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S u l t a n Qa b o o s U n i v e r s i t y


Transition to Professional nursing practice (NURS5120), Spring, 2024

Guideline for Drug Education

Please follow the below format to provide drug education

No Drug Actions/ Mechanisms and Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities Patient Education
(Generic) Indications (Adverse including administering
Name and reactions)

Nausea and vomiting

Acetylsalicylic Antiplatlet. And anti- • Assess the history of bleeding • Educated the patient about aspirin
acid (aspirin) in ammatory action • Asses the history of gastric toxicity eg tinnitus, hearing loss
Ringing in the ears.
300mg Tablet ulcer • As it has antiplatlets action, avowing
Inhibition of COX1and COX2 • For best drug absorption, using it with another anticoagulant drug.
Tarry stool,
(cyclooxygenase) result in chewing the tablet instead • If any surgical procedure planned to stop
inhibition of platelets swallowing it. aspiring for one week
aggregation. This prevent • Monitor HGB, platelets, and •
transferring archadonic acid renal function if taken for long
to prostaglandin H2 period.
Drowsy and confusion

Stomach upset


Skin rash and urticaria

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