursing Universitas Indonesia, Depok, West Java, Indonesia
Klinik Utama Vidyan Medika, Gianyar, Bali, Indonesia

Received 15 September 2020; accepted 21 September 2020

KEYWORDS Abstract We find out the implementation of electronic nursing documentation toward patient
Electronic nursing safety. A systematic review of 15 articles were using PRISMA from five online database: Science
documentation; Direct, ProQuest, Scopus, Wiley Online, and Emerald Insight. The keywords used are ‘‘nursing
EHR; documentation,’’ ‘‘electronic health record,’’ and ‘‘patient safety). The implementation of
Patient safety EHR has an effect on patient safety i.e. improving identify patients correctly, improve effective
communication, improve the safety of high-alert medications, ensuring the correct location of
surgery, and reducing the risk of infection. In addition, it also reduces the risk of patient injury
due to falls by helping with falling risk screening process. Optimizing the implementation of
electronic nursing documentation affects the quality of nursing documentation and patient
safety. The result of this study may impact nursing managers while improving integrated EHR
with nursing documentation.
© 2020 Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

Introduction documentation has become a problem throughout the world,

with an increasing number of patients. The implementation
The quality of nursing documentation shows the qual- of nursing documentation with good criteria was only 47.4%.2
ity of nursing care.1 However, the quality of nursing The absence of documentation that shows the objective and
subjective results of nurse interactions with patients causes
discontinuity of patient care. Advances in information tech-
夽 Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of nology in the health industry encourage the implementation
the 4th International Conference for Global Health (ICGH) in con- of electronic nursing documentation systems in some health-
junction with the 7th Asian International Conference in Humanized care organizations to improve the quality of documentation.
Health Care (AIC-HHC). Full-text and the content of it is under The implementation of electronic nursing documentation
responsibility of authors of the article. could improve the quality and efficiency of providing health-
∗ Corresponding author.
care services.1,3 Based on Jung’s study that 84% of health
E-mail address: (Rr.T.S. Hariyati). facilities have used EHR in the US, while in Korea, 50.2%
1130-8621/© 2020 Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.
I.W.G. Saraswasta and Rr.T.S. Hariyati

of hospitals have used the EHR system.4 Nursing docu- provision of healthcare services. When providing services to
mentation in most hospitals in Indonesia is far from the patients, nurses use various ways to identify patients, such
ideal standard. Nurses only meet 50---80% of the total doc- as bracelets, signs on headrests, stickers on clothing, and
umentation mandated by the Ministry of Health, which identity badges.6 The implementation of electronic nursing
indicates the low quality of nursing care. The majority documentation helps nurses in identifying patients because
of paper nursing documentation in Indonesia causes low- the available data has been integrated when the patient is
quality documentation. The implementation of electronic admitted to the hospital. The results of a study conducted
nursing documentation (SIMPRO) could improve the quality by Curtis et al. explain that the data available in the EHR
of nursing documentation.3 offers an important opportunity to identify a large number
A study conducted by Charalambous and Goldberg of patients with serious illnesses.7 In addition, most clinical
explained that 76% of nurses believed that electronic-based decisions are taken from information in the patient’s medi-
documentation would improve patient safety.5 Increasing cal record, which describes the patient’s current and past
the impact of EHR implementation on services provided has conditions.
encouraged many studies on EHR. However, few studies do
not discuss in detail the effects of implementing electronic Improve effective communication
nursing documentation on patient safety. The purpose of
this study was to find out the implementation of electronic Communication in healthcare is very important but often
nursing documentation toward patient safety. not properly documented. According to a study conducted
by Hou et al. with a respondent level of 72%, using an
Methods electronic system with an ISBAR design could improve the
effectiveness of nurse communication and increase benefits
This research method is a systematic review of 15 articles during patient hand-off.8 Moreover, the introduction of good
using Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and electronic nursing documentation could be useful in increas-
Meta-Analysis (PRISMA). ing the interaction of healthcare workers with patients.3 In
addition, according to Thate, the development of a better
1) Eligibility criteria: The inclusion criteria of this study EHR supports inter-professional communication and team-
are published journal articles from 2015 to 2019. The based care.9
downloaded articles were researched from various coun-
tries. Meanwhile, the exclusion criteria from this study Increasing the safety of drugs, especially ‘high
is only one article would be selected if the same articles alert’ medications
published at some different online journal databases.
2) Search strategy: The keywords used to search for arti- Nurses must have pharmacological knowledge, competence
cles are ‘‘nursing documentation,’’ ‘‘electronic health in calculating doses, skill in drug administration, and the
record,’’ and ‘‘patient safety. ability to assess the effectiveness of the treatment given.10
3) Study selection: The identification of online journal It encourages nurses to look for alternatives to help them
databases was based on sources from Science Direct, Pro- carry out their duties. In this way, the use of EHR helps
Quest, Scopus, Wiley Online, and Emerald Insight. After nurses provide efficient services to patients. Studies con-
deleting duplicated articles, relevant articles were col- ducted at Brigham and Women’s Hospital explained that the
lected. The review was carried out by filtering the title, adoption of EHR saved ten million dollars in ten years due
abstract text, and full text by conformity and similarity to the implementation of guidelines for the prevention of
to the contents of the journal or article. Then, data was medication errors.11
identified by describing the process of the PRISMA flow
diagram, as seen in Fig. 1.
Ensure the correct location of surgery, the correct
4) Synthesis of results: Results from literature studies
illustrates and explain the implementation of electronic-
procedure, and the correct surgery for the patient
based nursing care documentation regarding patient
safety. One of the factors that influence the quality of service in the
operating room is documentation of every action taken. The
adoption of EHR has a large impact on the use of operating
Results rooms, which affects the overall profitability of hospitals.12
A study conducted by Robinson et al. showed that operating
Fifteen articles were included in the final review. This study records in EHR have increased accuracy, completeness, and
explains the implementation of EHR toward patient safety availability of medical records.13
goals. Electronic nursing documentation was developed to
assist nurses in providing high-quality healthcare services to Reducing the risk of infection related
patients by prioritizing patient safety (Table 1).
to healthcare services

Identify patients correctly The implementation of EHR causes the nurse to document
the actions taken after leaving the patient’s room. According
There are many opportunities for misidentification in health- to a study conducted by Yang, Bass, Bowles, and Sock-
care services, ranging from patient registration to the olow, this could prevent infection.14 EHR implementation

Enfermería Clínica 31 (2021) S205---S209

Figure 1 The process of selecting a literature study adapted from PRISMA (2015).

Table 1 Implementation of electronic nursing care documentation to patient safety goals.

No Category Reference Important findings
1 Identify patients correctly Integration of data available in EHR could
help nurses identify patients.
2 Improve effective communication 72% of the implementation of electronic
systems could increase the effectiveness of
nurse communication.
3 Increasing the safety of High Alert EHR could reduce 50% of drug side effects
medications and save ten million dollars in ten years.
4 Ensure the correct location of EHR has the potential to improve hospital
surgery, correct procedure, correct workflows, but in applying the EHR in the
surgery for the patient operating room must be careful.
5 Reducing the risk of infection related EHR mining data in real time could prevent
to health services 66%-78% chance of infection.
6 Reducing the risk of patient injury Electronic-based nursing documentation
due to falls could help the fall risk screening process.

is proven to be feasible in a variety of conditions, although conducted by Baus et al. explained that applying a model
most studies of its effects are sourced from America. EHR using available data in EHR could identify risk factors for
implementation helps monitor healthcare related infections falling patients.17
(HCAI) by providing demographic, clinical, and epidemio-
logical information collected on a case-by-case basis.15 EHR
mining data is accurate for identifying routes of transmis- Discussion
sion among patients that are part of an outbreak. Based on
a study conducted by Sundermann et al., the implementa- Electronic nursing documentation has the potential to
tion of EHR data mining in real time could prevent 66%-78% improving patient safety. Identifying patients correctly
of infection.16 is first of patient safety goals. Patient identification is
very important because it is closely related to the pro-
cedure that would be provided to the patient.6 Based
Reducing the risk of patient injury due to falls on research conducted by Dwisatyadini, Hariyati, and
Afifah, the implementation of electronic nursing documen-
The availability of information potentially related to tation (SIMPRO) could improve the completeness of nursing
patients falling allows a comprehensive investigation of the documentation.18 Without EHR, an average documentation
trigger factors for the fall of the patient. The implementa- completeness before the implementation of SIMPRO is 1.87,
tion of EHR could help the risk screening process. A study yet after SIMPRO, it increases to 3.61. Thus, according to

I.W.G. Saraswasta and Rr.T.S. Hariyati

Curtis et al., data available in electronic nursing documen- Acknowledgements

tation could be used to help identify patients correctly.7
Second, ineffective communication was one of the main fac- This work is supported by Hibah PITTA B 2019
tors affecting patient safety in the US from 2012 to 2014.8 funded by DRPM Universitas Indonesia No. NKB-
According to research conducted by Dwisatyadini, Hariy- 0498/UN2.R3.1/HKP.05.00/2019.
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make it easier to make decisions on nursing care and doc-
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