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By Louis Meulstee (editor)

The 'Various' Series

No. 8 'Liliput'.
Cover and layout: Louis Meulstee.
Cover illustration: Liliput

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- First published 2024, Version 1.00, as a free to download print ready publication.
- This unchanged edition was adapted for Scribd™ in 2024 with the addition of a front
cover and colophon.

© Louis Meulstee PA0PCR

The Netherlands

About this publication.

Selected articles, previously published on the Wireless for the Warrior website, have now
been added to 'Scribd™' for the interest of a broader audience.

The Various Series.

The Wireless for the Warrior ‘Various’ series is a range of articles on topics not directly
related, but within the scope of the WftW website and interest. These can be freely copied
and distributed, but only in their current form, preferably with mention of the website
Please note that the page layout of the WftW series was setup with mirrored pages, primarily
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May 2024
Wireless for the Warrior - ‘Various’ series No. 8 'Liliput' - 1

Country of origin: GDR

Based on an article written by

Günther Fietsch, DL9WSM.

The 'Liliput' (Funkstation Liliput U-101) was a small, portable VHF
transmitter-receiver developed and produced in the former German
DATA SUMMARY Democratic Republic (East Germany) for the 'Kasernierte Volkspolizei'
(KVP), (English = Barracked People's Police), the precursor to the
Organisation: Kazernierte Volkspolizei (KVP) and Nationalen Volksarmee (NVA) (English = National People's Army). A
Gesellschaft fur Sport und Technik (GST). complete set comprised a 'Liliput' transmitter-receiver with internally
Developer/maker: Funkwerk Zittau, VEB, RFT. carried LT and HT batteries, a handset with a headband, a blade-type
Year of production: 1953/54. vertical aerial, and a canvas accessories pouch.
Purpose: Short range communication. Housed in a pressed composite material casing with a foldable lid
locked by two tension springs, it was splash-proof. The ceramic aerial
insulator was positioned on top of the lid, into which the blade aerial
Circuit features: Superregenerative receiver; Hartley
was inserted. Two clamping springs under the aerial insulator estab-
type transmitter. AM voice and MCW. Both valves
lished contact between the aerial and the coupling coil of the RF stage.
were used for receive and transmit.
Additionally, two compression springs on the underside of the lid
Frequency: 42-45MHz.(4 tunable 'channels').
securely held two type 'D' cell batteries for the filaments, ensuring a
RF output: 0.6W.
firm connection even during rough handling.
Aerial: Foldable blade, length 124cm.
The controls (channel tuning, receiver fine tuning, mode switch, and
Range: 1km.
the Morse key) were located on the control panel on the right-hand side
Valves: DL192 2x. of the case. Above this was a nameplate with the type designation
Power supply: 2.8V LT (two x 1.4V 'D' cells in series), and 'U-101,' serial number, and the number '1503,' believed to be the code
two 75V HT batteries connected in parallel. for the Zittau radio factory. The production year 1953/54 was indicated
Size (mm): Height 130, length 95, width 200. on the components; considering the known serial numbers of radios
Weight: 1.5kg. which survived, possibly 2000 units were produced.
On the left-hand side of the housing, below a movable locking plate,
Accessories: Carried in a canvas pouch: Handset, two
was a recess with a four-pin socket to connect the handset. Two leather
spare valves in a small wooden box, screwdriver, spare 'D' loops, riveted vertically to the rear side wall of the housing, allowed
and HT batteries, and a blade type aerial. carrying the set on the belt.

Text reading: Foldable lid

Store in a cool and dry place.
Remove batteries in storage. Aerial base
contact springs
Compression springs
and series connection Contact to base
of the 'D' cells springs

Aerial coupling
HT batteries coil
spring contacts Tuning
Holder for two
'D' cells 2x DL192
(not fitted)

Handset connector MCW Morse

Explanation of components of the 'Liliput' transceiver.
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Wireless for the Warrior - ‘Various’ series No. 8 'Liliput' - 2
With a leather tab and a leather strap on the gle. The front part was shielded with a multiple riveted steel strips, with its thick-
same side wall, an additional fastening op- removable aluminium cover plate. To ness decreasing towards the top, and a
tion for the 'Liliput' was provided. The com- change valves, this plate had to be removed. length of 1.24 meters. The flexibility of the
ponents and control elements of the The headset consisted of a lightweight steel strips allowed folding the aerial for
transmitter-receiver, as well as the audio handset made of pressed material with a transport in the accessory pouch, a canvas
frequency part located at the front, and the push-to-talk button, a headband with pad- bag with loops for attachment to the belt,
batteries at the rear, were mounted on a ding, and a connecting lead with a 4-pin worn on the right hand side by the radio
common chassis—a lightweight metal an- plug. The blade aerial was constructed from operator.
r plat
Co v e
Internal view of the 'Liliput'
chassis removed from its
case without cover plate.

Right hand side panel with control

Detail view with
panel and a panel with type, serial
cover plate in
number and (believed to be) the code
position (right).
number of the maker.
Circuit Description Tuning control: top left.
Rec. fine tuning: top right.
The circuit was simple compared to the high level the modulation amplifier simultaneously func- System switch: bottom right.
of development in military radio technology tioned as a self-excited tone generator, with the A= Aus (Off).
achieved by the German Wehrmacht in small radio transmitter also being modulated through anode- E= Empfangen (Receive).
devices (e.g., the 'Dorette'). The 'Liliput' was screen grid modulation. The telegraphy audio fre- S= Senden (Transmit).
equipped with only two DL192 valves. In transmit quency signal was generated by operating the
mode, the first DL192 functioned as a self-excited built-in small Morse key located on the right-hand
Hartley oscillator, and the second as a modulation top side of the set. In receiving mode, the first
amplifier, using combined anode-screen grid am- DL192 functioned as a super-regenerative circuit,
plitude modulation. In telegraphy (MCW) mode, and the second DL192 served as an AF amplifier.

Component Value
C1, C2 10 pF
C3 6-25 pF
C4 50 pF
C6 6.5 pf
C7, C9 5 nF
C8 30 pF
C10 10 nF
C11, C12 0,1 µF
C13 0,1 µF
W1 10 kΩ
W2 200 kΩ
W3 1 kΩ
W4 100Ω
W5 100kΩ
Ro 1, Ro 2 DL192
Circuit diagram of the 'Liliput' drawn in receive position.
Ba1, Ba2 1.4V
Tuning with settings to four channels was accomplished by C1. In the receive position, Ba3, Ba4 75V
fine-tuning was by C2. Frequency offset compensation in transmit mode was done by C3.
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Wireless for the Warrior - ‘Various’ series No. 8 'Liliput' - 3
Development and production in secrecy.
The paramilitary units of the Kasernierte tities and delivered to the Kasernierte Volks- In retrospect
Volkspolizei (KVP) in the GDR depended polizei (KVP). The failure of the 'Liliput' to achieve reliable
on various small radios, which were not It should be noted that several components radio communication based on the experi-
available in sufficient numbers from the rem- for the production of 'Liliput' were procured ences from the brief trial deployment with
nants of the former Wehrmacht or Soviet under cover in West Germany. the KVP and the numerous experiments in
stocks. Therefore, the KVP leadership initi- the training groups of the GST, the following
ated an accelerated development of troop Lili-kaputt reasons may be identified from today's per-
radio stations to establish a signal corps. However, after a short period, the devastat- spective:
The 'Bureau for Development and Construc- ing verdict was pronounced: 'Not suitable for - Too simple mechanical and circuitry de-
tion (Büfek),' under the control of the KVP, troop service!' This ultimately led to the sign, resulting in extremely low frequency
collaborated with the 'Central Nachrichten- transfer of the radios to the 'Gesellschaft für stability and imprecise frequency setting, as
werkstatt' of the Kasernierte Volkspolizei in Sport und Technik' (GST). Starting in 1955, well as difficulties in locating the counterpart.
Niederlehme near Berlin to undertake the the 'Liliput' radios were introduced into the - Insufficient transmitter power for the in-
development and prototype construction of a radio training groups of this organization. tended purpose, coupled with inadequate re-
small radio set, later named 'Liliput.' The There was no documentation, neither operat- ceiver sensitivity or insufficient audio
starting point for this development was ing instructions, nor any visual material volume.
based on features and functionality of the about the 'Liliput' from the KVP. Additional- - Poor quality of the dry batteries available at
'Dorette,' a former Wehrmacht radio. ly, there were no records from the secure that time, especially 1.4V LT type 'D' dry
Due to the Potsdam Agreement, the develop- production at the Zittau radio factory. batteries.
ment and production of goods suitable for The Central Board of the GST, Department - In addition, the DL192 valves were not
military purposes, including military tech- of 'Communications Sports,' reluctantly cre- suitable for rough, portable operations,
nology, were prohibited in Germany. Conse- ated documentation for the 'Liliput' to be which caused filament breaks and dissolved
quently, these activities took place covertly used in GST radio groups. This documenta- electrode connections.
in highly secured production facilities with tion included circuit descriptions, operating
selected personnel bound by strict confiden- instructions, maintenance guidelines, as well Although the first attempt by the East Ger-
tiality. as troubleshooting tips. The magazine man radio industry to provide a usable hand-
After building a prototype and conducting a 'Funkamateur' published a series of user ex- held radio for police or military use was not
brief test, a producer was identified at the periences with the 'Liliput' over the next successful, from historical prospect the 'Lili-
time in the Zittau-Olbersdorf radio factory. years. While the GST praised this radio de- put' was an interesting project.
Following the construction of an initial series vice for training, users often referred to it as
and a presumably successful practical test, 'Lili-kaputt.'
production was then scaled up in large quan-

The 'Liliput' was designed

based on the functionality
and features of the WW2
German Wehrmacht 'KlFu
Spr d' (Klein Funk Sprech
'd'), also known as

A 'Liliput' was carried by a member of the
Gesellschaft für Sport und Technik (GST)
(English = Society for Sport and Technology) Acknowledgements:
in walking (right) and prone positions (above). With many thanks to Günther Fietsch, DL9WSM, (Author of two
The 'Liliput' was usually carried on the belt, books on signal equipment of the Nationalen Volksarmee) for kind
along with a canvas pouch containing spares permission to scans of drawings and circuit diagram taken of his
and accessories. Shown in these drawings is the 'Liliput', and for using information from his original article.
carrying of the headset, which was primarily a High-resolution photographs taken from his collection were kindly
lightweight handset with a padded headband. provided by Siegfried Droese, Germany.
(Both drawings were taken from the 'Liliput' I am grateful to Reinhard Glogowski, Germany, who drew my
GST user booklet). attention to the existence of the 'Liliput'; otherwise, this 'WftW
Various' chapter would not have been realised.

The East German GST (Gesellschaft für Sport - Booklet with description and use of the 'Liliput', compiled and
und Technik) was a paramilitary youth organi- published by the Central Board of the GST: 'Beschreibung der
sation affiliated with the Socialist Unity Party Funkstation 'Liliput'. n.d.
from 1952 to 1990. It combined physical edu- - Funkamateur, Issue 8 - 1957, pp10.
cation, military training, and socialist indoctri- - Funkamateur, Issue 6 - 1960, pp183.
nation. After German reunification in 1990, the - Eine 'tragisch-komische' Entwicklung, Günther Fietsch,
GST was disbanded. Funkgeschichte GFGF, No. 232, 2017, pp66-70.

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