Emelt Angol Feladatlap

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ÉRETTSÉGI VIZSGA • 2024. május 9.


2024. május 9. 9:00
I. Olvasott szöveg értése

Időtartam: 70 perc

Pótlapok száma

Angol nyelv I. Nat2020

Angol nyelv I. 2 / 12 emelt szintű írásbeli vizsga

E2412 2024. május 9.

Fontos tudnivalók

 Az utasításokat pontosan kell követni. Csak az utasításban megadott helyre beírt

megoldás fogadható el.

 Mindig csak egy megoldást szabad beírni.

 A betűjelek legyenek jól olvashatóak, az esetleges javítások pedig egyértelműek.

 A megadott szószámot nem szabad túllépni. Az összevont alakok egy szónak számí-
tanak (pl. “it’s” egy szó, “it is” két szó).

A feladatlapban nem jelölt források a javítási-értékelési útmutatóban szerepelnek.

Angol nyelv I. 3 / 12 emelt szintű írásbeli vizsga

E2412 2024. május 9.

Task 1

 In the following text about emotional eating,

the first sentence of each paragraph has been
 Your task is to match the sentences to the
 Write the letters of the sentences (A-I) next
to the appropriate numbers (1-6).
 There are two extra sentences that you do
not need.
 Write the letters in the white boxes as in the
example (0).


0) ________ . They often seek comfort or distraction in food when they’re stressed, sad,
anxious, or bored. But emotional eating can be linked to positive feelings as well, like the
celebration of a holiday feast.
1) ________ . Who hasn’t suddenly found room for dessert after a filling dinner or eaten cookie
after cookie while cramming for a big test? But when done a lot, emotional eating can cause
weight gain or cycles of binge eating.
2) ________ . You may often feel even worse about eating the amount or type of food you did.
It is important to be aware of the connection between eating and your feelings.
3) ________ . A child who gets candy after a big achievement may grow up using candy as a
reward for a job well done. A kid who is given cookies as a way to stop crying may learn to
link cookies with comfort.
4) ________ . But it is possible. It starts with understanding the differences between two types
of hunger. Physical hunger means you’re likely to stop eating when full and it doesn’t cause
feelings of guilt. Emotional hunger may cause specific cravings (e.g. for pizza or ice cream)
and it can make you eat more than you normally would, which may result in feeling guilty
5) ________ . For example, if you head to the kitchen after school each day, try to change the
routine. Instead of looking for food, stop and ask yourself if you’re really hungry. Check in to
see which type of hunger is making you want to eat.
6) ________ . If not, take a few minutes to go over the things that have happened that day and
acknowledge how they made you feel. If your eating is triggered by a specific situation or mood,
find a replacement activity. There are better ways to deal with the feelings that make you turn
to food.

Angol nyelv I. 4 / 12 emelt szintű írásbeli vizsga

E2412 2024. május 9.

0) C

A) Managing emotional eating starts with breaking the automatic cycle.

B) We're all emotional eaters to some extent.

C) Emotional eating is when people use food to deal with feelings instead
of to satisfy hunger. 2)

D) Food restriction by parents often triggers a child’s desire to eat more

E) The trouble with emotional eating is that after the pleasure of eating is
gone, the feelings that cause it remain.

F) However, some people eat less in the face of strong emotions.

G) People tend to learn emotional eating patterns at an early age.

H) It’s not easy to “unlearn” patterns of emotional eating.

I) If you find signs of physical hunger, choose a healthy snack.


6 pont

Angol nyelv I. 5 / 12 emelt szintű írásbeli vizsga

E2412 2024. május 9.

Task 2

 Read this article about penguins’ sleeping habits

and then read the statements (7-14) following it.
 Mark a sentence A if it is true according to the
 Mark it B if it is false.
 Mark it C if there isn’t enough information in the
text to decide if the sentence is true or not.
 Write the letters in the white boxes next to the
numbers as in the example (0).


Penguins are champion power nappers. Over the course of a single day, they fall asleep
thousands of times, each time only for a few seconds, a new study has found. Although animals
have a wide range of sleeping styles, penguins easily take the record for fragmented sleeping.
The science of sleep got its start in the early 1900s when researchers used scalp electrodes to
discover that people produce slow brain waves when dozing. They found similar wave patterns
in mice, pigeons and other captive animals. Over time, scientists discovered that every
animal they studied spent some time each day unresponsive to their environment.
Even jellyfish sleep despite their lack of a brain.
But how animals sleep varies. Brown bats remain asleep for 20 hours a day, whereas giraffes
get by on less than two hours. Seals are able to shut down a single side of their brain: with the
other still awake, they can continue swimming as they doze.
As technological devices have become smaller and more powerful, researchers have discovered
that sleep patterns documented in animals in captivity are significantly different from those
observed in the wild. In zoos, for example, sloths will sleep for almost 16 hours a day. But in a
Panamanian rainforest, scientists observed the animals sleeping for less than 10.
In 2019, neuroscientist Paul-Antoine Libourel and his colleagues tracked sleeping animals in a
remote environment: King George Island, 70 miles north of Antarctica, where several thousands
of breeding pairs of chinstrap penguins gather in nesting colonies to raise their young. They
found that the birds split their time between swimming in the ocean and staying at the nests to
keep their eggs and chicks warm. While in the ocean, the birds barely slept, spending just three
percent of their time resting on the surface of the sea. When the penguins returned to their nests,
however, their brain waves slowed to a pattern that is typical for sleeping birds — but only for
a few seconds. They woke up again, only to fall back asleep. The birds sped through this cycle
600 times in an hour.
Humans, too, can experience this sort of microsleep, though typically only after failing to get a
good night’s sleep. It can be dangerous, especially if we’re nodding off at the wheel. But for
chinstrap penguins, microsleep seems to be the norm.

Angol nyelv I. 6 / 12 emelt szintű írásbeli vizsga

E2412 2024. május 9.

0) In the animal kingdom, penguins fall asleep the most times during
0) A
a day.

7) Scientists found similar brain activity during sleep in both humans

and certain animals in captivity.

8) Scientists can’t explain why jellyfish can sleep despite not having
a brain. 8)

9) The size of an animal’s brain determines the amount of time it

sleeps a day. 9)

10) Seals can only swim if their whole brain is awake. 10)

11) The sleeping patterns of species change according to where they 11)

12) On King George Island, a small colony of penguins were observed 12)
by neuroscientists.

13) It was during the time spent in their nests that the penguins were 13)
observed to fall asleep many times in a short period of time.

14) When it comes to humans, microsleep normally occurs when we 14)

are well-rested.

8 pont

Angol nyelv I. 7 / 12 emelt szintű írásbeli vizsga

E2412 2024. május 9.

Task 3

 Read the following text about parks in London and

then read the half sentences that follow the text.
 Your task is to match the half sentences based on the
information in the text.
 Write the letters (A-K) in the white boxes next to the
numbers (15-20) as in the example (0).
 Remember that there are three extra letters that you
will not need.


With more than 3,000 parks and open spaces, London is one of the world’s greenest cities.
Here’s our lowdown on London’s best major parks.

Wild and undulating, Hampstead Heath makes a wonderful contrast to the more manicured
London parks. It’s a playground for picnickers, dog-walkers and nature-lovers. Take a dip in
the ponds: the men’s and ladies’ ponds are open all year round, but be warned that even in the
summer, the water is pretty frosty.

Crystal Palace Park – The Crystal Palace, which gave the park its name, may have burnt to
the ground in 1936, but its landscaped grounds still house some pretty amazing features,
including five massive dinosaur sculptures that lurk among the trees around a lake.

Dulwich Park is charming, peaceful and has a unique atmosphere. If you’re up for something
sporty, there are tennis courts, football pitches, and an outdoor gym. There’s also table tennis,
and if you’re feeling particularly poetic, then you can enjoy a romantic stroll around a lake.

Greenwich Park – The oldest Royal Park provides an urban sanctuary for deer, foxes and over
70 bird species. Take a look at Queen Elizabeth’s Oak. It may look like a mossy old lump of
wood, but it’s been in the park since the twelfth century. According to legend, Henry VIII once
danced around it with Anne Boleyn.

London Fields – This vibrant hipster hangout is probably the coolest of London’s green spots
with its wildflower meadow in the spring and summer. Bring a picnic, not a disposable
barbecue. This used to be one of the few open spaces in London where you could barbecue
legally, but that’s been changed recently due to cleaning costs.

Green Park – This green, triangle-shaped area was enclosed by Charles II as a hunting ground
in 1668. Thankfully, it was opened to the public in 1826 and today you’ll find lunching
commuters and tourists lounging in the park’s famous stripy deckchairs.

Hyde Park is one of the largest and maybe the most famous of London’s Royal Parks with
London’s oldest boating lake. Catch a glimpse of the Victorian pet cemetery hidden in the
park’s north-west corner, where around 300 furry Londoners from the past rest in peace.

Angol nyelv I. 8 / 12 emelt szintű írásbeli vizsga

E2412 2024. május 9.

0) C

A) is ideal for people who love

0) Hampstead Heath ... 15)
various types of outdoor exercise.
15) Crystal Palace Park ... B) is the place where Henry VIII used
to hunt for deer.
C) has separate lakes for men and 16)
16) Dulwich Park ... women to swim in.
D) has an area that used to be a burial
ground for animals.
17) Greenwich Park ... E) doesn’t allow visitors to have open 17)
fires while hanging out there.
F) was named after a building that
18) London Fields ... does not exist anymore.
G) is home to various species of wild 18)

19) Green Park ... animals.

H) charges people for boating in its
20) Hyde Park ... I) has a lot of sculptures of historic 19)
K) used to serve the hobby of a

6 pont

Angol nyelv I. 9 / 12 emelt szintű írásbeli vizsga

E2412 2024. május 9.

Task 4

 Read this article about the word of the year in 2023.

 Some parts of sentences have been left out from the
 Your task is to reconstruct the text by filling in the
gaps (21-28) from the list (A-L) below.
 Write the letters in the white boxes next to the numbers
as in the example (0).
 Remember that there are two extra letters that you do
not need.


Cambridge dictionary’s word of the year for 2023 is “hallucinate” – (0) ______________.
The original definition of the chosen word is to “seem to see, hear, feel, or smell” something
that does not exist, usually because of “a health condition or (21) ______________”. It now
has an additional meaning, relating to when artificial intelligence systems such as ChatGPT,
which generates text that mimics human writing, “hallucinates” and (22) ______________.
The word was chosen because the new meaning “gets to the heart of why people are talking
about AI”, according to a post on the dictionary site. Generative AI is a “powerful” but “far
from perfect” tool, “one we’re all still learning how (23) ______________ – this means being
aware of both its potential strengths and its current weaknesses.”
“AI hallucinations remind us that humans still need (24) ______________ to the use of these
tools,” continued the post. “Large language models (LLMs) are only as reliable as the
information their algorithms learn from. Human expertise is arguably more important than ever,
(25) ______________ that large language models can be trained on.”
Henry Shevlin, an AI ethicist at the University of Cambridge, said that it is striking that rather
than choosing a computer-specific term like “bugs” to describe the mistakes that LLMs make,
the dictionary team (26) ______________. He said that this may be because “it’s so easy to
anthropomorphise these systems, treating them as if they had minds of their own.”
The dictionary provides two example sentences of “hallucinate” relating to AI: “LLMs are
notorious for hallucinating – (27) ______________, often supported by fictitious citations” and
“The latest version of the chatbot is greatly improved but it will still hallucinate facts.”
It wasn’t only Cambridge’s decision (28) ______________: according to Collins dictionary,
the word of 2023 is “AI” itself.

Angol nyelv I. 10 / 12 emelt szintű írásbeli vizsga

E2412 2024. május 9.

0) C

A) to interact with safely and effectively

B) generating completely false answers

C) a verb that gained an additional meaning this year 22)

D) having taken a drug

E) decided on a “vivid psychological verb” 23)

F) came as a surprise to online dictionary users

G) produces false information 24)

H) to bring their critical thinking skills

I) proves to be correct based on research 25)

K) to pick a word connected to AI

L) to create the accurate and up-to-date information 26)



8 pont

This is the end of this part of the exam.

Angol nyelv I. 11 / 12 emelt szintű írásbeli vizsga

E2412 2024. május 9.

maximális elért
Task 1 6
Task 2 8
I. Olvasott szöveg értése
Task 3 6
Task 4 8

dátum javító tanár


pontszáma egész
számra kerekítve
I. Olvasott szöveg értése

dátum dátum

javító tanár jegyző

1. Ha a vizsgázó a II. írásbeli vizsgarész megoldását elkezdte, akkor ez a táblázat és az aláírási rész
üresen marad!
2. Ha a vizsga az I. vizsgarész teljesítése közben megszakad, illetve nem folytatódik a II. vizsgarésszel,
akkor ez a táblázat és az aláírási rész kitöltendő!

Angol nyelv I. 12 / 12 emelt szintű írásbeli vizsga

E2412 2024. május 9.

ÉRETTSÉGI VIZSGA • 2024. május 9.


2024. május 9. 9:00
II. Nyelvhelyesség

Időtartam: 50 perc

Pótlapok száma

Angol nyelv II. Nat2020

Angol nyelv II. 2 / 12 emelt szintű írásbeli vizsga

E2412 2024. május 9.

Fontos tudnivalók

 Minden kérdéshez csak egy megoldás írható. Több beírt megoldás esetén a válasz
akkor sem fogadható el, ha köztük van a jó megoldás is.

 Csak az utasításban megadott helyre írt megoldás értékelhető.

 Javítani lehet, de az legyen egyértelmű.

 Amikor a feladat megoldásaként önálló betűt kell beírni, az legyen egyértelműen


 A nyelvhelyességi vagy helyesírási szempontból hibás megoldás nem fogadható el!

A feladatlapban nem jelölt források a javítási-értékelési útmutatóban szerepelnek.

Angol nyelv II. 3 / 12 emelt szintű írásbeli vizsga

E2412 2024. május 9.

Task 1
 You are going to read an article about the world’s smallest fine-dining restaurant.
Some words are missing from the text.
 Use the words in brackets to form the words that fit in the gaps (1-9).
 Then write the appropriate form of these words on the lines after the text.
 There might be cases when you do not have to change the word in brackets.
 Use only one word for each gap.
 There is an example (0) at the beginning.


Solo Per Due – “Just for Two” in Italian – is no (0) ________ (order) restaurant, and not just
because of its tiny size. It’s an extravagant place where an (1) ________ (exclude) meal for two
costs over $500.

Champagne, top wines and floral decorations cost extra. The (2) ________ (local) is amazing.
The restaurant is (3) ________ (surround) by an exotic garden with different species of palm
trees from across the world. The (4) ________ (dine) have a view of an ancient Roman villa.
The tiny dining room is part of a rural 20th-century stone mansion near a village north of Rome.

The (5) ________ (own) claim it is the smallest fine-dining establishment not only in Italy but
in the world, too. Ideal for romantic meals, it’s open year-round for lunch and dinner but has
no menu. The food served is tailor-made for the tastes and wishes of clients. Discreetness,
(6) ________ (private) and secrecy rule. It is the perfect hiding place – except for the fact that
it’s (7) ________ (wide) advertised and reviewed.

There are strict rules. Bookings must be made by phone and confirmed 10 days in advance.
Details of the customized meal are defined at the time of (8) ________ (confirm). Visitors can’t
pop in as they please to take a look inside before making a (9) ________ (reserve). A meal
can’t be canceled last-minute and guests are required to arrive at a specific time.

Angol nyelv II. 4 / 12 emelt szintű írásbeli vizsga

E2412 2024. május 9.

0) ...............................................ordinary…………..................................
1) ...............................................................................................................
2) ...............................................................................................................
3) ...............................................................................................................
4) ...............................................................................................................
5) ...............................................................................................................
6) ...............................................................................................................
7) ...............................................................................................................
8) ...............................................................................................................
9) ...............................................................................................................

9 pont

Angol nyelv II. 5 / 12 emelt szintű írásbeli vizsga

E2412 2024. május 9.

Task 2
 You are going to read an article about a joyful summer job. Some words are missing
from the text.
 Choose the most appropriate answer from the options (A-D) for each gap (10-17) in
the text.
 Write the letter of the appropriate answer in the white box.
 There is one example (0) at the beginning.


An American student has revealed (0) ______ she managed to enjoy a long summer holiday in
various destinations across Europe – by looking after other people's pets. Soriah Abraham, 19,
saved £3,000 living rent-free by volunteering to pet sit for people going on holiday – and says
she (10) ______ spending just £400 in two months.
The student, (11) ______ originally from Salem, Oregon but moved to London in October
2022 (12) ______ study fashion design, got the idea for pet-sitting travel after seeing others
doing it. (13) ______ joining a specialized website, she started doing home sits around London
to build up her reviews – meaning she would be able to easily secure pet-sitting jobs abroad
over her summer break.
When she finished in June, she celebrated ending her first year of university with a two-month
adventure in Germany, Switzerland and Amsterdam. Not only (14) ______ three countries in
one trip, she also only spent just £400 during the trip – on food, travel and the occasional hotel,
estimating it (15) ______ her around £3,400 without her pet-sitting jobs.
From June 2023 she started using the app to hop around Europe – without spending very
much. She said: 'I went to Stuttgart, Germany, first and got to bike around the city.' She looked
after two cats there, Tequila and Vodka, before coming back to London to take
(16) ______ of a dog, Mimi, and then heading to Bern, Switzerland, to look after another feline,
Claire. Soriah said: 'I could eat (17) ______ I found in the fridge and use their bikes. It was
gorgeous, and the cat was super independent.'

Angol nyelv II. 6 / 12 emelt szintű írásbeli vizsga

E2412 2024. május 9.

0) A as B though C how D most 0) C

10) A managed B could afford C ended up D continued 10)

11) A came B that's C whose D who's 11)

12) A in order that B to C so that D for 12)

13) A After B While C Despite D As for 13)

14) A she did B experienced C she D did she 14)

experience she experienced experience
15) A would cost B would have C would not D had cost 15)
cost cost
16) A on B advantage C care D account 16)

17) A which B what C that D if 17)

8 pont

Angol nyelv II. 7 / 12 emelt szintű írásbeli vizsga

E2412 2024. május 9.

Task 3
 You are going to read an article about an unusual job offer. Some words are missing
from the text.
 Your task is to write the missing words on the dotted lines (18-25) after the text.
 Use only one word in each gap.
 There is an example (0) at the beginning.



If you’re friendly, energetic and up for a challenge, a zoo in a popular British seaside town may
have the perfect role for you: chasing away seagulls (0) ________ wearing a giant bird suit.

The successful candidates will be paid up to £10.80 per hour (18) ________ wear an eagle
costume and act as a “scarecrow” to prevent the birds from attacking guests and animals alike
at Blackpool Zoo in northwest England.

Those applying (19) ________ be “visitor focused,” “friendly” and also “outgoing – as you
need to be comfortable wearing a bird costume!” the advertisement says. “Lively, energetic,
fun and, last but not (20) ________ , an excellent flapper, will be top of the essentials list during
interviews,” the zoo added in a statement, particularly as successful candidates
(21) ________ likely to be “approached by a lot of people asking (22) ________ pictures.”

Khaled Fawzy, the zoo’s head for birds and events, said in an interview that the global attention
on the job ad had “taken us all (23) ________ surprise.” More than 200 people have applied
(24) ________ the five available roles, including some from countries as (25) ______ away as
Thailand, India, Ukraine and Uganda. Fawzy said some had even sent videos of themselves
wearing animal costumes as part of their applications.

Angol nyelv II. 8 / 12 emelt szintű írásbeli vizsga

E2412 2024. május 9.


18) ............................................................................................................ 18)

19) ............................................................................................................ 19)

20) ............................................................................................................ 20)

21) ............................................................................................................ 21)

22) ............................................................................................................ 22)

23) ............................................................................................................ 23)

24) ............................................................................................................ 24)

25) ............................................................................................................ 25)

8 pont

Angol nyelv II. 9 / 12 emelt szintű írásbeli vizsga

E2412 2024. május 9.

Task 4
 You are going to read an article about James Joyce, the famous Irish writer. In most
lines there is one word that should not be there. It is either grammatically incorrect or
does not fit in with the sense of the text.
 Read the text and then copy the extra word in the space provided after each line.
 Some lines may be correct. Indicate the correct line(s) with a tick ().
 The task begins with two examples (0).


James Joyce was an Irish writer, poet and playwright. Although his literary production

0) was not very large, his role was of fundamental importance for the
0) 

development all of the Modernist literature of the twentieth century. An

0) all
26) anecdote, having reported by the writer Stephen King himself, says that
27) one day, a friend who was going to visit the author found him as lying
28) on the desk in a state of deep despair. “James, what’s wrong?” asked
29) of his friend. “Is it the job?” Joyce didn’t lift his head from the desk and
30) said nothing; of course what it was a matter of work. His friend continued
31) by it asking: “How many words did you write today?” Joyce, in a
32) desperate mood and with his face while still resting on the desk said:
33) “Seven.” “Seven? But that’s good for you, isn’t it?” the friend replied.
34) “Yes,” Joyce said. Finally, raising his head, he had continued: “I suppose
35) so, but I do not know which order they go in!”

10 pont

This is the end of this part of the exam.

Angol nyelv II. 10 / 12 emelt szintű írásbeli vizsga

E2412 2024. május 9.

Angol nyelv II. 11 / 12 emelt szintű írásbeli vizsga

E2412 2024. május 9.

maximális elért
Task 1 9
Task 2 8
II. Nyelvhelyesség
Task 3 8
Task 4 10

dátum javító tanár


pontszáma egész
számra kerekítve
I. Olvasott szöveg értése
II. Nyelvhelyesség

dátum dátum

javító tanár jegyző

1. Ha a vizsgázó a III. írásbeli vizsgarész megoldását elkezdte, akkor ez a táblázat és az aláírási rész
üresen marad!
2. Ha a vizsga a II. vizsgarész teljesítése közben megszakad, illetve nem folytatódik a III. vizsgarésszel,
akkor ez a táblázat és az aláírási rész kitöltendő!

Angol nyelv II. 12 / 12 emelt szintű írásbeli vizsga

E2412 2024. május 9.

ÉRETTSÉGI VIZSGA • 2024. május 9.


2024. május 9. 9:00
III. Hallott szöveg értése

Időtartam: 30 perc

Pótlapok száma

Angol nyelv III. Nat2020

Fontos tudnivalók

 Csak az olvasható írás értékelhető.

 Ha csak betűt kell beírni, érdemes nyomtatott nagybetűt használni.
 Csak egy megoldást írjon be, mert ha valamelyik nem helyes, a jó sem fogadható el.
 Javítani lehet, de csak egyértelmű megoldások fogadhatók el.
 A feladatlapok nyomtatott szövege nem módosítható a célból, hogy a megoldás értelmes
 A beírást igénylő megoldásoknál mindig a szövegben elhangzott szavakat használjuk.
 Szövegkiegészítésnél ügyeljünk arra, hogy a szavak illeszkedjenek a megadott szöveghez.

Welcome to the Listening component of the Matura Examination.

The listening material and the instructions are recorded on this CD, and the tasks and
instructions are printed in your test booklet.
 There will be three tasks, and every recording will be played twice.
 The tasks will begin with some music, and then you will hear (and you can also read) the
instructions to the task.
 This will be followed by a silent period on the CD in order to give you some time to look at
the task in your test booklet before hearing the text.
 Then we will play the recording in one piece.
 After that, we will play the recording for the second time, but now in shorter sections and
with breaks between the sections in order to give you enough time to write down your
Please note that the first item in each task (marked with a tick ) is always an example.
The whole test is exactly 30 minutes long.

Good luck!

Angol nyelv III. 2/8 emelt szintű írásbeli vizsga

E2412 2024. május 9.

 In this section, you will listen to a story about an
experiment a professor carried out in his university class.
 Your task will be to circle the letter(s) of the correct
answer(s) in the boxes on the right. Please note that in this
task both answers may be correct. However, there is
always at least one correct answer. This means you might
have to circle one or two letters.
 First, you will have some time to study the task, and then
we will play the whole recording in one piece.
 Then, you will hear the recording again, but this time we
will play the text in shorter sections to give you enough
time to write down your answers.

 Kenyon Wilson …
A) is a professor at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.
B) wanted to test if any of his students read his syllabus throroughly enough.

1. During the semester, Professor Wilson ….

A) gave seminars on music. A B
B) had 17 students in his class.

2. In his syllabus, he hid information about ….

A) the number of and the combination to a locker. A B
B) where the $50 cash prize was hidden.
3. The money was available to anyone who was the first to …
A) report the combination to Professor Wilson. A B
B) find and open the locker.

4. At the end of the semester, Professor Wilson …

A) discussed the experiment with his students. A B
B) took the cash prize out of the locker.

5. Professor Wilson said that his aim was to …

A) improve the mood of his students during the pandemic. A B
B) reward his students for reading everything in the syllabus.

6. Professor Wilson said that …

A) when he was a student he would certainly have fully read the document.
B) not everything was equally important in a syllabus.

7. The professor had no doubt that the money had remained unclaimed because …
A) the lucky student would definitely have mentioned it. A B
B) nobody seemed to have touched the lock.

8. A senior student said that …

A) he felt quite stupid when he learnt about Mr. Wilson's joke. A B
B) it was out of character for Mr. Wilson to do something like that.

That is the end of TASK 1.

8 pont

Angol nyelv III. 3/8 emelt szintű írásbeli vizsga

E2412 2024. május 9.

 In this section, you will hear an anecdote about Kurt Vonnegut, the
famous American writer.
 Your task is to complete the sentences with two words indicated by
the gaps, using the exact words you hear in the recording.
 First, you will have some time to study the task, and then we will
play the whole recording in one piece.
 Then, you will hear the recording again, but this time we will play
the text in shorter sections to give you enough time to write down
your answers.

 An American high school English teacher asked her students to write a letter to a

……famous……… ……author…….... .

9. In his letter, Kurt Vonnegut wrote that he didn’t make ……………….……..…..

…………….……..….. any longer.

10. His most important message was that the students should ……………….……..….. any

……………….……..….. .

11. Students should not dance, act, sing or paint to get ……………….……..….. and

……………….……..……, but to experience becoming an adult.

12. He also encouraged them to do all sorts of crazy things, for example to ………………... a

……………….……... in their mashed potatoes.

13. Vonnegut also asked them to write a poem that consisted of ……………….……..…..

……………….……..….. and rhymes.

14. He told them not to show the poem to anyone, not even to their …………………………

or ……………….……..….. or their English teacher.

15. Then, they should tear up their poem into small pieces, and throw them into widely

separated …………………………...… ……………………………… .

16. By writing and then getting rid of their poems, they would not only learn a lot about

themselves, but they would also make their .………………..….. …………………..….. .

8 pont

That is the end of TASK 2.

Angol nyelv III. 4/8 emelt szintű írásbeli vizsga

E2412 2024. május 9.


 In this section, you will hear the story of a cat that disappeared from
her home near the Rocky Mountains and was found in New York last
 Your task will be to decide whether the following statements are
true, false or we do not know because the text does not say, and
write the appropriate letter in the boxes on the right. Write A if the
statement is true, write B if the statement is false, and write C if the
text does not say.
 First, you will have some time to look at the task, and then we will
play the whole recording in one piece.
 Then, you will hear the recording again, but this time we will play
the text in shorter sections to give you enough time to write down
your answers.

 The cat named Willow disappeared from her home last Wednesday. B

17. All three of the Squires children still remember Willow.

18. It is still not known how Willow ended up in New York.

19. The Squireses have never given up hope that Willow will return home one day.

20. A lot of people responded to the ‘lost cat’ posters the family had put out.

21. The Squireses were informed that Willow had been found via email.

22. Willow was found by animal rights activists.

23. Mrs Squires says that she would have a microchip implanted in her kids if she could.

24. The Squireses had their home renovated in 2018.

25. Microchipping might cause your pet some pain.

9 pont
That is the end of TASK 3 and also the end of the Listening Exam.

Angol nyelv III. 5/8 emelt szintű írásbeli vizsga

E2412 2024. május 9.

Angol nyelv III. 6/8 emelt szintű írásbeli vizsga

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Angol nyelv III. 7/8 emelt szintű írásbeli vizsga

E2412 2024. május 9.

maximális elért
Task 1 8
III. Hallott szöveg értése Task 2 8
Task 3 9

dátum javító tanár


pontszáma egész
számra kerekítve
I. Olvasott szöveg értése
II. Nyelvhelyesség
III. Hallott szöveg értése

dátum dátum

javító tanár jegyző

1. Ha a vizsgázó a IV. írásbeli vizsgarész megoldását elkezdte, akkor ez a táblázat és az aláírási rész
üresen marad!
2. Ha a vizsga a III. vizsgarész teljesítése közben megszakad, illetve nem folytatódik a IV. vizsga-
résszel, akkor ez a táblázat és az aláírási rész kitöltendő!

Angol nyelv III. 8/8 emelt szintű írásbeli vizsga

E2412 2024. május 9.

ÉRETTSÉGI VIZSGA • 2024. május 9.


2024. május 9. 9:00
IV. Íráskészség

Időtartam: 90 perc

Pótlapok száma

Angol nyelv IV. Nat2020

Fontos tudnivalók

Mindkét feladatot meg kell írni!

A pontozott sorokra kell írni!
Ügyeljen a megadott szószámra! Amennyiben a létrehozott szöveg jelentősen eltér
(rövidebb, hosszabb) a megadott szóintervallumtól, az pontlevonással jár.

A feladatlapban nem jelölt források a javítási-értékelési útmutatóban szerepelnek.

Task 1

You have just started university and are thinking of joining a student club with your friend
David. He sent you the following three descriptions of clubs he is already a member of.

“The Climate Society connects like-minded individuals, inspires and educates the next
generation of climate leaders, take action towards ambitious emission reductions, and
provides platforms for academic, artistic, and social engagement with climate change.”

“Our aim at the University Dance Society is to offer a variety of dance classes. We
welcome people of all levels of experience. For this term, the classes we aim to offer are
Ballet, Contemporary Dance, Hip-Hop, Dance Fitness, Yoga, and Body Toning &

“The Harry Potter Society is for people who are still waiting for their Hogwarts
letters. We hold film screenings, arts and crafts nights, quizzes, fanfic sessions and much
more. For when you're all Pottered-out, we have regular socials, including a weekly pub
lunch. We're a friendly bunch, so why not come along and join us?”

Write an email of 120-150 words to your friend in which you

 thank him for the information and say what you think of student clubs in general,
 write about which of the three clubs you would most like to join and why,
 ask about membership fees and the frequency of meetings.

Begin your email like this:

Hi David,

Angol nyelv IV. 2/8 emelt szintű írásbeli vizsga

E2412 2024. május 9.

Task 1

























Angol nyelv IV. 3/8 emelt szintű írásbeli vizsga

E2412 2024. május 9.

Az 1. feladat értékelése:

A feladat teljesítése, a megadott szempontok követése 4

Hangnem, az olvasóban keltett benyomás 2
Szövegalkotás 3
Szókincs, kifejezésmód 3
Nyelvhelyesség, helyesírás 3
Összesen 15

Angol nyelv IV. 4/8 emelt szintű írásbeli vizsga

E2412 2024. május 9.

Task 2
You have found the following post on the internet forum Trapped:

As a child I used to enjoy fireworks on New Year’s Eve or 4th July or even ones set off
at parties in the neighbourhood. However, since we adopted a rescue labrador, Holly, I
have come to dread all these fireworks seasons as she is petrified with fear by all
sorts of loud and sudden noises, especially fireworks. To see her in this state of
extreme stress for hours each time makes me really worry that one day she might get
a heart attack.

This experience made me start reading about the traumatizing effects fireworks have
not only on pets but on wild animals including birds, too, and also on people with
various conditions like autism. Eventually I decided to join an anti-fireworks action
group in my hometown. So far our main activities have been signing petitions and
spreading information on social media. These are small steps to raise awareness but
at least I feel I’ve done something.

Can you imagine my embarrassment when I received an invitation to my dearest

cousin’s wedding ceremony including the reception afterwards, where, according to his
email, the main attraction will be the ’sensational’ fireworks organised by my uncle,
and guests are encouraged to bring their own fireworks to add to the fun. I really don’t
like the idea of missing this family event; however, I also feel that taking part in a
fireworks session would mean betraying the goal I’ve set for myself.

What do you think?

Aneka, LA, USA

Write a comment of 200-250 words to Aneka in which you give your opinion about

 fireworks as a form of celebration,

 Aneka’s argument against them,
 joining an action group for a cause you find important,
 what she should do in this situation.

Begin like this:


Angol nyelv IV. 5/8 emelt szintű írásbeli vizsga

E2412 2024. május 9.

Task 2

























Angol nyelv IV. 6/8 emelt szintű írásbeli vizsga

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A 2. feladat értékelése:

A feladat teljesítése, a megadott szempontok követése 4

Szövegalkotás 5
Szókincs, kifejezésmód 3
Nyelvhelyesség, helyesírás 3
Összesen 15

This is the end of this part of the exam.

Angol nyelv IV. 7/8 emelt szintű írásbeli vizsga

E2412 2024. május 9.


maximális elért
Feladatpont összesen 28
I. Olvasott szöveg értése
Vizsgapont összesen 30
Feladatpont összesen 35
II. Nyelvhelyesség
Vizsgapont összesen 30
Feladatpont összesen 25
III. Hallott szöveg értése
Vizsgapont összesen 30
1. feladat (felezett feladatpont) 15
2. feladat 15
IV. Íráskészség
Feladatpont összesen 30
Vizsgapont összesen 30

dátum javító tanár


pontszáma egész
számra kerekítve
I. Olvasott szöveg értése
II. Nyelvhelyesség
III. Hallott szöveg értése
IV. Íráskészség

dátum dátum

javító tanár jegyző

Angol nyelv IV. 8/8 emelt szintű írásbeli vizsga

E2412 2024. május 9.

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